Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 20, 1895, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
CtHckamas Co. Directory.
Jo. Ice. '
C.erk tf Court.
H u-riiT. .
t -i.xl S'lperliitoinliMil
0 onion E. lln
tun), F. llxrloii
H. C. Madilovk
S. M. Kamsliy
M. L. Mmirif
J,C. Rra.llev
II. 8. lillmin
P. W Klmialr.1
R. U lloitnati
Klihnl Sow
) KrHiik Jantt
C nai lFloncr,
Tlie sweetest hams,
English Brvnkfn't Riicon,
Lanl in bulk.
Lard in pails,
Pry fait meat,
Tii'kleil pork,
Summer sausage,
Smoked rnji-on,
Pried beef,
All t:Uirnteed by
E. E. Williams, The Grocer.
Chairs at seoond hand store from 25c.
TuUets and cotiijHjsilion books' 4c at
Tlie Fair.
Money to loan on pxxt real estate
security" hv A. S. Dresser.
A new spade or shovel et Tarker &
Howard' store for 50 cents.
Save money by buying vour fruit boxes
from E. E. Williams, The Grocer.
Fresh vegetables from
farm delivered to all parts
of the city.
You will save money by buying your
elates, tablets, school bags, etc., at The
At last tlie question of the city road
tax collected by the county and now in
the IikihIs of the county treasurer, is to
be settled by the courts. The new city
charier passed by the legislature lust
winter, piovidca that ol the road tax c'
leclod within the city limits, tiO per cent
shall bo paid over for the exclusive ue
of the city, and tho remaining 40 per
cent shall Ih expended undo" the direc
tion of the county court on snob, county
roads as the city council shall
designate. The county court took the
gtonnd that the charter did not affect
the money collected this ver, because
tho levy was on last year's asesinent,
and was made More, the new chartei
went into effect, ar.d declined to pay
over the money as demanded by the
city. C. P. I.atouretle was employed as
attorney for the city, and yesterday
brought a mandamus suit in the circuit
court against County Treasurer M. I.
Moore, for the recovery i f 2874.07, the
amouHt of tax claimed to be due the cit
In the absence of Judge McBride, Judge
Shattuck issued an order citing the in
terested parties to appear on the 5th day
of October, and show cause why such
wiit should not issue.
Continued from first nago.
Do not fail to hear Dr. Hurlburt on
the "Chautauqua Idea," at the Congre
gational church Sunday evening.
Fresh oysters will complete your Sun
day dinner. Leave your order at the
Novelty candy store. Orders delivered.
Mr. Freytag supplies his customers
three times a week with all varieties of
fine vegetables. His prices are very
Dr. J. W. Cowan will occupy his pul
pit as usual next Sunday, and the topic
Sunday morning will be ''Providence
and Hop Growers."
The M. E. church, south, conference,
has appointed Rev. T. Thomas to sup
ply the Oregon City circuit. Rev. C. U.
Cross goes to Brownsville.
J. W. and F. P. Welch, dentists. Of
fice in the Cotirer building. F. P.
Welch, of Portland, will be in the office
Thursday of eacb week. 1 mo
For a quiet place to hitch yoor horses
awav from the motor line and a place to
gst a first class job of repairing or horse
shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on
Fifth street.
Last Saturday the will of Mrs. Au
gusta Meh-her, deceased, was admitted
to probite bv County JmL-e
Hayes. Mrs. Melcher di-l near
Stafford Jeptember 3rd The ill bears
date of September 2nd, and contains the
following provisions and makes bequests
to the heirs: To Mrs. Christina Buik
hart, $400; Mrs. Bertha Henline, $1103 ;
Mrs. Anna Schulpius, $300; Henrv L.
Melcher, $5; the heirs of Charlotse Wil-
helra, $5. The estate consists of certifi
cates of deposit in the Portland Savings
bank amounting to $2452. One hundred
dollars is reserved for a tombstone and
150 for paying doctors and burial ex
penses. The balance is set aside for the
expense of administration of the will.
Justice Philip S Baker is named as ex
ecutor, and letter testamentary were is
sued to him.
Why descend those tiresome steps
when von wish pure drugs, chemicals
nd drug mndries? "Time is money"
five both by getting your prescriptions
filled at the Seventh St. Pharmacy.
