Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 30, 1895, Image 3

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    Oregon City hntcrprisc.
Fill MAY, AlK.CST ::", Ml".."
Clncknrnns Co. Diroctory.
i' orli of (luurlft,
I rtmniir'Kr,
A .ti.ir,
M'hnitl Hiiiinrlutt'iiiliint,
(liirilmi K. Iln)n
I , K Durum
K I'. Mii.lcliick
M M Hiun.l.y
M I. Muiiic
.1, ('. Illmlli-y
II. M llbHI
I'. W K I ti tin 1 1 I
It. I,. HmIiiiiiII
I llli-linnl Nintl
I l-iiink .liinnir
I'lihkclN, I'.iihUi'Im, liankcts, lit The Fair.
For all kinds nf Notions go lo the
lim ki't store.
Money In loan on Improved (.num.
W. II I '. 1 1 1 k ' 1 1 .
If you waul ii sewing iiiiii hinii fur l-'i
go to lidloiny V Hunch's.
Sl.ii in mill try one o( t'liclc .IhIiii'n
cigars, I'iiii'mI In tlm market.
(' T William Ihih llu linnN bar
gains in iiiHiiln IiiIn or small Inicts.
If vmi Mitnt llrxt chins mriit ut mi In
good hIiuH, Villi lllllnt get it nf Albright.
V HliTliii-loliM nil Ice lit I'lnle John',!
Scvuiilh sheet All llntuind Ihoruiiiihly
Cheapest place In town f ir lilurk
uiitl tan hose ami ladies ami gents under
vii' a r in at the Itmkct More.
Klcr tic; bulk Inn) Ilk'; 111 (minuls
P. U. sugar ll.INI, at tlm Ited Front
Trading i'iiinuny.
Mr. 1', It. Andrews, of the Maplcwood
gardens, will deliver vegetables on Hal
urilay in time fur Sunday meals.
TIik Marly Crawford peaches, fresh
picked from ( liti IhI , urn delivered
light from tln trees.
('unity Clerk llnrtun gave Nellie
JoIiiimiiii iiinl l. II. WiirniM'k, August
'Jiilli, m r 1 1 i xm i i 1 1 to marry.
Wherever tlm F.ngllsli hmguiiL'c in
Nioki'ii it ii I lialili'H urn born, there Hrd
tnan'N Soothing Tnwdcrs am rallii fur.
You can muvii twciily-llve cents on nv
cty pail ill 1 ii nl , liy bringing your 'iiilx
TlmiiiM I'. I!yun ruliirned Iioni an out
ini: at 'A'liln It Kii:iduy,
Mrs. Vi". J Knidow hurt hci.ii vii-ding
MrM. lilniii'liaril at Oswego.
Tlm MIhhcn France am tiikiiiglhclr mi
mini outing ut tlm Hi'itHiilit,
Minn Ifaltln Church 1m viailiiiK Miss
Yioh't .Malliimi at linlcville.
C. Iloberg, of Torthiwl, huh in town
Moinlav v i h i I i n y ijH uM Imni'i.
.Mr. iiml Mis. T. A. I'oh left for an
"tiling lit I.iiiik Hindi Hatniiliiy,
Min, Jaim IIimIi-h Ih visiling her son,
llniiiy HeiigcM at Harlow for a few days,
Tremdciit ,1. M. I1.,H. of tlm Mliili' an
rinilltirul college, wan in Orison City
). I.ovcjov wiih in the cily Monday.
I In hail been sojourning in l.inn rounly
for a nuni'icr of weeks
C. W, Iuretlc, tlm ikw irinriiul of
llm Wi'Ht xiilii OrcKoii City (u i'oolh, ur-rivt-il
from Iowa .Mninlay.
Mrn. I.. (J. (iiiriii-ll. ami ninli-r, MrH.
N. MrMillaii, of rortlaml, tin v ioim una
Miiyrral wn-k'tt vinit to Califoiniu.
