Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. OKKdiiM CI'I'V uKK' I'KH Murur, k4orihr, . , (Hil..,,l ',,,.i . . . AliMiMnr, Tri'Hnrir( t'l'r Altnrnity. . M:ni'H 'oiti tn I MHtmir r, Miip'l. nf WiUnr WiirkD, Uoillll'lllllPII -II, (J, HII'VCII. J J 1'iKikn l. mi) Jnultar . .li Mlk : t I.H. iiuia 'h. K. Iliirn. K M ( ' n 1 1 it II I,. IImIihiiii K I. in III h (' lliil.i'nrk, .lr, Vt. II. Ilnwi.ll II. II. ) ll I 1 11 '1 hrtiiiMlitnn, Mm V Ilnwi.ll, I. mrlor, ilnnrr Mrl.lium, J. w. Mullnit iiumiHI mwl.flr.t AbiIiii,.,!,) nlvanh inoiilh In (illjr hull fkihay, ocroiiKu ih, iwir.. CHAT ABOUT TOWN hoi: it riiiMis- HiiiihciI Tripn Housed Lambs Tongue, I'ii'ktl'll Oysters, I'ii'klKil l'j.1 Fish, Hill I'lrkl.m, Hawt I'l. kll'H, Vinegar I'irklt'H, Kiiuer Kraut, K, K. Williams, Hid (irooer lilt hihI Hllll llylll Wools At ',. I',, Martin's. A li'iiil xncil given with each lulilol ut Tim l''lr. Money Id loan uii improved farms, W. II I,bvu yonr order for an oyster loaf at tlio Novelty candy store If you WHiit a sewing mni'lilnu (or IL'.'i KO to Di'llomy A llumh'i. 0.0 T Williams linn the boss bar gains In Inside lot or small tracts. Apple boxes aud dried fruit lioxin for sale liy K. K. Williams, Tim (irocer. If von waut II rut t'lux moat put "l In K'xxl kIiujw, von must get it of Albright. J. V. Welch, dentist o( the Chicago College of Peiital Hurgery, otllce In tlio 'mirier bldg. nir depot. Oysters will lu served throughout the aeamm al the Novelty candy store In nil Rtyli'D, liM-l in 1 1 1 tf t tut UliM)inir. llnrr A Hiixild 'n Norse mhdiei have captured tlio muli'al worlil. Congrega tional chunii Thursday Oct. iMtli. You can save twenty-tlvo cents on nv ory pull ii lard, by liriiiiiitt vour paila to Albright's, ami have I I tit fat) them. Use skirtena (or binding dresses Something new; ls'ttor than velveteen. 4 hire worn, always used. For aulu by Tliomai Charman A Son. How alxiut thoao 2 to S acre tracts, near tlio Chailtaiiipu grounds, at (Had ntotio I'srk, some of them planted with prune tree. C. O. T. Williama. A lew ol thoNti $100 to lf0 lulu left, only a few block from the oncra house. F.asy Utidh . Apply to C. O. T. Williams. Minn Mabel Ioreinua celebrated her fifteenth hirtbilay on Wednesday, Sep toinber 25. AmoiiK tbo presents she received wan a lilt) gold piece from her parent, Mr. ami Mrs. I o renins Malinger Wright for Kraosse Jlios., Oregon City shoe house has un niinoiinrv Mont in the advertising columns of the En TKitNUHK that ia of special interest to the achool chihlren. The house hua one of the lariat ami beat stocks of shoes oyer brought to Oregon City. Dr. A. r. Sawyer lcar Sir: I have been sudoring with aick beaihiehe for Ion time. I used your family Cure and now am entirely relieved. I would not lo without vour medicine. Mm. (J. Miller, Ml. Morrel Ilia Sold by (i. A. Harding a very enjoyame iiirtiuiuv party wan Ifiven on lut'Hiluy by ( lura Nehren at 1 lie home of her pareuta, Mr. and Mra P. Isehieti, on the occuhIoii of her 10th birthday. The little folks apent the venlen In morrytmikintt and kuiiioh. Nany lx-autilnl preaenta were (riven to Clara by her friemla. KulreHliinenta were aeryud and all the little onea ilu dared they never had a better time. A new lino of line drena gooda jiiHt re ceived at Charinun A Son'a for lull wear, and a linn of elegant ailka of all atylea. Will ulao aoon have a fall and winter Block of the luteal and liioat faah loimblo atylea of men and boys' cloth inK. If they cunnot Ik you, thoy will tuke your meuHtire and have a atiit uiudo to order. Since, her removal to a larger room, next door to her old atur.d, Mra. Martin, of the Hnckot store, Iiiih lately incrvaaud her stock and UHHortinent of goods and now bus a selection that will please all Iier customers. From u small beKlnniiiK her trade has rown to most flattering proportions and is prool of tlio lair treut- mont she accords her customers. A small heating Htovo in that dump bedroom, or going too long without a Hiove in mo Billing room may do both a