Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1895)
AAltUlW NKWH. TtrtiiiK Bun Bliul-I'liinrrr irl Hurt-Nlrnr. unit ( nl (JiikI Inn Mii-iimnI, lUllMlW, Nl(V. 11. At t lllltN t'Al.l.V Kiiot. News whn liroiilil to town Hut unliiy "I Mr. I'.l Kit lr tiolrnj uivlilniitiilly ttliot Krldny afternoon by li In friend, TliDinuH llovey, itfitr Needy, Tlio young men wi'M) out limillnx lor i1i'Kh unls, lien, in tin m't ( runing IiIn k'iii for a shot at a lilnl, Mr. Iluvey'a icon wim illwlmrKi'il ui'ddmilully, t lit whole cliiirnH n( No tl shot lolulnu In Mr. lliiir'n nwk hikI slionldrr. 1 r. W, W. (iiesy.of Aurora, huh Miiiminiiiid 4 iiiiiiu tliKli'ly uinl dressed tho wound, ami it whs hiioii li'itriicil lliul tliu youtm muii would soon recover. Mr. I!lr In (lin mom -of ex CiMiiinlKiil'iii'ir ('oloiiiil Jiulr, who In well known throughout thin county.. A Torni. Loss. y Fiiik. Mr. II. I.. Keese, ol Aurora, had the misfortune to I obi) tlio coiiliintt ol his eo'.Uge ly Hit', wlili li occurred IiihI Tuiw luy evening. It HiMurn iLmloll tlio retern ol tint littlti folk Irum ncliool tlicy attoiDted to build a lire in the school, 1 wont U) join tneir, -wlni, wo Icurn, m ut that time calling n friend in llm neighbor hood. Tint' miu heard un uImiiii ol Urn, mill miw their home in Hume. Tin collage waa owned by Mm. Flora !'. k , uml Biipfjtici to ho iiiNiiriMl to tlio amount of Il'.'iO, while Mr. Uuese had no iuniirunre wliulcvm on tlm contents. Tim Iom in u heavy onu to tint luioily, (or, Im-hMo a well-flllcd house ol new furniture which limy huil JiibI urchiiHd, tliry had inuny rum valuables ami curio which they hud or many year prized ho Illicitly, Mini prided themselves on showing llioir many friends. Tlio wltolo cuuipiuuity regret learning ol thin mis fortune, and too, coming ut timo when the huiy little (uinily was on tlm roJ to vuiitiNH mnl prosperity to have whut took year to accumulate swept away In few moments, in indeed Hinl. A Hau AtN'iiiitNT. Mm. Harrison Wright, ol Wrighl'a Springs, had the misfortune la lull Iroiu her orch, ft dis tance ol about three feet, injuring Iht jitilt severely. Mm. Wright I an old ipiont'er, having come to Oretion in IHIft, and hail all t It in litnu lived in Clackamas county. Khe in the mother ol a large .family, who are (imminently known throughout tlio whole state. We b-arn later that Mr. Wright in improving, and will soonta around. Wii.utmcrra Yai.lky (ioon Known. Carey M.-Kaiuaby, sou of K. It. Kauishy, ol thii (tlare, retuined home latit Wed lien day evewifig, alter an abnence of five inontli iu tlio Malheur and John Day country. Caiey look well, to auv, a healthy eW (rum the beating winda and cold 'Jiimt(e. Ileei'rcm hiinnell freely In Tuin of the Willauifltte valley, and all eatend to him ft hearty weti-ome, and hoi lie ill now remain iu our littlo town, Mtmii j. Thkat. Saturday evening Noveiulir "3, ha Uiin ael a the time for the irodii'lion of the enjoyable uiim leal exlravagantu, "Ni'Wxjrt," by talent from the ''Three Sinter Town," aimiHted by Rome of Oregon City's bent talent in a mimical way. The iiameaof IhoMewho will jMirtit-i uto will be made known next week, but judging from thoaewho have it in hund and the reputation of the artidiant8 who are now engaged it aueceHN in annured, und all should at tend, for it will, iudood, be a treat. -Endeavor are being made to iniike thin Ciilertuiiiment the "swell alfuir" of the uitnon, w lilt a dunce and tempting lunch to ollow. Come, all vo munic lover. Laht Litkiiahy Mkktiko. Friday evening lite literary meeting was well attended, and .1 uiont enjoyuhle time bud by all, though there wun one thing w hich wa dinaiiroved by nearly every one preeent. The ijueHtion to be debated watt, "Jii'Holvi'd, Thut the Nicaragua canal be built and controlled by the Unitod Sutcn," and a rulo of the aociety in, in eUrtct, that "three judire utiiHt bo Pf toiitttid by the chair, andtlutirdecinion be taken a a junt and unhiaMttd one." Fniday evening the vioe-promdont oix'Aipled the chair, and hurriedly an nounced that he would appoittt but one judge and hi doMnion tuunt be taken ae a JtMt one, and thereupon appointed geiiUenian a judge. The law wan pasned so quickly that not ft tuejiiber bad time to olijuct, and a (lie viee-prenident waa the U-uder of the negative, hi