Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
1 riRlTIT COl'BT. Co art Adjourned liitil Next Saturday, and Jurj HisrhiintiMl I'utll Jan. In the matter of the report of, viewers on the uetition of K. J. Sbockley for a road of public easement; Paniol Mayer, reapomieni, va k. j. mock cv. resnoiui- 1 ' ' 1 Tl... ...... .11 .... - 1 ... aritv, 1 nr nit-uniii tn-;wru 111 tri sun and by So? & Swope, his attorneys, and the respondent appeared in person, and by his attorneys, KinearsonA Hyde, and Clackamas county by W. X. Bar rett. The jury brought in a verdict for the apt.elhttit, Daniel Mayer, and as sessed his damages by reason of the lay- ing out and location of the proved ro;d acmsshU premises at the sum of ,10V. 1 n ..oiu 4VUI101 LUC VlfWtMS U(H.UIIIt:U lir Kit? county court in the matter of tlie assess ment of damans, with the above result. James II. Ciookshank vs Honor Pa voren; V. H. Hyde appeared in the in terest of the officers of the Justice court lor District No. 3, and it appear ing to the court that a judgment was rendered in said justice's court on the 13th day of .Saptember, ISiG, against said Honora Davoien and in favor of Mid James II . Crookshank for the Bum of and coste. And it further ap- " peaieu irom saia jiuigmeni 10 uus court on the 19th day of October, 1893, by aervine a notice of spiral on said James II. Crookshank and filing a bond on ap eal wherein Michael Davoren and Hi rani Straight are sureties. And it fur appearing that the said Honora Da voren has abandoned said appeal and (ailed to prosecute the same, and being fully advised finds that said appeal ought to be dismissed. The court or dered the appeal dismissed, and it was .further ordered and adjudged that the plaintiff, James H. Crookshank, recover of the defendant, Honora Davoren and Michael Davoren and Hiram Straight, her sureties upon the appeal, said sum of $35 and the costs and disbursements taxed at 137.50. A. F. Stokes vs CP. Dix and Mor rison Campbell; Morrison Campbell, ne of the defendants, refuses to applv any of his property toward satisfying the execution awarded plaintiff for the sum of $472 10 with interest and costs. It was therefore ordered by the court that the said defendant, Morrison Camp bell be and appear at the circuit court room of the county court bouse of Clack amas county, before the Judge of this court on Saturday, the 30th day of No vember, 1895, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m., to make answer and oath con cerning his property, and that a copy of this order be served on said defendant, . Morrison Campbell. Stale of Oregon ys J A Lousignont; seutenced to the penitentiary for one Tear for larceny of tools from shop. The indictment against J. A. Lousignont, etal.was dismissed on motion of the prosecuting attorney. State of Oregon vs Walter Wyland ; jury were unable to agree, and the case was postponed for further consideration until the adjourned term in January. Joseph Bickner vs T R Worthington and J K Worthington ; judgment for plaintiff, $150.38. The Willamette Iron Works vs M K tihipley and J H Kruse ; order made con firming the sale on execution of 100 acres more or less to plaintiff. Portland Trust Company vs Robert B Beattie; by stipulation a transcript was ordered to the supreme court. B H Greeley vs F E Donaldson ; it was ordered that plaintiff shall have 20 days further time to move or plead to the answer of the defendant herein. B H Greeley vs L Booth, et al; or dered that plaintiff shall have 20 days further time in which to move or plead to the answer of the defendants. James Hodges vs Libbie A Bates; on motion of C. H. Dye, attorney for de fendant, and the affidavit attached thereto in the above entitled action, it is ordered that proceedings in said action be stayed until further order of this court and that the plaintiff show cause why said confirmation and judgment should ; not be set aside, and that a copy of this - motion and order be served on the plain tiff. In the matter of the assignment of Potter & Kelly, insolvent debtors, T. F. Ryan, assignee; a distribution of the funds pro-rata