Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
t v Oregon City hntcrprisc. uiikhon city IKKII H.ltr. i"rm.i "irs1 .'it 'I , h , i mini (km K, lliiriin K H Cnllll II. I.. Iliiln K. I. ii 111 h !. l , J i W. II. Ilnwi-ll II. II. I llllM.ll Mnifiir. Mwmrih-r, lhll ill I'lillcn Mt'iimr, Tri-amircr, lilly AMui ny, ll'rrl't t'illlllllniilnlH'r( Hiip'l. ill Wmnr Wurka, Hiy Kiik 1 urir. ''Mllli'llMIlt--ll, v., Hlt-Vl'll lini, liriinuliliili. J. J. I'mikl. Ill'llj .lliirt(iir, Murk Howell, It. I. 1'iiilnr, 1 1 1) ti r y Mi'liliiiin, J. W, Mulltill. l.oiihrll iiiKiit n rat rt o.lliin.U) iifosi-h tiiulilli III oily Iml! ' KKll'AY, novi;miii;u hi, imr. CHAT ADOUT TOWN. mi ci', ni:s- New Citron, New luiisius, Heedless I C it i m i ti rt , ( (rii iik' I '' ' ll'IIHHI I'eel, Washed -nrrtititM, l'lirti Hpli'i'M, Miiini Meal nil ready (or lliu oven, I'., K. WillUniH, Tim (inx-cr. I.adica capes at Churiiiaii Nuii'n. Money to limn on Improved farms. V,', II Hubardl. J,eavo your order for an oyster loaf at tlit Novelty candy storo. Tim best plows In tliu roiitilrv (or salt) at Thomas Churiiiiin A Hon'. If you want sewinit iniicliino for -.' Xu to Hcllomy A llnsi h's. Masks! Masks! Musks! All kinds at Him Kaikct storo. Tim latost in visiting tarda at tlin Kn- TKKPKIKK HfriCK. I'rllf S tl BUlt yoU. I.ahi-s. Now Htixk of all kinila just received. I'liiB liaiitfiiiK lamp lor l---r-Noo Ili'lloiny llusch. Oyster will l servod throughout llui ncasott at the Novelty candy storo in all atylt'H, liicltiiliiiK Hut Itlooiimr. Call ami IiiNMct our linn of tinware. I'arkorA Howard, 7lh street, near tlin )0, For clean, white futton ratf ft cent kt jHiuiid cash, will lu paid at Tiik Ks- TKIII'ltlHK ullll'lt. Krt-nli oysters will complete your Sun day dinner. Iavo your order at the Novilly candy store. Order dollvorod. Katon caps in tlit) lull-fit color at the Racket store for 2' anil :I0 cent. Krosh vt'iii'lalilfa from Maplowood farm dthvtrti to all part of tint city. Illank nolo, receipt and ordttr book at the Kntkri-rink office. Tim first blacksmith shop that farmer pawt in coininu to Oregon City la that of Muplt) A Iloirinun, ut the junction of the Seventh street road and Main lmt. There la no class of work they cannot liandlo and at reasonable priced. Thty have an fxs-rt hotse-shocr and Kuaran ttvt nut infrn t ion . Juki rt'rt'ivt'tl direct from the Kant a full lino of tfcniilntt Foster kid lovea which wo will ho pleased to show the ladies of Oregon City. All new shades. lon't forget the pluco. The Harkot atore. Ir. A. 1', Sawytr: 1 have had Khcu liiallHiu alnce 1 waa L'O yeara old, hut ainctt uainit your Family Cure have la-en tree from it. It alno cured my hiiHhand of the nit mo dimiaau, Mr. Hoht. Connelly, Hrooklyn, 1. Sold by (i. A. Ilunlintf. Notice. Notice la herehy nivcu that a mcelinn of the Oregon City union of the Y, 1'. K. C. K. will ho held at the Congrega tion church on the evening of Thursday, IVcrmlier 12. lH'.i!i, for the purpono of mitkiug propariitioiiri for the 8 tit to con vention to lu held next May in Hum city. A program will he prepared to occupy a part of the evening. All niemhcra ure reii-nted to ho prt-Hc nt. I!y order of Committee. There la no medicine ho often needed in every home und no admiruhtv udupted to the purpoNoa for which it in intended, ns Chamberlain's Pain Iialm, Hardly a week pwHKea hut Homo member of the family has need of it. A toothache, or heiiihtchn may ho cured hy it. A touch of rheumatism or neuralgia quieted. The severe pain of a burn or scald promptly treated huforo inllammution sets in, which insurea a cure in about olio-third of tho time othurwiso required. Outs and bruises should 4-et-elvo imme diate treatment before the parts become swollen which can only ho done when I'ain Halm is kept at hand. A soro throat may ho cured before, it becomes serious. A trouhlcsomo corn may bo removed