Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, SKrTKMHF.R 13, ISiiS. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. The sweetest hums, Knglinli Kreakfast Bacon, Ijrd in hulk, Lrl in iiu!h, Dry ptil meat, Tickled pork, Summer sausage, Smoked Won, IVied beef, All guaranteed by E. K. Williams, The Grocer. TaMeta anj composition books -Ic at The Fair. Money 10 loan on gnoJ real estate security by A. S . Presser. Save money by buying your fruit boxes from E. K, Williams, The Grocer Fresh vetfeublett from Maplewood (arm ilelivereil to all parts of the city. You will ave money by buying vour slates, tablets, school bugs, etc., at Tbe Fair. Fresh oysters will complete your Sun day dinner. Leave your order at the Novelty candy store. Orders delivered. Mr. Frrytag supplies his customers three times a week with all varieties of fine vegetables. His prices are very reasonable. Charman & Son have received a com plete stock of men's, women's boys' and jnisrxsa' mackintosh. All grades and prices. For a quiet place to hitch your horses away from the motor line and a place to gst a first class job of repairing or horse shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. Why descend those tiresome steps when vou wish pure drugs, chemicals and drug sundries? "Time is money" Sive both by getting your prescriptions filled at the Seventh St. Pharmacy. Children cutting teeth, and suffering from tbe various disorders incident thereto, need Stegdman's Soothing Powders. Albright buys only the best of stock, and of course, has tbe best meat to be had in this market, and he sells as cheap or cheaper than any other. It will pay anyone to patronize him. A Granger broadcast veeder for hand use. Works perfect ; good for clover or any kind of seed. Price to suit you. Mast be sold. At Parker A Howard's 'Second Hand Store. The proposed new road stalling from near the west end of the suspension bridge, will pass along the hill on the upper side of the Willamette K.iilway Company's track, and cross the road bed near the town of Willamette Kails, and smling at the lower bridge on tho Tualitin. This road, when com pleted, will be a great convenience to a large numlier of people living on the west side of the river, and will be the means of bringing union business to Or egon City, that now goes to Poitland. The road will he blasted out of solid rivk a considerable portion of the way, and will be a splendid tliorougM.no on an easy graile. Certificates were issued to the follow ing teachers by SiiHr nteiiilent II. S Gibson on August l!th : First tirade F.nima Sturcliler, Hattie K. Monroe, P. L. Coleman, Shirley Buvk, E. M Want, L. A. Head. SiH-oiid Grade. Asa Mcljiughlin, Agnes Matlock, Elixa' beth Illig, Sude II. Chase, Mis. F. Al lard, II. A. Pittenger, Geotge Harring ton, Louise Kinnaird, Hattie Cochran, Mubella Wiggins. Third grade IvyN Hodges, A B Hibbard, P. C. Allard, Kate Storts, Ivy M. Harrington, Olive M. Curriu, Aura Thompson, Edwin X. Bates, Zona Maytield. Miss Clara Fislier entertained a few friends Monday evening in honor of Miss Mamie Charman ami her sister, Mrs. J. Walker', of Oregon City, who re turned home yesterday after a ten dnvn' visit. During the eveuirg some choice musical selections were rendered by the Bachelor Quartette, af'er which, dainty refreshment