sorrowful and expensive economy Schwnn A Putrow will sell a firstcluss heating stove at a price that is within reach of the poorest. In the bottor grades of heaters their atock embraces eoino very elegant stoves. In cook stoves they curry a complete lino and all of the best makes. When a person is losing flosli and wasting away thero is cause for tdurm. Nothing so worrius a physician. Con sumptives would nover dio if thoy could regain their usual weight. Infact thore would bo no consumption if thoro were no wuHtiuif of tlio ayHtum, The caimn ol of this loss of flesh ia a failure to properly dixmit tlio food estiiii. Mne-teiilha of ail iir iIIhcuhm dull) bad', lo some de luiiiiemciit of liio stoiimcn. 1 Jiu Sh.tker IMu"Nllvn Cordiul will stop this wustinu of Hid body. It ucis by caiiHinu the food wo eat lo hn dignsted so as to do Kood, for uiidiiteHtoil food iloi'H more Inn in tlimi Uood, The Conliul contains fooil ulready digehted ami a digester of foods as well Ir. J. CiiHto was in town Thiirrduv from Alpine farm. Helms but recently relurned from WitHliintoii and T.lla- monk coiinlins, where he went to oruan i.e uranxas. In the short lime thut he was out, the Doctor repoits he had splen did success, having oig.ini,cd two graiigns in Washington uud one in Tilln mook county. Ilml his farm work not called him home he was confident he could have organized several more. The Doctor, whois district deputy for this county, reports the Cl.ickumas county giangesall prospering and that this Is the banner county of the state In the number ofgrangs. (1. W. (Jrace, the well known mer chant at Molulla avenue has taken in as partners, Allen ami John Fairdough, two encrge'le. young men who have lately been in business at t'larkes. The cotnliiiieil cupital ami working force Ihe Uew firm possesnes should make it one of Ihe strongest in the city. In addition to the large country and aurhuban dual nesa handled by Messrs. i race A C'o. they exs-ct lo aoon put on delivery wagon and solicit city tradu. They have a very complete stock of general mer chandise and should build up a good business. It will interest housckuf iers to read their advertisement in another column of the KMTKurKMU. The following ladies and gentlemen of Milwaukee, forming a dulightlul Iheater parly came to Oregon City Saturday evening last lo witness the play 'Nevada" and Ihe Ladies' (iuild entertainment ut I he opera house. After Ihe theater Ihe parly went '.o Ihe F.lcctriu hotel where a fine aupper was eiioyed by all. Amonit the number wero: Misses llatlie llonnet, l!oa Scull, Annie Scott, Annie It, lingers, Mamie Uogcrs, and Mensrs. Itolierl lliiiuet, llnnry Scolt, C. C. Mullan.J 0. Hungerford, T. J. Uary, K. F. Wilson, O. Wiaainger and Mra. D. Wissinger ofTacoma, Wash. (irandma Harrington, of Kly, cele brated her WHh birthday lust wetk by giving an old ladies tea party to a mint- ler o( her (rienda. Tue afternoon was waa H'iit In conversation, etc., and the occasion served to make a pleasant spot In the life of one whose three score and ten years and more, can lie looked back uK)ii aa having been uselully and faithfully spent. May ihe live to see many morn birthdays. The Postal telegraph company is at work extending Its lines from Coble, at the Northern Pucille, crossing on the Columbia lo Astoria. The line ex tends down the south hank of the Columbia river and places Rainier, Clatskanie and the other intermediate towns in telegraphic communications w ith the outside world as well aa to give Astoria a competing lino with the West ern Union. F.verv mother should know that croup can be prevented. The first sympton of true croup is hoarseness, This is fol lowed by a peculiar rough rough. If ChamU'rluiu's Cough Remedy is given freely aa soon aa the child becomes hoarse or even after the cough has de livered it will preveut the attack. 