7 ...J f OJolinion Jang 9 CJ Oregon City EKPRI VOL IK). NO. 1. OKKfJON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1805. ESTABLISHED I860 0 'J " Ent SE (lll'IITH Circuit court cniivcnc. (trl Mimd y In No yoiuiwr mill third Monday In April, I'roliale court In mimIihi 0 rot Monday In each moii ill. Coitiiiilmdoiicrs cicinrt meet, flmt Wednesday tllitr llml Monday ul mich ninntli J J f, id, (I. W. HWol'K, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Vt I I'm. 'U rill ,.11 onrL. Loans Nego loii'il TIMna riiiiilncd and i'.iIIimuIh i im i d. (ifll Main m 1 1 ... t near Mitvciilh. 1 OMKI'll liK'K, ATi'ollNKV AT LAW. Practice In ul I Courta of Urn Klute. Oltliu In Hunk of Oregon Cily lllock wllh l I,. I'liriiT. Oregon 'lly. Oregon. r . HOIIVNH. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, no.aky rtnui; ANIIY. .... OKKOON. Will practice In nil coiirla id lit rale, lli.iirmir. wrlllcll III nil leading nun paulna. All Unci, il 1 llo I ii r . . i . I.1. Co loot Oil! A pClHlly, ( 1 KO I.. HIOllY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. I'pitalra opposite Court HotiM. Tltlaa aiamlnrd ami alulrarta inaite Monay lianvil, Moriaiiea fnrci'limed and a lllral law hmllieiiB. 2 T HUIUS, NOTARY I't lll.li-' rni'l CONVKYANI Kit. heal a.lala handled. Insurance wrlllrll III Ida lUnlonl, nl llarlliinl, I'ala'lna. Norlli Krlllah A Maranlllt, Hamburg n( Hreniaii OffiMWllh II. K. Cniaa, Oregon ('It. Oregou LACK A M AH AHHTHACT A TllCbT CO, .inla of Clarltamai count properly "IT" tally. UihmI wink, rrauuialila rharara, ...... t. . .i.i ii nora aariiu--'i. .,,., - ....... C. l-elouri-tle, t K Dunaldaoii, J. r. I lark, MriH tiiia, oamnN ritv, - - - - namiiix. M M jonaann D W glhNAiaU "IT'INNAIKII A JOIINHON. CIVIL K.NdlNKKIliTANI. Ht'KVEYOIlH. Hallway laeallon ami rmi.lrtii'tlirti. bridge... planaand eitlmaica for waier aupply Iiralnajia ami struct Improvement nl town. Special attention given nitraugullug ami blue priming yir CAHKY JOIINHON, I.AWYKR. Corner Klght and Main slrceta, Oregon City. Oregon. REAL KHTATK TOHKI.L AM) MoSKY TO I.I.AN. J U Pull I K II, ATTORNEY AT LAW aanaai-ra or ranrinTV rv"iaHn. Office tin Kt to Oregon t'lly liauk cm Hth itreat. 7"l 0. T. WIl.UAMM, ItKAI. KHTATfc AND 1OAN AUKNT, A I'xxl Una ul bmllir", raalili'lic and iiibnrbaii I'ruporiy. Farm Properly In Irarta lo ill on eaay tcrnn. Corrrnpiiiiilflira iirnniplly anawrrrfl. Ofllce. noil iliK.r lo i:aiinbl lliinilry'a druii alora. c 1 l. A I). C I-ATOI IIKHR, ATTOUSKYS AN! folNSKLOUS AT LAW MAIN HTHKKT. (IHKdoN CITY, OKKdON. ri.rulili AbntraMa ul Tul,"Lmn Mnnciy. fore- clmo Murliiiik'i'i, ami irauaaci ucurrai Law lluilnraa. J T K. CHOHS, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Vim r(Tir ih A i.i orTa or tub Htati Itral Kjilala anil Iiiiurnnre. Omrenn Main BiruPt liol. BlKth ami Hevenlh, IIHKlllIN i ITT. Ilk. H "o'mii.i w THonraoN j, b iiamiaa. ' T.uKirmn o ,'NKII.I, IIKIiOK?, ...... 1 HUM r"i"i p uiiir r i ATTOKNKYS AT LAW. Ofllcciln Harklry Iliillilliijt. Oreir.m flty, ami A O U. W. ivtnplo, I'orilaiul. Ho General Uwr Ilnalnaaa. Iian Monpy, Urite Collrotlona. Knri!liia niorl(!KM, rnilmte pmolipe. c II. HYK, A'rro H N K Y A N I ..., COUNSKLOK AT LAW Will lirecl'iau init(Ki'i. mako ..lialracla. loan inonvy, mitla f alaui" an l t aiiam't a tnrl law bil I ('. omoo Brat 11 mr adjol il g Hank ol 0 egon Cily. orihioh riTY, oKKnow f KO. 0. 1IK0WNKI.U ATTORNEY AT LAW, OKKOON CITY, OKHION. Will nraolloe In all thecourta of the atate. 