Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 06, 1895, Image 7

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Amateur Thuatrlral a NurffM-Clirlslniai to
lit CuMiriilail -Personal Hal:
l!Aiti,ow, Oh., , 2, IHiA, Tiiankk
iivini Kkhtivitikk. TlmnkMKlvliiK wim
duly ubmvid by nil In IliU cninmiitilly,
KUIIMI t'llll'I'llllllllIK Iril'llll", whiln OlIllTH
hud (iiinlly riMiniiiiiH, mill from tint quiet
iioxM uf (liu tiny himI IiiihIiiumh Ihiiihi'n till
lii clom"l It IiikI tint uppi'iiriiiii'ii ul Hun
V . Morning hitvIi'cm witro hold in tint
M. K, church, wlilcli vmro well nt
tuiiiliiil. 1.IIKHAIIV AND PKIIATK. Nlltwilll-
HtmiillhK tlio liirleini'iicy of (lie ttuutliiT
lMt TlicmluV, Ipllte a lllllllblT til i(i())lo
rhkimiiMhI In ('(iliitnlilit Hull to lUtun to
thu literary programme ami tliu (Intuitu
upon "I'urMilt ami IWi-hnIoii." TIiIh
lining tlm election night, loullna html
iichu wan tiiknn tip mil oIIIcith (or tlm
enmit'lug four week were itli'etttd and In
Ktullml, after which thu literary program
wa rmidereil which proved very In
tereHtllig ('in'. Altur thla It wun then
thought best tu pout K)iit tlin debute un
til tliu following I'riiluv, UN tint hour at
tliiH tiiim wim (iiitn littn, kihI tint lib-
jl'l't Wa OH" tllllt llei'lll'd fOllhlillTtlljIl)
Ntnily hiuI attention Mil thn purl of the
debater. It Wui tlietefore. currli'il liy
Ilia Iioiiho that tliu nit mo subject lie de
bated next I'rliluy, whiln tliu executive
committee Iihh prepared another very
interesting literary piogriuniuc.
rumor Iiuh it that there will, in nil prob
ability lie mi entertainment and ClirUt
in kh tree either in tint church ur Colum
bia Hull during llitt holidays. Although
tlifre In no preparation a yi't, the young
IH'uple have their head together in a
very meaning way iih! it committee will
no iluulit lie selected (or the pursue of
ascertaining what lii'lp cmi l secured.
C 'hrlntiiitiM in a day that ttliould lie ob
served hy every household hi it in one
which gives Impplnt'Hii to both old mid
younit. It It) hoped tlmt, whin thin
committee enter upon it duties, nil
will give It a helping hnnd and enable
thu chililreii to enjoy it In a way in
which they will know that they havu not
been forgotten hy tlicfe friends, nor dear
old Haul Clam.
I 'no mit 1'aymknt The German
American Inituranoe Company of New
York, hut proved to the people of thli
vicinity thht they do not require the 00
daya time in which to adjust louse and
pay insiiranae in cane of lire, aa In the
cane of Mr. O. W. (Jainl's wheelwright
and blacksmith ehop, which Imrneil on
the evening of Nov. 10th, thu adjtist-
ment having Iwn made by Mr. Thump
on, the Company's apecial agent, and
the full amount of insurance paid all in
ten dava time. The German-American
la one of the strongest itmuiaiu e com
panic In the United Stales wilh ai.net
of over f fl,U00,i00. Lumber liaa been or
dered and will lie on thn giound thin
week when another building will be
atedily erected by Mr. (Juint, who in
tend to lie reudy to receivo and turn
out woik within the next fortnight.
Hoi iai. and Financial Pitch. The
liuiMc.ile. extravagnnxa "Newpoit,"
given bv local talent, aHttiated by tulent
from Aurora, Canby and Oregon City,
waa all that could bo wixlied for and
each number waa irceived by rounds, of
applaime from the large audience Unit
had gathered to witncita It. It waa a so
cial and tinunciul iiicceita, and those who
were the promoters of it and the pariicl
pHiitii aa well are entitled to greut pruUe.
The charactera were ably auHtuined, the
comedy parta being purticuliirly enjoya
blu. After the production the hall waa
cleared and about 45 couples engaged In
the "light fantuittic," until midnight
when most tempting supper was spread
in the clnh room adjoining, where all
the delicacies of the seimon were heaped
upon the tables in a most inviting way
interspersed with beautiful Horal pieces.
