Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 06, 1895, Image 2

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Toml Fires Subdued but Great Damage
Done Riiy Hurt Clackamas
Rand (ilve a Dunce.
8aspt, Aug., !, Immense forest fires
have been raging here the past week with
terrible fore ami (he mighty flames as they
.aoaretl toward the sky were a beautiful
tight to behold as they illuminated the
heavens over night though thousands ot
feet of raluable timber were destroyed, be-
-aide farmers had thousands of rails con
. aunted by the raging fires and many people
bad to watch day and night in order to
save their buildings and property,
Teter tfraidy a ho lives all alone, and
Willie ITtin 1111 liriwiv niui v tu c-..
fence from lores! fire had his house burned
to the ground. He carried no insurance.
The thunder and lightning which passed
OTer here Thursday night played havoo
among the big tir trees, tearing many to
anlinteni and the rain that followed it was
received with joy by everybody, especially
those who had to watch the fire that night.
Herman Uruniner, who was chopping
wood for J. E. Stone did not keep his eyes
where he ought to, anil struck his hand
with the sharp end of the ax and nearly cut
one of bis fingers oft.
Otto Strouser, while playing with his
sister had a garden rake run into bis arm,
cuttine an artery. Dr. Philter dressed
the wound.
N. Nelson had anothr runaway but no
serious damage was dene except the harness
was broken some and one horse ran about
three miles before it wss knocked senseless.
Since the heavy thunder showers and
cool weather, many pleasure seekers from
the mountains are returning home.
A number of members of the Clackamas
Brass band while on their way home from
lit. Hood gave a dance at Meiulgs hall. A
large crowd and a good time was bad.
Miss Martba Linn last Saturday cele
brated ber lSib birthday with a party lor
ber many Inemls who all had a very enjoy
able time.
Miss Johnson gave another lecture before
the young people's society at Sandy Ridge
school house Sunday night. Two guitar
players were there also and rendered some
fine music.
Rev. Case, of Olympia Wash., preached
here 8unday.
Jonsrud & Parker is the name of the new
firm that opened the butcher business here.
They are doing a tine business and we hope
they will always be successful
yuite a number ot people have gone bop
picking, something like twenty have
started already.
Dr. Phiffer, a well known man of Rock
wood is staying with H. Brnna.
Dennis Waneles of Portland has returned
borne after being absent quite a while.
MissIvaSpooner of Eagle Creek was the
guest of Mrs. Duncan last Sunday and
Frank Yarl has returned borne from
Pleasant Valley. Sards.
Meadow Brook News.
Mkadow Bbook, 8ept 2. -All welcome to
the gentle showers that has settled the
moke and dust.
Threshing is about over in this section.
Chas. Holman had an 85-acre field of oats
that averaged 50 bushels per acre, machine
measure, on the Meadow Brook farm.
Robert Wright and mother were visiting
the family of J. D. Stevens of Canby last
The families of C. 0. Hubbard, W. E.
Bonney, Mr. Hunter, John Anmetta, H.
E. Carr, J. C. Hall, D. Robeson, T. M.
Lemian, J. H. Comer, W. R. Edgecomb,
C. B. Kamsby, Mr. Frey, Mr. Way and a
goodly number of others have gone to the
bop fields.
J. H. Wright and Dix Bros, are threshing
in Highland this week.
Mr. David Robeson has put a new roof on
his granary and has a new fruit dry house
in course of construction. It is built on the
plan of a bop drier and is the neatest dryer
- wp hnve ever pxanuneil.
P. Pendleton will be "yard boss" in Geo.
lee's hop yard.
Prof. Eugene Ogle of Molalla was the
guest of "X'hoenix" last Saturday.
F. A. & I. V. President Jessie Robeson
saved the F. A. & I, U. hall from destruc
tion by a fire last week.
Smyrna News.
Bthrfa, Aug. 27. After a months
.absence at the sea shore Rev. E. P. Hughes
wae with us again yesterday morning.
Miss Alice Bowers of Bilyerton is visiting
friends and relatives here.
Our "coasters" are at home again, with
health and spirits greatly revived.
F. E. Taylor and wife made a trip to
Portland Friday, staying in the city over
Mr. and Mrs. Poinsett accompanied by
Mrs. AblKJtt and a lady friend from Port
land came out from Hubbard to attend
morning services here Sunday.
Charley Biglow is employed as driver on
the stage between Aurora and Fairchild
over in Marion county.
