Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 13, 1895, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
HluniniT KAMllNA,
o miii
I mi ii,
0 mi . in.
in mi A. M.
i in r. m
ft an 1'. l
7 mill hi.
II M. Ill,
i UU l, III.
i:A M,
II mi A. M.
il '.VI V, M
Tim Paul
McrWKK foHTt.A Nil, KAI.KM ANIl INIiKI'KllliKNrit.
Leave 1'ortlainl Taylnr alri'i-l (lock nl (I mi A. M.
ml li'vi' (iri'Kim ( : 1 1 y f..r Malvm 7. Id A. il.
'I iipmlny, I Ii ii r li y mul Mntunlay,
Leave llnl 'i.rniintK o 0 :m A M mul Hnlrm 7 41
A M. nml (ifi'K'iu l ily I mi I' M lnr I'ort
lainl Mnmlay, H imniiy mul KrMnjr.
Punt linn, kihmI acfniniHlntlniia mi'1 low ralra.
Nil way Irriuhl IiuihIU'.I. HtImI rnt.' oil
lliniiiiili Irnlnlit
I'alllorula Kmrvoa (llirutiirli)
Kiiaiiliuru lii'al (way alatloua)
II ilniu I'naMiUKt'r '
ui'TH Huron.
Knrtiiir I. iic" I (way laliitia
I'alllnriila Kaprena (through)
H 111 in f IKOf
7 1.1 . in.
K Mi i. in.
V tl u. in.
0 77 . m
II i p. in
4 Su i. In.
Malta che going Nurih, 111 iu .i l p. in., 7 p III.
Malta el. .10 iiIim HihiiIi, V a. in., 7 i. m.
aim ..rT.
liri'gnn (Mir tn I'.irilmi.l uvt-r Rail Kiiln Hall
way, iravea U AIT, M. ami b lo I' Marrlvea
II ia A. M. ami i ' V M. I'airlra I'urllaml,
Kufru, Weal Hl.lv, Mainly ami Highland ruiilra'
Ori'i.iu City l Kly.t'ariia, Mullno. I.llmral ami
MnlalU leaves al 17 in. ami arrlvca al U in.
Orrrnn (Mlf to Heaver (reek, Mink, (.'lark.
Moailiiar lri.k. Cnloii Mllla. ami I 'nliou.lravea
al a a. in Molnliy Wit.liipa.lay ami rr lay
ami ml. ink mi following ilava at 2 '5 1' m
Oregon ( lly In Viola, Ijigaii ami llr.llahil
Ipavea Oregon I'lly Monday Wnlnmlay ami
Friday at I Ul I', ii., leaving Viola aame ileya
al 7 11 A. U,
OrrK'Hi lty Clurkee-Mulliio Mull Itoiite.
leaves Ori-gmi Clly 1'. O. liiilWIng l H A.
M. Mmiilav, Wrilimatlay anil r'rlilav lor
llrnver Creek, Clarke, Mc.low ilruok,
l iiluii Milla amt Mtillmi.
Italiirnliitf. leavea Mnliiin a' S, A. M ,
Vnlim Milla H A.M., Mi-a.low HiiMik HI A.
M., Clarkes I'. noon, anil lleuver ( nek 3 I
M., Tuesday, Tliiirmlay ami hainriliiv.
A roinfiiriable eaay ruling- linik. I'aawti
Iter rnti'a reuaoiiahle.
Hinall ircela carried, Id Centa lo 2'i cents.
Any order loll with ine lll be f roiu .l ly
rallinliMl lo, J. M. Ci'MMiNoa.
Kkkmhn cs I'iulic Schools. Kev.
