Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 20, 1895, Image 2

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'.An Accident, Harris;, a Danes and Hop
Oswruo, Sept. 18.-l.ast Fri.lay Morning
damle, the voungest son of Constable V.
H. Smith Ml uion a pile of stove wood ami
. sustained fracture or the small bone of the
. left fore arm. Dr. A. L. Baylor reduced the
John Fox, who has been engaged in pick
ing hops iiear Butteville returned home last
. Friday.
Several of our young people who have
been picking hops for Ed Knotts, have re
turned to their homes.
The ladies of Mistletoe lodge No. 20, P. of
H. will give a social hop in Trosser's hall
on Tuesday evening the 24th, a good time is
J. 8. Kisley has completed his hop harvest
- the yield is good and the hops of tine
Hon. F. L. Mintie was commissioned a
notary public by Governor Lord last week.
Mrs. Annie Layman who has been visit
ing friends in Yamhill county for sometime
has returned home.
Miss Ada B. Foote, of South Oswego and
F. W. Cann, of Portland, were married at
the residence of the bride's mother on
Thursday afternoon. Rev. R. M. Jones
pronounced the marriage words that made
the two one. That their voyage upon the
sea of matrimonial life may be pleasant and
prosperous is the wish of America.
Gladstone Hews.
Gladstone, Sept. 17. Col. Robert Miller
who has been attend ing the of Pioneers
in Southern Oregon, with his wile, returned
yesterday and reports a glorious re-onion,
lie says the old pioneers are rapidly thin
ning out.
Bro. George Howard, of the firm of
Parker fc Howard has started his two story
building and you can now see what kind of
a bouse I e will have.
Henry Salisbury is also starting on his
house, and the knoll by George Rinearson's
house will soon be thickly populated.
Mr. H. E. Cross is about to put a switch
in at the mill and will supply the 8. R. R.
Co. with lumber at the rate of about 75,000
IL per month.
Mr. Jennings, of Gladstone had on exhibi
tion latt week a radish which grew 29 inches
into the ground. He ia going to preserve
the seed and try and raise some next year
that will go right through.
Mr. T. H. Beach has anade quite an ex
tended addition to bia bouse lately. This
looks like business.
Rev. C. A. Woody late of Portland, is
having bis well bricked and expects to put
in a windmill soon in conjunction with
Jtev. Gilman Parker. The reverand Baptist
gentlemen are bound to have plenty of
water on hand.
Fred Fuller's house is nearly completed
and will make a handsome little home.
Mr. T.M.Cross who has been rnnning
the general merchandise store at Gladstone
had sold out to bis stepfather, Mr. Charles
Bolds, who with his son, Eddie will now
conduct the business. We wish them all
manner of success. T. M. Cross and his
wife who have been very successful during
the 4 years they conducted the business are
going to Molalla to live. Mr. Cross has
bought 100 acres of his mother, Mrs. Bolds,
and be is going to occupy his time lor the
future tilling the soil and living by the
sweat of his brow. We feel sorry to lose
Mr. Cross and hiswife from our neighbor
hood but wish them every prosperity in
their new home.
Mrs .Bolds, mother of H. E. Cross, is now
living at Gladstone in a house built for her
by T. M. Cross. She is very much taken
with ber new home and the people of Glad
stone extend tojherja hearty welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Tingle are back at tbe depot
again after spending several weeks at H.
E. Cross's home.
The old school house has been renovated
and is going to be occupied by Mr. and Mrs.
1 rav from up tbe river. Mr. Bray is going
. to be watchman at the park.
Oliver Ohlson bas now almost entirely
recovered and w ill soon be on bis old route
again, to the great surprise of everybody.
He does not remember anything about the
Harmony Hitters.
Hakmoky, Sept. 16. Prune drying is in
full blast and dryers of several shapes and
sizes are kept busy.
School began here on Monday the 9th
with Miss E. Sturcbler and Mrs. L. Marsh
all as teachers. There is a good attendance
considering the number in the district tbat
are absent.
Mrs. Tyler who had her knee joint dis
located a few days ago is improving.
