Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 30, 1895, Image 5

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
O. C.T t'O.'N HTK.VMKIt.
Kifmiinr KAMoNA,
Dim it in,
I uu i. hi,
II IX ji. III,
in ihi A. M,
i in I'. M
I. Jl I. M
7I Ml.
II mill III.
i Ml l. Ill,
t :vi A M.
ii :w a. m,
a in r, m.
- The Kaal-
HKtWKKN rintl.Ml. M4I.KM Mil I llllKr-MlkNI I,
Leave I'nrlliiiul Taylor .in . I iliK k ill fl ml A. M.
ml leave. tiri'Ki.n i lly l,,r Maliuu 7.U1 A. M.
'I ni'xlny, limit. Uy ami Hutunlay.
I.rave lihl.-i'i-inli'iirn B ;HJ A M nip) Halein 7 H
A M mul nri'iiMi City I ml I' M lnr I'url
laml Moii'lay, Wnln. iy mul Kil'lay,
KM Hum, good )( . in . 'l 1 1 1 1 hi ami low rnli a.
Nu way (inula hamllnl, Hpnulal ral oil
llirniiiili Irvlglit,
Wll 1 ilMtM I'AI'iril! KAII.WAV.
Nimtll Unl'NII,
California Kaurtoa KliniiiKli) 7 I'l a in.
Itiliurn (way ilalioua) It .V i. 111.
H.Ijiu l'a.liur 17 a. III.
.H til mil'Nli.
Konliliri( L"l'l (way ilallolml . t'ff , Ml
ralllnrnla hlpritiu (through) V 4 . t. ill
Rill m I' ikui 4WI. III.
Tt Tallin,
Leave lqvff
Oregou i lly. WlUnim-im Falls.
HAM 11 I . . H,
V il " y ,l " '
II ,i ' II i! -
null1 m, 1 iiph,
nun ' a, hi
Oil " A : 1 . "
1 ninr TIK.
in A.M. I5A. M.
o ui In fi "
II III 11 M "
I uu C, M. I It l'. M
l ' I 4.1 "
Jul 'I 1.1 "
i ;tu " l ii "
I hi " I 1.1 "
I m " 1 to "
4 ii M 4 li "
III " 4 4! "
6 iai ' 5 II H
b au " Hi "
t uu " IJ "
('. A. MtM.gR. Miil.
Milli rlo.ii going Nurih. 1J tu .1 p. m., 7 p ro.
Mailt rloiK going H0111I1, V . m., 7 i. m.
ilia n.ii'Tia.
Oregon (Ml t I'urilauil over Kaal Hide Hall
way, Iravi.. IJ a) I', M. ami Mil I' M .arrlvra
II lA A. M ami 4 Ml I' M I atrlKa I'orllali.l.
Ka-l'tii, Weal tide. Handy ami Highland roulci
Oregon City In Kly.l'arua, Milium. Mlwral and
Motalla Iravra at 11 111. mul arrive, at U m.
Oregon City In Heaver ( rrk, Mltih, Clark,
Meadow Itrook, I nliiu Mllla. ami t olton, leave.
I a a m Monday Wednesday an. I I r .lay
mill riiirt! mi following tlava at i ;i!t p. m
Oregon t'lly I" Viola, .ogn ami llidlatld
leave. Oregon I lly .iul Wedne.daV alol
Krlilair at I uu M., Uavlng Vlula same ilayi
" 1
" hTAtiK LINK.
Oretf.m t'lty CUrlicn M itlino Mull Iluiilr.
Iarvm Oregon ( II V I'. . ImlMli'K al N A.
M. M.iii.Uv, Wr.in,lay mul Kil.Uv lur
Heaver I rrrk, risrkea, Aicmiow iiroon
I nliiii Mill ami Milium.
Ilrjluriiln, Iravra M11II110 It H. A. M.,
Vlilnn Mllla II A.M., Mrmliiw Jlmok III A.