aide won; though by acclamation of the liouee the the affirmative nide carried olf tlie hon- orn, the point brought out by thut Hide being bo oncliiHive and lulling. The gcntluiueo of the negutive made pleuNant addtunne, we admit, for though their argument were ho weak as to be practi cally unheard and unxeen, yet they told Rome little stories that were interesting, even if they liu not in the leant pertain to the subject in qucation. They were on the wrong side, you see, talking aguiitHt thttir principled. The partici imntri for the alllnnative were, C. U. liurlow, J. E. Murks and L Ingrain ; for the negutive, V. F. Driggs, William Bur low and Thomas Tuney. An interrating prograinni has been selected for the next mating, with the debate, "Re solved, That the state elect the senator by the voice of the people," with Will B. Tull and Carey M, liauinby leader. TiiRHiiAN, a Famiuab Namk. It waa noticed in your local columns of an or ganization soon to be perfected with the name "Thespian Club." Thin will be the second organisation of the eauie name within the county . About throe year ago a club was organized here with soii.u twelve inimilxTH, taking for tho iihiiih, "ThiiMplan," but the purpone of thin club was for anclul nteetiitgn and eiitiirtulning of frlendn flout other plucen, and In connection thereto a rending-r' otn with all tho Kriodlculs and iiingi.enen free to nieiuhein. Thin orgiinlziition wan kept up fur nlioul a yenr, when koiiih of the liiemher move d to other plucen, and now nil thut rciiiiiinn In their room, with carpeted floor, and a few piece of furni ture. It in hoped thut your club will huve a longer lift , an a great deal of good and learning can 1m hud from dramatic training. TheApiann, accept our beet withe, Kjkctmknt Hi it. Tucndiiy wan the scene ol vuite a gathering In town, coin ing iu for the purpone of hearing the rjectmeiit suit brought by J. K. Marks vn. Junius I. llo.ior, before Judge Hitter, lint the anxious people were diHUiioiiitud when the judge poMloned the cane until Saturday, at 10 a. in., in which time to allow Attorney (iregg, of Portland, to he prenent. The rune will be watched with much interent, u it i a point of law in which all owner of property are inter entedaud nnxioiin to hear the deeinion ol the judge on thin piirtiuilliir point, which has rrlereiice to time limitation notice, I'KKHOSAI.n. lr. W. W. (iieny, of Aurora, wu In town Saturduy. having been called to the hodniihi of .Mr. If. Koehler, of the Koehler limine, who ban In-en confined to bin room (or Heveral weeks punt. Mr. J. (. Jnliimon, roudmuHter of tho Houlhern 1'uciHc railroad, wan In town Friday, receiving wood of Williuiii Ilur lo. Minien Cole and (ileanon, of Aurora, were seen in town Fulurduy. Hheriir K 11 MuddiK-k came up Satur duy on legal buninens. Walter Noblett, of Needy, was in town Saturday, tratmudiing hitsiiieHs. Chri Heck, an old pioneer of Oregon, tucky. Tin y succeeded by the means residing In Aurora, was in town Wedne-g0 Kn0wn ,0 "ve Hourbour, nd day. f(jr nearly thirty year were ably to lleiirge ltrockert. of Needy, wa in . make their boast good ; but the late tidal town Thursday, looking after businet ! wve was too much for even Bourbon matters. Kentucky, and now Colonel Worthing- Ed F. Prigg came up from Oregon ton hold the position of lieutenant-gov-City Wednesday evening on otlicial buni-1 ernor of bis stale by a handsome major- nesa in Harlow and Aurora, ruturniitg home Thursday afternoon. Henry Fry, of Aurora, wa doing busi ness in Harlow Wednesday. Attorney J. E. Marks wa attending court in Oregon City Wednesday. Misnes Beanie Shoppard and Viva Tull visited Needy Sunday. Frank Scott, of Maripiaic, waa trans acting business In Barlow and Oregon City Wednesday. Mr. K. Leslie, ub-roadmater of Or vlllo district, was in town Tuesday, en route to the county seat. William Barlow made a business trip to I'ortland and Oregon City Tuesday. Judge Ritter, of this district, wa in town Tuesday, attending to legal busi ness . Among tho many noticed in town Tueniluy were Messrs. Andy and Henry Kocher, James I. Doxier, and J. Souther land, all of Murk' Prairie. Henry Will was transacting business in Oregon City and Aurora Monday. Mr. L. Ingrain, wife and family, visited friends at Molalla. While there