Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 13, 1895, Image 1

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    Oregon Out
VOL 20. NO. dn.
cor HTM.
Circuit noiirt iti vriiio Drat Mom In Nil
ember mnl lhlrl Monday In April,
Probate cniirl III .e.iltiu drill Monday In each
tlnminl.liihera court meets Ural Wednesday
allot fl i 1 Monday ul ' li mouth,
O.MKI'll UH'K,"
l'lll. Hi d In nil I
lirla of till' Kl ill".
OllliK III
lliink (if H'i'i'un Clly
hi k Willi
I.. I., I'urliT.
Oregon Clly. Ort'oiin,
r ii. noitVNH,
attohm:y ati.aw,
Ml. (HIV I't Ml.lt'
Will practice In nil courts el "l sale,
Ih.uratioe written In all leading cum.
patilc.- Ali-ini'l- (' '. tic iiw'u-ln'd,
Co letoioue a sp-chiliy
' 1 Kt)
I.. HTOliY,
t'patalr. oppnalie Cinirl lli'iiM',
t'tllra enaitillit-d and ah.lract. mailt Mutiny
leaned, Mortaar. fon-fhwi'd anil a
general law IninliifMi.
Heal e.tate handled lii.nratira written III
tile Itarltnrit, til llartfiinl, I'.laMue. North
llrltlili A Mairaiitllti, llainlmri ul Urtiuian
Office with II. K. Crn.a, lirriun Cllv, Oregon
Ahairacta tit Clackamaa ctxiltljr property a speo
laity. flood wnfk, reaaotiatile chargce,
Murk guarantied diva tin atrial f)
C. Uluiirt'tlo, K. K lttinaldton, J, F.
Clark, lilret-lora.
ORgotm nrr, .... okkoon.
Hallway Im-atlou and eoii.trui'llnn, bridges,
plana ami e.tliuate. lor water aniljr.
Drainage am) atreet Improvement of town.
Special attention given to tjratightlug ami blue
r caiiEY Johnson.
C'nriier Eight ami Main atrceta, Oregon City.
aanaarra or raorranr rcaxiaHin,
orflca ne it to Ormoti Cll bank on 0th at reel.
A I'txl llucof builiieaa, re.lilellc ami atlliurbati
Farm Property In trat la to anil on eny tcrmi.
Correiiolenre iiromptly anaweretl. ORIr,
neiltlimr to Canfleltl A 1 1 niitlar a drug altiro.
1 U 4 D. 0. J.ATOI)KKni.
Furnlah Altrarta ol Title, lian Money, Foro-
clo.a NortaaKea, ami trauaaol (jaueral
Ijiw llualneaa.
Will pair a in All coukti or thi Btati
Krai Katate anil Initiranre.
Offlt' on Main HI net bet Hlilh aud Mevcntb,
naauitN i itt. a.
H o'ttaii.t. a. w. THoaeaoK
j.i iiaiMiaa. r T. okirrtTii
Onicci in llarkley lliilldln, Oreunn City, ami
A O V. W. Temple, I'orllaiid.
Do General Law llualneaa. Ixtan Money, Urge
Forri'loao nior((,'iiKti, I'rulialo prnclcoe.
ii. in-it,
Office over On-iron City Ilauk,
ortanoa city, oaaoon
OaauoN City,
Will praetloc In all the cnurta of the mute. 01
floe, next dour In Cnnlluld it lluntley'a drug
Will practice In all cnurta nt the Hate.
Oflloe In JnKKor Iliilldlng oppoalte Court Ilnuae.
Itana mado. Illlla dlacniintvil. Makea col
icctiona. Buya and it'll" cxrlinngo on all poltita
In the United Statea, Europe aud Hong Kong.
Dupoalta received auhjoct to check. Hank
open from 9 A. u. to 4 r. a. Suturilay ovonltiga
from 8 to 7 r. M.
D. C. LAT0UHETTK, PrraMent.
r ft DON Al.DHON, Caahlor
Oldest BanklD2 Hence Id tbe CI17.
Paid up Capital, ftrO.OUO.
Burpliia, t.0,8SO,
virt rRKatuxNT,
I. O. CAurtXLD.
A general banking bualneaa trammeled.
Depoalta received aubject to check.
Approved bills aud notes dtaoottntcd.
County and city warrants bought.
Loans mvle on available soourity.
Exchange bought and sold.
Collectluni made promptly.
