Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 06, 1895, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
'schedules of time"
(.:. T.roN M'lUHKK.
Mlomiinr KAMONA, linlly, Kn t Hnmlny."
l.aaVMIlHKllHN I Itr, I.MVK. r IITI. A Nil
'"' "' M-l. Ill
1 ' I'- ' I :ui i. m.
- i'h mm
Iv I'orllxtiit Tnylnr tn... dn, k ol II IXI A. M
ml kmr. Ilriyoti vMy ,,r nukni 71, A, j,
luumlny, I h urxlu ami Hit 1 urilii y .
btave I ti ! ..r tn1MM- 0 m A M mnl HhIiui, 7 Ah
A M mnl iiriKoii my I i - M lur 1'nrt
laml M..ir, VWilncailay alll Krliluy,
"''. a-'""! ni'i'iiiiiniliiMiiuii ami low rnlua.
No vtajr Irrinht Imii.ll,. I, Miivulal Inlun 1111
lliniiiKli frnliilit.
Hullt II It'TNII.
CalllnriiU Knri' iilirniiitli) 7 I a m.
K.ix'liiirii Un.nl (way lallnim) ,V i. 111,
H il mi raa i.ua r u ft a. in.
until nm-nil
liiniiiim i.mi iwn)' iiiiiniit) 0 r; a, in
('allfitriiia I iri'.. tlluuiiilij IM.ji. m
M1I1 til I' 11 ur i fiii j,. in,
I'i'HTAI. HO . KiM'I.K.
HY mi tiikhn rt irir mllmuu.
Mil i lu.r. 1.11 Nu Hi, H jo in, mnl 7 p. pi
.Mall r .nit Ho ill., a ,.;. m ami " i 111
Mall :i 'rllnilrtl Ifiini ,V.r 11 a .11., Ill l'i a 111.
Mai ill.l bit vi din rinrli, H a. in , 4 .. 111.
lit KAT IIiK KI.KI , Kll .,
Mai' 1 1 In liirt.mt a. d ilit rlMUl
inl it, i 11 ., ii. 4 4.1 ,,, in,
M .liium 1 r U.Unuki'a iiuly, I) a. m
4 l'i i 111
1 r Im.hi I'.iiu il, 11 : a. in. anil
4 16 i ill.
On k.iii I'lty in Kly.l'arua, Mullmi. I.ltirral ami
ilnUlla 11 nn at IJ 111. ami arrlvo at U 111.
iiiKitmi I'll? In Ili-nviT ri-i k. Mink, Clark.
Mim.liiw llfiiua. I 11I1111 Mill, anil I nliuii, li-avi-a
at h a. 111 limilny. W tilnt.iL, ami l-i ilay,
ami rniutiia 111 lnlli. In ilav. at 4 .! 11. in
dreamt I'llv In Vlnln. l.im.11 ami tlnll.tut
Iravra ltr..li I Hy l"li'l, Mnllirailav ami
Kri.Uy at lull i. in., luat inn Vlnla aiu tlayi
I 7 u) -. n.
ii t"ii t: y in
W la n a, nrrlv.'
II HO li. in. ..a ly.
Wll.Hltltf 0,
I I Ml 111.
11 air r I am
li J Wait, nl
o 11 r I vl vary iml .w
(in Itllu II a 111. aA 1 1' r
baa n. tir I i.iumii li
1 ' p 11 1111 iiinia
In t 11ft" Hull .,
aa 11 1111. a a .
A I Ka. r 1 11. ui hat t ilrL.l an I I III 1
nlvuo 11:111 a. in., n. I". It III nili c nil 111 I-
o rl t a it 4 li vt'l' O car
Wkkt Our iion City Khuui, Kntkm
taikmkst. The library school enter,
luiliini'til given Hi tin) Wrat Hiiln achuol
lant Krlil ty evening, WaH Well attended,
llul a itliKlntlif ila( till fact that the wind
blew hurricane ind IIih ruin came
down in torrentn.. I'rof. iHirt-lf'i
room, where Hie vxnrclni' tmik plum,
wai prvtiy wull flllcil with vioiturt ami
tltft iiliilii, who lmrlit-1 ptoil in the pro
grain. The im IiikiI i liiiriiit imiK iH'vnral
oliH-tliina, wliich wire wull tveuivod,
nJ conniili'rlin the fuel that many of
the. pnpllH hal mniT (li'i'hiiiiunl lu pub'
ho, (liny ilracrve nrll iniMitiim (or ttm
crpiliuliln maniifr in hii h llicy iliOlv
ere J tlirir rocitatioiiii. A inutig thime
who ivciloJ were Arthur Uirhanla, .