01 flea, licit door to CaiilloM A lluntluy'a drug more. oia. o. BINAROM. V. K. I1YDI. If t INKAUHON A HYDE. ATTORN KY8 AT LAW. W 111 jiractlce In all coiirta of the atate. Office In JiiKKr Building oppoalto Court Houae. rpilK COMMKHCIALBAKK, OF OKKOON CITY, lanital. Iioo.ooo traNmactii a orNitRAi, bankino nuaiNKaa. lioaua made. Bllla dlacountuil. Hakea rnl lertioiia. lluya and Bella oxi'liatiire on all iiolnla In the United Blalea, Kurone and Hung Kong. Hepoalla reeel-ed auhjeet to cheek. Bank open Irom a. m. to 4 r. M. U. C. LATOUKETTR, Proaident. " K K U0NALD80N, Caahler B ANK ok okeocn city, Oldest BanklDS Egnse in the Cltr. Paid up Capital, a.W.OOO. Hlirp'ua, .U,IV)J. FBHainKNT, - THoa. CHARMAN Vi: PKKHtllKNT, 0O. A. HARI.INO. CAHH1RR, " CAllFiaLD. HAMAURR. ' CHARI.KB H. tAUFIELD. A general banking bimlncm tranaacted. Depoalti received auhject to check. Approved bllla and notea dlacoiinted. Counts and city warranta bought. Ixiana mvle on available aecurlty. Kichange bought and aold. Collectloiif mado promptly. Jiralta aold Avallaole In any part of the world Telerapliio exehaugea aold on Portland, Ban Franolaeo, Chicago and New York. Intereat palJ on time depoalta. H LADIES ! "In five yean I uwt 20 I'rcxinnal 25 cents cacln Total cnM, f5.'K). I have mul my "IJISSr.LL" . iwcc'fr five year It cost $3 - and Is kik4 lor live yean miire." I have already saved J2.00 In cash still liave my sweeper and have also had the hem-lit ol ease, pleasure and convenience; have saved my lime, labor, carpets, health and curtains all by use ol a "UISSLLL." M 'i.X-f.r&.lx tractive. All the nrticlen are uneful, and junt ine unng ior preHenig w wild to your friends in the cant, or for home line and ornament. Six dill'erent Oregon City nceiieH are repreuiited on the varioua pieces, and arc executed in the highuHt ftylo of the art. HUHMK1HTKH ANDUEHICN. rVEHT ONE NKKIH A Bt'HINRB EDUCATION. Mny youn men and woman ran apand but one or two jraert at eoWI-why not ake a oouraa that ea be rnmplflad In that time The onllro Include ihort ENOI.IflH COURHH b Idee a HfSINKPS and PHnTH AND rorKRE. Tor eataloftie addreaa. 414 YAMHILL ST. - - HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. - - PORTLAND, OR. mm IIKPHKHKNTINO Uoval. Largeat In the world. North llHlTian A M.,Ncxt largcat In the world. KliN, or I.onpon, Olileat in the world. Coll on m for Kntlntia. nod F. L:. DONALDSON', QREGON CITY New and Enlarged Shop with nil appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in tho bent manner possible. Promptness guaran teed on nil orders. REPAIRING - J SPECIAL! "Y". Prices tho lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. U. ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. j-Jow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses for twenty-hve conts. The season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The best in the market. Price 25 cents. For sale at the CANBY PHARMACY, Car.by, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. As Bellog HA , THE- HOUSEFUNISHERS. X n Tj.iju ok mwn ami utility in the new immrtel Cliinawure junt received at JJur mcirjter it AnilreHeu'H iininnriHe jewelery cKtalliblnnent. ThiH linn ib up-to-date in every line, and lant October they placed their order in Germany for a large Htook of genuine Chinaware elegantly decorated with Oregon City Hcenory. These gooda are now arriving and are very at- Leading Agency in Clackamas County. .Ktna, or IlARTroHD, Largest and best American Company. CoNTiNKHTAi,, One of the best Ameri can Companiea. And other first class companies. nlnu fur Blotter and Calandara At Commercial Rank. IRON WORKS X As eal Life EDUCATIONAL NOTIS All r'unrniiiiinilinnM inti-ndit'l for this' column ttliotiLl m inIiln-hMci to Mm. il. S. (iibaon, Oifk")!! City, Oregon. RI'IIO'll, I'l.AY (IKOIHIlN. NfW York hua deeMml to erect no more acliool lioiiafg without providing them with amplo p'.nv groundn. How many of the liuinlrcil andeiKhti-en Hfliool tioiiHea in Clackamas county have ground that aro of Hiillicinnt i-f , and ultubly iui.roved? How many are lit to Im (lcit;naU'i an play KroumU? It la quite aH ni-cKHtury that children should have an opportunity for needed exercine in the pure, fresh out-door