K. I.. Saliin, maiiauiT uf tht- wlioli'
mi I u innri'liantH iml'rtivi union, of
1'ortlaiiil, wuh in (lii'iion City Salurilay.
rriMiiiiirk . llMlpH I in h Hi'icoli'il
having onco iiiIiIIhIu'(I a (hukt In Juiioh
villii. Tiik Kjiitkiii'Iiink iicknowlixlKi'H
vail from Mr. Hinitli.
MImm Vnrn 1'iinliiiry Ih virltinjf (riniiiU
at Antona.
Willii-l.oiim Ini" ri'lnrni'il from a Iwo
wiM'k'M viiiikiit Allinnv.
J. W. )'( onni II Inn n ttiriii'il from H
ni'vitiiI wiM-k'n oiilinit in tlm moimtaiiiM
MlMH l.lll'illl) U'lll'I'IlT Ii Hll'llinU til
wi'i k at 'J'lie Ii.iIIi h, IIh- ishvmI of MiHH
( 'rain.
Cliiirli'i li.li oi'k aii'l family ami Mrn.
Cliarli'H IturiiH, am nMHiilinjr a week on
Pimt rri'i'k.
Mihmi'k Kati Waul ami Ini-. CIiiihc
went to rortlaml Vini'Hi,iy, to make u
dliort v i h i t to frimiilM.
Mr. A A. Ahkin, of Taiomii, Hpcnt a
iortioii of litHt wi'i'k in tin; city viHitimt
Ilia lirotlii-r, V . A. Ankin
('. K. liaili-y, tlm Hi'vrntli Btrwt liar
iiiaciHl, viHtili-il I'ortlaml anil 1 1 i 1 1 nl kj ro
tliiit wiM-k, rcturiiiiiK ycMtirrilay.
Mih, ('liuili'M JiulliT, of I'nrt Town
win!, in I'ayiiiK a Blunt viait to liur
lirotliiT, II . K. Cmm of tlila city.
Mi-M ilattiii Ciiiiii, nf 'Mm I'ulli'H, who
liax lii'nr viniliinj rflativm uml friciiilM in
lliia city, rctiirncil liomn Sulnrilay.
Mrn. J. '. 1 1 i-iiii-n w ii v ami Mihh liar-
to AllnililV, ami liavn him lill tlicin.
KxtMirmiirnnml iin.m.v rai.nol imiirov.. ! ,I"I''.V. H'V Imvi- IhmMI for
Ur. S,.y,r' I'amilv C.ir... laraiiH,. it 1 1"1"' ,m,n,h'
railirally t-iiri-N ynHHin, l,ivir com- J M. J. Cimoll lia ln'i-n confliicil to liin
I'Uint ami Kiilimy ilillii-iilty. I'nr kiiIii ro""i '"f hcvithI wct'kH with a hhviti' at
tivliii). A. Ilanliii);. I lark of rlictiniHtiHin, I In in now alilu to
In' out lljlllill.
rii'l Warner, of I'ortlaml. with llm kuoiIh
aivepli'il ,,,, Mi .. ., . ,..,,.i f ,i...
tlm OHilioii of tlnm ki'fn r at llm W'il. I Wl.
lii-.mtl..r..l..U'a.,.r Conipmiy'HUii'U I Mr jjrH ,.; ,. W.lliu...H ami
Mr. ami Mm. C. . Story ami cliililrcn j Caj.uin ami Mia. A I!, liraliuiii left for
ami Mr. J. C. Tvl,.r liavcarriveil lioum ( llm Dallea Weilne.nlay eveniiii,', for g
Iroui a two week' autinjf t iiiean tmrk, ,rief vacalioii.
