CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPRISE CORRESPOND EMS SWEEP THE FIELD. Molnlla Grunge Elect onie.-rs-IMmt-lug Soelety Organized Christmas Festivities to be HoUI. Moi.ali.a, Pec. lit. Mother earth haii her liil ivsntle spread o'er th hills this moriiiiiK. out It ' 8n dissolved from view liy the rijiiiof old Sol. Kreahet No. 1 ram on after last Satur day's rain. The roads with their mud are looking natural again. Molalla' s Yaiidertbuilt).ndtheOV)Koth chllds have pot about their hearts' desire of Molalla schools will close next Friday. The Teasel Creek school will also take va cation of two weeks. John Bagby has recently received the ap pointment of game commissioner for Clack amas county. Oeorpe Mallatt has returned home from Teasel Creek considerably on the sick list, we are sorry to say. Russellvtlle has a school with an attend ance of six scholars; the majority electing to remain at home. What's the matter with our compulsory school law, any wayt A " Daniel Webster" literary society has been organited at Teasel Creek. Ita first question is " Woman Suffrage." A paper is to be published the same night the society meets, the editor to serve " without bonds'' and take the consequences. John Alexander is building a neat resi dence on Triangular addition of Molalla. A. 0. V. W. officers of Molalla Lodge No. 40. for the ensuing term, were elected at the last meeting, as follows: John Everhart, P. M. W.; F. S. L. Bagby, M. W.; J. J. Leav itt. Foreman; N. P. Kay lor, Overseer; J. W. Thomas, Recorder; 0, W. Kobbins, Finan cier; H. S. Kamsby, Receiver; T. S. Stipp, Guide; J. B. Jackson, I. W. : Chas.Holnian, O. W. Alla. Molalla, Pec, 1C The rain and muddy roads make the people ot Molalla wish for a railroad. TheStnrges Bros, saw mill isrunnirg full blast, and they are talking of running a night shift. Mr. Lowry is talkingof going to Southern Oregon. The girls say if the boys want to have dancers they will have to take partners. Take the bint, bovs. The dance given in the Harless ball was a success. A few of our young folks attended the dance at Jas. Spearl's. Tbey report a good time. There will be a dance at Molalla Christ mas. The boys of our burg played a game of football Sunday. The Herman brothers will start their saw mill soon. Mb. Twoi-eskv. Miss Amelia llwiselliriiik was homo re cently on a viil. An unusual amount of rain (ell hire Sat urday, and Sunday considerable snow fell, which reminds us of Christmas and Christ mas Mis. Henry Milev, of Wilsonville, while com ing homo Irom Portland Sunday morning hud the inislortuiie, while attempting to set oil' the boat onto the looks at Oregon City, to slip and fall Into the river, giving himself a cold mormnir bath, lty the timely assistance ot some one, name uiv known to the writer, he was rescued with' out Injury. Miss Flora Seely came home Sunday to see her sick sister Maud, and returned by way of Oswego, A&ru. Oysters for your Xmas dinner can be purchased at the Novelty Candy tac tory. Cams Culllngs. Cari's, Dec. 10. Saturday's cold, heavy rainfall changed last evening to snow, which, at present writing, covers the ground, giving quite a wintry aspect to the outlook. The indicationa are strong that we shall have a white Christmas. Mirs Minnie Jaggar Is spending a few weeks with the family of her brother, Com missioner Frank Jaetar. Mr. Jaggar is spending most of his time in Portland as an United States juror. Mr. and Mrs. John Steidaiu are very hap py in the possession ol a fine baby boy which came to them November 20. Several parties in this vicinity who have wiselv decided that a " bird in hand is planned to rent their larms and go to town worth two in the bush." A separation has lately been effected be tween the Evangelical and Methodistclasses which have for some time occupied the Gra ham church building together. The Evan gelicals are collecting lunds to erect a build ingof tbeirown, in the meantime holding their services in private dwellings. Instead of the usual Sabbath preaching services December 15, Rev. Mcl.ain of the M. E. chiuch organized a Sunday school which will be in session every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock. All are cordially invited. Young people's meeting in the evening at 7 o'clock. Calla CAN BY SKWS. A Hop ContJuet Annulled by the Court Hoy, a On n Cap and a Lost Kye. A Peanuts roasted to order at the Nov elty Candy Factory. Twin City Sews. Pakkplace asd Gladbtohk, Dec. 17, Ow ing to