Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise." SCHEDULES OF TIME (MJ.TCO.'N HTKVWKIt, Hlnmntir ItAMuNA, Uav oni ut. ,,AV, fimitt - The Kaal I'AHMANiii'K hi kami: k, aiiona, UtiTWIlKN l'"BII,AHIl,NI.KM ANII I MiKI'KNIlKKm. Leave I'nrlUinl. Tnylur atri-vl diH'k at II ml A. M l"vi' iiri umi ciiy f, hoIimu 7 Id A. M I inoilajr, liiiimUir all, Hnliiflay, I.I-.VP llM,.rl1,1..,l. n 0 llll A M and Halm, 7 4ft A M u. u,,.,,,,,, J mi . M ,, land Moii'luy, Vt txImmiUy hii.I Krlilnj. KmI IIhik, .h"1 ''. .iimI,hI"i. NM.1 lnw rnl... tllllHIUll ltl'l,. W'l'IIIKIt.N I'ACIKIC KAII.WAV. NHHTII mil NK. ('allfuriila Kmrioa (lliroiiiflt) Itnaidiliril U (way ll,j MrIijui rn'iiiiivr i lll'TII ItolNII, It. ..churn l,iirl (vay .Ulli.n.j ('lilninU KiptiiK Urcmjtli Htlvlll I' aa luuf 7 l:l in. ' II Till . III. v :a . in, 9 7 a, m M i. in i Ml i. in. T II K MAIM. Mnlli rln.c (mIiik N.irih, I'j hi .11 ,. m.,7 p U1. Mails I'liiav nvlun Hmnli, V a. in., 7 i. in. all H'TTm. Drrimi City In 1'iirllmicl i,cr Kaal Ulde Hull- ((.kinlliHI', M hikI It til I- M.arrlvi'a II A M. Mini 4 Ml '. r.rrloa I'nrllatld,, Wc.lMdi', Mainly am) highland rvulea' mall. Ori'nii Clljf In Kljr.l'artia, Mullini. I.llirral anil M..L1U iravra at 11 in. and arilvui al I; in. dally. ' i hi ui ll r l Ili'nvKr I nnk, Mink. (Murk. Mi.ailnw H r . . . k . I ' it I . i Mills, a 1 1 1 I nllnii, nav al a a iu Monday W .ii.dy ami It. day ml minim mi lullnvtiiiii data at 1 M p. m Oii'Iiiii Illy In Viul. U,tau ami Midland li'avra liff..i City Monday Wi'dlnday anil Friday al I ui ', M., Uatln Yl"la aaiua data I 7 utl A M, NTAOK I.I NK. Ori'K'Hi C'lly-Clnrkua- Mullnu Mull Hunt. b-avm OriK'ii Clly I. (I. Imlldlng lit H A. M. MiiniUv, Wnliinaily mul Krlilny dr llravtir Crwk, (larkea, Mvwluw llriHik, ( iilnii Mills nml Milium, Hemming, Ii'uvra Mullnu at H. A. M., I ' lilon Mill.!) A. M., Mi-mluw HriHik 10 A. M., ( Urki-a I.' tiouii. ami llrnver n ek li 1. M., Tuno'luy, Thurailny ami Kaiunliiv. A I'liiiilnrialilr I'nay ruling hack. I'uasen K'T raii-a ri'naniialilx. Nmnll mrrla farrloil, ID ciMita to 2 t'xiila Any (T'Iit Irtl ollll Inn III lm imiii'tly call mini In. J, M. I't'MMirfua. KltlDAV. OCTOISKU 1H, 11,'). i Naw I'otal Uot'TK, The proposi tion m now undiircoiiHiderallon of chaui; lii the mull rotiUiKiipplylng KauleCreek, Currinavilhi, hpriiiKater and llitfhland from Cortland to Oregon City, inalinK thia plm-e the terininu". The route from thin city would follow up the CUi kiiinaa river to Kattle Crm-k where it would con tinue a now carried. The object of the chiip i to place the enxt part of the county in liettur mail commiinicationN with the county aeul and at the mine tune provide a mail aervice for the new poetollicea that are needed on the Clackainai river, one al lh UmIi haU'hery ml one at Ituruhardl'a mill. There la now a good wanton road up the Clacka niaa and no dilliciilty would be exxri enced by the carrier in making regular tri while theditance would be much Ickh than Irom I'ortlaml, thua iiiiikinu a auviiiK in the cxiu'Iihh to the pimbillice departinent. The lark of proper mail coiinei'tioiia of all part of the county with thu county "Cut haa Ix-en a eeriotia Inconvenience in the pant to the act tie re in the county an well an thu bunim-tui men and olllciala iu Oregon City, but through the elllcleut work ol S. It. Ore en the preHcnt poMtmaxter of thia city and bin predeci'MHor, '.. M. HamlH, the poatal ervice of Clackamaa county ban buen so re-organuud that now more than thirty olllcea iu the county have a dlruct aervice with Oregon City and receive their mail the hhiiio day that it lenyee thin city. With the proponed change made in the ClackamaM river route and a connecting route between Kaglo Creek and Sandy all the principal puntollircs in the county would receive mail from Oregon City the same day it was pouted. Kob Ciiahitv's Sakk. The ladies of the WiiinaiiH Kolivt