by applying it twlco a day for a week or two. A lame buck may bo cured and several days of valuable time saved or a pain in tho side or chest relieved without pitying a doctor bill. Procure a 50 cent bottle at onc-e ami you will never regret it. For flalo by U. A. Harding, Druggist. STR. RAMONA Leaves Oregon City daily except Sunday 0:00 a.m. - - 1:110 p.m. LouveB Portland daily, except Sunday 11:00 a.m. 3 :H0 p. m. Round Trip, 3(c, ( ITIZK.N N CONVENTION. Inge J nt lii-rliig at I'miii'' .Mmiliiy Mr'it. Hull Pursuant to cull a huge number of cit izen gathered Ht Pnpe'd hull Monday evening to iiominiile niiiiliiliilcn dirtily olllcera to be voted for at tho city flec tion In he held next Monday. The meet ing was culled lo Older by lr. V. K. Carll. On motion of Henry Mi-ldrum lr.Carll was made permanent chair man, who Htated that It wua truly a citl- .rnV coiivention ; that cr I nor politics wits not tukeii into ciiiisiderittloti in the deliherulions ol this bodv ; he said that citizenship meuns politlt-al freedom mi-Iraiiimeli-il hy Hi-clurliiniHin ; that a man should deem it nil honor to fill the ollicn of mayor or councilman of his native city. On motion A. It ( was o)c-t"d secretary and J. M. Lawrence was made assistant secrt-luty. Churles Alhiight and 8. H. (irrt-n were appointed tellers, On motion it was decided that the voting be hy ballot, and was amended requit ing each voter's name to Itti registered, In order to preclude any possibility of ballot box shilling. The chairman announced that nomi nations for inuyor were In order, where iiHin I.. L. Porter placed the tiain of K. i. Canlleld in nomination, and V. It Hyde presented (ho name of Hiram Straight, the present Incumlient. Can Held received 11U Voles, Straight 137, scattering, 1. Clyde Huntley, Hosi Holman, II. E. Straight, and F. T. Parlow were placed In nomination for treasurer. Huntley and Hohnitn both declined, leaving the field to Harlow and Straight. Straight received 130 votes and Uarlow 72. It was announced that nominations for cotincilmeii were In order. On mo tion the vot.-rs of the first ward gather-d on the south side of the hall and the vo ters of the second ward assembled on the north side of the room. J. V. O'Connell was electfd chair man of the first ward convention, and T. P. ltundall, secretary. W. A. Hunt ley and C. II. Canlleld were appointed tellers. Rudolph Koerner, llenjamin Jaggar and J jhn Hit trior w ere placed in nomination for cmineilmen. The ballot reunited us follows: Koerner 74, Jaggar .riH, ltitner 20, scattering 1. In the second war-l conventloii ti. A. Harding waa elected chairman and W H. Wiggins aecrutary. A. II. lira ham and V. It. Charman were appointed tellers. The olllce looked long and hard fur the man in this ward, and the nomi nations were all made in the first ward before the second ward people fairly got down lo business. After altotit 2,') ersons hud declined to he candidates for rotincilmen, the following names were balloted iijoii with the accompany ing result: L. C. Caples 1', H. J. Harding -II, J. Kuertin 23, St-coro 10, Mack Howell 12, William Straight 10, II. E. Harris 11, T. M. Ciault 17, (ileason 1, Nohlett 1, Ilioughton 1. The citiaen'a ticket reads as follows, aa noinlnuted at Monday night's conven tion : Mayor, Hiram Stiuight. Treaniier, lliiitin E. Straiiiht. Coiincilmen that ward. Kudolph Koer ner and Itenjiimln Jiu-gitr. Coiiiicilmeu second ward, Henry J. Hunting ami J Kuertin. Before the convention aiij itirncd the eliai.m.iii announced the following citi tens central committee: Frank T. (irillilth, Henry Meldrum and Joeeph E. Kice. Til K rANDIIIATKH. The following is a brief sketch of the nominees of the convention : Hiram Straight, candidate for mayor, conducts a grocery store on Main and Eighth streets. He was born and raised here in tho city and is ho well known that he needs no