50 cent Isittles for sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. A very (iiiet wedding took place on Monday last at the residence of Esquire C. II . Schuehel of Mink, the contracting parties being Miss Maggie C. Van Don gen, of Vancouver und Mr. Nat M. Scrihnerof Highland, this county. The knot was tied in the osquire'a effective but pleasant way and the happy couple departed for their Highland home to commence life in puniest. John Kelly has embarked in the fiidi business and 1b delivering fish to the various villages and town in this county. mo Boon ns i no iinii commence to run freely in the river bo that he will have no dilllculty in procuring a supply of fish ho expects to make regular trips on hia routes. How's this? Good flour, 70c; DieU lantern, 35c; 10 pounds dry granulated sugar, f I, ai the Hod Front Trading Co's. Lots of new goodB, millinery, umbiellas, underwear, shoes, etc., at Eastern prices. The American minister to Denmark says: lierr Aamoldg vionn playing roininda me most forcibly of the good old days when I listened to my charming friend, Olo Hull. Ladies bring your babiea to the Star gallery rain or shino. I will give you $1 (or every failure on a rainy day. Star gallery, Seventh Btreot. E. N. Wells. Why have your house half lighted when you can got a lump nt half price at Stuub's Grocery. Stock must be closed out, Compressod Ham Sausago, the newest and best article for lunches and Band witches. E. E. Williams the Grocer. Wilhoit's Honey Is the sweetest and best. E. E. Williams, the Grocer. Star, Star, Star. Then the Star gallery boats thoui all. 1 COUNTY COURT. Regular monthly meeting for October. 1'reseni. Cordon K. Hayes Judge, II. Hcott and F, J'lggar, commissioners, (I. F. Horton, clerk, and K. C. Maddiatk, alien If. In the mutter of securing bids (or the const ruction of a bridge across: liutte creek on the J. M. Drake road. Con tract awuided C. F, Jioyul for $!HiH. Any upproach additional at fit per M. on plans uud specification tiled in the clcik's ollice, suid bridge to be completed in sixty days. County court to enter into contract for sume on behalf of the county. D. W, Kiunuird to superintend the same. In the matter of supplying county with records, blanks, stationery, etc , for llio comming year, bids received from Connor, Meston A Dygert, Class A I'ruilchomo, Irwin-lfolson Co. and W A. Huntley. All bids rejected und bid ders isirmittud to withdraw bids and (derk InstrucUfd to prepuro list of sup pliea that will be needed during the en suing year, and bids (or same will be received and oenod at 1 o'clock p. m November 7, IMS. In the matter of the claim of the state jtgaiust Cluckuuiua county for interest on taxeaof lSdlland 1HU1, it is ordered that the order of the court made at the May term thereof refusing the payment of aaid claim Iw rescinded and the Iiohs urer ordereil to pay same aa follows to-wit: 181)3, K3.70; lttM, 241.l)3. . In the matter of the application oi W H. WiggiiiR for purchase of tax certificate lo lots 5 and 0, block 48, Oregon City application granted. In the matter of the application af C Wintennantal (or a tax rebate, laid over In the matter of the reoorts of road supervisors for the month o( September 1895; ordered that Bald reports be ap proved and expense account of aaid dis tricts ordered paid as follows: Dist No. Labor. Material. Bridge Ac 1 f i 50 153 75 2 $.172 87 21 58 3 34 75 24 10 4 17 75 7 1)4 5 23 00 11 50 82 40 58 35 30 05 11 308 75 45 25 12 14 50 10 to 13 3!7 50 4 78 14 237 50 17 75 05 52 75 18 1 80 3 D5 It) S 00 0 00 22 107 00 24 43 m 27 41 97 50 21) 72 34 17 85 7 76 31 13 55 2 50 In the matter of the petition of Car A. Itoth et al. for viewers to a change in the George road, ordered that D. W Kinnaird, county surveyor, and John C Traeey, W. P. Ilaker and Win. Howlett be appointed viewers to meet at place of beginning at 10 a. m. Oclolrer 2(1, 181)5, Petition of T. It. A. Sellwood et al. for vacation of streets and allev in Minthorn addition to Portland, luid over. In the mutter of petition of Ceo. Will jams et al. for vacation and change of streets and allev in Minthorn addition, ordered that John W. Meldrnm, N. O Walden and Ceo. Waldron be appointed as viewers. In Ihe matter of the report of viewers on tbo Oregon City and New Era road said retort was read on two seperate days of the August term of court and aid over. The court now orders that said report be approved and that said cnange in ronu no estuiitisheil as recommended by said viewers, Com missloiier Jaggur dissenting. In the matter of the petition of achool district No. 2 for warrant to be issued for the collection of tuxes due from the Portland Flouring Mills; Petition de nied. llll.I.B ALLOWED. Courier, printing $ 4 25 Class A Prudehome, stationery. . 