among tbfl creditors was ordered, after paying the exuenses of assignment and attornevs fees. It was further ordered that the assignee be discharged, and his bondsmen exoner ted upon his filing w ith the clerk of this court, receipts of the aforementioned creditors for the amounts due them, from the distribution of the assets as herein ordered. Sarah M McCown and Helen B Rim-arson vs H E Cross ; certain parts of the answer were allowed stricken out in conformity with the motion heretofore filed and argued. The defendant is al lowed 10 days in which to file an .'Amended answer, and the plaintiffs are allowed five days after the filing of such '-wai.1 cr in which to file a reply thereto. At the same time the motion of defendant vaAiito thn ininnptinn fiprofnfni-A al lowed in this suit, was argued and sub mitted to the court. Upon the consent of lion. (ieo. C. Brownell, attorney, for the plaintiffs, and the defendant appearing in bis own behalf, made in open court, It is ordered that the injunction in so far : 'amis belonging to the lU'ti'iulant or the Gladstone Ki'iil Estate Aiowintion, lie nj the Mine is hereby vacated, except th At if the defendant ehouUl burrow money on account of the Glad stone Real Kstate Aasivialion or lilt UiSlMitlt lf tllU BUW-ntlll I It tit at ISM1tt hof ,,0 (, . RM .( M ., i i u i .1 furl liur nt-,lir. 1 l,,lh tmrt its. " v ,v , 1 consontinn thereto, that all paitics hereto be and they are hereby enjoined from selling or disposing of the lands and lots uf these plaintitl's, situated in tlioDl. Cot 1'. M. Rinearson, during the pendency of this suit. State of Oregon ys William Prettel ; indictment for .an unnatural crime; j . ,, ,, r. n 1 -1 j mnM mJ 0 c BWm,n for (,(V .e:fl,nse. Tlie jtlry aftor boill(, out five minutes returned a verdict of not guilty Will Moore, the club suit man, was sentenced to three in the county jail on a charge of conducting a lottery. COl'RT NOTKS. After ordering the bills of the prose cuting attorney, bailiffs and grand jury experts paid, last Friday afternoon, Judge McBrule adjourned court until Saturday, November 30th, when a shoit session will be held to hear equity cases, at Trta witir lurv tr.a avmiuail frrtm 1 fnrtltur d t tti.ld n..a t.nlil Ilia r.-titth M r day in January. The Judge is now hold ing the regular term of court in Wash ington county. Many cases have been disposed of dur ing this term, some of them containing knotty problems of law- The court of ficers have been prompt in the perform ance of their routine and tedious duties, and have been uniformly courteous and obliging. County Clerk liorton and Fred Greenman. circuit court deputy clerk, have kept the court journal writ ten up to date, and obligingly at all times, were willing to give out any in formation concerning court matters. II. S. Strange, deputy county clerk, had more than his usual share of work while circuit court was in session, but this did not seem to affect bis usual urbanity, and the county court journal was at the disposal of the newspaper reporters as soon as court adjourned, thus giving the public an opportunity to know what the court is doing. The writer has reported court matters in several of the counties of Oregon, including Multnomah, and 6nds that the Clackamas county officials are the moat prompt and obliging of any in furnishing the people with matters of public record. In Benton county, where one county clerk held the place for 23 years, the public never know what the county court was doing in lull. Oftentimes it would be three weeks after court ad journed, before the journal was written up. Sheriff Maddock and Depu ty M. N. are very prompt and obliging, even dur ing the trying times when circuit court is in session. T. W. Fouts and T. M. ' Miller, the court bailiffa and Max Schul- pius, grand jury Damn, tiheu tiieir places acceptably, and were courteous and accommodating. Probate Court. In the probate court on last Saturday Charles H. Dodd, successor to Ilawley, Dodd & Co., filed a notice asking that the judgment against J. Richardson be cancelled, as the same had been settled. The Judge