Children cutting teeth, and suffering
from the various disorders incident
thereto, need StfeJuian's Soothing
Albright hnys only the best of stock,
. and of course, has the best meat to be
had in this market, and he sells as
cheap or cheaper than any other. It
will pay anyone to patronize him.
A Granger broadcast seeder for hand
use. Works erfect ; good for clover or
any kind of seed. Price to suit you.
Must be sol J At Parker & Howard's
Second Hand Store.
Diseases unfriendly to women are
positively cured by Dr. Sawyers Pastil
les. Ask your druggist fcr a free sample
package. It heals and cures. Sold by
Geo. A. Harding.
Albright has just received another lot
of ctioice cattle from the mountain
ranges, which for quality cannot be
The Payton Comedy company, closed
a week's engagement here last Saturday
night. They are tar superior to tin
average traveling company and while
they were not favored with crowded
houses on account of the inclemency ifi
tl e weather and other drawbacks, these
who did attend were great'y pleased
with their entertainments. The com
pany are playing this week in Mr-Minn-ville
and play in Salem during the state
The insurance agents of Oregon City
met at the c ffl of T. F. Ryan Tuesday
evening and organized a local insurance
boarfl. F. E, Donaldson was elected
president and T. F. Ryan secretary.
This board is a branch of the Northwest
insurance union and will prevent cutting
of rates, also enable the local board to
get lower rates of insurance for Oregon
The oyster season opens September 1th
and commencing Saturday September
7th th Noveltv Candy store will receive
daily, fresh Olymnia oysters direct from
the Sound and will be prepared to fill
family orders ami deliver to any part of
the city. We will serve oysters in any
style at 0'ir temporary headquarters, one
doorsoutli ol Albright market. Open
mi miunigni
The Southern Pacific Railroad Com
pany announces a rate of ! per !00
ptunds on green apples in boxes or bar
rels in car loads, minimum weight.
ou.uuu pounos ine lormer rate was
$1 2o This ate applies from Portland
and all in ermediate points to all East
ern markets, including New York and
A small heating stove in that damp
bedroom, or going too long without a
stove in the Bitting room may be both a
sorrowful and expensive economy
Schwan & Putrow will sell a firstclass
heating stove at a price that is within
reach of the poorest. In the better
grades of heaters their stock embraces
some very elegant stoves. In cook stoves
they carry a complete line and all of the
best makes.
!M rrpord of dli 11 a, r 1
s, km u so
lament F 0, Owiroii CUT unit 1-7 lout,
1 a mill I hit Itu
Or. Km, car li b k lit V ill
PennU'r Auilruw, ut (, iliwrnUnl lit
h i' 4t mk .sjt) rvivr-l nl tlutila too
4 ami MJirSo, v;.ti acrea i (10
lvnl Auiin, o't aoo ;l, 17 a, rS , MO
aeroa rl mi
IMmuk Mlrt, Marahlttflit, i i ti Jblk 1 4 "A
lixir II t .loUo ut t li a 1.1 1 otl
i'i( r J. 'l ! it 'I'lur t'xinniH'M I 1.
Cb lntin mill , ft n, ut ol I t
3 ol iMtl.l claim. .!.! lot H o MiUiimiK NO
acri-.a ai-t olF ity iUhvi ut crvtut
court of Mu.tuiiiuah I'ouutr Ori-goti
aeo i"i 1 1 a, r 1 ; 30 1 1 a, r i a. &
ai-roa ft 70
i'rao n,',oiii', ol tvell, I 7 a, r 2
w',111 uc1. Hu t uli of nw'i
ol arc 14 t 7 a, r 1 a, liHl icrva J TO
Prohcr Joliu and Mary, ti' oi u' am
S, t S a, r .1 SO aerua U SI
lnaor, A S billow I City lota S, 4, J ail a
bl 10 m
lrur Aurl M, Canemah lota 1 ami i
blk 10 4 7
M l, ami botlmla to
in ti Hit 4.'i 1i) 47 id
cirU. ol uim..a 3 VI
Lot I a 0 4 lit, tie,
ai'rva SI
Loi 5 auil s ol loo JJ, I
3 a. r i ill" aera 7
" Loitful am- it, til a, r 1
k, S :ll cr
lul I" oi aco M, t
t , r 1 o, .V7j aiT- 1 sg
Lit- S ami 7 ai-e ii, I 'la,
r S il.4ac-e las
Park liai'lola7 ail J S
b k J 1 44
Draper Juo w, af1, un-vpl i acrva ot aa
V'. t 3 ., r S !, l.vs acrva t St!
