Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 06, 1895, Image 3

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    Oregon City hntcrprisc.
Msyrir. . j!rm i "imU.lil I
Kiiiirlxr. . , , . funk
(Ihlul ill 1'iillco . . . ( h 'i I': lliirim I
Ani..,,r, . .; h mini
'Irii.miriir, . II llulmnii i
Hy Atl.irlii.y, . I', I . in II) li '
K'ri'l'l Culinnl.Nlniil'r, C, lln Ik .ck . Jl,
Mnp'i. ill W iiiitr Wurki, W. II. Iliiwi'll
!y K.MKliii-nr, II. II, J .hiMiin
uiiiii'lliniiii II, C. Hlrtrii. 'li'ii. Hr.iiiKlilc.il,
J J. I imlin, linn). .Ixuirnr, Hul k llnwrll, I..
I 1'iirlvr, llmiry MnMiinii, J, W, Mnlliul.
tjuiuii'll miHilaflmt A lla .U) ufimcli muiilll
In oily hull
KUIDAY I'KCK.MIiKIt 11, lnnr.
Missouri turnuin,
M a l Mti i Hyrup,
Hill' Mnplit Hyrup,
liiick Canily Syrup,
lluiicy )iim In bulk,
I'lirn Money In rutin,
Wlilln Mountain coiiiI) lioncy,
Ni'w Orlmtna I11I1I11 Hyrup,
New Oilcan MuIiinhi'ii,
V.. K. Wii.i.iamu, Tim (iroccr.
Tint I'ii I r Iihn JiimI riM'tihcil a nii u lot of
IrutliiTi't to iinvoltici.
l.tmva your onlur (or an oyster loaf nt
llio Novelty cainly tor.
If you want a Hi'winu mm liintt (or .'.'
KO to lli'lloiuy i lliiwli .
Tim laiimt alyle HIiikit machine aoM on
tint iimtalliiient plan at I.. I. Martin'
l'or clican Htuinin'.l linen uhoiIm mid
linen by tlio yuril ko to thn Itacket Store.
I.ami. New nt.xlt of nil kind pint
received. Fine. ImniiliiH lunipi for t'2.'i.
Sua lli'lloiuy A lliiwli.
OyKli'm will In) nerved tlirmitilioiit (lie
m'HKon nt the Novelty nuuly itoro In a
I y li'ii, Ini'luiliiiK llio Itloohier.
Kor clean, whito
Kr K)tint caitli, wll
TKKI'IIIIK olllen.
oUdii ttn 5 cent
bo paid nt Tint Kn
Kreh oynlera will complete your Sun
ilny dinner. Leave your order nt t It
Novelty rundy Htoro. Onion delivered.
Illunk note, reeeit and order booki
at the l..vmil'iiiKK ollire
The llrnt lilm kmiiilh Mlinp tliut farmer
Iuhk 111 coiiiiMjj to Orcnon City in that of
Maple ft Iloiriiuin, nt the junction ol thn
reventh trcet roiul nnd Main rtrcct.
There in no cUhh of work they cannot
hnudle und at roHKunnhlo price. They
bnve an exxrt liome-ahoer and unaran
teu autinfartiiiii.
Machinn oil to cent Initio, alno
needlea (or all kind of inaclilwi at K.
K. Martin'.
Clirintma loya clicuiwr tlmn ever be
fore olfured in Oregon City at K. K.
No exeunt) for aleeplcM nitililg when
you run procure One Minnie Coujh
Cure. Tlila will relieve all annoyance,
euro the inont Hove re cough and ifhe you
nwt and henlth. Can you afford to do
without it?
Wife llere'a an account of a man
who idiot biuiHelf ntlher than aiiller the
pang of Indigestion. 11 unhand The
tool ! Why didn't he take iHtWitt'a Little
Karly Kini? 1 tiHed to niiller an bud an
be did before I commenced taking thene
little pilln.
(ut to Ho.
The aimignee of llio York A Son Mock
oiHiiiK'tin imunil to nell them at nome
Irice. Klcgant fine bund turned ladiea'
uhoi'H worth f (J can he bought fur $2.50
nnd III; all Indie' button kid Mines that
were :l fill cun bo hoiiuhl from f I to $1.75
Kino French kid uoodn call and nee tliein
and nntinfy youwolf. A fine line of
men'n fine dimes to nelect from at M
cents on llio dollar. I mean luminous
thin Htnck luiiHl bo converted into money
to cot lie all cluiniH. Thin ntock is nil
(irHi-1'lncs kimkIs, It will pay you to call
and hoo for yourself. No trouble to show
Ifoods whotlier you buy or not. Next
door to the postollleo.
