Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1895)
COUNTY COURT I'ROCEKMMJS. Present: i. E. Ilnjes, Jntltte, R. Jan pir ami lilihiinl Scot!, Comnils sinners. November Term. Report of viewers on t!o petition of C. A. Raili, et al, for a county roail tip. piowJ and roail ordered opened. Kx eue account of f 13.M allowed. Report of viewers on petition of George Williams, et al, for a vacation of streets in Mintliorn, laid over until I'e ceml'er term, and expense account of iTi.),i i .t .,it..i..,l fnin. , . ' bondsmen. ,.;.: it w i ,)t , I l-UIII'H VI A. . . .VII" w.., ..., for vacating certain streets in Minthorn, was continued until the IVvember term. Tlie application of G. YVinternuntol for a tax rebate was denied. Proposition of J. A. Strowhrid;e to re fund the nionev heretofore paid him as ilimages on cluntre in Crosswell and Milwaukee road, was denied, and super visor of road district No. 12, ordered to proceed to open said road. The following claims were ordered paid : A V Phillips, pauper account, $ 1 00 Mrs It E Nendel, M 00 I Selling, j il account 15 00 Tlios Charaian vt Son, pau ac. 31 95 J S Yoder, road account 4 28 George Dunlavy, road account, 6 90 Adkina Bros, road account 7i 30 J Eoake A Co, road account. . 13 69 Robbing A Son, road account. . 1 00 State vs 8 E Mid lam, insane. . 19 00 fratevsJAY Matthews 5 00 State vs J S Williams 7 00 Inquest ot R W Moore 91 05 G Gross, road account 4 20 Courier, printing 5 00 Herald, printing 2 70 E C Ma Jdock, b'd of prisoners, 51 28 D E Shepard, deputy sheriff. . 33 00 Max Schulpius, deputy sheriff, 6 00 Noblett's stable 12 50 E C Maddock, arrest of J A l.ouUignont 8 19 State vs J W Jackson, dist 8. . 44 10 St vs B and M A Boydston.d 6 15 80 St vs T Emmersly, et al, dist 7 13 25 State vs James Pierson dist 7, IS 75 State vs Alma Morris, dist 13, IS 20 State vs Robert Lee, dist 13.. Hi State vs John Kohler, dist 4... 20 25 State vs J A Louisignont 10 95 State vs J Ke'ay and W Story. . 9 20 State vs F and H f liuiler, d 4, 9 80 State vs Leslie Brook, district 4, 24 00 State vs S Gross, district 4 57 55 State vs David Fields, dist 4. . 19 45 State vs L P Howard, et al, d 4. 27 75 State vs George Feenles, d 4, 22 10 State vs las French, rec court, 24 25 Musa Barkley, copying mili tary list 11 00 O C Hospital, pauper account, 53 20 Wilson & Cooke, road account, - 37 25 J M Hayden, et al, bridge ac. . 147 56 Glass & Prudliomune, records. . 115 60 M Hyatt, deputy sheriff 38 33 Geo Marshall, deputy sheriff. . 15 50 J C Bradley, assessor 216 00 A Hunter, road account 2 00 Donglas, Seifer & Hilleary, j road account. . . .' 10 35 Enterprise, printing 40 50 Lindaley & Jones, road ac Judge Hayes, dissentinz. . 3S 91 M O Coleman 5 00 EC Maddock, telephone at.. 3 55 State vs I5ert Jewell, district No. 10, $51.80, disallowed. The following road reports were ap proved and expense acconnU ordered paid: Road district So. 1 Labor, $181 70. District No. 5 Labr, $8 50; material, $3 00. District No. 6 Labor, $34.85. District No. 9 Bridge work, $18; ma terial, $27 93. District No. 11 Labor, $06; bridge work, $3. District No. 13 Labor, $159 46. District No. 14 Labor, $90 75. District No. 18 Bridge work, $14; ma terial, $15 05. District No. 19 Labor, $18 25. District No. 23 Labar, $5 25. District Ni. 24 Br.dge work, $53 75; material, $40 20. District No. 25 Bridge work, $159 50; District No. 26 Bridge work, $5. material, $5 70. District No. 27 Labor, $7, District No. 29 Labor, $52. District No! 31 Bridge work, $9 12; material, $32 08. District No. 32 Labor, $11 25. In the matter of the application of Ella Colson, administratrix of the es tate of John D. Colson, deceased, for re bat of taxes for the year 1892, and it apearing to the court by the affidavit of Jasper Davis, that there were no no tices posted on said premises of sale