Corp, of Meade l'ost No. 1!, (1. A. K., have iinderUking providing lor some needy children that are In the city nml who are uiuhloto attend hcIiuoI because they are not prop erly dressed. They have been holding weekly sewing Pees to prepare garments i and do mending. To procure thu neces-. sary cloth and to buy shoes, etc., the corps expects to give a series of sociala this winter to which a small admittance fee will be charged. On Wednesday evening of this week the llmt one was given and it was a most enjoyable affair and it yielded, though the admission was but 10 cents a neat sum for their charity work, In this line it is well to ".lute that purlieu who have cast-oil' clothing that can bo worked over, will find that it will he put to good use if consigned to the ladies of tho Relief Corps. A PioNKMi l'Ai'uu. On Wednesday of last week the San Francisco Bulletin celebrated its fortieth anniversary by getting out n forty-pane edition, giving a historical sketch of the paper. Under the new matianemeiit the Bulletin Is coining tqjthe front as one of tho great dailies of the 1'acifii! coast being wel edited and neatly gotten up. It fully merits the liberal patronage that it en-joy- A Financial SviwrosirM. Tho New York Independent gavu in its edition of last week a most completo symposium on the financial question. Tho articles wero written up by the ablest and best known financiers and statesmen of the country and embraced all three phases of the question, single gold standard, bi melalism and free silver. They treat the question in an exhaustive manner Mini kIvo nil tlin arKiiineiiU pro anil con oil HiIh ull-nlmiirlihi. tuiu, TIikmii nyin ImkIiiiiim uru niKiilur rnutiiro of Hih In iliiH'iiiliuit ami urn 1 vim oncn u iiinnlli Wlll'll MOIIIIt Mlllljlldt of liallolllll llllliort- ihii'u In liiki-ti iiihiimI trcnliid In nil ilN ili'linU liy tlm hunt wrilnrH of tint coutitrv TIiiiho nrllrlna hIoiki urn worth tlifi nub- Mi lpllim prli'ii of lint impiir, Iiinnlli (Iim otlnirili..r(ini.ita of (IiIh ifn-iit jmprr hmi tr.jtiully hh Inlnri'Mllin; nnl liilrurl Ivo, Nkkihcu ItiMii WoiiK. TIiioiikIi the coiiiliini'il id'orta of hut Hern rcnUUug lit I Idiihiint ami lliu county uourt tlm South Ori'KOIl Clly roml Iiuh lnnn I'luiik..,! from tin, dly HmitH ton hhort llHtiini'd licyoml tlm Mt. I'lcii-itiit hcImhiI Iioiihh. Tlm roml wiih uniilnil liixt iiin HUT Imt (lurliiK tlm rainy Hcimon huranio hIiiiohI InipiiHHiihln by rriiHon of tint lii'iivy travi'l ovnr It, It wum impcraiivH tlmt It Im, plankixl ami tlm hoIIIith urn to h couiiniuiili'il fur tlinir uuliTnrian. 'l int I rt P lti iiilluK Itiiont. Throuuh tho Kcnitroti work ol noiiio o tho piihlic Hplrilml p-oilii of lint city thu free ri'inlini room ban become one ol the llxed hiHtitutiotia ol Oregon City. It Iihh been In oiieratlon over two yeura and the patronage given it hy the laboring men and truiiHinnt people Iu our city have fully jiiMtilled the niiiinlulNiiiii e of it. It ban been a boon and a Kufe guard to many a ioor man who bait no lit place to hm1 bin even Ingnan well an to many who were unable to buy reading matter. It i aurprieing the number of hoy who are regular frequenters of the reading room and they will ait there for hour am delve Into the magazine, and paper, the little fellowa taking more fHtteciully to the illustrated papera and thu Youths Com pauioii. All thu leading paieni of the Count as well as many from the I'umI are on file together with most of the tandard periodical and inagiinineM, all being contributed by tho pulilihers, or by private parties. Quite a nuclus for a Iwing contributed. Many of them library Is being gathered up, the books are srientitlc wurks and valuable toks of reference donated by the general government through our statu senators and representative. Kuril care I him been taken of them that only one book has la-en stolen during the year, as