miaow NK.WN, llarluw'i Klrnt Yr - A WKn Nnii llUrkumllk Hlwi Itur ntxl - Hop Yftnli Aliaiiiluiird. mul IUhi.ow, Or., Nov. Jit. IJkkkndant "Winm. III tho Jury trial In JiihIIco IIiiihI'm court, of Aurora, Mallinwo vh I.HlIiN'inin, (or wuki'H, with J. I',, Murkn lit tor 1117 (or iliiliitll!', unci Attorney I In If, of Wixxllmrn, for Vfiiiidiiiit. Homo tlino K" Mutlio w h wit uinploycd liy I.hIIik'vimi im cook, with tvuukn lit f 1 5 ti HXItltll. Illlll llll tllO HKttlllllll'Ilt WltH niHilit Ml Ma leaving nil win nutUlm'tory wlmn hu Htiulii enturml Mr. I 1 1. H-iin ' employ. Nothing wild nulil ulioiit th amount of whkch to Im uiil for bitvIi ch hh tlm liitUir thotmlit Muthiiwi xpucUxl till) HUMID illlllllt KM llU Illlll ri'l'lllvdl formerly. Wlmn time of Hxltli'inmit fiimit, howuvor, MuthewH Iming oflVrwJ fin month, rWui"l to take It, iIciiiuimI Inn $1 tin v for liU Norvii'im, honi'ii tho milt. Tin Jury rinilcriil a vnnlicl allow ing plulnlifr IW ci'iiU a day, ami throwing cokUoii liim. (liniiHiMii Vv Horn. Mr, llmiry KucliiT, of Murk' I'mirlti, no proic xft for the cultivation of hop in the future. (KiiiHcoiiiiiitly lina grtililwd up IiIh hull Villi' ftllll IlloWtxl tllH llvlll fur th cultivation of produrtM more rolltuh!o. Mr. Kot'lmr Iiuh Imtii ft vnry niimwiful lioik'rowir, Imving (iiiihnrktul ill the huitiiii'M shortly lifter tho high irlc) of 40 fli'lit per pouml, unil Iihn riM'tilvi-d ulwy tho tup Hgur, never milling for lea thiin tl.'u' I'viita, that lining tin year In coiiHeiiiieiu'D Mr. Kocher Iium mailt' qniti) nun of money In that hiiaine veuturu. Ho Id f nr-i l i t , mul while lm Iihn heen aucceanful, feulw that the protipei'tH for tho aiilo of hoi in future it not ftt all iiiicournging, nil lie believe in not diking chum-en In "inking good money for iincertuiiitic. 1 1 K Hah to IJriT In the limitution nit of A. K. Mark vh JameH I. Doiier, tried before Judgo Hitler here laHt Satur day, the Jwlgo remlereil ft (IiimhIoii in favor of the plaintiir. lie held that while Ihedefeiidaut had reliliiiiihl lila rittht to tlm farm, hu had right to wca py the building thereon, and that Hi nre tho required notice hid lwu nerved UK)ii the defendant, he rendered his verdict that the defendant ipiit the place accord Ing to the contract. Attorney (iregg, of I'ortland, ftcted for the prosecution, with Attorney CmnpMl, ol Oregon City, (or the defenao. A IH'N-AwAY Boy. AaaiaUnt Buper inteiident ltryint, of the at ate reforin chool.rame down Monday morning on the look-out for run-away lad. The bov' dcHcription wan left with Kd 3'. Miller, our station agent, and to hii mirpriao in the afternoon Uie boy ap peared, lie iiiiiiMdiaU)ly took the lad in hand, giving him Rome good advice and allowing him hie folly, and Im finally consented to return to the achool. Mr. Miller Ihen telegraphed to Superintend cnt Itryant, and anangeinnt were made to take him to Huhmi on tho 19 p. in. overland. The lad imUl bin name waH Alonxo I'-opple, aged 10 yean, ami wan aoiit to the reform ariiool from Canyon City ahou three weeks ago, his trouble hat in- aroee from killing alieef . Mimical Tkicat. Not a few fioople are looking forward totlio production of the mimical extravagant. '"Ncwiiort," whld will take place in Columbia luill Fatur dny evening, followed by grand hall and mipor. There are twenty-three is the cant, all well up in theii rrnpective hi-Ih, in unit- and comedy, and will furniHk mirth enough to remind all ' bo attend of the o-riiKion (or the next fortnight. Price being opular, together with the dance and welWtpread table, insures a packed bonne. I.iTtliAKY Novk. The quonUon for dehitte lant Friday evening waM, "He- J oolved, Tliat tli elut elect the United State aenalor by the direct vote of the people," and in conHequonce drew a lur'e crowd, notwitliHtHiulinK the liii'li'in cncy of the weather. Mr llmiry Hmlgea, preHidin in the absence of I'reHident Marka, culled the mot-ting to order. Heci till Ioiih and HongH by different meinberH were heartily encord, mid iollowod by Ibo debate, wl.lcli wan led by