Over a hundred people partook of the
supper and every olio seemed to leave
the hall happy, and many were the com
pliments paid liarlow for the rcvul way
in which they wore entertained. All
said they hoped another party would be
in order soon.
Miss Hcasie Shoppard was in Portland
and Oregon City several days ol Inst
Mrs. Celia McDonald was visiting tier
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Adams Sun
day and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Knianuel Kite, of Au
rora, wore transacting business In town
U. Leslie, of Orvillo, sub-road master
under Mr. Kinnaird, waa among the
many seen on the streets Tuesday.
Henry Wilt, ol the R. W. M. Co., wna
in Oregon City Sunday visiting friends.
Mr. Julius Miller, brother of Ed Mil
ler, our agent and bop-buyer, of Lilien
thai A Co., New York, was seen In town
Fred Mushbarger, ol Molalla, was
down Saturday on business.
Miss M. 8. Harlow was in Harlow sev
eral day of last week, visiting relatives
and friends.
J, E. Marks was transacting business
in Portland and Oregon City this week.
S.J. Gariiflon was in town Monday
arranging for a large shipment of bop
poles (or the B. W. M. Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Adams returned
home Wednesday Irom Sealand, Wash.,
and report! Mrs. Adum'a mother able
to sit up.
Mrs. TliniiiiiN I'usny and little Mabel
spent several days of hint week In Ore
gon City veiling friend.
J. GIIihoii, of tho iiiiiiiufucturliig firm
iifJ.lt, Lewis A )o, , ol liodtoii, .Main,,
waa In town Tiiosduy with a big line of
slum sumples,
Mrs, V. 1', lliiwlov, of Oiegun (,'lty,
accompanied by her little son, Wlllard,
jr , sieut Thnuki:iviiig with her parents.
Mr. mid Mrs. Cass (J. Harlow wore In
Oregon City Monday mid Tucudiiy,
0. W. (Joint was transacting business
In Portland and Oregon City Monday
and Tiiemliiy,
Hewing iiiaclilnu iiuudles and oil at
E. K. Murtiu's
I'nollmll Cliihs Organizing.
Football is tin) absorbing t'lerno of
dlsciiNHion among the athletes and the
public generally, of Oregon City. The
giiiiie to comn birCh.istuiasduy between
tlm Company V club und the Oregon
City club wilt attract almost as min'li In
terest as the late city election. Thu Or
egon City club have completed their or
giiiiixutlon and are now practicing dully
for the ordeal, The club consists of the
following ineinU'rs; ('harlot l'ope,
captain ; Junius Church, Ir K. A , Hum
mer, Frank T. Grilhfth. Kd Newton,
I'.d Heckner, Frank lirown, George
lirown, Itert (ircenman, Henry Salis
bury, Will I'arkor, William Hankins,
Charles Moore, ltea Norris and Thomas
Trembuth. These members will not be
assigned to their ottilioiis for a couple
of weeks yet, and will be alt asHigned
places as regulars or substitutes. They
are a line body ol young men and will
uiaKO a formidable team to full against
In the American giimn of fiothall.
CompAiny F Football club held a meet
ing 1 uesduy night and selected (lie fol
lowing players: I-eighlon Kelly, cap
tain ; J. U. Campbell, F. 8. Kelly, K. M.
Hands, F., A. Smith, Henry Jones,
Frank Macauslin, J. V. Keating, Max
well Telford, lialpli Miller, Hons Spen
cer, Herman K. Jones, Karuest Hick
man, Charles Wilson, Iiert Macauslin,
Waldo Adams, L. Lank Inn and William
Gadke. The soldiers' loam will be made
up from this list to couiwte for honors
with the citizens, and they expect to
iiiva the latter a lively rub on Christmas
day. The uiilitla are a line body of ath
letic young uien, and will acquit tliein
elves creditably. The business mun
and citizens of Oregon City Lave already
donated about )70 toward purchasing
suits and outfits lor the two clubs, and
the football game will be a great attrac
tion on Christmas day.
L. W. Davis, who adv appears else
where, la a skilled mechanic and is ready
to do all kinds ol carpenter work, re
pairing, etc. If you need a door fixe J,
shelving put In or anything in his line,
give him a call.
Good single harness at second hand
store (or sale cheap.
What use is there in eating when food
does von no good iii fact, when it does
you more harm than good, for soch Is
ttie case if it is not digested.
If you have a loathing for food there is
no use of forcing it down, for It will not
lie digested. You must restore the ill
gestive organs to their natural strength
and cauKO the food to be digested when
an appetite will come, and with it a
rolish for food.
