Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 20, 1895, Image 3

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    Oregon City hntcrprisc.
1 4 : r ;t in 'Irstiit
'I. U , i oun
V)t. K. Ilitrni
K H I Mini
II. I,. Hull. .mi
K. I. in III li
(!. Iliiliciii k, Jr.
W. II. Il.iwi'll
II. II. Mi ii
Olilnl i.irulli'H .
(Ml)r Allnrmiy,
Hlri'i'l i'utiniilMHliitiir,
Mup'l. ol Witmr Wnrka,
Mly Knif llif nr.
IMiiiiiiillniiMi -II, I.. Htuvi'M
'Inn. hrnilililitli.
J. J. I imkn. IIimiJ. Jiuuur, Mm k lluwnll, l
L I'urlvr, lli'liry MkIiIiuiii, J. W. Mnllnll.
UuiiiikII moult Krai tVmlimtilii) ulum li iniiiitli
In ally hull
FRIDAY, NF.l'TF.MIircit .'(), imir,. ""
f-: ..... -.3
A lend pencil given with ouch tiililot
at Tim Fair.
Money t 1 mi it on improved farm.
W. II. Burghardt.
I.onvo your order (or an oyster luuf ut
llm Novelty candy store.
If yuii whiiI sowing iiiiii'liiiin (ur f'.'5
go to lli'lliiiny llusch's,
Mrs. Julio I'uirclt now tsvuples olio of
II, I.. Kelly's lie' cottages.
Cull Hint liiKM'ct Ilic stock ut I'arknr A
llowaid'a second liHiiiliil(iri).
C. O T WillllllllN llSS till llUKN bur
gains In liiHiiln IiiIm ur mniill tracts.
Apple boxes Mini dried fruit boxes for
sale liy I'), K. W'ii.i.umh, Tim Grocer.
If you want II rut clans incut put ui In
good pliujw, voll must get II of Allinnlit.
lCh-it fn; ; bulk lard 10c; 2') miiiihIh
D, (1. sugar 11.00, ut the Itml Front
Trading company.
Borond lutml school Ismks boiilit and
sold ut l'urki'r & Howard's store. Near
tilt) lltM)t.
Horn last Sunday morning, Septem
ber 15th, to Mr. and Mm, Clarence
Fsrr, a daughter.
Born, in West Oregon City, Tuesday,
September 17lh, to Mr. and Mrs. Jo
Green, ti'ii pmiml iidii.
You cull nave twenty-live cent" oil nv
cry pail of lard, liy bringing your pall
to Albright's, and liuvu liiiu fill them.
A ruft of logs contuilliltat 'JOO.OtIO feet
pan sod down tlu river last week for the
Crown l'nMir Mill ut Oregon City.
Newborg Uruplilo.
KiHTi(ni und money cannot Improvn
Ir. Sawyer' Fumilv Cure, liecause it
radically cure IyBH'pi, l,lvir com
pluint and Kidney dillii-ulty. For Rule
by Geo. A, Harding.
Special care und itliintion given to
tlio accurate preparation of physician
prescription. I'uro drugs.
C. K. Rullny, Seventh St. l'harmacy.
Use skirlona for binding d rente.
Something new ; better tliuu velveteen.
Once worn, always used. F'or Rnlo by
Thulium Cliurmun tft Son.
How about those 1' to 6 aero tracts,
neur the Cliautautu KrontnlH, ut Glad
Hlonu Park, Nome of them planted w ith
prune tree. C. O. T. WilliuniH.
Millurd Gillette, Ron of John Gillette,
of Klvville, who was severely kicked by
a horsu on Tuesday of lunt week, In pro
KreKninK flunly.
A few of tlio) KM) to$iriO lots lift,
only tt few blockR from the oncra hoiine.
F'aHy terms. Apply to C, (). T.
IIol ytt ph'iiHiiro ueeker, to Yuipiinu
Iluy and return for$ii.(X). Good until
OilolMir 10, lKik5. TirkftH on mile at
(lfKjt, S. I. Co., by L. II. Moore. tf
OyHtiTH will be Nerved throiiKhoiit the
aeinion ut the Novelty candy itoru in all
Rtylt'H, Inrliidinit the Hlooiiier.
(). II. Chimin Iihh no fnr recovered, ur
to he nhle to vim Ik around town, lie
will iikiii be able to roMimft It in old po
Mition tin conductor on the GludHtono
electric cur.
