Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 22, 1895, Image 3

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    Oregon City bntcrprisc.
Hiinnrilir. t
Dhlnl nl l'iilli .
Oily ilnriiit,
fctrm-t (NitittulRNlntir(
Niii'l. nl Miit Wutka,
(Illy KiiKliii'i'r,
Oiium-llinmi , (.', Htl-VI-11,
Hiram MirnU'hl
I , i , I mill
(' h n a. K. Iliirna
K H Ciilllt
II. I llolmitll
K I. Hi III ll
(!. Ilillii'iirll, Jr.
W. II. Iliiwi'll
II. II. J .)
lio. Ilriiiliilitiili.
J. J. I iiiiko. Mini. Jn.ir,
Muc k lliiwull, I,.
I. I'urlnr, lliuiry MfIiIiiiiii. 1. W, Mnllntl
imiiiiipII niMilaflral Wilmailn olttarh miinlll
III city hall
' ...... ,--5
mixck I'li'.s-
Now Cltruii,
New Kui h i i) m .
Hiif.lli'Ht HuImIiih,
Ornnittt IVi-l,
liimii l'l'i'l,
WuhIiimI (,'iirranlM,
1'uro HirH,
Mlnro Mi'ut all rcuily for tlin ovmi.
K. M. William, The (irin'iir.
I.adiim cii'H nt t'liiirmaii Hun'a.
Miiiiry tu loan on Improved farm
W. II. lliirKliar.lt.
T.imivu your order for an oyatur loaf at
llm Nuvully i-amly utoro,
Tim boat ilowj in tin) country (ur alu
at TlioiimH Cliarman A Sun'i
If you want a newing inarliine fur (J.
KO tu Itt'lloiny Sc linacli'a.
Maakk! Muka! Munka!
All kiniU at lint Hi'kit atoru.
The laltwt in vlalting tarda at the Kn
tkkpmihm Okkic. l'rlot to ault you.
You iiiIkr it f you tuiy millinery with
out awlnif the iiricta at K. K Martlu'a,
J. V. Welch, ilenlint of tlin t'liii-niro
(.'olli'K of lVnliil Surgery, oillco tu the
Courier lildtf. near leot.
OyHterH will l hitvi'iI throughout the
acitMoii at Ihe Nowltv camly itore in all
ntyli'H, inrluiliiiK the llloomor.
Call and iniect our line of tinware
l'arker A Howard, 7th ulreet. near the
depot ,
For clean, white, cotton raim 6 cent"
er pound cah, will he paid lit Tiik Kn
TKHI'IUHK oillco
We are Uiuiu'Airriciia
for llaiuuiaH, Oranges, Uimona, Grapea,
Kltfii, PuU'h, Nuta, Ktc.
K. K, WillianiN, The Cirxx-er
Krenli oysteri will complete your Sun
day dinner, Leave your order at the
Novelty candy aloro. Orders delivered
Katon cap" In the latent colon at the
Itacket atore for 25 and 30 renta.
KrnHli veitetalilea from Maplewood
farm delivered to all parta of the city,
Klatik note, receipt and order booki
at the Kntkhi'hink office.
(iood accoinl hand violin for Rule chenp
at necond hand Htore, Seventh Btreet
near the depot.
Good aMHortnient of necond hand
ac.hool hooka, name a now lined, at
l'arker A Howard's Htore, nil nearly
C, A. Willey, the Seventh Htreet liar
nenii iniin, ia liiiildinu a two atory addi
tion to the reur of hia aloro and house
keeping rooma.
Jut received direct from the Kant i
full line of Kcnuina Koater kid gloves
which we will ho pluaaed to bIiow the
ludiea of Oregon City. All new ahades.
Hon't foritet the place. The Kackot
iJr. A. 1'. Suwyer: I have had KIhmi
inatlHin aluce I waa 20 yearn old, hut
since uniiiK your Family Cure have been
troe from it. It bIho cured my hiiNliand
of the same diseHHO.
Mra. Koht. Connelly, Urooklyn, 1.
Sold hy G. A. IIurdinK.
Iliickleii's Arnica Salve.
Tho beat salve in the world for Cuts.
lirliUcs, Korea, I'lcera, Suit Hlieuni,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Krup
tions, and ponitively cures I'iles or no
pay required. It is Kiinrnnteud to give
perfect satiafaction or money refunded,
For Hiilo by Churnmn A Co., Cluirinan
Iiros. Block.
