Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 06, 1895, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
Miimnmr IIASHiNA,
'imp. 111.
II W l. III.
ll:li A. M,
I (II l. .1
n :m i'. u
7 INI Ml
II .'in, iii.
4 cm p. in.
:u a
II in A
a.in l'
Tim rHt
KKTWKKN hilfltl. Nil, Klt.ltM A Nil I NliKMNlmNl I.
l.cuvf 1'iirllninl Taylor alri'cl rim at! I A. M,
mill Ipxpi liri-K.iii (;)f nr hhIkiu 7. la A. M.
lui'mliiy, Tinr'iiy anil Hutitnlajr.
I.rm In.l '""i'c'Uin I) :m A M mi4 Nnlnni T'4A
A M nml iinym City I ll I' l lur I'orl
Unil MoniUy, "i ciIiioiIh y mn Ftnlay.
Kant tlwa, He "i.l '('., Mii,.inili,ii ami low rali'i.
Ha wny IrMulil limulU.I, H!ll rnlc mi
tki.niiili IrMjliL
NuriiiMi.N I'ai'Ikk: haii.wav.
Niirth nor mil
v Kllliniiln K,i,rc"i (ttirunirti)
HuMilnifK UohI iwny ttnlluu.)
I iI.jii I'.a.Miiut r
Ki TH Hocwn.
'Kioxlmrf I.i.c" I iwny tllmi
(alllnriiU Kiirii itlmmuM
'S Id III P M II Jul
7 II ill.
II fill II. III.
' ;. in.
t-n . m
II 4 . I
4 Ml . iii.
inc. tun.
Mall, oin.e urn (in Nurlli, I'i m .'i I i. m 7 p 1.1.
Malta time kiiIiiii Himlli, V . in., 7 (i III.
mii xinisa.
Ilmf iili ( lit In I'nrllaml nvnr Kant Hliln 1111
ay, iituvi-a VI Hi I', M unil 0 411 I' M.arrlvwa
II (ft A. M. unil i Ml I. M t'arrlra I'nriU'iil,
Kn.lrrli, Hoit MIiId, Haui ami lllnhlaiiil ruu'.ei'
Ori'itnn City In Kly, Car-la, Milium, l.llwrnl ami
Mnlalla Irani, al W . ami arrlvi-a at I'i ill.
tirctfiin City In llnvrr ( rfi k, M Ink. Clark.
Miniluw llriHili, i nlini Mill., ami rnliou.lnavti.
at a a. in. MnuiUy Witiin..lay ami It. day
ml rul ii riia mi MIhwIhk ilaaal I M p. m
tirntmi illy lo Viva, Ikii ami Kdlaiitl
Iravpa (ifftfuu City at-imlny Wnluwlay ami
iVrlilay al I Ml P, ., 4avlii( Viola tarnn ilaya
l 7 uu A. M,
'OrPKiin Cliy ('larlma Mullno Mall lUml.
leaven Ontin Wty 1'. t). ImlMlnir al H A.
M. Aliimlar, WnlHuwIay ainl Kridnv lor
Itiav.T Crrrk, Oram, Mrailiiw ilnxik,
I'liloli Mill ail Milium.
HoliiniliiK, Iravpa Mulliiii at I. A. M ,
'I'liluii illlMtt A M , Mumliiw limok HI A.
M., Clnrkf t'i imiiiii. anil Heiivarl rrrk 3 I'.
ii., Tunoilay, Tliurmluy aim Kaliinliiv.
A riiiiiliirnilila ixikV fi'lliiH liark. I'linvn
gi'r raii' wiaiinaW.
Hmall iaril onrrlril, lOrnitu to .'.') itiiH.
Any unlrr li'M llli n t III I irimiily
ralttiili-il to. J. M.'CfVMiNiia.
ANIlTllkK Atthkit to Hhak Jaii..
'111 Mixhv, tin I'ltib niil tnan, hIi!I
alglia for firi'ilmn, hihI i-vl.lviitlv ili'
not Bi'rni Uiii iln lux linen im-lileti tul to
ClackainaH iKiiiuiy ' (ri'u linuulinu hoiiao.
TIib illi-t, linwm'iT, Iiii Ihm'Ii ':otnliK'ive
lo liin lifulili mil, Iiim liict IUinit to
bri'ak jiill, unil tlio otinty iliyiciuii linn
not I'i'i'ti i'h I li-i I mi lo prpwrilio any
nioro lor tin' irttihilu invuliil. Moore
lltaM lint IWn iii It ty Hiiy liii-alU dllritlK
the punt (rw ilnya, a (in t HUorilf Mini
dork ilicoviii'l wliihi inukinu a thor
ough lnKHH'tioii of hU fi'll Tui'mluy.