W. Carey Joliiimm left for l.oiitf llnacli I MrH. M. I.. Moore, wife of County
hiMt Sutunliiy, to join Mm, JoImihoii ami Tteamirer Moore, anl nun. Will, ro-
hoiih, Italic ami Merle, at their Hcaimle I turneil from a hi-vi ral week a Htay at
cottiiK". l;letcher'n Im'iicIi on t lie Tillamook coat,
MiHH.M. Aukeny, wlio Iihh I n tlm j 'lii 'lay .
ifiicHt of Mrn. I,, (i. (iiirnett for aeveral j K. W Allien, of (lie (Inn of Alilrn A
weeka iaHt, returiieil to Miiineaiulin j Tliayer, left fur California Thurwlav,
IuhI week. an oiiiinnieil liy liiii family. IIh inakea
Cii.tuin ami Mm. J M . (iral.um ami i ,ril' l" tr' '''""H'' climate for
Mia-.,- Winnie (iraliain ami Mililh Vili-1 ll,e "'" Mm. Alilen'B health,
art, luturneil from I.oiik licacli Monthly T. II. TIioiiiiih, William Hurria ami
muriiiiiK. W. It. HinriH, of l!cr creek, accoiiijian-
Mm. K. M. lliirineiHter ami MiH Al- j ly their fainilicN, are cain-il at the
ice Ai kermaii arriveil from (iearliart park 1 1'iu hucklchcrry pud li at the. heaii of
Saturilav, having enjoycil their oiitinit ! Hoarinn river ami the imiiiceof the north
iiiiiiieunely. 'fork of the C!a kiuiniN,
Mr. km) Mm. W. A. llunllev ainl I A party -oniMtiii; of Mr. ami Mm
liiiitflilcr returned from I.onu l'eacli Sal-: Clarence l-'ront, Mrs. Amy Martin ami
the I hiihy Kthel ; M ihhch Helen Taylor. Myr
i tie Taylor, Anna Story, Cora Martin ami
Maitcra Archie Story ami Hurry Front,
Funeral of Hiram J. Cochran. j .Wort Edward Urwuirht lluik.
The fuuerul of llm latu Hiram Jerome j Hheriir Maihlin k retnrno Weiluemlay
Cochran wan ImM at Kt IUiiI'h Fiiwo-1 inorninK from J'uiliiiiin, WuHtiintor,
pul church Haliinlay moriiin ii 1D:.'M), ' accompanied hy Mort I'Mwanli, who en
1("V. Inane IMwhoii nllit'ialii:. 1 ic wr-j capcl hum Ihe 1. !.ickuuian cuunty jail
vici'M throughout were very iinpren-ive 1 Hoincthini; over a yur hud in company
uihJ liiLio Han a pioliinu iinp:ay oiHilii .Moit Ijicuii and Al Wane. The
(lowerH. The funeral wan ono of the j two latter were nflerwanl captured, hut
laiK''ht ever held in Oregon City, and in iiothin hud been heard of Kdwardn,
Hilditinii to (he l.irKe number of Ihe ile- j until recently. A abort time, ao, Jior
CDHHed'H frieiiilH here who turneil out to land, who wan formerly a hlackumith at
pay their hiKt nad reHpc-iH, a iiuinbcr of Omwc'o, hut now in the Haini! line at
tho fiieiid4 of the family wcro preM lit
fi'Mii I'oillaml ami Yauconiier In ad
dition to tin- iniiiiy poxitioiiH of Irmtt that
Ml. Cochran held at Vancouver, which '
Pullman, recoutii.i-d Kdwardo an he
walked into the hhijp one day. liurland
informed tlm city manlial of I'ullman
that ivlwarda wan probably wanted
have been heielofore mentioned, ho very ! Ho whh arreHted and the Hheriff of Clack
acceplaoiv lilleil tlm ollice ot mayor of I amuH county wan notiheil. An noon an
Op'Koii City for Iwo terum. He waHiilnj 1 the rn'juinitioii pan-rn could bo made
member of thecilv council and wan ut I out .Sheriff Muddock ntaited for tun priH-
onrr. The Hherifr nayn that IMwarda
could have easily enra'd from Ihe rook-
phice, had he
and Kdwardn
were arreted for annulling nome Chi
Humeri at Ohwuko, hut the rand jury
found billH aainHt them for larceny.
Kdwardn Ih only 18 years old, and he
hapH!iied to full into bad company at
the time the otfenne wa couimitttd,
it in believed the court will be very len
ient with him.