Die bad weather the literary society vas not very well attended Saturday evening. Prof. Griffith began a course of lectures here last evening, R. L. Russell has a number of men cat ting railroad wood just north of Gladstone. Be has a contract of 300 cords. There will be a Christmas tree entertain ment at the Park place school house Christ mas eve, under the auspices of the Sunday school. All are cordially invited. Charles Fagalde, of Damascus, is visiting relatives in Parkplace. School will close next Tuesday for the holidays. Friday evening our literary society will be represented in Oregon City by James Matbeson, W. J. Dauchy, Jesse Faubion and George Matheson in a joint debate with the Hesperian society of that city. Sugar sands of all colors at the Nov elty Candy Factory. HOOD VIEW .NOTES. School Closes fur the Holidays New Pott Office to be Established. Hood View, Dec. 16.-Mr. Wm. Obleris on our sick list this week. Miss Frank Seely has rheumatism, ren dering her nnable to attend school. Miss Kate B. Graham is in the new St. Vincent hospital in Portland. Miss Ethel Short, of Sellwood, was visit ing friends and relatives here this week. W. W. Graham made the metropolis a flying visit this week. Judd Seely and family were guests of F. F. Seely Sunday. Mrs. Lillie Jolly and daughter Bessie have gone to California to make that their future home. M. C. Young and wife gave a wedding dinner Monday, December 9tb, in honor of their tin wedding. Only a few near rela tives were present. F. F. Seely is doing quite a lot of tile ditching. Jiiu, the Chinaman who has had a hop field on a part of the Murray ranch, has given up his lease. The Wilsonville school will close Friday of this week and remain closed until the Monday following the opening of the new year. The dance st Suss Brothers' hall Satur day night was one of unusual appearance Seventy-five young men and nine ladies all enjoyed a good time. The luuch was ex cellent. A new post ollice is soon to be established at Grahams Ferry, Christinas and the new year are near at hand. Nothing has as yet been heard of but dances. W. R. Sluircr. of Butteville, will give a grand ball Christmas. All are cordially invited. The Misses Nelson, of ijiitteville, will Fine French candy will be put up in boxes of all sires at the Novelty Candy Factory. Fthlerrille Hewi. Fehlekvili.i, Dec. Ifi. The heaviest rain of the season was last Saturday, December Uth. Grider 4 Dodge have finished their con tract ol hauling cedar piling from here, not withstanding they mashed one wagon wheel and otherwise had bad luck. The populists are very busy circulating a petition in this neighborhood to present to the county court, asking to have one popu list judge and one clerk on the election board in order to secure an honest election. We wonder if Mr. Flittcroft and his fellow pops judge us by themselves. We will give him our motto, which is, win without a cheat and knock out both dems and pops at our next presidential election. Hurrah for republican principles! J. Turner and family, of Frog Pond, were visiting in this vicinity Sunday last. Fred IVoorms Is improving the old How ard place very much. He has put up a new dwelling house and will put up a barn and a chicken house. He deserves credit for his enterprise. John Huber, of Portland, entertained us Saturday and Sunday last with his accor deon. John is quite a skillful player. B. Haist, one of our rustling bachelors, while attempting to cut his own hair cut off part of his ear and now has the ear orna mented with a sticking plaster. Better go to a barber next time and save your ear in stead of a quarter. Miss Lillie Fehler, is the boss letter carrier of the valley. For particulars call en her. ' Mrs. Lou Strait, of Oregon City, is visiting with ber mother, Mrs. J. G, Fehler, and will remain over the holidays. We are Informed by two ladies that Bert Greenman, of the city, evidently thought that country horses could not trot, but he got left, as tbey informed us, way behind the faithful cart horse. Bert would better train his horses next time. The first snow ol the season fell here Sun day, December 15. Who will be our next republican president? Don't fail to get Xraaa prices on can dies, before you come to the Novelty Candy Factory to price fresh candies and new nuts, top chat of town Bprlnrwater Spray. SraiKGWATER, Dec. 15. We do not care to be in the back ground, as we are trying to pull through these hard times paying our honest