J. Koiike A Soiin, of tho Oregon City
Iron WoikM, aru no v doinK coiiHidcruhlo
cuHtinit, and are putting in larue crime
to more effectively enable them to han
dle the heavy piecus.
The Jew iHh population of Oregon City
cloned their placnH of biiHincHM at II p. in.
WedncHduy evening to celebrate the en
trance into thy year filial! ol tho JewiHh
calender. Their placoH of htniinoHH re
main cloHod today.
Tho t'ino table of the Htemner Komnnn
Iihh been changed, and hereafter there
will bo no more Sunday trips. The bout
now leaven Oregon City at 0 a. m. and
2 p. in , and leaved 1'ortland at 11:30
a. m. and 4 p. m.
Dr. L. I.. I'ickeiiH, ilenliHt, docx all
kind of dontul work. Gold crowns,
porcelain crowns and bridge work a
fipcciulty. All operations guaranteed for
5 yoaru. Cull and got my prices. Office
in Barclay building
A new line of fine dress goods just re
coived at Charman & Son's for fall wear,
and a line of elegant trimming silks of all
styles. Will also soon have a full and
winter slock of the latest and most fash
ionable stylos of men and boys' cloth
ing. If thoy cannot fit you, thoy will
take your measure and have a suit made
to order. '
David Caufield and family have
moved across the river, and now occupy
tho dwelling near tho locks. Mr. Can
field lost ono of his flngors tho other day,
which was caught In tho machinery of
one of tho lock gates, and was so badly
mashed that it had to be amputated.
County Clmk llorlon made u fhort
vifii ti Auroru Mouduy,
Henry llilleury, a Diimuscuii Iiiimiit,
wiir In Oregon City Tticiidiiy,
MIhh IIiiMIii Cochran returned home
Tin-winy from a vlnit to Negiort.
MUm Fnim I.awreneo bun rnttirned
from uu extended vlnlt to CorvulllN.
School Clerk T. F. Ityiin went out to
Colloii on a hiiHlnctm trip Wediieodiiv.
Mr. and Mir. Wallace Cole nr viMting
relative mid nlghl-Hoeing in California.
Mra. Sadie While Iihh returned from
an extended Vlnit wit'i rclatiycd ut Sa
lem. ('ill. Ilutton, of Itickreul, I'olk county,
Iiiir Im-cii vlHillug rehitivfR in Oregon
ltev Gilmun I'arker returned Tuiir
day from a MUHnioniiry tour of the val
ley. Mra. J. 8. McFerron, Iiiir been viHit-
ing Mra. Dr. II. A. Culhcy ut Wood
burn. Mm. K. L. Ilolmun and daughter left
ThurRilay for a abort vlr.it with fiieids
at Seattle. j
Coiintv SuHiritiU'iuleiit II. S. Gibiion
in viHiting the Ni IiooIh In the vicinity cf
SuIiiioh river.
Iiev. C. Johnnon, of Miiritiain, wau
looking aftei buHiueRR inutterR In Oregon
City Tuesday.
Mr. M M. Charman and Mra. K. E.
Cliarmaii and daughter, are exacted
home from Newimrt Suturduy.
MiKHoR Winona and Veda Williams
are visiting their cousin, Mrs. F'. Jones
at Upland farm, neur Newlierg.
Miss Ionise Ilobb, of l'ortlund, was
the guest ol Miss Muymo Charman for
several day during the past week.
Mrs. H. A, Ileinphlll, of Corvullis,
was In Oregon Cl'y Monday and Tues
duy, the gnctit of Mrs. Major Charman.
Alfred Jacobs, of New York, vice
president of the Oregon City Manufact
uring Company, is now visiting Oregon
Mrs T. W. Clark and Mra. W. C
Cheney, with their families, returned
from an extended stay at Randon, last
A. W. Cook, one of the prominent cit
izens of Damascus, was in tho city Mon
day, and made the Kntkki hibk office a
pleasant call.
Mih Daisy Lawrence left for Corvallis
Wednesday morning, where she will at
tend the state agricultural college for the
ensue lug year,
J. W. Noble and family returned from
the Needy bop yards last Saturday,
where they had been rusticating for a
couple of wecki.
Miss Kdna ltugg took her departure
for Portland Monday, where alio wili
take a course in the I'ortland univer
sity during the coming school year.
Hon. T. W. Davenport, State lieu
land commissioner, has been in the city
this week examining plats at the land
office, and listing school lieu lands.