tltey attended the Orange lodge at The Corners lanl Saturday. Mr. J. C. Adams received tho sad in telligence Irottt Sealaud, Wanh., that her mother, Mrs. Moore, was on her death bed, and left to-day, together with her husband, for that placo. Mr. Moore is well known here, a well as your city, and ba a host of frionds. It is hoped we will soon receive bright in telligence of her improvement and ulti mate recovery. W. A. Putrow, the hardware man, ha mudd sumo decided improvements in hi place of busmen this week. He ha had additional shelving placed in tho front V ,. . , , room to accommodate the line of hard-1 ware mat no nas aonea 10 ni siocir, ne ia also having the back room, lately va cated by Ar W. Schwan's tinshop, fitted with shelving and nail receptacles, ao a 1 to have room tor his stock, which in the line that he carries is as complete as any in Oregon City. The new Sltakenperian club hold It ueetinga Tuesday evemnc at the home of its members. The flrat mooting was lield at the residence of Mrs. T. W. Clarke. The charter members ol the club are Mrs. It. A. M Met, leader, Mrs. W, C. Cheney, Mr. T. W. Clarke, Mrs. W, A. Huntley and Mrs. E. E. WiUtamH. The object is to study Shakespeare's plays. Little Reva Gray is atd to be quite ! harming in her song, "My Bonnie Is Over the Ocean," that she sang m beau tifully at the coast this eunimor.' Little Ethel Albright, a nightingale auiong children, will Bing a new slumber song, "Asleep on Her Downy Pillow," at he mtisicale at the Congregational church this Friday evening. Invitation are out for a grand ball to be given by Myrtle Lodge No. 24, Degree of Honor, to their friends, at the armory on Thanksgiving eve, November 27. Good mimic has been secured and it will doubtlessly be a very enjoyable occasion. The UrsTOov't Reports Aotv Royal Baking Powder superior to ll others. A Sml Ileal h. The ileal h of Mr. Anguntii Handnlroin, widow woman, who of lute ha been renidlng ut (iladnlone, took pluce at the Oregon City llonpilal Tuesday evening. Hhii died of coiiniiinplion and bud only In-en In the honpitul a short time, taken there by friendn thut die could re ceive better caio In tho brief ime that nho hud for thin world. The funeral ser vice took place at tho M, E. church Wednesday at 2 :W p. in., and were con ducted by Itev. Stryker. The remain were Interred In the city cemetery, a lot being purchased by kind friend. The good 'ople ol Gladstone huva been tak ing cure ol her lor some months pust and have hi en that she did not want for any thing. M rn. Sandntrom leave four child dren a son grown, who I in Portland, a boy ol seventeen, who work in Os wego, and one of fourteen, who ha made hi home at the hospital since hi mother was taken there, and a girl ten yeurs old, who lately ha been living with Mr. Tho. Jiurke at (iladntone. The older boys are able to care for them selves, but the younger children, for Hie present at leant, will reuiuln where they are. J. C. I laineH,0wego'B efficient juntice, wun iu the city Tuesday ami wa ft caller at the F.ntkkthihk oilice. In shaking of the late election in the Eut the judge remarked thut in Kentucky mat tern hud been evened up a little, enn t hilly with one mun, Col. Worthington, who, by the way, in a cousin of Judge lliiine. Col. Worthington Us republi can, and wa a member of the Kentucky leitinluture soon alter tho war, and when tho l lth amendment wa submitted for that state's approval the Colonel voted for it To punish him for voting for it hi democratic fellow-member boasted that ihey would forever prevent him from holding an ollire again in ken- i'y- The marriage of Miss Carrie Toner, i.f Lincoln, Or., to Mr. Pleasant B. Wright, of Salem, took place at the home of the bride' parent at Lincoln on Wednes day November Gth, in the presence of a few relative and most intimate friend. A bountiful wedding dinner wa served I at the close of the ceremony, after which ' the voting couple took the train for Portland where they Sent a tew day and upon their return commenced house keeping at Lincoln. Mis. Toner for meily lived in Oregon City and ia well known to old residents here. The marriage of Miss Julia A. Tschar nig to Mr. Ludwig Hardke was solemn ized Wednesday evening at the residence of IW. Frank Betzel by Rev. Isaac Daw-Mon, of tho