Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 30, 1895, Image 8

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    lluilillnir Improvements.
John Balilorl lma force of men busy
t work touring down aiul removing the tioa in Paris imliouto a eomuiK elmn'e
old brewery building ut the corner of ! in uleevos, yet it in by no meant) luoplio
Main and Eighth streets, to make room ! sided that the large ttleeves will be
for Woinhard's new building. Tim ad-1 entirely displaced. There are, however,
Joining residence has been sold to K. K. always a few women who desire to bo
Martin, who is tearing it to pieces and j unlike the multitude, and who are eager
will use the material in the construction i for novelty, and nothing could attract
o( a dwelling on his lot at (.ihulstone. i all eyes now more than to see a woman
Thomas Moore and John Bolton com- j in tightly fitting sleeves; those worn are
pleted the sewer Wednesday, and the j relieved rntllos falling from the shoulders
ground will be in readiness for the new j and by pulls and rullles at the elbows,
contractor to begin work by next Mon- j This may be looked upon as the first
day. The old brewery building possesses j breaih of a change which w ill bring
historic interest and was built about j about a pleasant modification in the si.e
forty years ago by Hon. L. T. Bariu's ; of sleeves; that is all we want, for the
father, and was used for some time by j large sleeves are universally becoming
the Oregon City Turner Society, for ath-! and extremely picturesque, and u is only
letic purposes. Jacob Mader after
ward purchased the building, built a
brick foundation underneuth, and used
it for brewery purposes. One bv one
the old landmarks are being obliterated
to nuke room tor more palatial etruet-
urea. Merese has removed his saloon !
from the brewery building to the old ho
tel across the street.
Work is now being pushed on the
main structure of the Morey-llarding-Walden
bri -k.
K. Seller has plans drawn for a new
residence on the corner of Third and Jef
ferson streets. The design is very neat,
and the contract for its erection will be
let to the lowest bidder at 7:30 Saturday
evening, at the
Vore, architects.
office of Morrison &
The Pioneers and Drceudants.
Mrs. K. A. Miller will deliver the oc-
caaioual address at the annual reunion ,
of the Pioneers and Native Sons and
Daughters of Jackson county, at Ash
land, on Sepember 12th. On this occac
sion the Native Sons and Daughters
have charge of the program, and will
furnish the the dinner. The annual re
union will be held at the Chautauqua
grounds and the literary program will
take place in the tabernacle. Col Hobt.
A. Miller attended a meeting of the j
committee on Native Sons and Daughters;
day at the state fair meeting held at j
Salem Tuesday. This day occurs on !
Monday, September 30ih, and it is ex-!
pected that there w ill be a large repre-1
aentation of the native born population
that day. Col. Miller will deliver the !
address on behalf of the native sons and
Mra. Mary Strong Keuney on the part
of the daughters. The Oregon City or
gsniiation of Native Sons and Daughters
will bold another meeting soon and it
has been suggested that the pioneers of
Clackamas county hold a joint assem
blage with them at Gladstone park.
Clackamas county is noted for its vener
able pioneers, and is now about the onlv
old county in the state which has no
E. M. Atkinson is making some sub
stantial improvements in the way of a
road thiough Park addition. The road
begins at the elevated bridgeway, near
the Barclay school building and extends
through this addition to the Abernethy.
Mr. Atkinson has built this road at his
own exense, in order to give the public
a passible thoroughfare through his
4ands. A few weeks ago the council
passed an ordinance vacating certain
streets in this addition, so that a road
could b made through the addition on
an easy grade. The large trees along a
portion of the road have been cut down
and the thoroughfare in the steepest pla
ces will not be over a six per cent,
grade. When this road is completed it
will be the shortest and most direct
route for people living on the Abernethy,
to travel to and from Oregon City.