, Special care and attention H'Vcn to
the accurate preparation of phyniciaiiH
prcHcriptionn. Pure driii
C. K. Pailey, Seventh St. Pharmacy.
How about thoHii 'i lor) acre tractn,
near the ChautailiU KfoundH, at lilad
nIoiiii Park, Home of them planted w ith
prune treea. C. (. T. WilliauiH.
I'aiVH waiHtN. w hite and colored. I
cheaper than ever at the Itacket Mure.
filch' Jolin, at li ih Seventh ntreet
Htand, Iiiih tlm very hcHt of ice cream on
baud at ull limcN. Try a dinh uf it and
he convinced .
Waller llrudlcv, K. N. Ilrmlley uml
CharhiH Fiwler went out to Funic creek
WcilucHttay and brought in a Hiring of
:;iki linii.
I.uiIich Pr. Suwyer'H PnHtillen are ef
fectual for fcmiilti wcakucHH, pain on lop
of the hi'iul and lower part of llm hack.
It HlreuKlheiiH and cuich. Sold by (ieo.
A. Huriliii);
Oregon watcriiieloriH aie now rlH ami
Tlm Novelty Candy Store will receive an
invoice every other day, of the larL'cNt
and bent Kiiide of melloiiH in the market,
which will be Fold at reaHonuble prices.
Kcmciiiber we aie open till mill nielli .
I.iidieH will llml at Mm. Dnutc'H
IaidiiiM' FurniHhinn Htore, Seventh direct,
a complete UHHortment of childreiiH uooiIh
I.oiiik Nobel, Ih utile to he out unuin,
after cuullnemeiit in liin room for a
couple of inontliH, with a aevero attack
of rlicumaliHin.
Jinlii and Mm.C. It. liclliiitfcr were up
froiii Poitlaml Sunday, the KueHta ol
Jiidp' ami Mm. Ira Joiiuh at their camp
on the went Hide,
CliarleH Miller, of Sprumie, Wanhinit-
ton, in vinitiiiK hi I'riindinothcr, Mm,
.lane Story, uml will probublv niuke tliin
place in bin future lnnne.
W. H. Speer, nilit telegraph oiera
tor at the Southern Pacilic raihnad of
lice in thin city, npciit Sunday with bin
parenlH at Junction City,
A. (ioldmnith, of Fiikcih', and ilauyh
ler, MIkh (Vila, Hpent Sunday with Mr,
and Mm. .1. Pollack. Mr. (ioldHinith
came down to nee bin new uraniUmi. j
II S. Hellomy and Frank Iliirhuni ac
companied by their families, went out
to Needy Saturday, and remained over
Sunday. They returned home Monday.
J. S. MuthcHon, of Purk Place, ia olli
ciiitiiij iih cxprcHHiiiun and bunuai:i-niuH-ter
ut tlm S. P. depot, in place of J.. II.
Ihckleinun, who lias been ill fur the punt
A.J. Suwtcll, of Molullii, who niip
plien u Iuiki' number of woolen millH in
the Cuited Sliiten with teasels, wuh in
all lirsl class articles. All bought
for cash and Hold for cash, purcliasern
Uiitlinj,' tlu hcnelitH of the iliHcounlH.
No trouble to nhow tfoods. You are in
vited to cull.
J. S. Uislcy, of Milwaukie, was at
tacked by ii vicious hull ii few ilavH a no
and coiiHideruhly injured. Tho b'uiHl
hud been dehorned, hut it struck him
with grout force, uml hud the niiiiuul
not doHiHk'd, he would have hardly es
caped with bin life.
A new lino of line ilresn hooiIh just re
ceived ut Cliurmaii it Son'afor hill wear,
and ii line of elegant trimu.int,' ailkH of all
HtyleH. Will iiIho hoom have u full and
winter Ktock of the latest and most fash
ionable sty len of moil uml boya' cloth
ing. If they cannot fit you, they w ill
lake your measure and have a suit made
tu order.
