Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1895)
HOW TO TELL POOR MILK. A I'lan Wlirliy Any Adulteration May II r.lly l)rUili, A hiiiuM 1IUI1 hIhiiiIiI Iki ciiriifully WoIkIuhI, u hiiiuII 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (if milk nilili'il mill llii'ii wkImIii'iIiikiiIii. Ify rtiilit riwt tlm whIkIiI if MimIi fnini (tin witllit if luilli, Ih" wi'llil of Ihn milk In found uml I'uii'fully rivnrili'il, Tim in jiliu i'il nvnr ii hli'iuu Jul, uml iho wuli-r of Hid in 1 1 )c nviiHinili'N, leaving a i'in. due II In (IiIn ri'Hliltin wliioli ,hhhih tin tlir tlinliiiiiiiMif "hhIIiIh. " A lllHl Wulll Inn i if III" (IihIi W illi Ilin in 1 Ik rexliliiii, llNH III" Wl-itfllt llf til" llixll, Klvi'N (III) huIhIh, uml by u hIiiIii ciilmilittluii tlm jHin'i'iiliiK" I" f'liiiul. 'I'lm hciIIiIh nf milk Imvtt l'"ii f mild liy IIIIIUIIIl'llllll" IllluJvMCH i HVITIIK" ulxiut ID 1" r coiit, nml w lillii tlm fiit vurli'K In llm milk fiiiiii (llir"i"iit imiwh, thn anlld l"ft ufl'T ndriM'tliiK IIhi fnt Ik a vry riumtiiiit iiiiinilly, Imrillr over fulling Im'Iuw II x r n-nt. Thin kIvcn tlm I'lliillilnt II jxwll Ivn IiiikIh fur hid l-lllrlllll-tlullN lllllll-lllllill-flllllll In Milt" Willi Kll'llt i-nrtiiltily whi'thrr iir nut tlm milk liu Imh'M wutiTi'il. Tlm fnt or nit In milk in ili'tenuiiii'il liy diHtuilvliiK It by iiii-un of (illmr nut nf tlm tuiiil wiIiiIk, tlm ri'xl (lint roiiiiilnliiu; lifter t lio ( htiiI ) nt Imlng tiTini'il" mil hIm, nut fat. " Thiiitvi'niKii fnt (r oil fntiml In ciw'n milk Ih II r crut, nml miy miiniiiil li-wt tlum IIiim Ih cum. liumly Ink"!) iin kIihwIiik that tlu milk luiH Ui'ii sMininml. if iimilyniH dIihwh A duTI-IIM' I'f flit mill nlid. lint fill it U Kiiiil to I hi iiTtiiin t hut thn milk Imih Ihh'ii wnti'rril, wliiiii If tlm fat only In lnv It hIiiiwh 1 lut t tlm milk luw ln ii tklmmiiL llnw In lllark lm (tnmla. "iiri"tlii, cimlimri'", wtk" uml Hiirh lilm k kU, If of it kikhI iimlity, well repay nil" fur alt tho i-li-uiiinu kIvi-ii tlii'lii. Hi'iunvo Hi" Kn-iiwi kI thor otiKhly from Iho xikmIh; tlii'ii wimh lu warm nuiiiU, uniiik iun, not HlriuiK, mi, In which iliMMilvu Imriix lit tint rut" nf n U-iiKjHmliful to two (juurtH of wutcr. Itiiiwi In very liluo water ami In hi mi llui wriuiK Hiiln whilu dump with U lniali'liitii Imii. IM lit tt rub til" K'hiIm on n wiuililHuinl, lml wiiimi tlii iu up mid down nml wrinrf very K'''tly u km imt to pull or twiht thu fabric. low la Cut Out m Umt Kali. It l iiinmi 'nry to K" t a miilmitker to K t a will fur n miiall Ixuit tt iiMi nil im iiiliiml Ink" nr river. AwM-rtiiln tlm lniilit nf tlm nmt ami ilccliln iihhi tho length nf Ihhiiii nml naif. Miikniiriin Krniil nil lh liarn tlnur or niitiliKirH nil thu dirt, ill iviiiK u Hail or M'K lit each of thn four corner. Now, having lament Hoiiii'K'""! heavy potion drilling, cut It into li'iiittlm tolil tlituliiiifnun, lii'KinniiiK on tli" mil" fart licit from tho iiiaxt, nml then plain that length In it proMir jiliu'o nnd cut out tho next Continue until tho whole iliiiKrnm In filled nut. Tho piivoH should now Im nnmliered onniieo Utively, wwcil together ill dollhl" NcamN mid tho wholo Ntrongly lieiiiuied around nil Niilen except thu flrat length cut nut, which kIiown a wdvngo. Mnko th ) Jot for tho nuiHt, Ik mm and gnlT, mid tho sail in ready to li licnt oil. llnw to Menaur thn Itnlnhll. Tho Hlmplr'Nt form of ruin gnugo con NintH of ii funnel with n deliuito urea, nay Vi InchcM, w hich fltx in th" mouth of it Imttlc. Tho r.iiii that fulN into tho funnel ruiiH down Into tho