Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1895)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. UHKUuN (!ITV .r"KI I'.KH Marnr, - - l:rnm HihIi.m Kiwinriicr. - I . V . i ti. mi (Mill'! ill I'nlli'D - ('knK. K. Ilnrtia A r, V. H ( nil If 1 rilrnr, II. I lliilnniii (llljr Alliiiiiny, K I . in III li Hiri'i'l CiiMMiiliioI'Mifr, C. llHtii'urk, Jr. Mui'l. nl WiiIit Wiiiku, W. II. Iliiwull 1 1 y Knu I iuMtr, II. II, I ii-mi f :oiiiii'IIiiiiii -II, Hli'Vi'lli 'li'ii. llriiiiKlilmi, J. J, Cniilin. Ilmi). loHunr, Hm V llun..ll, I. I. I'nrlor, llxnry M-l-l i, J. W, Mnltult. iiiiiini'll riitxil flml WihIiii-uIk) iiIiki'Ii iiiniilli In nl ly hull KKIHAY, NOVKMUKK 15. imifi. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. mi sci': rn:s New Cllrim, New KulniiiH, Heedless IUIhIus, Oriinne I'l-cl, Ia'Iiium I'i-i'I, Washed Currants, I'll lu Hplroa, Mince Meat nil ready fur the oven. V.. '.. WilllniiiM, Tim lirocer. Ladies cape at t'haruian A Hon'. Money to loan un i 1 1 1 1 rov t 1 farms, W. II Hurghardt. Leave your order (or an oyster loaf at ' Hit) Novelty rumly store New Kastrrn Itmkwhcat just In. K. V.. Williams, Tim (irocer. Tlitt brl idwh ill lliu I'iMiiitrv (or mIo HI Thomas ClniriiiHii A Hon', If you want n sowing nmrlilna for ll'.'i KO to Hrlloiiiy Si Hunch's. Masks! MaTkTi Munki! All kind lit Hid Haiket stunt. Bnow white leaf lard, In bulk or palls, li. K. Williams, the grocer. The latest In visiting card at the Kn- TKKI'HIMK OkKK.K. I'rU'Ci to Stilt yOU. You mis It if you luiy millinery with out teeing tin prices at K. K Martin's. J. V. Wcli-h, dentist of tln Chit-ago College of Peiital Surgery, ollli-o In tlio Courier bldg. near ilrot. Oyster w ill In" served tliroiiiftiunt the season nl tlx' Novelty candy store in all styles, Including lliu Moonier. Call anil lnacet our linn of tinware. I'arkerA Howard, 7th street, near tlio depot. For clean, wliitu cotton ram 8 cent per Minnil cash, will Iw paid at Tiik Kn TKHI'lllaK olllcn. We aro lit aiuaktkks for llannnaN, Oranges, Ixmona, (iraxs, Figs, Pate, Nuts, F.te. K. K, William, The (irocer. Fresh oysters will complete your Sun day dinner. Leave your order at the Novelty candy store. Ordura delivered. Kuton caps in the Intent colon at tlio Kacket store for 23 and 110 cent. Fresh vegetables from Miiilowood farm delivered lo all porta of tlio city. (iood second I. and yiolin for mile cheap t Hecond hand ntore, Seventh Mtreet, near tho depot. (iood assortment of Hecond hand school iMMikH, hiiiiih hk now u seil, at I'arker A Howard's atoro, all nearly now, Wanted, Cigar salesman. Good mil ary and expenses. New plan. Higitest imli cenientH. Kxpcricnco unnecessary. Sample furnished. Heily with stamp. I.. Meluhart A Conipiiny, Chicago, Sciixomilile (iooiN. ChoppiuK howU, chopping knives, lanipH, lanterna, oil cana, lamp flxtnrea, otc, at Marr & KohertHon'a, (Jrwera, Seventh and Center HtreeU. JuHt received direct from tho Is nut a full lino of nennino FoHter kid glovea 'which wo will ho ploiiHed to ahow tho ladies of Oregon City. All now hhiiden. ' )on't forget the place. Tho Hackot fltore. Ir. A. 1'. Sawyer: I have had Uheii matlHiii bIiico I wan 20 yearn old, hut einco tiHint! your Family Cure have been ireo from It, It uIho cured my huHhaml of tho aamo iIihohho. Mrs. l!obt. Connolly, Brooklyn, 1. Sold hy (!. A. Harding. Riicklcn'n Arnica Knlve. Tho best salve in the world for Cuts. itruisvH, Horca, Ulcera, Halt Khuum, Fever Soroa, Totter, Chapped hnnda, Chilhlaina, Corna, and all Skin Frup tions, and poHitivoly cures l'ilca or no pay reipiirel. It is tiuiiiiinteod to nivo xrfout sut iHfuct ion or money refunded. For aale by Charman & Co. , Charman llros. Iilock. To nursing mothers, Dr. Tioroo's Fa vorite Prescription is a prioolosB boon, for it not only strengthens the mother, but also promotes an abundant socretion of nourishment for the child. For those about to become mothers it is even more valuable, for it lessens the perils and pains of childbirth and shortens labor. Of all dealers. Ovarian, fibroid and other tumors cured without resort tosuigical opera tion. For pamphlet, testimonials and references send 10 cents (for postage) to World's Dispensary Medical Assocfation, Buffalo, N. Y. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all In leavening Strength. V. S. Oovtrnment Report ( IIICI'IT COl'UT. firiiud Jury Mill lli-iiilng Clltllllllllll4. NiiriicroiiN Tlio lollowiiin i'iimom have been dis poned of much tint IhhI repoit published in the I'Intkiu'iiihk. The petit Jury re turned Monday iiidiiiiiik and reported for dntv. H H Train and J K Whitney vn J W Diaper and W T liurney ; If K Cro4 (or ! pliiinliir. JuilKineiit (or plaintiff for t'JI'.) mid cols and din lm rnfi ih-ii I h. M F MeCowii vt Mrs H M McCown, Porter for plaintiff, P.rownell for defend ant. le(endiiut ordered to iniiko plain till'tille to T: lot in (ihwlHlonn. Ahrahain hiwis vs Simon Uotleib and I' mid It llreuner; Kmmoiis V Knimons and V F Humphrey for plaintiff. JuiIk incut for $'.170.10, costs and dishurno ineiitH and execution on teal property ordered. F. A. Toopleiiuui vs, W. T, liurney, et a! ; execution and utile of Paradinu ad dition for 5,7lMl, colillrmiid. William Scatilau vs O J lloel and W II II Samson; W Caiy Johnson for plaintiff. Juilifiiirnt for phiintilf lor 110, attorneys fees, costs and dislmrse ineiits. William ScHiilnii vs O J lloel and W II lISauiHon; W Cary Johnson for plaintiff. Judgment for plaintiff IteinK entered In another case Involving the laino cause of action, and all costs and fee involved herein, being paid, on mo tion of plaintiff attorneys, the cause is ordered stricken from the files. Dan Lyons vs Win Hawkins, Charles Itounds and Mary A Weaver; Lutour eties for plaintiff, Judgment for plain tiff for f.T.'3, foO attorneys foes, costs and disbursements and execution ordered on lot II, of block lilt), of Oregon City. Trustees McMinnviile liuptist College vs John W Draistr, Aurie Draix-r, M DraK-r, K U Caudeld, W F Hubbard, F P Nutting and T J Stites; Latourettos (or plaintiff. Judgment for plaintilU for lHl.i-.r), fflO attorneys fees, costs and dlsbursomeiits, and execution ordered on lot 1, block '.11, of Oregon City. Trustees McMinnviile Baptist College I vs Charles Moehnko, (iustura Moohnke, KLSablnaud KoU-rt L liusiudl; ourette for plaintiff. Judgment for plaintiff for ft 10, $75 attorneys (, costs and dishursenionts, and execution ordered on lots 10 ami 11 of block H, Pleasant Hill addition to Oregon City. II C Stevens vs Silas Wright, ft al ; Cross for plaintiff; Cary, Idleman, Mays A Webster for defendant. Judgment for plaintiff $.Vi.Vl)5, costs, disburse ments and attorneys fees, and execution ordered on real estate. The mortgage on this proM-rty was originally held by Thomas Charman, who conveyed tbe same to H. C. Stevens. AfWr the mort gage passed out of his hands Mr. Char man had the samo cancelled. A por tion of the prowrtv haJ been disposed of to third parties w ho found nothing on the records standing against the prop erty. Suit was begun in the circuit court for the foreclosure of Hie cancelled mortgage, lho case involved an im portant law point and attracted consid erable attention. Oregon City vs M L Moore, county trousurer; Latourettos for plain tiff; Barrett A Porter for defend ant. Suit for tlio recovery of $L'800, fll) per cent of the road tax collected within the city limits and alleged to be due the municipality of Oregon City nils case camo up lor a Pouring Uon the demurrer hy C D Latourotte for the plaintiff and the clefondiint by W X liar rott, district attorney, and George C Brownell. Tho court after bearing ar gument of counsel, took the mutter un dor iHlvlseuient. Akin, Selling A Co vs E M Hartman and M A Hartman ; L L Porter and T U tireeno for plaintiffs, 11 K Cruse for de fendant. Judgment for $127.50, $'.'