air, a it i that t!:ey ahould tieproyidird with comfortable clothing:. From physical and moral point of view the advantage of auitable facilitiea lor n eded exerciae aimply cannot be over estimated. A perfectly sound mind cannot dwell In a weak, undeveloped or mia ahapen body. The measure of the health of achool children dcpendi in a marked degree upon h proper amount of phyaicial train ing. Caliatbenic exerci-, if continued long enough to be of real value, ghould increase t!ie breathing power, and greatly strengthen weak action of the heart. They would belp to invigorate the whole aystem, and at the came time (which mould not be overlooked or forgotten) furnish a pleasant recreation for the I pupils. Many a child baa been reproved and perhaps severely punished for impertin- nenee or Inattention, or want of applica tion to work, when a few minutes of ac tive exercise on a good play-ground would have used up enough stieifluoiis energy to work a radical change in bis ideas and the rriations between teacher and pupil would in consequence have been more harmonious. It seems to me that the practice of "keeping in at recess" ought to be relegated to obscurity in anj regularity in attendance the princi-! short order. As if a stupid pupil were pa 0( this school has provided a silk not invariably, almost hopelessly so after I banner which is awarded each Monday such treatment. morning to the department having the If a child is willfully disobedient pun-fewejt cases of tardiness and absence ish him ; if lie is misehevious find work i0T the preceding week. This banner for him to do; If he is slow and stupid x wag not awarded for the first week, but aid him in every possible way, but don't j was awarded to Miss Lawrence's depart keep him in the house when he needs , ment for the second and fourth weeks, fresh air and a race on the play-ground. Most couiiiry chou!..houes are pro vided with ample grounds that with work and a very little money might be made a credit to the community. Any thing that makes a school house attrac tive lends to make the school better, and incidentally raises the moral stand-! ard of the community, School grounds j, or,)er t0 relieve the crowded con should be cleaned and fenced and the ; jition of several departments of this children should he encouraged to plant j a;.hool the 7th B class and about 20 ! trees and shrubbery about the school pnpiig belonging to the 3d A and 4th A 'house. "A thing of beauty is a joy for-1 casgeg were transfered to the Barclay ever." The influence of one's school life will last until the final roll call. TKACHKR ASSOCIATION. The next meeting of the Teachers' as sociation will be held at Molalla Saturday November 9, 1S'.)5. Following is the program for the occasion : Music Selected Prof. Ogle. Paper, "How shall I muke my school successful" J. W. Gray. Heci tat ion Selected W. Gilbert Beattie. Music, Selected Local Talent. INTERMISSION. Holl call with response from Robt. Burns Address T. J. Gary. Paper, "The place of history iu the pub lic schools, and how to tench it," E. M. Ward. Recitation Selected Robert Ginther. Essay "Oregon Poets" Miss flattie Monroe. Paper, "Grammar, its use and abuse, and how to avoid errors so common in the use of syntax," II S. Gibson. Paper, "How can I best uphold the dig nity of the teacher's profession" A. C. Stranue. SCHOOL RBI'OKTS. Report of district No. 94 for the month ending October 25: No. of days attend ance 278 ; No, of days absence, 30; No. of times tardy, 15; total number of pupils enrolled, 21 ; average number be longing, 15; average daily attendance, 14 ; No. of visitors, 4. The dirctors pur- chasad a fine dictionary. The program Friday was arranged in memory of Col umbus. Following is the program rendered: Song ' Tramp, Tramp, Tramp" School. Recitation "A Saving Grace" Edie Hubet Recitation "True