Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1895)
AT MILKING TIME. letting Itny of Sunlight Into tit Cow It would Im a valnaMo obiivt losson tontnvntmam-luittormakorsif a stream npjHr shoot, loavinif a littlo looso for ercloarsnnlvhtoonldf.dl tt'm tho air ; ,), flVt and loiu onoucli to turn over lvvo tho rik when their cows are j ,i,mL t at top. Havo tho blanket long iHMDnnlkol.j.i-rtieuhirly whoiithoeows I rnoii,h to tuek around pjitietit'a u.v'k have Iw lyms A.wn in tho rtablo since ) m lS,mit..rvano lnr onouuh to fold tho previous milking If the clouds o I ovor ,u s,mu. j,,,,., 1W, s!Uv't, tho t.Lin fallins dust, dirt and actual filth could I tot. lei then lo se n (as it could be seen in manv Ftableswero tho liht thus turned on tlioro on'ht to W w further uncertainty in tho minds of these earolrss touse 110 stronger word persons as to the poor kivpinjr tinnh'ios of their butter, its fro qnent "off"' flavor and its pom-rally in ferior character, though a knowViluv of this inferior character usually comes by way of those who buy tho butter, as those who make it appear very frequent ly blind to its inipi'rfections. It is nst loss to p.vjwt to secure a prime quality of butter by paying strict atteutiou to the matters of temperature, ripening of tho cream, churning and scrupulous cleanliness in all the operations of but ter making, highly important as are all those things, if filth has been allowed to get into the mi'.k during the process of milking. I am quite sure that butter makers are to a very large extent unmindful of this most serious cause of failure, or more vigorous measures would be taken to bring the milk from the stables free from impurities. How many farmers carefully sweep off daily the floors on which their cows lie to keep the filthy dust from ac cumulating beueath them, to become mingled in their coats every time they lie down, only to be shaken out in clouds often invisible clouds, owing to the pemidarkuess of the cattle stalls when ever the process of milking occurs? How many farmers thoroughly brush the ides and the whole nuder portion of each cow before she is milked, to say nothing of washing the ndder and wip ing it thoroughly with a towel? Well, from my observation, I fear the huiuKt is limited. It is much more common to m tho farmer or his hired meu enter the stable in the Munim.;. scrape the manure back into the gutter, I more to k'M p from soiling their own f.t t apparently than fr any other reas, j men witn a tew pa.-v.iur tne liana across the cow's udder be-in the process of i inilkmg, the dust siftin down into the pail with every movement of the hands. What dots it mean when "settlings" are found at the bottom of every pan of milk; when the strainer of the strainer pail becomes continually clogged; when the milk has frequently what is errone ously styled a "cowy" odor? Without mincing matters any, it means that there is manure in the milk, and if it were actually known how little milk U carried from the stables of the land without having in it a greater or less quautitv of such filth it would make I !ho Pint HoM f":,tl",r over a fire, shak s creat manv people shudder, including ' ms p0"tlv n"nl wnrul- Then holding some of the butter makers themselves. What is the use of people saying or thinking it is only a little fine dust that gets into the milk pan? Where did the dust come from, and of what is it com posed? It is simply the excrement of the cattle, dried and pulverized by the con stant action of their feet. But this is not all. The milker's hands yery commonly come to the milking task unwashed. And in the slovenly way in which much milking is done their hands are wet again and auain with the milk, by which many impurities are conveyed into the milk pail. It is bv such a wretched kind of milk that thousands ! tail to secure good butter, and I am con- : 8 W1 iu sucking the poisouons mois fident that a very large per cent of these j tnre. Tho second night this was tried would change their course of action : tho number of cockroaches was reduced were the matter made plain before their ; to a 'l'nuter, and none was left alive on eyes. Hence I have nut minced matters ' tlle t!'ird night, in calling attention to the subject. ! Tlie ntmost cleanliness innsr. 