The tired, laniiuid feeling will give place
to yiicor and energy, then you will put
flesh on your bones and become e'rong.
The Slmkor Digestive Cordial as made
by the Mount Lebanon Shakers contains
food already digested and is a digester ol
food as well. Its action is prompt and
its eflccta permanent.
Doctor prescribes Laxol because it
lias all the virtues of Castor Oil and is
Yen Are Met Insured.
The State Insurance Company is in
the bunds ol a receiver. Will allow you
the highest rate for their policies and
pluco your insurance in the reliable Ger
man-American Insurance Company of
New York. Assets $(1,010,000. Surplus
T. Lkonahd Chahman, Agent,
Charman Bros.' Block.
It is rumored that II. Weinhard is
having plans prepared for a large opera
bonne, to be erected on the site ol the
old brewery at the rear of the new block
to (rout on Eighth street. The report
comes from Mr. Weinhurd's building
superintendent, and it would be pleasing
news to learn that Mr. Weinhard actu
ally Intends erecting such a building.
Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduate of
dental department of the University of
Pennsylvania, wil! be in Oregon City
office Thursday of each week ; remainder
of each week in Portland office, room 77
Dekum building.
Prices on dress goods will be cut into
at the special sale Nov. 29 and 30th at
E. E. Martin's.
All kinds of toys and dolls just arrived
at the Hacket Store.
Latest leatherette novelties just arrived
from the EaHt extra cheap at the Racket
The U. S. Gov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all otters.
(titer 'ms
Last Saturday the A Itin a resumed her
regular trips to Halem and Indepelid
etice, and now leaves Portland Tuesday,
Tliurnlny arid Snlurduy for tho points,
returning on the following days, The
water Is at h good boating ntuize, and tin
bout has all the tiiillii: she can handle,
The tisllic of the Itamoiia hits so fallen
oir that oho will shortly be withdrawn
from the Oregon City and FortUnd run
and pluced on the route witli the Allium,
milking alternate trips with her, thus
giving a daily bout for the upper Willam
ette route. Iti'Kiilur landings each trip
will be Hindu by both bouts at the com
pany's dock in this city, and tho Port
land buxlncss will be ban lied as for
merly. This will not be rpilte so handy
for shippers, but it is the best the com
pany can do with the patronage now
given tliein. They have been running
behind Ut some time, and a change of
route was Imperative.
Chair bottoms nt Parker & Howard's
(rum ID cents up, Including naU.
W eildlug Anniversary.
Tuesday was the 20th anniversary of
the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. G, L.
(iray, ntul their daughter, Miss Mattie,
arranged a very pleasant surprise party
In honor of the occasion. The visitors
came in a Ixily to thu reni lence of Mr.
and Mrs. Gray at their residence on the
corner of Center and Sixih st.'ets,
armed witli appiopriute presents. Ite
freshmeiits were served, and a very
pleasant social evening was lit
Among the guests present wore: Mr.
and Mrs. W. W. Msrr, Mr. and Mrs
A. F. Parker, Mrs. Oilman Parker. Mrs.
E. M. Latourelte, Mrs, Mclntyre, L, 0. J . G. PiMiury was elected recorder
Driggs, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Uellomy and for the remainder of the year, or until
Mrs. Wilehart. bis successor is elected or qualified.
Mother Ge market ut the Congre- Cuun'n Mack Howell suggested
gationul church Friday evening, De-; "'" nia'or make hi" tT'cM PPoint
remherrith nients at this meeting, but bis honor
II you are in doubt as to what to send
your Mends in the Fast or in fact, any-
wiiere.iort-linstmas, look at the hand
decorated china in Hurnieieter & Andre-
sen's window. Something which is!
pretty, useful and at the same time, a!
souvenir of vourtown. ill aonrerl-
ated. You have a number ol designs to
select Irom and the price could not tie
more reasonable. These dishes are all
Imported Irom Germany for this firm and . ""'B1"!r make tins city tneir tiome.
the pictures are exact reproductions of j There will be a social daace given by
photographs ttken in Oregon City. I the entertainment committee of Wil
Look at them anyway. I lamelte Rebekah Lodge, No. 2. I. 0.
The long promised canUU Queen
Esther, will be presented Dec. 13 and 14,
at Shivuly's opera house. Admission 35;
Clackamat Newt.
CxACKAMAt, Dec. 2.-Henuon Webter,
of th l place, who it attending collect in
San Francisco, while playing football two
werkaago wat badly hurt, but the renort
this week It that be is now mending.