Episcopal church. After the ceremony was over an elegant supper was served by Mr. Bctzol to the guests, who were only the relutive and intimate friend of the contracting parties. Mr. l'lurdke is one of the trusted employes of the Oregon City Woolen mill, while the bride is a voung lady well known in the city and who has a host of friends to wish ber well. Sweet Singers Coming. Oregon City will huve a treat in Malta ra'sOiiginul Coloted Minstrels. They are among the finest troues on the road no imitation all darkeys, and all artist in their lines. They have several new long that are said to always bring down the house, and also the best of the old favorite. Their dances are inimita ble. Will be at Shively's opera house either Friday or Saturday evening of next week. Date coon announced. Mrs. Will Ulafke, of I'ortland, will lavor the mtisicale with Gounod's Flower Song," from the famous opera , . "I would rather trust that medicine thun any doctor I know of," says Mrs. Hattie Mason of Chilton, Carter Co., Mo., in speaking of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by 0. A. Harding, druggist. All kinds of toys and doll just arrived at the Kacket More. Stomach and Bowel Complaints are best relieved by the timely use of De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cure. Insist on having this preparation. Don't take any other. C. U. Huntley, Drugghit. Acts at once, never fails. One Minute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma and that feverish condition which accompan- ies a severe cold. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate re sults. C. G. Huntley, druggist. Experience and money cannot improve Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure, because it radically cures Dyspepsia, Liver com plaint and Kidnev difficulty. For gale by Geo. A. Harding. An Explanation. Much ha been said regarding the Dr. Shores Medicine company and the char acter of tho people composing the com pany now in Oregon City. Ahow me to state that the Dr. Shores Medicine com. pany is one ol. the biggest drug firms in Salt Lake City and can furnish all the references desired as to its standing in 8alt Lake. The company now in Ore gon City is one 01 seven that the com- pany have in the field introducing It remedie( which are all standard and are rapidly coming Into popular favor. No underhand methods are employed by the head company or any of its travel ing companies In their dealingn with the people und the medicine handled are all npeciiiv and are made from pure drugs. Ol the dilliculty between inycelf and one of (lie company, certain persona have ti icd to insgnify it to my disadvantage. The catiso of the trouble wa that I found that the fellow was getting loo freehand had insulted several ladies in hi effort a a manlier. In discharging him I told him why, when he flew into a passion and attacked me. No man can remain with our company who inot a gentleman. In conclusion I will say that our company will remain at Hhive ley's opera bonne for the remainder of the week, and probably be at I'oX)' hall all of next week. D. S. M. Fhktweix, Manuger iJr, Shore Medicine Com pany No. 1. Preut Iters Dimcuk the Saloon. Five of Oregon City' minister on l&s Sunday a per resolution previously panned by the Ministerial Association, discoursed on the subject granting li- cennt-H to saloon within U'O feet of a church or saloon. At theM. E. church Itev. O. W. Cue bundled the subject in the morning, and Hev. Stryker di- cusned the matter in the evening. TtiH Hiil.iert wan here bandied in a I U'iierate way, indulging in no per sonalities and treating the subject a a mutter of principle. Dr. Cowan at the j Congregational clinch, spoke of the pride of living in no mean city. He said if there were vested right they would interfere with restricting the ter ritory for saloon, how did it happen that the saloon-keeper bad to ask for the right to dobuniness, and how did it happen in Portland they are lim ited, a was requested here ? Rev. Montgomery, of tho Presbyte rian church, wa tho most pronounced 'n his remark on the subject, and among other things said: The action of the council give Oregou City a bad name, for people will be led to believe that Oregon City carea more for its sa loon than its churches, more for it