Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 20, 1895, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
(I. 0, T. t'O.'N N'l'KA MICH,
Hli-mimr KAMONA.
I mi . in.
7 lU
II mm,
4 .110 p.
:H0 A ,
II ll'l A.
H HI I'.
il'NIUV Tl,
NM A. M.
'J IM I'. M
ft l I', M
- 'Mm Kl
lv I'lirllmnl Taylor ntwl liwfc Hi fl ml A. M,
n,1 l,.v.. (irrunii :iiy f,,r HdIliii . M.
I imlnr, DiurxlNy mul Hulorilxy.
I.rv ltul..tii...il.a e :ni A M ml HulKin 7 r
A M nml iiri'ii, hi City p M ,,r Turt-
Uii'l MiMnUy, Wi!,n,..,ly n. KrliUy,
FmI limn, kimkI hi'iiiiiiiihIiiiIiiiii nil low rnli.
Nil way tmiitht iii,n,.J, HiivcUI rntut uu
IIiciiiiiiIi frulglii.
C.llfnrtiU Kiri lllinniKli)
Kn.iilmrif xm I (wmy nlnllKUa)
MiKiii ri.uiii(r
0(1 II Hot' H II.
MnH'liurii Ijr (wny atniliiii.)
I'nllliirnU Kirit (Ihriitiglij
Mm ill I' iinni
7 :l ft. m.
1 a M p. m.
1 'I . Ill,
77 . m
W p. Ill
4 bo
MalliiiluMi ,iiii Nurih, rj iu p. m., 7 p ui.
tUtlt ('In IB 1'illitf Miiillli, V a. in., 7 p. In.
IU1 mn'Tlta.
Iiriii Cllr InfuriUml nvir Kl HUta Hall,
way. li-v.-. 11 mi p. M ami I) AU I' Marrivra
II i A. M. ami 4. Ml p. M rarrlra 1'ortlnml,
Kaiirru, W eal Hlilo, Kami y and Highland runic'
Ori-Kim City lo Kly, Carin. Miilliin. Literal ami
M'illla liatea at IJ in. ami airlvi-a al I J in.
llrrnnii Clly to Hravvr ( rrok, Mink, Clark.
Urailuw llrona, I'iiIihi Mllla.aml t'nllun, lmiva
at na m. Hnmlay i-.lticl.jr ami hi. day
ami rriurna on lulliiwliin iUiiiI 2 .la p. in
uri-nrni (iiy in Viola, lmn ami llixllaml
li-avri orrgoii clly Monday WiMin-day ami
FrliUy il I w f, M., leaving Viola mm day
al 7 uu A. M,
0rroii Hly-Clarkea Mulliio Mull Kuiilf).
I OrrKni Clly 1. ). Iiiillilliitf ui H A.
M. Muiiilav, Wixliifiwliiy anal Krlilnv lur
Heater l'rnl(, Cliirkva, Mrnluw llmok,
I'nlon Mill) ami Miillnn.
IMnniloK, leavca Miillnn at H. A. M.,
1'nimi ihll.ll A. M., Mi-adow llrixik IU A.
M., Clnrki'a I'J liiioii. ami llriivgr Crrek 3 V.
M.. Turnlay, Tliurmluy mni Naiiitilav.
A i ifuflillilc rnv ruling hack. I'll-
Kit ruir rrnniiialila.
Hinall parroln rarrlnil, 10 rciita In '.'.I ct-nl".
Any order li-tl villi inn will Iw rtitt ftly
4IiiiimI In, J. M. CiMMiHua.
f KiD.VY, hKI'TKMUKIt 20, 18U.V
(lAKIIKT. A llllllllx-r of cll)iH1 oowh in
CUikaiiiiia county liavp rrsi:illy riit'il
from iiHtuct or iiilluiuutiun ol tliu uilitur.
Tlio iliHCKxti U one wlilfli iiKiiully miHr
wmi aliurlly nltur iiilvitiK, mul may Id
ulvo llio wliulo iiildtT or onlr oun or
twool tlif I'Mir iiiurleni. Cow, which
r In U'llioric eondiilnn at the time
f ritlvinir, or mi reaurt of Mnn iul in
vury rirli paniurii, ln (lie ucilvr i
vory ii'iivii, ru liulila to contrai't the
diHouMo. Inlliiiiintion of the mammary
kIuihI lit frriiiiitly th rfiwlt of ovir
eUx'kiiiK in order lo make t hIiow for
Balo iiirKNw. IrrciiUrlticii of (IhiI kiid
injurlca (lirnclly iilinl, or cold, will
aluorunati the dlmiuno. Tlie Rymptoniit
of Mm cxiBtcnco of the diwuxo U ewell
inn of the liiml, heat, pnin, and rod
nt'M of lh iiillmni'd mrt. The irnir.
