Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1895)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THK ENTEItl'KISE (ORRESrOSl). EXTS SWEEP THK HELD. Fit CHnillilatea for the Reform School A Hot City Election Coniliijj On EIS Hunters iflelil. Cakby, Nov. 27. Tli new aiilewalk along First street is completed aiul is a credit to the city. One Uy lust we?k Hire boys, Charlie Kaueh, Irviti Wheeler ami Bert Wheeler, attending the public school in district No. 8t, commonly known as the " Phelps chool," formed a conspiracy to the etl'tvt that should the teacher have occasion to punish one ot the three boys for miscon duct that the others would assist their school male in resisting the teacher's ef fort at correction. They carried the plan into execution and threshed the teacher. It eenis that in the midst of civilization the lark a;rs ill sometimes show their traces. The boys ought to be sent to the reform chool. if reports are true. Dr. M. H. White and family now occupy their new home in Canby. City politics are now at their xenitb. Two tickets nominated and both sides confident of Tictory, On the Kith there was a meet ing called for the purpose of nominating city officers to be voted for December 4. They called themselves " the citirens." They placed in nomination for mayor the present incumbent, V. L. Mark; for coun oilmen, H. C. Gilmore, W. W. Weed, Geo. Knigut, jr., and II. A. Vorpald, and George Knight, en., for treasurer. On Monday, the 25th, the "Independ ents" met and nominated for mayor II. A. Lee, for councilmen, 0. W. Sturges, F. Hampton, Joseph Knight and James Pheg- ley, sen., and for treasurer James Hodges, It would not be sale to predict the result. Miss Lena Parker, the young lady elocu Uonist, sill entertain the people of Canby on the evenings of the 2Sth and 20th of No vember. All ought to bear Miss Parker. At a meeting of the school board last Sat. unlay evening Uiss Mary E Dobyns, a sis. ter of V. H. Dobyns, was elected to teach the primary department in the Canby schools. A party, consisting of D. R. Dimick, K A, Rosen krans, and others, started last week for the Cascades to hunt for elk. Of course they will kill a great many. The little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Irvine is seriously ill. Mabel Knight eldest daughter of Joseph Knight, has so far recovered from her late illness as to be able to attend school again. The "Ghost Fan Drill" has come and gone. The drill was carefully prepared and was well presented to an appreciative audience. H. A. Vorpahl has entered suit in Justice Foster's court against Reuben Fanton on a promissory note. W. H. Dobyns repre sents the interests of the plaintiff. D. W. Howard sued out an attachment sgainst the hops in possession of George Knight and belonging to M. Reinstein, of Portland. W. H. Dobyns, of Canby, and C. N. Wait, of Portland, represent the plain tiff" in the case. The action will be tried be fore Justice L. D. Shank in Canby at I P. M. on the 30ih of Not ember. There is a water famine on a small scale in Canby, most of the wells in town being at a very low ebb. Millard Lee, ("Eli ' in bicycle circles) is at present residing with his father, Albert H. Iee, in Canby. Mrs. W. W. Weed is vlsitingin Hillsboro. tMiss Bertha Sumner, one of our popular teachers, came from the examination of teachers with a brand new first grade certif icate. --Errin Hosford has opened a boot-blacking office, and is ready to " shine 'em up" on short notice. Fred Zeller, of Caseco, Oregon, made Canby a visit during the week. W. H. Dobyns made a trip to Portland on legal business last Saturday. He reports business very good in bis line. school at 11 o'clock every Sumliiy in German language here. Rev. Davis is holding a revival meeting at the Samson sehoolhouse, three miles east of here. An averngeof siity people have been present each night. There will be a gnnid ma.-iue ball given at Wiggins' hophouse Thursday, the 2Mb. Good music and supper, tickets 7S cents. W. II. 11. Hair is siudving to be a doctor. He is going to the medical college, Sun Francisco, next summer. Albert Moshbcrger made a business trip to Oregon Cily last week. Nirnv, Nov, 2ti. F. F. Terry has moved his family from Molalla to his residence here, and is fixing up his store building to receive a slock of goods in about a week or ten days. We wish Mr. Perry success at Needy. C. G. Hull ins. n is building a blacksmith shop on the site of the on recently de stroyed by lire. All his material and tools were saved. All the boys in the neighborhood have been saving up tin cans, buckets and cow bells (or a wedding that is looked for every dav. The debating society here is a grand suc cess there being some able speakers here. The question last Friday night was, "Re solved, That there is more pleasure in pos session