Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. Clackamas Co. Directory. COUNTY OFFICERS. C Trk of PERSONAL NOTES. Alex KitU'rnmii, of Viola, whs iu town WodnesiUv. C ?rk of Courts, SlieruT. H. bonier, Trensur.'r, A..evsor. & hcxil Superintendent, iu-reyor, Coiouer, dunmUMonern, CliiiB. West, of 1'ortUnd. waa in town GOtiwnFKii!"ri',m : Tiu's,la)- visiting rolatives. W. 0. .Mailt whs down from Oaiibv S M. Kmntiv M. L M,re i Tneiiuv, Hint imiit this olliru a ill. J, 0. HrmlU y ii. 8. (iibn V. H. Kanbion whs in town WolmS' R. I. H.unisii ' ''".v doing business at tho court liouxo. Frank JKKr FRIDAY, OCTuUKR IS, IS. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. SWEETNESS Wilhoil'a Honey, Maplo Sintar, Maple tiyrun, New Orleans Molases, Svrup in fiulk, Maillard'a Candies. E. E. Williams, the Oiocer. Chairs at second hand store from .c. Tablets and composition books 4c at The Fair. Crochet cotton in all shades at E. E. Martin's. Monev to loan on good real estate security by A. S. Dresser. Fresh vegetables from Maplewood farm delivered to all parts of the citv. ou will save monev by buvmii vonr elates, tablets, school bags, etc., at The Fair. II err Aamold plays a violin valued at $5000. Cocsreuatioual church Thursday Oct 24. Every mother bates to make her child' ren take Castor Oil. LAXOL is sweet Castor Oil. C. 0. T. Williams is now prepared to wake loans on good farm property. Write him. The millinery department at E. E. Martin's is under the supervision of Mrs. E. E. Martin; Lamps. New stock of all kinds just received. Fine hanging lamps for 2.25. iee Bellomv fc Bnsch. If you like something sweet get a cake of the Wilhoit honey. E. E. Wi'liains, the gwer. Finest catchup, Worchestershire sauce and other diessings used in the ovster cocktails at the Novelty. All over the world, babies have been benefited during the teething period by Steedman's Soothing Powders. Mr. Freytag supplies his customers three times a week with all varieties of fine vqu'etables. His prices are very reason Ale. Albright has just received another lot bf choice cattle from the mountain ranges, which for quality cannot be ex celled. Mr. Freytag is ever on the alert to supply his customers with fine crisp veg etables. Have you tried bis string beans, cauliflower and beets? A full line of tricots and dress flan nels at 3o cents per yard. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. Thomas Charman & Son. Pale. thin, bloodless peoule should use Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. It is the greatest remedy in the world for making the weak strong. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. It is a truth in medicine that the smallest dose that perforins a cure is the best. De Witt's Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, will perform a cure, and are the best. C. C. Huntley. For a quiet place to hitch your horses away from the motor line and a place to get a first class job of repairing or horse shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. Albright buys only the best of stock, and of course, has the best meat to be had in this market, and he sells as cheap or cheaper than any other. It will pay anyone to patronize him. Why descend those tiresome steps when vou wish pure drugs, chemicals and drug sundries? "Time is money" Pave both by getting your prescriptions filled at the Seventh St. Pharmacy. Acts at once, never fails. One Minute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma and that feverish condition which accompan ies a severe cold. The only harmless remedy that produces immediate re sults. C. G. Huntley, druggist. In clothing, R. L. Russell ot the Park Place store, can give lower prices than I'ortland or Oregon City. The reason for that is, rent, insurance and other charges are lower than his competitors and that he buys for cash. Just exam ine his goods and see the bargains of fered. A bunting pary consisting of J. W. Noble, Dr. Powell and Chambers Howell returned last Saturday from a trip to Roaring river. They reported poor suc--cess in bagging game, alleging bad weather as the cause. As their bacon and coffee held out they had a very en joyable trip. Marriage licenses have been issued during the week to the following: Myra Flinn and E. A. Reyenue; De lila E. Hammer and Erederic II. Davis; Maggie G. Van Dongen and Nat M. Hcribner; Annie Sondag and Henry P. Miller; Theresa Cos;iove and George M. I Traynor; Orla Robbing and Austin T. Buxton ; Mary Arends and Charles. II. Hastings. Geo lliunphiey, IVpt. U. S. marshal now of Portland was in tho city Monday. P. A. Haker, a substantial farmer of Station! w as in tow n Wednesday on busi ness. J. F. Robinson, of Clackamas was a vi.