t mh of the milk M't-rcttHl am conHidora
hly rliniiKi'd, ln'inn rurdliid, whoy-likc
and imtiallv mlxod with hlixid, and in ho
voro ciihi'm the viieo ing ol the cud will be
0Mienilt'd. AlmrcfwH may form, and
If tlii'y are not o ntd the n ill bur
row hy inonin of aintiHca inlet lHMr
Paris of the KUm'i raunlntt grcut pain to
(lie luilicnt and complete lutw of the
(uartor. W. W. (Juinn, of CHiieinuh,
fiirninlieH the following remeily from the
IriHh Indiiiend(int, which tiao proved
very atii:r(Mn!iil : A k()i,1 purKntive
Hluiiild he Kiven, and the licut for tills
purpuHii in entile In three-fourth pound
of opHoin Billing three-fourth pound eul
phute of aodu, a like iiuii ity of treacle,
and full done of xliiKer, all mixed up
In n liliiTiil amount of tepid wuler. The
udder idioiild ho fomentod with warm
water anil bo kept free from milk 4iy teg
ular drawing with the hiind. Tlio fever
will he inoderiiled -lO niiiiiuiH of tlie tinct
ure of ai'oiiile, three tiniea daily. Toul
tlni'H of linHcod men), contiiininK about
three drachma of the extmct of hella
danii, uiiiHt he applied three timee duily.
In Homo ciiKeH the land hecomeR indu
rated, In which cue benefit will result
from the administration of one mince of
bicarbonate of potuxsium, tii;ullier with
two driichirm of Iodide of potiimium
twice duily in a milllcloncv of water. If
accesses form they should bo opened
and the parts dressed with carbolic add
one part, linseed oil, eix parts.
School Mattkhh. Tlie fall term of
the Oregon City schools begin next Mon
day with the following teachers, who
have been assigned to their grades:
llurclay Hcbool 10th and 8th A, Prof.
H. W. Holmes; 7th A, P. M. Weddell;
Oth II, Miss Oertrude Finloy ; 5th, Miss
Hattie Wetberell; Srd, Miss Laura
Iteattle; 2nd, Miss Hattie Cochran; 1st,
Miss May Kelly. Eastham School
t)th, l'rof. L. W. McAdams; 7thU and
(IthA, Miss Nellie McAdams; 4th and
Gth, Miss Kruia Lawrence; 3rd, Mies
Ana Buird; 2nd, Miss Ota Spanglor;
lrst, Miss Mollie HankinH. At a recent
meeting of the school board, N. N. liob
biiui was appointed janitor of the Bar
clay school building, and A, E. Donald
son, janitor of the East hum school build
ing. It was also ordered that L. L. Por
ter he instructed to instittito proceedings
to collect the school tax illegally re
mitted by the county court of Clacka
mas county, belonging to school dis
trict No. (12. The school district was
divided ai follows : Commencing on the
south boiindurv of the cMy mi tli Ign I Mils. Mu.i.Kii'a Awiiiksh. The Ash-
of the blull'i tlieni ii slot g hlnir In Hfth J laud Tidings in It, account of the pro
slreel ; thence on Mfth lo .lnlni Adaiii j eeiidinga of tlie Jackson County Pioneer
sireiit ; llinnie on John Ad nn sinei to . AHnociuiion, puys the following tribute to
Kevelith; thence on Keveiitli to J, H. j Mr. Col, K. A, Miller's addrcs on the
Adaiii street; thence on ,f (J Aduin ' "Pioneer Women of Oregon:"
direct to Mailt; thence on Ninth lo
Harrison ; thence alonu lliriisnn lo clly
limit; thence along ci'y limits to pl.ii'o
of beginning, Those pupils belonging to
the llrst, second, third and iniirlli grndos,
lind living smith and euit nf the wbov"
lino are to attend tlie EiihiIiuui lni
Those belonging to the sniiie gr eh's mid
living north and wesl of this line me to
attend the lliiiclay school All pupil of
the Oth A, 7th U and lltli fc"dea are to
report at the Eastham school All im -
pllsof the (Ith II, 7th A, Htti tub uml
loth grades, are to report ,ii tlie llur -
cluy school,
Coal im Clackamas Coi ntv M-n-
tlon was made In these cmIiiiiiohIuhI week
that Hiimilel E. Midlani had leased 1120
acres near Wilhoit for tins pn po-n of
mining coal wo the pre iiiIhi,-. Albert (i.