thereupon made an order that this judgment be stricken from the docket. C. E. West, administrator of the es tate of Wbalen C. Groff, deceased, was granted further time in which to make and file inventory and appraisement, and William Welch was appointed as one of the appraisers of the estate in place of Robert Osborn. No decision has yet been handed down in the matter of the petition of R. L. Greaves for letters of administration on the estate of Elizabeth Rinearson, de ceased. The Rinearson heirs claim that Mrs. Rinearson left no property to ad minister upon ; that she only had a life lease on the property of Peter Rinearson, and this property reverted to his heirs upon his death. The four Rinearson heirs, George, Ed, Jacob and Mrs. O. E. A. Freytag, amicably allotted the real property among themselves, each taking 50 acres, without the process of going into court for a partition of the premises. STATE INSURANCE COMPANY. Policies. The State Insurance Company having gone into the hands of a receiver, Thog. F. Ryan, of the leading insurance agency of this city, has made arrange ments to take up the policies in the old est and strongest of the insurance com panies of America and Europe. Call at once at office on Main street, Oregon City, Oregon. tf Every mother should know that croup can be prevented. The first sympton of true croup is hoarseness. This is fol lowed by a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given freely as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the cough has de livered it will prevent the attack. 50c. Many persons suffer from disorders in the kidneys and bladder without, know ng what is the matter with them. They should know that disorders in those organs if allowed to remain will result fatally. Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm will restore healthy tunc tional activity and thus eradicate the disease. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. j ! From early rhlWI. 'LPLHA hood until I was' I rt.i.. - I f of this disease, I visited 1 lot Springs i and was treated by the best medical i men, but was not Ivnctitcd. When' all things had PhAII tailed I de-1 ' terminal to H K 1 1 1 'I trv S.S.S. ' and in four I II U 111 month ujjh : entirely cured. The terribh eczema ' ' was gone, not a sign ol it left My 1 general health built up. and I have i any return of the disease. CHILDHOOD i nm v m'n ' el ami I hava nv.f . Tit known ft fttiliint ttinr.t f I'k'll 11 11)11 IV t "' inn in. irnm, i a, . Mtiir iuii in m I nvttn k-)in all .iliuo rttmmiut tiftv, Our 1 irAlliMMin PllKMlJUUl ' frot til ftllf ftiiilrtMa. SWU I SPIXit IC CO , AlUnu, G. KKU KSTATE TK.VSFKKS. Furnished Kvery Week by the Cluck. urn Abstract & Trust Cuiuimiiy. Chas Zurtliih to A l.em Nov 18 '1)5 W D lot 3 sec 11, t 3 s. r 2 e, 37.'.'3 acres $ 5u0 R Bradley to M L Bradley Nov IS K5, W I) nw4 see :!'.', 1 1 s, r e lt0 acres 3000 M W Griffith to Kohert IVShaier Oct 28, 10 W I) w S,' of the so'' of the ne'4' of sec 2!, 1 2 s, r 5 e. . . . 200 S lluelet (by Ex to M L Bradley Sept 26, 'i3 1) lot tS, blk t Pleasant Place ad to Oregon City tK) Same as above Sept 2tt, '115 D lot 1 blk 6. Tleasant Place ad to Oregon City 50 S Huelet (by Ex Alex Warner Sept 26, '95 D 7 acres in aw1" sec 31, t 2 s. r 2 e 1600 1 P Sandberg to E Ekevstain Nov H '95WDs,1,' of ne'4' and lots 1 and 2 sec 6, t 2 s, r 7 e 160.66 I acres 2000 G Smart to Win Smart June 21,12 1 C D n' of sw'4' of ne1 sec 33 t 1 s, r 2 e 25 acres 1 Angeline Berry to Geo E Henton Nov 8 '1)5 Q C D 8.U acres in Clackamas Riverside 1 Chas Bennett to U E Henton Nov Nov C, 't5 QCD same as last . . 1 I U Davidson to Geo E Henton Nov 7 '05 Q CD same as last. . 1 I G Davidson to M Maikjohn Nov 7 "Jo, QCD 2,'i acre tract in Clackamas Riverside 1 Boscovich k Dunch to J P Hoffman Nov 15 '95, W D n,4' of ne'4' sec 34, t 4 s, rle 1600 Geo Williams to Geo Collins Nov 14, 95 CCD blk 4, lots 25, 32. 