Oregon City VOL.29. N0.4U. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1895. ESTABLISHED 186G OOI'HTH. dlrnull omirt diiivfiiiw Itrnl Miu1 In Nih Varatwr ami llilnl Mnmlny In April, Prcilwiaonurl In Ion flrat Mnnilur In aanh mniitli. Ciimmlaalminra mmrt mwM firm Wailnpailajr allur Oral Mumlnir of tmi'li amnlli. JOHKI'H ItK'IC, ' ATTOItNKY AT LAW. I'rartlre In ill Court of I lift Hlute. 4 Milt's In lUnk or OrnKon City lllnrk with I.. 1.. J'urliT. Oration I'll y, Orison. DUIIYNH, ATTOKNKY AT l,AW, IMIKMII I I in. h; CAN II Y. OltKOON. VIII prmCllct. In nil courla of I' alaio. ln.iiraiii'o written In all 1imIIii rmiii iMlta, Ali'lrti ci lU hirnulivil, Co iMiiiamaa ap.ctnltjf. (i wTLmtokv, I ATTOKNKY AT I.AW. t.talra oppo.ltf Court lliitla. Tlllra riaiiilnixl nil alxtracla male. Monejr lmiipil. Mnrtairte fiirwliiari eu1 a lonnml law Imaliinaa. J J T MI.AI'KN," MoTAKY ITHI.li: ami CONVK YANCKK, Ural mala bamtlr'1 liianranra wrlllrn In tli Marllnnl, of llarlfor.l. I'ala'lna. North lirltlali d Mtirtmnllla, llanilmrg nf llraaii Offlee with II. K. Croaa, Orat-wi t'Hv. Orrjon S'!r- fc5" -Jim I ho duty of every mother in to make homo comfortable an well an ilcnHiirit. Winter iH coming, a good li('itiii ntyve, a hunting lump, mi easy chair for pupa, a new carpert for the parlor, clean Hofl mnUreniTH good hlanketH and quilts have to bo purchnned to mako a homo. If you need any of thimo articled mentioned or any thing clue in tho hoiiHefuriiihhing lino give im a call. Trices reasonable, wo Hell for iiiHtanco a (J pound wool blanket for 2.r0. DELLOMY & BUSCH. Tho IIouHefurniHhfru. "I LACK AMAH AIIMTHACT Till CO. AlatrarU oK'laokamaa oniinly prnrx-rt jf a apro laltv. 0nI work, raaunaltla rharapa. Work t'larant.-H Ulva ua atrial I) U. Utimrplla, V, f. Ihiiialilauii, i. t. ( lark, Plrwlora. oaauoa city. .... oaaoo. K H JOHKaoN. p. r KIMAIIU INNAIIlli JOIINHON, CIVIL KNI11NKKKK ANI. HI'KVEYOIiH. Hallway larallun and roualriirllun, Whlge. platiaauil ealltnaina for walrr auppljf Dralnaia and slraal linrnrmiit ol Uiwna flpoll allanllort (Ivan lo araiihtlii and lilua printing. "y I'AKKY JOHNSON I.AWYKn. Corner Klfhl and Main trate, Orafon City. orraim. KKAl. KHTATK TOHKI.I. AM) MONKYTO I.I.AN. Ji WW BK BEAUTY ami utility is the now iinxrtcl Chinawarc jiiHt received at Hur ineiMter fc Andreson's immenrie juwelery cHtaldiHhtncnt. TIii'h (inn is up-to-date in every lino, and lant October they placed their order in Germany for UrgeHtock of genuine Chinaware legantly decorated with Oreiron City dcenery. These gtxnh are now arriving and are very at tractive. All the articles are useful, and just the thing for presents to send to your friends in the cast, or for homo huh and ornament. Six dill'erent Oregon City scenes are represented on tho various pieces, and are executed in tho highest stylo of the art. HUUMKISTKH ft ANDHEHEN. f "... -,.. i ANEWC03LVANDER. Lfulcniiiit Ketlred. Sclioflrld HAS ItKAdlEI THK A(;E LIMIT. Oiienil SeUon' A. Mlle the Soled I ml in n Fighter la (ilren Coin ,' nimidcrof Hip irmy. , Wahiii.noton, Kept. 30. The pres I'lent'a order retiring Lleutenant-Uen-ral Hehofleld was Ixttied today. It is as follows: "Lioutenant-Oeneral John M. SlIio- ;ddoe:fee hah kesiohed. Btpbo A Lowll, of UmitllU, Appointed to B(ictd Him. PKNw.KToy, Or., Oct. 1, Tlie an nouncement that ttie reHlnnation of Cir cuit Court Judge Jamea A. Fee, ol litis district, has been tt-ndered to Governor Lord, is made. Tlie resignation created great surprise here, even to the Judge's intimate friends, who had hoen given no intimation ol his intention of leaving the bench. Juiljte Fee served one full six-year term and one year on the second. He was elected first in 1888 as a republican over Judge Kaniey. now a resident of the Willamette valley. His occupancy of the bench brought him the highest respect of the people of Eastern Oregon field having reached the age fitting Lira for relief from active military aervice. Im is, In according with the provisions of nd he Ie,ves the 0,nee w"h splendid - ii . . . tlie aw. br iv i. bi im 1 nt-,i H, .t!.,r reuuru. no i uuHineoa reasons lor list ol army, to date from September 29 I8U5, with all pay and allowences be longing to Lis rank upon retirement. "It is with much regret the president makes the announcement that the country is