Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 30, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. 2'.). NO. II.
Circuit emir! mil vrtii llrl MhimI In Nti
VihhImt mill tlilr-l Mnixlity In Aill.
I'futmli ciHirl III M'Mlr.,. ttk Mtiiiil'ty In rrh
(!omuiUlniM'fn ruiirl tn-it f1rt c)iitw1y
A f lor flint M'ttnltty i j f riM'h mumiiIi.
r II. HoltVN.
NOIUUY I'l 111,11
' A Ml V. .... OKH.oN.
Mill prucllri, In nil courts of I' e slalc.
DiMiriiiico Mrltlcll lit sll leading coin,
pantos. All Im.'I.iii . Il. liirnnlicd.
Co l4tt lun a sp ! II .
f Ki L. STORY,
t'pslalrs iipposllc Court Hoiim-.
Till niul!ii'.t mnl abstracts made. Minify
Loaned, Mortitgcs fi.ri'elnsrd all'l II
gt'lli'ml law hil-tllics.
Nol A it V Ptlll.li' and coNVKYANCKIt.
Ural estate handled. Insurance wrltn-u III
iIh. Ilartlord, nf Hartford. rslsHlir, Ni.rtll
HrllUll Mclralitlle, HalllLutg "I Dlrmali
Ufllpv wllh II. K. (.runs, Oregon Cltv. Otrgnii
ALslrarlt nl I'lai-kamaa lily r i .! r1 y .c
laliy. Ii.mmI mi. ik, rrsnoiiahli' charges.
Work guaranteed. I.lvi. 11 trial li
i; Lalniirclle, K. K lliilinlilmill, J, F.
Clark, Mii'i iiiii.
OHBIItlH fITV. - nr.uo!.
Hallway titration end r.iiinlriK'lliiii. bridges,
plauaand estimates for wslrr u..l .
Drainage mill strrrl I inrtvi-tii"iil nl towns.
xperlal attention 1 vl In draughting kikI blue
f r 1 ti 1 1 1 K
Corner Klulit mil Mln streets. Oregon Cny.
i iregnii.
MuSKY To I." 'AN.
AinnmiTu or raoi-raty rikNisiir.ii.
Olflre next I" Oregon i'llv bsuk on Mh street.
A good line nl business, residence ami suburbs!!
farm Property 111 tracts to mil on easy terms.
Correspondence iirmnf. ly answered. Office,
noil iloor lo Caiiflrld A I Hitler's drug store.
II. A II. C LATCirilKll F..
rurntth Allrpla oII'MIk, Una Morny. Txte
rln M.prlKnk'i', ami Iraimarl lirurral
l.aw Hunlnraa.
J J K I'HOH.t.
Will 1'k a ti k in All c.h ktii or tiik Htt
Krai KhIhIo mil linurnurf.
Omi'nn Main Hlriiot p(. Hlxlli ami Hpvcntli,
J. 1 IIKII:.
K. W. TlloMI'KliN
( T II HI 1 1 1 1 II
Ollli-ciln llarklny llullilliiK. irnn Clly, anil
A O I . W. 'Ii'iiiili', rorllaml.
I)o (li-m-ral Uw liiilui'. Loan Moiioy, I'ruc
Fiirpi'limn ninrtwc. rrnlmli' irni'loce.
onird over Ori'icn C'tly Hank,
A nOK.' r. A I l.AM ,
Okkiion City. Orkoon.
Will nrapllro In all llin M Ih"1 '. Ol-
flri, iii'it iloor to i:ulli'lil A lliiiuly' ilrug
lit I, O. BINIAH'ON.
v. R. HYIir.,
Will prni'tlco In nil fnnrtH of llic tntc.
Ofllco III JnilKiT Iliillilliiif oppiltc I'ourl Hoiisp.
'H.lliil, H0.00
I,(iiia mailo. lliiii iIIhi'ouiiIcmI. Mnk ool
ipotiona. llnya and aolla cxchniiKP on all points
In tho t'nlU'd StHlcn, Kiirope anil Hoiik Koiik.
Iit-ponltii ri'ppl-i'd auliji'ct to i:hi'i'k Hank
opiin from a. M. to i p. M. Hiitnnlay evctunga
from li to 7 r. m.
I). C.I.ATOUKKTTK, Pn-alilpnl.
Oldest Ulln Hense In Its City.
Paid up Capital, r.0,X0.
Biirplua, IJO.HIW.