hottlo nf coiirKo, unit tli" (iinntity In menmired by Ilioanx nf II grailiiated gl:wH. Supimwi, forexiimple, that in 21 lioum tho ipnintity cnllecteil iiicuHiuvH 2.3 fluid ounccN. '1'Iiih in c(iinl to 4 cuhio iiii'licn, mid if tin' area of the fiiiiiicl lie 'l inch pa It follow that tlii'io heeu a full of olio-third of nil inch. How to I'reaerve Hraweed. Tho Neawix'd must first lo cleaned in lWh water nnd then pin I in u platter a Imd containing ficnii wulcr. Take n, jiiecn of Ht i 11 drawing piicr unit alip it under tho nouweed, which may then ho nmiiiged in ila mod iittiuclivo form. Allow thn water to run otT nnd put tho ahect Willi tho Ni'awecd upon Nonio leaveN of blotting paper, nnd over thiN, directly ill contact with tho Hriuicu, placo a bit of imiHliii or a ahect of waxed paper and then Noum moro Molting puxT nnd a heavy weight. After 21 hourH the blotting paper and iniiMlin uiay he removed. Then do ua li fnrci, lining dry blnttjug puHT mid iiiun lin, and uoiitinun until tho Kenwood is jM'ifcct ly dry, when it w ill look like u bit of deliciilii punning. llnw to Hcrapn Keltlea. A thick lipped oynter aholl ia a kitchen coiivenieni'o iif u high order. It Ih a bet ter pot and kettle Hcrnpper than tho iron diidii'lotliH. Tho chiiin urriingeinentfi railed hy that niiniii aro ulHiiiiiiiiitinua which succeed in iMillecting nil thowrapH of burned potato, fried onion, cahlmgo and tho like), nnd which cun Iki kept clcuii only by fiviiucnt baths in cnncon trnrod lya An oyster nhell, on tho other hand, (Mill ho kept, perfectly olean. How to Hun I'lcturea. Tho nun tiling which iH unforgivable. In hiuiging pictuiTH iH to "string" thorn along tho walls in a linn. Next to that prinin is tlio onn of un-iinging exactly syiiiniotriciil groups, suggestive of noth ing ho much as a Icnhoii in geometry. Group pictures, group them gracefully, but. don't, when ono has nnccceded in milking a graceful hunch on ono Hide of tho fireplace, reproduco it exactly on the othor side. Dolicuiiily framed wntorcolorn uro tho only proper things for the drawing room, liitigriilloont oilsfor the library and hall, ami etching and engravings for tho ' ling; room. How to Make tlio Ilent Lemouiule. l'ir tt ipuii't take thu. juico of thrco lniiions, twins tin! rind of onn. I'cid tho rind very lliin, g"t'iii jtr.-t tlio yellow outside. Cut this into pieces and put with the juico mid powdered sugar, of which umi 1! minces to the (punt, inajug or .) if with a cover. When thu water iH jufi nt the tea point, pour it over tha loi i nml Mwiir, cover at once and lot it kil't. col.l. 1"K lidl'Hil, l.ll'IAN, (lilt. ll.-l'IdllllTIl Nil Kllllt rwlii mi they cun alurt I'lnwlng, A lew have nown wlii'iu which wniilil hi iiiucli iH'iiclilo'l liy u nil i' niiil ruin. C, II. Hliuilii hikI runilly left mi tint I -'Hi In vlll Irli.niU mill ri'liillvi' In iiri'Kmi 'lty nml MllliilKirii it tow ilny, tiller which thev will no In Tmiiiiiii Iroiu wIiith limy will lint lor Jiiiii'iiil, Ahfkn, mi II"1 '-"'Hi who they will Imreiiltnr ri'tihln. Tiimv liuvn liemi rnxliletilN of l.iiKim elhl yiitm mul lenv iimny frlfiidH nml iu-ll.tKr lio will gmally III urn Ihi'lii. A lilluihnr of IiKanlti'K nllemleil thn To iiiiimi KrnK" I" )li(lilml tlit-Htli. A lilimhiTiif ii.' wiilli lire lielliK (l"K l l.opi", itmiiiiK lliniii Mcnr. Hi liiiltlc, lhil-iiii-ver nml lli'ulcr, Mr. Il-iiier Inivlng id ri'inly Kiinii (ivr H f.mi wlili ilin remill o "lily few Ilil'lii'H of Wilier. Ill IlitelliU III Ink It i h'-1 i-r. A. I.ui cy nml wile, nf Hpriiinwiitcr. were vlnlllliKHl I''. Wll