Oregon City Enterprise. "schedules o f ti M e " (). C.T. HI.'H NTKAMKII. (llonniKr KAMONA, Knlly, K- lHiii,,lay.: LKAVM OHKlllltt CITY. I.MVM ClIITI.A ll ' It Ml , in. - Th Kt- J'AltHANdKH HTKAMKI1, AI.IONA, TN OIITI.Afll, AI.KM A Nil I NI.KCH.M.KNI . I v ('.inland 'ln)l.,r .Irci-t ilcu k lfl (l A II. and li avr. iiri'KMii t:iy ,,r MM 7 r, a, m I ui-arfay, liiirmlay ami Hnlurday. i.rave ln.i . a ;, A M ,, H )( , land Monday, Uedii.-.'lnv and Kil.l.v ilili'lil loll ol fi Kl I Htm-, .h.. ni-rnnin.latl.iiia mi.l rat-s, Nn way Irrmlit lian.ll.. I. Ni.m-lal rts on Ihimiuli lli'lglu. a air r 1 ad in) ivava 11I whtiikhn i-adikn: kaii,wav. NllRTII I'KI, Cllliiriil Kiiirra (llirmiKh) . ? 1 1 a. m. h"l.nr I.,. I (way alalli.iia) .. . I ft 1 p. m, Hali-lll I'aliauni ' 'I SI a. Ill, Bclt'Tal IIIIIINII. IditiitHirit ln-a (wuy aiallniia) K 7 a. in ( alllnriila Ktpmaa iiIiiiiiiiIij 114 11,111 Mad 111 aa u.ur - 4 yi ,, ., I'OMTAI. HCiiKIM'I.K. y ani TimiK hnnc hiuh.ui,. Mall rl.iani ni Nu In, II .) in. .ht 7 p 1.1. Mull -" "Iik h.i nil, a .'.J a. Bi ami 7 p 111 Mall -II Irlliiilcil Iriiin N..r . hi,, ii :. a iil ila I dlt lui 1 In. 111 -mi 1 h , a a, in , , p, ,, a raat anir, riaciair u-ie. Mall rl ai I, if I'nriaiiil ami iu rl'.iill miI la, 1 ii-iit, --ml 4 i' Ill, M i i-lu I. r M.Uaukm only, a 45 a. in 4 41. p 111 Mail r I w a 1 111 III J ;!o ,. ,,,, , ,,, 4 It p III, aiim a-inia, Ori-miii City to Kly.l'arns, Hiilliin, l,llii-ral ami Mi.lall Irawa at li in. -i. arrlvi-a at H in. dally (irnitciii (Mly ti! Hi-aver ( rtn-, Mink. Clark. Mi-ailnw HiiM.k, I ' III-hi Mill., ami I nlli.li.lratt-a HI a . m. Monday. Mc-nclay ami I . Jay, ml mtiiri 1 (..lli.wlm lav at 4 M p. m Oration I lly 1" V'lnla, laia-an ami llt-dland laea llti-..n I lly M.ialay, tti-.lnt-a.lny ami Krl-lay al I Ml p. 111,, Irtvllnc Vlnla taniMlaya at 7:'J a. it,. or h-.ii City In Wit anni'.t", W la uvl a, rrlr al 1' 11 a in, lit. 11 p. in, -1 a ly. l 11 r-l -il vary itxl.iw it up n mi 1111 a lr. 1 ,1 Hi in II a in. A 1 1 it-, r 1 i i 1 111- u li-l ai 1 iin 1 nr l i-ininp ly an I nlT H.in a , aa -.it ntiie it ).. A I Ka.i- r 1 mill iha; l.di-la-d mi 1 lit arrlvou 9 a. 111 , n. I', tr lu ili tj tuv u . U' o t ck nr 4 W 1 wtnr car. JU1I.Y. NdVKMIIKK '.. IK'i.'." Stoi.k A IIuuhk anii IIiik.v. Kuli ertM. Iownty, a iiuw arrival, niw Iiuh l)rlti In lliu nitinly jnll. II coiiiiiuxlulnl willt lixli;iiK in the city juil Hiliiilay ni.'lit, am! M.'inluy timrniiiK wlicn ln wait It-tout by Cliicf ol I'olii-o Harm he miuttrii out in tlio tlim-tioii of tlio com t Iioiiho. Komi Kiijitii-cr Kinimlnl liml ilrovn to town cmly tluit niurnlni:. lie inti-mk-tl to ilrive out to Murqiuiu on tlml tiny. Alter liitcliiiiK liii hore to the ruck ni'nr tlm totirt liotiMe anil went down tlio otrt-ct mill tri te ml ImrlHT lini to Kt nlivo.. While tlii-ru loniu one told him that man wit j driving uir hia linrni- itiul buggy. lie thought they tre only joking, hut when ho i-Miiiii out h (outul tlio diet to be (item rralily. Chlnf of I'olii-e lHirna wna l oiicn notilli-d uml tartfd in purmilt ihih rail road bicvt-Ut. Chitrlni Noblitt alurli-d out on tlio chuf on horm-tntclc mid Mr. Kinnuird "ocuird an oilier horao nut vehicle mid made the dual lly na lie went up the river load. Mr. Noblitl iim the llrat to overlnke Iuwney mid cuiiuM him on the hill this id.i of New Km. The reat of the clmaiiiK party aoon camd up and Downey waa lirtiiiulit back to Ort'Knn Juatice Dixon bound him over in the mini of 1-100 to anawer laifore the Krnnd jury. owmy aitid tlint ho would rather hIimI than lxti, hh I that lie iniended to dia posi) of