E. Parker came in from the Siletz res
ervation Tuesday and reports that num
erous claimants have settled up Sal
mon river, even awav up the stream
and beyond the surveyed lands. The in
tending settlers post a notice claiming
so many rods and acres from the point
of beginning, and the settler squats near
bis notice and endeavors to hold his 1
fort. The notices are numerous, says
Mr. Parker, and many of the claims
overlap each other in their boundaries,
which will be a fruitful source of con
tests in the future. Mr. Parker informed
the Oregon Citv land office of these facts,
and pointed out on the maps the lands
taken. He says there are some choice
lands on the upper Salmon, even in the
unsurveyed sections.
Perry Vorhies, a well known farmer
of Wilhoit, was brought in last Thurs
day night a raving maniac. Friday
morning he had an examination before
Justice Dixon and was ordered sent to
the state asylum. He has a wife and three
children, and is in fairly comfortable cir
cumstances. The unfortunate man is
highly spoken of by bis neighbors, and
bis malady, which is somewhat viotent,
is said to be hereditary. Sheriff Mad
dock and Deputy Millard Hyatt took the
unfortunate man to Salem Friday night.
Mr. Richards and Clarence Fields
have leased the East Side Railway Com
pany's freight car, and will begin run
ning the same from Portland to Glad
atone next week. It is intended to haul
the Oregon City freight from Gladstone
by team. Mr. Richards runs the freight
car business on the Portland and Van
couver motor line.
Born Thursday night, August 22nd,
to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Albright, a
danchter. Mr. Albright can still be
found at his place of business.
Th Sleeves (ironing Smaller
Gowns (itH'ii at miiltuur.mer six-ial func-
- : their vulger asgrandineiucnt which peo-
pie of taste condemn. From "Review
j of Fashions'' iu Demorest's Magazine
, for September
The Columbia Salmon ('acker's Prop
agation Company, have formally ac
cepted the new tishway completed at
the Clackamas dam by Messrs. Smyth
Perrim. Ftank M. Warren, president
of the company, and a committee, con
sisting of Messrs. Farrell, Cook and
lieorge came up Monday from Portland
and pronounced everything satisfactory.
It is expected now that salmon will go
up the new ladder with a scoot and
Among the books announced by Har
per & Brothers for publication in Sep
tember is A study of death," by Henry
M. Aldcn, author cf "God in his World."
The extraordinary success of Mr. Alden's
previous book, which was pronounced
the most successful work of religious
thought of the season," and "the most
note-worthy book of a religious kind (in
style as well as in substance) published
: in England or in America for many
,' years," insures a suitable reception for
"A Study of IVath" a book wholly un
i common, spiritual, hopeful and im
j portant.
There is a bountiful crop of peaches
"''8 season in H. E. Cross's orchard,
on tlle bank of the Clackamas near the
sawmill. The large and thrifty trees
a loaded, and will produce at least a
thousand bushels of peaches. Some
samples ot early trawioras lelt at tins
measure ten and a half inches in
That the interesting material furnished
by the international yatch-races has
been exhausted by the long dispatches to
the metropolitan journals, has been dis
proved by the letter "Cockaigne" sends
from London to the Argonaut of Septem
ber 17th. Much of it is about George
Gould's doings, and among other sights
at the seaside mentioned is the hand
organ grinder, Viscount Hinton, who is
supporting his w ife and child by begging
in I be streets.
The fire bovs team have received an
other addition to the fund to defray the
expenses of the team at the Vancouver
tournament next week. Manager
Koehler, of the Southern Pacific, has
sent the tioys 125 in recognition of their
services in saving the railroad trestle
from being destroyed, when the Me
chanic's mill and sash and door factory-
were burned.
J. F. Eckerson, the Canby fruit
grower, has sent to this ottice a bunch
of 10 silver prunes all growing on one
twig. They are good size considering
the fact that they grew in a cluster like
a bunch of grapes.
Dr. Cowan is expected home from his
summer camping, and will conduct ser
vices at the Congregational church next
Sunday, morning and evening. Com
munion service will be held.
The snagboat Corvallis has put in a
number of buoys at Rock Island, during
the past week.