M., Clnrkra Ii 11111111. mul llfnver Crrck 3 1'.
M., Tur-'laW Tliurmliiy mil Salimlnv.
A riiinliirialiir rav ruling lim k. l'uaMu
Hrr rmi'a rri..iiialila.
H11111II iitrrH currlnl, 10 cinl Id W wnl.
Any unliT It'll with inn will Iw muitly
null 111I1U In. J. M, ( t'NMimn.
KU1PAY, Al'UUST :U), 18!i.'.
Tim Anti-Hmhimku Sociktv. Tim
aiill-liIiMjiiuTaiK'li'ly uirKotiinn luinl Ili'kH
from eviry boiiiou. In furl, they ro
)lnyiii in liitnl lurk, uml it In'tiiim to
luuk il 1 liry wool. I not niic'ii'inl in Hr
foi'tiiiu a iii'iinuni'iit urttuiiiriitioii. The
court hinim) fiowil, liiflmliim thti nttur
Uityn, w liu Mx'iiil M I iirtion ol (ho time
llllJiillK tl ll'ltill llllllllTH, ilrcUin tlll'HI-
Nlllv04 UIIHIlilllOllHly in fHVur of Urn
lilounii-r coHtiiiiiti, Ilpniiluri Nttvuntl of
the y.miiK luilii'H tlirratoil to ImycoU all
yontitt iiH-n who mnoko ttinnrnttun ami
iniike 11 iriii:ti('H of frcijiii'iiling kuIouiih, if
tho 1 11 iy 9 piTMint 111 nmkiiiK war on
blooinorH. NtivurthclonH, the lioyH, who
htiloliK to thin MX'it'ly cliiini lo lit) of the
Koody, Kooily kind mul hv inmo of
the o'ljfi'tioiiuhltt lutliitH imint'il. He
tlmtUN it limy, tlui Suli-iu Sliik'Hiimn
Kooh iidi'r them in thin ntylo : "An mili
bloniiitir Hocioty Imi Iii'dii orcuuixrii hy
youm nii'ii Kt (iri'tt ni City on the koiu1
that the IiI'ioiiiit Ih nil iimiKirul iri(
fur the yomi lmliim to weiir. It will he
ilU uiiHiiiiK whtiu tho vniiilt lailii'g oi,;n
ice u':iiiiHt the yuunn iiiimi who liHte it 11
uiorul liiihniliiiil;i'. l.ikt'ly urt not 75 per
cent nf the aiiti-liluoimr Kucii'iy Hiimke
ciKi'rullcn, chew uml sinnke tulmci'i), Hlity
out lute of ni;htH, Hweur, kici coin
pHiiy 1 1 icy would nut darn admit to tlmir
liiothnrri and HiHtiTH, and do Into of other
thliiKft that can Rnifcnly find enduriui
nii'iil in the iinlli'irizi'd mural oodn. It
In gundy funny to Hee tint avirau;iyoiuiK
of tod 11 y (or of any other tiiuii) oiuuiz
iiia crtiHiiilu a(juiiiHt nlUycd imniural
droHS worn (iy tho lailitm, w linn an a mat
ter of fact the cituie yoiiiiK men would
Htitnd on u Rtroet rorniT all day to watch
ladiiiH In liliiomiTB i.iHHinit hy."
At laKTciimt'ij Hkacii. Mra. Duvid
Olds Ben la in an account of the doinnn
of auniu Urt'iton Clly people at Fletrlier's
beach oil tho Tillamook coiiHt. The
lotlor wan delayed for a week, and hoiiio
of the pitrtieg may have returned homo
ere thin. The Kinloys, I. M , Warnook,
VVillH, Mihh Duiinldnou and niymilf are
in camp hero willi County Tieamiror
Mooro'8 wifo and Ron, Will, Mr. J. j
Humphrey and family, l'litcraft and
family, M. McKiliznn and fumily, Ali
zor 1'ciiHe and Hinlcr, Ida, Mr. and Mrit,
lilythe and Maurice Meyor. The bench
hero in lovely nn. I the haihitiu; lino.