thus to lose irotn the com mand of (lie army this distinguished general, who Las done so much for it honor aud efficiency. His gallentry in war challenges the admiration of all his countrymen, while they will not fail to gratefully remember and appreciate how his resignation. Stephen A. Lowell has received a dis patch from Governor Lord appointing him to the vacant judgeship. Tlie ap pointment gives ouireraaL satisfaction. Judge Lowell's commission will I for warded by mail, and he will take the oath an soon as the commision arrives, and preside at the October term ol the circuit court. (Stephen A. Lowell, appointed lo fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Y,' .OA fl a itr faithfully he served his country In times I JadK"? Fee 'e'Jes in Pendleton, and 7 2 I Life uruaTER, ATTOKNKY AT LAW laaTaacTa or raoraaTY rcssiaHSO, Jrflr nail la oraaoa cm tsitik on Sib atrwa. lC T. WIlXIAMs! KEAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. X food Una ol bualtipaa, raaldpuca and anburnau I'roportr. Farm fruiiarty In Irarta to lull on aaay larmi. Corraapunilonra promptly anawprad. OITlre, eeildimr loL'aiiflald A lliinllar'a druiatura. QUA 11,0. LATOCKEni, ATTOKNKYS AND COUNSKUMtS AT LAW MAIN STKKKT, OHKIION CITY, ORKOON. FVrrtT ONB NKKrfl A mmiNM EDUCATION. Many rouna man and womrn ran arand htit ona or two yaara at arhool why not taka a foiiraa that can ba romplaliHl In that tlm Tha eollm Inrtiidpai a abort ENOl.IRH COL'RSB ba aida a Wi'SUNKRa and RUnitTHANIJ rOTHtBR for ratalnfuaa addraaa. 414 YAMHILL SL - - HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. - - rORTlARD. OR. Purnlah Ahatrarta ol Tltla, 1wn llnaay, Fnra- omaa Hirt(ira. ana irauaaol oaurrai Law Miialnaaa. "J J E. CltOHS, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Will I'morics is All l ovata or Tin Stats Rral Eatate and Iniiirnnre. Omoeon Main Hlraitt liat. Sixth aud Barenth, URIUlIN city. oa. a o tiau.u a. w. THimraos j. t nullum. r T. oairriiH SVNK1LL. lli:HOKS. J TIIOMI'HONAORirriTII. ATTOKNKYS AT LAW. Oflloai In Harklvy llnlldliic , Oregon City, and A u u, w. larapic, I'orliaiui. Do General Law Rualnioa, Loan Money, l'ra Liiiiwiiimia. Ktirfiinae mortgage, l'rolialo prnctt'ee. c II. 1'YK, ATTOKNF.Y ANI COUNSKLOR AT LAW Will f orecloaa mmtraniia, maka nlvcraota. loan money, aeitla aalatea and t'anaact a (uueral , law bil l.iaaa. Oflloo flrat It or i tl)nl J' g Hank of 0 agon City. oaauoN city, ohkoon "I KO. C. IIUOWNKI.U ATTOKNKt AT LAW, OsiaoN City, Oasaos. Will prantlc In alhhennurta of the atats. 01 flre, licit Umir lo (.'an Hold A lluiultiy'a drug tore. lau.a niNiAaaos. v. a rydi. JINEAItHON A HYDE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In all court ol the itate. Oflloe In Jailor Ilutldiug oppoalte Court Ilouao. UNIVEBS1TY OP OREGON, 1895-1896. "The University or ORKoosEugeno, OrcuoJV-ullurs fre tuition to U Btudentr-Yjmvg tncifcttti obtain board, lodging, heat and light in the dormitory for I2.5() per week. Roomors furnish their own linen, young women are provided with board in private families at $3.00 per week. Young women desiring board should addrena Prof. John Straub, Eugene, Oregon; or Secretary Younir Women's Christian Association Eugene. Tho university oflorn three baccalaureate degrees, Bachelor of Arts, uaciioior oi science and Uachelor of Letters with corresponding courses of study. The following shorter courses are also offered: An English course leading in two years to a business diploma and in three years tothe title graduate in English: An advanced course fortrrnclnafoK of normal uchoola leading to the degree master of pedagogy: A three years' course in civil engineering leading to the degreo civil entrineer A course of two years for teachers qf physical education leading to a nas lived in Oregon about loor years He flrat came prominently before the people during the last senatorial cam paign which resulted in the election of George W. McBride. Jude Lowell being one of the candidates. Judge Lowell is a young man, a lawyer of more than naual attainments, and in politics a stalwart and aiigreaaive republican. His apnointmert was urged by the members of the bar and citizens of Umatilla county Pendleton is altto the borne of Judge Fee, and the fact that the associate judge of the sixth district, M. D. Clifford, resid