N l4'il n1, ol el4 -wj
Si.lS. rS iWacni 15 90
N", ol w', uJ aw'A 111
an- J!), 1 3 a. r 3 a :w
aorva 95 DM
" Cnnmnab, lot S aod 4
b ii j
I.OU3 s7a dsb'k 1
Lota S, 4, 5.S. 7. SbkU
lta 3 aud 7 b'k A
I n. I ( lol i uud 3
blk IS
Kirai aiM ! Caaama i
lot.l i k 1
I'Ax 1M) ft o( loll blk 29
urj-uD Cuv
Drrdan Prs.to i, a oi ao'4 ol aco S I J a.
r & Si) acre.
Ouativr W A, Oninii Ir hi .t SimI Co' Ut
ad J tn o-mgc, iota 7 and S blk IS
Dutf J Tbumna aud M J, Minltiorn "1t tn
th CUT ol for land, lota 3 aud ti b.a U
Duuaath M A. Fleaanul Litlla ;Ioj.i Nj
lob 17 aud IS blk 4
Dunaath B t, flaaut Llttla llomai No 3
tola IS and IS otk 4
Dupula (Su tane, Orrg in Iroti A Ucl Co'i
lat add In Uaeo lot 14 blk 30
Drv-h.T Johu, w',of nw'; i.l 5
r 1 a s0 acroa
Durham R L. T-U'tiH., Or'con Iron &
Sm Co'a KxtouKiu to 11 aail w
Oaaruirii a 1 ut b k S4
Du, u a Ed .ia J O ojurt on . I r '
ll aii.i loOawago ljta7
. ul s b k 3i
Orton Annto, uwt4' of 4 ta 14, 14a r 8
Orullih M VV awt ol ao'i o J7 9 a, rt
1 40 aerv
Oriiiim Kitlph V ami Haul ptofaa !
a r ho I In book M ia tin record of
dad au 17 I a, r I r, W ai'roa
Until U W tii, ul uu'4 ol iia', tap 31, t i)
a, r 3 ..i'ri'a
Gin. if II w liaubiin , ua4 ol aao IS I la,
r 7 It) ai r a
9 70
5c liO
Lamps. New stock of all kinds just
received. Fine hanging lamps for $2.25.
See Bellomy & Busch.
A full line of tricots and dress flan
nels at 35 cents per yard. Call and ex
amine before purchasing elsewhere.
Thomas Charman & Son.
Dr. Hurlburt is one of the most prom
inent ministers of the Methodist church.
Do not fail to hear him on the "Chau
tauqua Idea," Sunday evening.
Pale, thin, bloodless people should use
Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. It is the greatest
remedy in the world for making the
weak strong. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
Second hand school books at second
hand store. Near the depot, Seventh
Road Engineer Kinnaird states that
tne plans and specifications for the Butte
creek bridge will not be completed until
October 1st, when they will be filled with
the countv clerk.
Mrs. E. B. Andrews entertained her
Congregational Sunday school class at
her residence on Falls View, last Thurs
day evening. All who attended, report
a most enjoyable occasion.
Rev. and Mrs. M. L. Rugg enter
tained the young people of the Eaptist
church at their residence last Thursday
evening. An excellent musical pro
gram was presented, and refreshments
were served.
Stomach and Bowel Complaints are
best relieved by the timely use of De
Witt's Colic 4 Cholera Cure. Insist on
having this preparation. Don't take any
other. C. (i. Huntley. Druggist.
Died, at his residence in Portland,
September 17, Charles W. Scott, at the
age of 32 years. Mr. Scott was a brother
of Mrs. D. U. Latourette. of this city and
a friend to all who knew him.