Homo confi'ili'tatti on thtt outiiiile liail
juiHHfil tliroii;li h iiltcii of a hurk Haw
lilHiloaiul a itiiuill lilt' lo Moore, lio
with a C0iile i( khiiiii 1 1 ,i I) 1 It'H liml 'hhIi
IoiiciI out a iiiiili' nf tcvM, with which
ho oviilently ititi'inli'il to tinliik IiIh way
out of the rotioty'H ntroiixhulil. The
aiuallcr key wan iilri'inly ii.iuiilcti'(l,
but illil not Himwir tint puriowa In
Uimluil. The 1. ii Ki'i key wan part hilly
COinpltiUnl, hi:t it Im even iluuhtful if hn
could Iihvii tvroiiiplinhnil 1 1 i h iurKiiH
liven with tlnx key Thi8 iiinkxH the
ancond Mum tluil Monro 1ih boon
thwartvil in IiIh attt'iulM to hrt'ak jail,
, and hiit reooni Hit a jail hrcakor Iiiih yet
to he miulii. Mmt I'Mwiirdu, who in it I no
ronlliiml in Ihti I'ounly j:iil huH had wmift
oxrioiio(i in j til hroakiiiK, and may
have hucn xivinx Monro nuiiin pointora,
An iniprcHHiou of Iho kt-y-holo of the
door waH tuken Willi a cako of eonp, to
form a pattern or nioiUd, from which to
make the key.
Kii.l.KD Him u:i.k. Tho "(eiittlii l'oat
IntolliKi'urer of AiikiH L'IMh ptH an ac
count of how Miii'iiiiiu New kick, a for
mer resident nl ClarkiiuuiH CDiinty killed
liiniHolf. Ilirt Inxly wiin found at IiIh
cabin near Uoy. Ho blow the top of hid
head off with an old army nuinket.
When found niitbtnk' leinainod of the
head hut the lowor jaw. It in thought
no bullet was u I, but. that Kuwkirk
loaded the inti4:t:l up with a laro
charge of powder, pul tho inu.ile in liin
moiilh, leaned w kfiii tint the wall and
kicked the trier. Newkirk was 'M
yearn of ag'', unniarri. d, and took up the
claim tut renidod on ulinut one year no,
having couio to iluicoiiiiiry from Cluck
ainiiH county, Onmi. lie ban friends
reniding In llial cuiuily nt. Logan, and
ithe coroner reeeived it lelegrani from
Mtltlie Newkiik, ut Siiloin, t)regon, nak
ing for a lewer i pt io:i o( tho man. Tho
auicide had been in tin' employ of a man
named Hawk, at Rainier, and on return
ing home the bint lion prior to hia
death etarled u liie which npteitd and
cuiiBi'd linn b daniuo. Ilia neighbors
mint to Rainier for Iiim to help light the
fir and upon liin inri.val rated him
aoundlv fur bin riuelchHieMi, which hh
lie was railim weak-minded, in aup
poaed to have wonioil him until he
killed himself.
Anothkb Ei.KCTitu; Link. It begins
to look as if there was a possibility of an
other electric linf punning through Ore-
fur the generation of electricity between
the two points, and Mr. I'erby i s'linaleH
that 7.'ill,illHI will put Ibe line In opera
tion. 1 1 is plan wus lo purchase a strip
of land onii-liulf mile wide ulong the
route mid divide It into small tracts (or
sale. The route, aa contemplated by the
projectors, was east of Oregon Cily, hut
Mr. lh'rby thinks It not altogether tin -practicable
to go between the river and
the blulf at that point without crossing
the former. As an Investment, Mr.
I )er by is positive that an electric line
coiinectliig Halein anil rorthtnd would
pay. With IKI,(MK) people at one end of
the line, mid 15,1)00 to draw from at the
other, and the Intervening tributaries,
pnNsengiiis, hit thinks, could he carried
from Salem to Portland or Portland to
Sak'in for 50 cunts at a prollt to the road.
It la nut all Improbable that this enter
prise will he HKitln taken up uud pushed
to completion.
The new hoard of the Willamette Val
ley ('liaulainpia Association met at ('.
II. I'ytt'a olllce on Monday, September
2nd, and ipialitled. President It. A.