wt.re served. Those pret- ent were, Mrs E. W. Fisher, Miss Clara Fisher, Miss Mamie Charman, Miss Helen Holgate, Mrs. J. Walker, and Messrs. John Fulton, J. Fred Yates, H. L. Holgate and B. W. Johnson. Corvallis Gazoite. Attorney Wm. Foley, of Portland, ap peared before the i ounty court during its last session with a petition, asking that the Good Shepherd's Home at Park Place be exempted from taxation on the ground that it is a charitable institutio; . The home holds 2.1 acres of valuable land, and Assessor Bradley placed it on the roll the same as if it had been owned by private individuals, but the court did not see how it could at this date remit the tax for 18.)4, and finally denied the letition. DelinquentTaxes Continued from first page. Diseases unfriendly to women are positively cured by Dr. Sawyer s Pastil les. ' Ask your druggist for a free sample package. It heals and cures. Sold by j Geo. A. Harding. Albright has just received another lot ' of choice cattle from the mountain ranges, which for quality cannot be ex celled. Our haws, meats and lards are always the best in the market. E. E. Williams. The Grocer. Lamps. New stock of all kinds just received. Fine hanging lamps for $2.25. See Belloiny & Busch. A full line of tricots and dress flan nels at 35 cents per yard. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. Thomas Charman & Son. James Piersou, a bop picker, had a hearing before Justice Ritter at Needy last Thursday, on a charge of stealing a suit of clothes, valued at $10. He was found guilty anil sentenced to 30 days in the county jail. Michael Shaffer, who lives on the Tualatin alwut four miles from Oregon City, brought some fine specimens of hops to town last Monday, that were raised on the upland. These specimens exemplify the fact that the hill lands of Clackamas county are well adapted to the production of hops. Pale, thin, bloodless people should use Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. It is the greatest remedy in the world for making the weak strong. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Mclaughlin Chautauqua circle met at the residence of Mrs. C. II. Dye last Monday eveniog, and organized for the work of the ensuing year. Mrs. C. H. Dye was elected president, and Miss Maiy Conyers secretary. None of the other circles have yet perfected their or ganizations for the coming year. In anticipation of the heavy rains get ting in early and endangering the health of people who were yet wearing their dry-weather shoes, McKittrick, the shoe man, ordered his stock early and is now ready to assist them to keep their feet dry. His stock is the largest in Oregon City and whether vou want a $8 or a GO cent shoe he can fit you out and fit your foot and guarantee the quality of tbe goods to fit the price. We take pleasure in announcing the grand fall millinery opening of the Leader, corner Fourth and Washington streets. Portland, Saturday at 2 p. m. and Mon day and Tuesday following. This enter prising firm will have tbe finest display of millinery ever brought to Portland. The pattern hats were selected by Miss Kamineky while in New York and she has spared no effort in order to obtain what is newest in ladies hats. Ladies of Oregon City and vicinity are especially 'uvited to attend. The gold band lily, which