Mhsc Vera and Hazel I'ilsbury, au
compauied by Miss Bertha Harin, of
Portland, have returned from a several
week's visit to Astoria, where they were
the guests of Mis. C. J. Trenehard.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Chase and son re
turned to Colfux, Tuesday, after spend
ing ten davs in the city, the guest of the
former's mother. Mr. Chase is one of
the publishers of the Palonse Gazette.
William Wright, the manager of
Krausso IJios. shoe store, returned
Monday from his outing ut Klk City.
Mrs. Wright, who has been vimting
relatives at Salem, accompanied him
Superintendent Clark, of the Handon
woolen mills, spent several days at the
bay, this woek, where ho went to see his
wi'e and family oh on the steamer Al
ice Itlanchard for their home in Oregon
City. liundon Recorder.
C. W. Bowie, superintendent of con
struction of the machinery in the new
power station of the General Electric
Company, left Sunday for a visit to his
homo and family at Cleveland, Ohio.
He expects to be absent for a month.
l'rof. 8. V. Holmes and family re
turned home lust Friday. They have
been spending a part of their vacation
at the bop fields between Salem and
Dallas, The professor estimates that
there 5,000 bop pickers were employed
in that suction.
. A, Til.er, the competent and popular
pharmacist, at Huntley's drug store,
leaves next Monday for Portland, whore
ho will take a con me in tho Willamette
university medical college. He will no
doubt acquit himself caedituhly, and
finally graduate with high honors.
Miss Laura E, Beattie, one ot the
newly elected teachers at the Barclay
school, is stopping at the residence of
her sister, Mrs. J. J. Cooke, and bears
the distinction of being the only young
lady from Oregon City, who has com
pleted a five-years' course in the State
university at Eugene.
Col. R. A. Miller returned rrom Jack
sonville Monday, and is now up to his
ears in work at the land ofhee. He
states that the Pioneers and Native Sons
and Daughters reunion at Ashland on
the 12th was a grand affair. He reports
plenty of fruit and sunshine in Southern
Orcgoa. Mrs. Millar will remain at Ash-
land and Jacksonville for several weeks
yet, visiting relatives.
The Missus Dnluii have returned from
their outing In the country.
Deacon Andrews left Tuesday for a
short visit to Forest Grove.
Georgo Mcllrido and Brighton helley
relumed from their camping trip on
Mr. Georgo Williams, of Canby, was
In town on business Thurnduy and paid
this oltic a short cull.
Mimh Gertrude Nelzger left far Moti
nioiilh Wednesday, where she will enter
tnu Statu Normal school.
Miss Minn Kelly, who bus been visit
ing in I'alo Alto and Sun Jose, Cul., for
three weeks, returned Wednesday.
Dr. Emily Mcliridu Yourguiu, of Sun
Jose, California, was the guest of Mrs
T. A. Mi liride Sunday and Monday,
James Itintoul returned Monday from
Albany, where he bad been attending
dollii'pienl tax sate for a firm of I'ortland
A. W. Gibbs, traveling correspondent
of the Alumedu Dully Argus, accompan
led by his wife, visited Oregon City yea-
Among those who left this week to
attend the Pacific university were, Miss
Minnie Joeknke and Mis Nannie Wll
klnson, Kuthorford Whitlotk and Koy
Miss Margnerette Emily Wall daughter
of Ituv. II. Wall, librarian of the Oregi
City free reading room, arrived in thl
city Tuesday evening trom London Eug
A. F. I'arker, J. J. Cooke, Max Schul
plus and Meldruiu McCown left Tuesday
for a bunting expedition in the vicinity
of Mt. Hood. They ex wet to return
Several Oregon City young people left
Tuesday morning for l'ortlund, where
they will uttend the l'ortlund acadetn
They Were Misses lino Harding, Helen
F'axtliam, Nettie Walden, Ehna Al
bright, and Musters F'red Morey and
lierry Eastham, They will board i
Portland, but expect to come home ev
ery Friday evening and remain until
Monday morning,
L. II. Moore, the capable and accom
niodiiting station agent al the Southern
I'acilic depot, will in a few days take
charge of the station at Junction City
where be will receive better pay and
the work will be less laborious. M
Moore lias held bis position here since
May, 1SD1, and has given universal sat
Ufuction to the company and the pub
lic. W. II. Bpeer, the night opi-rator at
the depot put up f 10(1 Monday in lieu of
the amount stolen from the company
There is a move among tho railroad em
ployes to make up a part of this amount
for him. It was unfortunate for Mr,
Speer that be had to make good the de
flciency, and it has been suggested that
things would be safer at the depot, II
the money drawers were provided with
locks, as it is not always convenient to
have the tafo locked. Mr. Speer is
faithful employe and will make it all
right yet. The oerator who secured
the swag at the depot is supposed to
have been the individual w ho carried off
Lawyer Bingham's overcoat at Salem
Walter Little, of the Willamette Pulp
X Paper mills, was married to Mins Mar
garet te Summers on Wednesdav of lust
week, but kept the matter quiet from
his numerous friends. He now occupies
the Dr. Powell cottage on Fifth stree
and lust Monday a number of his friends
called upon him and wore agreeably en
tertained by Mr. and Mrs. Little, lie-
iresnments were served and the visitors
enjoyed the occasion immetnsely. The
members of tho party were, Postmaster
8. It. Green, Sheriff K. C. Maddock
John A. Moore, II. 8. Hackley, D.