1 i 1Iow to Swltl Hammock. ticed in tne whole milking process if good butter is to be secured. Strict at tention mu.-t be paid to all the details of butter making, but this is one of the most important of all. The cow stalls should be carefullv aud thoroughly swept each day and the cows thoroughly brushed at leant 10 minutes before milk ing, particular attention being paid to brushing the udder, if washing that or gan appears to the dairyman's mind to be altogether out of the tjuestion. But if tlie milker sniffs at the idea of thus washing the cow he should at least be willing to wash his own hands care fully before sitting down to the task. I Tho manure having been all removed I from the cutter and some drv loam or i plaster scattered over the moist surface of the plauk or cement, and the whole apartment well aired, the work of milk ing may be carried on in a cleanly man ner, and the extra care given will pay big money. Practical Dairyman. Itupy Cream. Ropy cream is a fermentation pro duced by the growth of certain malev olent bacteria which obtain access to the milk and cream after milking. The disease is not caused by conditions of feeding, but by the action of infinitesi mal living organisms that get into the milk and there thrive and grow until they bring about this peculiar chemical change in the fluid that is commonly des ignated as "ropinees or i-.tringiness." I In all probability the trouble lies in the fact that the vessels iu which the milk is placed, either during the milking or subsequently, are infected with these organisms, Ordinary cleaning will n.t Buflice to rid the vessels of these germs, and the disease is transmitted from time ta time in this way. Thorough sterili- i zatiun of the veeis, either by baking at ! least an hour in a hot oven or steaming i in boiling bteain from one to two hours, vrVl tfftctuc'.ly ikitiuy tliio Lacte;U germ. Immediate cooling of the milk ; in ice water and scrnj.olous clnbVa , in handling it at all subsequent times 1 will prevent the growth and multipUca tioa of these germs. HOW TO MAKE AN INVALID'S BED. Bom Simple Directions VChl.-li At of Simple lllnsctlonn At (irettt I'm In the Sickroom. Having the IkhIiIiiik at hmiil, pin tlio lower shoot in placo, nt.rotchiiK onruful ly and pinning umU'rmvtth tlio unit- I troes, that tho smooth tairfaco Ivtioiith tho patient may not 1h rv;ulily vorkotl into wrinUos. Now fold tho draw shoot ! criwswi.-o un,l l;:v on tho nndor. Tin on L.1.O1 ti.i.t t.i m ,n!hw nn.t ,,r.,,t , Beat r.p pillow stmxith. Then turn back counterpane, blanket and shoot, leaving tho sluvt folded so that it will rvmo next to tho chin. Iu changing tho tod where tho patient is too weak to bo removed rvll carefully to one side of tho bed, putting 0110 hand against tho invalid's shudder and tho other against tho hi. Now, keeping tho patiout well covered, unpin lower and draw shoots on the vacant side and roll up against tho patient iu lengthwise folds. Replace with fresh sheet and draw, pin smoot li ly iu place, roll the patient gently over on the cloau side, still protected with upper sheet, nupiu and take off soiled lower sh.H't and draw, pull tho fresh ones iu place and pin. Now put clean