was oa ex hibition for several days in Wilson & Cooke's show window, attracted consid erable attention and comment. The flat slender stalk about two inchs in width supported 44. large white lillie , beautiful in appearance, and were grown in Councilman J. J. Cooke's yard on the hill. It is kuown as the gold band lily of Japan, or liliuin auratum, and the im mense bunch of blossoms looms np like a big huge boquet. The Samson resilience was the scene of a wedding par'y Tuesday afternoon. The contracting parties were William J. Harrington, of the Union Meat Com' pany of Portland, and Miss Frances M Wudley of the same place. Mayor Hi ram Straight jierformed the ceremony and the worthy couple returned to Port land on the same evening. that damp without JW mtnrtl ot dniKlt U i, r t , .en- u so Dimml FO, Oregon CUT mul 1-7 lout, 2. 3 mid bin lill Orvfoll City In! b k l.'.H t VI Dtnglor Attdrvw, i. of, duaontwd In b his ah sjo rvc ir.l ot ikl. 4 md 1 3 r S , v;.42 aorot 12 Ml Pevol A una, te t.n) J t, rS t, 1ft) ""Wt d (HI nimn k Mtrt, Mrhriolit. , o( Jblk 1 4 itt Ooons II K V mini ot b k I.H 1 (Hi IHiwIen K J, 't l Hi'i'ior Cnnii'MI t 1, 0 b 1 ik In und i, oi li1, ol ', ill I t 5 oi wtiil claim, ai i lot it tMutmimtr so arrv'ta ai-t on by iloor n ol inn-nti court ot MuiuioiuhU ouiuy Oriigiiii - i"i tit, r 1 ; w SO 1 1 a, r 'J u, 5 'r S TO uriitu n n,, oi .' ot too II. 1 7 . r J so 'n t w, "I in'', hii I o',"' nw' ol tt'O U I ! , r 'J o. WO icrvs & 7li I'w-nor jiiuu Ktiii .Mrtry, ulj ot ii'4 ico , t i , r , SO acr 11 J linwsor. A S Siiuavt I lly lott S, 4, 5ml 6 hlk 10 in Prapvr Aur! M, Cani'inih lull 1 ami 3 bit 10 4 7 .M.-ta nnu rxnitiui lo Orviion City as iU.ortlw,l lu b Ka 4-'i I'iiko 47 n- P'irtl. ol uo.ii - s 42 I,ot 1 t o 4 t it, I 2. ni'rM 51 Loll 5 ml t ot hoc I a t, r J 5. 1.' 'n 72 Las oi to,- H, ta t, r 1 , 31 eri tut lu lot , j ,10, t 2 , r 1 ,..7J ti-ro 1 88 L u- 6 ami 7 t o 21, 1 '1 1, r a 21.4 are J ss l':k l'Uuloit7 ami S h k J I u Drarwr Juo W, ti' . ni-rpt S tervt of teo t is, u, r Jk, ior 66 N l4'l I ll'jOl v'4 -J .18t, rSeiWtorw 15 90 N't ol w', mil ot i o 2; I 3 I, r 3 JW cnt 35 98 " C'lifiuah, !o'.i 3 anil 4 l k 12 Lnu3. , 6 7 ill S bit li Lou .1,4. 5.S. 7. Sb kU Urn, mil 7 b k A I' ml t lota i and a blk is Kim til l la Cintmaa lot 5 uik 1 " 125x!D It of lot 1 blk 29 ur.'-otl Ci.r DryJop. Prwioj, t', ol mt u( ids 31 1 2 t, r 5i ) cr Dutbvr V A, Uregou Ir iu A .1ll Co't 111 d t i l Wk'O ou 7 I'nl S blk 10 Duify Thoin-u inj M J, Mintaorn -dJ tn tba city ol Cor nuil. lou 5 u.l 6 b 4 J Duututb M A. PU'imuI LitUu 1Io.j. .Nj 3 lou 17 and IK blk 4 DurjMth B K, Flutunl Llttli Hamet No 3 lou 15 aud IS blk 4 Dupult Ku.ono, urtg i.i l.-ou i -IjvI Cj'i lit nld I j Onweto lot 14 hlk .10 Drcn'ber Jobu, of uw' ut cclO t j I r 1 .tOacrat Purtiitn R L T'lKI", Or"nrt Iron A St:-m Co' ExlUKl-i.t to it auil oi uincm 1 ol b k J4 bu. u t EJva J O cgon I in t ' C ' ll iii.i loUaw(o lull 7 , ill b 1 J: Orion Annie, uw', ol c', no 14,1 4 r 1 1 40 iorr Uriillth M W wttofiii4ivo'7lVi, r 40 acnri Uriuim Kalph C nut Itallli l of ill- r'tHi't hi book M m,p ILNrurortl of rltiila no 17 1 5 1, r 1 o, 93 ivrii Orolt II W iit ot iiw4 ol n W4 eo 31, 1 2 , t 3 JOmToa Oivi 'f II iw Kvulwu 8, in' 4 ul wo IS 1 2 , r 7 Ilk) arr Hthu Win, Otrg m Iron A S.