Shepard, G. E. Potter. Warren Fol
lansbee, Mutt Rubor, William M. Dean
Prof. Alexander, Clias. Lankins, Ralph
Maishall, W. A. Askin, Claude Adams
James Kintoul, Clare Campbell and
Chus. Poiie.
Active preparations are under way for
the forty-seventh annual meeting of the
state association of Congregational
churches, which convenes in this city
next Thursday evening. Reception
committees have been appointed, and
everything is being done possible to
make tne association the most success
ful and interesting of any ever held in
the state. A large number of delegates
have sent in their names, who have been
assigned to places. The exercises will
begin at 7 :30 Tuesday evening, with de
votional exercises conducted by Rev.
J. J. Stuub, of Portland. The session
will lust three days.
A mooting was held at the office of
O'Neill, Hedgos, Thompson & Griffith
last Friday evening for the purpose of
organizing a debating society. Com
m it tees were appointed who will report
at the meeting to be held this (Thursday)
evening, when a permanent organization
will be effected. The new society will
be called the Forum.
Millinery oponing Monday, Tuesday
ana Wednesday, Sept. 23d to 25th, at
the Red Front. An elegant line of
trimmed hats from Chicago, also velvets
and velveteens, ribbons, baby bonnets,
etc., all sold at Eastern prices.
Rev. Worthun has been delivering a
course of temperance lectures at the M,
E. church this week. lie visited the
gambling rooms Saturday night to get
facta (or his lectures.
A Koted Uncut,
Dr. J. L, Hurlbiirt, of New York City,
now the guest of Dr. Cbnrles Edward
Locke, Portland, will address a u lion
meeting of all the churches ut the Con
gregatl'iiisl church next Sunday evening.
J 1 i" subject wili lu the 1 Chuiiluiiqiiu
Idea," a siilijivt on which Dr. Hurlbiirt
is one of the great authorities. Dr.
Hurlbiirt ! author of some of th Chau
tauqua, text books and fur twenty-one
years has beer, RiiiH-rinteinIeiii of the
Sunday school ChaUuipiu work. Dr.
Hurlbiirt is inniieiis'ily jiopulur wherever
known and his enthusiasm not less than
Bishop Vincent's, has made the Cbau
tuuquu what it is, a national Institution.
On Monday morning, in company
with prominent cilizens, Dr. Hurlbiirt
w ill visit our Cl.fiutNiiqua grounds and
Monday afternoon he will meet the
board of directors and pastors of the city
for a general conference on Chautauqua
They ('nine Highly Recommended,
lbs Electric Belt company who are
nightly giving free entertainments on
the vacant lot on Main street opposite
the Catholiccbiiri'li, come here highly en
dorsed by the press of Tacomu, where
they sold over one thousand belts. Mr.
Daniels, the manager, can be seen ut
room 8 Cliff House, during their stsy.
For rheumatism, kidney or liver trouble,
electricity Is fast becoming the medicine.
Parties suffering from lost vitality, gen
eral debility or stomach trouble, should
get one. They are sold for $1 and on
trial. That should be sufficient to con
vince the most skeptical. Electricity is
fast becoming the medicine and power of
this country.
Probate Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
Hornschuh, deceased it was ordered that
II. h. lloriischuh pay the sum of $100
toGintherenu Hurnschuh, the widow of
the deceased, for the maintenance and
support of minor child.
In the matter of the estate of II. C.
Ringo.deceased. it was ordered that real
property be sold.