K. 0. CAI'riRLD.
A general banking IniatncM tranaacled
Depnalta repplved aubjpoi to cliePk.
Approved bill and notes dlacntinted.
Conntj and city warranta boiiKht.
Loana mvt on availablo security.
EinhatiKe boiiubt and sold.
Collectlom made promptly.
Drafts sold vallanle In any part of the world
relosraphio exchanges sold on Portland, Ban
Francisco, Chicago and New York.
Interest put J on time deposits.
if . V V . . . ft
rr:TTZrjr. nH entirely tniHtworthy, and meeting
sA- U-svm. the needH of the hour to a second. Our
iiHHortment of liifdiionahlo jewelery
1 I'viT
FVFriT ONK, NtfKIiB A nrHlNKH B KPITATION. Many rounir mm snd
woiii.-n ran aprnd hill one or two yars at r-i-hool-whv not lake a courae that i-n
b rnintili-K-d In thai llmr' The rollra- Ireliulm a short FNflUHH roi.'RSE l
Mm a llfHINKHH an'l H 1 1' UtTI I A N 1 ''ni'IlHR For iatalo;'i ad-1ra,
71 S S
Will buy more at
Tliun any other plai-e in Oren City.
Stoi k eiutirui'vii every tiling neeiled in the liottfe, work nhop,
or ou tin) Iiirm.
All (mhI ms new
Kxainine our utm-k stnl net nricea anil
Hiirprid at the buriim,
Remcmlx.T the l;ice, Seventh St. near the IX'jtot.
New and Enlarged Shop with all appliances for
All work executed in the bM manner possible. Promptness guaran
teed on all orders.
Prices the lowest to le had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street,
near Main, Oregon City, Oregon.
L ROAKE cS: CO.. Proprietors.
Uow you Can
When your children need
and bowel regulator, buy
Fiftv doses tor
. 1 1
pared for an emergency, get a bottle of
Baby's Pectoral
DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor.
Do You Need a
Tho ENTERPRISE has the only complete stock
in Clackamas county.
Nearly 200 Different Blanks
to Make Selections From.
Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus
tice, Lawyer, Real Estate Dealer, Farmer or
One or a Quantity Sent POSTAGE paid at Portland
Prices to Your Address.
(Mi'iirn (tin liiinlli'. Wh nro now prvNi'iilini;
u Hlm k nl CuriPi'lH, II nun. He, limt inaki-K
u rli'iui jilini oviT riiliiii'tillnii. JiikI II m huiiK
In-ill lliii Low uii'l iirrow, mi wii ciirpHHH all
rivalry in llm arlimii: mi'l pi:'!'iri-n'jiie
UruHMi-lH, liiKraiiiH, i-ti:., iiiiitiudirliiri-d i-x-
tiHi vfly for nur Iruiln. 'In miiko your lioim
(li-livlilful uii'l your rooniM a" ili-wiiii ttml
inviluiif uh puHKililo, Kivi! our rariflH tli
(lour. Our lull iIi'hIhiih in fvi-ry inalnriiil
Hlriki) llm toi notirli in iliiruhililv uh wnll
in cIi-khiiih. W rao now oll'i-riiiK buiIi
ti'iniitiiik' prii'CH an iiniHH! for fD.WJ a yaril ;
uyanlctf. Dollomy & Busch,
Tim HouHi-fiiriiiHlifirn, Orfon City.
tijjk v;invs Yi) no jjin,
1111 J tlioHc who watch and wait for time
w ill only dincoviir itH flight. You can
(liHCuvcr an ch'nant collection of timc
jiicccH in our ntork of lailirH' and
ntlciiicn'ii frold and nilve watclicH,
which in all cahi'H are inodrU of ac
curacy, keeping time ho well that they
don't Ioho it. We can confidently rec
r 11 1 1 1 1 1 -1 m I our wutcheH and clock, too.
and nilverware iH very complete.
voii will be
Save Money
a laxative or stomach
twentv-tive cents. The season for
1 - T 1 4 A 1
ColllS anu COUgllS IS upon lis. Jii oraer u w pic
The best in the market. Trice 2" cents. For sale
at the CANBY PHARMACY, Canby, Or.
Legal Blank?
DeMoneut Taxes,
For the Year 1894.