-l I'o'i I t addition lo 0wtiro, iitidivliUd ot lot 2 bin ! H i. Iw, I, ot loll 3 and 4 b k 1.1 lUhn Win iuiI A. vi. K it Or xon Oily, ' I I'.'. I.l. U. lsml In ti k 2 Un- 1, 2 Hid 14 blk 4 IaiId ii. 7 t ill h k 5 L it 12, Ul mil 14 blk L t HimI 4 b k 7 Hnm'lton Kl-lo, Atki o i.b k l.H Itimlltok U A mil W islilnirii Anil pa. li-l 11 Sir Wu II I, C a ilo-o b i !rt bonk 4.1 n. M ri il of d ila ! l, mri b- k)iii2 l.U.ri t. s aoio. " Apix -raoii'i add lion lo 1' .rk l"ao lot Id b k 10 11 rartollMil.Miii.klii.lll. 1.' a dt-ari It-til lu twot 4.1 igi .11 n-roM oi ilmili 2 r I. 1177 icru llamllton Hrot, I' .rk V ttu, lott 4, 5. ,7 S. Hand 10 bit I H-oiliuorJ aH'. it' ,' ot a I. w', i SO t 2 1 rii il-ra i oml A K, lull I, 2, 3, KOMHlhll llanmiik Audit', iu't of nw't no 4 I '.' r 41 411 ai-ri' llniiioo llmuiih. I'rt ot K C'ailtvl.l I) L Cm doao ibed In HH'k V tiMiiu '..ki r. cord of dm 1 1 3 1 r 2 '') arr IIir-iwivM H,d n.pi ..f Win .-Irii-klln I L C bonk 54 i aii 305 ici-ord ol uwili I 4 r 4 SO ton a lUr r- ivu , CUi'kiinii Kru'l I.miU bk J 2 H-n-a llirni J II, Mluth rn nl.llllon to tin e ly of Porllainl. I' ll I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 43, 44. 45 tud 4i b k AV Uartlnau K il md Wif, put of K bt Allun i l.i til-p ila-d In b ok rw &4 1 1 1 book i-ij '9 r i "id ol d d , t r 1 I Hi-ri ' Part n' Al'ml Marx ia n 1) 1. (' . d -i i lb d lu ovi k 54 ,i 193 r r r I ol diiua t a r I I J4 ti 70 4 W S 00 3S0 00 1 ill 1 31 II 91 13 m. t mm t't ui 15 and In. L.iu.i tvi A, uvi '4 e.- ji 1 1 ; i e li'-o A small heating stove in bedroom, or going too long stove in the silting room may be both i sorrowful and expensive economy Schwan & Putrow will sell a firstclaxs healing stove at a nrice that is within reach of tbe poorest. In the better grades of heaters their stock embraces some very elegant stoves. In cook stoves they carry a complete line an 1 all oi the best makes. r . i. Bariow tias on exhibition a monster radish raifed by W. C. Jen nings on his place below town. It is 27 inches in length and 10 and a halt inches in circumference. It is intended to place this wonderful Clackamas county radish on exhibition at the Portland ex position. Alfred Smith, of llul no, was brought before County Judge Hayes last Thurs day afternoon charged with being insane. After a thorough examination Smiih was uiscnargea iron) cusiouy ana pro nounced sane. The charge of insanity resulted from a family row. Stomach and Bowel Complaints are best relieved by the timely use of De Witt's Colic & Cholera Cure. Insist, on having this preparation. Don't take any other. C. (i. Huntley, Druggist. That 20 acre tract, level road, 2 miles out, plenty of running water, only $050. C. O. T. Williams. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Odd Medal, Midwinter Fair. Dli CREAM IMPS Most Perfect Made. 40 Yean the Standard. 1 J ore E k- J ibn.i'of te'j of m'4 iu3it4i r 1 o Eiiwiril-iJ P. Mlnih iru additlo-i to thi City of P.irtlmd, lo't il. 24, 25.26,27, 2S, 29. 90, 31. n and 33 b k 4.1 fcluaon A llllue, Mlulborn Ad Hint) to thi city ol Portland, lou 45 and 46 bik 44 Elliott Ernest and L l ie. County t.ldl- t.ou to Oreou city lot 3 and 4 b.k 45 County adutlim to 0r ton City lot 1 b; D Ml P eatant addition to Ore -on City lot 3 blk 3 Oregon City, lou 1 aud 2 blk lis Elliott Lilllt, Clirkiniaa H.lghu ill ot DIM it Empire M(f Co, pin ul m d-scrtbid m ." book 41 p&itu 57 r -rord of ditxli, we 10 ' t 2 1 r 2 i 1 23 xrrxi Elbirldji Jim-1 K, Roott id lltlon to Mart iMj d, OU 1. 