Miss Rebecca Wise formerly secretary of
the Sunday school has left for Comstock,
Lane county, where she will remain with
her sister Mrs. M. F. Ambler. Raleigh
Karr has oeen elected secretary.
Rev. E. Mauer led the Endeavor meeting
here Sunday evening. His preaching
services in the afternoon are on the second
and fourth Sunday of the month, not the
third as reorted in our last communication.
Mrs. Ella Colson and (laughers, Misses
June and May, after spending their recre
ation with relatives and friends here, have
returned to Ross, Wash, where the latter
will resume their studies in the Seattle
Mrs. Sarah Jones of La Center, Wash, bas
been visiting with ber mother Mrs. R.
Darmais of this place, the past two weeks.
Misses Flossie and May Peel after a stay
ofteveral weeks with relatives here have
returned to their borne in Kenilwortb,
Mrs. George Wise is very ill at this writ
ing. Hubbard Hop Notes,
Hubbard, Sept 15, '95. The rainy weather
is cauning a number of tbe bop pickers to
return home.
Some of tbe yards in this section of
the country will be apt to lose their bops
on account of a lack of pickers.
Mr. Ramage tbe renter on Mr. Bloss's
place has a 40-acre hop yard and a double
drier capable of drying 400 boxes per day
and is unable to secure more than 15 or 20
The Bonney Bros, have a full crew of
pickers and have had enough hops to ninke
a full flooring every day that the weather
would permit.
Redland is well represented bv Clias,
Cutting and three daughters, Kd Richard
son and family, Uwia Tunk and family,
Mrs. Mushier and family, Mrs. Hicinbothen
two sous and daughters, and Mr. Armstrong
and family besides Misses Gusta Funk, Klla
and Mabel Comer, Hatlie Gaskill, Bird
Anro, Ida Young, Hattie Wilcox and
Messrs. Jack Fillam, Phil Linn, Bert Comer,
Arthur Comer and Claude Stone.
The hops are some ot the finest in the
country, and the pickers seem to be well
satisfied, making fair wages when the
weather permits. Hop picking will be
through in about a week more.
The rain threatens to spoil Hie hops if it
continues. "A Kkulakiieb."
Mink News.
Everything is quiet now as most of the
people have gone housekeeping.
Miss Hettie tiinther, accompanied by her
sister, Eleuor was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Einil Ginther and family Sunday.
Robert Ginther, of Logan was visiting his
parents Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ginther Satur
day and Sunday.
Ed. Martin had a narrow escape from
being killed by a falling tree.
Eugene Boy lan bad his foot cut quite
badly by a saw falling on it.
A party consisting of E. W. Hornschuh,
Loreiit Hornscbub and Misces Emma and
Mary went to the mountains last week and
returned with twenty gallons of huckle
berries. They report having bad a good
Miss Elenor Ginther has returned home
after spending a month or two with her
uncle Robert Schibel of Mulino.
Miss Mara Bluhni of Oregon City is visit
ing Miss Flora Bluhm of this place.
V. Rooton, former teacher in West Ore
gon City was visiting friends in this vicinity.
A certain young man got quite wet the
other day while hauling lumber to town.
The young men who brought corn to
church to throw at tbe people had better
leave it at home next time and feed it to
some four legged animal. Be cajeful boys
or your names will be mentioned.
Jtnlino Mites.
Muliso, Sept. IX Mulino is situated 10
miles south of Oregon City on the Willioit
Springs road. It has a population of 23
people and 7 dogs.
Hop picking is over in the Kellogg yard
but Jones' and Paiue's are not through
Frank Irish threshed wheat tbat went
CO bash-Is to tbe acre.
Darnall's & Baum's peach orchards
yielded a fine crop of peaches this year and
proved profitable crop to the growers.
Elsie Darnell will leave tomorrow to join
her husband, who is working in a sawmill
on tbe bead waters of the Santiam.
Mrs. C. E. Nash was thrown from a horse
and dragged by her foot hanging in the
stirrip, but was not seriously hurt
Jackson and i.illie Knotts are picking
bops at Butteville with an average of 12
boxes a day.
Born, to the wife of Will Jones two fine
sons yesterday. One of them, however,
died this morning.