I virtue of a warrant for the collertlou of
Delinquent Tsxi-s of lli AsueMiiiieut of DiVI lu
the Coiinly of Clackamas and Htte of Oregon,
which Warrau1 li now In my hand, and Is In
worils and fl ku n-a as lolIow, viz:
IJouiity of i lai.-kainss.i
To K, C. MaMioik, i-MKRirr or Cla'Kamak
III the name of Die state of Ortgon, you are
hereby cornrnaiiile4 lo levy upon the good, ami
chattels of ti,e Deiluqiieut lax pavers named
ill tin following lint, and II no:ie be found, then
npou the real projierty set forth therein, or to
n uch tuereot a shall satisfy tbs amount ol
taxes so charge'), with costs snd expenses, snd
that you pay over all inonsy so madetoths
County Treasurer of said county, ss required by
Witness my hand and the seal of the County
Court Hilt .tn Hay of July, Mi.
OKO. r. HOK ION, County Clerk,
W hich warrant It attached to the list of ua
psid ami Delinquent Taxes for the year IkIM In
said Clackamas County, and not having been
able, alter diligent anarch, to Dud any personal
property within ssld county, out ol which to
nuke the laiei hereinafter mentioned, I hare
levied upon the land described in the annexed
list be: in the properly of the within named In
dividual, as the tame appears atsetsed on the
delinquent tax roll, aud will, on
Tuesday, the 24th Hay or September, 1895,
at the frut doorof the county court house in
Oregon City, Cisrkunas couuty, Oregon, beglu
ulug at 10 o'clock In Ibe forenoon ol aaid day,
ell at public auction, to the highest bidder,
for rash In hand on the day of sal, all the
land decribel below, or ao much thereof as may
b nerers iry to pay and satisfy the sum taxed
against said property in said Clackamas county,
tor the year 1W, together wllh eoata and ac
cruing CusU of sale. E. C. MADDOCK,
KherifTof Clackamas Ci.uuiy, Oregon.
Couuty of C aokainas.l
I hereby ccrtliy that the above Is a true and
sorreot copy and the whole thereof, ol the
original warrant for collection of delinquent
taxes for Ihe year lsttl.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon,
Vbbott John pt ol sera 21 and 2, t 4 s
r 1 e as detcrlbed lu bonk 61 page
Ml aud book Mi pane 1.0 record of dee)s t 31 19
Ailair, B A U sw4 of sec i, 1 2 s, r 5 e luo
acre 6 00
Audlncton Alios K, Pleasant Little Homes
NoS Iota 6 and 6 blk 8 W
Allwrg Auun, liobertsun lots 2 snd 4 blk
Is 2 61
Alexander J W. pi of Geo Brock DLCai
i)irih-l lu book is oaf 4.W record of
o.e l.-l i a r 1 1 arrea 14 40
Allen 11 r. W Imlaor lot. 1 aud 6 blk 2 1 111
A in o A Mr, e1, ol se'4 mc , t S s r3e, SO
arr 7 X)
Anderson Almeda M, s ol se1; and lot 1
nopt iMKinuiug at Cen slake ol a
budy of sec 13, tluuee to co rosd uwly
by lo.lowlug lentirol couuty road to
beuluuine, mc LI, I 2 a, r 8 e, Ki acres 8 40
Atiilersou John, ue't o!se;tol sc'i of
sec 14, I 4 s r 2 o, W acres 1 35
An.iruva lrrv M Mrs. of se'i and
di, ol seofseeSJ I Is, r6e 120 acres 4 KO
Armstrong V W. Canby. lot 12, blk 9 Nl
us1, ami ne'4 and
that part ol s'j of nw1, lying west of
rliiht nauk ol 1'iiilillug river aud land
rin.rrihil In book M naire TO aud book
ID nags 21. ec It t 3 s r 1 e,lu7 acres 83 Ml
Armstrong lieo. ptol Albert right 0 L
C as deal rib.d In book 54 pane 12s re
cord of deeds sec M t 3 s r 3 e A acrea
Arpititi.n kiiherL Miiithoru. lots 7 and
8 blk 77 I 31
Bailey C M, n1, of ne'i of. ex 40 acres,
or 7 1 2sr6o40 acres
linker Horace II, l'leaaut Little Homes
No, 1 lots 111, 2", !
