Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 22, 1895, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Clackamas Co. Directory,
Gordon K. Lr
litH). F. Horion
K. 0 MmMm-k
8. M Kmhv
M 1.. M.hr
J.C. Brn.llcy
It. 8 ClI'H'l)
P. V Kliinalnl
K. L Hoimftti
I Klclinnl Simii
I Krlik Jkcwkt
C.ftk of Court.,
Sh.Tlff, -.
gi'-hnnl Suportutendeut,
Coram iMouer,
rartlow's ciiler, clean ami pure.
K. E. Williams, 'Hie Grocer,
Crochet cotton in all shades at E. E.
Pee those Pastel pictures in the window
at E. E. Martin's.
Home-made mincemeat
E. E. Williams, The Grocer.
Money to loan on irood
security by A. S . Pressor.
Go to The Fair for Hoyt's spring
clothes pins, only cents per dozen.
All kinds of second hand goods bought
by Parker Howard. We pay cash.
C. 0. T. Williams is now prepared to
make loans on good farm property.
Write him.
The millinery department at E. E.
Martin's is under the supervision of Mrs.
E. E. Martin;
M anted.
A fresh milch cow. Must be number
one. Parker & Howard,
Second Hand Store.
Rupture or breach, permanently cured
without the knife. Address, for pamph
let and references. World's Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo, X. Y.
It is a truth in medicine that the
smallest dose that erforms a cure is the
beet. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are
the smallest pills, w ill perform a cure,
and are the best. C. C. Huntley.
Why descend those tiresome steps
when vou wish pure drugs, chemicals
and drug mndries? "Time is money"
Save both by getting your prescriptions
filled at the Seventh St. Fharniacv.
Agents Wanted.
For the best end latest improved
washer. Ha" the recommendations to
guarantee it. Call on Pope & Co.,
hardware dealers, Oregon City.
Dr. A. P. Sawyer Dear Sir: I have
been suffering with sick headache for a
long time. I used your family Cure and
now am entirely relieved. I would not
do w'thout your medicine.
Mrs. G. Miller, Mt. Morrel Ills,
i Sold by G. A. Harding.
A. G. Bartley of Magic Pa., writes: I
feel it a duty of mine to inform you and
v the public that DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve cured me of a very bad ease of
eczema. It also cured my boy of a run
ning sore on his leg.
C. G. Huntley, druggist.
In clothing, R. L. Russell ot the Park
Place store, can give lower prices than
Portland or Oregon City. The reason
for that is, rent, insurance and other
charges are lower than his competitors
and that he buys for ctsh. Just exam
ine his goods and fee the bargains of
fered. County Treasurer's Xotice.
I have funds in my hands for the pay
ment of nil Clackamas county warrants
endorsed prior to the 1st day of Jan
uary, 1813. Interest on the same will
cease with the date of this notice.
M. L. Moore,
County Treasurer Clackamas County, Or.
Dated Oregon City, Or., Nov. 15, 18!o.
For the many accidents that occur
aboct the farm or household, such as
bunla, scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged
wounds, bites of animals, mosfjuitos or
Other insects, galls or chafed spots, frost
bites, aches or pains on any part of the
body, or the ailments resulting from ex
posure, as neuralgia, rheumatism, etc.
Dr. J. II. McLean's Velcanic Oil Lini
ment has proved itselt a sovereign
remedy. 25c, 60c and $1 per bottle. For
sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist.
Don't Tohacee Spit
Or smoke your life awav, is the truthful,
startling title of a book about No-To-Bac,
the harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit
cure lhat braces up nicotinized nerves,
eliminates the nicotine poison, makes
weak men gain strength, vigor and man
hood. You run no physical or financial
risk, as No-To-Ba2 is sold by druggists
everywhere under a guarantee to cure
or money refunded. Book free, address
Sterling Remedy Co., New York or
Chicago. Charman A Co., Druggist.
Wedding stationery, the latest styles
and finest assortment ever brought to
Oregon City at the Enterprise office.
That 20 acre tract, level road, 24
miles out, plenty of running water, only
$650. C. 0. T. Williams.
The healing properties of DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It
cures eczema, skin affections and is
simply a perfect remedy tor piles.