Humliit Ihi'Ulh. Mr. Dime, who liui Ih'"" with her mi llnhfrt (or Hie 'itt three week, retur I In Nitlcin hiit week. Mm, Hliirr, nf Sul U vlmtiiig her ilmiKhler, Mr. (', W. Ililelicv. A hirewell mirpruii i teiidereil Mm. Mimle ii limilly on Wfilnceliiy evenliiK, Hie nth, him n very plrmit linn' w Inul. Mcr. (ienrge lllnl Jn I'nrlUml cmim to l,o(!ini n Ihrlr wheel" hil HiiiiiIkv. They ere kuckIh " Mr. ml Mm. I'' Wll mill. Mr. Cole la having hi lnue rnlnril ml Improved In K'neral. I'' tierlier mill A. Juhimoii nre ilnlnit th irk. (ihl l.inly HhcpHnl, whinlle.l nn Weilnei. ilnv hint win liiirM nn Krhlny In the l.ngii cenirtery itllenilccl liy lurife lunrriil. Hhe wna iWk tu-nrly two weekuwlih pneumonia. Tho T. H l)h hatchery will rumme oper ation on Wt'durmlity. There will I a in fling t the (fraime hull on tha lnt Hat unlay of i n loher for the pur MiMiiforiiaiiUliiK lilerarv ami dehatiiiR iK'lety, to he livid there Intend ot at Hie UiKan aelmol lii"ie o inrmeriy. Ituliy. When yon want Nrtclu photogtnih K" tn the Slar unllery heinl nf Sevenlh atreet Minim. New mid tin" hililding, no tenia M lllllllM-llienl 1 1 ax itN own epi-cinl nod ino ill I'r. rierco'a Favorite rrcwr'p'inn. And every woman who iN "run down" or overworked, pvery wnniaii who wilier from liny "female complaint" or weak liea, need jiiHt Willi it every diiiturhiuice, ineul.irily and do raiiKi'inent can he perinaiici .liy cured. It'aun InviitorHting, r - o alive tonic, Noothing and atieiu'ln nervine, and the olilv uieilu ine fm ."iiien which onre ueed Ih alwaxa in Im'T. In pmi- odical linina, diepl iceniei.t weak lun k, hearing down hciih I on kindred ailment, i i" "I I)r. I'ioreea IVllit" cuie livir-ill, iudiiiehtion. l. and lieailin lien. and pvery no.liii ion, .'i.hia, pile Kxerienc(i and innii. . lr. Suwver'a Kiimilv I'm riidiciillv cun'N 1Ihic ii niiot improve i, liecuii!' it l.iver com- plaint and Kidney dill v by (ieo. A. Hardiog. Say, why don't ! i I.ittlo Kurly Uin'r?. l cure heailacho, imbgeei lion. They're m dl " C. (i. lit.: t . ;ltv. For mle !: IVVitt'H Iiitl pills ,i . v i -1 coiistipa- ' " tt-oek . , .lillggisf. Dr. I,. I., l'lck.-n-., .! kinds of dental wo k porcelain crown an-l ! specialty. All operal ;nt, 5 veara. I'nll and gel nn hl.-l. I, ..II doe all crow lis. i ..'..'i- work a . i: iianlced for in i-s. tlllice in llarclay building HineiirKon'a fruit Jm-i i one ol tlm largest and best in the comity and Freytag ia an expert nl handling It nnd guarantees the tpmliiy oi ail I r nit dried uy him. Fruit diied on Ih- Mliures or will pay cash for green h nil . If notified will ruccivu fruit in Oieg n ity. Karl'H Clover Hoot, the -rent hlisxl puriller gives (reahneHs and ( h-urness to the complexion und cuu c u stipation, '.Tic., TiOc, fl 00 lor "ale 1 y tleo. A. Hauling. . The Mllir ol l.ile. liread is recoglii.ed ;u tin- Mall'iif life, but if it is of poor i( : .! !, :. ntl'ers but little Hiipport to the l.i.K. I'm-. id fiom the llonm Made hakei , !ii i !v's block, can be depended iinon ! ail times to be of first class ipiality n . ! . ( 1 1. I the be-t family made bread. V-'.. ! at the hi nt Hour is used and the uliuo-t. cleaiiliness is ohserved in all wuik ali.Hi! tne bitknrv. lheaddclivered to all p.uts-of the city fresh Iroiu the oven ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of all in leavening Strength. V. S. Government Report Dr. A. 1'. Suwyt'i Sir ; U'.-v sull'.