Victory" Pearl Scliuttol. Recitation "End of the Rain" Ilynia Balstneier. Recitation "Six Little Tane'ies" Lizzie Huber. Recitation "Primary Geography" Annie BalBineier. j Kong "Hohlier's Memorial Day." I Hchool. j Dialogue "ritory of Columbus" Kight pupils. Charade "Co-lum-btis" J-ouisa, Kmma and Ilynie Ilulnmi-ier. Dialogue . ."Columbus Acrostic" Primary class. Ret itation. . "Lltttle Katie" John Wolfer. ."Ode for Columbus Day." Reading. Jakie lluls-r. Reading "Columbus" Arthur Chase. Recitation "Driver of the Mail" Lydia Bchuttel. Kong.. "Work for the Night is Coming" (School. M. L. Hampton, teacher. The following is a rejmrt of the Kast ham schools for the month ending Oct. 18; High school dept. L. W. McAdarn, teacher : No. days attendance, 757 ; No. days absence, 18; No. times tardy, 0; No. pupils enrolled, 40. Mrs. McAdam'adept. Cth A and 7th B: No. days attendance, 654; No. days absence, 8; No. times tardy, 1; No. pupils enrolled, 45. Miss Lawrence's dept. 4tb B and 5th A : No. days attendance, 044 ; No. days absence, 17; No. times tardy, 0; So pupils enrolled, 62. Miss Baird's dept. 3d A and 4th A : No. days attendance, 008; No. daysifaVor. Send for a free pbamphlet Ad- absence, 15; No. times tardy, 3; No. pupils enrolled G2. Miss Bpangler's dept., second grade. No. days attendance, 539; No. days absence, 15; No. times tardy, 4; No. pupils enrolled, 30. Miss Hankin'a dept.. first grade: No. days attendance, 8.56 ; No. days absence, 18, No. times tardy, 3; No. pupils en-1 rolled, 4'i. Summary. No. of days absence, 91; No. times tardy, 11 ; total number enrolled 261. As an aid in promoting punctuality I and to Mrs. McAdam's department for the third week. It is the purpose of the teachers in this school to reward, in some appro priate manner, the department which shall have held this banner the greatest ; number of times at the close of each term. Khool. The board of directors have verv kindly supplied this school with a copy of Cram's Railroad Atlas and a standard dictionary, as well as some apparatus dr the first and second primary depart ments. Parents and all others interested are earnestly requested to visit this school, notice the work of its several depart ments, become acquainted with its methods ot instruction and government, and give to its teachers that hearty co operation so essential to successful work. Report of school district No. 25 for the month ending Oct 18: No. days taught, 20; No. pupils enrolled, 13; No. days attendance 2)5; No. days absence, 16; tardies, none; average No. belonging, 11. Roll of honor: Mort Baty, Albert Baty, Sam Rastall,, Maude Ralstall, and Diona Baty. Nisitors were Aurora Dickey, Vienna Callahan, Victor Dickey and James Dickey from Dickey from Dickey Prarie, and Tearl Steward from Meadow Brook. Bki.i.e Hibbakd, teacher. Following is the report of school dis trict No. 51 for the month ending Oct. 25, 1896; No. enrolled 27; average No. belonuing 25; average daily attendance, 4S1,; days absence 4fl,4'j No. of tardy marks, 11; time lost by tardiness, 1 hr. 29 min. The following named pupils were neither absent nor tardy: Alvie and Henry Wheeler, Mamie Holstrom, Lulu and Edna Ilolcomb, Ethel Sprague and Carl Shulolin. A. M. Phklps, teacher. The following pupils of district No. 23 were neither absent nor tardy during the month ending Oct. 11, 1895: Mable Seeley, Raymond Seeley, Lillie Seeley, Sherman Seeley, Noris Young, Willie Schleckeiser, Walter Seeley, Charley Rose, Goldie Seeley, Earnest Seeley, and Grace Jewell. L. T. Andkhson, teacher. Following is the report of school dis trict No. 10, month ending Oct. 18: No. of days taught 20; days attendance, 70; days absence, 11 ; whole number en rolled, 6. Those pupils who were present every day during the month were: Joseph Ringo and Clay Engle. A. B. Hibbaro, teacher. Monthly report for Canby srh'iol