the aurveyini liiHiriiineniH at the flrat town lui reached, and exiected to diapnr.n of the homo and huy latttr for a hundred dollar". Sli'-ilir Hare arrived fiuin Ihut. t-liy yea tin day afti-rnoon mid returned with hla piiauiier on llm eveninu h"t. liaty ia chaiKed with nlitainiiiK inoney by fiilao preleiiMea, In Ki-lliiiu a check caalied on a Han Fiuih-I-co bank, which wua returned diaimniirrd, a a !,uy had tut funda in "Mi ll liiatlluli'iii. liiitt' U h unlive of Clin UuiiiHi'iiiiiiiy nd w.ia miacd in the vicinity o Molalln ll.iUaaim of An drew .Inckaon liaty, u pioneer of IH 15. Ilia Irieiida triiat he will lm uhltt to ex liicnle hiuiaeir fioin hla troiibli-a, uml there ia u lioaaihilit v I lint ll nun uua tin nud. I'-aiy ia iiiHriied. A TiiANKaoivimi (iirr. The maniiite liieiitnf Hie U'iIIhuii-IIu I'ulii A I'uper Co. In li-ci.Kiiii,ii of the ellii ielil aervicea "f I ! r iloyea dining tlm (mat year pieaenied each man n Hue, fill lurkt-y (nr a TliHiiki-j(ivif dinnpi r ,,H family, Such eviilfiici-a of (tond will 011 the part of the company toward ita employee lenda lo brin about a i-loti fe..!ni of uiuuiiil ii-xponaibiliiy and inton-al, mid will male the men feel Ihal their labor la aiipiei-lnteil and that they aiu not con aidi ii-d na uii-re mucliinea. Hliite Inaiirnure Comiiiiiy Pullrli-a. Tlm Kliilii Inaiiraiice Company, hav ing K"") i'1'" handa of a receiver, Andrew (J. Mitlaten. the only iinllioriw-d aient for Oregon City ami Clackamas ooiinty, haa made arranKemenla for ehanKe of policiea with J, A, Thayer, tt-preaeiilliiK a lending Kuuliali company, and II. T. Kladen, roiireaentiiiK the llarlfiiid and oilier leading American and Kuioiean etiinpitniea. l!iiii(iu your latiiciea loII.T. Hluden, in Harvey ('maa'a ofl'ice, or to J. A. Thayer' oll'n e. AsilllKW (). MAI.aTKN. On-Kon Citv, (Iri-Kon, Nov. 21, 1H1I5. IMaordera in the liver ami kidneya are reapoui-iblu for many of the ailmenta of liuniiiicty, which, when ne(lei:led, de velop Inlo aerioua and often fatal inttla- dii-a. I'rudi ncu would auuxeat the piompt iiaw of I)r. J. II. Mcl-cun'a Liver uml Kidney I i it) 111 to remove the diaorder aa aoon aa lamailile, and reatore the tlim-iiM-d oruiina lo healthy and vin'iroua action. Trite $t per bottle. For aula by C. (. Huntley, druKKiat. Iliicklcn'a Arnica Salve. The beat aulve in tlio world for Cuts. Itruiwa, Korea, l.'lcera, Salt ICheiim. Fever Korea, Tetter, ChapKd handa, I Chilbluiua, Corna, and all -Skin F.rup- tiona, and poaitively t-urea I'ilea or no , pay required. It ia guaranteed to yive j M'rfe-t aatiafactinii or money refunded. For aitln by Charmun & Co. , Charman Ahhtiikh Fi.Kcriuc I-'iiimoiit 1?aii Clnrriice Fiehla, t-niidilctor of I ho K.tat Kidt. Itnilway frelj-bt c.tr alati-a that lutlic haa ao Inereuaeil nf lute by hla line that hiiexpecta aoon to put on another carlo na-ial in the work. In aldiiion to tlie Ou-oii City and Portland Irallic the Iik iiI deiithl aloliK Him line liaa ao In- rram-ii aa to annual Keep one cur imny jroa 'lot, to bundle it Who knowa but Conductor 1 Fl.-lda may yet ull 'into Oregon (lily! Ir. A. 1', Kuwyer Sir: Af'.er auirerinu eai-h tlav a freight tiain huieer thiin that ',,r f""r yeara with ft male weakneaa I of the .S. 1'. Co. j waa puraiiaded by a frientl to try your Paatlllea, an I after uaing them one year, I can av I am entirely well. I can not reeiifiinienrl llmm Iiui litiflilv will have a biief v,e.i.,n, to olwrvej MrH. M. s. ,Wlt ,!ronwjn BotM I hankaclvliiK helm,. tbeiMvaaion for their Itraneh Co. Mich. L'loailiK, Theachimla id Oiegon City havej Kold by (ieo A. llardinn. bad