-rii'ir for (our yeiirB with fi nmli' ui-akm-H 1 wiih purHUiitUsil liy .i irii n l In try r PiiHtlllim, mi l after ii-iiif.' tin-in mil' yi-iu, I cun Bay I am entiri-lv well. I run mrt recoinintinil them tun liiylily. MrH. M. S. lirniik, I'.kuih.hi, lii-lln-l ltruni-li Co. Mirli. Soltl by Cieo A I Im .Kut; . The larciiHt invnirc nl I.i.iu h rain-K ever I rewivfil in Orciton Citv ill I"- pluri'il on tlio counter Bt 'I'Ihih. 'liiniii;in & Son's store. Tlicm) i-:i'i-h iiih ull tin lnlt'Ht Btyli'8 anil ciiiIh in- iininy of us line cloth rh to he hwl in I'nrtlHml or the Kimt. All Bir.efi ami io u-i-h Come try one on and nee how well il innk ami wlmt a bargain we are ofTrrinn. For the ailment in tli.- Hdnoys ami bliultlur incident to derlinini! vein there !b no romedy that pioiliticM sm-li imme diate and Btttinfiiclorv resnlN no lr. J. II. McLean'B Liver uml Kidney llulin. !r'";r:,f,;'K . Forssloby i. llnnil-y, dni'i Four lllif HiircpHKCN. Iliiving tho neeilod merit to moro than mukii good all Iho udvortiidiiK claimuil for them, Iho following four remedied luivo reached ii pliennmoiiiil mil". I'r. King'a Now ItiNcovery, fnr coiiMiiiiiption, CnngliN and ('oIiIh, each hottlo giiiiran leod Klecliic I'.illcrH, Iho great remedy for I.Ivor, HlriKiHi li and Kidneya. liuck liui'a Ariih ii Halve, tho hoid In tlio world undPr KiHg'aNew I. if" 1'IIIn, which am a perfect pill. All them) romedicN mo guaranteed to do )ut whntiHcluiiiie'l for them, nml the dealer whnxu naino Ih iiltai'liml herewllh will ho glad' to toll you mori! of them Hold at Cliarrinin & (Vn. Prug Hlnro, Cliariniin limn, iilock. Don't Tuhiici'ii isjilt Or Hinnku your lifo awav, iN tho truthful, Nturtliiigtitlouf a hook aliout No-To-Iiac, the liarmleHH, giniraiiteod tohacco hahit euro that hracei up nieutini.ed norvca, olimlnateH thn nicotine poiHun, iiiakeii weak men gain Htrcngth, vigor and mini liiuiil Vim run nn iiIivh'ii'uI or flmimrial overywlicru undor a guarantee to cure j ('omiiy Court ol Clackamas county, or money refiimled. I look free. B.ldreHH Nate of Oregon, executrix of thofjtateof Sterlim Uemeilv Co New York or Inward I.. J'-iifthiim. ileceawl. All per htcrliiig Id n uy in, 7"; or having claimi trnifint naid emate are (lilnigo. ( hiirman A t o., KruggiHt. ,.r,.i,y Il(,nii,.( to ,,rc.ent the name (Inly veritied for payment to the umlernlgned at llerr Aainidd In known tho world over. ii10 lunk oMiregmi CUv. in Oregon City, ' IciiiHiir llrcHilcn HI I'elerithurir an, l.i ipnig, uriNinii, M. 1 ciritjrK i..:...;.. ii.....l.. ui l',i,r,. I HI in, i.cijiniK, i-nn-M-ii, u. .......... huvo ranked him with, the grent. lie hiu not only adopted America aa hi ...... I.! t... Ul homo hut llHN ,t....i.l...l ... !....,. on m- iv v.... Ori'oiiian and hjmiiIh hi leinuro in : playing tho violin at hi riinch 011 thu j Ni'liiilcin Karl'a Clover Kwd will purify your Iixm1. cleur your complexion, regulate your howela and make your head cloar aaalM-ll. '.'oc.,riOc., and dollar. For 1111U1 hy (ioo. A. Harding. A new lino of iuinorlod droaa goiyh juHt received at Charnmn & Kon'a I'io- n.ier Htore, ranging all the way from f.o llM ... i .,. vanl coiiHiHtilni of'n''"u' P,!"r Morning Service at ll:Kuuduy ii) tenia to 1 per ani, tonHiHiiiig 01 , . . Kyr,,iu, service 30- Hem.lar aergea, milling, henricttiiN, etc. ' I Wieo iH ho who huya a homo and atop. ' iiHvlngrent. C. ). T. Williams can fit yuii nut oil eaay term. Second hand echool hiajkg at cond i "". Near the depit, Seventh treet. ' - I'.lank note, receipt and order booke , ., ... I at the KsTKRi'tilHit ollice New... im LATEST STYLE Make your Selection while you have the choice of (he lot. FEDORA SHAPES Are the Correct -Thing. Glass & Smyth. DR