Draltaiold avallaule In any part of the world
Telegraphlo exchanges sold on Portland, Ban
Fraaclaco, Chicago and New York.
Intercut pal J on time dcpoalts.
-2 0wM
tfiiiftinx priccH na ttruwtf la for D..j() a yartl ;
liiKraiim from i.T.! yard etc D'jllomy & DuSCh,
Tli lIoliMcfuiiiialit'rN, Oregon Ci'y.
7 r yni
yy r'
tractive. All the articled are usctul, and jtiitt the thing for presents to
send to your friend in the eimt, or for home into and ornament. Six
different Oregon C-ity wenci are represented on the various deceit, and
are executed in the higheHt Htyle of the art.
KrReal Life
rvr.Tr OVIC NFFDrl A ntTBINFH mt'CATION. Many youn men anil
Women ran atienil but ona or two yeara at iK-hrxil-why not ake couraa that ra
be completed In that timet The poller Inrltidea a abort ENOMHH COURHB b
Idea a Ill'HINKHS and HHOHTHANn CfMTRBB. For eafalortea addra.
Will buy
Tlian any other plat
Htot-k embrace every thinx
or on
All good fin new..
Kxatnine our stock and net urirea and you will be
aurprimtd at the barKninn,
Rcmcmk'f the place, Seventh St. near the Dejiot.
New and Enlarged Sliop
All work executed in the best manner ionnible. Promptness euaran-
teed on all
Prices the lowent to bo hud in
near Main, Oregon
L ROAKE & CO., Proprietors.
Uow you Can
When your children need
and bowel regulator, buy
Baby's Pectoral
DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor.
Do You Need a Legal Blank?
The ENTERPRISE has the only complete stock
in Clackamas county.
Nearly 200 Different Blanks
to Make Selections From.
Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus
tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or
One or a Quantity Sent POSTAGE PAID at Portland
Prices to Your Address.
f'lnira tint liiinllii, Wit urn now prcHentiiiK
it hKm U of Curiiela, Idiya, vu:., timt iiuiki-if
a rli'un jump over eimiielilion. JiiHtuNKuriH
bent tint how mnl arrow, ho we atirpiiHH all
rivalry in Hut artiHiic hik) iiii'lnri'ifiue
Mllriu'livi'iii'HK nt new iiitttitnitt in WilloiiH,
I'.rn-HflH, InrultiK, etc., iniititifmdiireil ex-clu-lvitly
for our (rutin. To muku your limne
tlt'llglitlul mill your roomii hh pli-aning; and
i m v it n v un iiaai)iit, (ivn our farntl the
Hour. (Iiir lull iIi-hIuiim in every material
alriktt tun top riolcli in iliiniliililv aa wt'll
in itli'ifiincit. V nut now oliVriiig mteli
ami utility in the new imported
('liitittwurv junt received at Ilur
itii'iHler it Anilrenen'B iintiietiHe
jewelcry eKtatilihhtneiit. ThiH
firm in up to-ditto in every line,
and lant October they plitced
their order in (Jennnny for a
I'irjfeKtoek of genuine Chinaware
I'li giintly decorated with Oregon
City Hcenery. ThoHe goods are
now arrivinu and are very at
more at
- n in Oretion City.
needod in the houee, work shop,
the lurm.
with all appliances for
Portland. Shop on Fourth Street,
City, Oregon.
Save Money
laxative or stomach
Fifty doseB lor twenty-live cents. The season for
colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre
pared for an emergency, get a bottle of
The best in the market. Price 25 cents. For sale
at the CANBY PHARMACY, Canby, Or.
For the Year 1894.
i virtue of a i--aul for the olltfllou of
lul!ni'iuiitTaxaof the Aaaeaanient nflwiln
theCtxii ly of Clackatna and Htata of Orou,
whlcii Warraui la now lo my baud., aud la In
wur la and flKUrui aa lollowa, viz:
Cotu.'.y ol Uaotamaa.l
To K, t Maiimmk, Hiaairr or t'LACKAMaa
In tin name of the atale of Oregon, you are
he'enr eommauded to Uvy upon the gooda and
cliattelaof the Delinquent lax parera named
In tlia following In, and II none ba fuuud, then
upon lb real property et forth lharain, or ao
a ueh thereof aa ihall aallafy the amnunt ol
laxaa to charged, with ooaia and ajiua .a, aud
that you pay over ali money ao made to tbe
County Treaaurer of laid county, aa required by
Wl'.ue: my band and the aeal of the County
Court thla Vtlh day of July,
GEO. .. HOKION, Couuty Clerk.