Baker Utw rauce, bw(.o1 ne1; seels t 4s r
4 e 40 acres
Hsker T M. e of sw sec 9 t 8 r 1 w
Kail 1) C, ae of se and Iota 6, "and 4 ex
cept fill acres in Hook .S3, page 201, Ke
curd ol lioe.is ec l'J t is r S e SJ acres
Bamion J P and Henry U C, a of s of
ne '4 ol ue V see XI 1 1 s r 3e 10 seres
Barrett Mary, Ml acres described lu Cir
cuit Court Journal No. , page 2U3 sec
30, 1 3 s r 1 e w S3 seres
Hsrlow J B A tt, Csuemsh, lots 1 and 2
blk 22
Bsrngrover John 1 pt of O P Uoodall D
LC dei-cnbed in Bmik V, page 2s
Kecord ol Deeds sees ID aud 20 1 2 s r 1
N..;lS acres
Batten K J, Clackamas Riverside lot O
10 acrea
Barlow K T. trustee, Windsor, lot 1 blk 7
aud Iota 7 and lilk 21
Bales 1' s 4 J M, Stokes' addition to Or-
eeou City, blocks A, B, C. D, K. F, O, II
Baty Charles E, s '.ol ue '4 and nw !4 of
se ' 4 sen 30 1 2 ar ie 120 aorea
Baty T J, asiRue, no ol ne !4 sec il 1 2
r 5 40 acres
Bauer Margaret, Pleasant Little Homes
No. t. line lu and I'O
1 8S
5 40
23 40
5 40
12 00
2 97
17 10
6 76
3 53
4 HO
1 44
Bealte Hubert J trustee, pt of as dcscrl bed
lu Bonk 41, pairs 127, Kecord ol Deeds
soe 2 I 2 a r 2 e 20. Is acrea
Beat C, ue '4 ol se 1 j sec M 1 1 r 410 acres
Bellinger C II, pt 01 W 1' Mullock I) L O
as described in Book 52 page 154 Record
01 Deeds t 2 s r 2 s, 5 acres
ltcuder Benjamin, ut ol sec 15 and pt of
S J l.Hinb D 1. 0 as described Book M
page 431 Kecord ol Deede sees Li aud lti
1 2 s r 3 e, l.l'.i.i'O acres
Bono .V & Co, Miutliorn, lots 21 aud 22
blk 43
Berner Conmd, part of Jacob 8eott D L ('
as described lu Book 4o page 2c0 aud
Book 30 imgo Uf Kecord ol JJceds sec 8 t
2 s r 2 e. 20 acres
Berry Anieilne, Kedlaud, tracts 1, 3, 4. 5,
li, 7, S ami (I
Buveridgo J V, Pleassut Littlo Home No.
3, lot 16 blk
Billings U M Mrs, lots 4, , 6 and sw of
uw '., sec Id I 4 r 1, 07 acres, pt ol .1110
Orlbble 1 L C as dencribed in Book O
page 123 Keoord of Deeds t 4 s r 1 e, 143
Bingham E W, beginning at irou pipe In
section line betweeu sections 13 and
14, 26chna aomh ol corner tosectious
11, 12, 13 and li; thence north 83 lect:
thence east with meander line of G4
W Walling D L C It; thence south 4"
dug east 5I fuet: thence south li.i deg 6
mln west 7;l feet; thence north 24 deg
51 mln west 308 leet; thence north 20
dog 10 mln west 103 leet; theuoe north
35 deg 20 mln west 172 leet; thence
north 31 deg 56 min east 61l leet to place
ol begiuuiug.
beginning at iron pipe last mentioned;
thouce eouth SI deg 5i uiiu wost 100
feet; thenoe atrlghtanglos northerly VI
leet to low water mark of W illamette
river; tnonce easterly up atreara trac
ing low water mark to a point on line
between sections 13 aud 14; thence
tracing section line to irou pipe and
place of begiuuiug.