upper slnvt over tho soiled one, tuck iu and then reaching nndor remove the soiled one. Lift tho head gently mid change the pillows, beating and smooth ing as befiire. To change the nightdress roll np tho skirt p;trt to the shoulders, take off sleeves, slip over head and off. Havo the fresh one ready, warmed and aired. Put anus in first, thou lift over the head, pull down under the shoulders and smoothly nuder hips, and yon will have your patient freshly changed with comparatively little trcfiblo to the nurse and with infinite comfort to the patient. How to Miika Turklnh Pouert. Hoat a pint of milk in a double boiler, moisten 3 tabh-spoonfuls of rice flonr with a little milk or cold water and use to thicken the milk. Add 4 tablesrioou fuls of granulated sugar, cook until a smooth, thick paste, thou flavor with it tcaspoonful of rose water and 2 table- . spooiifiiLsofehoprxNlmits. I so almond.-.. hngli.-h walnuts or tho two nuts mixed. Pour on a flat dUh and sprinkle with whole almonds. If voa wish to be verv truly Tnrk;h, cr.t tho almonds on top m crt'ut s"11! How to Renew Hat Frathen. I Light colored feathers can be washed I in benzine without liwing their carl or j color. They should be swung in the air j until dry. Another plan is to wash them 1 in warm water and castile soap, rinse j three times ; pass through a warm solu tion of osalic acid aud then lightly starch. Dry iu a warm room by lightly beating each feather against the hand, j To curl ostrich feathers have a dull knife, with tho top hollowed out near tho feather in left hand, place tho fiber between the thumb and knife edge, and j draw it along quickly, curling the end only. If feathers are damp, the curl may be retained by holding the hat over the fire and waving it until dry. Then place ! in a cool room for the fillers to stiffen. How to Kill Cockroach. A housekeeper who was recommended to try encumber peeling as a remedy fur cockroaches strewed the floor with pieces I of the peel cut not very thin and watoh- ed the sequel. The pests covered the ! peel in a short time so that it eould not 10 K'en 80 voraciously were they en The head of the hammock should be ; about Cjj feet from tho ground aud the foot end alxmt 3?; feet, a curvo which secures to the occupant tho greatest pos sible eae of position. The foot ropo should be ab'it three times as long as tlie head rope, the purpose being to give tne lower part ot the body freedom in swinging, while the head remains com paratively stationary. The ropes with metal ea tches are to bo preferred. Where trees are used to support the rope bear ings, the branches should be well pro tected by heavy canvas or cloth, as the friction is apt to wear off the bark and so work injury to the tree. to I'rlr.klj Heat. j If the baby is broken out with heat ' and is very restless, put a teaspoonful j of baking soda in a pint of water as hot as you can bear your hand in and wring j a soft cloth out of it and rub the child j all over with it. It may take a second j aud even a third application, but it nearly always allays the itching. Be sure tlie water is quite hot. Just hot water applied in an almost scalding temperature will sometimes answer. How to "FaTor" Tired Feet. For those who must stand on their feet to woik during the hot days, when tho feet have a tendency to swell, much relief will be found by using cushions in front of the table where they stand. These may be made with several thick nesses of old cloth, bagging, carpet lin ing or horse blanket, stitched together and covered with old carpet or drugget, the edges turned in and overhanded, and tho whole then tacked like a comforta ble. Hang it up by two loops when not in use, to keep the edges from curl ing up- In IVjiii e, iiintOud of using starch on table na:E3, ttcr they are washed and rtrr d rtrtd rHv f'j be ironed, they are dipped in boiling water and partially wrc.ig ont ix-'t'.veea clothes. They are rapidly ironed with as hot a flat iron as possible vcithnnt burning them. They will be beautifully stiff and glossy. Scrofula Jllsn Mil Str-vims, of IWi,m,M.. wrilen: I lmv slxavs sulliv, fivin ln'iY.hninr .vMlul, for which tn.