2,3,4, 5 ad 6 oik 22 Lou 1 .a I 2 b k 21 Elton Wm and Sinn C, Cickimu Fruit lmdi, blk K E'ereil Miry E. P eient Little Iloraei No 1, ion 36, 37, , ;(,40llld 41 Eudi M L, nw1 , ul uv and ne of le Md 32 1 1 1 r a . no urn "ITIlcck, Marthi S, Mlnthorn iddlMonlo 5 40 2 7 19 J7 2.1 17 2.H 20 00 9 07 S M S 75 12 CO S 79 53 4 144 M 2 40 1 99 21 17 S 10 S 76 t 00 44 tui cltyol Portland, loll 33 udt blk FlumlnrJO and C'lthvine. Weal 8ldo iddltlon to Orokon City, lot 7 blk 2 Fletcher John A, t'4 toci0t2ir7e lAOwrea Forrtttor Warren, t1 of nw1,' north of dimly road, tec Di t 2 Me E', of ue', and ne'i of i-orib of biudy roa I eiriiittnK 60 tore, i m 29 1 2 a r 4 e l.'Uicn-i F'nythi John.Clnkauia. HaiKh.t blk 10 Frmklin W U. n'J ot iec.il t 5 1 r 1 e SO ai:re FrN A H, New Era. lota 1 anil 8 blk 5 Friwllauder Simne. 11, Minihorn fi ll- tlon to 'he city ol Portland luU 23 aud 24 b.k 70 Ful or N L, Oregon Cl'y, lou 5 ind 6b k 121 Foster John, heln of, bei;!nn!ni; it n corner ol i tract of laud iie.crioidln book P pi e 2U4 record of d wdi lor CUckatnaa county, Oroion, tbince norm 10 del; ind 15 mlu ml 76 cli In. to Clackamaa river: thsiice up tud rlTer to uorthweit corner ol tract re corded In b ok 29 pa9 27H 'ecrd cf de da laid county and at ite; thour e on Moor wett Una aoiith 11 d-ir aud 50 mlu well M chilm to nor b boundary of a tract of laud recorded In book P pa?e595 record of oevdi aald c iuiily and state; tbunee north S deg wett 11.10 chains to tbe place of tNgliining, 1 2 s r 3 e. . 43 aorot f"1 arbidi John, iwof too 22, t 5 t,r3 r e 160 acre. Uard I N, e'A of ne',4' and of 'C 12t3i, r5el0i:rja Uard Z S, pt of Ezra KlnhT D 1C book vt paue 20D record oi ueedi, I 2 a, r 2 e 14 acres Gard M O in I Caroline, ptol Ezra Flahcr UliU no jk 40 page 4X2 record oi aeeui 1 2 s, r 2 e, 2icrrs Garrett Thomas, pt of Thnmu Garrett D LC lou l,2,iud3 and ne1 of te' and ae of Dv'i'it leo 34, t 5 t, r 1 Lot 1 ind n wU of nw'j and iw1, of nw1, except II1 i aorea, teo 35 1 5 1, r 1 e 209 acrei Gault T E, Green Point add. tlon to Oreeoo City lots blk 1 Ganieubeto Kudolpn, aV, of iir ind of aw-i tec 17, 1 2 s, r 5 e Gainrnllll Kotit lubdvialon of Clack.- mat HelKbU lot 5 blk 2M K German M E Cburcb, tubdlTlilon of tract 3 and '4 of tract 2 ol Oak Grove allot blk 2 aud 3 Gerome George, Caneinah, lots 3, 4, 6 and 6 blk 7 Gllbam M C, pt of J-irob Scott D LC u deter. b d In book 32 paire 413 and book 4! p 461 ricord of deeds tit, r 2 e 66 acres Glaaer O F, Pleaant Little Hornet No 3 lou 29 and 30 b k3 Gltdttone Keal Estate A-sociatlon pt of r c uaton u b i; an ou as aesoriwu in book 34 pure 3-17 record of deeds 1 2 s, r 2eS30.50acrei Howirden, all of blk 4 all of blk 5 all of bik A Olais Jno D, Pleasant Little llomit No 1 lot 6 GorTe Theodore A nw of see 20 1 2 1, r 7 e, ISO acres Goldstone Morris, pt of J H Moore D L C is aeacriDea in dooi vt ptxa at record of dead! see 25, t 2 1, r 2 e 10 acres Gordon, lieorue) W, te ot m til aw ana tw'4 oi te oi uvr;i oi see in, 1 0 s, Gove M L, pt ol Georce Brock D LC a described in honi no page 220 record of deed! t 8 1 r 1 e SOacret Graham J W, pt of John Zurawalt I) L C aa aehcn uiu iu oooi 'zi, page 2W record of deed! t 3 1, r 1 w:i20.4 icrei Bw'4 of and m'4 of swJi sec 10 1 3 1, r 1 w, 80 acrei " Pt of S B Franklin U LC as decrlbed in book L page 408 record of deeds tec 15, t 8 l r 1 w 2M9.5t seres 34 46 ai-r.