C. G. Huntley, druggist.
For the ailments in the kidneys and
bladder incident to declining years there
is no remedy that produces such imme
diate and satisfactory results as Dr. J.
H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm.
Its genial and invigorating effect on the
liver and kidneys is remarkable. Price
$1. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist.
Ed Harrington, of Highland
Willi do-
ing the city Saturday.
Miss Wharton, of Portland, visited
Miss Hattie Mouroe in this city lust Sun
day. Capt. J. P. Shaw was up from Port
land Tuesday looking after business mat
ters. FrodT. Smith, one of the well-known
farmers near Needy, was in town Thurs
day, D. W. Howard, one of the leading
fruitgrowers of Canhy, was in the city
Joseph Knight, one of the pioneer res
idents of Canhy, was doing Oregon City
Capt. J. T. Apperson attended the
meeting of the state board of agriculture
at Salem this week.
Miss Bessie Sheppard, of Barlow, was
in Oregon City Friday, and spent the
day visiting friends.
0. W. Sturgis, of Cauby, was among
the visitors to Oregon City from that
section last Saturday.
J.C. Crome, representing Palmer &
Rev, type founders of Portland, was do
ing Oregon City Tuesday.
Miss Eunice Donaldson is now clerk
in F. E. Donaldson's insurance agency
at the Commercial bank.
Charles Bitner arrived from Red Rock,
Montana, yesterday. He has prospered
fairly well in that section.
Mrs. M. Barck, of this city, is spend
ing a couple of weeks with the family of
Mr. Bremer, near New Era.
A. W. Home and H. 0. Wishart left
by steamer Tuesday evening for a ten
days visit to San Francisco.
Albert Moshberger and E. Lawler,
two of Xeedy's best known young farm
ers, were in Oregon City Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cassius Barlow, spent
Friday and Saturday in the city, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawley.
Miss Florence Paquet left last Friday
evening for California, where she will
try a change of climate for the benefit of
her health.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cheney went to
Portland Tuesday and took the "Shasta
Limited" train for San Francisco, where
they will make a brief visit.
Dr. and Mrs C. B. Smith, of Eagle
Creek, were in Oregon City over Sunday
the guests of their old neighbors, Mr.
and Mrs. George W. Stafford.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Randall have re
turned from the Sound and have com
menced housekeeping in Mrs. Matilda
Charman's cottage on Seventh etreet.
Walter Lyons, formerly publisher of
the Oswego Iron Worker, but now Ore
gonian correspondent at Salem, was in
Oregon City several hours last Saturday.
Dr. J. W. Karten, who recently lo
cated at Viola, and who is proving him
self to be a physician of high attain
ments, was in Oregon City Wednesday.
Jake Rinearson returned from East
ern Oregon Monday. There was noth
ing in the reported trouble about some
horses, and everything was settled am
icably. S. J. Vaughn, of Molalla, was in Ore
gon City Saturday. He was one of
Henry Meldrnm's crew in the govern
ment surveying contract in Klamath
Mrs. Matilda Charman left last Satur
day tor Portland where she will make
her home during the winter with Mrs.
T. A. McBride, on 14tn street, between
Clay and Market.
Henry Meldrum has completed his
Southeastern Oregon surveying contract,
and arriyed home last Friday evening.
Stony Vaughn and Wm. Helix, who as
sisted him in the work, also returned at
the same time.
Mrs. Fred H. Fuller and her two
children returned last Sunday morning
trom a six month's visit to . California.
She spent most of the time with her par
ents at Stockton, and also visited friends
at Woodland. They have moved into
the new dwelling at Gladstone, erected
by Mr. Fuller while family were away.
Mies Ocie Barker, daughter of Capt.
Barker, of the British ship, Maple Bay,
is spending a week with Capt. J. M.
Graham's family. Capt. Barker spent
Sunday in Oregon City. He recently ar
rived in Portland from Rio Janerio with
his vessel, and is loading with flour for
some European port.
Colonel C. Bair, of Needy, was in
Oregon City Tuesday. He stated that
his son, Edward, who was seriously
shot accidentally while out hunting,
mention of which was made in the En
terprise last week is recovering from his
wound and is able to sit up some. There
is some fear though that it may leave
him with a stiff shoulder.