-.l s annus iviiusliM, u, I many roliMltlo t,llv . ""' rellevwl W Tier miikii n cui It' 01 I mil now well. I mu very Kimenil 10 you, a 1 f.vl llitil M snvi',1 int from A lite of mi tol.l NkMllv. Hint shall tuko iil.' 111 HiHNikiiix onlr woiiU t rmm' lor tho womb-riiil nu-l'-le 1 no. 11. 1 111 iiH'oiiiiiK'iiillin; 11 Ik all. 1 ivm i-, on NIikmI mul skin li-'asi tmitli'l five i any j, ?n 11 1 M-i-.iiMW tu., Atlanta, l. I ! NOBLETT'S STABLES. j Livery, Food and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. i LOl'ATKll BKl'W KKN TIIK HKlliiiK AND PKl'OT Double and .Single RiH, and sn,l. die horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected I thl" l!irn for lo,,s' Information regarding anv kind 01 stivk promptlv attended to bv ersou o) letter. horses Bought and Sold. Horn's Hoarded and Fed on reason able terms. NOTICE OK KIN At. SETTLEMENT. I u the County t' Mirt o( tho Slat ot Oronoii, tor too C muiy o( Cln kiu. In the miotorof tne etUi ot Ctrl Ulmir do consul. To whom it my Conretu: ' TOIIfE IS HEREBY (ilVKS. THAT THE un lnlrit',l. a iiniuiniMtor ot llu ol Crl Hi'luor, deec h nt-.xl hi II ml r- tMirt mid HriMtlllt Ml ftliptl MilmlnlKtrntitp in thd I bounty court 01 1 lm-ku'inu county, m,.o( ow i 10 u'vliH-k A. M. ti Uvea llxoj nd io'iitt-d by ml court kim tune mid n tor tin m-i-l.vment ot id fluid reiKirl ncd the hour; 11 and oter mining of miy mi I all " limn liiurclo. CIIKISIIAN IIK1SKK. dinimiralor of itu-itat ot 1 Hoior, de.-icd. Goo. C. Btoaurll, Att y for tdtnlul.tMtor. llatod sept, .T, ir-.T : l,-'.,'i e,.-.., n. di,piM..,j, ,.iciii n luuriii. iivi. NOTICE OK FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Court ot tac stale ol Ormton for cUckmua Cnuuty, Ic the milt' rof Hie v'ttc ot If. C. Kliirf.), ilo ceAAjd. N' OTICK H 1IKRKHY tilVEN THAT I hav filed mi v loot, report . exoomor d iJ ctiaie iu tne anove out. (led eotirt. and the court ha apiHiinied ttii Hour of 10 o'cloi k a. in. of rties iay the-'ilh day of Nnveiuhar, 1'J.i, as the time f. hetriu; objections to -al 1 report If any there, are, aud fur a Dual ettlouio ,t of said estate KoHKKT I. Kl.Mlo, Executor of tho K-taie of H. C Kitiiro. deeetftcd. OttoRuK I. Story, An y f jr Executor, baud S. plumber . Ivji. IKi7: 10-23 ADMlNlsTKA TOK'S NoTICK. In thCourjiy Court of the 8 of Oregon lor'kaiuaA eouuty. Id th matter of the entate of Whaleu C. OrotT, dece iaed. TOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT TUB S tin leriegnt-d wa, by the. atxiva entlilud CJiirt, 011 tne SM day of Scptemuer, 18U, ap pointed adminifttrator 01 the eMaU of Wnalen C OiotT. dtc-at-d. and hai duly 4naliflcd ai toicn. All pervo All pero'i haeiiiK cUima aicalnst aald esia e are hereby notiS hereby notined and reoulred to tire- sent in tame 10 me, only veritleU, wi h proi er vourneis. at me law onii-eoi 1.11. aru..MCKay Uul.ditiu'. PorilH3d, Oregon, with:n m iieuitiMt iroin the rl.iteot this nonce. C, E. ET, Adin'rof looe-tiUof H Ualeu C. orotf.dec d. Pat. d S. pl. 27. 1IA. -47:10- "V'OTICE IS IIKHEIIY t.IVEN. THAT THE uinlera'Kiied htve heeu jitxnute.l bv tna Coumy Court 01 C.acltamai "niiily, ate ol Oro.