Wblcb warraut Ii attached to the list of un
pild audle'lnqiieat Taxea for the year 1HK4 In
aald Clack maa County, aud not having beeo
able, aftvr diligent teerch, to Una any peraonal
property wliblu aald 0 mrty, out of which to
make tbe taiea beralnalter mentioned, I have
levied upon the land deacribed In the annexed
Hat being the property of the within named In
dividuals aa the atne appeara aaaaaaed on the
delluqueut tax roll, aud will, on
TBBHaj, tie 24tl in or septeaitter. 1895,
at the frent d'or uf the cou:ity court bouie In
Oregon CI:y,C:ackimaa county, Oregon, begin
ulng at lOo'cbick In tbe forenoon ol aald day,
at I at public auction, to the blgheat bidder,
forrai.li tu ban t on the day ol atl, all tbe
laud decrlbe I below, or lomucb thereof aa may
be uereaatry to pay and aatlafy the aura laied
agaluat aaid property In aald Clackamaa couuty,
for tbe year 1W, together with coata and ac
cruing Clta of aale. K. C. MADDOCK,
bheilfTof Clackamaa County, Oregon.
County ol C-acMamaa.)
I hereby oertliy thattba above la a true and
ortxil copy and tbe whole thereof, ol the
original warraut for collection of delinquent
taxee for tbe year ISM.
. , K. C. MADDOCK.
SbtrlfTof Clackamaa Couuty, Oregon,
AWJfA!tiiAewurnow. total tax.
Abbott John pt of aore 24 and l X 4 a
r 1 e aa duaenbed tu book 61 pare
a.41 and boot &j ire l.t) record of daeda f 31 It
Auair, 0 A U iw'j 01 aeo i a, r s clou
aerea g 00
A'Kllunton Alice K.rleaaaut Little Homee
Nog Iota 5 aud 6 oik S
Alberx Auua. Kobartaun lota 1 and 4 bik
it 2 61
Alexander J W, pt of Geo Brock I L C aa
deKribvd In book 4)t par Ifi record of
. - J 1 . - , 1 MA
Alien II C, W I ml. or lota Sand 6 blk 2 1 1
I A mo A Mra. e' ol ie' c I, tgarSe, 80
, acrea 7 DO
Aoupraon Almeda M, 'j of le'i and lot
budy of ko 13, thunoe to eo road nwly
by following teuturol couuty road to
twKluulntr, ec IS, 12 a, r 8e, 15 aorea 8 40
Auderaou Johu, ne'i of e lA ol Sti of
aao 14, I 4 a r t e, lu acrea 1 S3
Audretia Darcy M Mra, .U of ae1; and
nwf4ofaiofaoitla,r6erAiacra 4 80
Armitrotig C W, Cauby, lot 12, blk 0 h3
" uw'4aud nei. and
that part of of nw'j tying Weal of
right bauk ol Pudding river and land
described In book M page 70 aud book
411 pane '.V,, ac ai I 8 s r 1 ,It7 acrea
Armatroug tleo, pt of Albert Wright D L
Caa dex'rlb:d In book M paita 12 re
cord ol Ueda auo 8 1 8 a r 8 e 9 2S acrea 65
Arnnaton Koburt, MlutUvra, lota 7 aud
8 blk 77
I 31
Bailey C M, n't of ne'i of, ex 40 acrea,
aee 7tiarue40 acrea
Baker Horace II, l'lea-aul Little Homes
No. I lot. S, 27, 2t, J
Baker Ijtwrence, aw!4ot ne1 aec 18 1 4s r
7 20
1 88
a v acrwa
Haker T M, e of aw 1 ec 9 t 8 r 1 w
Ball 1) C, tie! t ufaei and local), 7 and 4ex
oept 60 acrua lu Book M, pge AH, ho
oord of ltoetle aec IV I Se r 8 e acre.