Charles Goldsmith, of Eugene, who
came down with the State university
football excursion Friday afternoon,
stopped off for a short time to visit his
sisters, Mrs. M. Bollack and Miss Celia
Goldsmith. He attended, the football
game Saturday and witnessed the game
wherein his home team defeated the
Portland university team by a score of
six to four.
Dr. H. R. Holmes, of Portland, one of
the participants in the Ashplund
Holmes Bhooting scrape, which took
place in Portland a couple of months
ago, was in the city Tuesday attendiug
a civil suit in the circuit court, In which
he was Interested. His nephew, At
torney Webster Holmes, of Salom, was
here and represented his uncle's inter
est in the suit. The case was Holmes
vs Kay lor, to recover money for profes
sional services rendered .
The brick pavement on Main street is
just now in a very nasty, muddy condi
tion. Peter Nehren. the efllci.Mit jani
tor of the court house, has set an ex
ample that should he followed by other
people residing along the street. It Is
not very credi'ahle to the city to allow
the principal paved thoroughfare to re
main covered with a couple of inches of
A Keinurkattle Announcement.
A brief paragraph can hardly do jus
tice to the interesting announcements
which the Youth's Companion makes
the coming year. Not only w ill some of
the most delightful story-writers con
tribute to the paper, but mauy of the
most eminent statesmen, jurists and
scientists ol the world . No fewer than
three cabinet ministers are announced,
among theiu being the Secretary of Agri
culture, who chooses for a subject "Arbor
Dnv," the celebration of which he ori
ginated; Secretary Herbert writes on
"What the President of the United Status
Does," and Secretary Hoke Smith on
"Our Indians."
In a fascinating group of articles under
the head of "How I Served My Appren
ticeship," Frank R. Stockton tells how
he became an author, General Nelson A.
Miles gives reminiscences of his army
days, and Andrew Carnegie recalls his
earliest struggles in getting a business
The publishers of the Youth's Compan
ion make the following liberal offer:
New subscribers who will send at once
their name and address and $1.75, will
receive free a handsome four-page calen
dar for 18 (7x10 in), lithographed in
nine colors, the retail price of which is
50 cents, The Companion free every
week until January 1, 18, the Thanks
giving. Christmas and New Yeur's
double numbers free, and the Youth's
Companion fifty-two week, a full year to
1897. Address,
The Yoi th's Companion,
195, Columbus Ave., Boston.
The Thespian club met at the resi
dence of Mrs. J. W. Chase Wednesday
evening, and rehearsed several parts of
the new play, which will be presented
to the public in a few weeks. The play
is entiled "Strfie," and is full of live
dramatic incidents. It is a new produc
tion and represents a contest between
labor and capital. There are 13 charac
ters, although it can lie played with 11.
The cast of characters is now being
made up from different members of the
"Maharah's Original Colored Min
strels," was side-tracked at this point,
and shortly thereafter we were treated
to some fine music by the colored band
on parade. The sale of scats became
brisk and at the bour of the owning of
the eveniag performance Battery Hall
was packed to the doors. To Bav that the
entertainment came up to expectations
but mildly expresses the feelings of the
audience, for, from start to finish they
were kept in a state of hearty good hu
mor, and aeon led the colored artists
rounds of applause. Kearney, Neb.,
This troupe will appear at Sluvely's
on Friday evening of this week.
Eggs are an exceeding scarce articla
in the Oregon City market, and they
sell for the renumerative price of thirty
five cents per dozen. The poultry busi
ness is one of the neglected industries of
Clackamas county, especially when eggs
are a good price.
Household (jooils for Sale.
Parties desiring a fine solid oak
chamber set of eight pieces, a good
organ, a solid quartered oak hook case
with glass front and writing desk com
bined, a black walnut center table with
marble top and a few other household
effects for sale cheap. Call nt once at
residence two blocks rom Russell's
store, Parkplace. J. E. Pikrck.
F. F. Donaldson, the well known in
surance agents, has had an unusual
rush of business the past week renew
ing policies in the State Insurance Co.
which has failed, and which the holders
desire to have placed with a reliable
company of whose standing there is no
question. His companies are old and
strong and who have never failed or
defaulted in the payment of a loss.