22 50 J P Olson, jury foes 4 80 Noblitt's Stables 21 00 Mrs C E Nendol, pauper ac 32 93 Thog Charman A Son 11 60 John Hell, c h wood 80 00 Geo D Barnard A Co, stationery, $8 disul Hillyard Pros, road ac 0 00 B F Linn, road ucc 34 13 Poe A Co, road ac . . 3 70 L L Porter, deputy dist atty 10 00 Julius Preister, road ac 2 40 1 II Weeks, road ac 23 06 R Scott, pauper ac 30 00 Oregon TAT Co, court house ac 1 25 CO Huntley, court bouseac 3 00 J C Bradley, assessor 200 00 K O Maddock, court house A juil l5 71 D E Shepard, abend ac 24 45 Cornelia McCown, sheriff ac ... 5 50 I Soiling, pauper ac 5 00 II S Gibson, Supt ac 19 00 Mi Iter A Stevens, court Iioubo ac 9 15 Millard Hyatt, fish A game prot 61 25 J M Haydon et al, bridge ac Ill 67 Lindsley A Sons, bridge ac 2J88 Peter Nehron, court house ac 5 90 The Herald, printing 3 00 II Straight, pauper ac 8 00 AdkiiiB Bros, bridge ac laid over M F McCown, constable 14 75 State vs Al Gerrita diBt No 2. . . . 86 35 " Fred Hoffman, dist Ao 3 5 40 " Chas KnowleB and Alvie Russell, diHt No 4 71 01 Stute vs Teter Hanson, dist No 7 15 55 " John Elliott, dint No 7. . 32 60 " J Pierson, dist No 7, . . .laid over " Ted ;Ennersly et al dist No. 7 luid over tate vs J W Jackson, diBt No 8 " Highest of all in Leavening ACdOZ.UTEE.Y PUCE Entkiii'Iiisk, stiitionerv 110 !H) " delinquent tax lint. , 5W 00 II W Will, road sc. 3 32 M F McCown, fish A gume pro tector ac 28 50 State vs. W II Jiiirghurdt Dist. 4 20 45 E A Summer, insane uc 6 Of) D L Pane, " " 5 ()0 Ordered that the justice of the peace of this county be instructed not to institute clrminul proceedings against any (H-rron except in extreme canes without the ad vice and consent of tho district attorney or deputy. In the matter of the claim of Landsley A Sons for lumber on Oregon City und Apperson roud, ordered that balance now due for suid lumber, viz: $137 2', be aid out c road fund for distiict No. 4. In the matter of Ihe petition of Addie C. Hodgtou for settlement of taxes, or dered that receipt in full be given (or said taxes, costs of sule and interest at eight per cent Irom date of sale, the IM'iialty being remitted. In the matter of the collection of fees by county ofllcera during the month of ecpiemoer, iswo, reports ordered ap proved. The colliftions are as follows: Clerk, $2S'J.5C; ;oidei, $173.85 ; sheriff 114.00. In the matter of the eare aud keeping of Mrs. Mary IIohs and child, ordered that $11 per month ba appropriated for said purpose, to date from October 12th, said warrant to be issued in favor of Mrs. Mary Hart. Ordered that the allowance be discon tinued (or Chas. Cutting. Mileage and pcrdiem of commissioners allowed as follows: R. Scott, five days, sixteen miles, $16.60; two dsya, twelve niilca extra $7 20; total $23.80. F. Jaggar five dava, twelve miles, $10.20; two days extra, $6: total $22.20. Jury List. The following ! the jury list for the Noveintier term of Circuit court : Names Frank ForJ residence occupation West Side Farmer Damascus " Marquam " F A Bohma A B Maruuam Win Johnson Clackamas " Abernethy " Canemah " Needy " Pleasant Hill " Tualatin " C A Holstrom A S Lawton J K Miller J E McConnell II IderhorT A J Thompson " C 0 Williams Ely Geo C Armstrong Harding J E Mitts Needy W II Myers Ely J F Nelson Milk Creek John R Duncan Cascades M Rohbins Marquam C F Clarke Clackamas Christ Fischer Beaver Creek Jotin II Broelze Milwaukee HSC Phelps Canby P A Buker Tualatin John Lewellen