The Ideal I'mincea.
James L. Francis, Alderman. Chicago,
auys: "I regard lr. Kinn's New Dis
covery as an Ideal I'anacca for Cornells,
Colds and Liinu Coiiiphiints, liuving iihoi)
it In my family for the Inst flvo years, fo
theexcliiHion of physicians' prescriptions
or other preparations."
Rev. John Hurus, Keokuk, Iowa,
writes: "I have been a minister of the
Methodist Episcopal Church for 50 yours
or more, and have never found anything
so bunodcinl, or that gave me such
speedy relief as Dr. King's Now Discov
ery." Try this Idoal Cough Remedy
now. Trial bottles free at Charmnn A
Co.'s drug store.
Leaves Or. City daily except Sun
day 9:00 a.m. - - 1:30 p.m.
Leaves Portlund daily, except Sun
day 11:00 a.m. - 3:30 P. m,
Hon nil Trip, 3,c,
A (ill HAT (MTIIKItl.MJ.
Tim l.uir iiimI Order ('(iiivcutlon Doe
Uiioil V..lk-MileiMll(l Tlckcl.
l'lirmiunl to cull about .'!00 clti.i'il an
nciiiIjIi',1 atSlilvely'a hall Tuesilay even
ing to makii nomination" for u iniiuici
pill refiirm city ticket. The convention
was called to order by T. H. Lawrence,
anil l;, II, Dyv win liiiulo perinii
in-ill cliulrmiin, l liiu lea MiMorvn waa
olected seeretury and W. It, Wiggins as
siNtunt Hccretary, Mr. Dye took the
chair ami stated thn object of llm con
vention. That a relorm in municipal
matters was very much needed; that
minora should be kept out ut the saloons
and prostitutes oil' the streets. He auid
thorp had been some strictures on tho
wotk of thn league committee In naming
candidates before the convention met.
Ilu explained that these names were
only suggested us suitiiblo persona for
the places named, and that it waa nec
essary to II ml out who would accept
nominal inns; that the names of men
were soluctej, who were not candidates,
lie said, we as a league are earnest in
this matter to ace good government.
A motion was made and seconded
that the ticket suggested by the com
mittee by adopted by tho convention.
This plan was opposed by Charles Mes
erve, ILL. Kelly and J. W. Mollatt.
Kelly said that this method of proceed ore
looked too much like gag law, while Mr.
MolniU claimed that there were numer
ous voters present, who wanted to vote
for other candidates than those named.
The motion was declared out of order.
J. I.. Swall'ord, Mr, Zumwult, Duane
Kly and L. C. Caples were appointed
ti-llers, T. S. Lawrence made motion
that no one be inrmltted to vote in this
convention, unless they are in sympathy
with the movement. I'rof. S. W.
Holmes suggested that the voters walk
up lo the table in front and cast their
ballots. This auggestiwn was accepted.
II. I.. Kelly thought there should be
none there who did not favor better mu
nicipal government.
Dr. J. V. I'owell and K. (i. Cuilflt-ld
were placed in nomination for mayor.
Cuiilleld received 01 votes and 1'owell.
103. On motion of J. W. Moflatt, Dr.
i'owell'a nomination waa "made unani
mous. W. H. Wiggins, K. K. Martin. R. L.
Ilolmaii and J. A. Thayer were placed
In nomination for treasurer. On tho
first ballot Wiggins, til), Martin. 79,
lloliiian, 1!5, Tl.aver, 14. No choice.
The names of llolman and Thayer were
withdrawn, and on the second ballot
V iggins received 70 votes and Martin
On motion It was decided that voter
of the two wards gather on each aide of
the ball and make nominations sep
arately for members of the council
J. L. Swollurd was elected chairman
of the first ward delegation, and Chris.
Schubi'l, secretary. G. W. Church,
John Hituor, James Heckurt and (1. V,
Kly were placed In nomination. Church
received 7 votes, llitnor 60, Heckart 62,
Kly 21.
Tho second ward delegation elected
Dr. II. K. Ion in chairman, and J. M.
1 .aw re nee secretary, l C. Canles.
M.tiaull, S. S. Walker and James
llor.ey were were placed in nomination.
aplea received -IS voles, ttault, 71,
Walker, Honey. 111.
The ticket aa nominated is as follows:
Mayor Dr. J. W. I'owell.
Treasurer K. E, Martin.