53, 60, 59 sin' of 54, lots 22, 23 and 24 blk 54 Minthorn 2000 F F White to II M Taylor Nov 21 '95 W D lot 6, blk 34, Central ad to Oregon City 300 Max Young to J W Hill Nov '95 W D ne.'i sec 34, t 7 s, r 3 e cont. 100 acres 1000 C Hardin to C P Brooks Nov. 18 '95 W D 10 acres in sw)4 of nwj4' sec 34, 1 1 s, r 5 e 100 K E Sloan to Sarah Corman Nov 18 '95 Q U D road way in the Hector Campbell claim 1 Peter Buck to Green McMurray Nov 22, '95 V D 10, acres in N Lambert claim 900 B E Ilawley to E B Ilawley Nov 22 '95, QCD 45 acres in W W Harper claim 1 J E Marquam et al to I L White Oct 22, '95 land in Robert Allen claim 1 II T Ditenhoefer to I L White Sept 18 '95 Q C D 9 acres in Burlage claim and .50 acres in Alltn claim 1 T W Marquam tol L White Nov 12 '95 QCDland in Allen claim... 1 M A Albright to I L White Oct i2 '95 QCD Same as last 1 Geo W Marquam to I L White Nov 14, '95 QCD Same 1 John Duffy to A Maeistick Nov 23, '95 W D blk 49 Country ad. . 450 Geo Welch to J II M.trtin et al Nov 23 '95 D el4 of nwj and swj of of nwj sec 32, t 3 s, r 3 e 40 Have your titles examined and ab stracts made by the CLACKAMAS AB STRACT & TRUST CO. who have the only complete set of abstracts of title of all land in Clackamas county. Accurate and reliable work by a responsible firm. Office upstairs in the Caulield building. How's this? Good flour, 70c; Dietz lantern, 35c; 19 pounds dry granulated sugar, $1, at the Red Front Trading Co's. Lots of new goods, millinery, umbiellas, underwear, shoes, etc., at Eastern prices. Statk op Ohio, City or Toledo,) Lucas CouNTy, ) Bs" Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, state and county aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure. Fbank T. Ciibnev. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 18S6. A. W. Gi-eason. Notary Public. seal I Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intcrnully andactsTliirectlyon the blood and mucus surfaces of taie system. Send for testi monials, free. 1 . J, Uhenkv A Co. Toledo, Ohio. gjT Sold by DruggfeM, 75c. FOR CLATSKANIE SlramrrG. W. Shaver, Will It'uvo l'oitliiml, foot of Washington. Street, for Cliitnkunic ivml way landings, Monthly, Wotl nesiliiy ntnl Friihiy mornings ut tl o'clock, iiinl return to l'orthiiul Tuesihiys, Thurstl:iy and Sat urdays This tlio most direct und um-ssaMo route to the Nelialt'tn Vnlly inly nine miles from (latsknnit. Shaver Transportation Co. i:.tMblllietl I13. PIONEER Trangfei1 and Epfe, Freight a ml parcels delivered to ull parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. D.ivies Exhibit And have your jdiotos taken ut tlie gallery. Third auJ Morrison Sts. Entrance on Morrison Stroet. NOTICE OF KKFKKEK 8 SAI.K. In tlm Circuit t'uiittul Hit iuu of orvuou, (' ClAcltMiii.t county. C. O. I. WitlUin., i UlutilT. . Crwl w. stmt. toil, .Im.ulfttralor ol Iho v.litu of M. A. Sw.tti'tl, Out'CnM.!, .'id L. Strattou. I rut.1 W. s.r iu:i. Ml K Slr.Hon. Ky Qiuuil Strnttoll, .nd L.oyJ L htriiroti, hetri.t Inw oi M. A. Siratlou, ilcciuel, .ud K. 8. .rrun. .i.ii'lwtit. Nolu. ti h rvby g r. i th it by vtrtu of .:i or der ol LuilI out of tli Circuit oourl ol 111. ol Or..ont for lit. county ol l Ut'k.m.., bvitrlitic d.l. tint Til Unr 01 NovcmiMir, iu., 111 . ull wuoroin C. O. 1 . Willt.ui. I. pi.iiuttr, ihl Creed W. str.tlou, ailuilu a r.'or uf Hi. wtiui ol M. A. ntr.tio Ucv.m(1, .tut H.l.ii U slrNt too, Ciocil W. titration, Carroll E. Blr.tlou, rtay mouil 8ir.lion .ud U air.ltou, It. Irs .t lw of M. A. Htr.tlou, dMud, .nd K. S. M.r. r.u .r. dli uil.ul., coiiiiii.niliii( nt. nUm for tn. ..1. ol th. hruiiiftr d.M3rlbd rt.l prttp-rty, to i'U th. i.m., I wll , ou S.lurd.y. the llx d.y of Jauu.ry, IMM, at th. hour ol I o'cloc. p. tiL of aia tlay, at th. from uoorof th. courluoti, lu Orfoa City, . d c.uitty aud .tate, oiler (or uIh a. uiUr auutlon and t. th lnnueUaud Ik-.I bnldor for ch, uu cou Brmatiun ol th. Ml. tiy th. ilm. entntwl court, ail ritf hi, tlti. au l lutertMlol the atniv. naiud platutilt and deienrlaula (excrpl th. Inlereat ol U.i.ndaut E. 8. lu ami to the tullowlun described ral property, .itual. lu Ciavaainaa oounly, la eof OrtKon: Lot 1, A 6, li, 7, a, 11,12,11. U, 11 and in, lu block 1; lota 1,2, 3. V, lu, 11 aud 12. In block t: luU 'il, 7 and , ill 4. lot 6, in oioci 6; luU 1, i, 5, 7, H, v, 10, 11 aud li I i olork ' ; lota 1, 7, H, 14 aud 15. tu b,ix k 7: all of bl.. k ; Iota i, li U aud 14. iu id ck II. iota 7, H, 11, liaud III, lu biock 11; lo'a 1, : an a , lu nU k 1.'; lot. 1, i, 1, I, 1, n S, 9 a'ld 11, Id block l:; l t. 1, 'iaud 1:1, lu block 14; 'Oi I, i . 