for ilnlinnuent taxes as required by law. It is therefore ordered that said Ella D. Colson, administratrix of said estate, be twrmitted to redeem said property by paying said tax and the costs, and the penalty for said year is hereby remitted. The petition of the Willamette Valley Telephone Company for the privilege of erecting and operating a telephone sys tem along the county roads was denied. In the matter of the proposals for a poor farm, it was ordered that bids for a poor farm filed in accordance with the advertisement of court, and opened at Auuust term thereof, be rejected. In the matter of releasing mortgage of Charles Bolds, the amount due on not of said Charles Bolds to Clackamas county and secured by a mortgage, hav ing been paid in full, it w?.s ordered that I .t ..1....1. .. ...:..f.. .....vt hi .f uiu luuiuj ctei . enuirnj- pii iuui mi..' v. record. In the matter of receiving hids to fur- ! nish the countv with records, blanks, etc., two o'clock p.m., Novemlier 7th, haviiis been set as the time for receivinu said bids, and no bidders apHariii(i, it is ordered that said matter be dismissed. The petition of C. Johnson lr a du plicate wairant was laid over. I In the matter of the delinquent tax of I F. U. lVment for the years IS::1 mil i 1S;4, on petition of the said F. t. IV ! ment bv his attorney. II. E Cross, it is i order ordered that on the payment of the i saul taxes, with costs, and interest tit I , . . ,, .j,,.. ! per i-ent per annum for the ears I.-. .1 1.1, 1 -III .I..... .. . .ai ... ana l,:H; mill iuupiuMiu kmc n in full for such taxes, and cancel the cer tificates therefore issued by the county at delinquent tax sale. In the matter of the care of Mrs, Klinger and child, indigent persons, it was ordeied that $8 er month, be ap propriated for said purpose, and that a warrant for same be issued on the first day of each month, commencing with December 18th, and a warrant for $8 to be now drawn for immediate necessities. In the matter of the care of Henry Lewis, on the petition of E. C. Hackett, it was ordered that the amount hereto fore appropriated for support of Henry Lewis and wife, be increased to $10 per month, to date from December 1st, 1805. In the matter of the reports of officers on the collection of fees during October, 1S95, the county clerk reported $334 14, and the recorder, $229 55. The reports were examined and approved. In the matter of the bridge across Butte creek on the J. M. Drake road, it was ordered that on the report of D. W. Kinnaird, madmaster, being filed show ing that said bridge is completed ac cording to contract, a warrant be drawn in favor of C F. Royal, contractor, in payment of same. In the matter of the application ot M. G. Coleman for the relief of B. Cod dington, it was ordered to refer to Com missioner Scott for investigation, and to act as necessity may require. In the matter of the mileage and per diem of commissioners, R. Scott was al lowed $14 63 and F. Jaggar, $13 20. The following new proposals have been received by the county court for a "poor farm,' and filed in the office of the county clerk : W. W. Myers amended bid makes a reduction of $1000 on the n.'i of his place, including s'ock, crop and implements, stated in first bid to-wit : One hundred and sixty acres, 50 or 60 in cultivation, with all buildings, including stock, crop and implements, reserving 25 feet for a private road, where the road now runs to the south balf of the place. L. Hornschnch offers 140 acres six and a half miles from Oregon City, in D L C No. 48, on the Viola and Canby road, 70 acres under cultivation, the balance .covered by good timber, with grain, veg etables, horses, cows, wagons and farm ing implements for $4,000. John Gibson, of Milwaukie, offers 357 acres 8 miles east of Oregon City with farm implements and machinery, stock, 