The fine new school house at Paine's will
be dedicated with a basket dance next Sat
urday night.
Mike Mulvey accompanied bis sister,
Mrs. Burch to the Dalles.
Hsnry Seltzer is building a prune dryer
to dry prunes on tbe shares.
Jfarjsville District.
Mabysville Dibtkict, ept. 17 Mr. Gov.
Lee finished picking bops yesterday. Mr.
Lee's bops are of the finest quality, no lice
or mould having appeared in tbe yard and
are very properly dried by an old hand at
the business, Mr. D. C. Ball.
Onr school commences on Sept. 30th.
with Miss Zona Mayrield as teacher.
Adam Knoblock commenced hop picking
yesterday morning at Clarke's ranch. His
bops are very small but of fair quality.
There will be a social party at the resi
dence of F. M. Manning on Friday evening
Sept 27th. The Indies attending will furnish
the refreshments and the gentlemen will be
charged twenty-five cents. The proceeds to
buy a clock for our new school house. Mr.
Riugo, Mr. Ball and Mr. Flinn bave kindly
volunteered the music and Mr. Manning's
reputation as an old dancing master assures
everybody a good time. Nika.
Logan Mills.
Looaic, Aug. 8. The Logan flouring nulls
have been overhauled and relitted, and are
now makings first class grade of flour. Will
grind forone-eightb and guarantee satisfac
tion, tf Gcs Fischer.
Letter List.
The following is the list of letters remain
ing in the post office at Oregon City, Oregon,
1 :30 P. M., September 1, IHH'n:
men's mst.
Barkley W C Bloomberg E
Bruce H D Doten G
Green Peter Hayford F-3
Humphrey J Y 2 Markley Jas
McSee Henry Moore Fayette
PalmeterF Schoemaker 8 C
Wilson C W Williams Clark H
Rooth C
women's mst.
Armstrong Misu K Brannick Cynfliea
Conilit Flora Mrs Forces Addie Miss
Fairclough Mrs HBmerTMrs
Hess M C Mrs Hooker Lillie
Humphrey Emily Paquette A L Miss
Schroailer Lonisa
If called for state when advertised.
S. R. GREEN, P. M.
Full stock of fall and winter goods at
Grace's store. Molalla avenue. Complete
line of fresh groceries. Having no rent
to pay, nor hiirh insurance or other
charges to meet, the customers get the
benefit of these savings and small profits
and lots of them being the motto the
prices are correspondingly low. Give
Grace a trial.
Our Homo Team All Right.
The Oregon City hose team acquittud j
themselves very creditably at tho Van
couver tournament, considering the tart
that they lost the first race by a mere
accident in not gutting the hone attached
to the hydrant after they had heat the
record. They wore) only boat on in the
hub and hub race on o-tlftlt second,
and the cedar block pavement Mas in j
audi a wet and slippery condition, that
It was out of the question of runuing a
racoon the last day. The Vancouver In-1
dependent comments in this style on !
the challenge recently made by tho Ore- j
gon City leant: "A letter was received '
by W. It. Norval on Sunday from Mr,
Trenihath, of Oregon City, challenging j
the Vancouver team to a contest for from ;
1-0.) to $300 a side, the contest to bo any j
place except Vancouver or Oregon City.
As the late tournament was for the pur-,
pose of settling tho championship, and i
the Oregon City team had its chance to
run then, tho bova hero do not feel that '
they are called upon to follow that con- j
test with another at this time, merely to ;
gratify a team, the nirmhersof which re
fused to run in their allotted place; and '
they have so responded to tho letter."
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
At tho ho'ir of one o'clock, p. ni., on
Thursday, the 2tith day of September, i
A. D.. ISfo, at the Boston store in the
Commercial bank block, Oregon City,
Oregon, will be sold at public auction to
satisfy a chattel mortgage given by the !
firm of Moody A Rinearson to John W. ;
MofXatt, the stock of dry goods, gents j
furnishing goods, hats, caps, boots and
shoes, millinery, notions and fixtures:
contained in the said Boston store in
said Oregon City. Said stock will be j
sold in bulk or parcels to suit. Terms
cash or approved security. Stock In
voices about $1300. For further informa
tion apply to Thos. F. Ryan, Agent of
Those who attended the Chautauqua
assembly remember Col. Thomas M.