Baunon J P and Henry LC, lUuliUol
ue '4 ot ne aec il 1 1 a r 8e 10 acrea
Barrett Mary, h8 acrea described lu Cir
cuit Court Journal No. 9, page SU3 aeo
,tu, 1 8 a r 1 e w 88 acrea
Harlow J tt A Vi , Caiiemah, loU 1 aud 2
blk 2i
Barngrovor John U pt of O P Goodall D
LCat Ue.crllt.d tu Book V, pttgu 28
Kecnrd ot Deeda sacs 18 and JO t 2 a r 1 e
82.W acres
Batteu K J, Clackamas Riverside lot O
10 acrea
Barlow K T, tiuitoo, Wludaor, lot 1 blk 7
aud lota 7 and 8 blk 21
Bates I'ulJ M, Stokua' addition to Or
egon City, block. A, 11, C. D, E, F, U, H
Baty Charlva E. a U of ne A aud nw !t ot
ae i u aeo 80 1 2 sr 0 e 120 aorea
Baty T J, aaignee, ue t ot ne aeo ii 1 2
r 5 40 acrea
Bauer Margaret, Plcaaant Mttle Homes
No. 1, lots 10 and 20
Beetle Robert J trustee, ptof R described
lu Book 41, page 127, Kecord ol Deeda
aec 2 1 1 a r 2 e 20.1a acrea
Houl C, ue 'i ol so 'i nee :w 1 1 r 4 to acrea
Bellinger C It, Pt ol W T Matlock DLC
a. described In Book 82 page lf4 Record
ol Deed, t 2 a r 2 e, 5 acre.
6 4b
28 40
5 40
4 80
12 00
2 97
17 40
6 75
S 58
49 90
4 80
1 44
5 80
2 80
6 00
Bender Henjamlu, pi of aec fi and pt of
N J l.amo u L, o aa aoacritx
bed Book M
age 4111 Record of Deeds sees 1A aud 16
1 2 s r 8 e. l.ftut: aero.
14 40
1 31
17 60
29 12
Bcuo .V it Co, Mlulhoru
lots 21 aud 22
Ulk 48
Berner Conrad, part of Jacob Scott DLC
as described in Book 4i pngo 2o0 aud
Book 80 page 98 Record ol Leeds aec 8 t
2 s r 2 e. 20 acres
Berry Auueilue, Uedlaud, tracts 1. 3, 4. 8,
ti, 7, 8 aud 0
Bcverlilge J W, Pleaannt Little Home No.
8. lot l'i blk 8
Billings V M Mrs, lots 4, 8, 6 and sw 1 of
n w 4 see lb t 4 r 1, 97 acrea, pt ol J no
Urlbble D L C aa deaorlbed lu Book O
page 128 Record of Deeds t 4 a r 1 e, 118
Blughum E W, beginning at Iron pipe In
aectlou Hue between aectloaa 18 aud
14, 2riohna aomh ol corner to.ectious
11; 12, 13 and U; thence north 88 feet;
theiice east with meander line of O &
W Walling 11 L C It; thence south 47
deg east 816 feet: thence aouth 68 (leg 6
nun wont 878 feet; thence north 24 deg
81 mln west 808 feet; thence north 20
dog 10 mln weat 118 feet; thenoe uorth
85 deg 20 mln weat 172 toot; thence
north 81 dog 88 mln east 616 leet to place
of begluuiug.
beginning at Iron pipe last mentioned;
theuce south 81 (teg 68 mln weat 1(10
feet; thenoe at right anglea northerly .V)
feet to low water mark of Willamette
river; thence eaaterly up stream trac
ing low water mark to a point on line
butwoeu sectlous 13 aud 14; thence
tracing section line to Iron pipe and
place of bugiuulug.
48 62
DeliunnBnt Taies,
beginning at oolnt on wait aide of new
county road leading from Oregon City
to fortLnd, 'Sid point txoug tu foot
fcoutherly from C"in,roile Una of
Waling and Bullock DLC menaiiMd
et right allele, to .aid CompromiM line;
tiiwuct aouth 81 dug 'i uilu m,-m: p ir..