Flailing Ih good and Mew. Humphrey 1
and Flllcraft cuught a siilnion woihing
from 73 to 100 poundfl. The aea air la
uploiidid and wo are all enjoying the out
ing immciiHely.
Coming IlKim, I'rof. 0. W. urottc
and wifo leave next Mouduy for tlioir
new home in Oregon City, Oregon,
whom the priifoHHir lutH boon migagnd a
principal of the Vct tide mdnwiU for tint
oimulng year. Mr. ami Mm. iMirotto
are boih well known ull over Fremont
county, and they loaye behind ho4 ol
nIiiiiiicIi filcndu who wIhIi tlioin well In
their new homo, l'mf Purclto liuHheen
one ol the eoiiuty'i foroinoMt ndiiculurn
for the piiMt 15 yuarH and hIiuhIh hlli in
bin cli'iHcd profoHNlon. For two youiH
bo filled the olllce of county miierlii
teudent with credit to lilinntlf and profit
to the peopli), lliirinx ull bin yeum of
roHldonri! ill thiit county be hint con
Htaully been eiiKiiged In m hool work, ex
cept u brief engiiKcimuit in ImihIiiohh,
which venture proved liiiprolllahle, bin
training am! talent lying enH-ciully
along educational linen. Not only In thti
lino of ntraight x hool room work, in
the profe-Dur thoroughly at homo, but
an a teacher and conductor of norma! In
Ntitute be Htanda well toward the top.
Iliit aervlcen are alwiiya in tleiiiaml for
liiBlllule work. Since the clomt of bin
prlnclpalMhli at Kandolpli hit bun rpunt
a month of very murcruifiil work in thin
line in HlinoU, Tim peoplo of Ran
dolph uml Fremont county w ii! unite in
couimeudilig him lo the people of Ore
gon City an an able ami xcuIouh educa
tor, lUmlotph (Iowa) Kcg'mtor,
Tn k Ktatk Aoiiii i in hai. Coi.i.kiik.
The male ngrlctilttirul college at Cor
valliit la taking a front rank among the
atale educational iiiHtitutloiiH, and with
ita Hcleiililic luboratorh'N, inachltie and
wooil-woikiiig hhop", practical fiirin, gar
den, orchardit and dairy, It uirordn the
IwHt hirllilloH for obtaining a thorough,
practical education of any college or tini
verwty in the iiorlliwcat. In addition
to the unexcelled practical facilities af
forded, the Rcicntitli: and literary courno
in complete, and 1'2 competent inittrtic
torn drill the ntudenta in the varied
t'ourm. TIiih hx), in thti only inatitution
in Ort-gaii where the tuition is abso
lutely fre, with no Incidental fee. There
were '.'III Htililelits last year, and a giad
uuting clans of 51. Tho four rourHcs of
utility are: Agricultural, mecbunical,
household economy and liucbtdor of sci
ence, besides military instruction by
Unilod Stales olliecr. The college fur
nislies board, riKim, fuel, light, elc, at
'Ml mt week, making all the cxiwitscs
including clothing, ahotit U.10 Mr
month, or (Ml per school year. 1'upili
w ho have couipletetl reading, sHlling,
geocraphy, ariihinoiic, U. H. history and
F'uglish gttmmar, will ho admitted to
the college course. This school has '.' HI
graduates, many of whom oocuoy the
most rusH)tisible positions In the north
west. Fall term ttcgins Thursday, Sep
temher ltHh, 1H05. AddieM John M.
Iti.oss, president, Corvallis, or J. T. Al'
CkHKoM, president of the hoard, of ie
genta, Oregon City.
That rAMi'in.tcT. The board of trade
ol Oregon v'ily hai issued a handsomely
illustrated pamphlet, entitled the Wil
lamette Falls, the Niagara of the I'a
ci (to. setting lorth the business and man
ufacturing industriei of the city, and,
also the agricultural advantage of the
county, It is a notorious (act that Ore
cgoit City will in time he the great man
nfiicturing city on the coast. She has a
water power, if utllued, would drive tho
machinery of the New Kngland fac'.oiica.