Springwater F Eckerson d May Canby O City No 3 Oswego Canby Abernethy O City No 3 West Side butcher merchant carpenter teacher blacksmith laborer nifg'r G W Prosser L Mack E C Hackett Ed Story John Boylun II E Smith Deafness Cannot lie Cared by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There ia only one way to cure deatness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Peafness Is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Ks tacbian Tube. When this tube pets in rlu tned you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the influmation can be taken out and this tube restored lo its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness f caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Plait's Catarrh Cure, fend for Circulars, free. F. J. C1IKXEY A Co.. Toledo. O. "Sold by druggists. 75o. Notice of Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the county board of equalization of Clackamas county will meet at the office of the county assessor Monday October 28, 1805 and continue in session for one week. J. C. Bradley, County assessfir. That 20 acre tract, level road, 2Jj miles out, plenty of running water, only ftiSO. C. O. T. Williams. Money to Loan. 500or$ti00 to loan on improved real estate. Must be tfi!t edpe. C. II. Dyb. All kinds of second hand goods bought by Farker & Howard, Seventh street, near the depot. Policious wbito clover honey two sec tions for 35 cents at Staub's Grocery. AAMOLD! AAMOLD1 Congregational church October 21. Power. Latest U. S. Cov't Report I I Tnere ia no medicine so often needed in every home and so admirably adapted to the purpose lor which it is intended, aa Chamberlain's Pain Bnlm. Hardly a week psss but some member of the familv has need of it. A toothache or headache may be cured by it. A touch of rheumatism or neuralgia quieted. The severe pain of a burn or scald promptly treated before inflammation wds in, which insures a cure in about one-third of the time otherwiso required. (Juts and bruiser) should receive imme diate treatment before Ihe parts become swollen which can only be done when Pain Bairn is kept at hand. A sore throat may be cured before it becomes serious. A troublesome corn may be removed by applying it twice a day for a week or two. A lame back may be cured and several days of valuable time saved or a pain in the side or chest relieved without paying a doctor bill. Procure a 50 cent bottle at once and vou will never regret it. For sale by G. A. Harding, Druggist. Jlarteloos Results. From a letter wiitten bv Rev. J. Gun derson, of Dimondale, Mich., we are per mitted to make this extract: "I have no hesitancy in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were al most marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seems as if she could not survive them. A friend reccommended D. King's New Discovery; it waa quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at Charman A Co's , Char man Bros. Block. Dissolution of Partnership. The partnership existing between A. W. Schwan and W. A. Putrow under the firm name oi Schwan & Putrow, has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent. A. W. Schwan, W. A. Pl'TBOW. Oregon City, Or., October 7, 1895. Money to Loan. Parties intending to borrow money on their farms this (all will find it to their interest to call and see me at an early day. Plenty of money on easy terms and low rates of interest. W. H. Bl'RGUABdT. Logan Mills. Looak, Aug. 8. The Logan .flouring nulls have been overhauled and refitted, and are now making a tirst class grade of flour. Will grind for one-eighth and guarantee satisfac tion, tf Gcs Fischer. Hug's Wanted. For clean, white cotton tags 5 cents per pound will be paid at this office. It's just as easy to try One Minute Cough Cure as anything else. It's easier to cure a severe cold or rough with it. Let your next purchase for cough be One Minute Cough Cure. Better medicine ; better results; better try it. C. G. Huntley, druggist. O. E. A. Freytag does not propose to remain in the rear of the procession in the matter ol supplying the market with fresh vegetables, and bis gardens are kept in first class condition. Diseases umriemuy to women are positively cured by Dr. Sawyer s Fastil ies. Ask your druggist for a free sample package. It heals and cures. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Rupture or breach, permanently cured without the knife. Address, for pamph let and references, World'B Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Charman & Son have received a com plete stock of men's, women's boys' and misses' mackintoshs. All grades and prices. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entkrcrisk office. Cass U. Barlow, the well known merchant of Barlow has been appointed a notary pul lie by Governor Lord. Second hand furniture bought to any amount. Farker & Howard. Remem ber we pay cash. You can find most anything you want in the house or workshop at the second band Btor9. Highest cash hand furniture near the depot. price paid for second by Farker & Howard, "What pretty bats!" exclaimed a lady as she passed the Red Front millinery window. AAMOLD! AAMOLD! Congregational church Octoper 24. A splendid selection of men's, ladies' and children's tan shoes at Charman & Son's. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. A Startling Admission. In New York City, for live con secutive years, the proportion of Deaths from Consumption has been three in every Twenty Persona. Epidemiol of Cholera, Yellow Fevrr and other din-sws of similar character, no ter rible in their results, occasion wide spread alarm and receive the moit careful coniid eration for their prevention and cure, while conumption receives scarcely a thought, yet the number of their victims sinks into Insignificance when compared with those of consumption. Comparatively few peopla know what to do for their loved ones when they see them (rradnally low strength, lose color, manifest feeble vitality and emacia tion, or develop a cough, with difficult breathing, or hemorrhage. Cod liver oil was for a lonir time riven in all such cava, but the poor success attending it use coupled with it" nauseating taste ha led many practitioners, as well aa the public at large, to filace their main reliance in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It de serves early attention and will prove effect ual not in every case but in a laiye percentage of cases, and we believe that fully oi per cent, of all cases of consumpcion can, if taken in the early stagei of the disease, be cured with the "Discovery." Dr. Pierce does not ask people to believe until they have in Yesttcnted for themselves. A pamphlet has been published having the names, address and photographs of a large number of those cured of consumption, bronchitis, lingering coughs, asthma, chronic nasal catarrh and kindred maladies which will be mailed free to those sending for it with their name and address upon a postal card, or you can have a medical treatise, In book form of 160 pages, mailed to you, on receipt of address and six cents in stamps. Yon can then write those cured and learn their experi ences. Address for Book, World's Dispfvsait Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. SEE Davics Exhibit AT THE Portland Exposition And have jrour photos taken at the gallery. Third aud Morrison Sts. Entrance on Morrison Street. IMPERIAL GALLERY Oregon City, Crayons, Enlargements Photography in every branch. Children's Pictures a Specialty Gallery over MrB. Prier's Store Main Street. GO TO FOR Oliver Plows and Extras. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fast DALLES CITY AND REGULATOR and com modious steamers Daily boats, except Sunday, leav ing Oak street dock at 7 a. tn., mak ing regular landings at Vancouver, Cascades, White Salmon. Hood River and all intermediate points. Passenger and freight rates lower to these points than by any other line. Uirst class meals served for 2oc. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. Win k limit Hir Lit