M. L Kiikic ilolivi'ii-d a aornion at the
llaptlio cliuicli liiHt Hunil.iv evoninu on
tlis jiulilkurhixiU o( tlie country. While
lie. H(ilo(i tint imtillo m-lioola i tli
liulwiirk u( our American limllluliona,
lit) tll'irWMtll till) MtullliflllllHlt of p-
hnlilal rcIiixiU u( wlmtuver ili'iiuiniua
Hon ; Hint they wro' Inlmlinl to mir
IrMI IllHtltUtlOlla. 111! tlllil ol till) liltln
roil m-lnKil lioiiata ami the (irotirvaa mile
In juililio hcliool mliitittluii. Wliilo he
dlil nut favor parocliiul icliooli, he
Ihniiulit the principle ol morality
Hhoulit he Inculcated in the mind ul the
jitiplla ol the ciiininun hcIiudU. He
poin led out exiitnpli' ol muny greul
nun, who IihiI ruTi'iviHl their education
t no otlior place except the public
hcIiooIh. Ninety-live per cent ol the pop
ulution were udiiculed in the public
echoold, nd it hi not right ttint thie
proMirtiiin ol the Kipuhitlon olioulil he
tuxod to ediicHte tlie live p r cent at the
college)! end univereitiei under the pal
roimge ol the mute, l'rintor HugK ,p"
eured the practice of Htate loniKlatureH
lor prodigally appropnatlnir money lor
the upKrt ol theMe etate Hchoole.
That while a cultured college education
wan lo be deelreil, it was not practica
ble for over flvo Hir cent, ol the people
to take advantage of the opportunities
for a flnidhed college education, and
they should be willing to pay for it.
11 a hoy denired a college education, and
had the right muffin him, he would llntl
a way ot working his way through the
letter, uml Agent Moore extondcil the
courtesies ol the olllco and Invited liliu
liiNidn. Aflur llnlshliig his letter he
picked up a hook mid apparently he
ciiino griutly absorbed In Its contents,
Whim the night operator, W. II. Hpeer,
cuiiie on duty, Agetil Mooie counted up
his cash ami checked (ho same, hut the
night operator lulled to verify the chsIi
account as Is his uniiii! ciiKtoui. Mi,
Spoor followed the iihiiiiI tontine of his
duties, and left (lie room for a moment
to look alter soiiio baggage, leaving the
siile unlocked, When lie letnrned his
telegraph friend still held his hook U
piirenlly riuding. About eight o'clock
he laid down the honk with a word ol
lippiovul that the subject mutter suited
Ills idess, took his departure.
At 1'.' o'clock Mr. Spoor made his re
mittance report and (Uncovered that
there wus $10(150 short, lie then stis
pvcted that the iniiocoiit looking opera
tor must have taken the money, and de
parted, The trump operator said that
lie hud lieen working at Helena, Mon-
jtuua, mid wuson his wy to Sacreinenlo,
to Mek another xmition. He curried a
gold Wiiteh with a pi'ciillur llgurn-luced
diul, and a Indies gold chain. From the
dt'Hcription ol the chain, Chief of Police
Burns thought it poiooblo Unit It might
have some connection with the wlch and
chuiu stolen from a room in the l'urkins
hotel at l'urllund a night or two previous.
There wus in the neighborhood of t'K)
in the sale, hut the robber was evidently
afraid ol getting caught and hurried
away. o truce ha yet been heard ol
the slick oienitor. The occurrence is
an unfortunate one for Agent Moore and
Mr. Hpeer, as one or the other of tin) iu
will have to make the shortage g.sjd.
They are both faithful employes, and
Mr. Moor? has a family to provide for,
while Mr. Her assists in tlie support of
hi mother. Several years ago when
II. C. Stevens olllciated as atfent at the
diMit, there was no night o erutor and the
ollice was burglarixed on sevuial occa
sions, hut the robbers never got much
(or their pains. Once the sale wus
blown open with owdcr between 11 and
12 o'clock in the evening, hut the loud
inline attracted a number of people, who
had not yet retired, but the burglars dis
appeared leaving their booty behind,
which couniHted of a smsll collection of
cop;Hr cents.
I'lioiKiirv I'll ami kii II Asm. The
Oriental lintel propeity has prohnbly
chunked hands, at leant some money
lis changed ownornbip and a harnain
agreement reached. The pinpeity le
longa. to II. C. SleveiiH and he bus bar
gained the same to the (iambi inns Brew
ing Company lor the consideration of
fS.UX). The building will lie n-tltted by
tbo (iuinbrinus Company, and il is in
tended to erect a brick Btruciure on the
corner in die future. This Is one of the
historic buildings of Oregon City and
was erected in IH'iO. The territorial leg
islature once promulgated laws in the
walls of this building, and after the old
cou rt hotice on the hill wus burned down
the second story of the building was itaed
as a court room for some time. T!
lumber used in the construction of the
building was brouulit around Cape
Horn In 1841). Ihiring the lorty-tlve
years that this building has withstood
conllugratlnns on either side, a variety
of enterprises have been carried on
within ita walls.