gambling den than (or it schools. Rev..M. L. Rugg, of the Baptist church said: The impression that iroes abroad from this action of the council, the (eaker considered wholly bad. The school and churches are in stitutions to be proud of, but the sa loons are not, and it is unwise to give them the preference. The funeral of Mrs. Pearl M. Maple wife of our well-known blacksmith, W 8. Maple, whose death took place at her borne in Park place on Monday last, was largely attended, the Methodist church being crowded to its utmost capacity. The seryices were conducted by Rev. Gabriel Sykes, former paster of the church, and who married Mr. and Mr. Maple, and who had been an intimate friend of theirs. Ho delivered a very able and comforting sermon and excellent music was ren dered by the choir. Rev. Stryker the pastor of the church, assisted Rev. Sykes in the ceremony. The interment took place in the city cemetery and a large ccncouree of friends followed the re mains to their last resting place. Mrs, Maple leaves a three-davs-old infant thut will miss a mothers love and care The Shores Medicine Company have done a rushing business since they came to Oregon City. But they are having a peck of trouble just now. Monday Dr. John gave Dr. V. . U. 1-retwell, a black eye, and upon arraignment be fore Justice Dixon was sentenced to 10 days in the county jail. Dr. Fretwell was arrested on complaint of Dr. Carll for practicing medicine without a li cense. Hi case wag called up Thurs day in Justice Dixon's court, L. L. Por ter appearing for the prosecution and Judge Caples for the defense. The case was postponed until 10 o'clock this (Friday) morning, when the matter will be settled by a jury trial. On motion of the United States dis trict attorney on last Monday the cae of the United States againBt Al Close was dismissed. Close was arrested last May in this city together with two of his brothers on a charge of counter feiting. His brothers were acquitted, but Al was held on an examination be fore the commissioner to await the action of the grand jury. lie furnished bonds and was released from custody. Mr. Murphy wa convinced, after mak ing an investigation of the caae, that the grand jury would not return a true bill on the slender evidence the govern ment would be able to bring out. Wilford White, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White and a neighbor's boy went up to Rock Island last Saturday to see the petrified Indian. They discovered a narrow vein of beautiful white marble near the water's edge at the foot of a cliff. They brought in some samples of the rock, and the only drawback to the find is quantity, the qualitv is good. The Ladies of St. Paul's parish will send a Thanksgiving bos to the Good Samaritan hospital, Portland. Each member and friend of tbe parish is re quested to send a donation to the store of Mr. V. Harris for tbe same, Tuesday or Wednesday. The Fair is selling good toilet soap at 5 cents per cake. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. 'D1X mm CREAM BlUflNG Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. Electric llou l Arrlral.t. The rush still continues at the Electric Hotel, and everybody goes there. II L Crookhara, Portland. W E Prudhomme, Portland. C W Hodson, Portland. MrsC W Taylor and child, Wallula, Wash. Mr L P May and daughter, Portland. W D Mitchell, Portland. J (i Dudley, Reedsville, N. C. II W Lindley, Milfville, Mans. C A Piper, Canemah . C A Piper, Canemuh. Dr. C B Smith, Eagle creek. C G Miller, City Tornado Company, 9 people. J U Campbell, City. Mr Oliver, City. Charles Tee, City. A R Underwood, Jamestown, Dak. John Murrat, Lisbon, Dak. Dr J W Welch, City. J W O'Connell, City. J F Smalley, Portland. r A voght, San rrancisco. Sam Steele, Salem. C A Hurnt, New York Citv. William McKean, Portland. C Nordstrom, Portland. V L Mack, Canby. J F Eckerson, Canby. J D Wright, Canbv. C M Idleman, Portland. 