125 acres in cultivation and 20 acres in orchard, for $18 per acre. H. M. Kelly offers 50 acres of land, 20 head of hogs, six Holsteio cows, horses and new ha-ness, three dozi'n hens, four acres potatoes, house and barn and out houses for $8,000. John O. Shannon offers 48 acres of land lying one mile from Oregon City on the west side of the Wil lamette river, for $125 per acre. J. M. Findley offers a farm of 91 3-4 acres near New Era for $3,800, improved with stock and grain, etc., also 131 3-4 acres for $5,200, improved, etc. John Gibson, of Milwaukie, offers 46 acres one and a half miles east of Ore gon City at $50 per acre. W. L. Holcomb offers 295 acres about four miles northeast of Oregon City, 90 acres in cultivation, for $35 per acre. Robert Kelland offet s 115 acres in the Milton Brown D. L. Cone and a quar ter miles northeast of New Era and two and; a half miles from Oregon City, 35 acres in cultivation, house and barn, for $4,000. Barlow & Co.. of Barlow, offer 30 acres or more at Barlow. They offer to sell 15 acres at $45 per acre and to do nate 15 acres adjoining. T. P. Randall offers 05 acres in the Samnel Vance D. L. C, adjoining the John Myers farm for $50 per acre; also 02 1-2 acres on the Highland road, it be ing a part of the Hubert Caufield D. L. C. , for $40 per acre. T. H. M. Baker and H. R. Baker offer 196 acres situated in sections 8 and 9, township 3 south, range 1 west, with 12 acres of orchard and 75 acres of plow land, for $5,000. W. F. Kirk, of Beaver creek, offers his farm of 100 acres, including grain, stock and implements for $6,000. T. M. Miller offers 140 acres within two miles of the court house, with 35 acrf;S improved for $6,000, or 100 acres for $4,500. V. R. Hyde and Hiram Straight offer the Nicholas Wells donation claim, com prising 640 acres near Viola, for $4,500. W. W. May offers 51.15 acres of land, 42 acres in cultivation, orchard and im provements, and located ou the Molalla road six miles from Oregon City, for $2700. ' Karl's Clover Root, the great blood purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation, 25c, 60c, $1 00 for sale by Geo. A. Harding. FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER. BLOOD The Queen of Fashion THE FASHION PAPER OF THE DAY. Snperb, Strictly Up-To-Date Designs, Illustrations and Fashion Note. Reliable, Bright and Clean. A year' subscription for Only 50 Cents, including, free, your choice of any one of th Celebrated McCall Bazar Patterns, and all patterns to subscribers Only 10 or 15 Cents. Send a a-nt stamp for a sample copy to TUB Slot ALL tOMl'AXY. 46 East 1 lib Ot., ftew York. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Hie Clacka mas Abstract & Tru-t Company. Paschal IVpiette to M Paipiette Oct 30 '95 W D w sw'4' sec 24 t 6 s, r 1 e 80 acres E House to J F Watson Oct 30 '05 W D lots 1 and 2 blk 130 Oregon City Bernard Kgooto Mary Egon Nov 1 '95 W D lots 7 and 8 blk 27 O 1 N S Co's add to Oswego John Campbell to J N Duncan Nov 21 '94 QC D 135 acres Crowfield'a claim .j interest F F White to II M Tayler Nov 2, '95 W D lot 6 blk 35 Central add 1 1 to Oregon City C U West to Harnitt Stanton Nov 2 '95 W D se'4 of ne'i sec 31 1 5 8 rle S B Califfto Jane Younger Oct 30 '95 lots 3 and 4 blk 142 Oregon City S B Califf by assignee, to J F Younger Oct 29 '92 assignee deed Same as above W F Kirk to Mary Dicken Nov 5 '95 W D n'a' of seJi and se'i of so'' sec 14 and n)i of nel4 of nw,1 sec 23 and n,' of l of rie'-4 sec 23 t 300 610 100 350 3 8, r 2e 4 interest 1100 29 400 Sophia Backus to John Backus June 29 '91 W Ds sec 34t5s, r3e.. C C W Williams to M J Sharkey Nov 5 '95 W D "bi acres in claim 38 t 3 b, r 1 e Marr & Robertson to Kate Staube Oct 29, '95 W D lots 9, 10, 11, blk 7 Falls View A Harinann to J L Evans Nov 7 '95 W D s',4 of wi sec 24 1 4 s, r 2 e 792 BOO 4i!0 H C Green to Owen Purry Nov 7 '95 W D eii of ne'4 of sec 14, t 3 s, r 2 e 80 acres. . 