An illustrated article on recent devel
opment in the art of applying e'ectricity
to railroads will appear in an early num
ber of Harpers Weekly,
every poison and impurity of your
blood, by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. Then there's a clear skin
and a clean system. Titter, salt-rheum,
Eczema, Erysipelas, Boils, Carbuncles,
Enlarged Glands, Tumors, and Swellings
and all blood, skin and scalp diseases,
from a common blotch or eruption t'j the
worst scrofula these are perfectly and
permanently cured by it.
In building up need flesh and strength
of pale, puny, scrofulous children noth
ing can equal it.
Delicate diseases of either sex, how'
ever induced, speedily and radically
cured. Address, in confidence, World's
Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo
N. Y.
TIioiibuimIs of Dollars
Are spent ever)' year by the people of
this state for worthless medicines for the
cure of throat and lung diseases, when
we know that if they would only invest
$1 in SANTA ABIE, the new California
discovery for consumption and kindred
complaints, they would in this pleasant
remedy find relief. It is recommended
by ministers, physicians and public
speakers of the Golden State. Sold and
guaranteed by C. G. Huntly at f 1 a
bottle. Three for $2.50.
The most stubborn cases of cataarb
speedily succomb to CALIFORNIA
CAT-R-CUkE. Six month's treatment
lfor$l. By mail tl. 10. Trial size 50c.
One to five acre tracts,
Cleared, uncleared and Home
set t" fruit. This prowrtv ad-
joins the Chaoiiltinua grounds
ai iiiaoiiioue park, u is only
12 minutes walk from the mo
tor line, mid very desirable.
Ten Acres,
4' in cultivation, Vt slashed.
House with 4 rooms. 85 fruit
trees now bearing an alunul
ance of lierries, watertnl by
crek. GikhI roads to Port
land and Oregon City. fSoO.
Two-hundred Acres,
HH) fenced 45 in cultivation,
balance open brush land. 2
houses and 2 barns. (I miles
from town price, fill per
Several pieces
Of improved residence prop
erty, inside. Over 2otl lots,
inside and suburban. Price !
from $75 to 200. When vmi I
can buy a lot within a lew .
blocks of your wo- k it is cer
tainly wie to buy one and qui!
laying rent.
A No. I Stock Ranch. I
3."H) Acres 20 acres in men !
ow, 1" acres cultivation, '
slashed. 2 houses, 2 barns.
Plenty oi running water, Price
Forty Acres
8 in cultivation, ti ucrcs
slashed 200 fruit trees spring
water. 4 miles hum town
Price 1000
Twenty-five Acres,
10 in cultivation, 7 acii of,
beaverdnm bid, exeilVnt
for growin" npjon. Snvill I
orchard. House l'g stoiy, h ,
rooms wi'h pnntrv. Barn, place '
all fenced all improvements
new and good. Good road
to Portland and Oregon City.
Only 2 miles to R. R. station.
Crop goes with place if sold
soon. Price, f;i2o0.
Five acre tracts,
Near Oak Grove, on East Side
motor line. Price $125 er
acre. This property is within
a short distance of w here small
tracts are selling at ftOO and
f400 per acre .
Ten acres on West Side,
2,'i miles from susfieusion
bridge. 3 acres cleared, small
bouse, fine spring water,
splendid place for poultry,
Price only H"0. Terms easy.
This is a snap.
Three Pieces of Business Property,
On Main street, Oregon Citv,
improved and paying monthly
Twenty Acres,
Part light brush, balance good
timber. Water by creek.
farm tor fruit, vegetable or
Poultry Farm. 2!a miles from
town Good road. Price only
$050, part cash, balance on
long time at 0 per cent.
Fifteen Acres,
7 Fenced and cleared, tioorl
spring water. 'A miles from
Oregon Citv. Price, $750.
Five Room House
to rent ; on a level with Main
street, and near business part
of the street.