Will Tull allirmutive, and Cary M. HnniHby nega 'tivo. Other uble Hpeukera followed, and in all it wuh conxidored ono of the hot lent contented debate had during the ecHBion, the verdict of the judges being fuvor of tlie negative. LaHt, but not leant, the programme and debute, for next Friday night will be even more intereHt ing than the preceding one, the Judiei being brought in on a question in which they can dhplay their ower of oratory, the question being "Love vermis (iolii." Totally Dkhtiiovkii by Finn. Pro) ertv valued at fHOO, and iiiHiired for only $500. Tho town of Durlow sustained the lofw of a thriving industry in the burning of 0. W. Quint's wheelwright and blacksmith shop. The fire wua dis covered near the forgo, about 1 :45 this morning, by Mr. John Mollott, who gave the alarm to the townnjiooplo, and soon a groat crowd bad gathered of men, women and children, half and hurriedly clad. At one time It seemed as if the entire block would go, but by the heroic efforts of MoBgrs. W.W.Irwin, W. B. ItamBby, William Bauer, J. Mollott, C. M. Rumsby and others, they succeeded in saving the dwelling owned by Mr. W. Allen, some thirty feet distant. Had this building caught, it certainly would Jiflve puzzled (be veil tiiough quickly organized bucket and ladder brlgiub) to have known what would bavo been the rcmilt, Tho building and content were dentroyed, and a well-equipped manu facturing IndiiHtry Is now In bkIh-h. Tho building wan a two-Htory Hlructiire 21x50 feet, Tho lower floor was lined for the IiiihIiidhh, wbllo the upM-r wan a well llniHlied hull. Tlie Ioh ia fully twill, und a detailed Hlutcuient may IncreuHo this amount, Tlie liiHiirunco In $,'(K), in the (icriiiuu-Amorlciin IiiHiirunce Company of Now York, divided a follow: f.'IoO on building, and 1 1 r0 on tool and Htock. The origin of the flro i unknown, but tlio theory Is that It cuugbt from the forgo underiieuth by beating through to the plunking, a the day preceding a hot lire w kept up all day, Mr, Quint ha Urn sympathy of his many friends in hi uiilorlunuto Iohi, j I'KHHONAI.S. J Mr. Ike Millet, a proHx-rou farmer and hopgrower near lloon'a Ferry, wu tranmu'tliig biiHineH in llurlow Tueixluy, accompanied by hi wife. Kx-Jildgii W, 1. White, of Oregon City, ii vlnlting at the llurlow reHidence, I'r. Canto, count v grange lecturer, wus vinitlng the lodge here Saturday. Mm. Thulium 1'uney and little Mabel Npelit neveral day In I'ortland and Ore gon City, viniting relative. Judge Hitter wua attending legal bum- lien ill town Tllemhiy. (Niiintable Wollnr, of Needy, wa wen uiMin our itrccl Saturday. Attorney J. K. Mark wa doing btini- nen In tlie county neat Monday. Mr. Cliri Kocher. of Mark' I'rairio, wa in town Natuniay. Mr. J. Noo, a farmer near Needy, ac companied by Mr. Noe, wa trannacting bunlnen in town Saturday. Mr. (icorge Swift, of Portland, wua the guentof Mr. and Mrs. William Harlow, Thumday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Italy ami Warren Italy were panei)gers to the meirooliH Tuenduy. Min Iiennio Sheppard spent several day of (hi and last weel in Oregon City and rortlaud, viniting frk'nds. Mr. and Mrs. Cans U. Harlow were in Oregon City Friday, State Insurance Compiiny I'ollcle. The State IiiHiirance Company, hav ing gone into tlie hand ol a receiver Andrew (1. Mulsten. the only authorized agent for Oregon City and Clackatnaa county, has made arrangements for change of policies with J. A. Thayer representing a leading English company and II. T. Hladen, representing the Hartford and other leading American and Kuroan companies. Bring In your policies to H. T. Bladen in Harvey Cross's oflice, or to J. A Thayer's oflk-e. Andhkw U. Malstkn. Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 21, 1805, Kcv. Inane Dawson, who for the past year lias nail cliarge ol M. lain ICplncopal church of this city, will soon leave for Albany where be will conduc service in a church in that city. While here Hov. and Mrs. Dawson have made many friends who will be sorry to lone them from our midst. Disorders in the liver and kidneys are reHponsihle for many of the ailments of humanity, which, when neglected, de velop Into serious and often futal mala dies. Prudence would suggest the prompt una of Dr. J. II. Mclx-an's Liver and Kidney Balm to remove the disorder a soon as poHHible, and restore the di waned orguus to healthy and vigorous action. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntlev, drucgist. F'rank P. Welch, dentist, graduate of ental department of the University of Pennsylvania, will Ire in Oregon City ait ice inurniiny ot em-n woo k ; reniniixter of each week in Portland oflice, room 77 IK k 11 111 building. Tho only original, regular ten cent cijr,ar sold for a nickel is tlie KermesHO, sold only by E. E. Williams, tho grocer. Deputy Slieriir Moody sold one bun (I red and sixty acre of land at the court house door lust Saturday for $(12 to Hat isfy ajudgment hold by John II. Hick man against Eva A. Eaton. Tho land is situated near Hull Kun, and a mort gage already hangs over the property, which takes precedence over the judg nient. The Shakers have made a dUcovorv which is destined to accomplish much good, ltoalixing that three-fourths of all our sufferings arise from stomach troubles, that the country is literally filled with peoplo who cannot eat and digest food, without subsequently suffer ing pain and distress, and tnat many are starving, wanting to mere skeletons, be aiiHe their food does them no good, they Juive devoted much study and thought to the subject, and the result is this discov ery, of their Digestive Cordial, A little book can lie obtained from your druggiHt that will point out the way of relief at once. An investigation will cost nothing and will result in much good. Children all hate to take Castor Oil, but not LAXOL, which is palatable. The U. S. Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all other A I'luneer I J one. J' oI, at hi ri-Hldence in Canoinah on Thumday uiorniiig, November Jumes K. lilnghain, aged (17 years, uionlhs and I'S duy. Tho funeral nurvli'c will tuko pluco Sunday from the family renldence at 2 u clock p. m and will be conducted by Hv. A. J. Montgomor, anninted by Oregon Iodgi' No. 3, l.O.O. I-. of which he was a member, tlie interment being in the Chiii-hhIi cemetery. Mr, Kingman hud not been well for some weeks pant but on Wodiicnduy be appeared to bo In lltiiinual good npirit and felt better than for some time pant. At 4 o'clock in the uftcrnixm bo started to leave hi house und while on the steps fell forward and wa unable to rise. The fumily and neighbor quickly carried him in and placed him In bed and summoned a pliyniciun, but he wan beyond help and gently (-caned to breathe at 12:15 o'clock that night. Ho sull'ered great puins in lil stomach but was corinciou to the very last and calmly talked to his fumily and friend giving direction at ho winded and bidding them all good bvo. Mr. liiiiKinan cume from Ohio in '61 and nettled at Caiii-inah where he has resided ever Min-.m. Ho was a contractor and builder, ami formed a p:irtnerhip with the friend of hi boyhood, Jos. Hedges, add tho firm of Hodges A liinginnn wan fur 10 years one of tlie principal contract or of Oregon City, and many of tlie bent buildings in the city were enctod by them, as well a other outside work Mr, Hingman wa man uf firm integ rity ami honesty, and no jierson ever had occasion to question either. He was a man who made the world better for being in it. His Iohs is deeply de plored by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and two daughters, Mrs. Geo. La idle of Mt. l'loanant, and Mrs. Tho. Duhnon of New burg, to mourn the Iohs of a kind husband and fatm-r. Klectrlc Hotel Arrlrals. If any of your friend come to Oregon City you will And them at the Electric. Itelow are some of the recent arrivals: John F. Caples. Portlund. ii. Adains, Portland. Joe Ijwennlein, Chicago. Ed llanshaw, San Francisco. A. M. Gibson, Boston. E. Lanirford, Portland. Walter Lyon, Suloin. M. E. Bain, Barlow. Jos Noble and family, Portlaad. E. Willey, Cliebalem