900 M A Hartman to M S Hartinan Nov 1 '95 Q C D 44 acres in claim 40 t6s, r2e 1 II B Al Rinearson to T F Ryan Nov 1 '95 QC D lots 6 and 15 blk 16 Gladstone 290 J A Hosey to M B Johnson Nov 7 '95 part of lot 4 hlk 2 Green Point Henry Gans to Michael Long Nov 36 '94 W D 30 acres in the E A Wilson claim T II Ackorson to Michael Long Nov 4, '95 Q C D, same as last I O O F No, 2 to Harding. Walden & Morey Oct 20 '95 Q 0 D part of lot 3 blk 4 Oregon City M Khulsted to Carl Anderson Oct 9 '95 W D swj of sec 28t 5 s, r 3 e John Jones to W E Jones Mar 16 '95 W D 40 acres in sec 29, t 3 8 r 150 400 400 2 e 1250 J K Lawler to John Hitter Nov 7 '95 W D 3-8 acres in sec 2, t 5 b, r 1 e W F Hibbard to Kanl Tellefson Nov 5 '95 W D 243 acres in the Tbos Waderburg claim. Correc tion 4500 Have your titles examined and ab stracts made by the CLACKAMAS AB STRACT 4 TRUST CO. who have the only complete set of abstracts of title of all land in Clackamas county. Accurate and reliable work by a responsible firm. Office upstairs in the Caufield building. SI1C Varies Exhibit And havo your photos lakon at tho pillory. Third nud Morrison Sta. Entrnnco on Morrison Stroot. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Ud dors. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strain, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sctcj, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments. All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailment ;, Penetrates JMusdc, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Vo?y Seat of Pair acd Ousts it i;i a JiiCy. Rub In Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquer Pain, jtlakes flan or Beast weD Sain. NOTICE OF BALE OP HEAL K8TATE. In the CountT Court of th BUI of Orou, Ut tho Count? of C nek tint. Ia thmiUrof th.MUteof Lucr A. 8ml tb, Uuotr ulh'irltr of n or.Ur o( ! TntJ by th enmity roiirt of tlie Ute of Orcgou, for the eountr of Cl.i'kjra, dated Kutimlw Itli, lw.', I will Mil at prlr'.e'a:alh -' following duacnlxt.l rati citato: An undlrldM , Int In the ut ' j of the south a-l i of Hjc. 9, T. ft 8. , It. 1 of the Willamutt i MorMl.n, continuim Ml acr. irnir i or leu. ultuate liiCickiin rim M, utit "f Ore ;on. Ha e wi t or mviv on ami a;irr Satnr lay. til i :10th day of Noviiiit, 1tO,and trl will t e reii Ued for lha .am by the uudur ilm'd,t Needy, Clac amn ruiinty, Orero'i, or at rh utile uf lioorKJ C. Ilrownell, Orrn n Ity, (irenoii. Ttrina ot ai, o nfha I cth ill hand, th ua am li ix mo.itn time, ne -nroi oy morUHiie on primlMta. FmtnT. Bmith, Adinltimtrator of the Kslato ot Lucy A. BmlU. dreaied. J. (,'. Cami'Bixi, AUorney.fnr Admlulntrator. ll-a-U-6 NOTICE OF FINAL SKTri.KMENT. In the matter of the entile of Alaxaudir Mc (iarvoy, dtrea e 1. 1 Notice la hereby lrn that the nnrleralRn d baafll .d h alluil report 1 1 Mid e.tate In tin eotinty court o C ai-Kam pointy, OrrKr.pj, and the court tins fixed Januar nth, at the hour of I0o'c:oc A. M , at a day and (or the nl ob.V'tl un to laid report, if any there are, and for the tiMiletnout of hh Id .estate. T!'maM imkman, Adiniulntrdtor. If. E. Croih, Atto ney for the estate. . Novemujrfith, ln'JS. 118, 12 1 CI r ATION. In the County Court of th State of Orejon l it C'larkaman C unity. In the Mailer of tho KiUte of C B. Mawklnt, deceased. To William Hawkins. Cnarlet W, Koiindi, Mnry A Weaver and all other i Interested III the eitataotC. H. Hawkins, demasud. In the nam') o( the Mate ol Oregon: Von am horat'y requlnd to he and appear In the County court o! the Hiat ol Oregon f ir th County ol Clackamai, at the rooms of the said courtat thu county seat In said count', on Wat urdaT the i!;(d day o! Novemhir, A. 1). WJ't, at the hour of 10 a. m., tlmn and there t show cause, llauv