5 $0
2 80
14 40
1 31
17 50
48 62
begl lining at point 011 west side of ni-w
county rosd leading Iroin Oregon City
to Portland, said poii.t being VI leet
southerly from romprnmlse lino of
Wal ing and Biill'ira DLC measured
at ngfit sinrle. to. aid com promise line:
Itielin south M deg Vi mill wes' pira -lei
with and 4o f-.-et di-taut Itom said
comiiroin se line 127 11 b et; ir.enre
eouth 'leg :',! mm enst ;tn fe-.'t; thence
south 'u Ueg :i;t mln e-isi ft; tti ;nre
south II deg ...1 in . is enst liSI it; theucs
soitt:i 2.,deg 27 mill west 1'SJ ft; tliitire
uiutri Mlv-g 12 nun w-jst l.V H; thence
south 7lleg IJ mill weit lo It; tlienr
soutn 77 ilnir W mill west U l ft:
theuce s'liilh 40ileg 1-, mm w lun2-lisi
11; ihenw .outh 71 deg l2minMst -141
It: tli nice sift 3 2 ft; thence north l
ueg M mm w I :i.:: ft: thence north 20
deg 10 mln west lo 113 It: tuence north
3o deg 20 mm west II.', leet to begin
ning, 1 2 a r 1 e, 14.7 seres
Bi llhain K W, nw sec Hi t 4 S I 5 e, 101
Bird J A Mrs, pt of sec 25 and pt of Wm
Eastham D I. C asdecr.b;d in ii'iok 43
l-nge 3U and Book .11 page 271 Kecord of
Deed., sec 25 1 ft a r I w V 4.',actes
Blai:k C P, e'.j of sw and s 2 of se '
and se ii ol nw aud nl ol as de
scribed in Boos 35 page 422 Record of
Deeds, see t 5 s r le 2if acres
Blackwell Celia, Windsor, lots 17 and 11
bla II aud lots 1 and 2 i.U 21
ftWiKoVI A, Oregon cily, lots 3, 7 and S
blk Hand lot 1 b,k 22
liioom.r Geo , b gliinlng at o corner
ol nlk 4, Dirnall's ad'lllion lo Oregon
Cltv; thence south loo It; thence west
100 ft; thence north 100 It; thence east
lixi ft to beg.uuing
Blount Dudiey, ol of, described In book
39 page lit, record of deeds, sec 1 1 4 s r 1
e 20 acres
Boen PermollaA. s of se'i and ne '4
of as see 25 I 4 s r I e 120 acres
B ggess Jsine. II, m', ol ue!,nc 18 t2s
r 4 e, m a'-res
6 40
27 00
s. 55
11 52
3 84
Holds Dorcas, pt of James L W llisma
D L ,C as described in book " I" pae
50o record of dee Is, sec 13 t 5 s r 1 e aud
sec 18 1 5 s r 2 e. T.U acres
BoldsChsrlei.ojeg.iu City, lots 3, 4, 5, 6
b.k 17 aud pt of lot 2 bik 24
Bond A H, Orchard HID. lots 13 and 14
Bouney Oeo, i1, ol s sec 8 t 7 r 3, ISO
Booton Marls, Clackamas Heights lot 9
blk :sf
Bowers Llu e, West Hide sdditlon lo
Oregon City, lots 8 and 9 blk 2
Bowmau C K, pt of as deacritied in book
49 page 280 records ol deeds sec 20 I 4 s
r 2 e, 3J seres
Boyer Daviu. Oregon City, lots 5 and 6
blk 172
Boy lea I M aud Sophia M sw i and se
of se i, anil sw '4 o. se sec 12, t s r
2 e 210 seres
Brandt, Kuitna and J W, Miutliorn, lots 3
aud 4 blk li
Bredeinier D, New Era, lot 5 blk C
Breeuen 11 C and Fons O M. all of sec
:' I 8 s r 5 e. 'I" a' res
Brideustine Msritu L. nw sec 24 1 4 s r
4 e lis) seres
Bridgeiord Mary A, Miutborn, lots .13. 34,
35 aud 3i: biocx In
29 52
39 33
6 72
Brislerliel.il Anns, Windsor, lot 3 blk 21
Britting Laura, se of ne i sec l' t 2 s
r 4 e 40 seres
Brock t,eorge, nw '4o( nw 't sec : 1 1 s r
4 a 40 acrea
Brooaa E D, Marshflcld, of lot 1 blk 4
Broughton Wi.liaiu, estate of, Oregon
Lily, all blk lit)