On the evening of the L'7th Hob. (iurd-
ner committed an assault on II. Trim
biilh and made his escape to the hilln for
that night, but was apprehended the
following morning ubout t) o'clock by
Police Olllcer K. L. Khuw, placed under
arrest, wan triod the suine ufternoon
before Judgo Dixon, and wuh nentenced
to a term of seven iluys in the county
Jerry Coldwell, tho Oregonian rejMir
ter, came out with Bomo inemherg of the
Columbia Hiver cuiinerymnn committee,
to tuke a look at the new flshway at the
Cross dum the oilier day. While flail
ing, Jerry fell into the river and got bis
clothes wet. However, one of the com
mittee cluira that he wuh trying to cutch
fish in bis pants leg.
j the city Saturday. Ho wuh accompanied
by Mm. Saw tell.
W. S. ("lien, of tho Milwaukie nur
sery linn of l.ewelling, wuh in the city
Saturday. Ho slates that Mr. I.ewei
ling, sr., in still very ill, but they have
hopes of bin recovery.
Prof, and Mm. J. W. (iruv and Mrs.
F. F. While returned from Netarts lust
Fiiday, Mr. White, Miss Jean White
and other imtiiibera of the party liiivinir
returned the week previous.
A. II. Illukeiily, the St. Helens hotel
iniin, was in Oregon Cily for a few
hours Sulurduy evening. lie wuh on
his way to Corvallis to attend the fun
eral of bin iiiother-in-luw, Mm. Kendall.
Chuenco Hulls, the Newberg iiltorney,
wuh in Oregon City Monday, consulting
with Hon. (ioorgo C. lirownell in refer
ence to Home iund runes in which they
are both interested in Yamhill county.
J. M. Lnwronce returned Sunday from
u month 'h visit to bin old borne in Wis
consin, lie went by way of the North
ern Pacific and returned by the Great
Northern, uml is glud to bo in Oregon
Prof. J. It. Horner, the wido-a-wake
profcHsor of English and literature in
the state agricultural college at Corvnl-
lis, wus in Oregon Cily Saturday. He
Iiiih been nuking a tour of a part of the
Htute in tlr; interest of the college.
Mr. and Mm. L. O, Smith and daugh
ter, arrived Friday from JancHyille, Wis
consin, and expect to take up their per
muneiit residence here. Mr. and Mrs.
Smith aie the parents of Mrs, J. W.
Oruy. and are ut present viniting them.
Mr. Smith is an old newspaper man,
left Monday for an outing at Lincoln.
A boating party, consisting of Micses
liorolhy, Sade and Inez Chase and Minn
Kale Ward, Messrs. Fred Fuller, Will
Lewthwaile, John I.ewthwaite and Fred
Wilson, had a pleasant ride on the Wil
lamette river hist Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. It. prior left for Sea view
Tilesduy, where thev will oci-npr the cot
tage for several weeks, recently vacated
by Cupt. J. M. Giuliani. Mr. Prior has
been very ill fur the pant month, and it
in hoied that a change of climate will
hcncllt bin health.
Mrs. Angeline Anderson lieny, of
Poithwid, wan in Oregon Cite last Thurs
day the guest of Mrn. C. II. lve, sec
retary of the Willamette Valley Chau
lauipiii UHHOfiiition. Mm. P.erry has the
honor of being the first graduate of the
old Chuutiiuipiu. she belonging to the
Hint chins of that great institution and
her diploma was the liiM one issued.
.1. II. Wolfer. one of Hie solid farmers
of Ncedv precinct, wan in the citv Tues
day, lie reports the hop crop an excop
lionably good, uml that picking bun al
ready hi gun In one of the yards. The
price paid for pickers varies from :! to
10 cents, although one man in getting
his hops picked for .'10 cents per box.
The farmers in that section are selling
Iheii wheat ut A' cents per bushel, de
livered ut the railroad
Prof. H. A. Kruno was in Oregon Cily
Thursday on bin way from a visit to Ins
parents, Mr and Mrs. John Kruno, near
Wilsonvillo, Prof. Krnse has lately re
moved bin studio from aloiulo Portland
mid Iiiih already seemed a line chins in
uiiinic. lie in among Ihe rising young
inusiciuns of Oregon mid is an expert on
the piano and violin, and now that he is
located in the musical center of the state
ho w ill have amnio opportunity to do
velopo his musioul talents.