further introduction II. E. Straight, the nominee for the ollico of treasurer, is a clerk in Pope A CoV, hardware storo and makes his home with his widowed mother to wIiobo support he largely contributes. Ho is a bright, honest, industrious young man and is in every wav capable to fill the position to which he aspires. For couiicilmen in tho First ward, Benjamin Jaggar and R. Koorner are the candidates Mr. Jag gar is one of the letding canituliats of Oregon City, while Mr. Koerner r sopoiintondont of the Oregon City Wollun Mills. For councilmen in tho Second ward, Henry J. Harding and Joseph Kuerten. Mr. Harding owns a grocery etoro and bakery on Main street und is one of the old anil well known residents of Oregon City. Mr. Kuerten is superintendent of the Oregon City Soap Woiks and has been a resident of the city for several years. Muriied, on Wetlnesduy, November 27, at.the Congregational parsonage, Ore gon City, by Uov. J. W. Cowan, D. D. Miss Arvillu Swift to Mr, E. Wills. Miss Swift la a well-known ludy of this city, whilo Mr. Wills is a prosperous farmer residing at II luck Hog landing, on the WillumoUe, near Albany. Mr. and Mrs. Wills left Thursday morning for their home. Eighty-nine Companies Fail. Fire companies generally, ofl'ering first-class indemnity with large capital and surplus behind their contracts, make no money on farm risks in Oregon, and average only 5 per cent, piofit on Oregon business as a, whole. The reason la clear. The Coast Hevlew welcome tho pro"f!ctl Funner' Fire Relief mutual ami prepares to add its name to tho Cal ifornia Fiiritn-M mid the Washington Farmers, and the California Fire ltel ef, and t-ihty-ilx other defunct Pacific Coast mutual assessment Hie, fire andac ciilent associations, Wife Here's an account of a man who shot himself rather than stiller the pangs of Indigestion. Husband The lool ! Why didn't he take DeWitt' Little Fatly Risers? I used to sillier us bud a he did before I commenced taking these little pills. Not-xctiKO lor sli-cplcs night when you can procure une minute ioiigo Cure. This will relieve all annoyances, cure the most severe cough ami give you rest and health. Can you afford to do without it? One minute Cough Cure it rightly named. It aflords instant relief from suffering when alllictt-d with a severe cough or cold. It act on the throat, bronchial tuts-, ami lung and never fails to give Immediate relief. Coughing Irritate the delicate organs ami aggruvutt-8 the disease. Instead of waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It helps ut unco, make expectoration easy, reduces the soreness and influmation. Every one likes it. One Minute Cough Cure is a popular remedy for croup. Safe for children and lulls. J. N. Harrington, Ci. W. (irace and W. H. Savane, of Mountain View Hose Company at Ely, haye been formally ad mitted to the hoard of fire delegatea of the Oregon City fiie department. The department is now thoroughly organized and eiiiipMtd to do thorough service in every part of the city. II . C. Salisbury resigned hi position as assistant chief engineer of the Oregon Citv fire depart ment, on account of his removal to Glad stone. If. W. Trembath was elected as his successor. If the muddy accumulations get much deeper on Main street the brick pave ment will soon be hid from view. The present method of cleaning street is an apparent failure. Unless some prompt meaaure are taken the mud will he shoe mouth deep whtm the rains get fairly started. D. S. M. Fret well, manager of the Shore Medicine Company, had another hearing before Justice Dixon lust Friday on a charge of practicing medicine without a license. Ik-puty District At torney L. L. Porter conducted the pros ecution, and Hon. J F. Caples repre sented the defendant. The cause came on for a hearing at 10 a. m., and it was midnight before the case was concluded. Fretwell was fined (100, which he de posited subject to a possible appeal to the circuit court. E. M Rinds, formerly postmaster of Oregon City, and who hits been editor of the Vancouver Independent for the past year, has .!i"poed of his interest in that journal to his former business partner, Mr. HuHois. The IndeiH-ndent is one of the leading journals of Vancouver, and is doing a good business. Mr. K inds re tired on account of ill heulth Mixsrs. White Brothers ate preparing plans for lha new engine house to be erected on John Quincy Adams street, near Seventh. The building will be two stories in height. The Mount Lebanon Shakers have re cently perfected an ingenius cure for dyspepsia. Thoir Digestive Cordial con sists of a food already d:gnsted and a digeslor of foods happily combined. The importance of this invention will he appreciated when we realize what a proportion of the community are victims of some form of stomach trouble. Thou sands of pule, thin people have little inclination to fit, anil what thev do eat causes them pain and distress. This Digestive Cordial of the Shakers correct any Btomach trouble at once. It makes thin people plump. Every one will bo greatly interested to read the little book which hus been placed in tho hands of druggists for free distribution. What is LAXOL? Nothing but Castor Oil made as palatable as honey. Chil dred like it. White Brothers are putting on the fin ishing touches to A. S. Dresser's new residence. He intends having a six room cottugo erected on the adjoining lot. The same firm nre preparing plans for tho new engine houso to be erected on John Quincy Adums street, near Seventh. Electrle Bitters. Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gen erally needed in the spring, when the languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish, and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting or freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache, indigestion, constipation, dizziness, yield to Electric Bitters. Only 50 cents per bottle, at Charman & Co.'s drug store. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of alt In leavening Strength.. 8. Qovtrnment Report Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report I 4CSOLUTEE.Y PURE TIIK nil' LLKCTIOX. Who VoW-tl For Ward lliiiinihirleit Puling I'Iiicch HoiiriOpeii. j On Monday of next we k will take place tiie annual election of oflicers for Oregon CHy. A mayor is to be elected for one year, two coiincilmun, each, from the First and Second ward, to hold oflice for two years, and a treasurer for one yeur. The recorder is elected by the and the marshal appointed by thi! mayor. The olllce of assessor hat been ah'tlishwd since county, city an 1 school aHsesnmunt are nude by the county assessor. The First ward embraces all that piit of the city south of Seventh street and west of the old Molulla road. The Second ward embraces all that part of the city j north and east of this line. The polling place in the First ward will be at the Cataract engine house and for the Second ward at the Fountain engine bouse. The polls will be opened at 9 j o'clock a. in. and remain continuously open until 7 o'clock p m. of that day. To Km a qualified voter a person must have resided within the city for six months and in the ward 10 day prior to the election and must be a qualified voter of the state of Oregon. The ballot ing is by the Australian system. The newly elected oflicers will assume their duties on the first of January. Oiwego Not i. ()WKio, Nov. 27. A gloom oj sadness was iprrad over our little town last Friday hy the receipt of the news from Cascade Locknof (he ) tat h of Charles Morel, an old renlili'iit of Owpgo. Mr. Morel had been working at the locks since taut sprint;, his family remaining in Osneiro. On last Thtirtiay nit;lit he and two fellow workmen were doing some drilling near a trolley rar