Pearl Beeman came up from Park
place Wednesday, and appeared before
Justice Dixon and plead guilty to the
charge of disturbing religious services.
He was fined $10. Frank Brown, who
is wanted on the same charge is said to
have deoarted for California.
When the Southern Pacific overland
train arriyed at the depot Wednesday
morning, a man and woman got off the
blind baggage and leisurely walked up
the Seventh street stairway. They were
not recognized by any of the people at
the depot.
A. F. & A. M. A Special communica
tion of Multnomah lodge will he held on
Saturday evening at 7:00 sharp, All
members requested to be present. Work
in F. C. degree. G. S. Gray, W. M.
Home-made mincemeat. E.E.Williams
Alitor a (Jowl Pinner
you wnnt a (rood cignr. You
oun not it anywhoro lor n dime,
but ton cent four or live times
n dnv is lids of money those
times so wo oiler you high
gnido full linvnnii eiur for a
nickel. It is
. . . Tltc KcrmcHMO
Tim Grocer.
Rev, S. W, Stryker received ten now
members into the M. E. church last Sun
day. This makes It) additions to the
church since the new pustoi took charge
ol the work. Mr. Stryker has more than
met the expectations of his friends, and
has proven himself to be a very valuable
acquisition to the ministerial talent of
Oregon City. Wednesday Mr. Stryker
received a handsome carved eak revolv
ing chair for his study from the congrega
tion of the Claike.M. K. church, Portland,
w hose pastor Mr. Stryker w as liefoie com
ing to Oregon City. It was accompa
nied by a letter expressive of their grat
itude for the work done with them, and
well wishes for his labors in this city.
The trial of I). S. M. Fretwell, of the
Shores Medicine Company, on a churge
of practicing medicine without a license,
C Mipiod the attention of Justice Dixon's
court all dav Friday. By stipulation ol
the attorneys the matter was left to four
jurymen, Robert Wilson, Clark Fugo,
Daniel Williams and William ijuimi.
The jury could not agree ami two stood
for CJiivictiou and two for acquittal.
Further hearing of the case was post
poned until day (Friday), when anew
jury will be euipniineled. The penalty
for piuctii'ing mi'dicine without a license
is from f"0 to $100.
Tiiere is no mcdicinn so often needed
in every home and so admirably adapted
to the purposes for which it is intended,
as Chamberlain's 1'ain Balm. Hardly a
week passes but some member of the
family has need of it. A toothache or
headache may be cured by it. A touch
of rheumatism or neuralgia quieted.
The severe pain of a burn or scald
promptly treated before inflammation
sets in, which insures a cure in about
one-third of the time otherwise required.
Cuts anil bruises should receive imme
diate treatment before the parts become
swollen which can only te done when
Pain Balm, is kept at hand. A sore
throat may be cured before it becomes
serious. A troublesome corn may be
removed by applying it twice a day for a
week or two. A lame back may be cured
and several days of valuable time saved
or a pain in the side or chest relieved
without paying a doctor bill. Procure a
50 cent bottle at once and you will never
regret it. For sale by G. A. Harding,
Dr. A. P. Sawyer Sir : After suffering
for four years with female weakness I
was pursuaded by a friend to try your
Pastilles, and after using them one year,
I can sav I am entirely well. 1 can not
recommend them too highly.
Mrs. M. S. Bnxjk, Bronson, Bethel
Branch Co. Mich.
Sold by (ieo. A. Harding.
For prices and material in tine millin
erv, call and see Miss Rose Schoeland,
La Mode parlors, No. 2110 First, near
Morrison, Portland, Or.
Lamps. New stock of all kinds pist
received. Fine hanging lamps for -'.!.'.').
See Bellomy A liusch.
f .'100 to loan on good real estate.
C. II. Dye.
A few more ladies' and children's shoes
at cost, at E. E. Martin's.
Dr. J. It. tTattn, druggist and physi
cian, Humboldt, Nub,, who suffered with
heart disease for four yours, trying every
remedy and all troiitrnmitH known to him
elf and fellow-practltloners; IxiIIhvoh thut
heart disease Is curable. Ilu wrlUw:
"I wish to tell whutyour valuuhlo medi
cine has done for mo. For four yvursl had
heart disease of the, very worst kind. Sev
eral physicians I consulted, said It was
Rheumatism of the Heart.