Anderson's address on "American Prin
ciples." It was a masterly effort and was
listened to with deep interest. This
address baa been printed in pamphlet
torm, a copy of which has been received
at this office. The address throughout
is replete with the very essence ol Ameri
can principles and patriotism tersely and
comprehensively expressed. It is well
worth perusal.
The Staff of Lire.
Bread is recognized as tbe staff ot life,
but if it is of poor quality, it offers but
little support to the body. Bread from
the Home Made bakery, Shively'a block,
can be depended upon at all times to be
of first class quality and equal the best
family made bread. None but the best
flour is used and the utmost cleanliness
is observed in all work about the bakery.
Bread delivered to all parts of the city
fresh from the oven .
ROYAL Baking Powder.
Highest of all In leavening
Strength. V. S. Oovtrnmeot Report
Ladies Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles are ef
fectual for female weakness, pain on top
of the bead and lower part of the back.
It strengthens and cures. Sold by Geo.
A Harding
In the Circuit C ur; ot the State of Oregon, for
Clac.l am Cointy.
Annie M. Hamer, PlalutlfT, vs. Oliver P. Ilamr,
To Oliver P. Hamer, tie defendaut above named
io i. von ar j hfrebr ri nu red t ' Dfar and
a awe t e c 'inp a ntof tiio hbore nam d plain-
tffin nai.ove emu to oiiko uow oa nie w in
Ihei lerk o' then' ov euilt el loiut, en or be
fi:a tue flrt ay of t ie in xt re iwr term t
aid e mrt n x f 1 oiiiK t eexpirmon o tie
I u.e pie'Cri ed 1" I e oner o pub ication of
tbia luinmon., lo-wit: Ou ur bef ire the Itu
..y of Nove nb r, wis, and you are n jitey i oil-fl-
: t.iallf vou fall lo api.e .r and nawer aa d
comp rint i hereby requnel.p nlntlff will Kay
t e cnu I I' rtha rf ief d mm led in 1 1 com
pl 1 t, to w U: thai iliu bonds of matr 'ni.ny
M-retofore exi ting between lb' pain ff and
del m.antbe I solved, nd t.at pi. I. UU bave
he 'a e, custod.' and rotitrol oi bur three
yO'iU'S minor cnlldreii.
.bia nmrno Is published by the oider of
Hou. Heurv E. MiQ.fn, actliig lor H n. T A.
JidMde, Judge of tue abova Dt tied coir t, duly
n ade at Port and, Orcg n, o i tue 1Mb day of
i-ep emb r, E. B. cKAKKOoK.
H-20:. I-1 AtU for Pia ntlff.
1 1 lh! Countr Court ol the Mat. of Oregon for
Me cunty of C ackamaa.
In the matter ot the estate of Ch irlei Kn.g .t,
Jl nndrr-lane'i aom nl tru. r of the ta e
oi Charles Knight, decea eJ.haa filed i.offlnai
account and r'port "i inch dm n'tratnr 1 ; t:i
c unty ro rt n and for CI t' k tinai coii"ty, Ore
g"n, anU t at "nMiiday, t le '161 1 oay ol Oc owsr,
lHD'i.a luo'co'liA. .!., bv i,ld count' emit,
baa wen Hxd au! Aprxilntel H 'ho t me and
ixacufir tne ttleiuent oi t e aanv an I tne
liea- ng ni -i determining of any and ah ob.ee
t oiiat .er..to.
duo. C Kbiiwmi.l, Ad'nlnl In tor,
Attv. or Admr. 910:I1H
l;i t' e C nin'y Co ir'nf the Htate o' Oregon, tor
ihe County of l'la ka.naa
In I e m nt r ol the e tf.t of Agunta M Icier,
i'eee ed,
und.-ialKiie I ha- been ni0 ntei ex-ento'
i f 1 1! an n ID and t tamenl e Ag i ta IHi:her
de eiaeJ, by the ctinty court of Cla kama
county, Maie of Oregon, on tho 14 ti d y of
i-epenbir, PW5. Ai. perao i hivi.,jr cam
K nat he e ate of the Hal I Agu-ta M l h r,
d ceaned, me ntrehy notined to i rea m ke
a'-iun du.y verified for rmyniuut to tbe uiii?jr
nlg elatM rTord, C ackamia county, Oia on,
or at ihe tllce .f Heo. C. Miownul , Ore 'O , City,
O.egoj, within nix ' outti fro th da'e.