than in pursuit." The affirmative won. Julius Morelaud has been appointed post master here. He is a very accommodating postmaster. Everybody is glad to see Julius at Needy again. D. W. Kinnaird, the county surveyor, passed through here on his way to Mar quam Monday. Dave was feeling rather blue. Bobby Divinne is here painting and pair ing the store building for F. C. Perry. The nigh;.; are getting chilly, but the sun conies out almost every day and warn s things up a Utile. Niiu. KKPUND NEWS, Strong Temperance. Movement-Preparlm tut I'll rutin as, Logan Locals. Loo ax, Nov. 24. The Logan literary so ciety was organized at the third attempt, and the question, " Resolved, That the in vention of machinery is a benefit to the la boring classes," was chosen for discussion Friday evening; but the greater attraction of the lecture on "Love, Courtship and Mar riage," drew all to Tracy hall. This lecture was the last ol the three given by Prof. H. T. Griffith, the phrenologist. Wednesday evening the A. P. A. was to have had an entertainment, but they postoned it indefi nitely in favor of the professor. His lecture Thursday evening on Character abounded in facts and advice well worth remembering. The professor will long be remembered by the mirth-loving people of this vicinity. Fred Brown and his mother returned last Monday frem their visit to Mehama, bring ing his sister Nannie and family with them. Miss Lizzie Wilson is again away from home, Mrs. George Trotter arrived from Kansas today, the was met in Oregon City by Miss Maggie Hampton, and will visit another sister here, Mrs. M. W. Bake.-, for awhile. Fred Gerber and family are recovering from severe colds. Mr. Robertson has been quite sick. Several Loganites attended services In the Hatten district today. Revival services are to commence in the Logan church December 1. The recent school election resulted in placing M. W. Baker in the vacancy created by the resignation of George Gibbs. Our worthy postmaster, J. H. Brown, has commenced the erection of a new house. George McConnell is replacing hi house which was destroyed some time ago by fire. George Gill is steadily improving. i'ZARI.. U upland, Nov. 25. The Red land people are watching the Oregon City reform and temperance movement with sympathetic Interest. Yesterday there, was a temperance rally in the lw Sunday schools, and amid great enthusiasm tl. C. Armstrong pro duced a temperance pledge and the voting folks flocked up to sign it. Forty-eight names were placed upon the roll-a pretty good start, ami a number have been heard to express a determination to add their names. There were addresses on temper ance by W, M. Stone, 0. C. Armstrong, H. D. Johnson and B. K. Courtwrlghl, May the reform movement prosper. The Presbyterian and M. E. Sunilav schools will unite in getting up a Christmas tree and entertainment in the Methodist church Christmas eve. The following are the committees appointed: On arrange ments and decorations Mrs. W. M. Stone, Mrs. L. D. Johnson and Mrs. K. Mosher. On music Mrs. W. D. Herky, Miss Emma Funk and D. C. Richardson. The literary part ol the program will lie In charge of Miss Helen Taylor, assisted by Mrs. A. lloylau and Miss F.tta Conner. Committee to solicit subscriptions to the candy fund Mrs. I.. D. Johnson and Misses Helen Taylor, Lydia Cutting and Hatliej Wilcox. The committees are determined to spare ! no pains to make this allair a success In ! every respect. A cordial invitation is ex-! tended to adjoining neighborhoods to unite j with us in celebrating the season of " Peace 1 and Good will." I The Indies Aid Society has ordered, ' through Rev. Quiiuby, a handsome Ep-l worth chapel organ from the East, which we hope to place in the new M. E. church in time for the Christmas services. ! The society has just finished a handsome j quilt for Mrs. John Higgins, of which she is justly proud. The society is now ready ' for more work from plain sewing ami quilting to making silk worked "art" quilts and fashionable dress-making. Robert Conner went to the coal mines in Washington some weeks ago, and having secured a remunerative situation there, he hassentfor his family to join him. Mrs. Conner will rent their farm and sell their stock and implements before going. Mrs. J. S. Williams and her son William are also thinking of going to the mines. So many good families leaving our neigh borhood will prove a serious toss to our community. Notices were out announcing populist speaking in Redland hall last Friday even ing, and quite a crowd gathered in the hall, but the 8eakers failed to appear, proving quite a disappointment to a number who came from a distance. Rev. Quiiuby will preach in the M. E. church next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. The next quarterly conference presided over by Dr. GueJ will be held at this place on the 1th and 12th of January. Rustic A Now Line ol'.... ADIES JACKETS yi'W'i'i'i'JtTi1 " .and MILLINERY 9 a Carlton & Rosenkrans, Canby, Or. To the Public.