Miller in the chair, and there were pres
ent If. V.. Cross, Rev, Oilman Parker,
t'apt. J. T. Aps'rsou, (ieorgu A, Hard
ing and Mrs. C. II. I've. The secretary's
linuncial resirt of August Olh, 1W'i5, was
read and accepted. The president p
Kjlntod Capt. J. T, Aperon, K. ',.
Charman and C. II. Caulleldas standing
llnance committee. It was moved and
curried that the action of the president
ill getting stock certificates printed, be
approved. It was ordered that the pres
ident and secretary h author ir.ed to
adopt a design and procure a seal for use
of the corporation. A committee of
three was appointed 4o draft suitable
by-Uws and rules for the association,
and U report next meeting. Kev. Oil
man Parker, Junif-s Rteel and II. K.
Cross were spKiinted a commilte of
promoters. It was moved and carried
that the next assembly begin on the sec
ond Wednesday in iuly IH'tn, and that it
continue for 15 days. The object infix
ing the dale now is on account of com
mencing early to make dates with prom
inent talent.
A FiMsrci.Asa Lacndhy. The Troy
laundry of Port laud is now one ot the
most complete laundries on the Coast.
The establishment covers an entire
quarter block an ttieK ant Hide and both
doors of the building ate occupied with
the inuchir.ery Is tn-ed and everything
Is scrupulously dean. The force em
ployed nuiiits-re tio iersoim mostly
women, not a (iliiuamun being hired
and 10 delivery wagons are run in Port
land. The company ban agencies in all
the towns convenient to Portland,
I'arriHworth the barber being the agent
fur Oregon City, The quality of the
work speaks for Itself and patrons ol the
Troy Laundry Company are always sure
of a prompt and ellicient service.
Tiik Nkw School Rooks. This is the
"introductory year" for school books
and they will be sold from 15 to 20 per
cent lower than regular prices, We act
as mi'.ilishera agents only, are not per
mitted to buy the books, and are com
pelled to accept their terms and condi
tions. One of the conditions is, that
no books shall be sold except for cash
Wo make this statement now that no
one may be disappointed in being re
fused credit for school books. It .is not
possible the books are not ours.
Huntley's Rook Store, Oicgon City.
Oiikiion Room Wantkd. In the Au
gust Issue of "Our Library," published
monthly by the Library Associaticn of
Portland, there is an announcement to
the ell'tfct that the library is desirious of
obtaining all reading bearing in any way
to Oregon, A lengthy list of books,
pamphlets, etc., are published which in-
ciudes almost evwything on the subject
that wits published before 1850. When
all tlieHo articles on Oregon are collected
the Portland Library will have a com
plete history of our state,
Havk Youii Pknniks. "A penny saved
is a penny earned" We do not have to
pay high salaries for clerk hire or any
exorbitant rents. This is why we can
savo your money when you are in need
of puro drugs, chemicala, drug sundries
etc. We do business on a oiihIi basis and
give you tho benefit. K. C. RAJi,Ky,
Seventh Street Pharmacy, Cor. 7th and
Centor atreotd.
Sold at greatly reduced prices by
Charmuu & Son, to make room tor an
immense fall stock. A full line of gen
tlemen's underwear jtmt received.
For the ailmnntH in tho kidneys and
bladder incident to declining years there
is no remedy that produces such imme
diate and satisfactory results as Dr. J.
TI. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm.
Its gonial and invigorating effect on the
liver and kidneys is remarkable. Price
$1. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist,
A splendid selection of men's, ladies'
and children's tan shoes at Charman &
CiunTAtiojA Ciik:i,ks. All who de
sire to tnkii studies In the ChnutuuiiUtt
circles this year are requested to mt
Monday evening at Mrs, V.K. Donald
son's on the West Side, at Mrs. L. C.
Drlgg's, and at Mrs. (J. II. Dye's to or
gatii.i) and order books, lessons will
not begin until the first Monday In Oc
tober, but It Is necesHiny to order books
at once to get them here In time. Rooks
can bo ordered of Huntley, who will
meet all cuts In prices. The five
beautiful books used this year are just
from the press, newly printed and re
vised up to date, Cost of books and
inag.iy.iiie, 7 .IK). The annual registra
tion fee of 50 cents must also Ik paid In
order lo receive diploma at the end of
tho course. This Is the American year,
and on that account the classes are said
to he tho largest III the history of Chau
tauqua. Thousands all over the coun
try are entering uku the study. Many
school districts in Clackamas county are
talking of organizing, also circles are un
dor consideration at Maple Lane, Hub
bard, Milwaukie, Clackamas, Gladstone,
and perhaps another one In Oregon City.