Walling, of Oswego, is the owner of the
land, and the term of the lea is 12
years, with the condition, that if. af'er
two years of prosH-cliug, none of the I
prisiuctN named, coal, clay and ns k for
building and other putjio i s ciimoi Im
found In siilllciout paying ipuioiiiie,
the iiiNtriiiuent shall be void. Mr Mid-
lam came lo Oregon a few months ago
from the IViiiisylv inia coil reitioiis, Hiid ' Charles Knowles, the parties accused
claims to h an experienced cml miner, of slaughtering the 12 elk on tbo head
ami an exiiert In iieolonii al mailers, waters of the Clackamas, but did not
lie nays there i coal, kuolin, fuller's
clay, afcphslluin and building stone in
tlw land he luia leased, bill he iloea not
yet know whether in (piuliiy and quan
tity ulllclent to make tl em profitable
to work. He feel rensonablv Mi e of
coal, however, and say he will have
several wagon load to Orcicm City in it
few davs and will prh,h!v 1 n at
on.'o to supply the Iih uI ni irkel. 1 le
says it is not lignite, bill a jci I ni, .,r
hlacksmilhing. The pi -p.-'ling .li
liecarrledon Ihrough the winter in .i
small wuy, hut it is mil exii.-ct.il mm b
will bo done in the way ol il.-vei.ipineut
until next jcar. The ex t" n e tin-
ce of coal at Wilhoit h.it h.n' been
known, but little interest imh Im en n it
in its development.
Clloi.KKA Uauinii The choleci -eare
ha not reached Purthinit. i;m m tl.ero
any probable event in ), ( !i it i'nM
for rigid aanitarv laws, enl.i.e, .! ) ti e
local health olllcers, says li e Pi
Telegram, have done uy i;
danger which miuht l..ne
the plague being brnulit t
existed ol
1 this c':t
g fl'i'lli the
cllller.l in
hy steamers Slid ebips 41 1 i !,
Orient and Honolulu. ln-ie
raging. Another Mifecu.H I n t
l i rll.iii.l
is the quarantine ins it: 11 11 at , .inri.i
of all ships entering llie Cuiiuiiln.i 1 1 . r ,
each veawd having to undergo 1111 in
SM'Ctlon by the United M il( qu;-aiilii:e
olllcers la-foie anyone abo.ird i :i '; ! w I
to go ashore. The rules me rvi lly 1 n
forced, and when theofli eisnf the
eriimcnt find grounds Im i'..e le ixi .l,,u!,i
as to the health condiii .11 1 t the
she is at once ordered i"'" ipemiei ii,.
Arriving in Portland, si, mil, I llie i-t.iiop
of the health oflicer f 1 fin the Milling
ort of the steamer be im --.i Ii,.mi unv
piece of tiaggagu belon.iing lo eitbet
crew or passenger, thai pin eel is hinii
cieilt to detain the ship in .U.iriint 1 in- un
til the I aggnge is thoroughly fn -ti :,f tt I
This doublo Inspection of c.sm,m ,,i ru
ing iu the Cohimliia from i 1 , 1", -t 1 rm;
ia almost a certain pn.tei limi iioin Hie
introduction of disease.
NAKKOW EscATK EKiiM lr! CAM' lb 4111
Ira Wishurt was riding up M.iin street
on his bicycle Saturday at a npi I uait,
about two lengths alend of tlm t,l:,il-
stonn electric car. When bo re n lied!
a point opposite the Ked 1 i.mi stoic,
two dogs ran out from the opposite side
nl the direct, and one of tin in inn j and certain. Hundreds of testimonials
aguinatthe front, wheel nf the bicvile I lonr wilne-s to tho virtue of this great
with cotiHideiBhle lone, onUMng II"',! iiiedieine. Ii can always be depended
rider to loose his boll on tbo handles j upon, its use saves time and money,
and thtowing him ;ieto;.; tho taibsay ' C-O. Huntley, Druggist,
track In front of the en. I lo pushed the ! , ave ( lilhlreu.
bicycle awuy, and the ninlm nuui re j ,t ummer, we had a child sufier
versed the car, when Iu palled liiniM-U , itllJ frol ,)M)l)y (hlXi w(ien W(J CRnie jnto
oirtho track just in tiiiie t p.vvent his ! MWHession of a small bottle of Chamber
body from being mangled by the eleetiie 1 ,,,. -tJn.-, Cholera and Diarrh.ea
car. Holosthish.it which w.w .I.miu.I- i (.lm.,v. I guve some of it to the child
ishod on short order by the car. where it Ml.0oI(!ing to directions. It afforded al
fell on the roadway, and ho received ,,,, ilmUll, eVwt aml effected a ner-
some severe bruises
011 bis right ai'o, 1
caused by the full, l! was a a
row escape, and the trouble waa
iy :nu-
all l1"'-!
cipilated by a suvill (!:.- ruunni
and mukimr himself iamili ii .