Browu T J, Oregon Iron & Steel Co's 1st
add to Oswego lots 15 and 1 blk 14
Biichauan 0.0 W, Windsor, lots 17 and
18 blk 18
Buckles Charles F, pt of Wra Holmes D
L C as described In book 4 page 356 re
cord of deeds, sec 32 1 2 s r 2 e
Ilueilou Frauk II, w , of ne and w !i
of se 1.4, sec 26 1 1 s r e, P's) sores
Bunnell Charles and Louisa, pt of Geo
Crow D L C as described Id book C
page 452 record of deeds t 2 s r 1 e
Burke Jubn E, pt of Goo Brock D L C ss
described lu book 5u page 00 record of
deeds! 3 s r 1 e, L7; acres
Burke Wm E, pt of Cyrus Wadsworth D
L C as de.crlbed in book 35 page 244
record ol dejd- t i s r 2 e. eo acres
JJursett W M, Holmes addition 10 Ore
gon Cily, p ut 01 lot 1 bik l'J, as de
scribed lu book 42 page IH reoori of
Burus Wm J, pt of Julia Ann Lewis D L
C as described in book 52 page 419 re
cord of deeds sec So t 2 s r 1 e, 40 seres
Buiney W I, e , of se and lots 3 aud 4
aec 26 1 8 s r ! , e lid. 87 a s
" Ne f4ol ne sec 36 1 3 s r
: e 40 acre
" E 1 , ol se 4 aud lots 1 and 2
sw '4 of sw i4mw 29 1 3s r
3 s lnl acres
" Nw ol uw ; sco 32 t 3 s r
3 e 40 acres
" E ol e of ne !4 seo:ll t 3
s r 3 e, 40 acres
" Nw J. ol sw '4, and n!j
and s of sw 4 sec 5 1 4 s
r 8 e 280 acres
' Sw except 1 acrescc34 1 4
s r 3 e. loo acrea
' Nw '4 ofsw '4 and nw 'seo
;13 I 3 s r 3 e, 200 acres
" Se ' 4 oi ne '4 aud lots 1,2 i3
sec 27 1 3 s r 3 e, 61 sctes
N S sco Ji t 3 s r3e, 320
" W I, of se 4 and nw 4 and
lot 3 ec 9 1 3 s r :le, 27t a s
" Lots '2,3. 6, 7 aud 8 sec 15 1 3a
r 3 e. 67 acres
' W , 01 se '"4 and lot 3 sec 29
t 3 s r 3 e, 119 acres
" Pt of David Cutting DLC
as described iu book 37
3 42
page 45 record of deeds I 3
a r 3 e, 187 acres
" Ne '4 of ue yt sec 27 1 3 s r
3e 40 acres
" E ',of nw sec 21 t4sr2e
8.1 acres
" Ne '4 of nw and ne '4 sec
21 1 Ss r 3e, 200 acr.s
" Allolec 16t5r38l0 acres
" Pt ol B ti Rodgers D L C as
described iu bjuk 42 page
143 record of deeds t 2 s r
2 e aud t 2 s r 1 e 75 actes
" 'i lut. in lot 5 sec 36 1 2 s r I
e 1.90 acres
Burnuy Wm T o; ecoti C N, ijj of us!;
aud w of
ne 4 sec 2 t 5
sr3el60 ICS
" All of sec 15 1 5
s r SeiUO a'a
" SUoiu'and
s'j sec 35 I 4
s r 3 e 4s)
V 's of nw !;
and s sec
21 t 5 s r 8
4i0 acres
" N ' and n
01 a l3 aud aw
!4- ot sw '4
sec 3 1 5 s r 3 e
520 acrea
" W !a oi w I,'
38 40
sec 11 1 5 a r 3
elie acres
" Nw'jandw'i
ol sw '4 sec
10 t 5 s r 3
210 acres
" E 1, sec 4 1 5 a
r 3 e 320 acres
All ol sec 9 1 5
s r 8 640
Burney W T and Simpson Nora, ptof AF
Hedges D L C as described iu book 49
page 219 and boo 36 page 300 record of
deeds 1 3 s r 1 e 7.92 acres
Browuer M, sw (4 of ne i and nw !4 of se
A, sco 25 1 2 s r a e 80 acres
CagleJL, ne'iscc3lt7 a r 3 e 169
CalitTEIlzibeth, Oregon City, loU 1,2,5
and 6 blk 143
Campbell John, se'4 ol the ne'j snd lot
4, sec 29 t Isr2e, 74.SJ
" sw'i ofsw'j of ne' of
sec 28 1 1 s r 2 e, 10 a, res
Campbell Julius, part of Win Fordyce
D L C as described in book 3'J, pane 2,
record of deeds, sec 5 snd 6. 1 3 s r 3 e
95 acres
Camobell Merrill, part of Wm Fordyce
D L C ss described in book 39. page 4,