4 ai.d V m bloca in; lou I, 2, 3, 4, 6 and . lu il. 'kl7, alio. b.xklH; ml. :t, 4, 5, 0'itl l 7, In III' C 19; lota 7, H, V aud IU, III bloca SI A; all of bloc k a) H; lota J, 6, 7, Hand V, ID bloca 21; In.s. I, 2, 4, V 7, H. and 11. lu bio k ill lou 1, 3, 4. A, 7, V 1.0(1 in, lu bloc. X; all of bloca 11; .oia 1, 2, 4, ft 4. II a. id 1J, u biiM a 2: all ol block .ti; al. t:i fn a," in lull and Mo k. being in Knll View Additlou I " llr -mi i C ty, In aald coiiuiy aud .late, al tn. .am. la abowu ou the rur iru.d p. at "I -al l Ka.l View Ahntiuu to OrvK"D Cuy. od til. id tn. recoidur'a olllco of aald coiimy and state. Alao lot. 2, 5 anil 1, lu b ook llli, of Oruvon Cuy; all that pirt ol bloca Kl, lyliiat iciutuo- th. m-rtli Uu. in th. A. Mc kinley donation laud cUlui: all of b,ock ., K'i, 'JO aud HI, ol Orcifon Ctv, accordioK to the ru coM.d pUt thoreol ou die lulu, olllcol aald recorder. Alao block 22 of th. County Ad llllon to Orrjon City, accjrd t)g t the lucoidwJ plat. lbu..of ou lilc In th. ollii e of aald recorder. Alao that piece or p.irco. of land a tuote in H. c.lofi 31, lu luwnahip i aotitti, raoxe I caa. id the Willamette Meildiau, iu aal'l couuty and tate, and more p.rtlcu arly d.acrinud, to rli: llciflouiiig it a inouiiincul aet at a p,iiit where th', norihurly il ..ol Promontory avunne, lu ii d Kiil'i View A idllm i to Oreitou City, In tersoc a th. aou'herly IIuj ol a tiaci of ,aiid purchaaed by M. A stratum from Jaue Kuily hy deed, re ordrd at P"E'J rjo'i, ol yoiiiiu. aj, ol th. rcorda of deedi lor aai'l county and atate, nail point beliiK Ul leet north, Jt dun. H lulu, we t Irom the moil wunterly coruar of lot 1, In b ock I, in aald Kadi View Addition, running theuc. on th. norihurly due of aald Promontory ave nue northerly, eaaiurly aud aoutlioriy to th. Inwraecliou with the uoriherly Hue of Hood atreet, ill aald Fall View Addition; Hume aoutheaaierly ou aald northerly line ol nald 11. md atreet to liituri.c th. w.aturiy Hue of Terrace a reut, lu atld Fnlla View Addition ; theuc northerly on aa.d wealerly line of aald Teiraoe atreel to Interaui t the aoiithcrly lluuol Proaeet atrcet, lu aatd Kaila View Ad llllon; thouce norllierly on aula aoutlieny liu. of aald Proapect airuel to Interact tie eaaterly line of Quarry street, lu aald Kalis View Addition; theiio. southerly and westerly ou aatd eaaterly line ol aald Quarry atreut to lutereeot the wester ly Hue of Joliu Q. Adams street, lu snld Falls V iew Addition; theuce unrlliar.y ou aald weat rly Hue of eai l John Q. Adams street to Inter aect the southerly line of Hprluv street, In aald Falla View Addition; thcoc. we.terlynn aald southerly Hue of aald Hprln alrest to interaect the eaaterly line of JcflVr.on atrcet, In said Falls View Ail iition. at a point where said easterly line of Julfcrsou atrcet lulercecla the northerly line of a tract of laud sold by John Myera to Isaac Farr by deed, recorded at pair. M!l, of book Q, oi the records oi doeda for said county and alalo; tneune auuih:aaterly ou said uoriherly line of said Isaio Farr's tract Pi the moat east erly corner thereol; thence southwesterly, trac ing the aiiiitlicaaturly liu. ol aald laaao Fair's tract to the moat southerly corner thereof; tbouce northwuaturly, tracing the southwesterly line of aald Iaaaa Farr'a tract to lutnraact the eaaterly line of Jobn Adams aireet, lu Orexon City ; thence southerly, traclnif the easterly line of said Johu Adam atreet to Interned the hereinbefore mentioned aouiherly Hue of the said tract ol land sold to M. A. Hirattou by Jane Kudy; thence southeast -ny, tracing aald south erly Ha. of said last mentlouel tract to the place of beginning, containing 20 acres, more or leas, Kxoeptlng from said 20 seres tnat tract of about one acre sold by aald C. O. T. Williams and said M. A. Htratton to F. O. MoCown by desd, re corded at paire H In book W, of the reoords of deeds for said couuty. Also th. northerly half of lot 1, in block of said Oregon City, aald northerly half being cut oil' by a line running at right auglea to Main atreet, In aaid elty. Uald property will baaold as a whole, exespt that the northerly half of lot 1, block I, of Ore gon City, will be aold aa a aeparate parcel, and subjeot to a mortgage ol f X,()0t to K. 8. Warren, ou au undivided one-half thereof. H. L Kelly", Referea. L. L. Porter, Attorney. November 27, 1896. 