The general merchandise store of
Henry Wilbern, a' Fagle Creek, baa
been closed by attachments in suits
against him begun here by Wadliams &
Co. for $S00, bv Mason F:iirman & Co.
for fll'JO, and by Rosenfeld-Smith corn
puny for f 150, the plaintiffs all being
Portland firms. Mr. Wilbern has Ixen
doing business at Eagle Creek for more
than 20 years, and his embarrassment
greatly surprises every body.
The U. S. Qov't Reports
show Royal Baking Powder
superior to all others.
The Gray Eagle is making her usuul
duily trips to Mission Landing, where
she connects with the Altona from Port
land thus affording a through line cf
boats to the big city. She leaves down
at 0 a. m. and returning touches at her
dock about 7:15 p. m. With the rains
that have prevailed this week comes a
rise in the river of a tritle more than
four inches, the water yesterday touch
ing the register at that point above the
summer stae. Salem Statesman.
Mote building improvements are un
der wav, L. Feurer will maxe about
$1300 worth of improvements on the
building, purchased of II. C. Stevens;
John BittHer is building a new 10 room
1. 111 1 , .
iiouse on int ion, anu iurs. a. a. ale-
Cown is having ground excavated for a
new cottage at the head of the Seventh
street stairway
The office of the Oregon City Woolen
Manufacturing company has been moved
from Portland to this city and last Sun
day the large safe and other fixtures were
brought up on the East Side Railway
company s freight cur, bv special permit.
County Clerk Horton has granted
marriage licenses during the past week
to Mary Zins and W. H. Spencer, Me-
hula Jones and George Alleson, No rah
Alexander and J. F. Turney, Ada B.
Foote and T. W. Cann.
Commencing Monday Sept. 21, steamer
Ramona will make two daily round trips
to Portland leaving Oregon City 9 a. m.
and 2 p. m ; Portland 11 :30 a. in. and 4
m. Sunday trips discontinued.
The Rev. Patrick Murphy rector of
Moscow, Idaho, will preach in St. Paul's
church on Sunday evening next. Sorvice
at 7 :30 o'clock. All are cordially invited.
The "Frog in the Throat" display in
Huntley's show window, exhibits some
ne landscape work, the artistic design
of Linn Jones.
The Capen Shoe Company hove all
the ordors they can fill, and tho new sec
retary, Mr. Ziegler is kept very busy at
his post.
Born, in this city, Friday, Sept. t3, to
the wilo of F. A. Sleight, a daughter.
A Snap-
is what the
Cigar Smokers
eay they
they get a full Havana
Cigar for five cents and
say just as good as any
ten cent cigar
The Grocer.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Goy't Report
imtfa batting
i v v r J t n r st i
I Our Pamphlet.
I PfTilind Chronicle: Hon. K. V.
jChurirmn, president of the bond of
trade of Oregon Cily, has favored the
Chronicle with a copy of an illustrated
pamphlet of that s-H tion of the stale, is
sued under the auspices of the board,
Btid abounding with full information
concerning the great natural resources
of Clackamas county and the extensive
improvements at Oregon City, encom
passed by means of the incomparable
water power furnished by the Willam
ette falls. The text is concise and con
veys the full meaning of every detail,
while the illustrations are not only su-
perb works of art, but make a remarka
ble showing of the expenditure of capi
tal and the enterprise of a progressive
community. The pamphlet will be ex
tensively circulated and cannot fail to be
of inestimable benefit to its promoters
and the community in which tbey live,
prominent among whom is Mr. Char
man. He is one of the most enterprising
and prosperous citizen of Oregon City
and allows no chance to escape whereby
be may benefit hi rapidly-growing
town. He is building for the future and
his works will live after him, even as
that of the pioneers.
St. Helens Mist: This office is in re-
ceipt of a descriptive pamphlet of Ore
gon City, authorized by the board cf
that city, and printed by Charles Met
erve, of the Ekterpkibk. The pamphlet
contain illustrations of the principal
buildings of the city, the many manu
facturing plants, the great falls of the
Willamette, and the steamboat canal,
besides a comprehenrive write'up of the
many resource of Clackamas county
and Oregon City. In all it is a splendid
advertisement, and 8eaks well for any
city whose citizen are so enterprising
and energetic.
We are in receipt of a pamplet de
scriptive of Oregon City and the Wil
lamette falls. It was gotten np and
sent out by the Oregon City Board of
Trade, (or the purpose of showing the
people the advantages offered by that
city for business enterprises. It is pro
lusely illustrated and is a good piece of
work and was printed at the Entkri risk
office. Clats-kanie Chief.