I.aiiiks at tiik Portland Kxi-oiitios.
-t-TIiu ladles are determined to make the
Portland exposition, a buccchs by add
ing interesting feature to exhibit.
The ladies auxiliary have arranged their
plun and orgnnl.ed for a fine display of
women's handiwork. It has also been
decided to prepare flvo separate kinds of
enturbiinment, including a buhy carni
val, an "nriibesipio," a musicalo, a
chrysanthemum show, and a series of il
lustrated lecture on cooking. In addi
tion to thi an art collection will bo
made. Mrs. C. II. Dye has received a
communication from Mr W. J. Le
high, secretary of the ladies' auxiliary of
the Portland exposition, inviting the
Oregon City ladies to make an xlnbit
for this department. Tho ladies of Ore
gon City could iniike a splendid display
In these line. Mrs. T. A. Pope, has a
splendid collection of painted china, Mm.
II. J. "Voting has a number of line paint
ings and Mr J. K. Groom has a good
assortment of freHhly canned fruits, and
a number other Indies could add much to
the display in the way of home produc
tion. Ladies, of Oregon City or Clacka
mas county, who have anything In the
line of woman's handiwork that wnuhl
lo the display are reipiested to notify
Mrs. C. II. Dye. The chrysanthemum
show will receive the special attention of
Mr. Card and Mrs. Lehigh, respectively
president and secretary ol the commit
tee and the flower association. This will
be held the last three days of the fair.
8. P. Dkcot Roiiiikd. Monday even
ing a trump telegraph operator came
Into the Southern Pacific depot, and
exhibited a card from the telegrapher'
union, certifying that he was a member
iq good standing, lie asked to write a
Tim Hahvust Hociai,, The harvest
social at the Congregational church was
well attended, and altogether was a very
Interesting occasion. There wasasplon
did display of fruits, vegetables and
flowers, artlsticully arranged, and a
pumpkin llower designed ami arranged
by Mrs, K. II. Andrews and Mrs. W. A.
White attracted considerable attention.
Among tho features of the evening was
a musical and literary program that was
well received. C. K. liuiley sang a solo,
and wus enthusiastically encored by
the audience, but declined to respond
on account of a severe cold. Mr. Iluiley
received muny compliments on his vocal
talent. Miss (iliidys Jones, of Oswego,
an accomplished musician, who has
completed a three yeurs' course at For
ext (irove, and is now taking lessons
from a well known Portland Instructor,
favored the hearers with a couple of se
lections, and was heartily encored.
Mrs. C. II. Dye reud an appropriate se
lection In her uhiiuI plouslng style, that
was duly appreciated. Prof. C. W, Du
rette, the new principal olthe West Hide
schools, very cleverly recited "Koger
and I," that interested the audience in
that standard literury production.
After the program the fruits were served,
and the remainder of the evening was
spent in a social way.
Oregon City is lo have another state
gathering this year. The forty-seventh
annual meeting of the State Association
of Congregational chinches will con
vene In Oregon City Tuesday, Septem
ber 24th, and continue in session three
days. A splendid program has been
prepaied, and among those who will par
ticipate are Hev. George H. Wallace,
D. D., of Portland ; Dr. W. 0. Kantner,
of Halein; Itev. W. C. Curtis, Kev.
C. F. Clapp, Kev. Daniel Htaver, Presi
dent McClelland, Prof. II. L. Bates,
Itev. D. V. Poling, ltev. U. A. Rowley,
W. II. Morrow, F. R. Cook, Mrs. II. W.
Ynung, Mrs. F. Eggert, Mr. 8. F.
Gibbs, Mr. L. A. Parker, Mrs. K. M.
Wilson, Kev. Dora R. Harbor, Mrs. T.
McClelland, Kev. II. II. Wikoff, Rev.
J. K. Mclan, Kev. J.B.Clark, Kev.
A. Rogers, Rev. E. P. Hughes, Kev.
II. W. Young, Kev. D. B. Gray,
George II. Iliines, John T. Whalley and
others. Special rates have been ar
ranged with the Southern Pacific, and
preparai ions are being made to enter
tain a large delegation. All Htate con
ventions of dill'ereiit organizations held
in this pi. ice during the present year,
have been great successes, and this one
will probably not prove any exception
to the rule.