a veryaucceaalnl M-aaon of wt,rk fofj Kr,.H Ciwita.rtTliTlurlfy your , ...tenuaiicraut. ii.ier- , b(MKi ,.,.,. yur ,.,n)t.xil,ni rf.,,lute eatlannKahovethn averau-, and a two- i yolr 1m,w((U ,,, ,I1MKe vr ,,ptt( clear ua rent iroill tile IMHJka Will llol follMJ I . . lM. A I'.iiiik Vacaiios on Tlmraday and Friday of Una week the citv aclioola Jt's not very good! We are vr?ry much din apiMjinted in this lot of Hoau Th'j Hiirnple looked all riht and had a plcaiant odor We liked it bo well that we bought a lot of it. "Verbena and Violet Soap." But itH had. The perfume i what makes it ho, you may like it we don't. We ex pected to cell it at 25 eta. a cake, hut if you'll take it at that price per box, (3 cakes) it'n youra. If not we'll throw it away. Really it's a fair soap. It cleanses and won't hurt the skin any more than Tear's does. C. G. HUNTLEY, Druggist. 25 Cents aiuiaa to either the pupila or teat hen. !c, 50t!., ami aale by tie-). A. Hardinii. a dollar. For Rupture or breach, permanently cured withoui the knife. Addreaa.'for pamph lei and reference. World' I)iaH-naary Mfdlcitl Aaa-a iation, l',uir.iIo, N. Y. HeailiiwhriMik Nawi. MtAiioaaauoK, Nov. Ut. The o.Mlcial iilnir ol our poat titlit-e haa been chanKi-d Irmn MrailtiM' llronk to Mrailowuruok. Tliiilnaa Ionian haa lleivi-l mi thr old I). I l..l . Ua. Thiiratl.; I). Kobe,,.,, t-aik ,lKhl F1i""1 ,,,""!, W"" alerahire .alio. ,lre..e,l ,.,k,.r. io t.,.-... r,,v. Ti, I nd 0,,,er '"the oyater IfrrKaia weiKlit Waa !,'. Ilia. lie rei eiveil 4 ceiila par 111. ' cocktaila at the Nuveltv. HiKlieat caah price paid for second furniture by Parker A Howard, near the depot. Macouisl AND t hnm1. WollKINtl roHTIIK Klkctkiu CoMI'AMK Tlm iniiniiera of the Stmidard Oil Company haviiiK intidu oolloaial fortunea for Ihiimaelvea have evidently decided to give the electric liiiht companies a lift, though they are lining it an in direct manner. The. oil aent by Ihia company to Oregon City Is the moat ex-rcr-ihly atulT ever attempted to bo burned in white miin's lump. If the quality of the kcroaenu handled by our merchanta is not bettered, people will bo couiielled to put in electric 1 i ; lit eyea. Jt ta juat k)mhiIiIii that it coats leaa to niiinufactiire the atull' culled kcroHcne wo lueklcsa mnrtula are try inrfto light. our hoiiaua with and that Mr. Kockafellor is milking an extra effort to save up a pile with which to buv a prince or tluko, as a family news- ity. J. 1). Mrvvim mailt- an eloquent aildreaa to a full Iniua at Hie Can) on t'ret-k Alliance hall In-l Turwlay iiIkIiI on Ilia Hilillt al ia- ilea nf tlia ilay, ami on Wrilneailay avenliiK ) ha aildreaart! in, all l.nt a..rrciiilive audi- j U fj lAPlVCOM met al Mratl.iwlir.Hik aclini.lli. M- tOWH 1 Alaillt llirev wt-rka itn atranxer ralleil " alierilark at Mr. Ktr.iiiiKr-rii'a and a-knl fur Hie loan of a lantern, iuini! lie am from Mulallarii mine to a dance at High land. He fill the lanlrrn tun liaa never re tiirnr.1 It. Carl aaya lie liaa barkrtl hia ahina a aeorr id liinra fur t'.e lack ol a light anil tx-Ka of that Molnllaiir to return aaid Inn-Irrn, Charlrs llolnian liaa put in a liyilniul c ram ami a line ayaieni of water wurk, and laid piK- lo supi.lv water to dwellitia houae, tiaru.Wt:. Hilly Stewart haa iiiov,l Inlo Herbert llulinan'a lioiue Inr the winter. Mra. I.ucy Whit I iiitoii, of Jo-u-pliine county, will keep liouar litis winter for Imt aona, I lie Yiiun hrothera. lix II r i ii. are putting' a dam In .Milk ureek preparatory to puiilii- In a chopper. (ieo. Wlllllauii ia Kiting to apeml Hie win ter al a ltKKiiK camp on the