PHILIP A. BAKER. Exjout-r.
Dated Sept. 20, 1695. Ultt C. Hhovnki.i.,
9-20:10-18 Atty for Executor.
Jlj under-lirneil haa be'jn tppofnteil by the
Hon. Countv Court of ('Inckimua county, Orv
urn, executrix of tha laa' v.J'1 and taitanient of
MI'haet Bluhm. decea-ert. All peraona having
claiuia airalnat "aid eatnb-itre hereby notined to
preaent ibe name to m j f-r payment, at theofbet
if G a L. Mtory, Oruiion City, Oregon, duly rnrl
Ac I, wiUilii alx nionl'a from tho ilatt of this
notice. 'HR1BIINE BLUHM,
Execu rlx ol the estate of
M - haal Bluhm, ilou'd.
Geo. L. BTOBY, A ty. fr- E-tata.
Dated 8jptemt', IWJt. 91J:101L
1N q
: Q
o cr
CO v
5 r
Carlton &
Dexter Dlamoud. -Lance
Crescent Wedges (warranted.) B & S Proof Chains. Arcade- Files. Rope. Crescent ?Uo
Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties.
Oregon City .Agent, WILSON A COOK
It's I Secret
that many women owe their beauty to
Dr. Piercn's Favorite Prescription. Tlie
reason beauty of torm and lace, as well
as graee, radiate from tlie common cen
ter health. The best bodily condition
results from good food, fresh air and ex
ercise, coupled with the "Prescription."
In maidenhood, womanhood mid mother
hood, it's a supporting tonic that's pe
culiarly adapted to her needa, rcKiildtini;,
strengthening and curing Ihe derange
ments of the sex.
If there be a headache, pain In the
back, bearing-down sennutioiiH, or gen
eral debility, or if there he nervous dii
turbances, nervous protration and
sleeplessnes, the "Prescription" reaches
the origin of the trouble and corrects it.
It dispels aches and pains, corrects dis
placements and cures catarrhal inflam
mation of the lining membranes. Once
used, it is always in favor.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets enre constipation,
indigestion, biliousness, huudaches and
kindred ailments. ,
Notice to Itrlilgehullilcrs.
Notice is hereby given that pealed bids
for the construction of a bridge across
Butte Creek on the J. M. Drake road will
be received in the county clerks office
up to 1 :H0 o'clock p. m. October 10,l8!io.
Plans and specificatiun-i of s tid bridge to
be prepared by D. W. Kinnaiid, road
master, and may be seen in the clerk's
office. 5 per cent of amount of bid must
accompanv bid. The court reserves tlie
right to reject any and all bids.
Gko. F. Horton,
County Clerk.
Fifty Dollars Kewiird.
I will pay the above reward for the
arrest and conviction of the parlies, who
robbed the Willioit stage on the 12th
dy of July, 1805, near Mulino. The
abeve amount will belaid fur any clue
that will lead to th?ir conviction .
E. C.Madiiock,
Shen'trof Clackamas county.
' Notice.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
to furbish for one year all the records,
blanks and stationery used by the differ
em, county officials will be received in
tb.3 county clerk's office up to 2 'eclock
p. m. October 10, 1895. Kight to reject
any and all bids reserved.
Gko. F. Hokton,
County clerk.
Dr. A. P. Sawyer: I have had Rheu
matism since I was 20 years old, but
since using your Family Cure have been
tree from it. It also cured my hunband
of the same dinease.
Mrs. Robt. Connelly, Brooklyn, 1.
Sold by G. A, Harding.
C. O. T. Williams is now prepared to
make loans oo good farm property.
Write him.
Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Hlgbaat JVUdal and Diploma.
hT'VA'P''' ""
That is
50c buys what would cost you regular $1.00
Wo Iirvp a nuiiilx r of other riMiiniuits
that will go in thiHHitlo alno ....
Rosenkrans, Canby, Or.
First and Allien. HARDWARE IWtland, Orenon.
Northweaiern Agenla for
Occident Tutlleloolh - larxter Lance Hllrer Hteel.
Count Treasurer's Jictlce.
I have fund" iu my hands for the pay-i
incut of all Cliukainan county warrants'
endorsed prior to December 1.1. W2,
Also the following endorsed December!
13, 18!2: No. IHHi7,$l2i No. 112'K), :i ;
No 1 ir.t. K : No. 1 1170, 12) ; No. 1 lii.'in,
$il 20; No. 11341, to.2i; No. 113M, V ;
No.- ll-VWl, ffi; No. ll.VHl, :Kl (U); No.
111111. ::ii20, No. lltiTl, 12.40; No.
11714, 2.20; No. 11720, $10; No. 11721,
$10; No. 11727, $4.:;0; No. 1175.3, $3; No.
11754, 5iKI.
Interi'Ht will cease on the above with
the date of tins notice.
M. L. Mooiik,
Trpanirer Clackamas Co., Oregon.
Datkii Obkuos Citv, Or., Aug. 20, 1WI5.
May Do As Much For You.
Mr. FVed Miller, o! Irving, III., writos
that he had a severe kidney trouble (or
many years, with severe pains in his
back and also that his bladder was ef
fected. He tried many so called kidney
cures, but without any good result.
About a year ago he began the use of
Klectric Bitters and found rebel at once.
Klectric Bitters is especially adapted to
cure all liver and kidney troubles and
often gives almost instant relief. One
trial will prove our statement. Price
only 30c for large bottle. At CliBrniBn
& Co.'s drug store, Charnian Bros. Block.
KIIII.OH'SCUKEissoldon a guar
antee. It cures Incipient Consumption.
It is the best Cough cure. Only one I
cent a dose. 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00.
For sale by G. A. Harding
Kasy to take, sure to cure, no pain,
nothing to dread, pleasant little pills.
Do Witt's Early Little Risers. Best
for Sick Headache, biliousness, Sour
Stomach and Constipation. C. G.
Huntley, Druggist.
Dr. A. P. Sawyer Dear Sir: I haye
been suffering with sick headache for a
long time. I used your family Curo and
now am entirely relieved. I would not
do without your medicine.
Mrs. G. Miller, Mt. Morrel Ills.
Hold by G. A. Harding.
Mr. Freytag is ever on the alert to
supply Inn customers with fine crisp veg
etables. Have you tried his string beans,
cauliflower and beets?
Cholera Morbus is a dangerous com
plaint, and Is often fatal in its results.
To avoid this you should use De Witt's
Colic & Cholera Cnre, as soon as the first
symptoms appear. C. G. Huntley,
O. E. A. Freytag dues not propose to
remain in the rear of the procession in
the matter ot supplying the market with
fresh vegetables, and his gardens are
kept in first class conditfon.
SIIILOH'8 CURE, the great Cough
and Croup Cure, is in great demand.
Pocket size contains twenty-five doses
only 25c. Children love it. For sale by
G. A. Harding.
eel at
Mrnm Wuo Man.
Wood sawed on abort notice in any
pait of the city, lavu orders at F. T.
Barlow's grocery store, or call on tho
owner, T. B. Hankiss. tf
Bicycles, Umbrellas,
Guns, Sewing Machines,
And all kind of mnull ma
cliines put in good order. No
work to dillicult to undertake.
Triers reasonable.
.Shop on Seventh St., near dejtot.
Money Loaned.
First Mortgages on Improv
ed Farm Property
We are prepared to negotiate first
Morgages upon improved farms in
Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate of
interest not to exceed 0 per cent, por
Mortgages renewed that have been
taken by other companies.
Address with stamps,
Mervin S worts,
Halter CJty, -
00 TO
Fine Perfumeries and Toilet Articles.
Alno a full itock of
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and Bad
die horaes always on hand at the
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind or
stock promptly attended to by person oi
Horses Doutrht and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
AND ti