() at torneys foes, costs and disbursements, and execution of mortgaged prottorty or dered. Anna N Hamarvs Oliver P Hamar; K B Seahrook for plaintiff. Decree of di vorco by default. Benjamin I Cohen vs F M Hansen, et al ; sulo o( the nei4 of section 8, tp 2 s, r 5 e, confirmed. Catherine Kocher vs A K Marks, et al ; Cross for plaintiff. It was decreed that defendants have no claim and interest whatrver in said 80 acres of land in lit igation, and each of them are crpetu ally enjoined from asserting claim to said lauds situated in Clackamas county. Ktato of Oregon vs L Shannon ; grand jury reported not a true bill. State of Oregon vs William Prettell; grand jury returned an indictment for sodomy. Ida Riniird vs L II liinard ; Dobyns und Clarence Cole for plaintiff. Plain tiff grunted a decree of divorce. Tho Ki nards wera married at tilen Eden, Kan sas, on the 11th day of October, 188(1, and the plaintiff has beon a resident of Oregon for more than a ymt. She was given the custody of her daughter, Nel lie Kinard, and wag permitted to re sume her maiden name, Ida Phegley. James Hodges vs Lillie A Bates; W II Dobyns for plaintiff. Sale of tbe following desciibod reul estate con firmed, which was bid in by tbe plain tiff for $50 : Lot No. 5 in block 7, Ports mouth Villa addition to the city of Port land. Isaac Traynor vs Frederick Marshal, Porter for plaintiff and Brownoll and Campbell for defendant. Demurrer sustained by consent of counsel, and the plaintiff given throe days Ui amend said complaint, thatsuld amendment iray be made by Intervention, Bolsot K!.uiil vs John Parsons, et nl, Cross for plaintiff. The demur rer of Oregon I lly ami T F liyiin buying been argued, II K Cross upneuring for the plaintiff, and LL Porter and ('If I tyo appearing for Ihe defendants, Ore gon City and T F Kyun resieetivi;ly, and Ihe court being udvieed, it is or dered that llm di-iniirreis be overruled, and the defendants mimed allowed until Wednesday to plead. Saruh M .McCown und Helena B. ICi nearson vs If K Cross; Brownell for plaintiff; Cross (or defendant. Motion to strike out certain portions of defend ants answer, having beon argued and submitted, tlio court took tbe mutter under advisement. ('aim, Nu hlesburg A Co vs E M and M A Hartman; Cecil I! Bauer for plain tiff; II K Cross for defendant. Judg ment for pluintiff hr $7L'-ri.H2, cosls and $70 attorneys fees, and execution or dered on attached property. Tho bail bond of William Prettell was reduced to $5(K). Kobecca J Ing, et al, vs John W Doores; defendant allowed until next Monday to plead. Mary A Fallows vs Mrs Win Phillips; bv an agreement of tho interested par ties it was ordered that tbe case be and the same Is hereby referred to C K Kunyan to anke testimony and report to the court. U II (ireoley vs L Booth, C C Ilobert and F E Donaldson; Bronougb, Kenton, Mc Arthur ft Bronougb for plaintiffs; Lutoureltes for defendants. Defend ants given until Nuvember lllli, to fur ther plead to the complaint. On motion of defendants attorneys tbe time for pleading is extended to and includes Monday, Nov. 18th. KM (iroeloy ys F E Donaldson and L Booth ; Bronough, Fenton, McAr thur itc Bronough for plaintiffs; Latour ettos for defendants. Defendants given until November 11th to further plead to the complaint. On motion of defenduuts attorneys, the time was extondel to in clude Monday, NovemlH-r IKili. Trustees McMinnviile Baptist College vs Martin Shulstead and Caroline Shul slead ; I.atonret!e for plaintiff; Moore .V. Johnson for defendants. Dismissed, Tlioma.tne F.udy, executrix ol the Abel Eudy estate vs Thomas Charman ; Johnson & Idleman for plaintiff and Lat ourettos for defendant. Trial set for Monday, November 11th. John Boy Ian, V L Mack, John U Duncan, W W Myers, and John II Brootje wore tho ju ror, who after retiring brought in a sealed verdict in favor of the defendant. The causes that led to this action began in 1H72, when J. M. Bacon h'ave bis note to Abel Eudy lor $280, with Thomas Charman as security. Mr. Bacon kept the note alive by paying the interest ev ery year up to tho time of his death The note with accrued interest now amounts to about $150. Mr. Charman claimed that he hail signed the note with the understanding that Mr. Bacon was to settle tbe note at the end of the year, besides ho was not one of the ma kers of tho note. Oregon City vs The East Side Rail way Company; L L Porter and E F Drik'g for plaintiff and II E Cross for defendant. This suit was brought by the city to forfeit the charter ol the rail way company, for the reason that they had refused to pay their share of the as sessment for the improvement of Main street. Judge McBride sustained the demurrer of the company, which in sub stance declares that the franchise of the East Side