tho reading room how ixmhcshc some L'DO volumes It nhowt,as good care as the best city libraries receive. Much of the success of the reading room Is duo to the untiring efforts of the librarian. Kev. II. Wall. Mr. Wall kec the room scrupulniHlv clean and the tnoka and paers iu perf"ct order, so far as their conntant use will allow. The room is kept 0en every week day and evening and Sunday afternoon and even ing. The room is now well seated for in addition to the 1,'H chairs already s scKned the donation was received some thus since of several tine cushioned settees (rout the .Miixonic lodge in this city. Morn book cases are needed as well as wooilen die holders for the acrH that have lately been added to the list. The librarian hoas that some of our public Hpirited carpenters will contribute these articles, Fuel is also needed and if any of our farmer or woodmen wish to help a worthy object contributions of wood would be acceptable. Parties who have hooks, magaiincs or periodicals that they desire to contribute to the reading room will be walled upon if they will notify the librarian. The money to pay the rent and other necessary expense as well as the meager lary ol the librarian him been con trihuled by generous friends of humanity and by tho most rigid economy Mr. Wall has mamiged to keep the expenses within the income. To fully accomplish tho work for which the reading room was established the income should be fully doubled. This would be easy to attain if tho many who are not contributors and are amply able and to whom the inaintaiiiance of a reinblig room should be a benefit And a i easuro, would lend their help. Tho Oregon City free reading room is doing a missionary work that is worthy of tho support ol every friend of human ity. To llnlld p both the flesh and the strength of pale puny, scrofulous children, get Dr. I'iorco'a Gulden Medical Discovery. It's the best thing known for a wasted body and a weakened system. It thoroughly puriHes the hloo.l, enriches it, and makes rlfective every natural means of cleans ing, repuiriii"; and niiriahing the system. In recovering from la grippe, pneumonia, fevers or other debilitating diseases, nothing can equal it as an appoti.'uig re storative tonic to briii"; back health and vigor, Cures nervous and general debility. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenu., says, "Shiloh's Vitaliwr'SAVKI) M Y Life' I consider it the host remedy for a debilitated system I over used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cents. For Saloby G. A. Harding. As an evidence that Oregon climate is of a different make than that had in the blizzard swept East, Dr. J. W. Powell is enjoying freHh ripe raspberries from his garden at his place on Fourth and High streets. Tho berries aro growing on cane, of this year's growth and are large and fine and have almost as good a flavor as the regular summer crop. BAHMIW NKWS. 3p (lrowr Hwlndlwl on (;ontrU-Nw Paitor IliaUIM-Damt Humor Talki. Haiilow, Oct. 17. Accikknt. Juy i ri-iTi whllu tuiloiiiliiiK froitht In the wuruhouHo of tho VV, II, M. (Jo. :! ilniitly (Iroppt-il a liox on hla foot Injuring tlmt iiiiiinhi r ijuite Hvornly ; coiiwujnontly Jiiv In now Nni-ii HporlinK a enno. IloC (loNTRACTN ()NK-KI)KI, It SJr pBm t ti tit m-yi-rul hop Kfowtirn Imve con-traWi-il Ihi'lr hopa to hop hiiycrH In the early mi'hhoii lit price" rttiiin(( from 7 to 0 i oiiIh Mr poiinil, am) mnco tho doiniiti'l fur liupn Ima lionu ho low it now come I '" t'"'1 h"yvr ,mve M"'1 their iiiHucclor to mivural yardn anil Iiiivh rcjoclcil Iota of hopa claiminif thiim aa not tmiiiK choir.o hopa an np(ti:lfii-d in contract, ami thereupon rnailn an offer to tho itrowera of thu rcdiculoua price of live centa per pun ml or ilitinandtxl the return of money advanced ihetn for pick iiiK. The contract no read that the buyer Iihh the riht to reject through the in