debts and taxes, if we can, which, according to report from one of the grand jurors, are going to he as high as usual, if not higher, with but little good derived therefrom. Pror. Griffith gave a series of lectures on the 5th, flth and 7th, which were very en tertaining and instructive. The professor understands his business and should have a liberal patronage. Our school has an attendance of 00 schol ars, and is doing exceedingly well under the management of R. Hargreaves. The school is making preparations for an enter tainment to be given on Christmas eve at Lewelleu's hall, where there will be a Christ mas tree. All are invited to come and take part and have an enjoyable evening. W. J. I.ewellen will go to Portland this week to lay in his Christmas stock. He keeps a stock of goods fully up with the times, and is doing a fair business. There will be a ball on New Year night at Lewellen's hall wherea good time is always expected. Observer. 1igan Mills. Lo'iAN, Aiif.'. 8. The Logan lion ring mills have li'-en overhauled ami relitted, and are now making a li rst class grade of flour. Will grind lor one-eighth and guarantee satisfiic- Hiri. If Ol'S FlHI'HKR. Canmy, Dec. 1!'. The hop contract suit ef A. W. Howard vs. Keinstcln came to s trial before a jury in Judge Shank's court last Thursday. The case was strongly contested hy both shies. Mr. Howard was repre sented by W. H. Dobyns, of Canby, and C. N. Wait, of Portland, while A. F. Flvgvl, or the tlrut of Flegel and Sluiilslausky, of Portland, looked after the Interests of Mr. Heiustein. The case was given to the jury at tl P. M. and alter about 15 minutes delib eration a verdict for the plaintiff was re turned. The inequitable features of the contract were lucidly set forth by W. 11. Dobyns in his address to the jury. He also denounced in forcible language the methods employed by some hop contractors in deal ing with the hop growers. Mr. Walt dwelt at length upon the evidence adduced on the bearing. Mr. Flegel defended the con tract and tried to explain away the unfa vorable circumstances connected with the contract. Mrs. Priscilla Smith, or this city, is seri ously ill with heart troubles. Her recovery is very doubtful. Roscoe Mack Is building preparatory to going Into the poultry business. He will put in an incubator, We wish him success in his new venture. Henry Knight has gone to a Portland hospital to have his broken arm treated. His arm has healed in two places while the third place seems to make no progress to ward healing. Henry Knight is the young man who was so seriously Injured In Wheel er's saw mill about eight weeks ago. W. II, Dobyns was in Oregon City Satur day attending to business in the circuit court. One day last week the young son of Mike Perringet , who lives about a mile east of this city, threw a gun cap in the stove where it exploded, a piece of it striking the boy in the eve and so seriously injuring it that he was taken to Portland for treatment. Fred Zeller, ol Valley, Columbia county, was In Canby on business during the week. There will be a turkey shoot at Canby on the 21st of this month. W. W. H. Samson, ex-sheriff of this county, was the guest of ni. iwiigniou Saturday. Edward Birchet, of Marquain, nt Sunday in Canby. W. W. Irvin, of Harlow, was doing busi ness in the city Thursday. The Novelty Caudy Factory bus not tons ot candies, but ban an ample sup ply of pure, fresh, home-made and im ported candies to supply the trade of Or egon City and adjacent places. Our pri ces will suit. See for yourself. If you suffer with piles, it will interest you to know that DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. This medicine is siiecitic for all complaints of this character, and if instructions (which are simple) are carried out a cure will result. We have tested this in numerous cases, and always with like results. It never fails. Dr. L. kinds of porcelain specialty. L. Pickens, dentist, does all dental work. Gold crowns, crowns and bridge work a All operations guaranteed for 5 years. Call and get my prices. in Barclay building Office H OLIDAY GOODS I Wo liavo just rcct'ivctl a largo assortment of Crockery, and in fact, almost anything a person couKl wish, for a useful Christmas Present. CHILDREN'S XMAS PRESENTS ! Our assortment will mako tho little ones happy. Dolls, Toy (luns, JUocks, Halls, Taints, Drums, Tops, Horns, etc., etc. Just tho thing to make tho little folks think OKI Santa Glaus is tho fellow. MILLINERY