Councilmen First Ward John Ritner,
James Heckart.
Councilmen Second Ward L. C. Ca
ples and T. M. Ciuult.
The convention was very harmonious
and enthusiastic throughout.
Tho nominee for mayor, Dr, J. W
I'owell, Is a practicing physician and
has resided in Oregon City for some
years. Ho bus never taken a prominent
hand in either citv or countv uolitiea
ml is a conservative, careful wan who
has tho contldence of all who know him.
lie lived in Nevada for some veais and
as a member of the legislature in that
slate. Ho is a well read man and
thoroughly posted and would fill the
olllce of mayor with credit to himself
and honor to the city.
John Bittner, candidate- for councilman
n tho First ward, wus formerly land-
I I I 1 I w . ,
loru oi mo i iiii uouse, nut ia now a con
tractor and bulider. He is known to be
quiet, thorough business man and one
hois fully competent for the important
portion he is nominated for.
J. M. Heckort, tho other candidate
for councilman in the First ward, con-
iictH an express and delivery business,
and lias considuoable proerty interests
in the city. Ho ia an upright man, of
good education and ability, and has had
in other lines a good business training.
He bus been a resident of the city tor
some years, but has never actively en
gaged in politics, his candidacy being
not of bis own seeking.
L. C. Caples, candidate for council
man in the Second ward, holds the re
sponsible position of head miller in the
flouring mills and has resided in the
city so long that ho is thoroughly identi
fied with its interests. He has as good
business qualifications us any man in
Oregon City and to all mutters that lie
is interested in he gives the closest at
tention. Ho is a Bufe man to have in
the council.
Thomas Gault, candidate for council-
man in the second ward, is engineer in
liroiighton's sawmill, and has resided
fur a number of years In Oregon City
and owns considerable property in the
city, J I Is friends are numbered by I. is
acquaintances, and such la his popular
ity I hut his name was mentioned for
mayor, He Is a man of good education
anil ability, and his honor and integrity
cannot be ipiestioned . Ho will make
mi t-Hicjc'it councilman.
K. K. Martin, caudidute for treasurer,
bus been a resident of the city for the
past three years and of the county for
live. Hu conducts s dry goods and fur
nishing storo and Is a practical business
man and a thorough hook keeper. He
is fully competent to keep the complica
ted books of the treasurer' oflice, and
will have no difficulty In procuring txjnds
and the votes to make tho bonds neces
sary. Mute Insurance reticles Redeemed.
l'atrons of the State Insurance Com
pany are requested to bring their olicies
to F. K. Donaldson at Commercial bank
ot once and exchange them for policies
in a first class company. Highest
market price allowed for tho unexpired
time of all old policies. Do not delay, as
you will get nothing il your property is
burned while you hold the old policy.
Ti:e lotted Artisans.
This desirable order is about to es
tablish an assembly in Oregon Citv. No
one who has given its proiertiea careful
study but must realize its advantage
over other fraternal ordeis in the strong
business principles upon which it claims
recognition as practical fraternal insur
ance. Its board of directors la composed
of men of known integrity and high
standing, Senator John II. Mitchell,
Judk-e C. B. Bellinger, Hon. Parish
Willis, State Senator F. O. Akin, Goo.
W. Bates, Banker F. I. McKanna and
others whose home and business inter
ests are here have recognized its merits.
Another agreahlo feature Is the admis
sion of ladies to direct membership and
full privileges of the order insurance and
otherwise thus filling a want that bus
been long felt.
Dr. F'ainham, deputy from the su
preme assembly ia here at the Electric
hotel and would be happy to give all
information and receive application for
memlwrship in the order. Come while
the charier is open and excuse of join
ing light.
For the 4riiinalum
An entertainment wilt be given at
Shivoly's hall on Dec. 2nd by the
athletic club of the Portland Athletic
Association of Ihe Y . M. C. A. assisted by
local musical talent for the benefit of the
gymnasium fund. Those who viewed
the athletic exhibition at the Chautau
qua assembly last summer w ill need no
second invitation to be present. Among
the vocalist we will mention Mrs.
Huwley, Mrs. Sudio White, Mrs, E. E.
Charmnn, Miss Kate Ward and the
Boylan boys. Instrumental music will
be given also and addresses by Capt.
Kimball of the Bishop Scott academy
and General Secretary Dummitt of the
Y. M.C. A. A fine entertainment will
be enjoyed for the small sum of 25 cents
and aid given to a worthy object, which
should appeal to all public spirited
A Lie .Nulled.