record oi deeds, sec 5 and 6 1 3 s r 3 e
105 aores
Campbell Morrison, Albert Leessdilttion
to Cauby, lots 1, 2, 3, lo, U aud 12, blk
1 1
89 60
10 80
15 60
7 20
27 85
Campbel', 'arab A, Oregon City, lota 1,
2, 3. 6, 7 snd h, b k m H VI
Campiwll, Dun. an A Brunei, pa't of C
Wnd'worth D L'' as
il.-sr lie. I in bo k
37 t a-e 57 rec ird ot
d d , se.-17 1 2 s r 2
e, l i..V acres
' pa't ol isorn Cran-
lle d I) I, C a- .1 -rrl'ed
in h-iok 46,
t'sgo :(6 recor 1 o
d elsi2sr2 e 111
acres 32 M
Csrson A L, First ail.luion to Bar ow U
o: lots 3 and 4 t Ik 15, 1 S3 '
" Or gon Iron 8 "l Co's 1st
sdrlitlon to Oswego, lots 1
and 2 blk 30,
" Or-gon iron A Hteel Co's 1st
addition to Oswego, lot 3 blk
" Oregon Iron 4 t e' Co's 1st
ad iltion u U.wego, ', of lot
2 bik 15 2 65
Csrter Margaret, Mlntboro, lots 37 and 38
bla 44 1 31
Cavid aamuel, psrtof lohn Thomas D
L C as described in Look 36 pave 143,
ex'-enl 10 a'-res in loos ,i3 -nge 4 i and
31.11 a e paid ou by Jno Parsons lis
r 2 e, 20 arret 9 29 '
Casieiln Alice, Oregon Iron A steel Co s
1st addition 10 Oswego, lot 16 u k 48 2 CI
Cai.in John, '4 sec ! tiirjaiu
acres 19 21)
Cbainnerlaln Belle Mrs. Fill. View sd-ditl-
n 10 Oregon City, Ion 4 and II,
bik 11 8 5H
Chaoman Jesie A, Oregon Iron & Stel
Co's 1st addition to Oswego, lot 9 big
15 1 83
Chapman Ellen Mrs, estate of. pari of as
described iu book 34 page 141, rec rd
01 d. ed, and boos 2 nase 141 and 145,
record of wliis I 2 s r 2 e 184 seres 105 00
Cnaoman W L. Mar.hfle d. east of lot
I 1 blk 6 4 71
Chapman E C, Marshfletd, we-t of lot
ILIkB 8 10
Cnanion came B, camDrldge, lots 13, 14
and 15 blk 81 113
Christeusou Anns. Pleisint Lilt e Homes
No 3. lot 7 and 8 bl. ck 5 69
Church, First congre.'atl .na, Orezon
Iron & steel Cj s 1st sdJl ion lo Os-
216 wego.iots 7 and 8 b.k 15 2 61
Chrlst.su 8 II, 10 acrea as descr.bed In
c-rc ilt court Journal No 11 page 308
ee 35 1 1 1 r 2 e 2 W
Chynowlih Jsines and Wm. part of I M
Foste- D L C, aaecribed in b- ok V
14 rsge 496 record of deed-, ec 27, 34 aud
35 I2sr 3 c 16.) seres 13 80
Clackamas creamery, psitof Wm Ho'm-s
2 40 D LC aade-cr.bid in book 80 page 416
record ol deeds, t 2 s r 2 e. ,o7 aer .s 15 23
6 84 Clark Ada Mrs. Claik-mas Kiverside,
tract 14 and rait ol t a t N 9 45
Clay-ou W li esiate uf, irt of J nns Mc-
Nary D L 0 as bescnued lu book X
page 37 record of deed., 1 2 s 1 2 e 478.78
1 31 acies 215 041
30 Clements M E rark fine , bik E i 76
Comn W V. Minthorn ndduioj to city of
20 Portland, lo: & i,U 71 67
Cohn L. Koiowv baud Danow-ky, ne'i
80 01 nw4 aud w3 of w3 of aw'4 of utV
se :t6 l 2 s r 2 e 60 acres 9 SO
61 Cohn Lewis an 1 Koawsy 5 mna, it;
95 o nw14.-e-36t2sr2e40acei 12 80
Collins hdwlu. South ureg m nty, lot 11
b k8 91
Comer J H, se'i sec 8 1 5 s r 3 11 el
2 88 Comer Luke, Oregou Ci.y, put ollotg
20 blk 22 10 26
Cone Joseph H, part of ss de crlbjd In
86 book 51 pge 121 record oiJeeusiec?
83 Confer Johu A. Oregon City fraction lots
3, 3 ami e oi k Lib
2 39 Fall. V ew ad iltion to
Oregon city trect om lots
7, 8 and 9 blk 15.