Rollrlliig Improvements.
.The bids for tho construction of R.
Seller's new residence on tho corner of
Third and Jefferson streets, were
open od last Saturday evening. The con
tract was awarded to Homo A Wishart
for tho sum of f.NO, Mr. Seller to furnish
the lumber and all the material, ex
cept tho hardware. Thero were three
bids for the construction of the building
lower than the bid of Home & Wishart,
the lowest being $170, but these were all
John I'atikrf is busy with force of
men excavating the ground for Wein
hard's new brick, and will get the job
done this week. He receives f 100 for
removing the buildings, and gets 11
cents per yard for excavating and re
moving the dirt. Mr. Langford, the
contractor, was up from Portland Tues
day, and on Thursday sent up material
prepatory to commencing work on the
foundation of the building.
The walls of tho Morey-Harding-Wal-den
brick are going up rapidly, and
already gives one a little idea in ad
vance of the appearance the building will
present when completed.
To Jle.iulir Hie Complexion,
do not take the cosmetics, paints and
powders which injure the skin, but take
the easiest way lo gain a beautiful color
and a wholesome skin. Health is the
greatest beautiflt-r. The means to
beauty, comfort, and health for women
is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Dull eyes, sallow or wrinkled face, and
those "feelings of weakness," have their
rise in the derangement peculiar to
"Favorito Prescription" will build up,
strengthen and invigorate every "run
down" or delicate woman by regulating
and assisting all the natural functions.
To cure constipation, billiouBness, indi
gestion, sick headache, take Dr. Pierce's
Pellets, One a dose.
KkiiMKssg Cigars. A hundred puffs
for a nickel and each puff a delight.
E. E. Wiu.iams, The Grocer.
Disorders in the liver and kidneys are
responsible for many of the ailmonts of
gon City in the not distant future. , humanity, which, when noglected, de-
The scheme was well under way threo
years ago, says the Salem correspond
ent of tho Oiegoniuii, just at the time to
be thwarted by the financial crisis.
F. H, Derby, suH'rintcndent of tho Cap
itul railway, ha bc-n a-urcd of capital
by an Eastern linn to build and equip
the line, There in ample wutcr-power
velop into serious and often fatal mala
dies. Prudence would suggest the
prompt nso of Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm to remove the disorder
as soon as possible, and restore the
diseased organs to healthy and vigorous
action. Price $1 per bottle. For sale
by C. G. Huntley, druggist.
Diarrhoea should be stopped promptly.
It soon becomes chronic. Do Witt's
Colic and Cholera Cure is effective, safe
and certain. Hundreds of testimonials
bear witness to the virtue of this great
medicine. It can always be depended
upon, its use saves time and money.
C. G, Huntley, Druggist.
It Saves Children.
Last summer, we had a child suffer
ing from bloody flux, when we came into
possession of a small bottle of Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhtca
kemedy. 1 gave some of it to the child
accoiding to directions. It afforded al
most instant lelief and effected a per
manontctire. I can cheerfully reconv
mend it. Gko. Jknkinb, Cedar creek,
Taney county, Mo. For sale by G. A.
Harding, Druggist.
August 20, 1805, a watch charm ; on
one sido three links, and on other side
engraved 1894, Oct. 24, 1894. If re
turned to county assessor's ofllce will be
suitably rewarded.
Children, especially infants are soon
run down with Cholera Infantum or
"'Summer Complaint." Don't wait to
determine, but give De Witt's Colic &
Clwlera Cure promptly, you can rely on
it. Use no other. C. G. Huntley,
CIhouio Diarrhoea In Mouth Africa.
For over six years 1 was a constant
sufferer from chronic diarrhoea. I tried
a great many remedies yet found no re
lief. By chance, I noticed an advertise
ment in the newspaper calling attention
to diomberhiin's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remody, I sent for a bottle,
and before half of it had been taken I
was completely cured. E. C. Kkiel,
Vreodfort, Orange Free State, South Af
rfca. For sale by G. A. Harding, Drug
gist. Jllucksiiiitliimjr.
Clarence Porter has re-opened the
blacksmith shop lately occupied by W.
S. Maplo, opposite Pope's hardware
store and is ready to do all kinds of re-
J firing and horseshoeing. As a shoer
dr. Porter is equal to the best and al
ways gives satisfaction.
Highest price paid for wool at Char
man & Son's store.
to buy 40 acres of land within 10 or 12 j
miles of Oregon City. Partly cleared.
Address J. P. J., care Kntkiii'kick.