Yes, we are in favor of a vehicle tax, pro
Tided it would not take it all to pay some
high Balaned official to ride over the county
and tell us there was no money to repair
the road with.
Mrs. Margaret White is up from Portland
on a visit to ber mother.
I. B. Hein went to Maple Lane today to
look at some real estate with the intention
of trading California property therefor.
Beaver Creek lotes.
Bhaveb Ckkf.k, Sept. 2. Beaver Creek
Is rather quiet now as nearly every one has
, gone to pick hope.
Mrs. Edwards is quite sick. Her many
friends hope lor a speedy recovery.
Henry Hughes, who has been in Marion
county for some tune past returned Thurs
day. The hog trouble between Tom Jones and
Fred Swartz has been settled and all Is now
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cooper nd "mily, of
Cams, visited with Mrs. Cooper's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Kowen, a few days last
Rev. Kirkho will preach his farewell
sermon at the Presbyterian church at this
place September 8th. Rev. Kirkhope has
made many frlemls in the short time he has
been with us, and all wish him success.
W. O. Bealtle, of Oregon City, will teach
the winter term of school at Heaver Creek.
Mr. Heattie is a stranger here, but we wish
him success.
The farmers in this locality have finished
threshing and nearly all seem well pleased
with the result.
Harmony Happenings.
Harmony, Sept. X Mr. Tyler has com-
I pleted his tank and wind-mill which will
furnish water for his stock.
Mr. Kanne has built a grainary on his
place. Threshing is about through here.
Quite a number of our people leave this
week for the hop fields. Some go to the
vicinity of Hubbard and others to Indepen
dence. Mr. Kilton burned his slashing the other
day. The tire spread rapidly and it was
enly by close watching it that il did not
burn adjacent property. Other fires were
burning in the neighborhood, but were
quenched by the rain which came up last
Thursday night
Chas. Krankhouser loaded up his hack
with himself and a number of other young
people and went to the picnic near the
Hatchery on the Clackamas river. They
report a pleasant time.
The Harmony and Milwaukee Evan
gelical Association are to have a picnic at
Milwaukee tomorrow.
Rev. E. Maurer will preach in the Evan
gelical church here on the first Sunday of
each month at 11 a. m. and the third and
fourth Sunday at S p. m.
Fehlerrllle Newt.
Feiilihvillk, Sept,, 8. The gentle rain
has refreshed everything.
Jacob Ranch and son of Oregon City were
in this vicinity last week.
G. Krupke of Portland was a guest of Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Feliler Suudav last.
B. Forbes has arrived at last from Ne
braska. Will Stonohocker and Frank Miller went
bop picking today.
D. C. Ely of the city was visiting at Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Fehler's last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Fehler were combining
ousiuess with pleasure one day last week at
By request we will state that a certain
young lady of this communty received an
improper letter bv mail signed "lock box
No. 1, Oregon City. Sow Mr. Lock Box
No. 1 we know who you are, although yon
have shaved off your small side burns yet
it is no small trick to get on the track of a
rascal, so you bad belter stop right where
vou are.
Mrs S. Benell had the misfortune ot cat
ting her knee very severely
We understand that more work is to be
done on our new road in the near future.
Stafford Notes.
Stafford, Sept, 1. For the past three
evenings we have had very heavy thunder
showers. Some grain stacks are still stand
ing in the fields awaiting the threshing
machine, but have not wet down very far,
but the owners of the same are becoming
somewhat uneasy for fear their crops may
become badly damaged.
The potato crop looks better since the
A wedding is on the docket for the 2d
inst., Miss Agnes Gage and Mr. Judson
Howard being the contractiug parties. Miss
Gage is a daughter of our local postmaster
and Mr. Howard a resident of Oregon City,
West Side.
John Seedling has a name sake and a very
proud father Johnie is.
Away to the hop fields! Most of the peo
ple of this section who can get 08 for a few
days have commenced migrating to the
hop fields to start in at the first principles
of the manufacture of beer. Among the
crowds are strong advocates of the churches
and temperance societies.
Later Mrs. Augusta Melcber, who has
been very sick for some time past, died
Tuesday at 1 o'clock p. m. WaCss.
Dink Mites.
Misk, Sept., 2, "J5. The folks who went
to the mountains last week returned Friday
with a good supply of fine huckleberries
and report having had 'an enjoyable time
but had a narrow escape from being burned
up by a forest fire.