GOODS! Greatly Reduced I Indies' felt hats at 3.rc and trimmed ones 7f)C up. from Carlton & Rosenkrans, Canby, Or. Cross Husbands.... Are largely the product of poor barbers. A SORK FACE Is a just cause for prolanity and irritability. LIKE A CONVICT Do many men look after their hair has been cut by mi incom petent barber. TRY FARNS WORTH.... To the Public- One minute Cough Cure is right named. It atlords instant relief from uffenng when afflicted with a severe cough or cold. It acts on the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungs and never fails to give immediate relief. Dr. A. P. Sawyer Sir : After Buffering foe four years with female weakness I was pursuaded by a friend to try your Pastilles, and after using them one year, I can say I am entirely well. I can not recommend them too highly. Mrs. M. S. Brook, Bronson, Bethel Branch Co. Mich. Sold by Geo. A . HardinR. Wile Here s an account of a man ho shot himself ralher than suffer the pangs el indigestion, uusoanu ine tool 1 Why didn't he take DeWitt's Little Early Risers ? I need to suffer as bad as he did before I commenced taking these little pills. Christmas toys cheaper than ever be fore offered in Oregon City at E. E, Martin's. No excuse for Bleepless nights when yotitcan procure One Minute Cough Cure. This will relieve all annoyances cure the most severe cough and give you rest and health. Can you afford to do without it? Piles of people have piles, but De Witt's Witchbazel Salve will cure them. When properly applied it cures scalds and burns without the slightest pain. LAXOL is the name of a palatable Castor Oil. Just the thing for children Any remedy that will relieve a teeth ing baby or a feverieh child is invaluable Stedman's Soothing Powders have done this for fifty years. One Minute Cough Cure is a popular remedy for croup. Safe for children and tilts- give a hall in Schurer's hull New Good music and supper. i Yi ar. Dr. Price's Cream Baking; Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. Don't Toliucce Spit Or smoke your life away, is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-I'ac, the harmlefis, guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotinied nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makeB weak men (rain strength, vigor ami man hood. You run no physical or financial riHk, as No-'IVHas is sold by druirjriHts everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. wldrePH Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. Cliarman & Co., Druggist. WHAT THK GAMBRIMS DELIVER AT YOM HOt'HE: The Gambrine8 Pilsner or Bavarian Bottle Beer, per I)oz. Quarts at tl M California White Wine tier gal .SO " Claret Wine iht gal. K0 " Port Wine per gal. 1 50 " Cherry Wine per gal. 1 SO Best " Grape Brandy per gal. 4 00 lOyear old Whiskey, Nonpa reil per gal 4 00 Our goods will be found the best ever offered to the public at the price. Leave your order. We garrantee our goods to give satisfaction or will cherfully refund your money. N. F. Zimmerman. For Keg Beer leave your order. NOBLITT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DEPOT. Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person ol letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. Receiver's Notice Notice to Policy-Holders of State Insurance Co. Favorable arrangements have been made with the Fireman's Food Insurance Coup? For the iiubHtitution of policies of the STATK INSURANCE COMPANY, with- out loss to the assured. refore canceling you policies, rail on agents of tho r IKKMAN s FUND IN- STKANCE COMPANY. Edmond O. Giltner, Receiver of the Statelns'.irance'Coinpany I'ring your policies to F. R Donaldson, Agent FIREMAN'S rUNI) INSUR ANCE CO. at Oregon City, Oregon, 1 We have ,M -: A :- Complete Slock -:OF - i Nuts, Dates, Figs, Honey, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Cranberries, and sweet apple Cider.- Anil nnytlilnu you mlylit wtint fur your Christmas Dinner. 1 ! i I MARK & KOHKUT SOX, i ouocicu i 7th and Center Sts., on r the Hill. Uow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses for twenty-hve cents. The season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to bo pro pared fur an emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The best in the market. Price 25 cents. For Hale at tho CANBY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. The Largest And Best Assorted Stock of ELEGANT IIOLIDAY GOODS tHT f Thos. Charman & Son's. Oregon City, Oregon.