lel with and i foot dlntaiit from said
emiprom a Hue 127 44 I' et: theuce
south i dug HI mln eaat an fe it; theiieu
aouth 12 il'rg M inlu ea.t Pw ft; tlr.-uoe
aouth II dog U in.ii ea.t lot) ft; thsnea
aoutii '.Ti di g 27 ruin w.:at Km ft: thenc
south Hx.itt 12 inlu weal IV It; Ihior
aouth 7J dg 42 mln w,,.t ft; thane
aoutii 77 ilea in mln wrat W Pi ft:
t'l-nc aouth 4 deg 4a mln w lu l-t)
ft; theuce aooth 71 'leg 12mneaat 244
It; thence eat 3 2 ft; Ihauc north 21
aeg 81 mm w 4 '.l a ft; thence north 2U
dag 1U mln weat IK'j.M ft; toene uortb
') dog 20 miu w-.t 148 fit to begin
ning, 1 2 a r 1 a, 11.78 acres 21 78
fl nrhain E W, lot hc 16 t 4 s r 5 e, 100
acres 6 40
Bird J A Mra, ptof see 28 and pt of Wm
haathain D LC asderrb.d in B'tok 43
page 3il and Boot 31 page 271 Record of
red, aecif.t 6 a r I w 4Haciaa 8M
Blark C V, '4 of sw and s S of se 4
and mi ol nw and pt ol as de
scribe! in Book 85 pat 422 hcord of
Dtwlii, wo 86 1 6 r 1 e 216 a-te. 27 00
H!" ke l ( -lis, induir. Ion 17 and 18
bla II aud lou 1 and 2 t.lk 21 8 82
Blanch, t F A, Oregon Clly, lot. 8, 7 and S
blk 8 and lot 1 b.k 22 83 79
Bloomer Oeo E, b.ginning at ne corner
ol bla 4, Diruall'. ad lltlon to Oregon
Cltv; thfuc. aouth loo ft; thtnee
100 ft; lbei.ee north 100 ft; Ib.uce east
100 ft to Iwamnlng t 58
Blount Dudley, nt of, derlbed In book
39 pair m, record of deeds, see 1 1 4 s r 1
a 2o acres S 40
Boen rermeiia A. s s of a.1, and ne A
ol ae t seo 24 1 4 s r I e 12U acres 11 52
B f gesa Jaiu If, w ol ue lt sec 18 1 2 1
1 4 e, m a-re 8 84
Bolda Dorcas, pt of Jsmes L Williams
D L C aa dewnbed In book " T" pane
60u icord of deel., secutfisrl aud
see 18 1 8 a r 2 e, 2U2 acres 29 52
Bolda Charles, Ojeg,a City, lots 8, 4, i, 0
b.k 17 aud pt ol lot 2 blk 24
Horn A II, Orchard IIlli. lots 13 and 14
Bonney Geo. s of s sec 8 1 7 r 8. 160
BooUm Maria, Clackamas Heights lot 9
blk VtC
Bowers Liu e, Wmt Bide addition to
Oragou City. loU 8 and 9 blk 2
Bowuiau C E, pi of a. deter i bed in book
49 page 2'J records ol deeda sec 20 I 4 s
r 2 e, 3i sere.
Buyer David, Oregon City, loU 5 and 6
blk 172
Boy lea I il and Sophia M aw 14 and se
01 ae '4 and sw 't ot se sec 12, 1 8 s r
2 e 210 acres
Brandt, Emma and J W, Mlnthoro, lots 3
aud 4 blk 16
Bredemier D, New Era, lot 5 blk 8
Bremen H C and Fori. O M, all of see
36 1 8 a r 5 e. 60 ai res
Bridenatlue Mardn L, uw J, sec 24 1 4 s r
4 e Ui seres
Brldge:ord Mary A, Mlutborn, lou S3, 34,
Q and 36 b.ock 16
Bri.tertlelilt Anna, Windsor, lot 3 blk 21
Brltuug Laura, s '4 ot at i sec 16 12 a
r 4 e 40 acree
Brock Oeorge, uw !of nw .e 38 1 1 s r
4 e 40 acre
Brooks E D, Marahflold. of lot 1 blk 4
Brougbton Wl.llain, estate ol, Oregon
City, all blk la)
Browu T J, Oregon Imn k Steel Co's 1st
add to Oswego lot. 15 and 16 blk 14
Buchanan lieo W, Windsor, lou 17 and
89 83
6 72
2 14
21 46
1 31
19 20
2 61
8 60
16 20
27 36
10 83
Buekles Charles K, ptof Wm Holmes D
L C as de.crlbd In book 49 page 886 re
cord of deeda, Bao82t2ar2e
Bueiton Krank H, w !, ol ne i end w
ot a W. .ee 26 1 1 . r 8 e, ltu ae-e
Bunnell Charles and Loui.a, plot Geo
Crow lllCu d- ecritied In book C
page VI record of deedst 2s r 1 e
Burke John , pt of Geo Brock D L C as
described lu book 5u page 90 record of
deeds t 3 1 r 1 e. 1714 acree
Burke Wm E, pt of Cyrus Wadsworth D
L C aa described In book 85 page 244
record of de.-d- 1 1 s r 2 e. 60 acre
Buraett W M, Holm, addition to Ore
gon City, pirt 01 lot 1 blk 19, a. de
scribed luoooi 42 page 164 racori of
Burn. Wm J, pt ot Julia Ann Lewis D L
C as down bed in book 52 page 419 re
cord of deeda aec3ut2srl, 40 acres
Buiuey W 1", e H of se 4 and lots 8 snd 4
see 26 1 8 a r 8 e 161.87 a a
Ne Ji of ne l4 oc 36 13 a r
8'i e 40 aero
" Ei,f 1. i,andlot!land2
sw 4 of s w l4 ho 29 1 3 s r
8 e 181 acree
" Nw i ol uw '4 see 82 1 3 s r
S s Jo acres
" Eiof eSof ne'iseo31tS
s r 3 , 40 acres
" Nw 5-4 of sw J; and s
and s K of sec 8 1 1 a
I 40
84 80
6 00
88 25
I 42
26 50
1 44
r8e2xuacres 17 76
Bw Vi except 1 acre sec 84 1 4
s r 3 e. It) acrea 7 20
1 Nw of sw 1, and nw Vi sea
.-WlS.rS., iHlacre.