The Chautauqua people tried to get
Br. Hurlburt for their assembly this
year, but could not reach him he is in
such demand at the great Eastern as
semblies. That 20 acre tract, level road, 2yt
miles out, plenty of running water, only
$050. C. O. T. Williams.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
IjuUi:. Eva A, ttwj o. -5 t 1 a
Li ai'r
E ic J bn.a'j ol e't of
Kdwardi J P. Vlnih iru addition to tha
City ol Purtlmd, lo a -, U, a, a, J7
M, 1, 90, 31. and 33 h k 4.1
Eluaoa Adlllne. Mluthoru Addition to
the cut ol Portland, lota 43 an t 46 blk
Elliott Ernest and L l ie. County addl-
t oj 1 1 (lreou city lol
Sand 4 bik ti
County addition to Or
tnn City lot I blk D
Ml P eant audition lo
Oregon city lot t Ilk 3
Orozuo City, lot 1 and i
blk IS
Elliott LUlle. Clarkaniaa Halghla til ol
blk 21
Empire Mt(f Co, part of aa d-acrlbad in
bo ik 41 pact- S7 r-rord of di ed, aee 16
t it 1 2 a 1 it arrua
Etharldf Jaui' a F, Root id lltton to
Mai .ai d, ota 1. 2, 3, 4, 4
and oik ii
Lot 1 .nJ 2 b k 21
Elton Wm aud Sjran c, C ackamaa
Fruit landa, blk K
Evervat Mary E. P a-ent Littl Homo
No 1, Una 36, 37. 3H. 39. 40 and 41
Earmit M L, ni; nf ue and ue'4' of e
aoc 32 t 1 a r a . SO acroa
TTUrck, Murtha S, Minthorn adiliilonlo
tn city ol fortland.lota 33 aud :H blk
Flumlnf J O and Caih ulne, W'eat Side
addition to Oregon Cliy, lot 7 blk 2
Fletcher John A, .i, aec20t2r7
1'X) acrea
ForniUir Warren, ' of nw' north of
8 inly rosd, ec Iflt t 2
r 4 e
K of oe'i and De'ol
ac'i fnrtn of s-iiidy
r.a I ex''Dtln( ) aora
aK-2Vl2ar4e LITacrr
Fmylh John.Clackuma Ht-lnh a blk
Frmklln W II. n'j of )i aec.11 1 i t r 1
Mac mi
Fr.t.a A H, New Era, lota 1 and H blk 3
Frledlander Bimuei II, Minthorn addi
tion lo i he City ol Portland lota 23 aud
24 blk 70
Fnl er N L, Oregon City, lot Sand ( b k
Fouler John, heir of, beginning at
foruer of a tract of laud uecriD.'d In
book P pa .e A recorl of deeila lor
Clackamaa county, Oreson, thence
north lOdou and 15 miu ea.t 76 cb lin
to Clackamaa river; thilica upaald
rlrer to uortbweal corner ol a tract te
corded In b 0 29 paira 27S -ecnrd of
de d aald county and tite; theurenu
Morira areat Uuu outh 11 del? aud .V)
mlu weat H3 chains to nor h boundary
of a tract of land recorded In book P
patre 595 record ol i:e.-da aald 0 'Uuty
and aiate; thence north S iug treat
11.10 clialna to the place of beginning,
1 2 a t 'i , 43 acrea
CI arbadejohn.iwjof c22, t 5,r3
T e 160 acre
(inrd I N, e'i of ne1 ; and i of '.c
12t3, r5e ISnacrj
Card Z b, nt of Ezra Fiahcr D L C book
4X page ayi record ol deeds, t 2 a, r 2 e
14 acrt'S
Gard H O an I Carolina, ptof Ezra Finher
VLij uojX 4r) page 42 record OI deed
t 2 . r 2 e. 2acrrs
Oarrell Tuumas, Pt of Thomas Garrett D
I.C lou 1, 2, and 8 and
nc', of a''4 and e ol
do1, "1 aeo 34. 1 5 a, r 1
Lot landnw'ofawand
w)4 of nwU except 41)
acrea, aec 35 1 5 a, r 1
209 acroa