Ten acres on West Side,
1 ?4 miles from suspension
bridge. 4' mile from where
land is selling at f'lOO to $10011
per acre. This will be sold at
a bargain,
A splendid home
In Oregon City, good two
storv house, basement, wood
shed, cellar and green lioiihe.
5 Lots set with a good variet
of fruit trees, now bearing.
Below the bluff and witlNn
half block of Electric Line,.
Price $2500.
Apply to
A Sovereign Remedy fir Qjugha
ColdsXaGrippe and all Affections
tf theThroat. Chest and Lungs.
For sale by C. G. Huntley.
Meets the 2d and 4th Fridays of each month
at K P Hall :U P M.
W. 8. Cram, Geo. R. Wilrha rt,
Chief Knnzer. Kecnrriiuz Ben
I. E. Lawkhmi f.. J, R, Kinwkdy,
MuLi. Chief hanger. Financial 8ec
a well-worn pocket book on Maui street,
near Congregational chuicli, containing
between Uw mid llnvu doll-ir Finder
will receive reasonable reward by leav
ing at this olhYo.
I'd Kviliaiini'.
rur Oregon City resilience or business
property Urn whole or pait ul' a Inn! farm
of eighty acre. six miles inun Vancouver
Wash., all under cultivation, 1(1 acres in
prunes four years old nqiiiie at 1 J.
Stratton's grocery, corner 7th and
Center stieet.
Captain Sweeney,!'. S. A., San Diego,
: Cal. savs: "ShMoh's Cat.irth Uemedv
is the first medicine 1 have ever found
that would do me anv guml' Price riOc,
For sale by tieo. A. ilarding
When occasion demands its use, try
1H Witt's Witch lliuel Salve. It is
cooling to bums, stops pain instantly,
cleanses, a perfect healer lor scalds or
skin eruptions. Always cures piles. V.
ti. Iluntlev, Druggist.
Dr. A. P. Sawyer Sir: Af'ersutl'ering
for four years with h male weakness I
was piirsuadeil by a friend to try your
Pastilles, an I after using them one year,
I can sav I am entirely well. I can not
recommend them too highly.
Mrs. M. S. Brook, lironson, Bethel
Branch Co Mich.
Sold by Geo A Harding.
A DeaperaU Battls with UxlsTsrribU
DisM, Lasting Thirty Tsars.
Oars found at Lai.
Ttwre Ii rial a mr
funlltar tgur on
to itrwu of AtUa
U Uita th nil
hnwn. Kruybodji
know him by light
fe 'i Lwd. i-i ' aadllwlllbrnwm-
S 'r 1 'J b bgn o nu on
. rr i. g ? hi. nnnar Hi. lull
hi, tipper Hp, )mt
amUr hit noM,
mill plc of court
plwMr, at Urgcr
thin a ilWor bait
dim; Mil plMtr
bo tut worn con-
i 7
Untlf, though It gradually IncruMd la !. a
rerjbody knowi, until It iu at law at a lllm
dollar. ThU man la M. M. Nlcbolton, wbo ro
aldaf at Uw eartMrof Aadcraoo and Cur ran Su
It was thirty yoara ago, thai b trtt noticed a
tiny acala, Ilk a plan of wbat bran, on hla Up.
R at flrat thought It only a tt't bllitar, but It
wai not long bafora hla cbeaki bocama dlaaaaad
and painful t tba touch, and ha anon raalliad
that ha bad fallen a rlctlra to that moat dread
ful and relentleaa diieaia cancer. It rapidly
Increased In alaa and aererlty, and remember
Ing that hla father had cancer when be died, anl
that hla nncle alao loat his K by thia terrible
dlaeaae which dlatroyed hla tongue, throat and
left eye, Mr. Nlcholaon became thoroughli
alarmed, and real tied that hla condition wm
mora than ear lout.
Olring up entirely hla bualneee, he went ti
Cincinnati and remained for aereral months
under treatment of a celebrated tierlallit. Ilr
waa afterwards treated In Klmlra, New York,
where the cancer waa twice remored, but be de
clare that death waa preferable to inch treat
ment. The dlaeaae eeemed to be of a moat rlru
lent type, and tba doc Inn afforded absolutely no
relief, the cancer spreading all the time, eatliiK
out entirely the partition In hla nose, aa well a
bla upper Hp and gums.