" 8i, ofn. 'iandlotalAS
see 27t3sr3e,6i acre.
" N h sec 36 I 8 s r 3 e, 820
acres 13 80
' W Vj ol se i aud nw t4 and
lot 3t.ee 9 1 3 . r 8e, 270 a s
" Lot 2,3. 6, 7 aud 8 sec 15 t 3s
r 3 , 67 acrea
' W W of se .4 aud lot 3 ec 29
t it r3 e, 119 acrea
" Pt of David Cutting DLC
as described in book 87
page 46 record uf deeda t 3
a r3e, 187 acre. 20 80
M Ne 4 ol ne '4 sec 27 1 3 s r
8 e 40 acree 1 38
80 acrea 2 40
" Ne !t of uw l4 and ne seo
21 l 5a r 8e, 200 acr.s
" Allofec 16t5r88iuacres 27 60
' Pt of B U Rodgers D L C a
deacribed lu book 42 pa,re
14.1 record of deeds 1 2 a r
2 e and t 2 a r 1 e 75 acres 82 50
H mt In lot 6 sec 36 t 2s rl
e I.H0 acret 83
Burney Wm T jt bcott C N, a of n w i
auu w 01
ne4 sec 2 1 5
sr3el60 ac's
All of sec 15 1 8
sr8e 640a'a 2160
S iol u and
t sec 35 t 4
a r 8 480
W Uof nw C4
and s S svu
21 t 5 sr3a
4o0 acree 38 40
N Vj and n 14 '
01 stands
i ot sw 14
sec 8 1 5 s r 3
520 aores
W j' of w K
sec 11 t5s ii
e 1(0 acres
Of SW '4 sou
10 t 5 s r 3 a
240 acres 39 60
E , MicttSi
r 3 e 320 acres
" All of aect5
a r 3 e 040
Burney W Tand8impson Nora, ptof A F
Hedges D L C a. doaonbod iu book 49
page 219 and book 36 patce 300 record of
deeda 1 3 a r 1 e 7.92 acres
Browuer M, aw ' of ne , and nw !4' of a
seo 26 1 2 s r 6 s 80 acre.
Sagle J L, neV; ec 31 1 7 r 8 ej.160
ff Elisabeth, Ore.-on City, loU 1,2,5
and 6 bik 143
Campbell John, Kx4 of the nc'i and lot
1, sue 29 t lar2e, 74.3J
10 80
15 60
9 90
7 20
27 85
58 66
18 40
19 80
8 21
" sw(i ot sw4 of ne'4 nf
boo '28 1 1 s r 2 e, 10 at re.
Campbell Jnltiis, part of Wm Fordycts
D L C as described In book 3,1, pace 2,
record of deed., sec 5 aud 6. 1 3 s r 3 a
95 acres
Camubell Morrttt, part of Wm Fordyee
D L C as doner 1 baJ in book 39. paga 4,
record ol deeds, sec 5 aud 6 1 3 s r 3 e
ld5 aorea
Campbell Morr'son, Albert Iosad lition
to Cauby, lou 1,2, 3, lu, 11 and 12, blk
Campbvi:, rab A, Oregon City, lots 1,
2, A , 7 snd a, b.k m 41 48
Campbell, Duncan 81 Brmch, part of C
W'ad.wortli D L C ae
demrlb.'l lu boik
87 1 aite 57 record ot
deed , 17 t 2 s r 2
e, P1.60 acres
14 p:t ol Jsom Ctan-
Held D L C a. dua
criLed lu book 46,
I'aga 36 recoi l of
delst2sr2 e lit
. , "cms . 32 M
Carson A L, First addition to Bar.ow 14
of lot. 3 and 4 hi k 15, in
" Or gon Iron A Hteei Co', lit
sddition to Oswego, lots 1
snd 2 blk 80.