Ii.a. HTRYKER. HENTWT. HA8 RE moved to Odd Follow' temple 8. W. Cor. lat and Alder. Portland, Un-nrni. Do You Need a Hats ' The ENTERPUISE has tho only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent postage paid at Portland Prices to Your Address, The Argonaut. Ts the only high-class political and literary weekly published no the Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through the post office every week, remailed by subscribers to their friends. It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacifio coast, except 1 1 C!- 1- I J:i: T nnna - 1 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. For Tho Htur Kallcry. Oregon City haa the leading plintngraph Kallery, I-gda in pricoN, IoniIn in qualily and leada in artintit! work. C'aliiimt ni.n photograph) for fl 1 I""" dowjii. Jualjce hliinka, real entat blimka, and all othor hliinka at tho KntkiiI'iuhk of fice, i'ortland prlcea. FOR ABSOLUTELY PUKE' DRUGS (JO TO q A. HARDING. OOMPtTENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED rise Perrnmsiiet anil Toilet Article!. Aluo a full ttock of zphstts- OILS ETC. 'Oregon, within nix mouth from the fM.AItA K. MOKKV ( ireunn. within nix mouth from theilale j r.xvcuuix 01 lint riHie ui . 1- . '"Hf" -"ii . . tn -Zi; 11. Sunday Services. HT. PACL'H CIICKCH - Kpincopal - Her. Iac Hawnoii, Iteianr. Mervicea alll o'clock a. m. and ' p m. Prayer acrvlce every Wed nemlay evening. FlIthT CONdKF.OATIONAL CIICHCH. Kev. J. W Cowan FaMor. Horvlce) at lOiiU a. U. and N 0U r. a. Hunday HcIukiI after muriilng crvlee. Player meeting W edneday evening at :00o,clork. Frayer meellng of Young People,! Boclety of Chrlilan F.ndeavor every Sunday evcuiug at 7;IX prompt KIKHT HAFTIMT CHPRCH Rv. M L. prayer mei-tliiK Wedncuday evening. Monthly UnveliHliI M-eling every nenueminy cviinii f,,,1,V1Jl,;ii,'ilJ,,ta' 'n lhe DU",lb- ht. ioiin-h ciiitkch. CATHOLIC Kiv. A. 11 ili.kbka , l''.or. on Hiiniiay niaraai a ana 111:! a. M. F.very econd and fourth Hunday Oermati terinon after (he N o'clock man At all other maea hngllnh aermona. Bumiay J Z;tT" MKTIIODIHT KI'IHCOPAL CIIT'KCH. Kiv (n uvl(.a lat.,r Xlnrnlnr aprvlce at 11: liiimUy Hclmui i lo uu. cu meeting after morning nervlce. F.venlna aervlce at 7 ao. Kpworth leaaue meeting siinnay evening ai M. Prayer Meeilu Thurnday evening at 6:30 )trngc-r) cordially Invited. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHfRCII.-Rlv. J. W. Montgomery. Paptor. Herviceaat 11 a.m. and 7 SO r. M. Habbalh School at 10 a. a. Young People') Society of Chrtitlaii Endeavor meeu every Hunday evening at 6 80. Wedneaday evening prayer meellng at 7:80. Seati free. EVANO'SI.ICAL ( Hl'RCH iERMAN II, E. Horsx hci h. Panlor; J. R. Khhkt A-l-tni'. Preaching aervlce) every Hunday at 11 A. M. I and 7:X0 P. M Habbath iictool every Hunday at 10 A. M . Mr m-'iiiaii upi. rrayer ueeuug every Thurtday evening REGULAR. -EHVICE AT U. B. CIU'KCH- moriiiug and e n i ii oi i( an-i s i .-muiT oi eieh month. Bnorwth cnool at 10, A, M. encn gbbaia. J D. Hueln-, Hupt. W. II. M--LaI!, Palir. EVANOEI.ICAL LCTHEKAN CIU'RCH-L. 0v, Pantor. (O-rman nervlce every Hunday at 11 o'clock A M. Kuirlmh service) t 7:80 P. M Hunday cIiimi1 at 10 o'clock A. M. Loca tion: Klore roin next d-Mir to bitkery In Shlve ley n building, corner of Sevenlh au( MadiioD atrceia H. W. JACKSON, Bicycles, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, And all kinds of small ma chines put in good order. No work to difficult to undertake. Prices reasonable. Shop on Seventh St., near depot. COPYRIGHTS. CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT t For promt t.nwor and an benefit opinion, write to MINN iV . wlu have bud nwarljf fty years jxporit'noe In the ptent busiiiPM. foainiunl. ttons it riot) y onnflritmtia.. A Handbook uf lr formation convmins 1'nlriitn and how to ob tain them Rent fret. AIM a catalogue ol mecbafi loal and scientific took8 neat free. Patents taken throush Munn A Co. reoelrtF necial notice in the rlnilHc AntrricMD, and thus re broutiht wtdelT before the public with out cwwt to the Inrentor. This splendid paper, liwucd weekly, elegant!? Illustrated, han by far tho largest circulation of at. scientific work In Uia world. $ J a vear. (Sanipte ctPies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, f&joa year. Hintfl eiipiea, -i5 cents. Kvery number containn beau tlful plates, in eolora, and photoftrapbs of new bouses, with plsns, enablinfr builders to show tut tau'tt deslims and necure oonlracts. Addroas 1LJ'N i 1 Mew Vohk. U61 Bhoiuwa Leal Blank? tnfA oil Min tt-nl I trt fill TH ill 1 1 L1Q fif sale at Hunt'ey s Book Store. Mac lis AND -n Sepr. Society Directory. Hie innli fur all o-mien Mid iikIich 11 Clack nn Comity re piiMI-l'ed lenifcaxr e 111 tie KkTRnraoa H I- ") r.nicer ( Ilia varlnua In) m wll 'lid Ih cone t on Hint may be 11 (Mam rf l"m t me 1"". 'JliKuON tl'I'V IIOAKU OK TKADK. Meet at Couit Iloiiae on Hecimd Mundijr In ein h 1111111II1. Vlnltnn welcome. J. , UWRKvi g, K K. CIIAKMA V Hcretiiry. PreMdeiit OA VKI. U)IH)K, NO. .'m, A O. V. MeeOniewiiid mid fourth Slurdy evenlnif" t Knl(lil't ball. Ciiliy. VIlliiiK brother m'le welcome. K K a.L K. . Mai.l'x K, Recorder. Mantel Workman K. OK P. HTAK U'lxtr. NO. '. J 9 Hlle C. C .; Thomaa Nellnon. K. of K lid H. MeeM every We(ln'.''!i;' rn"'S ' o'eliK-k In clle hall, I. o. r. inniuni. Brother) from oilier K. oi V. lodjo tuvltcl. OMWKOO LOWiK NO. IW, A. K. A A. M. vu n, i.cniiil and fourth Haturdi vof eneh moulh at 1 p. m. All Maiom lu good landing are Invited to atteim. I). U. KlK. W. M. 1. 1- Bf'-ru,"?'?. ituKvr.n I riliiiK NO. x. I. O. O. T. Mwi every Friday eveuing lu the new ball In Old town. , i. C. HAIKU", C. T. Join Kacl!, flee j WILLAMETTE KKHKKAIl IiECKKE WIKiE, NO. Meett Ihe nenond and fourth Monday In the month at 7.30 Y In h O. o. "an. M. 0. Ha HM A , M. M. HARMAM. Hecretary. N- 0, bl'NKIHE L0DC1K, NO. Ii. A. O. U. W , Meetn every necoiid and fourth Haturday of each moulh at WllnouvUle, Oreou. M. C. VofNO, M. W JnliK Tyi.ra. Recorder. PKi IKON LOKOE NO. 1 A. O. IT. W. MeeH every Thuriulay evening at Odd Fellow hall, Onwego. Vlmlliig bretii'en aiwnyi ci ,.,,,. T. Mai illl.l.AK, Kaiil Mark. Recorder M. W. MOLALLA IJllOE No.O, A O. tf. W. Meet flniland third Haturday In each nvmth at ehiml houae. Vlaltlug meinie r mane wel come. J. W. THOMAa, M. W O. V'. RoBis,8ec. GEN. CROOK POST, No, 2i 0. A. B , Ue arp men! ot Oregon. Meet) In chool houae at Needy on II rat Sat urday In ech month a! 2 o'clock p. m. All comrade made welcome. I. P- Biiaimo. II. Thompson, Adju Commauder. WACIIENO TRIBE, NO 13, REUMEN. m.m i. TnrwUv evenluz at A.O. V. W. Hall. Vhv lling membera Invited. Henry, ClU). KxiXY. Col K. CANUY LOIWE, No n, 1. O. O. 1. Meeta first and third Haturday evening of each month t Knlghl'a hall. Cauby. VUdtlng membera alwnya made weii"me ELI.A KNlOHT.SeC. OKO. n, ik.iiunT. n.v. WOOHMEN OF THE WORLD. Willamette Ka.Ha I'min Nn. 1 IH. meet) 2d and llh Tueaday nlhta In each moulh In K. of P. hah. ViMtlng neiirhbora made welcome. E. E, MaHTI.N. Clt'f). J U. 1ATLOB, WILLAMETTE REIiEKAII HE0KEK LODGE NO. 2, I o. O. F. Meet) the