"Some months ago," be says, "I began to usr
8. 8. B., though I admit with little faith that I'
could cure ma, but to my surprise, a few bottle,
afforded some relief. Thus encouraged, I dp
termlnedto gire the medicine a thorough trial
and It waa not long before the progress of tin
diseaae seemed checked. I continued the medl
clue, and remarkable aa It may seem, I am cured
and feel like I hare a new life. I can talk more
distinctly, for the flesh has begun to grow back
around my teeth, where It baa been literal)
eaten away. 8. 8. 8. la the most wonderful
remedy In the world, and as my condition b
pretty generally known, everybody will agrci
that the cure la Indeed a most remarkable one
B. 8. 8. haa given me a new hold on llo, and I
Shall certainly sing Ita praises the remainder ol
my daye." Atlanta Constitution.
Sunday Set-vices.
HT. PAUL'S CHl'ltCH - KDiceoiml - Rev.
Iuhhc flnwHon, lli'r:tor. .St-rvlren nil! o'clor k a.
and r.M p.m. Prayer service ivery Wed-
nemliiy evening.
Rev. 3. vr. Cowan l'ntnr. Horvn e at lU::m a.m
and ;0U p. M. Hunday Hi hnnl lifter inorulrii
serrice. Player meeting Wednenlny evening at
i:wo,cioca. rriiyer ini-eiing in l oilliit renple.s
Society of Clirl,tlan Kudeavor every niiuiUy
evening alT.rx prmniil.
Ki'i.o, Pastor Morning Servile at II: Sunday
School at l'Mi; Kvenlng Service fi :to ; KcKiilitr
prayer meeting Wcdnculiiy evening. Monthly
lyovenniil meeiuisf every nenneu'luy ev'lllllg
preceding tlio flmt Sunday In the month. X
cornlal Invitation to ail.
Hiu.kiiranI), Pas-.or. On Sunday mans at H ami
10:nu A. M. Kvery second and fourth Sunday
German sermon after he o'clock iiiiimi
At ail other maai.es KngHth kernions. Sunday
School at p. m. VeM.em, apologetleal
snbleccs and Benediction at ;ilOp. u.
G. Sykkk, Pastor. Morning service at 11:
Sunday School at 10:00. Claas meeting after
morning service. Kvenlnir nervice at 7:30,
F.pwortn League meeting Sunday evening at
0:30; Prayer Meeting Thurtiday evening at 6:30,
strangers cordially Invited.
W. Montgomery, Pantor. Services at 11 a. m. and
7:30 P. M, Sabbath School at 10 a. M. Young
People's Society of Christian Kudeavor meets
every Sunday evening at 6:30. Wednesday
evening prayer meeting at 7:30. Reals free.
Hornm:mi:i II, Pastor; 3. H. Khiikt A-.t int.
Preaching services every Sunday at 11 A. M.
and 7:30 P. M Sabbath school every Sunday at
10 A.M., Mr. 7. mi-man Supt. Prayer Meotlug
every Thursday evening
moruiug anl ev -rung of lit and 3 I fund iy of
each mouth. Sabbath Hchool at 10. A, M. eaoh
Sibbath. J I). Surtu., Sui.t.
W. II. McLaim, P,tor.
Gkky, Pastor, German services every Sunday
at 11 o'clock A M. Kiixlmh services at 7:30 p.
M Sunday school at 10 o'clock A. M. Loca
tion: Slore room next door to bakery In Slilve
ley's building, corner of Seventh aui Madison
moved to Odd Fellows' temple S. W. Cor. 1st
and Alder, Portland, Oregon.