Tiiero is no medicine so often needed
in every homo und so Hilmiralily adapted
to the purposes for which it in intended,
ns Chamherluln'a Puin Itiilin, llurdlv a
week issses but some member of the
family hag need of it, A toothache or
headache may be cured by it. A touch
of rheumatism or nourulKjii quieted.
The severe puin of a burn or scald
promptly treated before iiilliimiimtioii
sets in, which insures a cure in aliout
one-third of the timo otberw Ise required.
(Juts and biumes should receives imme
diate treatment before the parts become
swollen which can only be dono when
I'ain Halm is kept at band. A sore
throat may he cured before it becomes
serious. A troublesome corn may bo
removed by applyinir ittw ico a'duv for a I
week or two. A lame back may be cured
and aoverul days of valuable time saved
or a pain in the side or chest relieved
without paying a doctor bill. Procure a
r0 cent bottle at once and you wili never
regret it. For sale by O. A. Harding,
nn .iiuiiii iiiu r.icciiuiii
Thn election of city oMIeern. which
'ook place last Monday, was one of tho
.li' t warml (''iitesteil elections ever
b. 1 1 In ilr.u, n ('iiy, i.ml every avaliu
11I1I0 voter w as huntleil out to I lie polls.
The .le polled was the largest In the
history nf the city mid leached lis:'.
Following in the vole cast in the two
First Ward, law and onler ticket
J. W. 1'owtill, mayor, F.. K. Mar
tin, treasurer, Jolm Ilitner, coun
cilman, 17:'; J. W. Ileck ut, I l'i.
First Ward, citizens ticket llinun
Klruiuht, iiiMjor, 17H ; H. K, Hlraigl.t,
treasurer, 1117; II. Juggur, counciluien,
lf)H; It. Kis-ner, IMTi.
Second Waul, law and order ticket
J. W. I'owell, mayor, 171); I). K. Mar
tin, treasurer, 1117; I- C. Cuples, coun
ciliimn, IWi; T. K. (iuult, couiicllmaii,
Second Ward, citizens ticket Miiam
Straight, mayor, llil; II. K. Slruight,
treasurer, 18'); II, J. Harding, council
man, 151 ; 'Joseph Kuerten, councilman,
Iliiam Kiralght was elected mayor
over Ir. J. . rowe II bv seven inulor-
Ity, and II. K. Straight was elected
treasurer over K. K. Murtin by 71 ma-
jori'y. Three iiiemhers of the council
were elected on the law and order
ticket, John Ilitner in the First ward and
T. K liaiilt and I.. C. Caplen in the Sec
ond ward. Challenger on both sides
were at the polling place all day, and
a few who voted were required to swear
in their votes. One ticket wan voted in
the Second ward that bad no name
crossed out, and on 21 tickets both
name for msvor were nciatcbed out.
The election wan quiet and orderly,
and no unusual Incidents occurred. In
the First ward .W vote were cast, and
the Judge ol election were M. K. Wil-
loiighby, J. M. Graham and J. A.Stuurt,
while the clerk were J. K. Ithoade and
J.W.Cole. In the Second ward .'141
votfa were polled the judge were C. C.
lUhrock.d. H. Wlshnrt nndC. 0. Hob-
bins and the clerks were T. C. Howell
and L. W. Davis.
The new sidewalk on the West Side
connecting the mispcnnion bridge with
tho pulp and paper mills, Is now bril
liantly ligiitedup with ten electric arc
.M.'t'lnrf's Magazine for Deceinber.
Tho second installment of the "New
rich and beautiful. A competent orches
tia will accompany the parforinunce.
The choruses of Jew and I'orvinn are
heniilifullv cosliiined in Oriental style,
Orion 1 11 1 inaiches with all different
shades of ligliis and singe cM'ect, includ
ing the ('Million's churuses,
The beauliful In iixlral st nil lis of tho
(iieen by Mrs W. 1, llawley, the cul-
lined prim') soprano. The great charac-1
lnr nf 7i.rii.li l.i M. I,' I,' CI...,,....,, I
.... ,,.n. i,,.i,Tii.ni. .
the highly esteemed vocalist, Including
Mrs. J. W. (iray and Mr. A. 8. Ilreser, I
the well known and favorite vocalintn as
tlie I'roplietess and later on as Morioci'3
siiler. Mrs. K. Sadie White will intro
duce a vocal tcloclion from the Creation
dining tin) peiforinance In conjunction
with some other minor piincipal charac
ters. The gonlloiuon's cast even with
this lady's i picked and only the best.