For the ailments in the Kidneys and .
bladder incident to ileeiinimM'e.ii s mm ;
la no remedy that producer such inn""-1
diute and satisfactory results as Dr. ,1
II. Mclean's Liver and Kidney Palm.
Its genial and invigorai iug elleet on Uu,
liver and kidneys is leioarlcoble. Piiee
$1. For sale by C. (i Hioo'ey, drugeisi.
A splendid select ion of men's, hebe--'
and childron'B tan shoes nl Cliiinoaii A
are '
Dlsordors in tho liver and kidnev
responsible for many of the ailmenls of
humanity, which, when neglected, de
velop into serious and ot'len tatnl mala
dies. Prudence would monl the
prompt use of Dr. J . M. MI.cuu'h Liver
and Kidney Balm to teioovij the disorder
as soon as possible, audi restore the
diseased organs In healthy and viennais
action. Price tl pel holUe. l or mlo
by C. Q. Huntley, dnwui-tl
Dr. Price's Cream Laki-tq: Powder '
Awarded Cold Medal Mldwlnn-r l iii iSan Ftinciso.
"Mr. Miller' address was in every
way entertaining and enjoyable. It con
Nislud, In great part, of graphic picture
ol pioneer life, motive and resul'.H. fihe
showed how the pioneer women of Ore-
gon, as well a tlie men, hud left the in
1 flin ni e of noblu charucter, courage and
' achievement on what Is now, through
j litem, a great commonwealth of which
we Hie all proud. The address sparkled
with oeituliful word pictures, nlcclv
' toned with telling points of humor,
Tear and smile were provoked by the
1 skill of her whom everyone recognized
as a talented and accomplished lady.
The decoration of the auditorium and
excellent music seemed to find a fitting
complement In an address, blending
sweet sentiment, pathetic Incidents and
great resulia with the harmony of music
and flower. It was not an address to lie
anal) .ml In the usual way, but to l
taken as one would take music, for the
beauty and harmony, blended by an
Hintino Law Hiikakkk. Consta
ble Meldiuin McCown and I'eputy h-her-ilT
Millard Hyatt returned Monday from
a fruitless search after Alvin Hussell and
I hvirn anything concerning their wherea
i l""iH The boys had a rough time mak
I inn Hieir way through the brush and
ram to the pocket in the mountains
where the elk were killed. On reaching
be camp ibey claim that they saw no
evidence of the meat having been
wasted ; that the hunters had dried the
meat on rucks, and carried out a lot of it
! on horxes. Thev claim that they could
'nottlnd any evidence that would con
vict, so u'ter vi-iting the camp did not
consider it worth while to continue the
' l- Mcl'ow n Kiicceeded in killing
j tl p,iuud liear while out on the trip.
j They think from the apieurance of the
elk boiiea, that they might have been
! killed befoie the close season. It Is not
h'lieveil that any complaint will
ma le again! the elk slayers.
Savr Yum Pknmks. "A enny saved
is a penny earned" We do not have to
pnv high salaries for clerk hire or any
1 exorbitant rent. This is why we can
1 save your money when you are in need
f I ure drugs, chemicals, drug sundries
ele. We do business on a cash basis and
irive you the benefit. E. C. BAtl.Ky,
Seventh Street Pharmacy, Cor. 7th and
Center street.
How's Thl.
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
- ward for any case of Catarrh that crnnot
: be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure!
I K. J. CHEN E V A CO., Props.. Toledo, 0
We the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the luat 1" yeans, and be
lieve him peifectly honorable in all bus-
' meis transactions and financially able
eii...... uut any obligation made by
, their firm.
Vkt A Tkcax, Wholesale Druggists,
: Toledo, (.
; Wai.iuno, Kinnan A Marvin, Whole-
1 sale Druggist, Toledo, O.
j Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
j nully, octinn dinctly upon the blood and
i mucous surfaces of tbo system. Price
75 cents ar liottle. Sold by all Drug-
' gits. Testimonials free.
j Severe griping pains of the stomach
and bowels instantly and effectually
I rilonncd bv DeWitl's Colic A Cholera
Cure. CO. Huntley, Druggist.