track. The car came along loaded with wood and Mr. Morel in stepping back lo get out of the ay of the car mimed his footing and fell into a hole fifty -six feet deep, the back of his head striking upon the rocks causing instant death. B. F. Creek brought the remains home 8lurlay. A funeral sermon was preached Sunday at 11 o'clock in the M. E. church by ltev. C. M. Bryan, Rev. A. E. Avers assisting in the servica. Pig Iron Lodge No. 1S5. A. 0. J. W'., had charge of the funeral, and at the grave ren dered the beatitllul and Impressive funeral ceremony of tlis order. Mr. Morel was a memlierof the M. E. church, also of Pig Iron Lodge No- 135, and of Council No. 2, A. P. A. He leaves a widow and two chil dren a boy of seven and a girl ol fifteen, who have the sympathy of the entire com inuniiv in their hour of sad bereavement. A masquerade ball will be given at Alliance hall in Canyon Creek on Christ mas night. Music will he furnished by Jack Ringo and Geo. Ball and a fin-i ovter supper will lend an able support to the excellent mipic. Tickets includ ing supper will be 73 cents. The affair will be under the management of Ralph and Clarence Young which is a guaran tee that it will be a success. Tiles of people have piles, but Pe Witt's Witchhazel Salve wilt cure them. When proterly applied it cures scalds and burns without the slightest pain. De Witt's Little Ejrly Risers for bili ous nes, indigestion, constipation. A email pill, a prompt cure. NEVER TOO LATE TO MEND the bad habits and early vices of young turn and their dis astrous consequen ces. Young men and old men, those who suffer from nervous debility and exhaustion, the wasting away of the vital strength and power from hidden drains or intemper ate habits can readi ly find relief for. body and mind by writing the World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, of Buffalo, N. Y. They employ a full stalT of physicians and Specialists, who treat at a distance by correspondence or at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo, all this class of diseases. Those who suffer from low spirits, irritable temper, a "broken-down" nervous sys tem, and such distressing symptoms as backache, dizziness, shooting pains in head or chest and indigestion, sexual excesses or abuses, all the result of exhausting dis eases or drains upon the system, will find a permanent cure after taking the special rrescriptions sent them from the Invalids' lotel and Surgical Institute. This associa tion of medical men have prepared a book written in plain but chaste language, treat ing of the nature, symptoms and curability, hy home treatment, of such diseases. The World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors of the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., will, on re ceipt of this notice, with io cents (in stamps for postage) mail, sealed in plain envelope, copy of this useful book. It should be read by every young man, parent and guar dian in the land. The Key to the Situation if you suffer from Sick or Bil ious Headache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, or anyderangeme-itof the stomach, liver and Dowels is Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Mildly and gently, but thoroughly aud ef fectively, they cleanse, renovate and reirulate the entire svstera. One little " Pellet " for a genUe laxative three for a cathartic. They're purely veire table and perfectly harmless : these tiny, sugar-coated granules of Dr. Pierce. t?3 Worn I HEAD QUARTERS For staple groceries, aB v Fancy groceries. Fresh and dried fruita Conflict ionery and nuts Hams, bacon, and lard I!aHkt-t8 and stoneware E. E, Williams, The Grocer. Last Sunday morning a little girl came up on one of the Fust Side Railway cars , to attend the M. E. church. The car' did not stop at the corner, and the little if i rl jumped off the car in front of T. F. J