Valley. W. K. Cadv, Portland. L. M. Kcholl, Aurora. A. E. Stahl, Aurora. II. W. Hickman, San Francisco. A. A. Miller, country. II. C. Hiley, country. II. Murphy, Portland. V.L. Mack.Canby. J. F. Eckomon, Canby. W. N. Barrett, Hillsboro. Geoige C. Armstrong, Hedland. Dan P. Bagnell, Portland. C. A. Hermann, Roseburg. J. B. Heninger, Portland. G. H. Tolbert, Washington, D. C. J. R Payne, New York City. M. L. Jones, Brownsville. I). P. Lynn, Portland. James Evans, Barlow. C. E. Kunvan, Astoria. John Eber, Portland. M.M. Melvin, Portland. S. J. Brent, Portland. Will Clayton, Portland. Dr. J. 11. Swain, Portland. Asst'ssmeiit Summary. The Entkki-rise is indebted to Asses- j sorJ. C. Bradley for the following sum- mary of the assessment roll of Clacka- mas county for IS',15: Number of Bcres cultivated land, (Vi.OM. value. $1,152,280; number of gd means of nourishment. As acres unimproved land, 304,219, value, strength-restorer and flesh-builder, noth $1,72,2'.K); improvements on deeded Di likethis medicine is known to medi land, $461,350 ; town and city lots, $tt'3,-! oai B,.i,,ce. Filthv Cod liver oil and all 6.15: improvements in town and city lots, $214,245; improvements on land not deeded or patented, $18,(05; Elec- trie railway track. 10 miles, number of miles of railroad bed, 20, total valuation, $121,301 ; merchandise and implements, f -A;i,ui! , money, f J,-t-ar, uuicd nuu ttc counts, $18ti,283; shares of stock, 510, value, $38,250; household furniture, r.r . . ti joa. ...... I I carriages, etc., f lU7,3tw ; horses and mules, 3,170, value, $126,885; cattle, 8,242, vulue, $115,318; sheep and goats, 12,092, value, $12,443; Bwine, 4,240, value, $10,536; one dog, $10; gross value of all property, $5,190,222; ex emptions, $385,864 ; as equalized by the county board, $4,813,558; total taxable property, $4,813,558; number oi polls, 1,445. M. Hosford, of Canby, is buying all the apples he can secure in Clackamas j county, and shipping them to British ' Columbia, where there is a great denial d for Oregon winter apples. Mr. Hosford Btates that many farmers are letting their apples rot on the ground, in pref erence to taking the prices offered. He estimates that the loss which will accrue to Clackamas county by reason of al lowing apples to rot on the ground, will equal the amount of revenue that will be received from the potato crop this year. The first blacksmith shop that farmers paBs in coming to Oregon City is that of Maple A Hoffman, at the junction of the Seventh street road and Main street. There is no class of work thev cannot handle and at reasonable prices. They have an expert horse-shoer and guaran tee satisfaction. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Da CREAM Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. George Smith, aged about 21 years and a cook by occupation, recently left Pitts burg, Pennsylvania, and came to Oregon to grow up wi'li the country. He wan dered into Oregun City and appeared to be in a demented condition. He was ar rested by Chief of Police Burns, and in the afternoon he wu examined by Dr. E. A. Summer before County Judge Haven and adjudged insane. Friday night lie was taken to the state asylum by Deputy Sherifl' Maody. The Newliorg Indt-peihlont ha the following: The good eoi)lo of Oregon City are discussing the action of the citv c uni'il in allowing saloons to be located within '2'i feet of churches and schools. If the church and school people had done much toward making the city council a the saloons probably did, they miglit reasonably have expected more at its 1 ands. Public officials in these degenerate days are often mere puppets in tlie hands of their makers than servants to woik for the public good. County Commissioner K. Scott at tended the annual election of the officers of the State Agricultural Society at Sa lem last Tuesday. Mr. Scott was made a member of the finance committee. "What pretty hats!" exclaimed a lady as she passed the Red Front millinery window. All kinds of toys and dolls just arrived at the Racket