V Collision Averted.
A collision on Main street between a
lady on horseback and another riling a
bicycle, one day thiH week wan narrowly
averted by the presence of mind of Hon.
Peter Puiiuet. The lady's horse had
become frightened ut a passing electric
cur, and rearing around at a lively rate,
when Mr. Piquet caught the animal by
the bridle bit and held him until the cur
had vanished. The borne continued to
prance uround ut a lively rate on the
edge of tho sidewalk, when a young lady
came down the street riding a bicycle,
(and she didn't have on blooinurs either)
milking a bee line for the horsa and
rider. To avoid a collision the bicyclist
slid olf her wheel and let it drop at the
horses feet. Abotil this time the lady
homoback lider slid off her animal and
dropped on the prostruto bicycle, and
Mr. Paijuet aguin grabbed the restless
horse by the reins to keep him from
trampling on the rider. Fortunately,
no damage resulted, and both young la
dies gathered their belongings and
w alked off down the street, one lending
the horse and the other the bicycle.
one lim a"islant chief of the Oregon
City lire, department. The palllnaiern
ut Ihe ftiiii.-iiil were lieu. A. Harding, C. j cry culled a jail at that
N. (ireeiuiian, T. A. Pone, C. O. T. been so inclined, (ireen
Villiumi, J. G. Pilhbury arid II. L.
Kelly. The many friends of the family
sympathize, with them in their sad be
reavement Hun heft Hie Hospital.
Frank I.iml, the lH-yt-ur old boy, who
had bin foot crushed a couple of weeks
ago by a movement of the air brakes,
while stealing a ride on the brake beam Probate Couri.
of a frefght train ut Milwaukie, was din-j It wan ordered that Waller lying be
ohaig-d from the Oregon City hospital appointed guardian of the estate of C. C.
by l)r. Paiim, the county physician. Long, an insane person, upon filing a
The boy had recovered sufficiently to bond of $S,000.
1 able to travel with ease, and his janie n.xlges, executor of the estate
mother at Hpokane had sent him U'.50, 0f Martha Hmlges. filed his semi-annual
sufficient to relieve pressing necessities, Il0r, . ..j,,. ..M ..,.. flUrP(1 fllp
and the boy started for tho hop fields. I ,. , , ,
,r. i . i i -.. ., . . i Samuel hngle was appointed guardian
rhe dm:tor had written to the bov s , . ' .. ...
, ., ... , .. , , , , . , oi me estate ana person oi ieanuer liar
father tit Marshficld, who it in claimed1, ' .. ...
... , , , lens, a minor. iion executing a bond in
in a wealthy coal mine owner, butde-i., , '
,. , i . ... I the Buroof ti.OOO.
(lined to ennwer the letter snt him :
by the d'f.:tor Young I.iml states that j
bin father and mother separated several ,
Card of Thanks.
Mm. Cochran and lamily desire to re-
moiiths ago, and when bis mother again turn their sincere thanks to the manv
man ied he went with her to Spokane, friends for their sympathy and kindness
and was on his way to Mamhlield to see j in their late bereavement.
bis father when he met with the acci-1 .. , ... ,
I , it .. ... . Deputy Sheritl N. M. Mod v went out
dent. lie says after lie gets through , , ,
, .. , .. , , , ,, . , . ! the other day to levy an execution on a
work in the hop fields, he will go to hm ' , ....
, .. piece of property on which the taxes bail
father at Mamhlield. , 1 . , ,
.. .-. not been paid. The property was as-
rounly Treasurer's N' lioe. j peseil to P.urney A Mraiier, and is situ-
I have (uniln in my hands for the pay-! uted near the head of the breakwater
tiient of all Clackamas county warrants I above the falls, but when the irrepressi-
emlnt,,ed prior to Decemls-r 13. I'L'. hie deputy reache 1 the place, the tract
Also the following endorsed December of hind was about ten feet underwater,
13, S'.c.: No. IliHi?, m; No. 1 12 m), ; but this did not deter Moody from at-
No 1 1 .'!.-)!. ; No. 1 1470, 2) ; No. lVtM, ! lending to his otficial duty. He tacked
(il 20; No. IIjJI, yd. 2; So. ll".Vi, "; ' the writ of execution to a board and after
No. lbVit), f-'i; No. ll.j'.si, yUH lit); No. j weighting it down with a rock anchored
lli;i::. fli; 20, No. lli71, 12,441; No. , it in the bottom of the river.