ing in Grant county and Judge Eakin, of Union, having been appointed to fill the bench (or the newly constituted eight district. l''ft the choica oracticallv military ara.nln .t V. I'nim In iRVt I oetweeli Umatilla and Baker counties. and remained there lor five year as j! J Tlie appointment ol Judge Lowell will atructor i,f rminml l,il,,i, Knnn I doubtless give general satisfaction to afier th onthrvak nf tim riirii" m.P I,. ,n members of the bar in the sixth of pace by bis splendid and successful performance of chil as well as military duty. Lieuteaant-General Schofield's tartar, exhibiting an unvarying love for his profession i.ialous care fonts honor and good name, a juet apprehension of the subordination it exacts, and a con stant manifestation of the lest trai'a of true AmericanUm, furnishes to the army an example of inestimable value, and should teach all our eople that the higlieat sullierly quantities are built upon the keeneitt wnae of the obligations belonging to gjod ritzenship. Grovib Clsvklanu. (John M. ScboQeld, commander ol the United Blates army, was )orn in New 1 oHi in 18.SL. lie uraJuatad was appointed brigadier-general ol vol unteers and served with credit in Misaouri and Kansas. In 1804' he joined the army ol General Sherman and bore a prominent part ol all the oper ations till the clone ol the war. In 1864 he was made a brigadier-general and in I8t8 major-general in the regular armv. In 1808 he was appointed secretory of distnet. dinloma and tlie title dirertoi nf i.hvMi! nl,m,.;.. Ti, n;. i wr. b resigned in 18C9. From 1876 ..I - - 1 - . I 1 .iA 1,1 .... ... . .-'Ul 1KK1 llA wan llinAnntu uiiiririH ii n iiiiirii,iiTiii mi, ni Tim r n or, u. ni.h m ,.n.i.i . n .. n .j i i - all Btudentff. Students holding diplomas from tho public schools and those having teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without examination. Thos det-iring information regard ing the prcpratory department should address the Dean, X. L. Xarrcgan, Eugene. For catalogues and information a.ldress C. II. Chapman, President, or J. J. Walton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. i OREGON CITY IRON WORKS New and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. was superintendent of the military academv at West Point. In 1888 be succeeded Gen. W. T. Sherman as commander of the United States army.) General Milea to Commaod. Washington Oct. 2. Secretary La ment issued an order this afternoon, de tailing General Miles to duty In Wash ington, as general of the army, and Gen eral Roger, now on special duty at Washington, to the command ot the de partment of the East, with headquarters at New York. THE N0KTHWE8T UETS IT. All work executed in the best manner possible. teed on all orders. REPA1RHSTG - J Promptness guaran- SPECIALTY. Prices the lowest to bo hud in Portland. Shop cm Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. . ROAKE & CO., Proprietors. f-Jow you Can Save Money rpilK CONUKKC1AL1IANK, OF OKKOON CITY. Capital, 1100,000 TRANNACTB A OKNIRAL BANKING MIBINSaH. Loan mailo. Dllla illiroimtcd. MnkM col lection. Buyi and iclli exchanite on all point In the Uultcrl Htatca, Europe and Hong Koiik. Depoalta received iiilijoct to check. Ilauk opuu from 9 A. M. to 4 r. M. Saturday evoulugi from S to 7 r. at. D 0. LATOURKTTR, Proalilrnt. t B UllMALDSON, Caahler JJANK OK OKKUUN CITY, Oldest fianklni! House li tlie City. Paid up Capital, l,M),Orjo. gurphia, IJO.KM. racainiNT, TICS rHUIDINT, CASHiaa, MAMAOSS. THOi. CHARMAM SRO. A. HARIIINO, I. 0. CAUrllLO. CHARLKI H. CAUF1RLD. A general banking bualneaa tranaaoted. Depoalta rocelved anlilect to check. Approved hill and note dlacounted. County and city warrant bought. Loana mde on available aecurlty. Exchange boiiRht and nld. Collection made promptly, Draft aold avallanle In any part of the world Telearaphlo exchange aold on Portland, Baa Franolaoo, Chicago aud New York, Intareat paU on time dopoalta. When your children need a laxative or Btomach and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses ior twenty-live cent9. Tho season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pro pared for an emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pectoral Syrup, Tho best in the market. Price 25 cents. For sale at the CANBY