Will Bluhm bad his knee cut quite badly
and was taken to his home at Oregon City
to be attended to by the physicians.
Robert Ginther left Saturday for Logan
where he has been engaged to teach another
four months term of school.
E. J. Hornshuh, one of the oldest settlers
of this place died in Portland last Sunday
after twenty years sickness caused by
cancer of the stomach. The remains were
laid to rest in the Graham cemetery by the
side of his former wife. The funeral servi
ces were conducted by Rev. E. Maurer of
Milwaukee and Rev. Geyser and Rev.
Staub of this place. He leaves a wife and
several children.
Henry Nehren had his finger cut quite
badly while cutting hands with Henricl.s
threshing machine. Telephone.
Logan Villi.
Logan, Aug. 8. The Logan flouring mills
have been overhauled and refitted, and are
now making a first class grade of Hour. Will
grind for one-eighth and guarantee satisfac
tion, tr Gus Fischer.
The Staff or Life.
Bread is recognized as the staff of life,
but if it is of poor quality, it offers but
little support to the body. Bread from
the Home Made bakery, kihively's block,
can be depended upon at all times to be
of first class quality and equal the best
family made bread. None but the best
flour is used and the utmost cleanliness
is observed In all work about the bakery.
Bread delivered to all parts of the city
fresh from the oven .
Wood Wanted.
Fir and limb wood wanted at the En
tebprisb office, also at residence.
Au I n tiHiiiillj li : pre Yield In I'lncU
man County.
Everybody in and around Oregon City,
who can get awav from homo have gone
to the bop fields, Some of thorn go for
the outing, and to enjoy camping out,
while- a majority of tliom go for the I
profits in the business. Bout loud alter j
boat load of people) have punned tip the !
river during tlio past few days bound lor j
the hop fields, and yet in some sections ',
pickers are reported scarce. Growers!
are only paying 35 and 40 cents per Irx i
to pickers, but they can do pretty well i
at that as the picking is done mostly in :
trays, an.l the crop is unusually good. I
The price ol bops are very low, in :
fact, just at this time there is no settled
market price, but many of the growers j
have their hoi contracted at eight and
ten vents per pound, for oriods of three I
and five years. A number of hop grow- j
ers in the Molalla country will not!
pick their hops on account of tlio low !
price, notwithstanding the fact that the j
yield is large and the quality good.
Some agents have been making proposi
tions to lake the cro of the growers ;
who do not intend to harvest, ofT their j
hands, with the agreement that after j
the expenses and one cent a pound .
profit shall have been received, the bill-;
ance, if any, shall be turned over to the '
growers. Several of them have ac-1
ceptvd the proposition. It is much bet- j
ter to have crop picked, even if there Is !
no profit in the transaction, as the;
ground will be left in much better con-1
tlition for the next year's crop, without j
any work on the part ol the growers, i
C. Kocber, near Aurora, has about i
twenty-three acres in bops, and the '
crop is very good and free from lice. .
The Kochers are the oldest hop growers
in that section, and claim that the damp
weather will not injure the ho unless
it continues for some time, as then there
is dinger the hops will become affected
with lice, and there is danger that the
hops will become mouldy. Mr. Miller
of Aurora, the agent of Philin Neis A
Co., for the Barlow, Aurora. Butteville
and Wood mm districts, and who has
three and five year contracts for the
product of most of the yards, is furnish
ing money for harvesting the crop in his
district, and is urging on the growers
the importance of carefully gathering
and curing their crop. Mr. Miller states
that on a recent trip up the valley, he
learned that a number of yards in the
vicinity o( Harrisburg were so badly af
flicted with mold, tbat a number of them
would not be harvested. Tbe bops,
however, are in excellent condition
in this part of the valley. The acreage
o( hops in Clackamas county will be the
means of bringing thousands of dollars
into the country.
Council .Heeling.
The city council met in regular session
Wednesday night Mayor Straight in the
chair, and absent Councilmen Mack
Howell and Henry Meldrum and Chief
of Police Burns.
On motion the liquor license of John
Trembuth was ordered
transferred to
Thomas Trembath.
L. A. Nobel was granted a renewal of
liquor license for a period of six months,
dating from September 7th.
Henry Metd,rum was granted a leave
of absence from the council for a period
of sixty dayB.
A petition was read from C. E. Fields
and U. R. Richards, asking the privi
lege as lessees of the East Railway
Company's freight car, to unload freight
from tbe same at the switch on Main
street between 13th and 14th streets.