Gault T E, Green Point add Hon to
Or ion City lot 6 blk 1
Ganteubeiu Hudolpn, n of aw'. and
!i o. nwi a c 17. t 2 , r 6
Gauimille Kobt aubdviaion of Ciack:-
maa Helgbta lotoblk2SK
German M E Church, (iibdlTlaion of
tract 3 and Vt of tract oi Oak Grove
all of blk 2 aud 3
Gerome George, Canemah, lota 3, 4, 5 and
6 blk 7
Gil bain M C, ptofjicob Scott PLC a
deecr D d in boo si paire 413 aud bonk
it page 461 record of deeda 1 1 a, r 2 e
Glaaer G F, Plea-ant Little Home No 3
loU 29 and 30 b k 8
Gladaton Keal Estate A-aoclatlon pt of
r u caaon u l, i au ou aa aescnueu in
book :i4 page 347 record of deeda 1 2 a, r
2 e 630.50 acre
all ol blk 4
ail of blk 5
all of bik A
Glaas Jno D, Pleasant Little Home No 1
lot 5
GolTe Theodore A ow of aoo SO 1 2 s, r 7
e, 160 acres
Goldstone Morris, pt of H Moor D L C
as aencrlbea In book 4 page 257 record
of deeds ee 25. t 2 s. r 2 e 10 acres
Gordon, orge W, vt ol tw "f nwj
aim sw4 oi ity oi oi two 10, 1 0 s,
Got M L, pt ol George Brock D L C aa
described in book 50 page 220 record of
deeds t 3 a r 1 e 30 itcrea
Graham J W, ptof John Zumwalt PLC
ax ile-cn bail lu book 27. page
2.V4 reconl of deeda t 3 a, r 1
W320.4S acres
SwJi of m4 and - '4 of tw'4
aec 16 1 3 s, r 1 w, SO acrea
" Pt of a B Fran.liu I LC aa
de-crlbed iu book L p ign I'W
record ol deada see 15, 1 2 s t
1 w 2S9.58 aces
84 46
17 1
3 S4
1 31
2 tl
17 40
5 22
31 32
1 40
2 40
7 19
1 31
40 62
S 64
8 20
4 59
9 13
2 06
3 20
1 31
4 05
0 40
9 60
16 9!
1 31
6 H4
7 20
8 40
14 81
4 6S
3S 26
12 04
40 W
3 73
14 63
13 37
39 15
612 80
S 40
1 20
1 20
14 40
81 20
ahti Win, Orog m Ir.n A Hti'id Co's
l.l adilillnu In O-w.'itti,
iiiidivldi il ol lot 2 bla
4A 1
1U 1 in.', ot lots 3 aud 4
Ink n I
llaliu W m aud Ana, K at Or ami Cllr,
i t-12. 1.1,14, 15 aud
In o k J
I " -1, 2 an I 14 Ink 4
Lott. il 7nUbk .1
1. i 12, 13 unl 14 Ink
L t 3a ill hk7 tl
llam'lton K'-to. Aiki-- on.liik 13 13
liaiiilllOL U A and Y i-lilmrn And e
I'a I'd II S r i '. i I.
(' n ilil' 0 ll it 111 tlnnk
4:t i;p 1st r. o d ut
d eda vxihi t l aor
b k IU) , a.u J I, I J r i
e, S aoie.
" Aii;vr.m' add linn to
I'.irk l"ao.i loi 16 b k 10 27
" Part ol l I) rmui klna 1) L
C m dcaorlliiii in bixn
43 1V J9 r. iiir.1 in Uerda
12 r 1 , 13.77 aeroi 17
Hamilton Rroa, I'nrk P aoo, lull 4, J, 6.7
s. 9 and 10 tilk I 20 is
ll.iimiorJ !. aw1, ol .A aud l' of
aw't 3U I i t r u a g 00
itm , oini a k, ii.i i, 2,3. 15 aud Id.
Komwo.'iI g 07
llanunig Angus', m4 ol nwi. aeo 4 12
r 4 40 a. r.' 3 m
lliusoe Uantlun, 1'nrt Ol K Cuifli'M I) L
C a diic ibtMl tn tMk V page 236 re
cord f de s I 3 s r 2 e t . W acr m
llnrvrrarra llmd n, pi ol Wtu Mrlt'klln
1) L C txHia 54 i aar $Xi lecord ol aeida
t 4 a r 4 Ml acr. a 13 60
lir.n-m ll, ttarkauiai 1 ni l Linda
b k J 2 ri.a H 79
liarna j ii. .MHiin rn Hiiitinn to ih-i
c ty of I'ortUiul, Iota I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 43.