Tiik Nkw School Books. This is the
"introductory year" for school books
and they will be sold from 15 to 20 per
cent lower than regular prices, Wo act
as lui'ilishers agents only, are not per
mitted to buy the liooks, and are com
pelled to accept their terms and condi
tions. One ol the conditions is, that
no books shall be sold except for cash.
Wo make tins statement now that no
one may he disuppoiuted in being re
fused credit for school tsioks. It is not
poHiible the books are not ours.
Huntley's Rook Store, Oiegon City.
Savk Your Pknniks. "A penny saved
is a penny earned" We do not have to
pay high salaries lor dork hire or any
exorbitant rents. This Is why we can
save your money when you are in need
ol pure drugs, chemicals, drug sundries
etc. We do hiisincsson a cash basis and
give you the henetlt. E. C. Baii.kv,
Seventh Street Pharmacy, Cor. 7th and
Center streets.
Clot hi us;.
Hold at greatly reduced prices by
Chiirmun A Sun, to lit like room lor an
immense full stock. A full line of gen
tlemen's underwear jiiHt received.
For the ailments in the kidneys and
hluddor Incident to declining years there
is no remedy that produces such imme
diate and sutiiductory results as Dr. J.
II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm.
Its genial and invigorating elfbct on the
liver and kidneys is remarkable. Price
f 1. For sule by C. G. Huntley, druggist,
A splendid selection of men's, ladies'
and children's tan shoes at Churman &
Disorders in the liver and kidneys are
responsible for many of tho ailments of
humanity, which, when neglected, de
velop into Berious and often fatal mala
dies. Prudence would suggest the
prompt use of Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver
nd Kidney Balm to remove the disorder
as sixin as possible, and restore the
diseiiHod organs to healthy and vigorous
action. Price 1 per bottle. For sale
by C. O. Huntley, druggist.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Award! Gold Medal Mldwlnl.r Fair, San FranoKO,
How's This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that crnnot
le cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure!
F. J. CHEN E Y A CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 yeaas, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus
iness transactions and financially able
to carry out any obligation made by
their firm.
Wk8t A Tkcax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Walimno, Ki.nnan A Marvin, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood aud
mucous surfaces of the syBtem. Price
"Scents per bottle. Sold by all Drug
gists. Testimonials free.
Severe griping pains of the stomach
and bowels instantly and effectually
toped by DeWitt's Colic A Cholera
Cure. C. G. Huntley. Druggist.
Diarrhoea should be stopped promptly.
It soon becomes chronic. De Witt's
Colic and Cholera Cure is effective, safe
and certain. Hundreds ol testimonials
bear witness to the virtue ol this great
medicine. It can always bo depended
upon, its use saves time and money.
C. G, lluntl y, Druggist.
It Save Children.
Last summer, we had a child suii'er
ing from bloody flux, when we came into
posKCKsion of a small bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. I gave some of it to the child
accoiding to directions. It afforded al
most Instant relief and effected a per
manent euro. I can choorfully recom
mend it. Gko. Jenkins, Cedar creek,
Taney county, Mo. For sale by G. A.
Harding, Druggist.
Children, especially infants aro soon
run down with Cholera Infinitum or
"Summer Complaint. " Don't wait to
determine, hut. give De Witt's Colic A
Cholera Cure promptly, you can rely on
it. Use no other. C. G. ITuntlty
Cli'iinic Diarrhoea In South Africa.
For over six yours I was a constant
sufferer from chronic diarrlioea. I tried
a great ninny remedies yet found no re
lief. By chance, I noticed an advertise
ment in the newspaper calling attention
to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy, I gent for a bottle,
and before half of it had been taken I
was completely cured. E. 0. Kriel,
Vroedfort, Orange Free State, South Af
rfea. For sale, by G. A. Hurding, Drug
gist. itlucksiiiithlug.
Clarence Porter lias re-opened the
blacksmith shop lately occupied by W.