aecond and fourth Mondav In each mouth at o'clock p. in. In I 0 o. F. Hall Mr- Makv William. N. 0. Mas. M. 0. Charman, Sec FALLS CITY LOD'iE. SO A.O U. W. Meet every Saturday evenln of each month In A. O V. W. hall 7th bt. All sojourning brethren coidially luvited to attend. MAK HLLP.L,s M. W. Gao Califf. Recorder. MEADE POST, No 11) A. R., DEPARTMENT UF OREUON. Meets first W.dn-sdavof each month, at K.of P. Hall, Oregou City. Visiting comrades made welcome. J. T. AI'PER ON, Commander. C. A. WlLLlAW), Adjutaut F COMPANY, FIRST REGIMENT. O. N, Q. Armery. Third nd Main. Regular drill nlrht. Monday. Ht'K'vlar buaiueas meetiuga, first Monday of each month. orriciRS. F.8 Kelly, - - - . Catln U L. Pickeu), - - First Lieutenant W. A. Hunt.ey, - - Second Lieutenant COLUMBIA HOOK AKI LAIIDKK CO. Meet) first Friday of tarh month tt Fountain engine hoime. Chak. Atiihy. Pre), C. B 1'iu.ow. Sec'y. Cn.u Hi 'ir.n. f 'rm TUALITIN tiKASGE, NO. Ill, P. of H. Meets last Saturday of each month at their hall In Wllsnnville. J. L. Knrs, I Min Elliuskm. sec y. ,iaicr. MOLALLA GRANGE, NO. 20, P. of 11. Meets at their hall at Wrlirht') Brldee on the seroiij Saturday nf each month at 10 a. m Fellow members maae welcome. Ja. Nklson, Master. E H. Coofbr. Sec. WARNER GRANGE, No. 117, P. of H. Meet fourth Saturday of each month, at their hall In New Er. David MeArthitr, Master Mrs. May Waldron. Sec') CATARACT HOSK . No. 2i Meets second Tuesday of each month t Cat aract hiiKlne nouse. . . nmntrrn g. ii. bkstow. sec'y. j. w ovoxnkll. Fm MYRTLE LOWiENO. 24, DEGKKE OF honor, .Mreis every r rmny in A. u. u. i . i.iii. .a itiuit meinbera made welcome. Mr. F. i. Baklow, 0 of T 8. A. GlLLRTT, Kecoider. A. P. A. COUNCIL NO. 4, Meeta on the first and third Filday In each miiiith nt K. of P. hall, Visiting members al ways welcome. J. V. Noi LK, Pres. BUTTE t REEK GRANGE, No. P. of h. Meets at their hull in Marquam. second Sat- unlay In each mouth t 1U a. lu. Visiting nu-mhers always welcome. J. E JAK, Secretary J. R. WHITE, Master. OSWEGO GRANGE NO. 175 P. of H. Meets the second Saturday of each month al 10a. m. Gko. SikvknsOS, Master. J, (J. Gawk, Sec'y. DAMASCUS GRANGE P. OF H. NO. , Meets on the flrt Saturday lu each month at 10 o'clock a. m. at the Damascus school house. S YoUNG, Master. T. H. Fkathuks, Secretary. ST. JOHN'S BRANCH, NO. 67, C. K.of A. Meets every Tuesday evenini at their hall corner Main and Tenth Streets, Orenon City. K. C. MiciiKLS.Sec'y. Hkrbbrt Hasafin, I'res MULTNOMAH LODGE, NO. 1, A. F. A A. M. and third Saturdays of each month at 7:30 p. M. oreiureu lu KOUU SkuuutiiK nic lilt urn lu nin uu. L. L. PORTER, W. M. T. F, RYAN, secretary. CLACKAMAS CHAPTER. Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M. f pillar Convocation third Monday of the month at 7:31 r. .M. W. E. CARLL, II. P. II. A S RANGE, Sec'v. OREGON LODGE, No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F. Meet) every Thursday at 7:30 o'clock p. M. In the Ot'd Fellow)' Hall, Main treet. Members of the Order are invited to attend. W. A. HEDGES, N. G. Tho), Ryan, Secretary. OSWEGO LODGE, NO 93, I. O. O. F. Meet at Odd Fellow's hall, Oswego, every Monday evening. Visiting brethren made welcome. C. II. NIXON, N. G. J, F. R18LKY, Sec. ACHILLES LODGE, NO. 38, K. OF P. Meet) every Friday night at the K. of P. hall. Visiting Knight) invited. Johph Lynch C. C. H.J. Thorn, KofPaud.N FOUNTAIN HOSE CO., No. 1. Regular meeting econd Wednesday in each month at engine nnuse, east side Main street, between Seventh and Eighth, j. w, Stewart, Bee. H Straight, F'rm. M. P. yuiNN, Foreman. MF.AI'E BKL1FP COKFH. Nn. ID. OKFAKT- MK.NT OF UKKOOfl. Mr. F. L. Cochrane, - President Mr . I W. oi,t, ..