Store. Stomach and Bowel Complaints are best relieved by the timely use of De Witt's Colic k Cholera Cure. Insist on having this preparation. Don't take any other. C. G. Huntley, Drucgist. Wheat ani oats wanted at Cbarman k Son's. W. A. Putrow lias added to all lines of goods kept in stock in his hardware store and has marked everything as low as is consistant with the quality of goods The Fair is wiling good toilet soap at cents pur cake "I would rather trust that medicine than any doctor I know of," says Mrs. Hat tio Mason of Chilton, Carter Co., Mo., in speaking of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by G. A. Harding, drucgist. Teo're an Eay Prey, With your flesh reduced below a healthy standard, for Consumption and other scrofulous and dangerous dis eases. And it's for just this condition tha- Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery especially valuable. If you're thinner than you ought to be. whether from wasting diseases, de- fective nutrition, or whatever cause, the "Discovery" will surely bring you up to the healthy standard. By restoring the normal action of the deranged organs and functions, it arouses every natural source its disiFuised compounds can't com oa re with it. lr. fierce s rei lets cure constipation, indigestion, or dyspepsia, biliousness aa neaaaene, Darkest America. KAHARA'S REFINED A SHOW FOR Ladies, Gentlemen anrJ Cbildren Headed by the only BILL -:- YOUNG, Am Men's Great t Colored C uieulan an 1 8w el 8iu r. jUlihMH BREWER The Wonderful Boy Cotortionist Pickininne Drum Corps. Buck and Wing Dancers. Black Bird Band. Fun Mil nn Shively's Opera House, Fridar Muz, Not. 22. ii ! Feliool Nodal and Literary Program. The Went Side school is busy prepar ing a program for their entertainment to be given on Wednesday evening, Novem ber 27. No admission fee ; every one in vited. Come, hear tlie children, and have a social time Colored Minstrels being the attrac tion. In these days of farce comedies, cornic ojieras galore, and stale repertoric pieces, it is highly refreshing to see an old-time minstrel entertainment with its bigli-class musical tlrnt part, new jokes, novel specialties, and olio and after-piece. Every member of Mr Mahara's company is an artist in his line of work and the performance throughout wa meritorious, Dubuque, Iowa, Herald. Will be at Shi ve ley's Friday evening of this week. Yon Are Not Insured. The State Insurance Company is in the bands of a receiver. Will allow you the highest rate for their policies and place your insurance in the reliable Ger man-American Insurance Company of New York. Assets $6,000,000. Surplus $2,000,000. T. Leonabd Ciiarjmn, Agent, Cbarman Bros.' Block. Mensis. Parker 4 Howard have moved their second store from the old Metho dist church building on Seventh street, to the Fouls building on the opposite side of the street. They have added to their stock, and the bargains to be had of them are too numerous to mention. Died, at Troutdale, Oregon, Thursday V'ov, 15, of heart disease, Mrs. Grace Tyack, wife of John Tyack. Mr. and Mrs. Tyack formerly lived in this city and later at Gladstone. She leaves several small children. Marr k Robertson have moved the balance of the stock of groceries, glass and crockery ware they purchased of R. Stau b to their stand on 7th a id Center streets where they ae clearing it out for cash . R. Staub is making a prcat succpsh out of the nickel lunch counter, which he purchased about ten days ago. The three George brothers are now owners in the Kenworthy restaurant at Salem. For a quiet place to hitch your horses awav from the motor line and a place to get a first class job of repairing or horse shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. Do not forget the school entertainment at the West Side school house We Jnes day evening, November 27. Everyone invited, particularly patrons of the school. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Quinn, Monday, November 18th, a daughter. The Fair has just opened a nice Ftock holiday goods. Experience and money cannot improve Dr. Sawyer's Familv Cure, because it radically cures Dyspepsia, Liver com plaint and Kidney difficulty. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. Acts at once, never fails. One Minute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma and that feverish condition which accompan ies a severe cold. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate re sults. C. G. Huntley, druggist. To the Public- WHAT THE ORIENTAL DELIVER AT YOl'R HOUSE: The Gambrines Pilsner or Bavarian Bottle Beer, per Doz. Quarts at $1 50 California White ine per gal 80 " Ularet Wine per gal. 80 " Port Wine per gal. 1 50 " Cherry Wine per gal. 1 50 Best" Grape Brandy per gal. 4 00 lOyear old Whiskey, Nonpa reil per gal 4 00 Our goods will be found the best ever offered to the public at the price. Leave your order. We garrantee our goods to give satisfaction or will cherfully refund your money. N. F. Zimmerman. For Keg Beer leave your order. IMPERIAL GALLERY Oregon City, Crayons, Enlargements Photography in every branch. Children's Pictures a Specialty Gallery over Mrs. Prier's Store Main Street. 5s Roots .fOgACASE IT WILL, NOT CUftE. tf An ,imm1iU T.m4tA . n...... and $L00 per packxre. Bamploa free. MTTft The Favorite TOOT! MTtn XI W tor the Teeth and Ureaili.aie. For Bale by G. A. Harding, druggist. MT-1 Ail.il-. L. Postoflice-:-Store, MILWAUKEE, OK. FAMILY -:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh and of the best quality. In Prices vre meet Portland Competition. 0.WISSINGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER, Let me have a trial order. ...The Prairie Farmer... IS THE Greatest of All Farm Papers. It presents eacb week all that is worth knowing in currentagrieul turial literature. Each number contains more solid reading matter tlian any other agricultural paper, ana covers a broader fieiu, StalDtici Pnce,fJD5Doliar i Ytn. It is the Paper for the People. Sample Clnilliz URn for 1895-6: Tin Phaibie Fabmer ) mj Weekly IxterOceav) lurHiJ. Tub Pbaibi Farmer ) Bnth Pjnr nn and V "-.':,T. nr'" ChicaooWeeklv Times Jwl lul tl,63. Address The Prairie Farmer, Chicago. H LLO! J 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by th Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and 96 other towns in the two states on the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of & personal communication. Distance no effect to a' clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard as Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Stora J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - Oregon. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA ROUTE -Of the- S0UTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Sou.h i l Horth. 8-50 P. M. I Lv Portland Ar M 10 a.m. 9:S!kr. m. I Lt OrwnCHy Lv 7 23 a.m. 10:4ftA..M. I Ar B, FrenHnco Lt 70fM. DIN1NO CARS ON 06DEN ROUTE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. ASD Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all through Iraina. ROSEBURG MAIL fDailyi. 9:30a. m. I Lv Portland Ar U:40r.M 9:2; a.m. I Lv Oregon City Lv S:ir.M :30r. . I Ar Kooeburf Lt 8:O0a.m SALEM PAS ENGER. (Dull jr. 4:00i-. M. Lv f . rtUu i Ar 1 18 15 . M 9:27 a. M Lt Orer u ( Ut Lv 4:49 r. M :15l-. M. Ar ! in L 8:1)0 A. M West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mall Train. Daily (Except Sunday.) 7:30a.m. Lt Ar Portland Ar Corvallia Lt (i:20 p.M 1.35P.M l'.':15r.M. At Albany and "orvallls connect with traina of Oregon Cen rul A E .siern Kailroad. Eiprem Train Dailv (Except 8unday) 4 1') P.. 7:25 T. M. Lt Ar Portland Ar Mc.Minnville Lt 8:25 a. M I 5:50 A. M THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL P01NTB IS THE EASTERN 8TATE8, CANADA AND EUROPB Can be obtained at lowest rates from L. B Moore, Agent. Oregon City. R.KOEHLER, E.P.ROGERS, Manager. Ass't G. F. and Pan. Agent. SldiW's Sooliiinj Powdsix For Children Cutting their Teeth. IN USE OVER FIFTY YEARS. Ktlttvt fmrltk Htmt, prmmt fit, Cmnwsoim. afl prtmn a Aa( t( tf tm cuuUUtiM , , . tvrlfio th period of iMtMrtq.