0 H Thompson, Seattle. Charle E Runyan, Astoria. Charles Freeman, Omaha. Billy Woods, Denver, A S Spencer, Chicago. W N Barrett, Hil'.nboro. John F Caples, Portland. T A McBrlde, Oregon City. T. M. Gault, engineer in Broughton's sawmill has traded a fine farm of 100 acres near Albany to F. M. Taylor for two Iota and two houses located on Fourteenth and VanBuren streets and 20 acres of land at Maple Lane. Mr. Gault moved laat week to his new city property from bis late home in Green Point, while Mr. Taylor will at once take charge of bis farm and exchange the life of a paper mill hand for that of a granger. Prof. J. M. Garrison, special writing teacher for Pacific university at Forest Grove was in Oregon City Wednesday and made arrangements to open a class in the Eastham school building where he will receive pupiU. The Professor is one of the best penman in the state and he should have every encouragement in his efforts to organize a class. He has taught clauses in all the larger towns 0' the state and has always given satisfac tion. The failure is announced of William's & England, bankers of Salemr Thursday, and of the State Insurance company. The insurance company has been shaky for some time and its failure caused the downlall of the bank . At going to press no further particulars could be learned. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Robertson were made happy by the advent of their first born, a girl on Wednesday November 6. Mother and child doing nicely and the father has recovered bis composure sufficient to be at his post of business. An illustrated sermon will be given at the Presbyterian church Sunday at 3 :30 p. ui. by Rev. Montgomery. Tbe theme will be biblical subjects, and the sermou will be of interest to both old and young. The public is cordially invited to attend. The topic for Sunday evening at the Congregational church will be "How Joseph Lost his Job." This is the second in a series on the life of Joseph given by Dr. Cowan and it promises to be interesting and instructive. Attention Woodmen. The Woodmen of the World will meet at the A. 0. U. W. hall on Thursday evening Nov. 21. A good attendance is desired. Board of Managers. The person who took tbe anvil from among the old machinery of the Me chanic's mill, is notified to return it at once and thus save themselves serious trouble. Mr, Thomas Carrico andMiss Lizze Bankey of this place, were married in Portland on Thursday of last week. They have commenced housekeeping in one of II. L. Kelly's cottages on the hiil. The Ladies of St. Pauls Guild will give a dime social at the residence of Mrs. T. W. Fouts next Thursday even ing, Nov. 21. All are invited. December Metropolitan fashion sheets to be had for tbe asking at Huntley's Book store. Born, on Sunday November 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Finnegan, of this city, a son. FOR- ABSOLUTELY" PORE DfUGS 00 TO Q A. HARDING. NONE Hi;? OOMPtTENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine Perfanerle3 and Toilet Articles. Also a full itock of IP-A-HSTTS- OILS KTC. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE B HI DOE AND ItKPOT Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horaes always on hand at the loweHt prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Oous-ht and Sold. Horse Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. IMPERIAL GALLERY Oregon City, Crayons, Enlargements Photography in every branch. Children's Pictures a Specialty Gallery over Mrs. Frier's Store Main Street. JOHN YOUNGER, EWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me atrial. Glen Ellen Wine Vaults, Corner Front and Madison Sts. PORTLAND, OR. Quality and prices guaranteed to be satisfactory. Choice Whiskies and Brandies a specialty. A. Kline & Co., - Props. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him ! To the Public- WHAT THE ORIENT A& ....TJriLI, DO. DELIVER AT YOUR HOUSE: The Gambrines Pilsner or Bavarian Bottle Beer, per Doz. Quarts at $ 1 California White Wine per gal 50 80 80 Claret v ine per gal. " Port Wine per gal. 1 50 " Cherry Wine per gal. 1 50 Best " Grape Brandy per gal. 4 00 10 year old Whiskey. Nonpa reil per gal 4 00 Our goods will he found the best ever offered to the public at the price. Leave your order. We garrantee our goods to give satisfaction or will cherfully refund your money. N. F. Zimmerman. Por Keg Beer leave your order. Root?, An agreeable Laxative and Ntbvi Toxto. Bold by DruR-g-t or sent by mail. and 11.00 per package Bam plea frte. TTr TTn The Favorite TMItfWm llV HortheTeethaadllreth,SSk For sale by Q. A. Harding, druggist. IIIMC rsr J. t ' 1 tt, rotirl ceTwLt.r"woT"tuhSr'i