Diarrlua'a should be stopped promptly.
I' soon becomes chronic. Do Witt's
I ''die slid Cholera Curt is effective, safe
n)nneiit eure . I can cheerfully recom-
,iu)mi jt i;Ko. Jknkinh, Cedar creek,
T.iHmr cnuntv .Mo. For sale bv Q. A.
II in ding, Driiiigist.
Chilihen, especially infants aro soon
,. ,0VVII wit, cholera Infantum or
-summer Complaint. V Don't wait to
determine, but uive De Witt's Colic A
Cholera Cure promptly, you can rely on
it. Use no other. C. G. Huntley,
I ruggist.
ti 'on m Dim rhoea In South Africa.
For over hix veurg 1 was a constant
sufferer hom chronic diarrhoea. I tried
a great ni,,nv remedies yet found no re
liet. Hy chance, 1 noticed an advertise-
ment in the newspaper calling attention
to Chambei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Di-
arrhoea Remedy
l sent for a bottle,
and before half of it had been taken 1
was completely cured. E. C. Kkiki,,
Vreedtort, Orange Free State, South Africa-
For s.ilo by (. A. Harding, Drug
Kiet. itliu ksiultlllug.
Purler has re-opened the
I blacksmith Bhop lately occupied by W
. S .Maple, opposite Pope's hardware
j store and is ready to do all kinds of re
tiring and horseshoeing. Asa shoer
Mr 1'er'erin ennal to the best and al-
ways give HitlhlaCtlon.
Hot hi nr.
fold at greatly reduced price by
Charran A Hon, to make room lor an
immense fall slock. A full line of gen
tlemen's underwear Just received.
That 10 acre tract on West Hide can
be now for f.VW. Owner wants money.
CO. T Williams.
A dollar saved is equal to two dollurs
earned, Pay up your nubscintion to the
E.NTKiii'iusK anil get the the benefit of
tlie reduction in price.
is nothing but noaf) and Witch
Hazel. It cleans the pores; stimu- J
lutes their action; and thus softens, j
smoothes and whitens the skin and !
improves the health.
We don't try to get 2c. for it;
the usual price. We sell it for less
than half what we could get for it
and expect to sell a thousand times
as much.
10c a cake 25c a box.
C. G. Huntley,
Prescription Druggist.
Will buy as much in school
supplies this rear as 11.00 did
last year. We have bought nearly
everything direct from the manu
facturer and the saving is yours.
We carry in stock every text
book used in Clackamas county,
and a large line of supplementary
It's the same this year as last
year, if anything in the school
book line is not just right, bring
it back and exchange or get your
Huntley's Book Store.
Oregon City, Qgn.
Postoflice-:- Store,
Dry Goods,
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries are Fresh
and of the best quality.
In Prices we meet
Portland Competition.
Successor to
Let me have a trial order.
r.Ktablixlied 163.
Trance? and Epfe,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
A scientific
preparation o;
Cold in the
wily. 5 V .'fcXX"
WNliinK 1,-Ktp
Removes Bamae
ion phuvuu OROV1U-E
vi (
. tan.
For sale by C. G. Huntley.
zr" Fi Dress Ml.
A MJNinery
Large Assortment of Latest Parisian and
New York Designs of Trimmed Hats.
Obtrich Fea hers Dyed and Cured. Kid Gloves Cleaned.
Hair Work in all its Branches.
220 First Street,
Save Doctor Bills...
Full Stock.
Or Building Material?
Go to C- H. BESTOW-
Lowest cash prices ever offered for
Also combination wire and picket fence,
And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times.
Shop Opp. Congregational Church,
The Argonaut
Is tho only high-class political and literary weekly published no tho
Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through
the post office every week, remailed by snbscribers to their friends.
It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except
three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families of
of the Tacific const. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213
Grant Avenue, San Francisco. For sale at Hunt'ey's Book Store.
. . . Dealer In . . .
General Express. Job Worlc and Moving.
Stand opposite Suspensiui Bridge.
JuHt received for fall waer,
and elegant Trimming Silks
of all styles. Our new 8tk
for fall and winter wear will
sewn be in, all of the latest
styles and fashionable cut.
If we cannot fit you, we
will take your measure,
and have a suit made to
order for you.
Thos. Charman
Portland, Oregon.
Main Street near
the Court House.