Hpector without arbitration, whether or not he may have a choice hop. (irowiirn will no doubt he careful In the future about Hi.niriK mich one-aldeil con tracts, or will insist upon an arbitrating clause being inserted. A Nkw Pastor. The population o Barlow was greatly swelled last Sunday by the crowds who came from Aurora, Candy and nirrounding country to liHten to the sermon of tho new pastor of the M. K, church. The church was com fortably lllled with a very attentive con gregation who expressed themselves as being greatly pleased with the Kev, Mc laughlin, who discoursed so eloquently The choir also did excellent work and we hope our young people musically inclined will presint In their endeavors to reach a top notch in that art. We are proud of our church and trust the people will further show their appreciation by at tending service regularly. OiifcuoN City Talknt. The drama loving sipleof Oregon City are in a par ticularly fortunate position as far as the matter of indulging their fancy lor that sort of amusement goe. Several of our towns-ieople were present towitne (lie production of "Nevada, or the Lost Mine," by local talent of that city and from their accounts wo gether that the performance was a good one for amateurs. May we not suggest that encouragement be given to keep that organization to K'-ther, and that the presentation of other drama follow this one? Damk Ki mok. It ia whispered about town that we mav, In the near future, exM-ct a treat in a musical and dramat ical way an some of our energetic musical people are attempting to organize a com pany to produce that most fascinating of musical extravaganzas "Newport." Those who have the matter in band, it is said, are thoroughly capable of mak ing it a success, and if this whispering 1st true we ho the people of Aurora, Barlow and Canby will lend their assis tance to make it a success in every way, We have the talent here, all it needs is to be brought out. Bakkt Social. Several of our young people visited Canby Friday evening to attend the basket social given by the Good Templars of that town. They re port having had a delightful time and that thu social was a success. I'EHSONALS. J. 0. Johnnon, S. P. R. R. master, was in town Saturday inspecting the side tracks. S. Lumpkin, for a long time head sawver for Adkins Bros., left Suturday for California where he intends to reside permanently. Ralph Miller and Charles Moore, of Oregon City, were hunting in this vicinity this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dental,' of liuttcvillo, were doing business in Barlow Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Barlow spent h few days of last week in Oregon City visiting friends. E. F. DriggB, attorney of Oregon City, came in on the 10 a. in. train Sunday re turning home Monday. Henry Will, junior member of tho W. B. M . Co., spent a tew days of last week in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Cassus U. Barlow weie visiting friends in Oregon City Sunday, Ed. K. Miller, S. P. R. R. agent of our town, was calling on relatives and friends in Aurora Sunday II. II. Wheeler, owner of the Whoeler sawmill, was transacting business in Barlow Thursday, J. E. Marks, our popular attorney, was attending legal business out of town Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Celia McDonald has gone to Ore gon City where she will brobably remain this winter. Mr. M.'Gnire, of the boot and shoe firm of Williams, Marion & Co., of San Frunci.xj, was in town Saturday. R. Zimmerman, ot Needy, was seen upon our streets Friday, Ilunrv F. Pusey, of Oregon City, was in Barlow one day Inst week, the guest of his sister, Mrs. C. U. Barlow. Disorders in the liver and kidneys are responsible for many of the ailments of humau'ty, which, when neglected, de velop Into serious and often fatal mala dies. Prudence would suggest the prompt use of Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm to remove the disorder as somi as possible, and restore the diseased organs to healthy and vigorous action. Price tl per bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Nothing so distressing a a harking cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer from it. Nothing so dangerous if allowed to continue. One Minute Couiih Cure gives immediate relief. C. i. Huntley, druggist. Ladies Dr. Sawyer' Pastille are ef feetnnl lor female weakness, pain on top of the head and lower part of the buck. It slrengtlieiiH and cures. Sold by Geo. A Harding WITCH HAZEL S0AP is nothing but nonp and Witch! Hazel. It cleuns the pores; stimu- j i luk-H their action; and thus BoftenH, j smoothes and whitens the skin and ' improves the health. We don't try to get 25c. for it; the usual price. We sell it for less than half what we could get fur it and exriect to sell a thousand times as much. 10c a cake 25c a box. C.G.Huntley, Prescription Druggist. THAT MULE is stationary at the wrong time and in rim wrrinir nlacft. Rut Our ... .mw o i remnants of Hurd's stationery will move out of the way thin week be cause we have cut the price in the middle. Every body knows Hurd's writing paper. If you want some first quality fancy note paper get in this week at half price or less at Huntley's Book Store. Oregon City, Ogn. Huntley's Book Store is a state sub-dppwitory for school books. Old books taken in exchange, all books sold at introductory price. The new Chautauqua books are now on sale at Huntley's Book Store, Btop and have a look at them. Postofllce-:- Store. MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY -:- GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions. Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh and of tho best quality. In Prices we meet Portland Competition. O.WISSTNGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. Let me have a trial order. RUPTURE Instantly Relieved and Permanently CURED WITHOUT Knife or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Three to Six Weeks WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Or- : r.oomi 706-707, Marquum Building, PORTLAND, OREGON. "hi T FmBbb Ml FIaHWr7Ta!gt!J, Plumbing 22zsnBTinnin Close Figures.... "On Large Jobs Qfegon fail .GLADSTONE PARK... Conveniently of access r ree from the noise and dust ot tne city. 3 Skillful nurses and every convenience of a first jl class Ample room that ness and rest. Special rooms for ladies. Services of the best physicians of the county in attendance. TERMS REASONABLE. Address, MISS M. OREGON HO YOU NEED f - HNY DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING, Or Building Material? Go to C- H- BESTOW. Lowest cash prices ever offered for FIRST - CL.ASS - GOODS. Also combination wire and picket fence, HARTMAN - STEEL - PICKET FENCE. And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times. Shop Opp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET. OREGON CITY. KatabllNhed 1&63. t PIONEER Trangfef and Epre, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. I. Creeman, Jiiot received for fall wacr, and elegant Trimming Silks of all styles. Our new stock of Clothing for fall and winter wear will soon be in, all of the latest styles and fashionable cut. If we cannot fit you, we will take your measure, and have a suit made to order for you. Tlios. Charman Son. 1 See... vo 1 IV Salmon A 1.. T Y . kJVl 1 tilt - 'y? Caufleld Block-i Near Court House HogpitaL rl rl and pleasant located, hospital. ft patients may have quiet E. LIIBKER, SUPT. CIXY, OR. F. F. W BITE. W. A.WHITF- WHITE BROTHERS Practical Architects !f Builders- Will prepare plans, elevations, working de t Ui, and specifications for all kinds ot Build Infi. 8pectal attention iven to modern cot tai;ea. Estimate! furnished on appllcatioa Call on or addresi WHITE BROS., Oregon City, 0fH