(ia Joidiii, Ora Kio't, Mav Slmtuuut,
Purchased of a New York
house, we enn ussure you of
latest designs, lowest prices.
Always popular for presentH.
There are some new and
pretty styles this year. Our
stock is larger than most jew
elers curry, our prices lower.
New designs this year are
mostly with celluloid front
and plush back covers. We
have the Autographs as low
ab 25 cents, and Photographs
as low as $1.00; also cheap
plush atone-hulf these prices.
Dennison's imported, the best
quality, 10-foot roll, 20 cents.
We also carry all shades of
Dennison's imported plain
tissue paper.
Of desirable presents will be
found among our lot of writ
ing desks, toilet Bets, collar
and cuffsets, glove and hand
kerchief sets, smoking sets,
Japanese metal goods, Japan
ese baskets, Christmas cards,
booklets, toy books, juvenile
books and games.
Oregon City, - Oregon,
Jcaaiii Joiica, : iin Jonliin mnl Diiiny
W'oi Icy, Mica lliimili'ii mnl MiMa biiilmt
I'lillmiHliy, Tim two hillci wcru I'Xi'up
tliimilily liunil, Mm, (. W. IiuidIIh
fuvuri'il ilm iiuilimim h i , mm (,( ,(.r
inihir miliiH, uihI IvhhIiix Knilth'n cor
iml Hillu HllH wull rcimlvi'il. Aiiollior in-
tl-lt'HtillK fl'lltlllll (if III!) fllllllllUII lll'lll
anna i;iliiili'l hy Mr. P. K. HoiihIiIhoii,
Mihh Aililin li. Clink, Ijii'bIiih Smith ainl
J. P. Chirk. At tint runclm-l'in of tint
iriiiiin I'mf,' Diiictu, HtnU'.l thu at
li'liiliiiii ii of llm m hiiiil huh 115 1 i 1 1 1 1 H .
mnl on iirc'i ,tit n( tlin Inrin niiiiibcr of
fhinBi'i in hi riioin, hu hum only vimhlf !
lo (hiviilii 1,) iiiiiiiili' to uncli cliia. mill
lo ncroiiipliHli lliiK in in ti lnul to Ink, 1 up
a pint of ihn riTi'B time, llo ri'nmi
iiii'IkIimI thiit thu houril iiiqiiint into the
Nilvianhillly of iMiiployiiiK anotliKr
ti'ui hcr for next ynur. I In tutii (hat
thu ri'iil ohjiTt ol thu I'liti'rluiiiiuciit huh
Id Inti'ri'Mt the puhlic In ijinkiri aihli
tion to thu Hchool llhrnry, whli h even in
II pri'Hiint imoiiiiiiti'aliitf, huh a valua
hhi hi'lp lo llm pupllM. Htivi-ral ilona
tion of hiniliH Hi-nt inu'lii to the lihrury,
11ml thu i-iimly uml IimihiiiihIo hu.ur in
hiioIIiit room anullml thu fiunl -cjiih!1-uralily.
After thi i-xcrrini-Ha vory ph-u-Kill
Mill llil t i mil Hu Hpl-llt in onu of tlm
riHn 11 thii loHur lloor. Tho faculty
oftlui Wcathiihi Ki'lniol i I'mf. U. W.
Ihirrtt" piinclpul, mnl Mint Mulliij TaU
hcrt ami Mix Aihlii) K, Chirk, hh-
hl-tmitH. Tim WcbI S11I0 Ht'hiiol h up to
(lute in ..II It .i,H,int...e.,t under ,
new uiiin.i,'eiiieni. ami will compare
fHvor,.l,ywilha..yi.choolin CUckumaal0
Y. M C. A. (iTMSAHtl'M Uknkkit.
When the Indie of Oregon City eur
netly Nlrive to atluin an object, they
tmuiillv iicceed. The Y. M. C. A. gym
rmwiilii) benefit lunt Monday evening
huh no exi eptiiin to the rule. The en-Icrtiiiuim-nt
wa a very nucceNiiful one,
allhouih the excitement coiiHeiiiient '
111 1 1 ,
ufui. n 11111111111,1a. uiutlliill,
a great tendency to keep ma iy
away who would have atieinleil
on any other nccaaion. The enter
tainment began with an exhibition of
phynii nl training and India 1 club swing
lug by th" Fant Pottluiid Y. M. C. A.