It was almost un
endurable!; with
shortness of
breath, palpita
tions, severe
pains, unabla to
sleep, especially
on the left sldo.
No pen can de
scribe my aulTur-
"V . . . it
Yi'i '-:
m V ..."Of
vlngs, particularly
during the last
'months of those
four weary years.
Dr. Miles' New
I finally tried
Heart Cure,
and was surprised at the result. It put new
life Into and made a new man of me. I
have nut bad' a symptom of trouble since
and I am satisfied your medicine has cured
on for I have now enjoyed, since taking It
Three Years of Splendid Health.
I might add that I am a druggist and have
old and recommended your Heart Cure, for
I know what It has done for me and only
wish I could state more clearly my suffer
ing then and the Rood health I now enjoy.
Your Norvlne and other remedies also
give excellent satisfaction." J. 11. Watts.
Humboldt, Neb., May 9, 'M.
Pr. Miles Heart Core Is sold on a positive
KuuranUxt that tbn Urst bottle will hcnelit.
AlldrugglHtHHollltatfl, 6 bottles for W, or
It will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Ur. Jdllus Modical Co., Elkhart, Jud.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Restores Health
1 I Ml
As you value your I i IV.
Kverv time vou net your feet wi t -it In u nail in your
Collin Ih'itth lurks in n poor hIioo. A bud nhot
initkcH biu doctor I i 1 1h tmlo clicoks rounding
8lmlilorn hollow rlu-sts billions complexion noil
diluted forniH. A dry wnnn foot prolong life
nmkcrt rosy chock well rounded forms -Hear com
pli'dion full chest and good apctite.
YIT0H vtwm nm yoh vhm yom whk.
Ilothirt and you nhiill live it lonjr time.
McKittrick, "The Shoe Man.
Next door to OroRon
don't May uwakc nights trimming your lints; hut just
cull nt Mrs. SladenS, millinery purlor's. Souio
thintf there will nt tract you. Mitts ntid ImiuiicIh inndo to
order. Trices of trimmed lints from 1.(X) mid up.
Next door South Methodist Church,
Main Htrect, Oregon City,
Pastel Pictures
Given Away,
Cull and pet a ticket that will necuro yon one of these
henutiful 1'iiKtel Pictures, when you have trailed tIO.IHJ
Commercial Hank Mock, next door to roHtotHee.
The most complete stock of
TiocH ever had in our nursery.
Trees in every variety.
In all the latest and hest varieties.
All trees plainly laheled.
Special care is taken to have all stock free
is located 3 miles below Oregon City on west
bank of Willamette river.
sent on application, l'ostoflico address is
Oswego, Oregon.
agent for Oregon City.
Two Papers....
For the Price of One
J Oregon City g
3 Enterprise
FOR $1.50
Cash in
Old HuliHcribors to the Entekpkihe by paying in advance
are entitled to this offer. This m the bent clubbing
offer ever made.
I 1M wm III IMfM I'Ji 'IJi
lions, buidhf
lain llrntii.i. i!lr iin-it
City Dank, Oronon City.
J Oregon
TM FanMinilUmrdymirM fltilrkly, tnrmftnnt!y all .
ntirvom dlwiiwin, Wmk Mmnory, .. of Itrnlu 1 r,
liftwln-he, WnkeftutiflM, Iniat Vliullly, NluliUy Kmi
evil tlruutiiB. liriDotmicr nnd wRNttnif (Hbimbik
uMttifulrmtrttr0XtatB. ConUlimtiooiilateii. In a nr tonlo '
unl blood builder Mnkin thonilBaml puny utrnnif and plump. (
KnNlIyrnrrlMlnvoNtrHM'tu't. l mt hoi; a fnrHfV Tlr mull, pro-
pfiM, iff h a writ ten whtrnrifr ormimriirfjunttfil. WrUntm.fW
I ttnnnclfil utrinrtliiir. J'o ihrirnti fnr niKultati,,t,t. lifwnrunt imittU
hook. wnlrl Dlnln wrnnnor. with intimntilHia ami
mitaiM and
uunitau ta, vr )( NkUtKHkkiH (I,, Muitc lMala.L'hlMJ
hiClllliUiM 1 i