- WHAT THK SHERWOOD NOTES. Jtarysville Notes. Mabtsville, Nov. 25. A very pleasant social party was given at the residence of Mr. George Lee, on Friday evening, Novem ber 22, in honor of Miss Irene Lee's 17th birthday. The party consisted of dancing, games, and the music, furnished by Flynn and Ringo, was superb. The comic songs, by Mr. Williams, with guitar accompani ment, was loudly encored. The well-known hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Lee made every body baopy and contented. Douglass Flynn has returned from east of the mountains, and is staying with bis father this winter. Our school, under the management of Miss Zona Mayfield. is progressing finely. Two months of school already, and "nary s kick." The mumps and diphtheria have made their appearance in our neighborhood. Charles Kiegor has returned from the Indian reservation on the coast. Mr. William Morris and Mr. Nenkirshner have returned from a prospecting trip dn the Molalla river. They refuse to be inter viewed, and the supposition is they know more than they will tell. Henroost robbers paid some of our neigh bors a visit last week. Look out, boys, your names are known, and next time you may not get ofl so easily. Nika. Needy Notes. Nildt, Nov. 25. Farmers in this vicinity are busy plowing and sowing grain. The men who paid 40 cents a box for picking hops are not getting any more for them than those who paid less. Ed Bair, son of Colonel Bair, is gaining fast. Dr. Geisey, of Aurora, says he will not lose the use of bis arm. Walter Noblitt, James Reily, Elia Bais .and and E. Lawler was down to Oregon City tending court last week. William Thompson is getting along nicely with his broken leg, and will be able to be around again soen. Needy school has eighty scholars. The teachers are Mr. and Miss Heintz. The Junior Order of the United American Mechanics meets every two weeks at Thomp son's hop storeroom. Preaching at 10 o'clock, and Sunday Logan Mills, Logak, Aug. 8. The Logan flouring nulls have been overhauled and refitted, and are now making a first class grade of flour. Will grind for one-eighth and guarantee satisfac tion, tf Gfs Fischer. Viola Notes. Viola, Nov. 20.-C. A. Fitch, of Oregon City, was in town Saturday. Atttorney Burney, of Oregon City, was doing business in town one day last week. Fred Walker has been a frequent visitor to Spnngwaterof late. Father Stone, who has been quite sick the past two weeks, is somewhat improved. AdolphMiller returned from Astoria where he has been working the past five or six months. Charles Hayden, of Bridal Veil, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Sevier is keeping boarding and lodg. ing bouse on Main street. W. C. Ward had the good luck to shoot a deer right on the streets of Viola last Tues day. Public speaking by the populists was to have taken place at the hall last Saturday, but through some misunderstanding it failed to materialize. J. C. Garrison has opened bis blacksmith shop and finds plenty to do. X.Y. Z. Viola, Nov. 20. Miss Minnie Walker re turned from Portland last Friday. Miss Gale, of Oregon City, is visiting rela tives in Viola this week. There will be preaching at the M. E. church next Sunday at 11 A. M. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Palinateer, of Leon, attended the M. E. quarterly meeting last Wednesday. Mr. Hoops, of Rock Point, was in town last Wednesday and Thursday. Adolph Miller has gone to Astoria to stay three or four weeks. He has bought an in terest in the blacksmith shop here, and will devote his time to that work as soon as be gets through with bis work at Astoria. We are having very cold weather for this ' time of year. The mill pond is frozen over the first time in November in our remem brance. Prof. H. T. Griffith, of Portland, closed a very successful series of phrenological lec tures Monday night. The professor under stands bis subjects thoroughly and won much respect and admiration for his prac tical ideas and gentlemanly conduct. x. y. z. To Have a New Depot-Telephone Lis Building-Little Money In Hops. Shekwood, Nov. 24. Farmers in our neighborhood are making the best possible use of the splendid tail weather, but com plain of not having bad enough rain yet for plowing. Oregon can indeed boast of having had the finest fall within the recol lection of the oldest Oregonian. Who would n't live in the Webfnnt state, after all? Sherwood and vicinity gradually improve a little. John Grove has just completed a new bouse on his property near here. John Woida's new house is rapidly Hear ing completion. Mrs. C. W. Calkins has been qnite sick, but was rapidly improving