-itor inOiegon City the lirst of the week. Rev. F. G. Strange of Ashland visited his brother, II. S, Strange in this city last Monday. Mr. Will Miller and w ife of this city are visiting Mr. Miller's parents in Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Harlow of Barlow, were in town Tuesday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hawiey. Miss Maude Upton, of Portland, was me guest oi .iirs. u. U. LatoureUe at her home in this city, last Tuesday. There will be a meeting of Multnomah lodge No. I, A. F. & A. M., Saturday night. Work in the M. M. IVgree. Geo. C. Brownel! returned Thursday from McMinnville where he had been attending circuit court during the week. Miss Florence Prownell, of Portland, spent Sunday in this city the guest of her brother, Senator Brownell and his wife. D. R. Hughes and wife (nee Ada Hughes,) formerly of this place, bnt now residing in Portland, were in the city Sunday. A. S. Dresser of this city, made a bus iness trip to several Southern Oregon towns last week, returning on Tuesday of this week. II. W. Hageman, a new comer to the town of Claikamas and who has pur chased property there, was in Oregon City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Monroe, of Seattle, are visiting Mr. Monroe's mother, Mrs. A. J. Monroe on Eleventh and Madison streets Miss Stella Griffith, of Salem, wbo nas visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert A . Miller at Gladstone, returned to her home Thursday. Mrs, Roswell L. Holman and little daughter Edna, who have been visiting in Seattle for the past three weeks, have returned to their home in this city. Mrs. C. O. Albright returned Tuesday from Portland where she has spent the Daat week visiting her sisters, Mrs. George Fuller and Mrs. Frank Thorn. Mrs. J. B. Robinson and two children of Sacramento arrived in this city last Saturday to visit for some time with her mother, Mrs. H. Cochrane, and other relatives. County Road Engineer Kinnaird left Wednesday for Marquam to locate the position for the new bridge across Butte creek that has been authorized by the county court. John Tice, with Adkins Bros, sawmill near Canby, was in the city Wednesday for the purpose of having some repairs made to their planer. The work was done by the Oregon City Iron Works. J. E. Bole, formeily a well-known printer and newspaper man of Portland, but now a prosperous rancher in the Nehalem valley near Mist, was in Ore gon City Tuesday on business at the land office. C. R. Talcott, a leading jeweler of Olympia, spent last Snnday in Oregon City viewing the many points of interest about the place. It was his first visit to city this and he was greatly pleased w ith what be saw, Mrs. Mary McCarver has returned to this place after an absence of about three years in St. Joseph, Mo. She will re side with her daughters, Mrs. Chas. Bab cock and Miss Neita McCarver, on John Adams and Thirteenth streets. F. 0. Cheney, who is now advance agent for the Payton Comedy company, is home for a week's visit with his parents. His company is now at Ya quina and will leave next week for Cali fornia where they will put in the winter, leaving lor the East in the spring. Geo. F. Smith one of the old-time printers of Oregon City, but who for some years past has been working on the Olympia Standard, returned last Friday to this city and will spend the winter here. He says Olympia, as well as the other Sound cities, is very dull. A. A. Askin left for his home in Ta coma last Tuesday morning, Mr. Askin is in the employ of the N. P. R. R., and will resume his post of duty at once. He was accompanied by his borther, W. A. Askin, aB far as Tacoma, where they will meet their mother on her return to Portland after a three' month'a sojourn in Eastern Washington and Idaho. . G. A. Douglas, of the firm of Douglas, Siefer & Ililleary, was a caller at the Enterprise office Monday for the pur pose of having station ury printed for bis firm. His company own and operate two sawmills near Damascus and Mr. Douglas Mates that they have bad a very satisfactory season's business, though the low price for lumber forced them to sell on close margins. A Man Killed. A man who gave bis name as R, W. Moore was found under thotieatlo just north of New Era Wednuxday morning at 5 o'clock by Mr. lturgoyne who lives near and w bo beard bis cries. The iiiim claims that bo had been kicked oil' the freight train the evening previous by the tiaiiuiieu and bad lain there all night as be was too badly injured to help him self. Mr, 1! in coy no balled the mornini: local from Salem and the man was brought to Oregon City where bo was placed iu the hospital. A doctor was summoned but nothing could ho done for him and bo died at 4 o'clock that afternoon. The b'idy was brought to Coroner llolumn's undertaking rooms and a jury