alhlelic club under the ditectiw. 1 of See
ri'lurv Johnson. They aUo gave addi
Hons exhibition during the evening il
liiNlrating the plan of phynical training
usually carried on in Y. M. C. A. gym
iiaiuuia. The Mandolin club, coiiMHt
ing of Mie Vera Cmifleld and Pauline
Campbell and Mers. Clare Campbell
and Hurley Steven, always popular
with Ihe public, gave one of their opu-
lar selection, and ronded lo an en-
ore. The duel by Mr. W. p. JIawley
and Mi. K. F Charman, waa a gem
and eiithtiNiatiticaily encoied. Mies
Our stock is so complcto and
varied in this department
that it is difficult to convey
in writing any adequate idea
of it. We might say we have
cloth-bound books from 1G
cents up to $7.00; but that
doesn't tell you of the wonder
ful variety of bindings
plain cloth, ornamental, silk,
halt calf, full leather and
celluloid nor of the illus
trations or quality of paper.
You certainly must come
and see:
A well-bound book, with
good typo and good pa
per IGo.
A five-volume set of Cooper's
"Sea or Leather Stocking
Tales" $1.50.
A Macaulay's England, five
volumes, with complete
index $1.50.
McCarthy's " History of Our
Own Times," four volumes,
bound in two, of over GOO
pages each, per set . . .$1.50.
We also have illustrated gift
books in ornamental bind
ing, new books and new edi
tions at almost any price you
wish to pay.
Oregon City, - Oregon.
K11I11 Ward' tolii wan rccelveil with pop
ulur favor, Iml aim ilccliiiwl io fMpoml
to 1111 enlhiiMliiMlii! ncoie. Mr K. K.
('hiiruiitn miHluineil her repulaiion a
Oti'Kon City' fuvorlle ini(er( in one of
her iiiimiitahlii nolo, mid the duet hy
Mr. W. I'. Iluwley mnl Henry I'miey
mi fiivoruhly InipreHneil the audience,
that they aeru (iilleil out and responded
to an eliconi. Mi. K. Hudio Wliite, the
ever popular Hinder, favored thu uiidn-in e
with onu of her iiiehiiliii nolo", iiud le
n)ii(lcil to a hearty encore, The 1'oit
liindY. M. C. A. athletic clu!) nave
Houm ilemhd cxhihilion of high and
lofty tumhliiiK, thut would have done
ciedit to proleHHlonal nymiiUHlH, The
acconipuiiii'tii for the Ringera i'r Mr.
K. K WIIIIhiiih, Mr. T. II. Clurk and
llnnry 1'iiMcy. ('Hptaln Kiuihall, of the
l!ilinp Kcott (iruiiitnar chool, (;.' I'ort
hinil, and (ieiienil Secretary J. A. Ilum
mitt, of the Y. M .C. A. of the north
a eht, Lolh imide pructicul addreMe how
liiK the kooiI work accoinpliHlied hy the
Y. M. ('. A'a of tho country, of which
there ate already 4!.'I In micceMc'nl ep
erution. Mil, Atkinhok Dkaii. Mr Nancy
Ihiie AlkitiHou, widow of the title
Itev. (ieorite II. AtkiiiBon, the pioneer
ConireifHtional niiHitioiiary, and ininiMter
of the Northwest, tlied at her home in
I'ortland luxt Sunday aflrnoon. Mr.
AtkiiiHon wa.i clonely identified with the
. .I-.I- . .. I A. rf.l. . .l . 'llt.
,y ' " Vny ' ' '
' .v "i-" y
r nu ir. aik..i-
on caino 10 i;reon in iihu irom er
inoiit to eiuu'ii in niiMHioniiry work un
der thu aiiKpice of the CuiiKn-Kiiliiin.il
Homo MiHMionury Society, and aettled
at Ori-Kon City in June of that year.