Hood River Glacier : The Glacier has
received through the courtesy of Mr.
Charlea Meserve, of the Oregon City En
terprise, an illustrated pamphlet de
scriptive of Oregon City and its great
. i. , , ...
-a.c.a... ...aMU.atiO.ieB uu pool IC
buildings. This historic old city seems :
to be just waking to the possibilities of
its greatness. With its magnificent wa-1
tor power it is destined to be a great
manufacturing center.
Net Ice.
Having disposed of my mercantile
business at Gladstone to Mr. Chas. Bolds
who will on and after this date have lull
charge, all parties having accounts
with me are requested to call at once at
the store where I will be fur a week, and
make settlement. It will be to the ad
vantage of all if this matter is attended
to promptly. T. M. Cross.
Gladstone, Sept. 9, 1895.
Oliver Plows
and Extras.
Harkins & Carr.
(Mrs. Carr Marshall)
No. 321 Washington St., Between
Sixth & Seventh Sts.
Portland, Or.
All communications intended for this
column should be addressed to MrB. II.
S. Gibson, Oregon City, Oregon.
Following is the program for the
teacher's meeting to be held at Redland
school bouse the lust Wednesday in
Music Redland School
Recitation Jennie E. Rowen
"Our Schools as Factors of Our Govern
ment" Alex Tncmpaon
Roll call and quotations from the Oil
Music Local Talent
"Five Books the Teacher Should Own
and Read" T. J. Gary
Discussion led by Ara McLaughlin
Exercises Redland School
Solo Georgia Ruth
Calisthenics Gertrude Finley
Mental Arithmetic Matilda Reed
Discussion led by Helen Taylor
Song , Association
Recitation George Harrington
"Benefit Derived from the Trip to Mt.
Hood" Fannie G. Porter
Mrs. E. J. Marshall gave a luncheon
party on Wednesday at her residence
in Canemab in honor of Mrs. Joseph
Reilley, of Dayton, Or., whuh was a most
delightful affair. The table was laid for
twelve and decorated prettily with
smilax and sweet peas, the center piece
being a large cut glass jar filled with
double carnations and ferns tied with
white satin ribbon. Mrs. Marshall's
guest were, Mr. Jo. Reilley, Mrs. J.
K. Bingham, Mrs. Thos. Fields, Mrs. M.
F. Draper, of Oregon City ; Miss Hattie
Crane, of Harrison, Idaho; Mrs. Julia
Frost, Mrs. Ed Fields, Mrs. W. L. Mid
lam, little Miss Clara Fields and Grace
Mra. J. K. Groom is an expert at pat
ling an fruit jellies, and has a fine die
play at her residence in this city. She
is already receiving orders for these
g'-Mxla from Portland, and contemplates
engaging in the business extensively.
She will have an attractive display of
these jellies at the Finland exposition.
The largest invoice of ladies capes ever
received in Oregon City will be placed
on the counters at Thos. Charman &
Son's store. These caiee are all the
I .. 1 i . I .
. iico, m j im auu eiiiorauu uiunv oi aa
une clotn ,0 De haJ in portlamj or the
East. All sizes and prices. Come try
0,16 on 8I,d see how well it looks and what
s bar8in we are offering.
The latest in visiting cards at the En
TEurRisi Oefick. Prices to suit yon.
Rinearson's fruit dryer is one of the
largest and best in the county and
Freytagisan expert at handling it and
guarantees the quality of all fruit dried
by him. Fruit dried on the shares or
will pay cash for green fruit. If notified
will receive fruit in Oregon City.
Charman & Son have received a com
plete stock of men's, women's boys' and
misses' mackintoshs. Alt grades and
Finest catchup, Worchestershire gauze
and other dressings used in the oyster
cocktails at the Noveltv.
Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets
Tb any one sending name and address to
us on a postal card.
Qnce Used, They are Always In Favor.
Hence, our object in sending them out
,i ON TRIA f,
Theyabsolutelyrioif Sick Headache. Bil
iousness, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor
Appetite, Dyspepsia and kindred derange
ments of the Stomach, Liver and Buweb.
Don't accept some substitute said to b
"t'ust as good."
The substitute costs the dealer less.
It costs you ABOUT the same.
HIS profit is in the "just as good."
Addreu for Fkke Sample,
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
No. 663 Mala St, BUFFALO, N. K
m( -A-