Clackamas r'vr- i'lluKMX. NEW ERA NOT KM. Iti-inbllrn Club HnlilliiK Hi-irnlar Mrrtincir Juatire I'nort Huy, (Jckkn Khtiikr Cantata. Trof. llopron, who has hud large experience in drilling choruaes and operottaa, baa taken charge of this miieicut event, and ull who have booka are retpieated to meet at tho M . E. church on Frioity evening and bring their books for r-hearaul, The rendition will he foa tho benellt vi the Y- M. C. A. gyniiutzium, and the singers will receive great helpin learning to rend mimic and in voice culture. The expenae will be yery elluht for the inirticipitntH, and it is expected to realise a auhatiintial Bum for the Y. M.C. A., which we are expocting to establish. Wantkd. A man or lady to manage distributing soap samples, specialties, do corroaponding. Send Sylvan C, 727 Woodward, Detroit, Mich.. 10c for sum pies soap, etc.. receive outfit offer. In Tboiuii.. Alexander S. Baty, for merly a merchant and postmnHter at Barlow is evidently in serious trouble. Wednesday's Orogonian has the follow ing: "Alexander 8. Baty, employed as Uavellng aaleaman by Feldmari A Cole, residing at The Beverly, wrs arrested Tneaday by Dotectives Griflin and Hols apple on a warrant sent from Astoria. Xkw Kka, Nov. LVt.-The New Kra repub Hi iim club met at llrowu'a school liou-e Inst Sattirtlay evening at 7 o'clock, with J. (i. Koater In the chair. II. A. Waldron was elected secretary pro leiii, to till Hie place vacated by i. I Waldron w!,o ia about to move to Kan Franvlacu, Kpeei-lu-a were ma.le by J. I!. Koater. tiro. Kumlall, II. A. U iilclron, and others. A motion was car rleil to liave a republican club meeting ev- to aave Iheirjeiy f.iurib Hatunlny In each month at 7 o'clock P. M. until the pre.oi.lential election in or until further notice, in New Kra precinct. The meeting then adjourned to meet again on the -ltd ttaturday in Htceni ber at 7 o clin k P. M aliarp, when we will have apeakera from Oregon City. John Albright had tlio niialortune to loae a large line mare not lonn ago. Our Justice of the peace, J. (i. Foster, has tietiu holtling court considerably ol late. It seems as though Hie people have a quan tity of dirty linen of lato to wash through tin' Juslice'aciiHTt. Harry liregory had about ten bushels of wh at Btolon a while buck, (let padlocks, as Hie thieves are not. all gone yet. There waa a pie bocIiiI at Inland's school house last Friday night, but we don't know how the pies sold. Central Point Is counting on haying a so cial some time this week. Fred Miller sold a horse Inst week for the aiim olf.' fill. The grain crops In this pBrtof the county are very slow about coining up, for some reason. They are coining, however. Aa yet there bus been only juat enough rain this lull to wet the ground ao it can I be plowed well. The dry illrt comes up in some places yet. We have seen or worthy sheriff In this neighborhood but a few times since his fleo Hon to olllce. Ia this such a bad neighbor hood that he ia afraid to come back to it? Warner Grange P. of II. metal their hal' In New Era last Saturday. Mr. Andrews did some Insuring for some of the grangers here. The namea of Bud Hnilili and Ruel Doughty were proposed for membership. We will all be grangers or hayseeds in tune. Bicycles, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing- Machines, . 1 t I 1 1 m fni an Kimi ot small ma chines put in good order. No work lo difficult to undertake. Trices reasonable. Shop on Seventh St., near depot. For a regular 50 cent cloth bound book good paper good type good binding. There are about 100 Titles You would better make your choice now: they won't wait for you at this price. Huntley's Bcok Store. Oregon City, Ogn. PLOWS I r- H rt -;.Vi-."'