- 17 1., " N't o te1. ec 12 16s r2e vi io r t 8K4 H.allnia 11 W, put oi Geo Willi PLC at deacrilMd iu b ok 4J ml, 116 r.- 92 cor i o. avent I 1 r 1 e 1 tor. Hawthorn Kch -I I., "art of Win ind lull l.mc ty Pi.IIIiim 1) L C at d.arrlbeolu book 3.i pt .ca 2 I jud 2U6 aviu S3 aud M 69 I t I a r 2 e acrn Ui-uc. ok Elm Mrt, Orrvou Iron A 8J ( ' l-l ml. lt:ou lo O..oi lu'.s II, 12 :id 13 tlk 45 2 6t Htcknian Andrew O, ', ot tw'. J I 5 i r I " 40 acres 17 40 llcduvrg C M Le'4 a,c 11 t 2 t r 7 HO acret ileuKU Hr. h E, (' in i in in, Inn i 22 aud I i la 16 Cr fin I', lott 5, 8, 7ni 31 32 llel.DS W F n1, ' f ii i. tud no'; -f vm'l C.S2t2sr7eUWac.. 8 of v i. .e 2J .2 sr 7 e 40arri-s 4 w newic. rjtor, annex t ueon Ciiy. loi2b.kB 78 iie'idee o ti, part oi lot w.ilicimo PL C. at dracribed In b 'ok G pe(fe cord ol devils 1 1 1 r 1 e 15.17 torei 31 90 iienueaa auku'ii, uregou Ity lou I, 2, 8aud4,bkl72 1197 1 SI I n'-"i HI 1 o .nm. te 01 aw. in J IW I I . f 1 ...... It.,. . 1 . .w - .. ... i ui0(( 1 , vncfil 11 3i umnneiu n 1 , part in 1 1 i n l I. C No46aa oeacribed m b ok 47 page 2M rccor I of J ili 1 5 r 1 w 60 acraa 7 20 111 tw:i jooepn, uruKon 1 on ntcii Col ll addition t Oatrvgo lot 11 blk 49 2 61 mil A u Mrs, of iic'. 4 am 31 1 2 a t i e 4 Ml -toil i u Miuiiiorn id luiou to the oily o. Portland lot 40 Mk 43 67 iimiia ringit B, . of tee 12 Ha r Si 160 lortl 4 M iuniey jmern, Miuinnru toiiiionto me city ol Portund lou 27 a d 21 blk .'I 131 iiiugiey .oan, Hintnorn iddiil n to thi ilty ol Poriliud, iota 25 and 26 blk 71 1 81 lllracn f ol, OrenDii city, Ww U of lot 6 blk 129 " Orwou city west K in 1 to ft of lot 5 b.k 129 A4 99 noniira reter, lou 2 and 3 0! lee 36 t 2 s me 42.10 irrea 240 ni'uaou Minu e air, pari 01 j iv uidd U L C at dcacrl.)ed lu UmU -i2 page 56 re ford ol deed. I 3 a r 1 w 24 ac-ra 9 12 iioet uj,i,hcjihi rjj 1110 ncr. s " B'4olni. sec 27 t 4 s r 8 H0 acr.ia g 65 nonooieiter joepn, ure on Ton A ttwl Co't lat addition to U-wr.go lots 18 and 14 blk 49 21 te lion v nomine, pari 01 n aud M Hell D i.c as iosi-riiH-d In hook 4:1 pn 1:19 re cord of d e It soc 9 I 3 a r 1 e 67..V) ,ic-cs II M liollman r w, parlol Geo Hro k PLC aa detcnue . in ho k 40 page Wl rue rd ol devils I 3 s r 1 K acrea 1.1 'JO II nman J u part 01 G llrock PLC a d..-ti. rlbed in bonk 54 Page 46 record ol deeds I 3 1 r 1 26.4 1 acr.it 16 20 noun J a, part o. li -0 wtlit u L C as de- .crinen m inn 3U pa, -a 28 ricord of need I 1 s r 1 e 10 a rti 21 55 noptins neury. part 01 1. 1) C l.atour- ette U L C 1.1 d. s Hoed lu b ot i) p ge 367 record of aieds, sc 4 t 81 r 2 10 icrei 7.1 nuwiru u n, part 01 1 11 111 ci r V I. C 1 ue-criutd lu 10 k 32 age 3KI aud uo k 29 pag ViV record of dee. it teu 19 1 Sir 1 2l4crea 21 60 rari 01 at oe cr.oed in b ok V Mgei 3H5 and 36 and bo -k 29 pigi n,Vi tecord of doe it t 3 a r I 92 icrei 6 00 ran 01 c rendition I) LC, at diacrlled In boos U pag; 3M5nud 3H6 mil b)'k 51 nag - 4.VI record of doeda 1 8 trie HI.25 teres 80 50 m to tie Front 1 1 1 1 1 1 MoKITTlUCK linn the lirnt lino of UohIh mul Slint'H In Oregon. IKui't buy clii'iip