PHARMACY, Car.by, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. Do You Weed a Legal Clank? The ENTERPRISE has tho only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent POSTAGE PAID at Portland Prices to Your Address. Moraa Brother of Beattla will Build pedo Boat. a Tor- Washington, Sept. 30. Tlie report of Chief Engineer Wilson, sent from San Francisco to Seattle to investigate the plant of Moran Brothers, was entirely eatixfactory and Secretary Herbert this afternoon awarded that firm the con tract for the construction of one of the three torpedo boats to be built for the navy. The price to be paid is 160,000, which Is (3500 less than the original bid ot the firm, which consented to the reduction in order that the department might have a sufficient margin left from the appro priation of $175,000 to supply torpedoe and guns for the boat. The senior mem ber of the firm was at the navy depart ment today closing up the business and he announces that it is his intention to build a boat that will compare in every respect with the best in the world and spare no proper expense. A Chtneie funU. San Francisco, Sept. 30. Th9 ques tion as to whether a Chinese born on American soil 1b a citizen of the United States is to be tested in the courts. Wong Kim Ark came here recently from China, demanding a landing on the ground that he is a native of California. The collector of the port, while-admitting his nativity, refused him a landing, claiming h is not an American citizen, as, according to the contention of the government, to be an American by birth, one must be born in Ameiica and of American parents. . Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and all other blanks at the Enteri'Kihk of fice. Portland prices. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Flit Needle Factory. Grart's Pass, Or. Oct. 1. Arrange ments were completed here this after noon by which Grant's Pass will have in operation the only pine-needle factory in America. For some time past, negoti ations have been pending with a com pany of California men, represented by F. W. Ludovici and Simon Dovan, for the erection of a factory by which the long pine needles, or foliage of the Nor man pine tree, would be converted into various commercial products, such as soap, ex 1 1 acta and oils, as has been done in certain places in Europe for years. A bonus of $1200 for the plant has been raised without difficulty, the company has leased the Rogue River Lumber Company's old mill for its headquarters, and the machinery is promised to be on the grounds in less than two weeks. The gentlemen composing the company have signed a contract by which they agree to run the plant one year. The daily capacity of the mill will be about eight tons of needles per day, for which the company pay 25 cents per hundred ponnds. Pickers can, at this rate niake about $1.50 per day, if pro perly equipped. The matter is regarded here as of great importance to this place, as the snpply of pine needles is practi cally inexhaustible. An association of business men in the city was also formed to work in conjunc tion with the company, and signed an agreement to furnish the necessary needles, to the extent of eight tons a day. This will give a large number of people a chance to earn a good living from this industry alone. - Mat Be a Good Law, J effkkon City, Mo., Oct. 1. The Bank of Monett and Bank of Purdy, Barry county, have been closed by Sec retary of State Leseur upon notification by the bank examiner of their insolvent condition, and 'ara in the hands of re ceivers. This makes 13 banks closed by the secretary of state since the execution of the the new bank-examination law which went into effect on the 1st of July, besides half a dozen that anticipated examination, by making assigumeutB. Many persons suffer froU disorders in the kidneys and bladder without know ing what is the matter with them. They should know that disorders in thoe organs if allowed to remain will result fatally. Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Bui in will restore healthy tunc tional activity and thus eradicate the disease. Price $1 per bottle. For sale by C. G. llnntley. druggist. Wise is he who buvs a home and stops paying rent. C. O. T. Williams can fit you out on easy terms. Fresh oysters will complete your Sun day dinner. Leave your order at the Novelty candy store. Orders delivered An Iiitemting Book. We have received an unique public tion called II. M. Greene & C'o.'i "His tory of Grain and the Grain Trade ol th World." It is printed in colors aud is lllUHtrated with a picture some BOO') years old, Jrom the tombs of Theben, repreaent ing the ancient tgyptianseleyating their wheat into granaries. There is also a threshing song in hieroglyphics, with the translation of each character. The book covers the prehistoric chapters of the subject. Egyptian, Chaldean, Assyrian j Babylonian, Persian, Indian, Chinese, i Phoenican, and Carthaeenian historians are quoted. There is very rare descrip tion of land caravans and sea caravans. The history of wheat in Greece, Home, Antioch, and among the Scythians, Celts Gauls, Germans, Golln, Scots, Britons, Irish, Alricans, Mound Builders, Peru vians, and American Indians, finish the first part, or Ancient Hiotory of Grain. The part called Modern History deals with Venice, the Arabs, carrying of wheat to the New World, the Philippiarw the Dutch, Antwerp, and the great modern European and ' American cities. There is an index covering all the matters contained in tlis book. It is the publishers desire to present a copy ol the work to every miller, grain dealer and interested party in the United States and all such wishing a free copy should address H. M. Greene A Co.. Rialto Building, Chicago, 111. The Liverpool Corn Trade News has spoken of this book with admiration, and it has re ceived abundent testimonies to its merits from such crop experts as S. T K. Prima and the secretary of agriculture. It reflects great credit on the inteligence of its authors, and the grain trade in general will feel no uncertain pride in receiving from its own ranks a work which is at once commercially brief, and not tin less notable for its erudition. ; REAL LSTATE TKAXSFEES. Furnished Every Week by the flacka. mas Abstract k Trent Company. Wm Anderson to Peter Madison Sept 11 '95 W D sw.t of swj of sec 10. t 2 s, r5 e, 37.27 acres. . . .$ 750 BTJoslyntoJM Findley Sept 14 '95 QCDn,of sec30,t3s, r2 e 1 Robert Thompson to L P Jensen Feb 14, '91 W D n of ee sec 30 t5s, rle80 acres 800 U 8 to Levi TBoyd June 8 '95 nw Sec 5, t3s. r7e Pat M Cooper to Henry Saunders Aug 17 '95 W D lot 27 and 28 blk 70 Minthorn 200 A Fischer to H M Boggess Sept 15 '93 Q C D lots 1 and 2 blk 1 Beat's add New Era ' 25 J P Miller to Patrick Byrne Inly 24 '95 A D lot 7 and 8 blk 28 Mil waukee , 800 F W Youmans et al to M Judy Aug 1 95 W D 215.78 acres in Matlock claim , 1 Am AGeuMtgCotoa UadrillJune 7 '95 D5 acres in the Hector Campbell claim 1 E G Lichtethaler and II B Lichtet haler June 21 '95 W D 6.42 acres in claim 50 t 3 s, r 1 w 200 J G Foster to Geo CriBt July 20 '95 W D 2 acres in sec 23, 1 3 s, r 1 e 100 H G W Bard to D P Blue Sept 25 '95 D e of claim 59, t 3 s, r 4 e 160 acres 300 C J Swartzendruber to Abraham Yoder Aug 17 '95 W D a? ot nw. of sec 1 and the lot in sec 1 and 2 140 acres 6300 E A Wright to M E Wright Sept 1 '95 W D se of se'4' of sec 6, 1 5 8 r3 e40 acres 1000 W Tyrell to Kittie F Lester Sept 19, '95 W D lots 6 and 7 blk 56 in OI&SCo's Ex Oswego 200 Gladstone R E Assn to A M Eklund Sept 26 '95 W D blk 122 Gladstone 400 II 8 Bernritter to A W Shipley Feb 2 '95 Q C D 130 acres in sec 21 t2s, rl e 1000 CE Shipley to A W Shipley May 15 '95 Q C D 130 acres in sec 21, t 2s rl e 1 C E Shipley to A W Shipley Sept 3 '95 A D 130 acres iu sec 21, t 2 a r 1 e 1700 J L Hass to I L White Sept 18 '95 Q CD lot 17 Oak Grove 1 James W Shaw to S Muench Sept 26 '95 W D lot 7 blk 7 Annex add to Oregon City 125 Rudolph Wolfer to Benj Woller July 19, '95 W D 130 acres in sees 28 and 29, t4s, rle 2800 Gladstone R E Assn to E A Smith Sept 18 '94 W D lots 15 and 16 blk 29 Gladstone 210 Have your titles examined and ab stracts made by the CLACKAMAS AB STRACT & TRUST CO. who have the only complete set of abstracts of title of all land in Clackamas county. Accurate and reliable work by a responsible firm. Office upstairs in the Cautield building. Stomach and Bowel Complaints are best relieved by the timely use of De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cur. Insist on having this preparation. Don't take any other. C. G. Huntley, Druegist.