11714, 2.20; No. 11720, ydO; No. 11721,
I0; No. 11727, 14 ISO; No. 1175.-), f; No.
11751, y.MMI.
uiniini nin innr vu nic nuCHlii , . i i- ii , .,
eei ne resuriieu mi) um place in me
It is about 13 years since M. II Flan-
' i ngan quit the loom in the woolen mills,
j and embarked in other business. This
the date of this notice.
M. L. Moork,
Treasurer Clackamas Co., Oregon.
D.uki Ohkuon City, Or., Aug. 20, 1M-3
i mills as weaver, as he wanted to see how-
it would go for a few weeka for a change.
Mr. Flanagan learned the trade of
weaver when a boy, at Pittsfield, Massa-
S. Ohlson, the conductor on the i chusotts, and afturward worked in the
when you have eat
en heartily, you
should take one
the fren- If.
tie Mim- t7M
ulatinir, an well
an invigorating, I
effect of tins'- '
tiny, niiwar-coat- W."
ed irranulcfi. 'A
If vou fret 'Ah
drowsv. dull -V
languid, inrx-
prcs-ihly tired
or debilitated ;
if you've no ap.
petite and frequent headaches or dizziness,
e furred or coated tomfue it proven that
you're bilious. In that case you should
use the "Pellets." They are anti-bilioon
rranuli-n, which net in a prompt and natural
way, without griping.
in" j:mtm a
commrnced taking Dr.
A-'tMX WJ I h'veirainrd in health
8.. .-..'' I A',f and wtiir.it. Doctor
Fierce Felletn nre the
best pilli I evtr took
for the liver. All my
friend ur they do
them the mot good."
tL Maksou, Esq.
Mr.SAwrF.r.BAKp.i fi
Of Ao. 16 Summit AvrAt
Uttllipibmrfh, ff. J ., y
nine is nuin
Iflff thai ran r-r, ..1 .
nt Pellett, u I.iver Pill?.
They have done more
rood than any rrther me
tone I have ever taken.
Ma. S. Baser, ba.
Bicycles, Umbrellas,
Guns, Sewing Machines,
And all kinds of small ma
chines put in good order. No
work to difficult to undertake.
Prices reasonable.
Shop on Seventh St., near depot.
Gladstone electric car, received injuries ! lare woolen mills of Manchester, Low
which will lay him up for several days, j ell and other manufacturing centers,
even if no serious complications arise, j After coming to Oregon lie was em
The electrical apparatus of the c.ir had 1 ploved lor four veins in the Oregon City
been cunning considerable trouble for j woolen mills.
several hours, and when he took the car I T T- TTZTT" ,
, I In ' The r volution of the C ow-puncher '
with a load of passengers for the mer. ! c ,,
, , , . . , , 1 published in the September Harpers,
chant s picnic into the depot at the iark : ,-, .... . , . , ,
...,,,.,, 1 Owen W istcr has made a careful study of
at live 0 clis'k Wediiesduv evenmir, . . , ... ... ;
he went to the top of the "car and al-i ,lle "om'er fa'1'""" of Western
temi.ted to straighten the trollev ro,li plains, now fast disappearing before the
Money Loaned.
First Mortgages on Improv
ed Farm Property
We are prepared to negotiate first
Montages upon improved farms in
Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate of
interest not to exceed 9 per cent, per
Mortgages renewed that have been
taken by other companies.