44. 45 and 4il b k 69 6 53
llartuiau K Al aud Wl'e, pail of K hi
Alltltl ll l.i Bi1i-f llM'll
III b ik I. ( Mi.i
book 2! l-lp) 3n9 r old
ol a h d , I i t r I e I iicr j
" P.irt ii' APred Uani'iam
I) I. C ad -crib d In
ui k 54 : age 193 r e r I
ol Ji.Jtta a r 14124
a. r.' 144 Ml
e leo 12 1 6 a r 2 e
ni arr a 2 40
U.iaMn,t llw.Patoi Geo W.l.slM. C
aa deacribed in b k 41 fa. 116 rn-
cor : oi dvrla 1 1 s r I e I acre 1 99
Hawthorn Kn-h ! L. narl of Win an I
C.i. ty P..lllli D LCaa U.HTlli'o lu
book 3 pa ia 2 4 .tud .Mo wci 33 au I 34
I I r 2 a 2X acraa 21 17
Ueac.ck tlua lira, orrgon Iron , -'!
Co'i I t ni liiuu to O.aogn iniall, 12
and 13 bik I5 8 10
lleokman Amirear O, of ' e 'J
t .1 r 1 - 40arn 8 76
UcdliergC M ie'4j.c 12tJr7el60
acrea g 00
IU-UKH Hart h K, Cantin ill, In. 4, 5, 6, 7
nun 1 i U Hi
Cm em !i ta5.6, 7 n 1
s b k30
Itclirei W K t ,''.f n-' nidne1,' f i w1;
ec 32 I 2 r 7 e lJOap
H 1 , ol w jj u . i a r 7
40acris 4 "O
Hecarlci I'.ter, ant. ex t Oregon CMy.
io. 2 blk 6 76
lll'iule 11 II, pari u.' L.it W.lllO inn 11 L
C, a d. scribed iu b ok G luigeVO e-
rord ol dtvda 1 1 a r I e 13.17 aorva 31 90
HeLiiesa Augusta, ureguu Utr lou 1. 2.
Sand 4, b:k 172 1197
llnrnnst m C Mr. ol and aw
't Iw1: see 3215 1 1 j 3n .icr 11 52
Ilighnlu W w, partol I J ( h n 1) L 0
No46 aa 'leacr.bed iO b ok 47 page 4
rrnr l of Or 'd i 5 . r 1 w 60 acres 7 20
111 bar Joiiu, Oregon ron & tfel Cos
lat a l.lltlon 1 1 Oaw-go lot 11 blk 49 1 61
Hill A C Mra, e, ol ne', sec 3 1 1 2 a r & e 4 SO
Hill J L, Mintlioro ad niion to tne el'y
oi Portland lot 40 oik 43 67
Hinds Plnga.1 8, a . ul aeo 12 I 6s r I
160 sort a 4 60
tllugley Juaenn, M In thorn adltlnn to
in city of Portiaud lott 27 a d 21 blk
71 1 81
II Inetler Noah, .Minthorn ad. till n to the
i Ity ol For land, lota 25 and 26 blk 71 I 31
lllracu col, Oregon City, Was !, of lol
blk 129
" Oregou City west '' anJ 10 ft
of lot 5 b k 129 84 W
llooklrk rater, lott 2 aud 3 ol sec 38 I 2 s
r3e42.10acru 240
Hi uaou Minn e Mr-, part 01 J Mini
LC aa deacriued lu book 52 page m5 re-
cor J ol nevd t 3 a r 1 m U acn- a V 12
Hoel O J, ', sec as t 4 s r 3 a ISO rr s
' Sai'iolBW'. aee 27 t 4 a r840
acrs 9 65
Hohenlelter Joetih, Ore -on Iron A ateel
Co'a lat nil'lltlou to O.wigo Iota 13 and
14 blk 49 23 49
Hon Valentino, pare of N aud M Hull I
I.C na di-si rilKd in book 43 ihlh- 139 r -
cord of d ela a. c 91 3 a r 1 e lo.V nnrra 11 64
Holtman F W, p rtol Goo llro k DLC
Mueacriiie 111 no k w page u record
ol deeda t 3 a r 1 e 84 acre 13 20
H rrman JUp irt 01 li 1 llrnck PLC
a-iK-acrlbed in book 54 page 4i racord
of dneds I 3 s r 1 e 2b.4 1 acrea 16 20
Hoim J i, purt 01 (i -o Wilis l L C rs de
crl l ed in book 30 va-ie 23 record of