A 'ii t no ir
l.m.t miiA ntm a, fa it ...a. n.aa la it 1 1 bli.,1.
at low nrices
Kev. (irav. of Portland, tireached at tha
brick church Sunday, December 1, morning
and evening, to an unusually large audi-
The members ot the Clackamas Union
Sunday school are now busy preparing lo
give .,, entertainment and Cl.ri.in.. bit
at th. brick store.
Mr. Oanglebach .nipped bi, crop of dried
prunet east the first of the week.
The W. C. T. T. of this place will meet
at the brick Saturday, December H, at 2
o'clock P. M.
Thn linnnliata nf this nlaca hatrn hp
very busy circulating a petition to preset.'
to the county court, askini to have one
populist judge and one clerk on the election
board In order to secure an honest election
in this place.
Jacob Johnson and Thomas Roots hat.
gone up in the Cascade mountains visiting
their folk, with the intention of having a
hunt, and the people of Clackamas are
waiting patiently for their return, hoping
u Km a nrw in pin y ui trmsuii.
Mr. Cramer, our leading nurseryms",
teems to be doing a good business in the
way of telling his prune and other (mil
. it i . n c i . : i
uv-9. tie uus an cxirm nut) uii lor Bait? ami
on hand.
Miss Hattie Pavit is now In Portia. id at
tending the business college.
If you are on the Christmas tree com
mittee don't fail to get our special holi
day prices for candy, nuts and Iruit.
E. E. Williams, The Grocer,
Oregon City.
Money to Lo.in.
Parties intending to borrow money on
their farms this fall will find it to their
interest to call and see meat an early
day. Plenty of money on easy terms
and low rates of interest.
W. II. Bi'KGii.utar.
tilre the Hoy a Wulr-h.
It is moRt acceptable of pifis and will
encourage habits of punctuality at
school and elsewhere. A boy is more
apt to be on time when he knows what
time it is. We show a splendid variety
of watches. All accurate time keepers.
Council Meeting.
The regular monthly meeting of the
city council was held Wednesday even
ing, Mayor Straight in the chair and all
the members of the council present.
Wood & Rambo made application for a
liquor license to carry on business at the
present stand of Hill & Cole after Da
cember 15th.
The uxiial grist of bills were ordered
paid, including $4 each to the judges and
clerks of election. The bills of R. Stanb
of fl for meals furnished Judges and
clerks on election day, and Chief ol Pol
cico I. iirmt for nerving notices Inth mat
ter of the collection of the Main street
dellinpient assessment, weie not al
lowed. Miss Kate P.ar. lay's hill of 1M
for oyer charge on Main street assess
ment, wan referred to Porter and Mof
fat t.
The proamnion of II. P. Pestow lo
furnish roadway 'i'L (eet wide in front
of his pri-mines along the Abernethy,
provided the city would improve the
same, was accepted.
In the matter ol the petition agalnM
granting saloons a license within 125
leet of a church or school house, Conn-
ciluien Cook and P.roughton submitted
majority comiuittee report, recom
mending that the retitkn be not granted
forthe reason that the Salvation army
would probably ask for tho samo privi
leges, with the result of serious loss to
thostt who have property to rent. The
repoit ol the committee was accepted.
Hie arreet committer reported tha
plans were ready lor a new engine house
on John (Juincy Adams street, and they
were instructed to let the contract to the
lowest responsible bidder, at a figure not
lo ex-eed f.VlO.
MoflVt, Kroughton and Cooke were
appointed a committee to draft ordi
nance prohibiting the h tilling of gravel
and other snostancos in an open-bottomed
wat'on bed.
In the matter of the appeal of the
Ea-it Hide lUilway Comnany to the su
preme court, L. L. Porter and W. W.
Thayer were appointed attorneys on a
contingent fee of 20 per cent of the
amount collected, the city to lie at ex
' pense ol brinirinir suit,
miggeMcii tiut a person could not bold
; t0 0niceH at one time, consequently he
CJUu nt H,,,Hiint the councilman chief of
police until hia present term of office
had expired.
, M d- tllB M- E P-nage, Mon-
"r evenixg. wee. a, jamas McKinnett
to Miss Lucy Squires, Kev. 8. W.
Strykcr officiating. They an both re
""'"" unwrio, Canada, gnu will
.1- t rt. - ..a
i ' F i A,mory December 13.
" A11 0,1(1 FoK cordially Invited.
Llec.ric Hotel Arrivals.
, J B Smith, Tortland.