Hail way Company is not af fected by its failure to pay street assess ments. J F Anderson vs Portland Flouring Mills Company; W II Holmes and W W Thayer and Newton McCoy for plaintiff. Defendant's motion to make complaint moro definite was overruled. M K Perrin vs A M Shibley ; on mo tion of plaintiff's attorney this oction is dismissed without prejudice to plaintiff's right to again bring suit in this matter. Peter Weiss vs A M. Shibley; same as above. Thus two of the important Durand cases are disposed of Hiram Straight vs M Huorth and MEHuortb; O'Neil, Hedges, Thomp son & Griffith for plaintiff; C II Dye for defendant. Case ordered dismissed and papers withdrawn. John Hitter vs J R Lawlor and Mar garet Lawler; W C Johnson for plain tiff. Suit settled and dismissed and pa pers ordered withdrawn. Stats of Oregon vs Alma Morris; the grand jury returned not a true bill, and the defendant was discharged from cus tody. John Hanna vs Louis Toedtomeir; this case was biought by plaintiff in Jus tice Dixon's court some time ago for $45 alleged to be due from defendant for clearing one acre of land near Tualatin in 1803. Justice Dixon rendered a ver dict in favor of plaintiff. , Tbe case.came up in tho circuit court Tuesday on apiieal, and tho jury brought in a verdict for de fondant. The counter claim for dam ages was not allowed. Daisy A Whitmore vs Behm M Whit- more; Brownall for plaintiff, riaintiff granted a decree of divorce. State vs J A Louisignont; arraigned on Indictment for larceny of pronertv valued at $34. He requested further time in which to answer to the indict ment, which was granted. Goorge Ol Highest of n in Leavening Powers Latest U. S. Cov't Report Absolutely puke Uiie-arson was appointed attorney for the defendant by the court. Mrs V O Harding vs I'M Crisswell ; U)ii stipulation of the parties in tho alcivo entilled cause, by their attorneys respectively jn open court, it is ordoiod that this cause bo referred to Charles E Bunysn to takn testimony and evidence at the January, IK'.KI term of this court, and that said referee is authorized to hold sittings either in Multnomah or Clackamas counties for taking such tes timony. Annie M Ilaniar vs Oliver P. Hamar; decree of divorce. Plaintiff cUims that she was married to defendant on the 2.'id day of September, 1870, at tbe city of Richmond, Indiana, and that in August, IrSI, the defendant willfully and with out cause deseiu-d plaintiff, ami has ever since remained away from plain tiff and now continues to remain away from her; and further that the defendunt has refused, failed and neglected to sup port plaintitfand her five children. It was further decreed that the custody of the three minor children, Victory, Viv ian and Saphor be awarded to plaintiff. Walter Wyland was arraigned for sell ing a horse not his own, and Thursday as set as the time to plead. Daisy Whitmore vs Charles Whitmore; decree of divorce on the plea of desei tion. Til Wortbington vs Henry Thiseen; the court has been busy for a part of two days with this ejectment suit. The parties have been litigating over a boundary line involving two acres of laud, for about three and a half years. The land in dispute Is near Milwaukie. COt'KT NOTES. The grand jury is disposing of an Im mense amount of business and is still grinding away. Wedneedey they re turned an indictment against Wd 1 Moore for conducting a swindling lottery scheme ; also against II. Hansen for de troying a note. The grand jury are dismissing a great many trivial cases brought before them, and their watch word is retrenchment, Two indictments were returned against J. P. Koehler, of Barlow, for sell ing liquor without a license, but on ac count of serious illness he has not yet ap peared for a hearing. Court will continue in session all next we.-k, when Judge McBride will adjourn lid term until January. Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of Joseph Dicken, deceased, Mary J. Dicken, ad ministratrix, made her final report, which was approved and confirmed. Fied T. Smith, administrator of the es tate of Lucy A. Smith, deceased, was granted an order to sell the undived one half of the ne4 of the se1 of section 9, tp 5 s. r 1 e, containing 80 acres at pri vate sale to the highest bidder. The terms of the sale to be half cash and the balance secured by mortgage on tbe proerty. In '.he matter of the petition of Sarah M. McCown, administratrix of the es tate of of the estato of F. O. McCown, deceased, for an order to execute a deed to Charles A. Williams to lot 2 in block 4, in Uludstsne. it was ordered that she execute said deed when the said Wil liams pays the balance of the sum of $00.40. In the matter of the estate of William R. McCubbin, deceased, T. F. Ryan, administrator, filed a petition to sell the real estate belonging to said estate. It was therefore ordared bv the court that Monday, the 2nd day of December, 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m., be set as tbe date for bearing said petition, and that a citation be issued by the clerk, and be published and served as required by law, notify ing all persons interested of such appli cation and order. In the matter of the estate of Charles II. Myers, jr., deceased, Cornelia E. Myers, administratrix, filed her semi-an nual report as administratrix, and the same was ordered placed on file await ing the final settlement of the estate. Herbert Johnson was appointed guar dian of the person and estate of Myrtle Smith, a minor. John Lewellen, executor of the estate of E. B. Lewellen, deceaseu, presented his semi-annual report as executor, it was ordered that said report be placed on file, subject to the final report in said mutter. In the mattor of the estats of Alexan der McG.nyey, deceased, the final re port of Thomas Charman, administrator, was filed, and January 6th, 1800, set as the date for hearing said final report. In the matter of the estate of H. C. Ringo, deceased, the final report of the executor, R. L. Ringo, was approved and confirmed. In the matter of the estate of Daniel Wilson, deceased, the administrator made his final report, which was ap proved and confirmed. The report shows a balaure of $850.88 to be distrib uted among the keirs. In the matter of the estate of Eliza beth Rinearson, wherein R. L. Greaves Tt's a little too early to talk aiMtut your TharikB giving turkey, but we want you to know that we will Lave a large supply, also of drewed chickens. Would liketo book yourorder and we will guarntee to Bend you a fine clean turkey ready for the oven. A quart of craekerHgoes with every turkey E. E. Williams, The Grocer. petitioned the court for letters of admin istration on said estate, and was repre sented by his attorney, W. H. Metc-alf. The Rinearson heirs appeared and claimed that Mrs. Rinearson left no property to administer upon. The lat ter were represented by George C. Brownell and C. D. Latourette. County Judge Hayes has taken the matter un der advisement until written arguments are submitted by the counsel on both sides. Missionary Meeting. All the women's missionery societies of the various churches will hold a onion meeting with Mrs. A. S. Dresser, corner of Fifth and Adams streets, next Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'leock. The subject will be "Prayer for China," . leader, Mrs. Montgomery. All ladies invited. At the close of the meeting tbe W. C. T. U. will transact some necessary business. , McLaughlin Chautauipia circle met at the residence of Mrs. C. H. Caufield last Monday evening on account of Mrs. Dye's lecture before the Historical So-, ciety at Portland. Mrs. Caufield did everything possible to make tbe occa sion a pleasant one for tbe members of the circle, and Prof S. W. Holmes proved an excellent leader. The even-' ing'a exercises closed with a piano solo ' by Miss Mertie Stevens. j The Congregational church has se-; cured the services of Miss Ora Spangler( ai organist. Miss Spangler has bad considerable experience as a church or ganist, and is an accomplished musi cian. The choir are to be congratu lated on this valuable acquisition to their number. ' Wasted. Several trustworthy gentle men or ladies to travel in Oregon for es tablished, reliable house. Salary $780 and exDenses. Steady position. En close references and self addressed, stamped envelope. i Tub Dominion Company, Third Floor,: Omaha Bldg., Chicago, Illinois. i Drs. J. W. Welch and