That 10 acre tract on West Side can
Im now for $500.' Owner wants money.
C, O. T Williams.
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned, Pay up your subsciption to the
Kntkhi-hisk anil get the the benefit of
the reduction in price.
The lalnsv In visiting cards at the K.v
Tkiti'Hisi: Okkick. Prices to suit vou.
l)ok at our window this
week and see if you don't
think we must sell a stack of
tooth brushes.
There is good reason for it:
quality high, price right andj
guaranteed. j
You know wo guarantee a
2oc tooth brush to last three
The bristles in our 50c ones
will stay in as long as you
want 'em too.
HUNTLEY, Druqoist.
Ch, autau q u a Books
For 1895-6
This U the "American Year"the most
desirable years' reading for America that
has ever been laid out by the originators of
Ibe Chautauqua system of home study.
Three finely Illustrated books on Ameri
can History, Literature and Industry which
ahould go into every library. Come Into
our store and eiamine them Don't think
these books won't interest yott because you
don't belong to a Chautauqua circle.
There were about 15 Chautauqua stud
ents in Clackamas County, in '93, about 75
in '04 and we expect not less than 250 In '95,
A small discount If you place your
order before Sept 15th.
Huntley's Book Store.
Oregon City, Qgn.
p Fiie tes Ml
Just received for fall waer,
and elegant Trimming Silks
of all MylcH. Our new stock
Cloth ing-00
for fall and winter wear will
goon lie in, all of the latent
styles and faHhionahle cut.
If we cannot fit you, we
will take your measure,
and have a suit made to
order for you.
Thos. Charman
ar;e You pflE oiVek;?
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
Awarded Cold Madid Hldwinlw Fair, Saa FruclMfc
Postoflice-:- Store.
Dry Goods,
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries are Fresh
and of the best quality.
In Priceswe meet
Portland Competition.
Successor to
Let me have a trial order.
lXnbllshrd 1863.
Transfer1 and Ee$,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Pnlif in IhehPHil JwV W , v A,-
UUrrlKvl Ikf!tti IfeV y .i
and Sore Eyes It, EJ iS f
rw.ra iasiciiai,;A. jsj
H-t- it is necessary for you to have a grader. You will save more
UU money by its use in one season than it will cost. You will have
a better grade of prunes, and they will sell better. You cannot
afford to be without one. Do not pay $00 or $70 for an
Eastern grader when you can buy the best grader on the market
for 128.00. Manufactured in Portland. Is invented and manu
factured by a man who has made pruno graders a specialty.
Graders made to grade from 10 to 40 tons of prunes per day
and guaranteed. Also wire fruit dipping baskets from $1.50 up.
Fruit growers wire works of all kinds. Correspondence solic
ited. Agts. wanted.
Hn lsdal, Or , April 25, 1S35.
The Poitland Wire A Iron Work--, Portland,
Deas Sir: Replying to your dvor ol 23rd Intl., I beg to say that ths Prune Grader I
bought from yon Ustytir, faa givtin pvrfec attHfictlo. Neve' R'aoutof or'.er, l easy to
opurata and vratlea the prune" useve:i etn b dtlrd; and ad'.irila m great plcaauie to
peak a woid In ita pral-i'. A gd viv y fntit vrnw.ir. r a ted my p ac durinir prima dry
ing tlmt.and were ,upnaed at tua exca eut work It d wi. Youn Truly,
Hfnry E. UofCH.
Vancodvkb, Vaa., April 15, ltx
C. W. Booit E(q , Portland, Or.
Iiiabms: I u- d one uf your fruit gralcra ait y ar an I Til u: I am vorv mnchv
pleased with ita w r.ink'. I thin your g a ler th ; Chen eat n -ii be t km lur I have ever aiea
uaed. I wouldn't exchange my 128 graJer for any iio grader in ne trout d her.'.
You a T'u y, C. H. RiCKXB.
Sole Manufactures, 334 ALDER STREET,
and Rubber
Hose of best grades
A great variety of
Force Pumps
Ordinary Well Pumps
Spray Pumps.
Prices will suit you call and examine.
No trouble to show goods.
BY Crti.
roKPmnou OR.OY1U-E.CAL.
For sale by C. G. Huntley.
nNY -
Or Building Material?
Go to C- H- BESTOW-
Lowest cash prices ever offered for
Also combination wire and picket fence,
And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times.
Shop Opp. Congregational Church,
... Dealer In .. .
General Express, Job Worlc and Moving.
Stand opposite Suspension Bridge;