Unit "nUuO I llna lli'im duly IM'ollllV I lV
II ii. (i. K, IInjiiix, J"litv n( n county court uf
i 1 ' n'nie l (irvKMti I r (,'iacliaina. iiiuiily, a,l
nntiMiu'o' el in,' us'.him iii (', II, Hawkins, d
,!':., I. All iwrnma having Halms asll.l -sld
pilttto srv riMjulr'i to pr ."ill thtt .sinv, propery
vor.llo i, lo mo ut ittv i III till Mhiii ti vi I, 111
OiKMll'ttV, Orvuon, WllHIII mx IllOllllt. from
llm I no ui ia iiiin.in. TIMS. K. IIVAN,
A in r ui I io o.i 1 1 nl C, II. IlKwkliia, id I'M.
Ikivi at oiuuuii t'liy this AH day ui July
AllMINlslKATOK NO ril'K.
iii i.t ,i. a lull i lal'K'ur ui llm I no nl 'I'll s.
II. I .ifio.tor, ilo,'ono,l, Into nt Cn'kiOltn On, in
ly, (I oif. ui, All ior iiiia ImvliK piitii miniiiil
ii i . iifiln will (inmiMi thinu In mo ilul Vorl
ll,ilal i ho ill o if W. (', Jihi'on, i.iwyvr, In
Or .iih Cl:y, nr. Hun, within sx mniillik irmit
lllr.l'iloe. till, no'liv, or Ih'i hiiio W'll lull he
l"oi. II K. KOUUKSIKII, Aihn'r,
IMoil July III, ihi i7-.ll hi
Hlaiik note, receipt and order books
I at the I'.N I Kiti'UIHK ollice
Sr. J. ti. ITattt, (Irugglut and pliyil
Dlnu, IlillnlKililt, Neb., who alifTuri'd with
hourt UIm'hh4i fur four yeivnt, trylnij tiyery
Miieily ami nil troutim-nt kuuwu u him
soKanil tidliiw-prni'tltliitii'nti Uillnvmi thut
hourt tlli'uo lai-untblu. Ho wrlti-a!
"I bli to tell wlutyour vnluubln iiiimII
clne haa dime fur run. For four yearn I luul
htiurtUlMaaouf thovery unit kind. Scr
erul pliyslcliuia I conulloJ, aukl It wita
Rheumatism of (he Heart.
It waa aliuoat un
eniliimlilii; with
hortnea of
brvuth, pttlplta
tlona, itivura
pains, uimliln to
alueu, Bapm-lAlty
on the loft sldo.
No pen can de
acrlla) niy auffur-
tnga. purtli'ulnrly
'luring the Inat
,r inoutha of thMa
four weary year.
I Anally trlod
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure,
and was surprised at the reeult It put now
Ufa Into and made a new man of tna. I
have nut had a symptom of trouble) since
and I urn eittlauVd your medicine haa cun-d
ow fur I have now enjoyed, allies taking it
Three Years of Splendid Health.
I might add that I am at druggist and have
aolil und nvimiiiH-nili-U your II curt Cum, for
1 know what It hua dmio fur ma and only
wl-,h I could slnto mum clearly my suffer
ing then and tlio good health I now eiijny.
Your Nervine and other rmiIlr also
g!e excellent gutls'iioUon." J. 11. WATT.
Humboldt, NoU, May a, M.
Ir. M Ilea Heart Cure) la aold on positive)
giliiraiiUH- tlmt thn Hnt buttle will IhhihuU
AMiiruugMaHollltatll, laittli-N for In, or
It will beaent, pmpald, on rocellit of prlct,
by Uio bl. Mlloa Modlcai Co.. tlthart, Jud.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Restores Health
Caked & Inflamed Udder.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness & Saddle Sore.?,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
AH Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Scat of Pain and
Ousts It in a Jiffy.
Rub In Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquer
Makes Han or Beast well
If youuvthePrtnlem" IfYjIT
olhrra ore wasiiuu V5"
ti (..Jnrnri'lM FTP
: ,iT. i,.. tfi 4
lt.anddrscribrt evrry
article nreiU-d for tlic,
poultry business.