Mr. V. Harris, the well known basso,
us the King, Mr. C. A. Miller, the silver
toned baritone a Human and W. A.
Askin. the well known primo tenor of
this city and the great Portland favorite
as Mordecai, including II. I'. lieslow, the
basso iiroliiudo as the I'runhct. and
other minor parts of select voices.
The costume of Jew and Fenian
ordered for thin occusion are beautilul
and rich. The chorus of 40 voice is
all picked and well trained. 20 children !
and an orchestra of U musician will
execute the bountiful harmony.
Secure your seal at once as they will
be reserved for you. Those secured on
!he evening ol the performances will
have to take back seat. General ad
mission Vt cents, reserved without extra
cost, on sale now at Huntley' book
store, 1'.. K. Charmsn'l drug store and
Shivcly'i store.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
a-PSk. mm
.otlce to the I'ubllc.
We have been informed by a friend
that the Moral Wave ticket has made
assertion that we would not hire rigs to
them on election day. It is false,
Nolll.ITT & Co.
Life of Lincoln" in McCluro' Magazine
for IVcemU'r is rich in pieturesqu.i de
tails and in Lincoln a be undertook life
on hi own account, first at a flatboal
man and then a a grocery clerk in New
halem, exhibit a young genius and hero.
doing wonderful feats of atrengtb, risking
III OWn life to snVM Piiinrmlua (...,,.
drowning, and magically w inning hi
own way In a new community by his
rre integrity, hi suiierior intelligence
und his gift of entertaining i..ipl.
Along with the paper are 2't picture of
himself, bis early associate and all the
important scenes of this periml of his life.
Other Interesting articles in this aamo
number are, an illuHtrnted article bv
Fliaalieth Stuart l'helps, describing her
early literary experiences; a story de
derived from conversalions with Hal
Cain, telling what be, the son of a hum
ble Manxman, had to endure in order to
become one of the foremost of Knglish
noeusis;a I lirislmas article of gieal
beauty and Interest, "Madonna and
Child," by Will II Low, with reproduc
tion of 32 celebrated pain'ings chosen
by Mr. Low during a recent trip to
F.tirojio ; noniH narticularly good storie
lV Anthony Hoki and Robert Hurrj a
- ... . t ....
iinniiiias niory ny Mia Jiigginson, a
former Oregon City girl, whose pathetic
writing, troth in prose and poetry, touches
the heart of everv reader; a bright tiavel
sketch by Cy Wurman, tho engineer
poet who took tho thousand-milo rule on
tho engine of a "fiver."
Huntley' Hook store keeps this mag
azine. on II eniov reudiiiL' it.
(issl brooch loading shot gun ut
I'arkerA llownnl' cheap.
The new salmon hatchery on thn
headwaters of the Cluekamus built and
operaled by the Columbia river can
nery men, bus been practically shut
down for tho season. It is claimod that
the season's work bus been very satis
factory, and that about a ,000, (KM) salmon
fry have been turned out at the hatch
ery. Owing to the fact that tho build
ings had lo be put np, and even the
lumber sawed by hand, it was somewhat
late when operations commenced. It is
intended that the hatchery will bo oner-
ated to its full capacity next year, and a
big run of salmon will be the result.
Ihimoii ami I'yth Iun.
This beautiful and Impressive play
will be given in Oregon City in a short
lime under the auspices of Willamette
I Fall Camp No. 14H of Woodmen bv
I'rof. Win. Kasmiu. The cast will be
made up from members of the Thespian
Dramatic club and from (he Woodmen
bulge and with the ix ellent material to
sdectfrom a strong company will be
brought forth. It will be one of the
events of the season well worth attend
ing. Regarding the play the Salem
I'ost sayn;
"This i a piece which appeals to
everyone and ahows the possible depth
of friendship one nun may baye (or
another, but which as a general rule, I
not universal, and a case with few
parallels. It i inlay which draw out
and display to good advantage the
sterling qualities of two good men, while
it also pictures the character of another
as wickeil as tbeirg is good. Mr. Wo.
Hnsmus, as Damon, portrayed a certain
line of acting, which i seldom Keen bv
a Salem audience in this city. He is
strong and forcible in siK-ech; has an
excellent voice, and hi gestures are
perfect, showing he has given the niece
deep study and has also hud stage ex
perience of high character."
The Salem Statesman says :
"I'rof. and Mrs. Wm. Rasmus, as
sisted by the local Pythian talent.
I scored another unqutlifled success lat
A Large ( rwii.