-o.i. executors 01 the entitle of lieid, dece-seil. All er-ou, having elauna AK'HiUit aaid e'-tnte ard hereby not Red to pre sent tne aute duly verified lor payment to the uiiileriiKiR-d at ihd Hank ol On-itoti City in (re Kon City. 0:i-koii. Mlth u i;t ruoutha fmui ui uateol IhU notice JANE CAL KIELII, .CHAKI.ES II. c A C FIELD. Executor of the entaie ol Kolurt I 'aulield.Ucc'il. liaud 11 KonCLy. Oregon, oepu 27. 1-Uj. J7 :ll)- 8TMM0NS. In (he Circuit Courl of the State 1 f Oregon, for ClacdamuH County. Annie M. Hamer, PlaiutltT, va. Oliver P. Hauler, beiendaut. To Odver P. Ilamcr, the defendant above named IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OK OKK gou. you ara hereby n .iiired tu appear and hi wt" tue C Miiiiia .nt of the above nam d plant t If 111 ih aoove entil ed online now ou tile with the i lerk ol theatove emit. e 1 court, on or be for the flrt uay of the next regular term of aid ciurt next f iliowiug t e expiration 01 the time pre-crli.ed In t ie order 01 publication of this auiuinoua, to-wii: Ou or before the 4tn day ol November, lrili, and you are h'.-reby noti fied that If you fall to appear and nwi-r iul compinint hereby required, piaintnf will pray ti e court for the relief demanded in the com pl 1 t. lo-wit: that the bouda of matrimony heretofore exl-tlnn between tho piinnutr and di.f jniiant be u solved, and that plalntiil have the a e, eimtody and coutrol of her three yo'irutem minor children, 'I bin -ununoiia in publiHhed by the order of Hon. Henry E. M'Oiiin, acting lor Hon. T. A. ilcliride, judge of tne above eiit tied cou t.duly made at Port and, Oreg 11, ou the lihdnyof .Tep;eiiii r, i-i. e.. u. sr.AiiitwoK, U-i!0:ll-l Atty for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In tho County Court of the State of Oregon for me county 01 oiacaamaa. la the matter of the eatate of Cbarlei Knight, deceased. VTOTICK IS IIKHEIIY GIVEN, THAT THE iJ undemlKueil alninl'trator ol the estate ol Charles Knight, decea ed, has filed her final account and report an mieh admimatrHtor Iu the county court in and for Clackaiuaa county, Ore gon, and that Saturday, the Wi day ol October, lsy.i, at 10 o'clock A. if., by aaid county court, liaa heeu fixed and apnoiuted aa the tunc and place for the aettlement ol tho name and the hearing and determining of any and all objec tioua thereto. CATHEKINE KNIGHT, Geo. C. Hrow.kbi.i., Adinlni-trator, Atty. lor Admr. y-2U:ll-l AHHIGNEE'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT HENRY Wllburu, merchant at Eiigle Creek, C.ack aniHS enmity, Oregon, an Insolvent debtor, ha duly Rielened all hi property for the beneilt ol hi creditors, to the undersign'.d, und r the general alignment law of Oregon. All cred itors of said axslgnor are required to prent their claims, duly verified, t' mc at the oilice ol f' I, 1. h 11 I .. . .. ... ... 1 yj. i. u. m. j, j-tioiirtii, my Hiiorn'iyn in ure .-on City, Oregon, within ihree months (rum this lur..t r' U UUITU in. ......... l.l Dated October 3, ln'jj. 10-1:1 1-H ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. In the mattrof the estate of Agusta Melcher, decerned, "Vf OTICK 18 IIERREBY GIVEN, Til AT THE und';rnlirned has been noriointeil twitcotor of tne Inst will and testament of Aguula Sell her de'-eased, by the county court of Ciarkauias county, State of Oregon, on the 11th ilajtof repicmb'ir, l:!i. All persons luvirig clajms ga list theeiiate of the said Agusta MvUtjt.r, deceased, are hereby notlilcd to orcseiiii liic same duiy verified for payment to The umkr signed atSt-ifford, Clackamas county, Oreiron, or at the oilice of Geo. C. browned, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months fro'n this date. PHILIP A. BAKER. Executor. Dated Sej,t. 20, laai (Ja C. Known km, 2e:10-l Atty for Eieeulor, r- CURED CHEAPER TO OWN A HOME THAN TO RENT ONE. One to five acre tracts, Cleared, uncleared and Home sot t ) fruit. Thin proHrfy ad