" Oregon Iron A Steel Co's Iat
addition to O.wego, lot 3 big
" Oregon Iron Si t el Co's lat
ad lltlon 10 U.Wko, !, of lot
2 blk 45 J 65
Carter Marg ,rel, Miuthorn, lots 37 and 3ft
bla 44 in
Caiiad eamuel, part of John Thomas D
L C a. described In book 86 paae 143,
ex -cut 10 ai-rca in boo. 'A :,age i and
31.11 a re. paid un by Jno Panous 12s
r 2 e. 20 acre, 9 29
Caatellu Allee, Oreaon Iron It Mteel Co's
lat addition to O.weg ,, lol 16 b k 48 2 61
Catiln Ji.bu, swi aec 27 tl.r8.16)
acres jj grj
Chamiierliln Belle Mrs, F1N View ad
dition 10 Oregon City, loU 4 aud 14,
bik 11 g 5g
Chaoman Jeaw A, Oregon Iron k 8tel
Co'a lat adlltlon to Oswego, lot 9 bla
15 J 8
Cbitpman Ellen Mrs, estate of. Part of as
described lu book 31 pags 144, rec r I
01 ded and boos 2 naire 141 and 145,
eec trd of will, t 2 s r 2 e 184 acre. 105 00
Chapmen W L, Mar.hSe d, east of lol
1 bla 6 4 74
Chapman E C, Harahfleld, west of lot
lolke g 10
Cbarlton faille B, Cambridge, loU 18, 14
and 16 blk 31 13
Cbri.tenson Anna. Pleistnt Lilt Home
No 8, lot- 7 and 8 block 6 (9
Church, Flrat Congregational, Oreeon
Iron 8s bteel Co'a 1st id J 1. lou to Os
wego, uu 7 aud 8 oik 15 1 61
Christian a H, 10 acraa ai described In
ciro ilt court Journal No 11 page j
c3it 1 . r 2 e 2 93
Chyuowiib James and Wm, part of I M
Foster U L C, a described In book V
page 496 record of deed,, tec 27, 84 aud
35 1 2 a r 8 160 acre. 13 80
Clackamaacreamery.partof Wm Holmes
D LC a. de-enbid in book 3Upag416
record ol deeds, t 2 s r 2 e. .57 aor s 15 20
Clark Ada Mrs, Clatkima. Klvenlde,
tract Q and part ul t a t N f 45
Clnyiu W H aalate of, part of J m-i Miv
Nary D L C a. beacrltwd in book X
page 37 record of deed., t 2 r 2 e 478.78
acres 21S 00
Clements M E Park Plap -, bik E 5 76
Coffin WV, Mlntho-n "ddltiou to city of
Portland, lo: 23 blk 71 67
Cohn L. He-own S and Danow.ky, n-1.'