Address with stamps,
Mervin Sworts,
DakerCity, - - Oregon.
w hich from some cause had become i
locomotive aud baroed w ire fem e. For
bent. He threw his whole weight on ,l,ie Ila'H'r Mr l,,"'n'ton """
Clljr I'ropertj Six
V'roin Main fitreet.
the rod. which broke into in tlm mi.l.lle 1 pome 01 " most KUggesllve illustrations.
throwing him to the platform with Orepon
heavy thud, his head striking the rail, !
iiiasliing ins lelt sliouliler, aim severely 1
bruising his head. He was taken to the I. !' HISO.
Oregon City hospital, and Or. Summer j
was called. At the latest reports he had On new mad from Barclay school to
recovered consciousoss and recognized ! Abemethy creek. Write the owner, E.
those around him. His condition is , M- Atkinson, 8d5 SHlmon street, I'ort-
crilicul. j land.
Free Tills. ! Harvest Social.
Send your address to H. K. Hm klen j There will be a harvest social at the
A Co .Chicago, und got a free sample Congregational church next Friday even
box of Ir. Kind's New Life Tills. A ! in., s0,,t,w a.mimn. ..n,t
trial w ill convince you of their merits.
Those pills are easy in action and are
particularly ell'ectivo in the cine of con- j freo
stipalioti and Sick headache. For Mal
aria und I.iver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. Thoy are guaranteed
to he perfectly free from every deleterious
substance and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action, but
by giving tone to stomach and bowels
greatly invigorate the system. Regular
size L'f cents por box. Sold bv Cliarnuin
refreshments appropriate to the season.
Admission 10 cents Refreshments
All are cordiallv invited.
Fiae Perfaisries aiii Toilet Articles.
Also a full stock of
& Co.,
Schwan & Tutiuw have secured sev-1
Fifty Hollars Kewurd.
I will pay the above reward for the
arrest and conviction of tlie parlies, who
robbed the Wilhoit stage on the 12th
day of July, lSit'i, near Mtilino. The
abuve amount will be paid for any clue
that will lead to their conviction.
Sheriff of Clackamas county.
i'.... k..i..
eral line orders for hop drying furnaces Six Cotswold bucks at $" each : about
and fixtures and are busy at their tin ! 13 head of thorough bred short horned
August 20, 1SH5, a watch charm; on
one side three links, and on other side
engraved 1S4, Oct. 24, 1S!I4. If re
turned to county assessor's ollice w ill 1 e
suitably rewarded.
shop making tho necossaiy fittings.
This firm makes a specialty of fitting up
the heating upparutus for hop houses
and are able to give tuices that are as
low as can be had anywhere and guar
antee their work.
Tnlo, thin, bloodless people should use
Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. It is tho greatest
remedy in the world for making the
weak strong. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
A new line of imported dress goods
just received ut Charmun & Son's Tio
noer Store, ranging all the way from
.r0 cents to $1 per yard, consisting of
serges, suitings, Henriettas, etc.
The Novelty Cnudy Factory.
Tine ice cream, pint, iiimrt or gallon.
High grade French and home made
Oregon Crawford peaches one box to
Oregon watermelons be9t in market.
cows and heifers from one to five
old ; also pure bred Tolaud China pigs.
J. M. Tracy, Logan, Oregon. lino
Dr. A. T. Sawyer Dear Sir: 1 haye
been suffering with sick headache for a
long time. I used your family Cure and
now am entirely relieved. I would not
do without your medicine.
Mrs. G. Miller, Mt. Morrel Ills.
Sold by G. A. Harding.
Hop Tickets.
Cheapest place in Oregon to get hop
tickets is at the Kntekcisk office. Trinted
on best quality of tough check and sent
by mail to anv address.
Mr. Freytag is ever on the alert to
supply bis customers with fine crisp veg
etables. Have you tried his st ring beans,
cauliflower and beets?
Uncle John's. Noth
ripe. Sold at prices
Fresh fruits at
ing stale or half
within the reach of all
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and sad
dle horses always on hand at th
lowest prices. A corrall connected .
with the bam for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind or
stock promptly attended to bv person of
horses Boueht and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
pARMEKS . . .
Your team will have the best
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
At ihe
City Stables.
Kidd & Williams, Props..
aucceHort. to w. H. Cooke.
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me atrial.