The manufacturing industries now in op
eration are all doing well and are only
a beginning. The state has no finer ag
ricultural land than may be found in
Clackamas county. While much of it
is hilly and titnlx'red, I hero is a great
deal of prairie and cleared land. In
time, we honestly think, Clackamas
county will be tho second wealthiest in
the slate. The magnificent water power
will be titiliied, while her lulls find tim
bered lauds will tx under cultivation.
Oregon City and Claokitnaa county,
in our opinion, bsve a very bright fu
ture before them. Their close proxim
ity to Portland in a gieat advantage
Portland Dispatch.
Savk Yoi'H I'knmkh. "A iKtnny sawed
iM a penny earned" Wo do not have to
pay high salaries for clerk hire or any
exorbitant rents. This is why we can
Hit vo your money when you are in need
of pure drugs, chemicals, drug sundries
etc. We tlo husitif s on a cash basis and
give you the benefit. K. C. li.uiKy,
Seventh Street I'haruiacy, Cor. 7th and
Cento!" streets.
The most pleasant little pills for regu
lating tho bowels are De Witt's LUtle
Flarly Itinera. Cure eU-k headache and
constipation. Small pill, small uose. C.
(t. Huntley, 1'rtiggiHi.
Sold at greatly reduced prices by
Charman & Son, to make room lor an
immense fall stock. A full line of gen
tlemun's underwear just received.
F'or the ailments in tho kidneys and
bladder incident to declining years there
is no remedy that produces such imme
diate and satisfactory results as Dr. J.
II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Bnlin.
Um gonial and invigorating ell'oct on the
liver and kidneys is remarkable. Trice
11. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist.
It does seem bard tcr a woman to
have to cook on a burned out stove, be
sides the entire family have to sutt'er
from improperly cooked food. For $18.50
Schwan A Putrow will furnish a first-
chiHSCook stove with all the fixtures,
People who desire raspberries for can
ning, red or black, can do well by ap
plying to Tompkins Itrothers.
A splendid selection of men's, ladies'
and children's tan shoes at Charman &
Wkai.tiiy Visitoiis Last Siinduy a
party ol lumbermen from Wisconsin
and Michigan, representing In the aggre
gate millions of capital, spent a part of
the ilay In Oregon City. They came
from the Hound to Portland Fiiday, ami
buvo boon spending some days looking
over the vast timber resources with a
view to investing in timber lands, should
tho opportunities piesoliled be favora
ble. Tho members of the party that
visited Oregon City was composed of
T. II. Hixon. president of tho T. I!. Scott
Lumber Company, Merrill; John Stew
art, vice-president of the Alexander
Stewart Lumber Company, residing at
F.I bora, III.; Walter Alexander, secre
tary of tho Alexander-Stewart Lumber
Company, of Wassail ; Charles F. Dun
bar, president of the Wussau Furniture
Company; C. J. Winton, of tho Wiscon
sin Land Company, Wassail ; L N. An
son, president of the (iilkey-IIansen
Company, Merrill; John Landers, of the
lasl-uumud company, one of tho woods
men of the party ; II. II. Foster, of the
Merrill-Lumber Company; A. II.
Htrunge, of the A. II. Slrungo Manu
facturing Compnny, Merrill; A. L. Ar
pine, of the Arpine LumlM-r Company,
(iraud lUpids. The party was shown
through tho new electric power station,
and noted wilh great interest the meth
ods used in utilizing tint power.
Tine Statu Faik. It. Scott, of Mil
waukiit, county commissioner, gives his
views of the state fair in tho following
Hiyle: "For my part I would rather
listen to short talk by our old pioneers
than to all the discussions in the world
between tsililicians. We farmers go to
the state fair to have a good social time,
and to learn from each other, and as far
aa we can, leave our politics at home.