joins tho I'huutanqiiit groiuuix at lihidslouo paik. U is only I'.' iiiiiiiites walk from the mo tor lino, and very desiiublo. Ten Acres, 4lj in ciiltivation, 1 slashed. House w ith 4 rooms. n" fruit trees now bearing an abund ance of liernen, atertd bv creek. Ciotl roads to Port land and Oregon I'lty, fS.'iO. Two-hundred Acres, UK) foncod 1,1 in cultivation, balance open brush land. 2 houses and 2 barns, ti miles from town price, fill per aero. Several pieces Of improved residence prop erty, inside. Over 200 lots, inside aud suburban. Price from f 75 to fJOO. When you can buy a lot within 'few blocks of your woik it is cer tainly w ise to buy one and quit paying rout. A No. 1 Stock Ranch- 3-"0 Acres 'M acres in mead ow, 15 acres cultivation, U-'i slashed. '2 houses, 1' barns. Plenty of running water, Price fi;'.o. Forty Acres S in cultivation, (i acres slushed :'iK) fruit trees spring wutor. 4 miles from town, Price tlOU). Twenty-five Acres, lii in cultivation. 7 acres of I'caverdiitn land, excellent j for growing onions, famuli orchard, limine slorv, d , room" with pantrv, liiitii.iiiMce I all fenced all iuipioveiiieiits new mid good, (iisxl road to Portland and Oregon City. Only - miles to K. U. station. Crop giH-s with place if sold soon. I'rice, f.'i'.'.'iO. Five acre tracts, Near Oak drove, on Kast Side motor line. I'rice IlL'.') per acre, Tliis proierty is witbtn a short ditanr of w here small tracts are selling at f'UK) and $-liH) per acre. Ten acres on West Side, 2'j miles from Husiiension bridge. ;t acres cleared, small house, line spring water, splendid place for ooultrv, rnce only fl.'iO. Terms easy. This is 11 snap. fee Plecss of Business Proserly, On Main street, Oregon City, improved und paying monthly rental Twenty Acres, l'art light brush, balance good timber. Witter by creek. Farm for fruit, vegetable or Poultry Farm. 2K, miles from town, (iood road. I'rice only mII, part cash, balance 011 long time at IJ per cent. Fifteen Acres, 7 Fenced ami cleared. Uuod sprint; water, .'i miles from Oreion City. I'rice, f7.r. Five Room House to rent; on a level with Main street, ami neur business part of the street. Ten acres on West Side, l?! miles from suspension bridge. 34 mile from where land is selling at f'i(H) to fHHHi per acre. Tliis will bo sold at a bargain. A splendid home In Oregon City, good two storv house, baHement, wood slieil. cellar and ureun house. 5 Lots set with a good variety of fruit trees, now bearing, lieluw the blilir and witltin half block of Klectric l.iue. 1'iice $2.-.(0. Apply to C. O. T. WILLIAMS OKEOOX CITY, OKKOON. 1800 miles of (1!h tance telephone wire in Oregon and Wanhington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone ana Tel egraph company. Portland, Scuttle, Spo kane, Taooma, Salem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and other towns in the two fstates on the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All tho satisfaction of a Siersonal communication. )intanco no eiTcct to a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard as Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's l)ru Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - - Oregon. HAI.K ON KXKCPTION, In ttm Cliruill I'oiut of tlu Hlal til Ori'imi, fur (lie I'oinily ol Clackamas. Wlllnmot Iron Winks plalullrr, vs. M, K. Shipley and J II kruaii delendniils, Slnlu ol Ori'gon, l oiiul)' of Clackamas, s. NOTICK IS IIEItKIIY OIVKN THAT IIY vltiiiuof an ve'iitlon and order nt sale Issued mil ol the t'licull court of tlie Stale o( oreuon (or Ihe Coiiiitv of Clackiiiuss, hearing lute the ll dale ot August, Imii, Iu a -nil n heie In Wlllaniel Iron Walks was plalulllf. and M. K. Hhlplev aud .1. 