After considerable discussion the matter
was referred to Messrs. Broughton, Mof
fatt and Porter, to draft ordinance and
R. L. Holman, city treasurer, re
ported tbe only delinquent license paid
since the last regular meeting, was $15
from Harrington's wood saw. A gen
real discussion followed on tbe collection
delinquent licenses, and some blame
was laid to the chief of police. During
the discussion the statement was made
that hundreds of dollars were lost to the
city by reason of the non-collection of
city licenses, and that the chief of police
or some other officer should be author
ized to collect the same.
The following claims were ordered
paid :
T. W. Fouts, recorder, 25 00
Charles Babcock, st commission. G5 80
John Fober, street cleaner 40 50
0. C. Iron Works 3 60
General Electric Company 172 45
Pope & Co 9 50
f T. Griffith, city prosecutor. . 25 00
C. N. Greenman, hauling hose.. 50
Portland Rubber Company 185 00
C. E. Burns, chief of police 60 00
E. L. 8haw, patrolman S0 00
Courier, printing 12 75
Gutta Percha Rubber Mfg Co. . . 200 00
Mrs. G. W. Church, rent 24 00
Wilson & Cooke 6 55
L. A. Nobel, boarding prisoners, 6 40
Noblitt's stables 1 50
Fred Weider 2 00
W. T. Davidson 2 00
H. B. Moore 2 00
E. F. Driggs 12 50
The bill of J. W. Kelly for $2 was re
ferred hack to the chief of police for
The bill of O'Neil, Hedges, Thomp
son & Griffith, was laid over until the
work is completed.
The committee on streets and public
property reported that the lowest bid for
Crescent Wedges (warranted.) B A S Proof Chains. Arcade Files. Rope. Crescent Mie
Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties.
Oregon City Agent, ....
an engine house site on the hill had een
received from Mr. Bitner con
sisting of a lot 25x50 feet on John Q. Ad
ams street on block 100. The hid was
The attention of the committee on
i i.u i ... A.,llu,l in ilia j.iinili-
neauu aim puntc niuum "
tion of several water closets and sewers,
ri - :.... ....:.,.., i r..i. it... i.t
COUlllimrc Hr...cU -
pose, reponeu mai uiey nan rmpiur..
CD. I-atourette to tuke action to 10-
i cover the road fund from the county., j
The matter of repairing tho Afer- i
nethy bridge was referred to
committee with power to act.
the street j
Councilman .Stevens was authore d to
purchane a new fire bell.
The services of John Fobei street
cleaner was dispensed with, and an or
dinance will be introduced reqiiring I he
street to be kept clean.
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chrftanooga,
Tenn., says, "Shiloh's VitaliV 'SAVED
MY Life.' I consider it the tst remedy
for a debilitated system I e'er used."
For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidey trouble
it excels. Price 75 cents. For Haleby
G. A. Harding.
Dr. A. P. Sawyer: I h'e had Rheu
matism since I was20Vars old, but
since using your Family, ure have been
tree from it." It also ciyd my husband
of the same disease.
Mrs. Robt. Conne", lirooklyn, 1.
Sold by G. A. llardjK-
Cholera Morbus is dangerous com
plaint, and Is often bid in its reults.
To avoid this you shnld use De Witt's
Colic & Cholera Cnn "on as the first
symptoms appear. C. G. Huntley,
O. E. A. Freytai"oe not propose to
remain in tbe reaf Ue procession in
the matter ot suyiiK the market with
fresh vogetablo "'! 'liH gardens are
kept in first daconditfun.
)i,MVrnlmcc !Stlt
Or smoke youM awav, is the truthful,
startling titlea hook about No-To-lluc,
the harmleBHK'iar''tel tobacco habit
cure that bp8 UP nicotinized nerves,
eliminates e nicotine poison, maaes
weak men"1 strengtti, vigor ana man
hood. YqTun no physical or financial
risk, as NiTo-Ba3 is sold by druggists
everywhv under a guarantee to cure
or monef'"lnle(J- "00K lrpe- Address
8trlingAe,nedy Co., New York or
Chicago' Charman & Co., Druggist.
Dr. Pf' Cream Baking Powder
Wot Fair HigiMst Medal and Diploma.
noroDj giTwn mil uv uuufni(utu
hire f" PJ"W "T vuuutj wuurt ui
( tnka IP llnn.ihnk rfasuiarl All
y UHTIUK uiaiiiia BK"'u.l .uv vi
.tiicbuen, dcoeaud, art hernbj notified to
thJderalD1 r tn oflle of Uao. C.