11-28, M7 NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the matter of the eatite of Alexander Mo Garvey, deceased. Notice ia hereby given that the undarslgnsd has flled bla Dual report iu aaid eatate in th. County court ol Clackamas county, Oregon, and the court has fixed January Kill, 1hiI, at the hour of 10 o cloca A. M , as a nay ami tune ior the hearing of objections to aald report, if any there are, and for the aetlleraeut of aaid eatate. Thomas Cii a km am. Admlulatrator. If. E. Crohn, Attorney for the estate. .fcNovembjr 6th, IMS. H-8. C. I Will, HIIKIUFfH rJAI.K. Ill the Circuit Court tit th MUl. nt Oregon for Hi. Voiiny ol Cliickauiaa, Trttatcca ol Hi llantlsl College at McMlntivll ., plaliilllta, va, John M. Drapur, Aurl. M. lira per, V.. II. l iiillcl.l, W. F, lltililiard, F, I1, KilllniK and T. J. Htllea, itcfuinlaula Nlaie of Oicaou, Cntiuly of Clackamas aa. Hy vlnueof a judum.iit order. d erne and all eteciitlnii, duly Issued out of and under the seal ol III. alaiv. eiilHlm! court, Hi the ali iv. an titled eauae, to tn. duly directed, aud dated lb. .'Mh day ol Nuvemli.r. Imn, upnu a Jiidguieiil reudert'd and ottierej In said oinirt oil tit. 7th dayo' NovKitiber, Ift'KV, In lavorol I'ru.ln ol the Hai'tiat Coll.Mc al McMliiu vlilc, plalnllH, an I aga ual John U. Iiraper, Attrle M. Itrapvr, K. tl. Caulield. V. F. Iliililmr l. Y. V. Nutting and I J. Hlllca, (Inli'lldallta, lor til. sum of l,l-il lift, with Internal ilieruoti al III. rale of HI per cent, tier annum, from the 7th dav ol November. I'M, ami th. furllior atliu of Maa aliorncVa iii'S ami lite luriher sum ol fltl, cota and dis bursements, aud tit. en. la ol and upon this wrd, ciuniiinii.tllu in. to milk. sal. of lb. lollowtiig itoaiirllmd real properly, slluat. in theooiiuiy of t lacaatuas, stale oi tireirou, in win 1,01 on. ii), ol IiIih's twviily tun" (.''J), ol lrinll City, Or.- Now, theridorv, t.v virtual of aald .senutl'iu, Jiidgineui order and decree, and lu co'iipliauc. Willi Ute eoininattda of ald writ, 1 will, ou cat urdav, Hi. 2HHi nay of liecemli'r, IMt'i, at the hour ol I o'cliH'k p. ill., at in. (rout diKir uf III. coutily ronrlliouao, In the oily ol Oregon city, III said coiiuiy and stale, S'dl al pttlMIe auction, Mibjecllo le.lo.uplioii, to the liigtical bld'l.r, lor I', n. gold emu, faati III hand, all Hi. righl, till, ami lulera'st which Ilia wlililn natn.d defeml auta, or either id litem, had on lite date of the mortgage herein or lnce had in and til the above dacr!t,eil properly, or any part thereof, lo aallsly aald eaei mum, JiiOginnul oid.r, decree, interval, ooala and all accruing coala. K, C, Maiuhh-K, Hh.rlirof Clackamas Couuty. Hy N. M. Mooiiy, hepitiy, I'ated Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 2 )'. II -, 12 27 rlllF.KIFFD HAI.E. lu th. Circuit Court of lit. Htal. of Oregon fur the Cotlllly ol Clackauiaa. Koliert K.liaml, John Parsons, Alice V. I'araolia, ladni Kuval, 1. A. Iloval. Oamtiud Koyal, Julia M. Iloral, Ktuma MclMualU, i, W. I.lcht.nthal.r, Thoa. F, F. Ityau and Oregon City, d ilvmlanls Htato ol Oregon, I'ouuty ol I. lackantaa, aa llv virtue ol a Jmlgmeul order, decree and an siecutlon. iiulv Isatt. i out ol ami under the saal O' lite above eutltleil tsitirt, iu the almve enlillod cause, lo m. duly directed and dated tn. 2eth day ol Nnvembcr, 1 upon a Judo meiit r udered and eute vd lu aaid court ou the IMhilayc! Noreutlwr laws, lu lavnr uf llohcrl Kellaud, I'laiollir. au l agalnat John I'arxnia, All'. V. P.raons, l.ailru koyal, I. A. Hoyal. Osmund Koral, Julia H Ka , KlnniaM. Donald an