11. Krusn were deletidauls. coioniaiidl ng me. Ill Ihe liaino ol the htttle of Oreuoii, 1 hat mil ot tho r-sl estate- herelnail-r de-orihed, to realise a sum siillleliul to sailsfv lli, Iho deniMUUs ol said dee:ee to wit: l's.;o wilh Interest thereon at Ihe rate ol h' per eenl. periiiinuiii Horn April In. I"'M, and t ie lutliirr siitn ol llisi as attoruei s lees, and Cm lurlher sum ot f.'.'J'i eo-is, and aso (he costs ol and all' lldlng tills sale. Now Iheieuue, Iu ohedlenee to such decree, I did. 011 the Ulsi duy of September, iNi'. duly lev y uion, and w ill, on Nuturdav the .1.1I1 dav ol Ociober, Ivti, al Ihe hour ol j o'clock I' M. ol said dav, al III-' front do r of Ihe coin! house Iu said eoiiulv.oiter (or sale at public auction and sell to Ihe li gliesi mid best h dder, lor 0 i-h Iu ha d, all ol ihe right,! it l ami lm rest the siitil ileleiiilauls 011 the .'Ith dav ot Novumho ', l"li,, hud III aud lo the lollo'n lug descilbe I properlv.lo wit; linn'., ot Ihe James M, and Marion M. Moore donation laud claim. Ill sees 'J. : ai. aud 31. 1 it r le ol i lie Vt. M .cou laliiliiit .-i;'., acres, and also all IhM pari ol ihe donation laud riallu of Ronald C. Cra (ortl and It.', eetlilcale No, itj7, nntiilealloil No. vjj, which lies southol Ihe in ddl Hun of Ihe do nation laud claim ol K A Wilson and wltu. east ol die eouuty rosd leading Inun Aurora, au l uaiiracioi iaul soil oy .m. k, Shlplev aiel lie lo Oreuoii Iron A- sieel Co. aud north of Hist irsci ol land sold by M K. Mhlidey and wile lo I'et "i lavlof, 1 11, .rib Hub ol see ;',) 1 1 s r I eo v. M.aud west o( the west line of the lonat on land claim o h A. vt llvm and wile. said land being iu seel Ion js, t j a r I ol W. M. conlaiiilug lui ai res more or less, a I ol isld abovedesciilH-d laud U-Ing situatv 111 thccoiiuiy ol cla kamas tste ol Oregon, bated this JiHli day ol Peplemlisr, A. P tvc, K. C. MAPIincK, Sherltf of Clai'ltsmas County, Slate ol utogoii. Hy N. M Moopv. depuly. ".-.l lu-ift T OTICK H IIKHEIIY OIVKN, THAT TIIK I llnditrslgned has tejeu appoluu-tl liv tlio County Couiiol Clackamas coitiitr. state ol Ore gon, etecuirls ol the esiala ol Edward Ross I liaruiaii.dv-i-eassd. All persons having elaiius agaliistaald vstatg are h -reby untitled to presmit Ihe sauiv duly verlile I (or pavmeut lo Hie uu doraigueil al my residence m Oregtiit city, Ore. gnu, within sis mouths from ihs dslu uf this no lice. MAIII.PA CII.MtMAN, Kieuutrli of Iheeslate ol Edward Rosa Charmaii, dei'd. Paled Oroii City, Olegou, Sept. tl. IKW. sHKRIKTS SAI.K. In the Clrrult Court ot Ihe stale of Oreguu, for the Con 11 jr ol Clacsaluaa. John II. Illikmsii lMslnlliT, vs. K YV. Kstou aud Eva A. Kalon dvleuilauta. Hiato uf Oregon, Comity of Clackamas, sa. "VJHHICK IS IIKKKUY GIVEN THAT HY rlua ol an execution and or tar ol sale usurtl nut id tho circuit court o the stato ot iirexou lor the County ol Clackamas, bearing dale His lillh dav o! tolwr. s. hi a suit wli-re, n John li Hlrkiiiau Is plalulirr, aid E. W. Eaton aud Eva A Eatoit era duleudaitl. commanding ins, Iu Ihe name ol (lie state ol Or. g,m, thnt out ol iUi real estate herelliafl r dcs. rilsxl.toreallseaaiimsuillcisnt losailslr Ihe I mo Is o mm , lie r. to wit II .Vt VI and lue lurtlur sum ol l.'l isi o,l. lo.etnar Willi intere.l 011 Itie alnu slued ald d-cree was entered at III per eenl. ir annum, aud aiso the costs u( and attoiulii g Mrs sa e, N,w Ih, rcboe. 