Should our State Agricultural Society
see fit, let them have some practical
dairying done on the grounds, or some
lectures on the best mode of dairying
and funning (for I do not think there is
a dairyman or farmer living but who can
learn some more; ami I know that some
of our horticulturists do not know it all
yotb Aa the 'air ia going to last ten
days, let us have a slock parade every
duy, and at a time when most ol the peo
ple can sue il. And last of ull, let the
fair managers close all entries of stock for
premiums at least ten days before tho
opening of the fair, so that they can Ret
a catalogue printed giving number of
entry, and names uf all animals entered,
as well as breed and age, Iiy doing this,
the society will inako money and the
dead-sure men wilt get left, or else
bring their stock to the fair in a thrifty
Beware of Ointments far Cuturrh that
Contains Mercury.
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
mucous surfaces. Such articles should
never be used except on prescriptions
from reputable physicians, as the damage
they will do is ten fold to the good you
can ixissihlv derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney A C, contains no murcury, and
is taken internally, acting directly tiwn
the blood ami mucous surfaces of the
system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure
lie sure you get the genuine. It is taken
internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by
K J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free
JaSold by Druggists, price 75c. per
Man Wanted.
A live man wanted in every township
in Clackamas county to introduce
"Diamond Drip" syrup. Ia a first class
article and good seller. Good w ages to
a rustler. Address, General Agent, box
443, Oregon City, Oregon.
Kenneth Itaxeniore had the good for
tune to rocieye a small bottle of Omni
berlain'B Colic, Cliolera ami Diarrhoea
Remedy when three menders of his (am
ily were rick with dysentery. This one
small bottle cured thorn all and he bad
some loft which he gave to George W.
Raker, a prominent merchant of the
place, Lewiston, N. C,, and .it cured
him of the same complaint. AVhen
troubled wilh dysentery, diarrlwea,
colic or cholera morbus, give this rein
edy a trial and you will be more than
pleased with the result. The praise that
naturally follows its introduction and
u ho has made it very popular.
Mnliue Mills.
Mulino Roller mill lain better order
then ever, and is doing as good work as
any. Cush for wheat at all times at the
highest market price, Farmera,' give
me a chance at your wheat, whether for
exchange or sale. C. T. Howabb.
Disorders in the liver and kidneys are
responsible for many of the ailments of
humanity, which, when neglected, de
velop into serious and often fatal mala
dies. Prudence . would suggest the
prompt use of Dr. J . II. McLean's Liver
and Kidney Balm to remove the disorder
as soon as possible, and restore the
diseased organs to healthy and vigorous
action. Price $1 per bottle. For sale
by C. G. Hiiiitley, druggist.
Clarence Porter has re-opened the
blacksmith shop lately occupied by W.
S. Maple, opposite Pope's hardware
store and is ready to do,all kinds of re
pairing and horseshoeing. As a shoer
Air. Porter Is equal lo the best and al
ways gives satisfaction.
Highest price paid for wool at Cbnr
man & Son's store.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Cold Medal Mldwinttr Fair, San Francises.
Notice Is hereby given that on Febru
ary 4, I'M! I sold my Interest in the
liiltto Creek (irutigo Association to J. R.
White and M. J. White, and they to pay
all debts and collect all accounts.
Maripiam, August '.), HU"i.
A dollar saved la equal to two dollars
cained. Puy up your subsciption to tne
KntkiiI'Kisk and gut the the benefit of
the reduction in price.
The latest in visiting cards at the Kn-
tkki'misk Okkick. Prices to suit you.
Look at our window this
week and see if you don't j
think we must sell a stack of i
tooth brushes.
There is good reason for it:
tjuality high, price right and
You know we guarantee a
25c tooth brush to last three!
The bristles in our 50c ones
will 6tay in as long as you
want 'em too.
HUNTLEY, Druooist.