-.'. i .. '1 J'-:t- 1ln Improved Chilled Plow No. 40 . . . Best all Service Plow on the Earth. Thos. Charman & Soa OREGON CITY, : OREGON. Reasonable Prices. V- HARRIS STAR GROCERY Dealer in GROCERIES, CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED, ETC. C P LOONEY, . . . Dealer in . . . CHOICE HAY, STRAW AND FEED. General Express. Job Work and Moving. Stand opposite Suspension Bridge. Tamales... Dish for a King. Oysters, In any style. Cold Lunches, Always ready. Hot Coffee, With fine cake Give us a trial. Next door Albright's Meat Market. C. F. WHITTINC&Co. to F. F. WHITE. W.A.WHIT. WHITE BROTHERS The Queen of Fashion THE FASHION PAPER OF THE OAT. Superb, Strictly Up-To-Date Designs, Illustrations and Fashion Notes. Reliable, Bright and Clean. A year't subscription for Only 50 Cents, including, free, your choice of any one of the Celebrated McGall Bazar Patterns, and all patterns to subscribers Only 10 or 15 Cents. Send a a-cent st.inip for a sample copy to TIIK M. ALL f-O.XIIMKV. 4(i baat 1 lib Hi., Kew York, Practical Architects $ Builders w ill prepare plana, elevatlona, worklux de- t.lls, and specifications for all kinds of build ings. Special attention given to modern cot- tasges. Estimates furnished on application Call on or address WHITE BROS Oregon City, Ogn Wheat an j onU & Sod's. wanted at Cliaiman J Scientific American Afjency folA CAVtlTI. DESIGN PATIMT. CDava ir-ura u i?UT!,J 7" "V, Handboolt writ to ril boreao Inr mnrtng patanta In Amarlna. lOrerr patanl takan out hf na la bmiwht bafora Ui pukiia Lf a uuuoa girw fra ol oliacga U Um T,J 'lalnn of anTtclmtll)irarn tt world. Splen.UUlf llluauaiaal. ho InuJlieaa inaa snmild b wlthous It. Waekir Sinn & wi HJOtii nmthv ;mC TirTViNVoa! RUPTURE Instantly Relieved and Permanently CURED WITHOUT Knife or Operation, Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Three to Six Weeks WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Orrion: Rooms 700-707, Marquara Building PORTLAND. OREGON. .. . . . rv " .J- m i lu.uu P ff tow wae the Petaloma Incubators a Broorierl. lil.tke money while others are waating time byolil pitarraaea, Catalugteilaall about it anddcscTiht a every article needed for tin poullry buainess. til iSPafre I v tia Iltustrated ( The "ERIE" mechanically the best We are Pacific Coast Aeenla. Bic--cle cta- lojrue,mailedfree,girea MWVsrrlotlon prlrea, etc.,OHNTwirn'r5.f PETALUHA IHCUBATOK C0.,Fetsiama.Csi. I Bkancu lloi sn, hi S Main St., Loa AajcleaJ Qfegon Citi) Hogpitel... .CLADSTONE PARK... J Conveniently of access and pleasant located. W Free from the noise and dust of the city. '1 I . rl jj Skillful nurses and every convenience of a first 1- Cj 1 t -..1 'M ciass nospuai. n Sj Ample room that patients may have quiet- jl M ness and rest. Special rooms fi for ladios. fi M 3 fj Services of the best physicians of the county n in attendance. TERMS REASONABLE i Address MISS M F I IIRlfFR CIIPT Zi OREGON CITY, OR. , A YOU NEED f DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING, Or Building Material? Go to C- H- BESTOW- -Lowest cash prices ever offered for- FIRST - CLASS - GOODS. Also combination wire and picket fence, HARTMAN - STEEL PICKET - FENCE. And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times. Shop Opp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. Do ou Need a Legal Blank? The ENTERPRISE lias the only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent POSTAGE PAID at Portland Prices to Your Address.