The J. L. York A Son's st:k ol fine
sins- which was iqioriod in the store'
next door to the post ofllee has attracted
large crowds of pople and judging from !
the armful of shoos that are being j
carried away they must be of good oual-;
Ity and very cheap. When York A Son
fKiled K. II. Oreui was appointed assignee
and has succeeded in closing out a large
Nrtion of the stock and is bound lo
will the balance of it here in Oregon City
if low price will do It.
II. T. Sladen, who for three years past
has been private secretary and book
keeper in II. V.. Cross' office, ha re
signed bis position and will engage in
some business on his own rosponsihility,
just what, be ha not decided. During
hi residence in Oregon City Mr. Sladen
has proved himself to bean industrious
and upright man, and will merit success
in whatever business he engages in. Ilia
position with Mr. Cross is now tilled by
Fred Hesse, who has been at work fir
some time on a set of abstract books for
Mr. Cross.
Adirondicu Clark wa arreitcd last j
Friday morning by Night Ollicer Shaw'
on a charge of treing drunk and disor-1
derly. When arraigned before I!e-!
corder Fonts he was fined $-", and as he :
claimed tha! he bad no money, he was!
sentenced to two day confinement in '
.1 : 1
me ciiy jail. 1
One Minute Cough Cure in a jKipnlar
remedy for croup. Safe for children and
ud ults. I
House and two acres near Park
Place. ;
J. K. GROOM, 482 East Pine St. !
Portland, Oregon.
night in the presentation of "Damon
nnd Pythias" ut the Keed. Not in a
long while has Salem lovers of the drama
hud anything otlcred them equal to
Tho real excellence nf the whole
all'air waaugmuted by fine staging and
accurate costumes nnd those who wit-
nessed the culmination of this endeavor
of the local Pythian to please the
Vulsm public must of a certainty hour
testimony t the splendid measure of
their achievement. It was altogether
remarkably well done and amply nppre-ctatfd."
A meeting of the local union of Chris
tian Kndeavor will be held on Thurs
day evening, December 12lh,at the Bap
tist church, by call of the president, (or
the purofe of planning the work of en
tertaining the state convention of Chris
tian Kndeavor, which meets here in the
spring The program for the meeting
will be: Om-ning praise service; busi
ness and election of officers; address.
The Use of a Local Union; paper on
the work by T. J. Gary, of Milwaukee.
All Endeavors and others interested are
urged to be present.
In her advertioeiueiit in another col
umn Mrs. Prior bus a word to the child
ren She has one of the finest selections
ol holiday goods in the city. Her prices
are very reaonable.
Jan. Hodges, the well-known mer
chant of Canby, was in Oregon City
Monday, Mr. Hodges carries a com
plete stock of general merchandise and
now prooses to reduce his stock even at
a heavy discount as announced in his
advertisement in another column.
Friday Myrtle Lode No. 29, D. of II.,
will hold its annual election of officers,
and Saturday evening Falls City Lodge
No. 59, A. O. U. W., will hold an elec
tion of officers. Al! members of each
lodge areexected to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Glass moved this
week into their new cottage on the cor
ner of Eighth and Madison streets.
Assessor Rradlev expects to complete
I the census enumeration of Cla-kamss
I county next week, when the ubhc will
have an opportunity of knowing some
thing concerning the actual number of
imople inhabiting the county.
Dr. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all
kind of dental work. Gold crowns,
porcelain crowns and bridge work a I
Becitt!!y. All operations guaranteed for
C . i-V. II 1 rt.i-
ujrnra. 1 an ami get my prices, umce
in Barclay building
Prompt attention to hauling to'
any part of Oregon City.
Moving attended to promptly and
carefully. j
Special rates given on hauling to '
and from Gladstone and Park-'
Cold Weather....
The weather r-harps say
that thin fine weather is
to Ire followed by cold,
wet weather.
Bad -Colds.
Will then he in order,
for many people will
neglect to put on
Warm Under Clothing.
We have an extra fine
afsortment in fleece
lined, French ribbed
wool, flannels, knit goods,
pure wools and natural
wool. All weights and
Glass & Smyth
-The Clothiers.
Need Cash more than the goods I now have
For the Next Thirty Days;
1 aUlUS
I will sell for cash, no deceiving, all goods in
my store Everything goes.
Stock Must Be Keduced-
This unexceptional opportunity for bargains
wiU only last for thirty days, so
iJonunni ounce i
Tiles nf people liave piles, but Del
ill s itclihazel Salve will cure them.
When proiierly applied it cures scalds
ami bums without the sliKhteat pain.