leed. 1 I a r 1 lu a rea 21 55
Ilonalns Henry, part ol I. D C Minor
ette UU'nil 1 ilbed lu b 04 tl 0 g i
367 record ol aieda, s.c 4 I 8 a r 2 e 10
crea 8 73
Howard D W, part of J II HI Ci. r I) LC
aa ue-cnoed 111 o ik 32
i age 3K3 and book 29 pag 1
5TiM recoril of ileela aeo 19
I8arle214acr 2160
" Part of as de cr bed In b ok
V page 3X5 aud 3H6 and
bo k At pug 55D it cord of
dee ia t 3 a r 1 a 92 acres 8 00
" Part of C Peo lleUiu U LC,
aa deacrlted In boos U
pag.- 3X3 and 3HA ind hong
Mpag - lr record of deeda
taar la 11.25 acres HO 50
Howlatl, John N.a of nw',' and n'j' of
w! t aud part ol aoo 34 I 2 r 4 e Iftft
acres 29 40
Huelat Septimus, Oregon City, a 1 blk 90
Oregon City ail li k ID2
PIcmhnuI Place a iditlon
to Org nC.ty lots 1,5,
6 aud 11 n.k 6
Part 01 Wm Holmes D
L C na described iu
book 50 pave 73 and 219
recoru ol deeua s ji s 5
and 6 t 8 s r 2e7
lluelat Septimus, tni.lc", nofswand
nw'iof sc1 sec 10 t 4s r 1 e, I20a rjs
Iliiggfns Dav.d, iij of sw)i sec 2i)t2sr
4 e HO acre
H lime Peter, Oregon Iron and Steel Co's
!-t addition to Oawcgolo: 12 blk 2
fluu.aker Ada, Barlow li.t 1 blk 6
Haines Morton, imrt ol M M McC irvir
1 L C as desnrpied In book 54 page 3i'i3
record of deed t 8 r 2 e 10 acre.
Hiilne J Op .rt of I Milch il DLCc' i f
w'i of tit'i aec 6 I 2 a rl e 40 acrus
48 00
Imel Annie L, Tnlliert'a addition to
Marsh Held irac lota 1,2,3 a id 4 blk 15
Ingle Sarah B, Oreon Iron 4 H ce Co's
lat addition to Oswego lots 9 aud 10
blk 29
Ingraham E, pt ol (as described In book
'CS pag 612 record ol deeda) aeo 25 t 2 t
55 aore
Irwin Kobert, ne '4 of ne M seo 5 1 2 s r 1
e to acre
Tackson Josephine, i of a w li seo
fj 9 t 4 s r 8 40 acres
Jennings B, est ol, pt of Jennings PLC
Mot 3S anu to, sout ten 01 oiaim no.
40 aud all ol claim No 3t.xcepting 292
acres In book 31 page Id5 aud liO acres in
bonk 50 page V and mi acrea iu bonk
51 page 4 record of deeds t 2 s r 1 and 2
e 2ii acrea
Jennings John F, pt of Jennings D L Caa
auscrloeu in dook 01 page s raooru 01
deeda 1 2 s r 1 and 2 e 60 acres
Jennings Wm B, pt of Junulogs D h C as
described In book au page r.a reoora 01
die Is t 2 s r 1 and 2 e acres
is John and Sarah E, pt of A II Fish
It LC aadeecribcu in book "J page
3- record ol deeda 1 4 s r I e 50 acrea
pt ol A E Gribble I) L C a dencrlbed In
book " V" page 209 racord of deeds 1 4
r 1 72 acrea
Johnson Amy Mia, pt ol II Johnson D L
CHSileicriiedln bong Q pago 4.) record
ot deeds t 2 s r 2 e 11 acre.
Johnson Franklin, p' of II J .hnon I) h
0 aadeacrioed in book 51 page 8a4 ra
cord of deeds t 2 r 2 53 acres
Johnson Geo W, pt of (us descrldd In
40 85
7 80
12 01
2 09
S 55
28 80
8 10
8 63
46 80
4 05
20 00
45 10
46 00
81 15
21 24
7 20
Always to lis Front.