you hare, why an order snould not be made to sell the lollowluirdesR'llied propirty In aceordaiioo with the put tlon filed heroin: Alio! lot nomiVrod lx (6) block numbired one hundred anil sixty-nine (HU) o! OMgun City, Clackamas County, a'so 1 o! lots num bered fourteen (Hi and fifteen a) block elereu (11) and lot two U) of b ock (8; of Gladstone, Clackamas County, Oreiron. Witness til Hon. Gordon K. Hayes, Judge o! the countv court ol the Hute of Orc jou for Clackauiat County, this 'M rtuy of Oi'totier, lh'jfi. Attest: OEO. F. IIOKTON, County Clark. SHERIFF S BALE. In tho Circuit Court of the-Htat of Oregon, for tb couny oi oiacxainas. John fl. Illckmiin Plaintiff, vs. E. W. Eaton and Era A. Knton defendants. State of OriRon, County of Clackamaa, la, -VTOT1CF. IH HKKF.ISY G1VK.N THAT BY virtue of an execution and nrdor ol tale Issued out ol the circuit court ol the Htata ol OruKon lor the County o! Clackamas, bearlnt; date the 10th dny ol October. In i'i, In s ault wherein John II. Hickman Is plalntirr, and E. W. r.aiou anu A. r.aiou erw uuiouuniii. commanding me, In the name ot theBtateo! Orairnn. that out ol th ral estate hereinafter dei.Tlld,toreallxesumau!Tlclnt to satisfy the demauds of said denroe, to-wlt: 112W).Vi and the liirtharaumol t'21.W ooat, together with Interest on the sain since said decree was entered at 10 per cent. pr annum, ana alto tae costs oi anu attending thlt tale, Now therefore. In obedience to auoh decree I did, on the 12th day o! October, 18W, duly levy upon, and will, ou Saturday the loth day ol November, 1W, at the hourofoneo'clock I'. M, of tald day, at the front door ol the court house In tald county, offer for sal at public auction, and tell to the blithest and bast bidder, lor cash In hand, all of the right, title and Interest the salddelendsutton theHth day of March. llUi, had In and to the following described real Sropertv, to-wlt: Th nothwest i of, section I township 1 touth, range (I east, ol Wil lamette Meridian, containing 1P0 aorea, tltnated In Clackamas County Oregon. Hated thu Hih day ol O itobir, A. D. 18911, E. C MADDOCK. Sheriff of Clackamaa Cour.ty, Btato of Oregon. By N. M. Moody, deputy, 10-W, 11 16. f.rmVMWHttsl'yiW .SfV iL FOR CLATSKANIE SU'anuTU.W. Shaver, Will It'ii vn IVtliiml, foot of Wtinliinnton Strwt, for ('IntHkunio mid way IniiilintfH, Monday, Wcd noHdiiy find Friday niorniiiH nt d o'clock, mid .rot m to l'ortliind Tin'sdavrVniurrtdiiyHiind Saturdays This tho most directum! ncccHsuhlt) run to to tho Ni'halt'in Vally only nine miles from CMatskfinit'. Shavor Transportation Co. CHEAPER TO OWN A HOME THAN TO RENT ONE. One to five acre tracts, Cltnil, nnuli'rtil ami om wtvo fruit. Tlii pnimrty tvK join tin' .'limiiituiii, Kronnilit nt tilaiUluiip pnrk. U in imly 12 ininnlt'M walk (rum llm mo tor linn, mill very ilerrirublu. Ten Acres, 4'a' in eiillivittion, I'd hIuhIiciI. linns) with 4 riHiiim. So fruit trtt'i mi lirariiiK n hIiuiuI Hlirc o( Urrii'it, whIiti"! I'.v rrtM'k. (iiaxl rimiUi to I'urt IhihI bihI OrtKon I'lly. TS.'0. Twohundred Acres, KM (i't)i ril ir in i-tiltivittiun, litiluniK otH'ti lirttfih Uml. -Iioiihi'k mill 1! Iiitrnt). II mill'" frutn town pritrtv 'r ttcru. Several pieces Of Improvi'd rcaiilmtrn fir) ttrty, itiriitlit. Over 2H) lull, itmiilu ami Hiilinrban. Trice from $73 to I-IH). Wlien you cttn buy hit within ft fow lilix'kti ol your work it la ror tninly win to buy one and ijuit imyinn rent. A No. 1 Stock Ranch. X0 Arres 20 cnt in inunil ow, 1ft. nrri'ii ctiltivution, 3') UnIiihI. ,12 htmiH'8. 2- ImriiM. I'liMity U running wutor, I rit-e WW Forty Acres X in rtiliivHtion, acrei nUnliml L'iK) Iruil trvi'n apritiii wutcr. 