Mrs. U. Trior has received un elegant
line of holiday jfoods, fresh and new,
and carefully selected, consistim? of
dolls, toys and artioles just the thing for
Holiday presents. Don't make vour pur
chases until you have examined Mrs.
Trior stock.
Its worth your while if vou need anv
thinu in glass or crockery ware, tubs,
brooms, wash-boards, lamps, tinware
ect., lo visit Marr & Robertson's store,
they are clearing out the K. Staub tock
at cost
Leaves Oregon City daily except
9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Leave Portland daily, except
11:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Hound Trip, 35c.
A hot dinner these cold, drizzly days
is not complete without a roast of incut
to grace the table and stimulate- the ap
petite with its flavor. At Albright's
meat market rousts can be had that are
juicy and tender from fat, stall-fed cattlo
and which are put up in a stylo that will
please both the cook and tho diners.
(uoeti ENtlier Cniitiita.
This beautiful cantata at last will be
produced under the careful and able
direction of Trofl F. K. Hepburn in this
city, for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A.
gymnasium. The cast is bright musically,
bountiful costumes and great acting
activity shown. Having only the best
known musical fratornity of this city in
terested, it surely will be the best pro
duction ever rslven in lliia nilv Tim
costumes ordered for the occasion arej
Diseases unfriendly to women are
positively cured by Dr. Sawyer a Pastil
les. Ask your druggist for a free sample
package. It heals and cures. Sold by
Cieo. A. Harding.
Mr. and Mrs. . I. K. Morns, of West
Side, had their homo brightened Sunday
bv the arrival of a fine boy. All parties
doing well is the report.
Mrs. W. J. Cummings, who has been
quite sick for some time past is conva
lescing and will Boon be able to be about
the house. Her three-weeks-old bov is
doing finely and is strong and well.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Confer now have
a daughter to add to their family of six
boys. Tho little miss arrived as a
Thanksgiving present and bids fair to
live to see many returns of hor birthday.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of alt in leavening
Strength.V. S. Government Report
Should be
Looked Into.
Ever since Prof. Koch Martled the world
by promising to cure consumption with the
Koch lymph nnd his complete failure to do
SO. the nennli hnvo he.. m 1 .w.l-. .. i.. - .
discovery which would prove an absolute
certain cure for that dread disease. Over a
quarter of a century asro Dr. R. V. Pierce,
chief consulting physician to the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, put in a claim
for a mcdirinp wliioh hA 1,4.1 .i;.An..n 1
and used, in his extensive practice, that
would rwrvninety-eiKht percent, of all cases
of consumption when taken in all its early
stages. Time has proved that his assertion
was based on facts gained from experience.
His "Golden Medical Discovery " has cured
many thousand people in all parts of the
world, and Dr. Pierce invites all interested
to sead to him for a free book which give
the names, addresses and photographs of
many prominent people who have willingly
testified to the marvelous curative proper-
TT , jwiicu mcuii-ai discovery."
He has also written a Book of 160 pages on
'Diseases of the Respiratory Organs, "which
treats of all Throat, Bronchial and Lung
diseases, also Asthma and Catarrh, that will
be mailed by the World's Dispensary Med
ical Association of Buffalo, N.Y., on receipt
of six cents in stamp, to pay postage.
Consumption, as most everybody knows,
is first manifested by feeble vitality, loss
of strength, emaciation ; then local symp
toms soon develop, as coutrh, difficult
breathing, or bleeding from lungs, when
investigation proves that tubercular de
posits have formed in the lungs. It is
earnestly advised that the " Discovery " be
taken early and the latter stages of the
disease can thereby be easily avoided.
To build up solid flesh and strength after
the grip, pneumonia, ("lung fever"), ex
hausting fevers, and other prostrating dis
eases, it has no equal. It does not make
fat like cod liver oil and its nasty com
pounds, but, solid, uholtsome flesh.
X stylish School Children
SHAPELY Should be
fr we have them
ki of rtt-irwkd fWtm a A A Jt
5,, (U a,. Kxausse Bros.
The Oldest and Most Reliable on the Pacific Coast.
These Are the Very Best Varieties Known-
IT pays to keep only the best, and no business pays so well as
the poultry industry. It pays better than wheat, hoes or cattle.
ONE HUNDRED HENS of the best laying varieties will
yield a yearly net income of $200.
mi i .
inis season our stoclc is nner than ever, and we guarantee
satisfaction to all our patrons.
Send Stamp for Price List of Fowls and Eggs.
Address, Lock Box 335.
J. M. Garrison, - - - Forest Grove, Or.
Largest stock.
Best assortment ever
brought to Oregon City.
Pope & Co., Hardware dealers.