trnliy ntoro hIioch wIumi you can get Kt might ALL I-KATI1KK SII0KS t tho huhio nv It Ih u duty you owe to yotirwlf iind to your funiily to unci JuI niiMit in Ni'lirtinjr nIhhn. If you buy McKittrick 'h nIuh-n you Hiivo money and nhvo doclor'N IuIIn. KrineiulHr tlmt tho CllrCAl' TRASHY Ntore nIiocn are always the dearest no matter how little they eont. ICveryone buyinir nIiocn at McKittricka nIiowh Hunerinr judginent. mm, At your Nervioo always, ((I ni. m. n it 1 IE IVIIIII 1 11U MUUU 1I1UJ Next door to Oregon Oity Hank, Oregon City, Oro. mm mw 40 62 8 64 120 4 59 9 li 2 06 S 20 1 31 4 05 5 40 U 84 9 60 18 91 65 1 31 6 84 9 60 7 20 8 40 14 81 4 68 38 26 12 04 46 18 8 73 14 63 13 31 1 39 15 " 69 612 80 S 40 1 20 1 20 14 40 91 20 Howlett, John N.t of nw'; and n'; of IWJ4 auu part 01 suo H I viritlMI acrt.i 'in tn Huelat Septimus, Oregon City, s'l blk 90 uregou city 111 ink 162 Pleasant Place 1 Iditlou toong nC.ty lots 1,5, 6 aud 11 uik6 Part ol Wm Holmes I) L C as described lu book .')0 pane 73 and 219 record 0' dee.lt set s 5 and 6 t 8 s r 2e7J aorit 40 K5 Huilit Beptlmus, InHlo), nUofswi;and nw'4 of e4 too 10 1 4 r i i, 120 iitji 7 80 Hoggins uav.u, ;, 01 tw;; tec 24 1 2 a r 4 e 80 acrei 12 00 11 ume Peter, Oregon Iron and Bte -1 1'o't !t iddltlon to Oiwego lot 12 blk 28 2 00 Hunttker Ada, Harlow lot 1 blk 6 43 Haines Morton, part ol M M McCarver D LCaiaeicriued In hook 54 page 853 record of deeda t 8 r 2 e 10 acre 6 55 Hulnet J O p irt of I Mitch -Il DLCeJ t.f 01 ut'4 tec Diiiniw acret 21 80 mul Annie L, Tnlberl'i addition to Martblleld Iraclota I,2,3a'id4 blk 15 8 10 lugle Sarah B, Oreon Irou i s ee Co't lt addition to Oawego lots 9 and 10 blk 29 6 63 I "rah am K, pt ot (as described In book kji page 612 record of deeds) sec 25 t 2 r "5 acret J2 Irwin Robert, ne of ne i seo 5 1 2 s r t e 40 icres 46 80 Jackson Josephine, t'4 of n w !; sec 9 1 4 r 8 e 40 acrei 4 05 Jennings B, eat ol, pt of Jennlngt D L C Not 38 and 40, lotil ierl ot olalm No, 40 and all of claim No. 38.xuepiiug 2.92 acres In book .11 page IMandOO airea In book 50 page l'J6 and 6n acres in book 61 page 4 record of deeds 1 2 s r 1 end 2 26 acrea 20 00 Jenmnga John P, pt of Jennings D L Cat deacrlbed ID book 61 page 4 record of deedi 1 2 a r I and 2 em acrei 45 10 Jennings Wm B, ptol Jennings DLC11 described lu t'Ook 60 page VMi record of die It 1 2 s r 1 and 2 e 60 a res 46 50 Jem John ind otrali E, pt of A II Flib JJ LC as ditcribod In book "J" page 818 ricord of deedi 1 4 s r 1 e 50 aorot ptol A E Orlbhle I) LC at dencnbedln book "V" page 209 record of deeda 14 r 1 e 72 scret 81 15 Jobnson Amy Miss, pt of II Johnson D L OLiadeiCrit ed lu bong (j page 4.18 record UNIVEIISITV OF OREGON, UKKVliWII. "TllK I'MVEltNiTV OF OitKiioN, Kiigono, Oregon, oilers freci tuition to nil Ntudents. Young men can obtain board, lodging, heat and light in tho dormitory fur $2..ri0 jier week. Roomers furnish their own linen. loiing women are provided with board in private families at .KM) per week, loung women desiring hoard should address Prof John Straub, Kugene, Oregon; or Secretary Young Women's Christian Association. Kugeno. The university oilers three baccalaureate degrees, Hachelor of Arts, P.achelor of Scienco and Hachelor of Letters with corrcsiHindinir coursoH of study. The lollowing shorter courses aro