Another one of Dr. Carll's lies nailed
to the cross. Ho has tried through the
little duily paper of this city to prejudice
the people against Mr. Fretwell of Dr.
Shores' Medical Co., by having a tele
gram inserted in that paper, which pur
ported to come from Dr. Hanson, of
Missoula, stating that D. S. M. Fretwell
had not beaten the medical law of Mont
ana at Missoula. Please read the fol
lowing telegram from the Judge before
whom Mr. Fretwell was tried in Mis
soula :
Missoula, Mont. Nov. 20, 1895.
D. S ,M. Fretwell, Oregon City Oregon :
You were tried and acquitted in my
court on a charge of practicing medicine
without license authoiity,
Aniikkw Long, Judge.
It is thus seen that my statements are
true notwithstanding the lies that are
out. 1). 8. M. Fkktwkll.
Ogle creek, a branch of the Molallu,
bus fair prospects of becoming an im
portant mining center. Jumes Thorne
has had considerable experience in
quartz mining in all its details from
grinding up tho rock to separating tho
gold from the base metals, and some
weeks ago visited this section and the
Red Rock mining district. Recently,
W. J. Evans brought In soma samples
of gold-boaring ore Irom the big ledge
now being prospected on Ogle creek,
which Mr. Thorne made a working test
of. This ore ia very different from the
ordinary species of quartz and resembles
porphyry more than any other rock.
The gold is pluinly visible with tho
naked eye and the working test made
oy jur. inorne snows that it will pay at
least $100 per ton. The outlet of this
new mining district will be Oregon City,
as this is tho most convenient way of
reaching the mines.
Born, to the wife of Will Nickham on
the Kith, a girl.
Position wanted in good family by a
girl. References given. Address "A"
care of Entkkprihk.
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all ia leavening
Strength. V. S. Oovrnment Report
Highest of all In Leavening Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report
i i v i in rr
a Me
Ladles' CWiu Funned.
Musical culture is receiving consider
ablo attention in Oregon City this winter
and the latest is a ladies' chorus of t-n
voices, made up from Miss Neila
Harlow's singing i.-luss. It would seem
from the advancement made in musical
accomplishments in this city that it
would hardly be necessary to send to
Portland for talent for entertainments.
With Miss Brrlow as instructor, is sufli
clent guarantee that the chorus will
attuin to a high degree of efficiency.
She has made music a practical study
for a niimlier of years under the best
teachers in Portland and for the past
two years has taken lessons under Mrs.
Waltor Reed, of Portland, who ia con
sidered one of the most accomplished
technical vocalists north of San Fran
cisco. Following is the personell of the
chorus: Mrs. Chas. Caufield, Mrs. W.
C. Cheney, Mrs. E. E. Charman. Miss
May Kelly, Miss Florence Morey, Miss
flattie Monroe, Miss Mary Cony era, Miss
Kate Ward, Miss Minnie Kuerten and
MissMattie Draper. Mrs. E. K. Wil
liams accompan'st.
The celebrated Arthur Jones case has
been belore the local land office for sev
eral days. The testimony is all in, which
will he submitted to the commissioner
of the general land olllce. The land In
litigation is situated near Brooks, Ma
rion county, and was disposed of by the
stale about 20 years ago as school land,
although there was nothing on record at
the Oregon City land office to indiate
that the land had been alloted to the
state. The property in question, passed
through two or three bands, and finally
came into possession of Arthur Jones.
As the land office records showed that it
was goyernment land, a third party was
permitted to file homestead claim, and
the commissioner of the general land
ordered a content. This is the third
time the case has been up for a bearinge
Eighty homestead applications were
filed in the Oregon City land office last
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Grout,
Sunday, November 17th, a
Hia Former Record.
Dr. Car II, in order to find out if Fret-
well's statement was true that he made
while on the stand at his trial last Friday,
telegraphed the leading physician in
Missoula to learn the facts. The follow
ing telegrams explain themselves:
Okkoon Citv, Ohk.,Nov. 19th, 1895.
To Dr. Hanson, Missoula, Mont. Did one
Fretwell fight and defeat Montana med
ical law in your city this full? Answer.
Dr. Carll.
Mihsoi'la, Most., Nov. 19th, 1895
Dr. W. E. Carll, Oregon City, Oregon.
He did not Fretwell Is an auctioneer
from Salt Luke, gambler and quack.