, L it Siowell, City.
1 J W Harless, Molalla.
J J McDowell, Portland.
R J Collins, Portland,
J O YhIh. Pan Frnriacn
eo , i.rk,on vi(a Sal(m
O E Potts, Portland.
III! .1 l c r .t , ,
i . r, o r i. nronicie.
J lr"cV "gn.
J " wv, Portland.
Addis Gallagher, Portland.
R y Hardeman. Portland.
I! E Coiie Portland
ci pinr inP,ianj
James Mathena, Sacramento
't.i . .
ll KoBlef'l Cnby.
. L s'onehill, Chicago.
L 0 Lakin, Portland.
And slill the rush at The Electric con-
Tlm b '-"t Thursday
'v,,n,,lt' w 'he great success of the sea-
r"'n- T,e attendance was good and
everything went off in first class style.
Mra- Hannah Wells, aged 70 years,
died at the residence of Charles Moran
at Ely Tuesday evening. The funeral
services were held at Mountain View
Thursday, and the interment took place
in Hie cemetery,
Room and boaad wanted by a younir
,Hn j priVHte famitv. Good references
Address "Boarder" care Enter
I Miss Utter and Miss Liibker desire on
bulittlf ol their patients to thank the
many kind friends who remembered the
Oregon City hospital with their presents
for Thanksgiving and especially to their
kind friends in Green Toint do they feel
J. Welch, dentist of the Chicago
College of Dental Surgery, office iu the
Courier bldg. near depot.
Men, boys and girls caps, all kinds at
the Racket store
Great Reduction
IN FflMi
All hata reduced from 25
out and make room for the
l'Siis?iv Uv trv SJSJ '(.
Highest Honort World's Fair,
Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
Twin City Newt.
pARKPI.tr i and (ii.Aimosrs, Dec 3. Our
literary ociety it in a prosrou condition.
The rpieitinn debated at last Meeting was.
Keaolvei, That Lincoln thould receive more
praine Irom the American people than
Washington. The negative won. The
question for next Saturday night it, Re
solved, That Ie was a better general than
Grant. Wednesday evening the tociety
will be represented at the Hatchery tchool
housa hy Mr. A II wow!, W. J. Dauchy, Ja.
Mathesoo andW. -J. Uarrow In a joint de
tbae. Eugene Oarrow returned home from Cali
fornia lait Sunday. The baud bovt in com
pany with their ladiet gave him a welcome.
Mrs. . T. Howard It residing with her
parents at St. Helens.
Our ttorekeeer, K. L. Kussell, has re
turned from a short visit to California,
Our school is growing both in tize and
popularity, showing the good work ol our
professor, J. W. Gray.
Free Entertainment.
Willamette Falls Camp No. 148 Wood
men of the World will give a free enter-
'nment at Shively'c hall on WedneB-
day evening Dec. 11, 18!'5 The follow
ing program w ill iw given :
Address cf Wel.-om O. W. Swope
So"2 Floyd's quartette.
Reading Pro! C. W. Durette,
Address Prof Wm. Rasmus.
Polo Selected.
Address S Strange
Solo John Pritchtrd
Reading Wm. Rasmus
8ong Floyd', quartette
In another column will be found the
advertisement of the Forest Grove
Poultry Yards, whose proprietor s are Prof.
J. M. Garrison, the well-known penman,
and bis wile. These yards have been in
operation over 20 years and in that time
eggs and fowls have been sent to all parts
of the Coast, and a reputation Las been
built np equal to that ol the best yards
of the east. These yards bave all the
leading and best varieties of fowls and
are well-known for their purity and
healthfulness. Their price, are very
Willie Marshall, son of W. P. Mar
shall, oi Canemah, has taken a position
at The Fair and will be general utility
boy. Willie is one of the brightest and
most gentlemanly boys in Oregon City
and if he maintains the industry and
trustworthiness he now shows, some cf
these days he witl be at the head of a
store of his own.
Our choice selection, for the Christ
mas trade are now ready for inspection.
Come in and be surpised at the splen
did assortment. We have a fine line of
silver novelties in book marks, cutters,
hat pins, silver mounted purses, match
cafes, belt buckles, button hooks.
tJrand Unitary Hull.
company r. j. a. u .will give a
masque Dan ai atmory nail in
Oregon City on Christmas night
This will without doubt be the ball of the
season. Tickets, gentlemen in costume
50 cents, ladies 25, cents, spectators 25
cents. It is a good thing, push it along.