i l. W l.lcln 'ittltai.r, de iidauts lor Ih. sum of I'.'liai 2D, With lul.real lhere.ui al III. rat. of a p.' cent, per annum (rum the Iflihday of Novem ber l-aoM, Hi. fiirtti.raum of (Aataaailorii.y'a law, and Hi. luriher auiu ut 17 M, Costa aud dla buraciuenls, and Ihe cost, of .ml upon this writ, otiininaudlug nt. lu mak. sale otih. lol lowing deaenned real property annate lu the Couitlr ol Clack. inaa, M aleot Orent, lo-wit: Lot-4 and ft lu block lu Oregon Cuy, Clack auiaa Co inly, i-laie of Orogoii, Now. Ih.ri'fora, by virtual of said .leotillou, Juilguictit order and d cre. and l'i coiuplianc. th. coinmatids of aatd writ, 1 will, ou Saturday, Ih. 2lh day ol liK-ember I -Do. at Ihe hour f II .11 o'clo a a. in. al the trout o( the County Court Hoita. tu Ihe city of Oregon City In aal'l coituty and atato, se I at pub le anci on, ulilect to redemptloii, to the hi best bid ivr, for 1; d. gold coin, Cash lu hand, alt th rle-hi, title and Inlereat Which the wllblu named defendants r either uf th m, hsd ou the dale of Ute tuurtr -ge hcr-nti or sine, hsd lu .ml tu th. aiaive dacrihed real p'oM,i!y or auy part ttier."f, tuaallaly s.M vxiHMition, Jiidgui.-lil order, dscrc, ID! real, cost, and all acurulug COS'S. listed, Oregon Clly, Or., Nov. alia, l'i, K. C. M AlHiocK, held of Clackauiaa Cuiintr, Oragnn. Hy N, M. Uotaly, lputy. II 12-27. MtMMO.Nr). lu tli. Circuit Court of th. atat. of Oiegon, tor Ciactatnaa eoiiuiy. Fattuie Taylor pialnlllT, va. D, II. Taylor de fendant. To 1). IL Taylor, Ihe above named defendant. lu the name "f the -tat. of Oregon, ou are h.r.hy refjulred tu app.'tr and answer th. coin plaint filed against you lu Ihe almv. .mill d suit, byih. flrat day oi a .iwclai urtn of th.a court nest aoecaHHliug th. esptratton of the lint. praorlhil lor the puhilcallon ol this sum moni, lo-wli: On Monday, lb. 27th day ol Jan uary, ls.l; a id II yuu latl so lo answer lor want Uiereoi the plalntin will apply lo in. oourl fir th. r. lef d. in. mled In Oi. coniplalul, lo-wll: For a deor.e dlaaolvlng th. bond, ol matrimony existing between yon aud th. plaintiff, and for such other and luriher relief aa lo equliyaud go al coiiacleuc. may t erlaiu. pursuant lo au order of Ih. Hon. 1 nomas A, M' lirlila, Jinl.'e of Ih. above eu tilled cuuil. dateJ November 2.'d, l' II F. A ii. W. Hworg. 11-29, I I A llorm ) fur I'Ik'hiIIT. bIIEUIFF'1 HAl.K. In the circuit c nut ol the atnte ol Oregon, for Ihe county of Clackamas J. L. II .rtman a. receiver of the Nnrlhweat I-oan an I Truat Cnmpa y. pla tiilh, vs. K.I). Ilrook and Mm in llieka. ri'-ie-id'Oits. State of Oregon, C-otin y "f ('lackamaa, as. Hy virtue ol a ju gmcnl ord r, decree and an execution, duly I. an -d "ill of and under the s al -I the a' me emit ed court, lu fie above cilillc I cauac, to ma duly ilirecte I and dale! the lath day of NoveinlHr, w, 111...11 a Judg m nt ri-nd'tr--1 and titiirrl In aaid court on the I.M'i day ol Novemi'cr laM. n lavur n! J. I.. Hajtiau, aa receiver of Ihe Nortitweat lioan and I mat Company, plaiuiilT, and avalnat K. I. Mrmiks and huvna llr oas. d Jiendauis, fur the -1 1 r 11 f I'.rjs k. w th interval t u eon al t"e rate of H ier 0 -lit. neranniiin from th. 1Mb dav of Noveui'ier, lU-i, nnl th) uriher auiu of 1:1, oi Is and dla'rtirai'raeiita, a d the coals of and ' port this wrli. cotnniaiid ng m In inaSe sale of tlie following dvacrl'ieil red propert.', situate In the county of C sc. amis, state of Oreon, Ui:wit: Au undlvlilcd ive sixths intcre-t In an I to Hie northwest quarter uf lit I, in blocs 4, In h i town of Mara dc d, lu aald C ackatnaa county, aa platted hy William T. Malloca, and aa shown by the plat theraof reeurded in said c nitty. Nn therefore), hy virtue) of said ex'ciitlon, Jud 'niont order an I necrce, and In compliance ia Ittt -he Commands of .aid wr.t, 1 wil,onat urlay, tne 21.1 day ol December, Wfi, at the hour ol 2 o'clo kp m. ,iitttte fro ( d hv of the ciutitv court otiac. in the cltv of Ore on City, In said county and tate. sail at public auction, ail' Jccl 10 rrOcini'll n, to the IhkIi st bid Inr, for c iall In han I, all the right, title