111 olH-dlenee to such decree I did, on III ' I -Ml day ot In I ,lr. sio, dulv levy ntiou, and will, on Saturday the IMh dar ot Neve-nlr, s'i, at tiie hour ol onvo'c.iM-g I'. M. ol said dav, al the trout door ol thti court house 111 ssld f'liinty, oriVr lor sala al liiihllc auction. and sell to the hk'hctl and bust bidder, lor cash In han I, all ol the right, tula and Interest the said duteudsuls oil the sth day ol March. lsy.t, had In an! lo the lollowlng desi-rite-d real Propane, to wit: Ihs notliwest i, oi; .ei-llim Mi township I south, ratine r east, ot Wil lamette Mt-r dlaii. eoutslnliig pa) acres, sllualed t , Clackamas County Oregon. Paled this Hlh day ol oclohsr, A p. ihvj. K. . MAIiluii'K, Sheriff ol ( larksinaa County, Stale ol Oregon. Hy N. M. M iv, depuir, lol'. II l.'t. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed LV !.::r. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, , Bruises and Strains, Running Sorus, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness f; Saddle Sorw, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates fl'i'iscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conqtmri I'ain, Makes Tail or Beast well again. lfyoilllsetlicPtnliimI j-i f1 Inrulwtors UriKxIrrl. L If money while f KXfiZ. olli.-rs ore wiihling yfc4 iir7,n iii,j,;- my j l.atiil'i'telsiill alsjiii lt,inl (,-s every nrlirleneril..fl Inr lilt, boultiy business The "ERIE" mfclinnlcnlly the Itrst iwhccl. Fn-iilrHt itifxlt l. IJWe ore I'-'ifilic Const loguc,inailedfrcepgivM nn rr rr rir.. aoi.nts WANTi;u. rUTALOT.IA IITCUBATCR CCPclalnmiXal. U in til 11 JloCbi;, an H Muiu bt., I,us Anodes. 5 1 MU vhiiiiujjuw 0 ajttsaMSTvvt-ww E. McNeill, Receiver. TO THE EHST (iives tho choicti of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL RO TT T K S GREAT UNION NORTHERN RY, PACIFIC RY. V I A VI A SPOKANE DENVER Minneapolis OMAHA ANI AMI ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS I-oiivi Portland every five dayst for SAN FRANCISCO. Fnnt mail train leitveH Portland daily at S; 1.1 p. m, Tim lulli'H local leaven Portland daily including Sunday at 8:01 n, in. connecting at Kant Portland with S. P. incoming overland train. For full detail call on or ad drcr.8, II. Hl'KLIIUKT, Gen. PaHHeiigi-r Agent, Portland, Or. pARMHRS ... Your team will have the liect of care and Full Measure of Feed At Ihe City StnhlcH. Klcld & Williams, Props., Livery liign on Short Notice. The New Way East GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY- ... AND .... O. R.St N.Co. Lines. THE SHORT ROUTE. T I'd I NTs IN WnshlnRton, Dakot.ia, Idaho. Mlnnosota, Montana, And the East. Tliroujjli Til-kits on Sale rCun Aim, ToandFromJ;- Nkw YmiK, ISomTox, And all pointM in the United States, Canada, And Europe. TlmiillKA l' NOH I IIKIt.V UAII.WAY Is s now lraiir,,iiiln,.,! ll'n- Hums liiiirtlll,riiry olisc r vul c,irs pull, re sl,.plii( nli.l illnlllit mrs, family timrlst rk.(...,rs ami smiml clns cunrlifs, ll,ivlni( s rock Imllnst trsck. Ilin (iltKAT Milt I MlillN KAII.W WJsfr.-Plriiiii lu. i cil Hi,, chli'l mi iiuyiiiii'va nl t rulli' 111 1 1 tit'Ilt 11 1 trnvcl Himiii.I irln lli'ld'ts wlih stop ovor prlvlti'ici inl i liiilcii cil rutiirn rimti's. I'iil miiil tin in liiiv.. I'orllunil ilnlly nt, S:l.'ii. in. iivit 0. It. ,t N. Co.'s rnml for ult IiiIiiIh 1111 our Inn's, I'or fiirthiT liifiiriiiiitlini mill upon r write, C. 0. lio.NA VAN, 0 rsl AKiit, r."J,Tliin Htrci.t, I'lirtlHiiil, On. rn r. I. Whiliioy 0. 1" A T. A. HI. I'aiil, Minn. FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Sluiver, Will leave Portland, foot of WiiHhington Street, for Clatrskanio and way landing!,, Monday, Wed noHilay and Friday mornings at 0 o'clock, and return to Portland TucHdnyB, ThurmlayH and Saturdays Thin tho moHt direct and accimnahlo route to the Nohalem Vally only nine milcH from ClatHkanin. Shaver Transportation Co. Sieeamaa's Eoouung Powders. For Childim Cutting their Teeth. IN USE OVER FIFTY YEARS. Killiui ftuirlth lltat, r.u.n fit; Conwulant ant prutrw a healthy Halt 0 In. eonttltutluit . . . during ihe period of teathlnq.