McKITTlllClv Iiiim tho licnt tiuu of Ilnolri uml Shoes in
lloti't luiy clu'iip trashy store hIiocs when you oiui get
Htruijitit ALL LKATIIKIt SIIOKS ut tho huhio inice. It In
u iltity you owo to yourself uml to your futnily to uso j in
iiient in selecting shoes. If you hoy McKittrirk'n slioeH you
hiivo money ami nave iloctor'n IuIIh.
KpiiiimiiIkt thnt tlio CIIKA1' TRASHY utore slioos aro
always tho dearest no matter how little they cunt.
ICveryoiie buying Hhoen at McKittrickti hIiowh Hiijierior
judgtnent. At your nervico alwayn,
"ft 16
Next door to Oregon I'ity Rank,
Oregon City, Oro.
MRS. N. SLADEN bogs to ntmounco to tho pub
lic that on Tut'KiJay and Wotlnusilay of next wvvV,
tho 2 tth and 2")th, mho will havo on exhibition at
hor Millinery Parlors a largo assortment of Trimmed Hat.-)
at prices to suit you all. (Jooda all new and freshly import
ed from tho Eastern market. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all to call and exaniaine. Parlors next door south
of Methodist church, on Main street.
idhtland, owiccio.N
Oct, 5th
Tho Largi'dt and Most Completo Pint-lay ever mado of tho Renoiire,
iniiumrieH, i-oniineree, kuhiiichh, Agriculture, rorentrt, MiinufiictureH,
and TrnniNirtatioii Fncilitien of tho (ireat I'ocilic Northwent.
Fine Music. Special Attractions Every Day.
Rates on all Transportation Lines.
Hfniclci Admlaalon, , eoo
COIUtrain Under is Ysnra, , 100
HenaHiit Tlc-lcate, , . . 4ts.au
E. C. MASTEN, Secretary
Vttr KxhlOlt H nci oiiply ant tlx
KaKsltluit Hulldliiu tu
C. H. HUNT, Superintendent,
J UK l MVKK.XITV OK DKKIION, htieeiH' IrTPL'Oll, oilers freO ttlltlOll to
all HtudcntH. Young men can ohtain hourd, lodging, heat and light in
the dormitory for ifL'.oO tier week. Rootnern urnirih their own linen.
loung women are provided with hoard in private fainilieH at 13.00 per
week. Young women dewirine hoard should aildreHH Prof. John Strauh.
Kucene. Oregon; or Secretary Younir Woiihti'h Chrintian AHmx'iution.
ugeno. Tho university oltern thrwi lmeciihiureato degreen, liaehelor of
Arts, Ritehiilor of Scionco and liaehelor of LetterH with corroHiMindinir
ourneHof Htudy. Tho tollowing hhorter cournea arc also ofl'oreil: An
Englinh course leading in two years to a huninesH diploma and in three
years to the title graduate in English: An advanced course for craduateb
of normal schools leading to tho degree master of pedagogy: A three
years' course in civil engineering leuding to tho degree civil engineer:
A course of two years for teachers of physical education leading to a
liploma and the title directoi of physical education. 1 ho University
harges an incidental foe often dollars which is iwivahle iu advance bv
all students. Students holding diplomas from tho public schools and
those having teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory
department without examination. Those desiring information regaru-
mg the prepratory department should address tho Dean, N. L. iNarregan,
For catalogues and information address C. II. Chapman, President.
or J. J. Walton, Secretary, Eugeno, Oregon.
: oit A i ixj,
imm .mi-;,
Carriage Painting a Specialty. J
Paints of all colors and shades inixod to order in largo or
small quantities.
Main Shop at Story Bro's. & Co's. carriage and wagon factory, next to
Noblitts Livery Stables. Also next to tho Oregon Citv Iron Works.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Continued on seventh page
State Normal School
Monmouth, Oregon.
Training School for Teachers
Complete KiKlit-Orado Tralnlini l)inrt
tiiHiit, and llinroiik-li J'riifcnloiiiil
The Diploma of the School
Entitles one to U-iirh In any county In tlie
slate without further exuuiinrilloii.
Board, Lodging, Books, Tuition. $1 50 per Fear.
Beantirol and Hcallbfol Lncatlon-No saloons
Tlmro is a kooiI deiniinil for w oil trained
ti'at:lirn: There is an over supply
of unt rained ti-Hcliers.
Catalogue clieerfully sent on applioation.
P. I. Cam iiliell, Prea..
Or, W. A. Wann, Hecy. '
Dealer In