Good second hand yiolin for sale cheap
at second hand store, Seventh street,
near the depot.
Don't go to Portland until you see our
prices on holiday goods at the Racket
Jointed dolls 7 inches for 5 cents and
all kinds of toys from 1 cent upward at
tbe Racket store.
Waterprool coyer for baby carriages,
nice articles for rainy weather for sale at
Tlie Fair.
to 50 per cent, to close
spring stock.
CQMMERCIAL batk blk.
Psmnna Kemedy oures quickly, permanently atl
OUrTUUB UIBHMMJK, VI OU K ill (J ill OFT , OI HnilD fllWir,
lleatlacbe. Wakefulness, loat Vltullty. Mghtly Kmiti
aretttua. iniDolencr and waitltii? dltwaitea oaunpd h
youtyulerrors or 9xx9rs. tXntaiunooptatei. Unerve toale
And blood balldvr Makes the palu and puny ftrtinir and plump.
KaMly carried. nTfft pocket. VI per box; 41 fnrlfcS. By mail, pre
paid, with a icritlen pwmntr or monty Tftiinit(i. Writ on, free
Mdlc book, sealed platn wrapper, with tentmontali and
tlnnnclnl ntumllnc. So charm fnr rnwiiltaiiimt. Hwarot imi'a
CUAHMAaN 4 COn iruwiau.
Dish for a King".
In any style.
Cold LruncheH,
Always ready
Hot Coffee,
With finecake
Give uh a trial. Next door to
Albright's Meat Market.
The New Way East
... AND
O. R. & N.Co. Lines.
Washington, Dakotas,
Idaho. Minnesota,
Montana, And the East.
Through Tickets on Sale
St. Lon,
New Yobk,
And all jxiints in the
United States, .
traotcnmlDeuul line. Kuua bufTeMibr&ry
observation cra palace ileeping ao.l dining
am, family tourist rleepers and second clasa
Hflvlnr a rock bl!rt track, the GREAT
NORTHERN KAIL V i free from dust, one
of the chief aunoyanets of traDWommeaUkl
travel .
Round trip tickets with slop over priTilecea
and choice ol return routes.
Fast mail train lenvei Portland daily at
8:4o p. ni. ovrr O. K. & N. C'o.'a road tor alt
points on our lines.
For further Information call upoa oi write.
C. C. DON A VAN, General Agent.
122, Third Street,
Portland, OrL
T. I Whitney O. P AT. A.
8t Paul. Minn.
Of the
Express Trains leave Portland Daily.
8ou.n i ' North.
8-80 p. Lt Portland Ar B:tfU.t.
9:85 P. M. Lt OrwonCity Lt 7 23 .aU
10:45a.m. Ar 8. Francisco Lt 70f,3t.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers.
Second-Class Sleeping Cars.
Attached to all through trains.
S:S0a.x. I Lt
9:2 A. M. I Lv
S:20p. h. 1 Ar
Portland Ar 4 40 r. M
OreconCity Lt 13'p.at
Roceburt Lt IS OPa.
SAIEM P8 E OER (D-iiy.
i :"i r. M Lt i ill .n . Tr i 10 ISi.M
9:27 A. M Lr Oreii n i ity I.? K M
11:15 t. M. Ar 1 i L I W A.
West Side Division.
Mail Train. Daily (Except ?:tndav.l
7:S0a.m. I Lv
12:15 P. M. 1 Ar
Portland Ar
Corvallis Lv
j 6 261.
At Allian V Mini Poi-i-mIII. cm ! u- 'ti (ruf nm
of Oregon Ceu nl & E so u Railroad
Express Train Dailv (Except 8uuday)
4:4"P.M. Lv Portland Ar IS.-Sa. at
7:25P. M. I Ar McMinnville Lt I 5:60 a. M
Can be obtained At lowest rates from L B
Moore, Agent. Oreiron City.
Manager. Ass't ti. K. and Pass. Aent.
5tienn)a0 Sooining Potts.
For Childitn Cutting their Teeth.
Rtlif fmrlsh Htat. prtuenl f Its, Convulsion, amf
prtstnn a Wealthy statt of tht constitution
tfnrn? the period of tntmnq.
tl!50,FQff A CAb IT WILL NOT CVJr' jj
Sold by Druirgistaorsent by mail. aXi,6u.
and $1.00 per paefcajro. gamplca frees
If TJf Tbe Favorite tOCTS PW5U.
1VU ItVtortheTeethandBraitti
For sale by (.i A. Hanli in, uruxgitC