mil interest whlcn the within na ucd il(iiendiiits, or cither of 'hem. had ou the date of the innrlua-'a herein orsluc" had lu .ml to the 'hove described real proper J wr any part thereof, to S'tt afy aald exe cution, iiiiUment i.r or er, dec re), iutervst, Coats and all accruing custa E C NfAtinocg, Khcrlff of (Mackamaa County, Oregon. By N. M. MixibV, Deputy. Da:ed Or gou City, Oregon, November 20, 1H95. II 22, 12-20 NOTICE OF HALE OF KKAL ESTATE. In the County Court of the State of Oregou, for Of County of Ciacka n-is. In the matter of th. eatate of Lucy A, Smith, decease . U 1 ier aulhorltv of an or le' of "ale granted hy the County court uf the atate of Oregon, for tho county of Clacaatna, dated November 4th, 1H9.'i, I will sell at prlvaie-a uth 1 fo'lowliig duanribed real slate: An undlvld d K lutnrcst In the aatU of the sotith-a-t ' of ri.-e. tt, T. 6 8., It. 1 E., (il the Willauietl M .-r:dl 11, conti nlng BO acres, miip or le. a, situate In Ciackamaaonitnlv, Hnti of Ore roil, na e win be male on and after Saturday, tin HOtli day of Novuiier, iHtn, and hi la will ' e rec dvud for thn am by the ittidor Noedy, Clao amta "oiintv, Oreron, or at tli. office of (jeorg j C. llrowuell, Oregon ('ity, Oregon. Terms of aie, o ie-ha f cash u hand, th - ba unce li -ix inn.itha time, aciirel by mortgage on uMinlsns. Krkii T. hhitii, Adininiatrator of the Estate of Lucy A, diuitb, deceased. J. U. Camphkll, Attorney lor Adinlnlalralor. ll-B-12-ti CITATION. In the County Court of tin Htate of Oreron for Clackamaa Couuiy. Io the Matter of th. Eatate of C. B. Hawkins, d-ceaaed. To William Hawkins. Charles W, Rounds, Mary A Weaver and all other, interested lu the eatate of C. H. Hawkins, deceased. In the name of the ntale of Ore 'Oil : You ara hereny rciiirJd to be and appear In the County 'ionrt ol tho Stat, of Oregon firth. County ol Claokama, at tha rooma of the said court at the oounty seat In said county, on Hat urrtay th. '21 day of Nov.mbir, A. D. IBM, al the hour of 10 a. m., then and there to show cause, If anr you hnv, why an ordur s'loulil not be made t isil. the followiug leac itwd prupirly lu accordance wftn tu. DHtitlon flled herein; All of lot numbered .Ix () hlona numlnr.(l one h 11 nd red and aixty-n iij (Hi") of Oregou I City, Clackamaa Cnuutr, a si al of lot. nmn- ojruu iniiriije.i tiai auii uueeu tioj nn'i;i oiotbu (11) an I lot twi (2) of b oca Ci) .! Gladilouo, Clackamaa Ciiiinty, Oregon. Wltneasth. lion. Oor l)ti E. Hays, Jndzeof the county conn of the Hiau of Oreou for Clacliainaa County, tula Zld day of Oi'tobsr, IH'Ji Atteat: UUO. F. 11011TON, Couuty Cl.rk. 0 E. McNeill, Receiver. TO THE ERST (lives tho choice of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNION NORTHERN RY, PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA SPOKANE Minneapolis DENVER OMAHA ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS I-piive PirTthuiil every five iIiivh for SAN FRANCISCO. Flint until train loaves Portland daily nt 8:15 j. in. Tho Pillion local liuv Portland daily including Sunday at 8:0) n. tn, connecting at Kant Portland with S. P. incoming overland train. For full details call on or od dresH, W. H. IIURLIJURT, Gen. PanHongor Agent, Portland, Or. Yamhill River Route. 7 Steamer Toledo, LKAVEM I)AYTO!t. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A. M., reaching Oregon City, for Portland about 11:30 A. M. I.KAVKS I'OIITLANU. Taesday, Thursday and Saturday at 9 A. M. Salmon St. dock, reach ing Oregon City, for uprivcr points alxmt 1 1 A. M. 'llirough trip to Layfetto and McMinnville made when depth of water permits. Freight and passingers rates reiuonahlo. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles. Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments. AH Horse Ailments, AH Sheep Ailments, Penetrates ilurcle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Scat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub In Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquer Pain, Makes flan or Beast well gain. ffit may enjoin the defendant from sell V' tends or borrowing money upon the v .