Ryan's cilice. She fell to the ground : and after lifting herself out of the mud ! limped slowly toward the church. She ! was probibly not seriously hurt, but it is dangerous business to jump off a mov- ing cr Mrs. R. Prior has received an elegant line of holiday goods, fresh and new, and carefully selected, consisting of dolls, toys and articles just the thing for l holiday presents, Don't make your pur have examined Mrs. chases until you Prior's stock. Its worth your while if you need any thing in glass or crockery ware, tubs, brooms, wash-boards, lamps, tinware ect., to visit Marr A Robertson's store, they are clearing out the R. Staub stock at cost. Diseases unfriendly to women are positively cured by Dr. Sawyer s Pastil les. Ask your druggist for a free sample package. It heals and cures. Bold by Geo. A. Harding. llccciver's Notice Notice to Policy-Holders of State Insurance Co. Favorable arrangements Lave been made with the Flrtial rntitoract Imwi For the substitution of policies of the STATE IXSUKAXCECOMPANY, with out loss to the assured. Before canceling vou policies, call on agents of the FIREMAN'S FUXD IX STKAXCE COMPAN Y. Edmond C. Giltner, Receiver of the StatelnsuranceCompany Bring your policies to F. E. Donaldson, Agent FIREMAVS FUXD INSUR ANCE CO. at Oregon City. Oreeon. v SCHOOL SHOES V. FOR Vt STRONG STYLISH fj SHAPELY TVC.I.I.-K1AUt, We have them at prices from a8BHaBaBBaBamsinaai,Br,ii3Raaaaa "ALL THO MAGAZINES IN ONE." TT HW0F -. -.. ?. ?. .. -a A A . Edited by HE name implies, jives in readable form the best ft. great magazines a'i over . jr ",e world, generally on the same date that they . . - are published. With the recent extraordinary I incrnse of worthy periodical, these careful iw'! reviews, summaries, and -;,T' quotations, giving the gist of periodical litera- ture, are the subscription price. Aside from these departments, and contributed features cf the Review or Reviews are themselves equal in extent to magirine. The Editor's "Progress of the World" is an invaluable chronicle of the happenings of the thirty days just past, with pictures on every page of the men and women who have made the history of the month. Tbt Literary World says: "We are deeply impressed from month to month with the value of the ' Review of Reviews, which is a sort of Eiffel Tower for the survey of the whole field of periodical literature. And yet it has a mind and voice of its own, and speaks out with decision and sense on all public topics of the hour. It is a singular combination of the monthly magazine and the daily newspaper. It is daily in its freshness ; it is monthly in its method. It is the world under a field glass." Sold on all News Stands. Single Copy, aj cents. fcRB'IEW-REYlEVS 13 Astor Place, New York. Cold Weather.... The weather harpn say that thin fine weather is to lie followed by cold, wet weather. Bail Colds- Will then be in order, for many people will neglect to put on Warm Under Clothing. We have an extra fine ansortment in fleece lined, French ribbed wool, flannels, knit goods, pure wooIb and natural wool. All weights and grades. Glass & Smyth -The Clothiers. FOR SALE OR TRADE. House and two acres near Park Place. J. K. GROOM, 482 East Pine St. Portland, Oregon. A. W. PHILLIPS, EXPRESS AND DELIVERY. Prompt attention to hauling to any part of Oregon City. Moving attended to promptly and carefully. Special rates given on hauling to and from Gladstone and Park School Children et Should be 1 TV CLL-r I I I INU, W tLL-Wt AM I NU VV- IT 2i 3 x 2 n j a. y i3 ii:1:-Jl tt -. t-.) fee) . V:) Hi V. v. v. fea") feisj V. NiW Vr) feW few few few few few "few few V6W VW few few v.w .w vw V.W "few V.W few V;W few few ALBERT SHAW. REVIEW OF REVKWS, as its FIVC MONTHS FOR $I.OO. SUBSCRIPTION alone worth $2.50. the editorial THREE RECENT SAMPLES 25 cents. Agents find it the Jlost Profitable flagszine. v.w