The "ERIE"
mechanically the best
wheel, rrruirsimoiiei.
uv . Pnrilie iloasL
ARenta. Bicycle cuta
luirue.mailed frecKives
r..t 1 , , , t ift.ltTlVI1ITTII.
Bkanch Hoiisb, hi 8 Main bt., Ioa Anelcs
In 111 Ouiilr Ciinrt nl tliainl of ()rn lr
lu oniiiiix nf C nekainx".
Iu Mm nmtlor nl lliomulo ul l'lillli M ur, il-
iiiiiIokikmii.I Im. Imoii niiKiiiiiuil ly lu
Ciniiitv (Mint ul Clnoknnma ('niiiOy, O" '", ml
iiiliiinliuinr ut tlin pii "I l'hllii Mniiio, il
i,i.o,. All p.ir"in hnUng nlHlma nil ilml tint
o.lKin nl mhI I'lil iii Mniitn, iloooioi'il. rn hi'ritojr
iiiilllloil In irmoiil iliu Minn il'iiy yu lll il Inr
iaviiiiiiiI liillm iii,ur.lMiiiil ! hla ultlin III K
tli Crjot, miiil iimiiily mi l alnt", nr nl llix law
elhi'oa nl C l A II, C, l.ili'iu lln or lion. C
llinwneil In i oK 'ii Cllv, i: ifc n on, inly,
alulu ill Oroiiiin, w ilhlll an mil illi fr nil ilalu,
('. II, SMI I II, A li' l'ilrlratnr.
I in ii,ni I'll v, ilr, nun, Annul 15, IsiA
C. Ii. D C. I.iliiuroilu anil lion. I Hr.iivlioll,
S III -lll Aim ii 'V l'ir A lin'r. o
UonraAjn-BWi iuiuoiwiKij.nriidi.jx.at
'i E. McNeill, Receiver.
(iivt'H tlio elioieo of
Minneapolis OMAHA
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to all
Eastern Cities.
I.ravp I'ortlitml every five iuvh for
For full di'tuila rail on or ml
Gi'ii. I'aHsnijrcr Ajirnt,
Portland, Or.
Received a gold nirdiil find diploma
at St. Louin Convention of
Third and Morrison Streets,
Portland, Oregon.
The New Way East
O. R.&N.Co. Lines.
Washington, Dakotas,
Idaho. Minnesota,
Montana, And the East.
-Tliroti";li Tickets on Sale
St. I,orin,
Nk' YoltK,
To and From
Atid all jioints in the
United States,
trsnsraiitliioiilnl Hue. K trim liuHct llhrnry
nhnorvslliin cars lalnna alueplns; ami iliiilnir
cars, family tuurlst rluopvrs ami second clans
Havlni rnrk lullsl (rncV, llm (I UK AT
NOK'I 'IKKN ItAILWAV Is (r.... from dual, una
of the chlof annoyances of triiiisuoiulniintal
Kniind trip tickets with stop over privileges
and choice of return routes.
for further Information call upon or write,
C. C. IlONAVAN, (Jencral Aiteut,
IW, Third Htrent,
Portland, Ore.
r. I, Whllnny O.P AT. A.
tit. Paul. Minn.
a... -
"-"M " l i lf' )ml tmtl psin Ja
Ste.unerG. W. Shaver,
Will leave Portland, font of
WaHhington Streot, for Cluthkanio
and way landings, Monday, Wed
nemlny and Friilav nioriiiiiL's at 6
o'clock, und return to Portland
1 ueHUiiyB, hurmlaynand Saturdays
This the most direct and aceessablo
route to the Nehalem Vally only
nine miles from Clatskanie.
Shaver Transportation Co.
Span's Soomiiig Powders.
For Childnn Cutting their Teth.
f fve'iA Hint, prtmnt Ut; Conuultlom, tut
prutrut Mialthy ttaf of ( constitution
. . luring tht ptrlod of (ntina.
J as saw