S. II. Hanson, M. D.
Mrs. R. Prior has received an elegant
line of holiday goods, fresh and new,
and carefully selected, consisting of
dolls, toys and articles just the thing for
holiday presents. Don't make your pur
chases until you have examined Mrs.
Prior's stock.
You won't know what good lard is
until you get some of our Driven Snow,
absolutely pure leaf,
E. E. Wiujaus, the grocer.
To Regulate,
Tone Up,
:) and(:
thereby curing constipation,
dyspepsia, biliousness, dispo
sition to sick headache and
kindred ailments, take
Dr. Pierce's
-w Pleasant
Ont a Dom.
All Medlcla Dealers.
11 fllWn n f !LTra
it be
a turkey, chicken, or a goone
for your Thanksgiving dinner.
We will have lots of them and
oolieit your order. Hend it in
now and you will get first
Cranberrien, celery, cider,
bananas, oranges, grapes, figs,
dates, rami no, mincemeat,
plurn pudding, candy, nutH, etc.
E. E. William's, The Grocer.
On Thursday, the 14th the people of
Willammette organized a debating
sopiety to be held at the hall on Wednes
day at 7:30 p. m. each week. F.yeryone
is invited.
Clarence Porter is so well known as
one of the most skillful horse-shoers in
Oregon City, that this local is only in
tendfd eor strangers who have lately
come lo the city and the county. Give
him a trial and be convinced.
Its worth your while if you need any
thing in glass or crockery ware, tubs,
brooms, wash-boards, lamps, tinware
ect., to visit Marr & Robertson's store,
they are clearing out the K. Ktaub stock
at cost .
Wasted. Several trustworthy gentle
men or ladies to travel in Oregon for es
tablished, reliable house. Salary $780
and exDenses. Steady position. En
close references and self addressed,
stamped envelope.
Tub Dominion Company, Third Floor,
Omaha Bldg., Chicago, Illinois.
Diseases unfriendly to women are
positively cured by Dr. Sawyers Pastil
les. Ask your druggist for a free sample
package. It heals and cures. Sold by
Geo. A. Harding.
We have them
at prices from
-$l TO $2.
Large Assortment of Latest Parisian
Ostrich Feathers Dyed and
Hair Work in
a Mi l
220 First Street,
Edited by ALBERT SHAW.
"1 mm imrlip
IMMalV IVSlltl Mil I'tJl
that appears in the other
great magazines all over
the world,
3r PllhlUllPil
increase or
reviews, summaries, and
ture. are
the subscription price.
Aside from these departments,
and contributed features of the
equal in extent to a magazine.
WW. an invaluable chronicle of the happenings of the thirty days just past, "4
vay wuii picium uii every page ui 111c
J women who have made the history of
WW. Tti Literary World says: "We
JJ fli impressed from month to month with
J of the 'Review of Reviews,' which
WW. of Eiffel Tower for the survey of
55 field of periodical literature,
own. and speaks out with decision
T4 -
J- the daily newspaper. It is daily in its
m the hour. It is a singular combination of the monthly magazine and
J; It is monthly in its method. It is the world
w under a field glass."
Sold on all New. Stands. Single Copy, 35 cents.
5' 13 Astor Place, New York.
CoM Weather....
The weather isharpfl say
that this fine weather is
to lie followed by cold,
wet weather.
J Jail Colds.
Will then be in order,
for many people will
neglect to put on
Warm Under Clothing.
We have an extra fine
assortment in fleece
lined, French ribbed
wool, flannels, knit goods,
pure wools and natural
wool. All weights and
Glass & Smyth
-The Clothiers.
House and two acres near Park
J. K. GROOM, Oregon City, Or
School Children
Should be
Krausse Bros.
New York Designs of Trimmed Hats.
Cured. Kid Gloves Cleaned.
all its Branches.
Portland, Oregon.
REVIEWS, as' its
tr;i' in
generally on the same date that they
With th rfr-Ant ArtMnrz-linlrv "fe
r v fe
wonny periodicals, inese caretui
giving the I annual
gist oi periodical mera- I subscription
alone worth
the editorial
Review of Reviews are themselves
Editor's "Progress of the World" is S2
men ana
the month.
are deeply
the value
is a sort
the whole
25 cents.
yet it has a mind and voice of its v is
and sense on all public topics of
" "" ywttr IVklk.J v sfa
Agents find it
the Host