was empaneled Thursday morning to ascertain the cause of the man's death. Drs. Paine and Sommer made an examination of the body and found that his back and kidneys bad been injuied and was the cause of his death. The trainmen were brought be fore the jury and each swore that they bad never seen tye man, though one of them stated that live tramps were driven off the train at New Era and that pos sibly this one bad jumped on again. The ante uiortum statement of the man to the nurses and doctor at tho hospital was brought before the jury, but as it did not show who was responsible for bis death the jury was compiled to render a verdict of accidental death. The man has a brother and sister at Ottumwa, Iowa and Sheriff Maddock telegraphed them regarding the disposi tion of the body. They answered that if the railroad would not forward the body to bury it here as they were not able to stand the expense. The body will be bmied here at the county's expense. A Successful Play. J lie ilrama entitled "cvada, given at Shively's opera house last Friday and Saturday evenings was a very commen dable performance. The plav, which depicted mining life in Nevada in early days, was carried out in all ita de tails, in very good shape by the actors, who were young people of this city and all amateurs. The troupe are under many obligations to .Mr. A. A. Askin, of Tacoma, who trained them and acted as stage manager. A special feature of Friday evening was the music by both home talent and by Signor Cruvetli and .miss Abrahams, oi ronlantl, who gave their services and helped very materially toward the success of the entertainment. Financially, the plav was not the success hoped (or owing to other attractions in the city and the exposition in Portland, the attendance was only fair, though after paying all expenses, some 11 was (eft as net proceeds. "Por Charity Suffcrclh Long." f Mr. Laura C. Hhixnlt, nilwaukw, Wu. "JSatnm m HeeeoleHt llama aiul knowing the good Hr. Miles' Itumna haa done roe, my wl-.Ii to help nihcra, over comes my dLillktt lor tlio pulillclty, thin letter mny give mo. in Nor. and lw Isw, The InmiiIm had flia "I.rtpjM," and I wuoiio ot ilia Ink Ktuuiiuug duty loo noon, Willi ihorartiot many lick, I did not regain my health, and In a month I beeamr to lirbililnird UHii HrnvH troin and tlio drafu mails on my vluilliy. that ll wiu a qumtlnn It 1 could -o on. A dear friend advised ma lo try Or. SlUrs' Krtturatim Arrvimti, I took : iHittUm and am uuppy to aay, I am tn boiler betilth tnun ever. I mill continue If ocraiioHat m-, aa nrrro food, u my work li vitry trying. A letter ad dressed to Milwaukee, Wis., will reach did.' June . 1W. Mus. Lit-ha C. I'moinix. Ir. MIW Nervine l sold on a rxxltlr rnaranuw thai the tlr-t Untie will Ih-iikiIu Allilruitirn.ww'11 li aill.8 bottlim forl&. or II will Ixi-i, in, prvnaiil, on revniit of uric by the Dr. Mile Medical Co., Kikuart, lud. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health J. P. LOWIC, Of Vancouver, lllnAAL,M-..n the old reliable If Ct iUII II I d IVU I , !l" lutf"' (Cnmlby, Djt. And is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Watches cleaned for I Each All work tlrst class and guaranteed. Give me a trial. Installation Ceremonies. Rev. A. J. Montgomery will be in stalled pastor of the Presbyterian church Wednesday evening of next week, Octo ber 28, at 7 :30 p. m . The Rev. Thomas Boyd, D. D., pastor of the Fourth Prea byterian church, Portland, will preside, propound the constitutional questions and offer the installing prayer. The Rev. Edgar P. Hill, D. D., pastor ol the First Presbyterian church, will preach the sermon. This will be an opportun ity to bear Dr. Hill, who has but lately come to this coast from Freeport, Illinois. The Rev. W. T. Wardle. of the Mizpah church, Portland, will deliver the charge to the people. Mr. Wardle was a class mate of Mr. Montgomery in Lane Theo logical Seminary. Rev. W. P. Miller, postor of Westminster Presbyterian church, and late president of the Oregon State Endeavor Union, is expected to deliver the charge to the pastor. The public is invited to be present. W. II. H. Fouts accompanied by his son, of Dayton, Wash, spent the fore part of the week in the city the guest of bis brother, City Recorder T. W. Fouts. Mr. Fouts was one of the old-time residents of this county and was county clerk for two terms, making it is said one of the most efficient officers the county ever bad. He noted many changes about Oregon City yet found many familiar faces of his old friends in the city. Dr. A. P. Sawyer: I have had Rheu matism since I was 20 years old, but since using your Family Cure have been tree from it. It also cured my husband of the same disease. Mrs. Robt. Connelly, Brooklyn, 1. Sold by