Here Itfv. Mr. Atkinon eHtahlinhud fie
llrt Coiire)(tional church in the north
west, and with hi wife, wa ever after
kn')wn aa the pioneer CongreKaticrsI
liilMaiuliuriiia it IliM tniilrir Tlmu m.
. i . .
inaiiied at Oreg in City 15 yean, w hen
they removed to I'ortland, where ICcv.
Atkinson had eUhlihed the Fimt Con
gregational church, the site for which he
Relucted himself. He was paxtor of the
church for eight years, when he resigned
his pantorute to become superintendent
of the Congregational Home Missionary
Society at the lime of hi death. Two
children aurvive Mra. AtkiiiHon. They
are Kdward M. Atkinon, who has con
siderable property interest in Oregon
City, and Mrs. Warren, of Portland,
wife of Frank M. Warren, the well
known salmon packer.
F.xonkkatkd raoM tiix Ciiaroi.
A. S. Baly, who was. arrested at Port
land laat week on a charge of obtaining
money under false pretenses at Astoria,
was completely exonerated of any in
lent to defraud in the matter. Mr. Baty
IIRISTMAS buying this year will be an
agreeable surprise to our customers. Not
only are all Xmas gifts daintier, neater and prettier
this year, but, as the result of careful buying in
Eastern markets, wa can make your money go
further than it ever went before. Holiday goods
are our specialty; we buy in large quantities, turn
our money quickly, and consequently are willing
to shade our profits to the very lowest possible
We invite you to visit our stores, and we in
tend to make you welcome. If you do not come
to buy, you are invited and wanted just the same.
We are proud of our stock and our prices all
marked in plain figures and it is a pleasure to
us to show them. You are welcome to the ideas
you can carry away.
One Word More. We shall not misrepresent
our goods or prices. You can absolutely depend
on what we say. We are here to stay, and shall
ask for your trade, not only this year, but next
year, and for many more to come. Should you
ever be dissatisfied with anything from these stores,
bring it back and get your money.
- j linri'l lln a liilii lino of (totxl for a
nun i riiiKi-co noiiro, umi hiiiiii in As
toria recently ilrew a lrii(t on thi Sun
rrniiiihco linn for 2?, which wu en
dorcd hy Mr. Htoke, The firm thouidil
they wern only indehli'd to Uttty In the
mini of 'S .'D, and refuaeil to honor the
druft. Thi. led Mr. Sn.ke to infer that
Hiity im awiinlliiiK him, hence the ar
real. When matter, however, were
explulned, Mr. Jiaty wa honorahly di
charged from eiitody, an. I exoneraU-d
from any Intention whatever, to defraud
A liirne iiumlter of people attended the
entertainment and ocil at the JIaptint
church laat Thiirnday evening. A abort,
hut excellent progrum was rendered in
I the auditorium, ami anions the Intel-
etinj feaiure, were exhibition of fancy
club nwiinjiiiK by John Lewi and Matt
lirown, of Portland; a olo by Mra.
A. 8. I)ieer, which waa popularly en
cored ; a coi net olo by K. F. Drivgiij
recitation by Mr. LuUjr and Mi 11 lit
tle Monroe. When the program wa
ended the audience adjourned to the
haKcuieiit where coflee and cake wa
Nerved and a delightful nodal time wa
'iit. The affair wa a grand succe
throughout, and all enjoyed the occa
iun iiiiini'iiHi'ly.
Chkihtou'i Same. Ry order of Judge
II. A. !(!. I have moved the J. L. York
A Son
a atock of ladiea', nien'a and
I children hoe to Oregon City and will
! diHpoite of them at 50 cen'a oil the dollar
j of their former price. BtirtU, Packard,
) Bm kiiiitlum & Hechtaaiid other leading
brand will lie (old regardleng of com to
atify Portland and San Francisco
creditor. Call early before sizes are
broken. Sale will only lat a few days.
Next door to the pout offit, Oregon City.
Mute Insurance Company Policies.
The State Insuranu Company, hav
ing gone into the hands of a receiver,
Andrew U. Malsten. the only authorised
agent for Oregon City and Clackamas
county, has made arrangements for
change of policies with J. A. Thayer,
representing a leading English company,
and II. T. Sladen, representing the
Hartford and other leading American
and Kuropean companies.