also oll'ered. An English course leading in two years to a business diploma and in threo years to tho title graduate in English: An advanced courso for graduates of normal schools leading to tho degree master of l.H'dagogy: A threo years' course in civil engineering leading to the degree civil engineer: A courso of two years fur teachers of physical education leadimr to a diploma and the title director of physical" education. Tho t'niversity marges an uiciiieiuai leo 01 ten dollars wlncli is paynhlc m advance by all students. Students holding diplomas from tlio public schools anil those having teachers' certificates are admitted to tho preparatory department without examination. Those desiring information regard ing the prepratory department should address tho Dean, X. L Xarn gan, Kugene. For catalogues and information address C. II. Chapman, President, or J. J. Walton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. c. p. jjjjjua. J4HKKV WtlBH. & JAMES II It I 4a I', I4J. ii:ron t i mcj, S PAINTING. Carrlaeo Painting a Specialty. J Paints of all colors and shades mixed to order in largo or small quantities. Main Shop at Story Tiro's, it Co's. carriago aud wagon factory, next to Xoblitts Livery Stables. Also next to tho Oregon City Iron Works. Oregon City, Oregon. ..laWiiai1 State Normal School Monmouth, OroKon. Training School for Teachers Coiiiicl Klglit-liruilv Training Pepnrl iiicnl, (ml ttiortiiiitli rriifcitiiinl Courii'. The Diploma of the ScIkkiI Kiilltlcs one to tenrh In any i-iitnitv In the Halo witlmiit fttnlif r r xtinilnnclon. Board. LoKIde. Books. Toltioa. $150 perjear. lmM and HealT&rul Lncallnn-No saloons- Tliero 'ih a tli-iminil lor ell trainod lcBt:lir: Tlinru in un ovur iiiily of iintrnini'il tuiicliera, ('alaltiKite cliecrltilly scntiin iii'';tlon. A'lilrcsa, I'. I,. Camiilivll, Pres., Or, W. A. Waiin, Hccy. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Strs. Telephone, Ocean Wave and Bailey Gatzert Columbia River & Pueet Sound Navigation Comnanv. ' 1 s - Alder Street Dock, Telephone No. 351. A 'i iu - r . ...I... "P-iirMr, X,. ".I;-Jr. v.i ry.r. ,' c.1 ;ywivliJ ..f ilpaiU t 2 1 r 2 e 11 nro Ti inn Franklin, pt of If J hnxm I) L : ,u (iet riieu id dihik oi ina an rt ertrrl ol dieili 1 2i r 2l Micres ' Jobatou OiK) W, pt of (ul dsacrltlid In 21 24 720 w w I tjontinued on seventh patfe. Portland, Astoria and the Ocean. Telephone loaves Portland 7 A. M., daily except Sunday. Telenbono eaves Astoria 7 P. M.. daily exeeut Sundav. Runs direct to train for Clatsop beach and connects with Sir. Hum for Ilwaco trains running to all points on North beach. Bailey Gatzert leaveB Portland 8 P. M.. daily, excent fin mini'' nn Saturday 11 P. M. Leaves Astoria daily at 6:4") A. M., except Sunday and Monday; on Sunday 7 P. M. Connects with all trains for Clatsop beach and Ilwaco beach. This line has a boat connecting with both beaches, retuminrr frnm Astoria every night in the week. Ocean Wave leaves liiesday and Thursday, 8 A.M.. Saturday 1 T M running straight to Ilwaco, connecting with trains from all points on North Beach. Leaves Ilwaco, Wednesday and Friday morninirs 7:.10A. M.. Snmlnir night 6 P. M, U.B.SCOTT. E. A. SEELEY, President. Agent. STAR GROCERY Dealer In GROCERIES, CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED, ETC.