- I reamirer. Mr. Clout - - Hecretarr. ilceia on flrl nd Dilril Tu. i J month In K. of P. Hall. Member) of eorpa from abroad, cordially welcomed. IfF.KMP.i I.OIXiF., NO .1), K, OF P., Mi e eie y Fid ay evenln , o'-lek. 'a K ..I P. hall, Auro a. Vi.-tliu kin.hta uiud) etc nn. Jl. (.. mi Til, C. t., Hr.iKT HvnrB. K of K a d A. ELKCTKIC LO110K, .NO fti, A. 0. U. W. Meet. ond a' d fo'irt 1 edni d i' of each rno 1 1 at A (. L. 1111. V no g broi.i'.ra rua le we eorne, A. l. HBr.r, I Hon r. K v a n, K-jeorier. M. . COURT KOHIN H000 NO. KIM A. O. F. OF A, Meeta tne 2 4'rt lfoi of fn fnomn at K F Hall ! M. W. . ''RAM, 'jr.'). K. W !. T. Chlel Ranger. K-".riig Hea L E. I.AHIlK.NI r.. J. R. Kt.VIKlit, Hub. Chlel Kanger. rinanciai neu. 1 10.SF.KK CIIAFfEK No. 1 0. E. . 'A i....o a.. I....... u ! 0.1 mouth at M. o I- t.-.i p -. V .;' :wayt we e "" M. I. UoLvr., ll 11aTTI W'lTIIK tr.i.L, i W. He'-iury. To the Public- WHAT THIS If l! 1, TVI1X DO DEI.IVF.R AT YOt It IIOffEI The Gambrines I'il.-ner or liavarian Dottle Letr, jkt Doz. Quarts at 1 California White Wine per gal " Claret Wine i r gal. " Port Wine tier iral. 1 30 50 " Cherry Wine pier gal. 1 50 15eHt " Uraje Urandy per gal. 4 UU lOytar old Whiskey, Nonpa reil per gal 4 00 Our goods will be found the best ever offered to the publ ic at the price. Leave your order. We garrante our goods to give satisfaction or will cherfully refund your money. N. r. Zimmerman. For Ken Beer leave your order. JOHN YOUNGER, , JEWELER, 0pp. Huntley's Drug Stote, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IX Great Britain and America Give me atrial. An agreeable laxative and ttekte Tonto. Sold by Druppisu or sent by mail. oC oUOa and $LG0 per package. Sam plea free. TTf TT A The Favorite laOTSrSTirj IV V IlfortheTeeLhanaik-eativ,io For sale by G A. Ilardin!, druggist. EAST AND SCUTH THE SHASTA KOUTE Of the- InuiTiirnv liicirii- mMUIVV SOUTHLRN PAtlrlt COMrA.NY. j XI,reg8 Truing leave Portknd Daily. TCMtKS I tg 50. FC CSE IT WILL NOT CUHt, I Soii.h i 1 Northj ir?ni. . Lv Portland Ar li ill a.m. 9:35 v.H. Lv Oreir-mCity Lv T il a. M. lQ AftA.m, Ar S. Kranciscn l.v 7:00 P. M. DINING CARS O.N OGDEN KOUTE Pullman Buffi t Sleepers. I and SeCOnd-ClaSS Sleeping Cars , Ai..eli.l tn .11 ihrnnh iraln. ROSKBURG MAIL (llailyi. 8:30 a. m. I Lv Porllsii-l Ar 4 10 P. II Lv OreuonCity Lv S:li'P. Ar Roseburn Lv :Coa. a :'. A. 6:i!0 p- M SAI-EM P.AS E.GEK. (Dn.y. 4:00 P.M. :27 a. M :1.S--. M. Lv Lv Ar i rtl.iu i lireu u city Ar l.v I, I IB 15 a. M 4 49 P. Jl I 8111 A. M1 West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLIS. Mail Train, Daily (Exrept Sund.iv.l 730a.m. Lv Portland Ar I 6:3p.M 12:15 P.M. Ar Corvallls Lv I 1.85 fM At Albany and Torvallls connect with train of Oroijon Cen nl & E siom Railroad. Express Train Dailv (Except Sunday) I J' P. M Lv Ar Portland Ar McMlnuviUe Lv I S:25A. M 1 6:60 a. M !?. M THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN TUB EASTERN STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE Can be obtaltied at lowest rates from L B. Moore, Ageut. Oregon City. R.KOEHI.KR, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, Ass't G. F. and Pass, Agent. JOHN A.BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, MorriBon Street, PORTLAND, OREGON IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stand without a per. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second none. Trv him 1