at last accounts. Miss Rosa Scott, of Milwaukee, was visit ing relatives at Pleasant Hill last week. The long talked of new depot for Sher wood will soon develop into a reality. J. (J. smock has just moved his store some fifty feet south to give room for tlie new building. It will be a much needed acquisition to Sherwood, especially since the old one was so nearly destroyed by fire. E. S. Calkins paid a visit to the county seal one day last week. Hugh Her and John McConnell have taken claims on the Siletz. Thev are ex pecting to spend most of the winter over there. Orin McConnell and wife have moved to Salmon river. Their many friends here wish them a pleasant borne over there. Nelson & Clendening's saw mill Is run ning full blast now. The telephone line from McMinnville to Portland is Hearing completion. The line will extend from McMinnville to Salem, Sherwood will be In direct communication with either plare, thus enabling the resi dents of our little town to gossip with friends in Salem or the metropolis. II. C. Plumer has removed his entire stock of hardware from bis old quarters to the Leo building, as it Is a better location. Mr. Plumer is rapidly getting in a stock of groceries and general merchandize in con nection with hardware. We wish him suc cess. Most of the hop crop in our vicinity has either been sold or consigned. But few will realize more than picking money outof them. Smi lax. ORIENTAL WIM. DO... DELIVER AT VOI R llot'HE: Tho Gambrines Pilnner or Havarian Bottle Boer, per Doz. Quarts at $1 50 California White Wine per j;al HO " Claret Wine per gal. 80 " Port Wine per gal. 1 50 " Cherry Wine per gal. 1 50 Best" Grapo Brandy per gal. 4 00 lOyear old Whiskey, Nonpa reil per gal 4 00 Our goods will be found the bent ever ottered to tho public at tho price. Leave your order. We garrantee our goods to give satisfaction or will cherfully refund your money. N. F. Zimmerman. For Kru Hair leavt yoururilir. J GO TO ii k Ml El CI We have -: A Complete Stock - OF - 22 Nuts, Dates, Figs, Honey, Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Cranberries, and sweet apple Cider.- t : i And nnytlilnti you mlulit wnnl for your Thanksgiving Dinner MAllll & ROHKKTSOX, i oitncKRN i 7th and Center Sts., on the Hill. C3 i FOR Oliver Plows and Extras. Beaver Creek Notei, Good second hand yioliri for sale cheap at second hand store, Seventh street, near the depot. Beaver Cheek, Nov. 20. Mr. John Boen, who has been sick for a long time, was taken to the Oregon City hospital last Hnnday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Lewis died last Friday ruorniug, and was buried Sunday afternoon In the Graham cenietory. Kev. It. M. Jones and Iter. Thompson preached the funeral services. Wild Kobic. Good assortment of second hand school books, same as now used, at Parker & Howard's store, all nearly new. J. W. Welch, dentist of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, office in the Courier bldg. near depot. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair HigbMt AUdal ao4 Diploma. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DKfOT. Double and Single Rigs, and Bad die horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person ol letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Homes Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. pARMERS . . Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed WHITE COLLAR LINE. Sts. Telephone and Bailey Gatzert. Columbia River & Pugot Sound Navigation Company. Alder Street Dock, Telephono No. o5 1. a Y A "st ' '-LS . Portland, Astoria and the Ocean. Telephone leaves Portland 7 A. M., daily except Sunday. Telephon leaves Astoria 7 W M., daily except Sunday. Uuns direct to train for Clatsop beach and connects with Str. Ilwaco for Ilwaco trains running to all points on North beach. Bailey Gatzert leaves Portland 8 P. M., daily, except Sunday; on Saturday 11 P. M. Leaves Astoria daily at 6:4.r) A. M., except Sunday and Monday; on Sunday 7 P. M. Connects with all trains for Clatsop beach and Ilwaco beach. This line has a boat connecting with both beaches, returning from Astoria every night in the week. y Q. SCOTT. E. A. SEELEY, President-Agent. CUT THS OUT Worth 50c Until Dec. i, t5 Thin Coupon la worth l?!(i-ir rVni-fa and will accepted in part pay JjJltj' jLIll nientonour BEST CABINET PHOTCRAPHS AT THE ELITE, 431 Washington Street. At lhe City Stables. Young & Davidson, Props., BuccMor. to w, H. Cooke. Livery Bigs on Short Notice. IMPERIAL GALLERY Oregon City, Crayons, Enlargements Photography in every branch. Children's Pictures a Specialty Gallery over Mrs. Prier's Store Main Street. Glen Ellen Wine Vaults, Corner Front and Madison StB. PORTLAND, OR. Quality and prices guaranteed to be satisfactory. Choice Whinkies and Brandies Hpecialty. A. Kline & Co., - Props,