Chautauqua Books
For 1895-6
This Is the "American Year"-tbe most
desirable years' reading for America that
has ever heen laid out by the originators of
tbe Chautauqua system of borne study.
Three finely illustrated books on Ameri
can History, Literature and Industry which
should go into every library. Come Into
our store snd ei amine them Don't think
these books won't Interest you because you
don't belong to a Chautauqua circle.
There were about 15 Chautauqua stud
ents in Clackamas County, in '10, about 75
in IM and we expect not less than 250 in "a").
A small discount if you place your
order before Sept. 15th.
Huntley's Book Store.
Oregon City, Qgn.
Postolfice-:- Store.
Dry Goods,
Boots Shoes,
Our Groceries are Fresh
and of the best quality.
In Prices vie meet
Fortland Competition.
Successor to
Let me have a trial order.
I'.iatabllNhetl i05.
Transfer1 and Epfe,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
RFfWVIS BAl' TASTE "y jrjp'
INiTMWil DXtArtl." ti
rem FKinau
For (tale by C. G. Huntley.
mum i;m
scientific twsswii?s
preparation ol i ?! u:-r x- i
Abidiue Balsam UW,;:A
fold iill.-li:fid?ji
undioreEves It & lr
II AlV - J Y I .
! !
! !
Kl You pplE flpifnp
H-ln it is necessary for you .to have a grader. You will save mora
S Q money by its use in one season than it will cost. You will havo
a better grade of prunes, and they will sell better. You cannot
afford to bo without one. Do not pay $l0 or $70 for an
Eastern grader when you can buy the best grader on the market
for f 28.00. Manufactured in Portland. Is invented and manu
factured by a man who has made prune graders a specialty.
Graders made to grade from 10 to 40 tons of prunes per day
and guaranteed. Also wire fruit dipping baskets from f 1.50 up.
Fruit growers wire works of all kinds. Correspondence solio--ited.
Agts. wanted.
Hr. UbAl , Or , April 25, IMS;.
The Portland Wire & Iron Work-. Port'an 1,
UCARbiR: Kei'lTiuf to your I ,vot "f 23"il Tn.t., I beg to aajr that th Prune OratK-f I
bonmil (mm you last y "ir, ha givsn rr ec. tlf'ic'n i. .Scv" ff s out of nr !cr, U ey to -o!K.Tte
i"iil cra'iea t e iri"e -i ve i cs c n bi tie irvd; mul fl t tar "rt pleaaure lo
IH'ak a word in ita p i i . A g ! mny f ill i." w t, v s Ud my p ic: durmr prune d-y-ilk
time aud wore upr aid t ..ie ixcj e.il rlt it d ;. Ymir Truly,
" r Hi sT E. DiiM-n.
VancjUVer. Wub., April IS, INtt.
C. W. B'Mwt En , fortla' d. Or.
1imii:-I ud one f your f-tilt graloM . y it iu ' il '" I n v.-rv "iu"H.
pKod with ita w r.iim. I hiit your grm ler ih e ie u eKt a : be t r i. r 1 i.avu mr I ea
UH'd. I would n't exchange my l- uralor lor any i grad r tn ti irmi' d If r ..
Y ui i T-uly. r. H. Rli'RiR.
Sole Manufactures, 334 ALDER STREET,
and Rubber
Hose of best grades
spray i'umps.
Prices will suit you call and examine.
No trouble to show goods.
Or Building Material?
Go to C- H- BESTOM.
Lowest cash prices ever ottered for
Also combination wire and picket fence,
And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times.
Shop Opp. Congregational Church,
. . . Dealer In . . .
General Express, Job Work and Moving.
Stand opposite Suspension Bridge.
i Dress Im...
Jimt received for fall waer,
and cligantTrimming Silks
of all ulyloB. Our new stock
for fall and winter wear will
Boon lie in, all of the latest
Ktyles and fashionable cut.
If we cannot fit you, we
will take your measure,
and have a suit made to
order for you.
Thos. Charman
A great variety of
Force Pumps
Ordinary Well Pumps