4 milu from town, frico 1')0. Twenty-five Acres. Iii in fiiliivHtlun, 7 arrest of liciiveriluni html, I'xrt'llent for Kri W"tf onioiiH. Siimll orthunl. IIhiinh l'.jtttory, (1 rixiiiiH with I'liiilry. Uurn,ilai' ill L (i'iH-1'it all iintirovt'tiiiintM new uml K'mhI. (.iimil mail to I'lirtlnnil hihI Oretfun Ci'V. Only 2 mi lo to It. R ftiittinn. Crui Kot-H with ms if aoltl Boon. 1'rieo, .'!L'.')0. Five acre tracts, Near Oak Grove, on Kant Siilu motor lino. Trieo li") tier aero. TImh property in witfitn a Hliurt iliit uiicp of where hiiihII truetH are NelliiiK at f KX) ami f UK) r aero. Ten acres on West Side, miles from HiiHiMiiiHion briili. ll acreH climreil, Htnall hoiiHt). fliiH uprinu wutor, xplentliil (ilaeo for ponltrv, 1'rice only l."i(l. TentiH eiiay. TIiih n a Biiup. Tires Pieces of Boslness Property, On Muin Htret, (Jreon City, improved and pft.vijitf monthly rental. Twenty Acres, I'urt light tiriiHh, txtlaneo good tlmhor. Wator by creek. Farm for fruit, venetablo or 1'otiltry Farm. 2! rnilimfroin town. (ood road. Price only t50, pnrt cbhIi, halance on long time at 0 por vont. Fifteen Acres, 7 Fenood and clearod. (iood .pring wutcr. li mileH from Oroiron City. Price, $750. Five Room House to rent ; on a level with Main street, and near buHineHB part of the Htreet. Ter acres on West Side, mileo from BtmpenHion bnik'e. J4 milo from where hind ifl sellmn at fiOO to f 100(1 per aero. Thia will be Bold at a bargain. A splendid home In Oregon City, good two Btory hoiiRO, basement, wood shed, collar and Kreon lioune. 5 Lota sot with a good variety of fruit troen, now bearing, itelow the tiluir and witlMn half block of Kloctric Lino. Price 2.')00. Apply to C. O. T. WILLIAMS OREGON CITY, OREGON. TM E. McNeill, Receiver. TO THE ERST (iivt'K tlio clioico of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES GREAT UNION NORTHERN RY, PACIFIC RY. VIA SPOKANE Minneapolis DENVER OMAHA AND ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS I.rii rortlaiul fvory livi days for SAN FRANCISCO. Kantf mail train lonvua rortland daily nt H: I5 p. m. TIlO Piillt'H llH'llI It'HVOH I'oitland daily including Sunday at SiO1! a. m. connecting fit KiihI l'ortliind with H. P. iiicoining overland train. For full detail call on or ad-drt-HH, W. II. IIUKLllUKT, Oen. PaHHenger Agrnt, rortland, Or. The New Way East GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. AND .... O.R.&N. Co. Lines. THE SHORT ROUTE. , TO I'OISTH IN ' Washington, Dakotaa, - . Idaho. Minnesota, Montana, And the East - I'liroLRh Tickets on Sale. Ciiicaoo, St. Iii'in, , WAHIIINtrroX, PlIII.AIIKI.HHU, Skw Yokw, HohTON. To and From Am all )inta in tho United States, Canada, And Europe. The liltKAT KOItTII KU.N H All.Vt A Y Is t nnsr trniisi'iinilni'iitsl linn Ituns IiiiiM lllirsrjr iilisurvntlmi curs pitUc slm'iltiK inl ilinliiK .mrs, Isinlly tourist rli-upcrs ml svcuuil cUot omi:lirs, llsvlht nick lisllsst trsrk. t)i OltKAT Noll iKHN A l' l Irec Irmii Unit, mm nl tlm clilul tiinuysiioos ol trunsciiiitliirnts.1 irvi Knnuil trip tlrkiMs with slui out prlvlletoi ami chiitiMi o! return roulm. iimil tnil n leaves rorlliiml dully at i: l.'i p. in. over O. K. .t N. Co.'i road lor all points on our hill's. Fur liirtlicr liiliirinstlno mil upon or write, C. C. IHNA VAN, (li'tiernl Agnt, lri l lilnl Htrnot, Piirtlkiit, Or. ro 1. I Whitney O.I' AT. A. HI I'sill. Mian. Yamhill River Route. Steamer Toledo, LKAVRH DAYTON. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A. M., reaching Oregon City, for Tortland about 1 1 :3() A. M. LEAVES 1'OltTI.ANI). Tuc-Hdiiy, ThurHday and Suturduy at 9 A. M. Sabnon St. dock, reach ing Oregon City, for upriver points about 11 A. M. Through trip to I.ayfutte and McMinnvillo niado when depth of water pTtnits. Freight and pasningera rates roaHonablo. pARMERS . Your team will havo the bout of care and Full Measure of Feed At lhe City Stables. Kidd & Davidson, Props., Buccunr to y. H. COOke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. (oils