Oragoo City, Or., within six months
outon ol th hUUqI Job a . HorDiohuob,
o. C. Browntll, Atty for exteutora,
That is-
50c buys what would cost you regular $1.00
Wo hiivo a liutiiiHT of other remnants
that will go in this wilo hIhd ....
& Rosenkrans,
Kirst and Aldeti. HARDWARE I Portland, Oregon.
NorlhWMierii Agent! for
-Dlamnud. Lance Occident Tuttlvtuoth
A V---' ,
Y.-Y -Arl i W W ti.t
C. O. T. Williams is now prepared to
make loans on good farm property, i
Write him.
All Vrre. " '
. . ... ... ,
Those who have used Dr. king s Newi
Discovery know its value, snd those who!
: have not
uivenow the opportunity to
Cull on the adverlined drug
K ,Ht gi(1
get a trial bottle 'ree. Send
your iihiiio and address to II. K. HurkleiiJ
,t Co., Cliiciigo, and get a sample box of'
Dr. King's New Life pills fiee, a well i
as a copy of tiuiile to llml'li and lloiise-l
hold instructor free. All of which is
; guaranteed to do you g'KMl iind cost you '
nothing, ('harinun & Co.'s Drugstore,
Clutnuiin Bros. Block
If o For tfie Mountain.
A. W. Phillips will take LMinping and
excursion parties to the coast or mount
ains at reasonable rates and by any route
Safe team and strongspring wagon. Also
a general exprens and delivery
Are You (inlug F.nst?
If so, it will pay you to write to A. C.
Sheldon, gunerul agent of I lie "Burling
ton Route," 250 Washington street,
Portland. He will mail you free of
charge, maps, time Indies, and advine
you as to the through rates to any point,
reserve sleeping car nccommodiitions
for you, and furnish you with through
tickets via either the Northern, Union,
Southern, Canadian Pacific or Great
Northern railroads at the. v-ry lowest!
rates obtainable. I
The Burlington route is generally con-1
ceded to be the finest equipped railroad
in the world fur all classes of travel.
Easy to take, sure to cure, no pain,
nothing to dread,' pleasaut little pills.
Do Witt's Early Little Risers. Best
for Sick Headache, Biliousness, Sour
Stomach and Constipation. C. G.
Huntley, Druggist.
For Nitle.
f.'ix Cotswold bucks at t' pach ; about
15 head of thorongh bred short horned
cows and heifers from onn to five years
old ; also pure bred Poland China pigs.
J. M. Tracy, Login, Oregon. Imo
Dr. A. P. Sawyer Dear Kir: I haye
oeen sintering wiiii sick neanaciie lor a
lonf time. I uhcJ your family Cure and
now am entirely relieved. I would not
do without your medicine.
Mrs. G. Miller, Ml. Morrel Ills.
Sold by G. A. Harding.
Hop Tickets.
Cheapest place in Oregon to get hop
tickets is at the Entkkimsr office. Printed
on best quality of tough check and sent
by mail to any address,
Mr. Frcytug is ever on the alert to
supply his customers with fine crisp veg
etables. Have you tried his string beans,
cauliflower and beets?
Fresh fruits at Uncle John's,
ing stale or half riie. Sold at
within the reach of all.
Canby, Or.
Ieitcr Ln
-Silver Hli-el.
. - . ,. ..
Me;ini Mood him.
Wood 84 wed on short milieu in any
pait of the city. Ij'uvu orders at F. T.
Irluw'a grocery store, or call on the
owner, T. 11. Hankink. tf
Bicycles, Umbre
Guns, Sewing Machines,
And all kinds of pinnll ma
chines put in good order. No
work to dillicult to undertake.
Prices rciiHonnhlo.
Shop on Seventh St., near dcjiot.
First Mortgages on Improv
ed Farm Property
We are prepared to negotiate first
Morgages upon improved farms in
Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate of
Interest not to exceed II per cent, per
Mortgages renewed that have been
taken by other companies.
Address with stamps,
Mervin S worts,
Hatter City, Oregon.
Fine Perfumeries and Toilet Articles.
Alio a full itock of
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and sad
dle horses always on hand at tin
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for 1ooh stock.
Information regarding anv kind or
stock promptly attended to by person of
Horses Bought and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms,
AND -n