F. P. Welch have opened a dental office in Courier ' bldg. near depot. Frank P. Welch, son of Dr. John Welch and a graduate of tbe dental department of the University of Pennlysvania will be in the office Thurs-; day of each week . Diseases unfriendly to women are positively cured by Dr. Sawyers Pastil les. Ask your druggist for a free sample package. It heals and cures. Sold ly Goo. A. Harding. ' -. m -. !w:A -. am m m m m m wVA, wV.K "ALL THE MAGAZINES IN ONE." T-REVIEW"KEVIEW5 Edited I 'RETOREY1EWS T 1 Ortcr. ia i Edited by ALBERT SHAW. HE name implies, gives in readable form the best that appears in the other r ' 7,1 uiai appears in roc 'fvs?J great magazines all p3ir' ,.. - . it ic v in in. j increase of 3 reviews, summaries, and 4 -Vi-V-, I --v-..-....rf. (, ...V -A'i3 gist of periodical litera. ture, are the subscription price. Aside from these departments, and contributed features of the Review of Reviews are themselves equal in extent to a magazine. The Editor's "Progress of the World" is an invaluable chronicle of the happenings of the thirty days just past, y with pictures on every page of the men and women who have made the history of the month. Tbi Litrary World says : " We are deeply impressed from month to month with the value of the 'Review of Reviews,' which is a sort of Eiffel Tower for the survey of the whole field of periodical literature. And own. and sreaks out with decision me nour. 11 is 1 singular comcinauon ot we mommy magazine and Fi the daily newspaper. H is duly in its it is monthly in its method. It is under a field glass." Sold on all Now Stands. Single Copy, 2 13 Astor Place, A HARD-WORKING WOMAN sooner or later saner from backachr, nenrooa. worn-out ferlinirs, or a tense of tveiirht in the abdomen, rlraa; giutr down sensations and dizziness. It wilt all come to an end with Dr. Pirrre's Fa vorite Prescrip tion for it's wo rn an ' special tonic and ner- ) Ji tt vine ; it rrstorea VJ her streneth, reg-- 11'' ul.-ites and pro mote all the natural functions and make a new woman of her. Uterine debility, ir refftilarity and inflammation are mini of ten the came of the extreme nervousnesa and irritability of some women the medi cine to cure it i the "Prescription" of lr. Pierce. AJ1 the aches, pains and weak nesses of womanhood vaniih where it ia faithfully employed. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is thin-fore junt the medicine for young girls just entering womanhood and for women at tbe critical "change of life." DR. PIERCE'S. .PRESCRIPTION CURES THE WOBST CASES, lilt. Hou Class, of No. n Wtl jd Strut, soux i lly, la., wnlea: -My wife wan troumea with female weakneiw, and ulc?rn of the nteru. hhe had been 'loctorinn with every doctor of any good reputation, and hud rent lotn of money ia fnhonpila!. but to no pur pnoK. She continued to get worae. She was greatly prejudiced afrainat patent medi cine, but n a laat rnort we tried a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pr cription. We had aeen ome of your advertise ments, and Mr. Cuna- tr.inif. a west-aide druff- Mrs. Ciakk. Sat. arivvel oa to try the following; reaulU : bottle. We tried It wit Th tirtf hoi lie did her ao murk eoo'l that we bought another, and B-.e continued antil she has been cured." Cold Weather.... i The weather 6harps say that this fine weather is to be followed by cold, wet weather. Bad Colds- Will then be in order, for many people will neglect to put oq Warm Under Clothing. We have an extra fine assortment in fleece lined, French ribbed wool, flannels, knit goods, pure wools and natural wool. All weights and grades. Glass & Smyth .The Clothiers. v. v &. V.a) V. ) ti V. t) V.i v. V.f. v. v.ri v.r fea, V.- REVIEW OF I r I ;1 WW; I tia REVIEWS, as its FIVE MONTHS FOR $1.00. over the world, generally on the same date that they are published. With the recent extraordinary iTtiri ail worthy periodicals, these careful ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION alone worth $2,50. the editorial "it TMRCK IICCINT SAMPLES 25 cents. Vra Sil V.i yet it has a mind and voice of its sIS and sense on i nnhli- tunics n( ij. m. freshness; the world 35 tents. Agents find It the Host Profitable ITagazlne. New York.