01 uw1-; aud w4 of of aw4 of ueW
se-36i2sr2eo0 acrea t 80
Cohn Lewi, ant hoaway Simon, sw
o nw4e 36t2sr240ac e. 12 80
Collins hdwlu. South Oregu City, lot 11
b k8 91
Comer J H,sesec8t5Br3 1181
Comer Luke, Oregon Ci T, part of lot 8
blk 22 10 26
Con Joseph H, part of as de cilbid In
book 51 pge 121 record 01 Jeeas sec 7
1 2 s r8 e 26 acres 11 40
Confer Joau A. Oregon City fraction lots
S. t ami 6 oik 136
Fall, V ew ad lition to
Oregon t.ny tmet on. lots
7. 8. nd 9 blk i
Fads 1'iew addition to
. Oraeon City, lot li b.k U 16 30
Copball L A, South Oawego, lou 8 aud t
blk 86 iu
Coruailui Chaa W, swtes 14 t4sr5
160 acre. 1 09
Cox Elisabeth,.; o' n and nUof
wW see 25 1 2 a r 6 e 160 acr. 7 20
Cox Jttsais A, Cant.y, ue' of lots 2 and 11
blk 12
Ca b, lotl blk 12 4 21
Cramer James B, part of 1 Craufleld D L
C as described In book 41 pig 18 re
cord of deetls t 2 s r 2e 12 acres 13 80
Crawford M V eU of sec 9 t 4 s r 8
wCfof swfjStM 10t4srS
100 acre. IB
Crlsawell EU aud Evallne, lou 1, 2 and 3,
sec 23, 1 i s r z e
n', and loU 1 and 2
see 26 1 8 s r 2262.60
acre. ax 80
Cross H E, trn.tee, Darnell's add tlon to
Oregon utty. lot 1 oik 8 1 SS
Cross Orpha rilu nVi ie'4 sec 23 1 2 r
xe bj
Oregon Cty, lo s 1 and
2. b.k 20
Oregon City, lots L 2,
8 aud 4 blk 124 29 M
Cross HE, Oregon City, lf.8,4,5,6,7
e Dia 100
Lou 5, 6, 7, and 8 b.k 124
All 01 blk 146
Lots 8 nJ 6 b k 111 129 28
West 81 e a iditlou to OrJgon
Citrlot6bk2 86
' Canemah lots 1,2, 7 and 8 blk
17 4 4S
1 Part of Ml ton Br twn D L C as
tipscrl. ed In nook 28 pane
228 record ol deeds, 1 8 s r 1
&) acres 6 S
1 Part ot Geo Aberoethy DLC
No 58 as d- crib d In book
43. ra;o rtH3 r. cord of dejd.,
1 2 a r 2 e 10 -cre 12 80
Lot 5 sec 29 1 2. r 8
bw1., of nev,' and wof.e
aud lou 1. 2 and 3, sue 30 1 2.
r 3 e 202.50 ao e 28 80
Cummlng Ne.lie, p rt ol as described In
eircuit cour. journa. ao v pag. 2U3seo
80t8.rlwHa.-re.. 193
Currl Jenule, Marohbanks, 1 u 33, 34,35,
36, 37, 3Ssud 89 blk 7
Ah of bla 9
Lots 1, 2,8,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,
12, IS, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 28, 24, .5, 27, 29, SO. 81, 82,
83,84,35,36,37,38, 39,40,41,
42, 43, 44, 45. 46, 47, 48, in, 60,
uia 10 in 01 .
Campbell Harry H, undlvt led .12 In-
eresi iu part 01 w 1 Atauocx v L u as
deacribed iu book 57 page 113 re ord of
deeds, 1 2 s r 2 e, 27.61 acres 11 86 -
Chapman K C aud W L, undivided .19
interest in part or n 1 aiattoox 11 L u
a. detoribed In book 57 pa e 113 record
of deedst 2a r 2 e4l. 42 acrea 17 7
Davis J P, pt of as described In book
"If" page 851 record of deed, sec
11. t 2 s r 2 e 50 aores 18 96
Darling Ame la Mrs, wlj of n' sec 2
1 4 . r 2 e 80 ucres 12 00
k Part ot bwatl'ord D L
C as descr.bed tu
book 36 pa; 116 re
cord of deeda, I 3 a r
2 e 71S acre. 88 75
" Da-. log s addition to
Oregan City n't b k
" Darling's sddition to
Oiegou City, .'.and
ei, o: m!, blk i
" Darilng'. addillon to
Oregou Clly blk 5
" Dar. lug's addition to
Oregon C ty, all of
bik A except that
detcrined lu nook 50
page 404 record of
dee la 41 04
Davis L W Central aoditlon to Oregon
City lot 9 and 10 blk 36 5 It
Djardon Bertha M, pi ol aa docrlbd In
Dook 02, pages it),, 1119 and no record ol
deed. oc 2. t 2 a. r 2e Vi acres 230
DenrdotT, J E, weat 6j acres ol u'4 sec 8, t
2 b, r 8 e, 60 acrea 15 00
DeardorT Rosetta A, Pleasant place add
to Oregon City lot 7 blk 6 1 71
Dedinan George R, Clackamas Riverside
iol blkC
Clackamas Riverside
w'ol b k J
Ciackamas Riverside
blk N 21 38
Redlandblk2 2 24
Dedman Clara B, Clackamas Riverside
frao blk R 15 00
DeLt.hmult A Oatman se'of n.'i and
e of ae'-4 and nw1 of ae1
aeo 21 1 8 ., r 4 e 160 aores U 52
Part of 8 McMahon D L C aa
described lu book U page
Continued on sixth page.