S. Maple, opposite Pope's hardware
store and is readv to do all kinds of re
pairing and horseshoeing. As a sheer
Mr. Porter 1 equal to theboBtandal
ways gives Balinfautiou.
to buy 40 acres of land within 10 or 12
miles of Oregon City, Partly cleared,
Address J. P. J,, care E.ntkiu'Iuab.
That 10 acre tract on West Hido can .
Isi now for $500. Owner wants money
0.0. T Williams.
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. 1'ay up your subselption to the
Kntkiii'hikk and get the the benefit of
the reduction in price.
The latest In visiting cards at the E.t
Txiienisx Okvick. Prices to suit you.
See the
At Huntley's
Drug Siore
This Week
C hautauqua Books
For 1895-6
Tliii is the "American Year"-the most
desirable yart' reading for America that
ha ever beeu lull out by tlie originators ol
the Chautauiua system of bonie study.
Three finely illustrated books on Ameri
can History, Literature aud Industry which
should go into every librarv. Come Into
our store and e amine tliem Don't think
tbea books won't inU-reat you because you
don't belong to a Chautautpia circle.
There were about IS Chautautpia stud
ents in Clackamas County, iu '93, about 75
iu ".)( aud we expect not less than 250 in '96,
A small discount if you place your
order before SepU 15tb.
Huntley's Book Store.
Oregon City, ogn.
Postoflice-:- Store.
Dry Goods,
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries are Fresh
and of the best quality.
In Priceswe meet
Portland Competition.
Successor to
I 2
Just received for fall war,
of all styles. Ournewhtock
for fall and winter wear will
6i Kin fx? in, all of the latest
styles and fashionable cut.
If we cannot fit you, we
will take your measure,
and have a suit made to
order for you.
Thos. Chapman
art You pE grower;?
W-l- it is necessary for you to have a grader. You will save more
SO money by its use in one season than it will cost. You will have
a better grade of prunes, and they will sell better. You cannot
afThrd in h without, nnc Dn not nav $60 or 70 for an
Eastern grader when j'ou can buy the best grader on the market '
for $28.00. Manufactured in Portland. Is invented and manu
factured by a man who has made prune graders a specialty.
Graders made to grade from 10 to 40 tons of prunes per day
and guaranteed. Also wire fruit dipping baskets from $1.50 up.
Fruit growers wire works of all kinds. Correspondence solic
ited. Agts. wanted.
1 E- riMOM.vL . HlLIif DtlRf or , Aprl; 25, 189S,
The Porttan l Wir4 Iron Work , Pnrstand, . ,
DSASia:-Riilyiii to v.iur f.vor ol 23rl !.n., I beg to say that th Prune Grader I
bought trora you Ian y-ar, ha ten perlec: i.tiit..cnoi. Neve- - sontol or;., it caj to
oiwrate and Rra.iea the imiiia a evea as cm b' do tr-.-d; ai.il aff ! m r t pieaau'eto
Pa a word in Ita pal-o. A good mi'y fruit -r ,w r v s i-d my p ac ' "lurinri prune d.y
lug time.au a were uprlad it iiie excj em work It doca. Hsikv E DoicH
ViKCODViB, Wmh.. April li, 1MX
C. W. Boort Kq , Portland, Or. , ,, , .
Dkarmr:-! u d one of your fruit gratera ai. y ar an I il av I am yry murn
pleased with Ita w.iriing. I ihliw your g a le: tb ee ireat an . be t r.(er I have eyer i-eu
uU. lwiiumn'tiehangem$grterlorai.yiijgral rinn-e ironidtt.ri.
Y'n s T-u t. . H. tiicaia
Sole Manufactures, 334 ALDER STREET,
Let me have a trial order. I W fTu.ll StOClc
N. GBia
Tfangfef and Ee,
Freigh and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Coif in die iyfti!.? '
and Sore Eyei.lt !.?V.'.kr!rA
VA sciciitiic-?:P:
cyaituiunyi vl
A liiittinn Rnlcan. J
Save Doctor Bills...
Main Street near
the Court House.
m wSihu OR0V1I1B.CAI.
For sale by C. G. Huntley.
Or Building Material?
Go to C- H- BESTOW-
Lowest cash prices ever offered for
, Also combination wire and picket fence,
ail , f r ' J. T i J. 1 1 I
Ana Deei iarm iencuig muue. r rices 10 buh uuru umw.
Shop Opp. Congregational Churc