G. A. Harding. Tariff Facts For Sieakern anil Students, or Defender Document No. il (liK) page), baa just lieen issued by The American Piotoctlve Tariff Ieague. This is perhaps the most valuable document ever published by ttiis organization, and includes full in formation aa to the effect ol threatened Free-Trade and the Present low Tariff Law. Order by number only. Sent to any address for ten cents. Address Wil bur F. Wakeman, Gen. See, 135 West 23d street, New York. N. L. Casaday, of Portland, has ac cepted the foremanship of the Entkh- i'Hihk composing room and will give his special attention to the job department. He is one of the best all-round printers in Portland and is an expert in job work. All diseases of lower bowel, including rupture and pile tumors, radically cured. Book of particulars free. World's Dis pensary Medical Association, 6fi3 Main street, Buffalo, N, Y. "I would rather trust that medicine than any doctor I know of," says Mrs. Hattie Mason of Chilton, Carter Co., Mo., in speaking of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. A. G. Bartley of Magic Pa., writes : I feel it a duty of mine to inform you and the public that DeWitt's Witch Huzol Salve cured me of a very bad case of eczema. It also cured my boy of a run ning sore on his leg. C. G. Huntley, druggist. The latest in visiting cards at the En tkkpuisk Oefick. Prices to suit you. For the many accidents that occur about the farm or household, such aa burns, scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged wounds, bites of animals, mosijuitos or other insects, galls or chafed ots, frost bites, aches or pains on any part of the body, or the ailments resulting from ex posure, as neuralgia, rheumatism, etc. Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment has proved itsell a sovereign remedy. 2oc, (10c and 1 per bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Purlieu' Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapcd hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale bv Cbaiman & Co., Charman Bros. Block. fllii('ksmllhlnc Clarence Porter has re-opened the blacksmith abop lately occupied by W. S. Maple, opposite Pope's hardware store and is ready to do all kinds of re pairing and horseshoeing. Asasboer Mr. Porter is equal to the best and al ways gives satisfaction. Best Java and Moca coffee at Staub' Grocery three pounds for 1. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subscription to the Entekprisk anil get the the benefit of the reduction in price. Drs. J. W. Welch and F. P. Welch have opened a dental office in Courier bldg. near depot. Frank 1'. Welch, son of Dr. John Welch and a graduate of the dental department of the University of l'eiinlysvuiiia will be iu tho office Thurs day of each week. Clothing. Sold at greatly reduced prices by Charman & Hon, to make room lor an immense fall stock. A full line of gen tlemen's underwear just received. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DH CREAM Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. f Ipyq pelt Uar;t w WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED a fine lot of Ladies No. 0 Flno Kid Shoos LARGE ANKLE at $3.00 n pair. This Is a Shoe that larjc, fleshy ladies havo been longr looking for. HAVE ALSO RECEIVED a lot of our Ladies $2.50 Shoe In the latest toes. 5! mm "in lfi SlOfi Man ill tvxiuu ii Aim j Next door to Oregon City Hunk, Oregon City, Oio. Tfrrv Corner Firs ii ...Grand Opening of the... pRAGER gROS. g0 In Their Now Location Corner First and Yamhill Sts. On Monday morning, Sept.30th, 1805, wo shall open our now Establishment corner First and Yamhill Sts., and in order that our friends and patrons of the Farmers and Mechanics SI ore And the Tracer Uros. Co., May acquaint themselves with tho tlill'erent departments of their Storo lliuMin; Corner First and Yamhill Sts. ( A Thirty Days Special . . . ) ( 223 Department Sale ) Will be Given. Our object in to make you department ami with tho Attractions at homo follwing in every list of in tho various departments of our vast Establish ment. We aro sure to attain our object Go Over Every Item. Do you intend coming to rortland during fair time? If so pay our new Establishment a visit. Prager Bros. Co., Cohmttsand PORTLAND, OREGON. ESTABLISHED 1883. The most complete stock of TREES FRUIT Trees ever had in our nursery. ORNAMENTAL Trees in every variety. SMALL FRUITS In all the latest and best varieties. TRUE TO NAME All trees plainly labeled. FREE FROM DISEASE Special care is taken to have all stock freo pests. NURSERY is located 3 miles below Oregon City on west bank of Willamette river. CATALOGUE sent on application. Postofficc address is Oswego, Oregon. OSWEGO NURSERIES WALLING & JARISCII. F. T. Barlow agent for Oregon City.