dis trict No. 81 : No. days taught, 20; No. enrolled 4'), average attendance, 45. Roll'of honor, Arthur Cloninger, Alice Terry, ISessie Cox, Kdgar Hmith, Klnor Walker, Eletba Fisher, Klsie lee, Ooorge Miller, George Kneiliert, Josnna Irvine, Iisliu Khank, Lillie Miller, Minnia Zeek, .Minnie Kelley, I'earl Hampton, Roy Shank, Willie Miller, Willie Walker Roijbio Kneibert and Jakie Wourms. Bp.htiia Ki'mxrk, tear her. It Sharpens the appetite, improves digestion, ami re stores health and vigor; all the organs of the body are aroused to healthy action by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. More than all the liver and that's the key to the whole system. You have pure blood or poisionous blood just as your liver chooses. The blood controls the health, the liver controls the blood, the "Discovery" controls the liver. You can escape just about half the ilia that flesh is heir to, by being ready for them. Brace the system up with this medicine, which prevents as well aa cures. For all diseases caused by dis ordered liver or impure blood dyspepsia billiousness, the most stubborn skin, scalp and scrofulous affection s, the Dis covery is the only remedy so certain and effective that once used, it is always in dress World's Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, Buffalo, N. Y. Notice of Examination. Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the rchools of- this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public ex amination at the court house In Oregon City beginning Wednesday November 13, at 1 o'clock p. ni. Persons desiring state papers will apply November 15. Applicants for county certificates will be charged $1.00 in advance. II. S. Gibson, County School Supt. Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated this 30th day of October, 1S95. A Household Treasure D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the bouse and his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that he would not be with out it, if procurable, G. A. Dykeman, Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do what is claimed of it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles tree at Charman & Co.'s drug store, Charman Bros, block. Regular size 50c and $1,00. Cure lor Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the yery best. It effects a most permanent cure and the most dreadful sick head aches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only fifty cents at Charman & Co 's, City Drug Store, Charman Bros. Block. The Stuff or Lire. Bread is recognized as the staff of life, but if it is of poor quality, it offers but little support to the body. Bread from the Home Made bakery, Shively's block, can be depended upon at all times to be of first class quality and equal the best family made bread. None but the best flour is used and the utmost cleanliness is observed in all work about the bakery. Breaddelivered to all parts of the city fresh from the oven . Rues Wanted. For clean, white cotton rags 5 cents per pound will be paid at this office. Cholera Morbus is a dangerous com plaint, and Is often fatal in its remits. To avoid this you should use De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cnre, as soon as the first symptoms appear. C. G. Huntley, Druggist. Stomach and Bowel Complaints are best relieved by the timely use of De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cure. InsiBt on having this preparation. Don t take any other. C. G. Huntley, Drutrgist. The healing properties of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It cures eczema, skin affections and is simply a perfect remedy tor piles. C. G. Huntley, druggist. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the Enterprise and get the the benefit of the reduction in price. Ur. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award.