Bring in your policies to 11. T. Sladen,
in Harvey Cross's office, or to J. A.
Thayer's, office.
Andrew G. Malsten.
Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 21, 1895.
One minute Cough Cure is rightly
named. It afiords instant relief from
suffering when afflicted with severe
cough or cold. It acts on the throat,
bronchial tubes, and lungs and never
fails to give immediate relief.
Thr SlalTof Life.
Iln H'l n recognized a the fitalT of life,
hut if it i of poor (nuility, it olTcra but
little nupport to the body. I'.read from
the Home Made bakery, Shively'i block,
j can be depended upon at all time to tie
j of firt clan quality and equal the bent
I 1., ...... I., t ,1 V...... I.l 1I.1, I...I
luillliy llia'ic iiirn.. iit; ifii 111c: ir-nv
flour i ued and the utmost cleanline
i obaerved in all work about the bakery.
ISread delivered to all parts of the city
freah from the oven.
If you suffer wilh pile, it w ill interest
you to know that lleWitt'a Witch Ilaxel
Salve will cure them. Thi medicine is
Hiiecific for all complaint of this
character, and if instructions (which are
Himple) are carried out a cure will reult.
We have tehted this in numerous cases,
and always with like results. It never
Wantkd. A man or htdy to manage
ditributing soap samples, specialties, do
correpondin. Hend Sylvan C, 727
Woodward, Detroit, Mich.. 10c for sam
ples soap, etc.. receive outfit offer.
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. Pay up your subsciption to the
Kstekprikx and get the the benefit of
the reduction in price.
Finest catchup, 'WorcheHtershire sause
and other dresnings nned in the oyster
cocktail at the Noveltv.
Wheat an J oat wanted at Chartnan
& Son's.
Oregon City,
Crayons. Enlargements
Photography in every branch.
Children's Pieces a Specialty
Gallery over Mrs. Prier's Store
Main Ftreet.
A. B. Steinbach & Co.
Popular One Price
X1 Ul iilSUUI s.
Cor. First and Morrison Sts.
If you will look in the De
cember number of Munsey's
Magazine, page 6, you will
find a whole page devoted to
these beautiful toilet articles.
Here is a part of what it
says: "They are made of
handsome, white, never
changing aluminum. They
are actually and honestly
better than silver goods at
much higher prices; because
they are lighter, because they
never tarnish, and because
they are made as no silver
gQods are and they cost a
great deal less. The brushes
are made so that not a drop
of water can penetrate them;
wash them as hard as you
want to; soak them as long
as you like. The back and
face of the brush are made of
two solid plates of pure
aluminum. The bristles are
inserted through perfora
tions into a solid waterproof
cement. There is nothing to
skrink, or swell, or dry up,
or crack. "Cosmeon" arti
cles, single or in combina
tion, make suitable presents
for anybody. The military
hair brushes, clothes brushes,
hat brushes are peculiarly
C. G. Huntley,
Oregon City, - Oregon.
Your teiiin will have tin; lust
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
At Ihe
City Stnbles.
Young & Davidson, Props.,
?is??rm.tn. W. H. Cooke.
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
C. I. Er
Tfangfef and Epre,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Glen Ellen Wine Vault?
Corner Front and Madison Stu.
Quality and prices guaranteed
to be satisfactory.
Choice Whiskies and Brandies a
I specialty.
Ia. Kline & Co., - Props.
Bicycles, Umbrellas,
Guns, Sewing Machines,
And all kinds of small ma
chines put in good order. No
work to difficult to undertake.
Prices reasonable.
Shop on Seventh St., near depot
desirable as presents for
men. A single article may
be had for from $2.00 to
Celluloid brushes from $1.00
to $4.00, and almost the same
may be said of them as of
the aluminum brushes.
consists of a complete new
line of handsome satin-lined
cases, cut-glass bottles and
filled with the finest per
fume. It is impossible to
write about them, but it will
be a pleasure to show them
to you. The prices are so
much less than last year that
for a dollar or two you can
get something fine enough
for the most fastidious.
Never before have we had
such bargains. We bought
them at 25 per cent, off, and
they are marked so that you
get the advantage.
We have part of them in
the window now, and the
prices are marked in plain
C. G. Huntley,
Oregon City, - Oregon.