9 65 Fa. la View addit on to
O reran City, lot 1 ' b.k 15 15 39
S 40 1 Copball L A, South Oswego, lota 8 snd 9
blk 36 1 si
Cornelius Chaa W, sw'i tee 14 1 4 s r 5 e
80 160 acres 6 00
Cox Elizabeth, s1 o nw'j and u,V,of
vU sec 25 t 2 s r5e l seres 7 29
6 00 Cox Jessie A. Cam y, ue ol luti 2 and 11
elk 12
Ca b'. lotl bit 12 4 21
25 Cramer Janv-e B. pert 01 1 Crauflel I D L
C as described in book 41 p .ge 18 re
curd ol denls t 2 s r 2 e 12 acres 1380
Crawford M V e1- ot a'.: sc 9 t 4 s r 3
""jof sT4Sec I0l4sr3e
lis) Here 19 23
Crlsswell EH aud K valine, lou 1, 2 aud 3.
50 sec ii. 1 5 s r 2 e
imii snd lots 1 and 2
6 76 I sec26tasr2e 26260
PC res 33 60
1 44 Cross H E. trustee, Darnell's addition to
Oregon Ci.y. lot 1 Dik 3 136
Cross Orpha F Mr, n1, se1, sec 23 t 2 s r
2e 5 40
v tenon C ty, lo slsud
2. b.k20
O egon City, lots 1,2,
8 and 4 blk 124 29 94
Cross H E, Oregon City, 1 t. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
8 bis 100
17 76 LoU 5. 6. 7,snd8bkl24
All 01 blk 145
7 20 Lots3"Ul6bklU 129 28
West Si ea .dniou to 0r;gon
Cltvlot6bk2 96
" Canemah lots 1,2,7 and 8 b'.k
17 4 48
" Part of Ml tinBnwn DLC as
80 ueseriied iu uook 28 page
223 record ol dee is, t 3 s r 1 e
8) acres 6 Si
" Part of Geo Aberneihy DLC
No 58 as d- crib d in book
43. i avo 863 r cord ol de:d,
I2s'r2e 10 cres 12 80
" It 5 sec 29 1 2 r 3e
" Bwof nei, and w'ntseL
aud lots 1. 2 sua 3. sou 30 t 2 .
20 SO r 8 e 202.50 sc-e 28 80
Cummin? Ne lie. n rt ot as described in
1 38 I circuit cour: lourua No 9 page 203 seo
80 I 3 s r 1 w 14 acres. 1 93
2 40 Currle Jennie, Ma'chbanks. 1 ts S3, 34,35,
86, 37, 88 aud 89 blk 7
Alt of bis 9
27 60 Lotsl. 2.3.4, 5, 6,7, ,!, 10, 11,
12. 13, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18. 19. 20,
21, 28, 24. .5, 27, 29, 30. 31, 32,
S3. 34. 35. 36. 37. 3. 39. 40. 41.
6J 50 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 4, 40, 50,
blk 10 13 SL
Campbell Harry H, undiviled .12 In
terest 111 pari 01 1 .Maiiocg 11 1. 1 ai
described in hook 57 page 113 re ord of
deeds. 1 2 s r 2 e, 27.61 acres 11 S5-
Chapman E C aud W L, undivided .19
interest in Dart 01 n 1 siatiock v l.
21 60 as described lu book 57 pa e 113 record
of deeds 1 2 s r 2 e 4L42 acres 17 79
Davis J P, pt of as described in bok
"U" page 351 record of deeds sec
11, t 2 s r 2 e 50 sores 18 95
Darling Ame ia Mrs, m of n' sec 2
1 4 s r 2 e 80 seres 12 00
" Part of bwntior I D L
C as descr.bed iu
book 36 pa-'e 116 re
cord of deeds, I 3 s r
2e71ja?ri'S 33 75
" Daning s sd lltlnn to
Oregau Cliy seV4 b k
" Darling's ail Iltion to
Oregon Ciiy. i-'and
e'. 0' n.1, blk J
" Dar.lng'a nddiiiou to
Oreaou Citv b.k 5
" Daniug's a, dition lo
Oregou C ty. all oi
bik A except that
uecrited iu book 50
page 404 record of
dee is 41 04
Dsvis L W Central audition to Oregon
City lots 9 and 10 bik 36 S 13
DjardolT Bertha M, pt of as de-cribed In
book 52, pages 167, 109 and 110 reoord of
deeds sec 2, 1 2 s, r 2 e D, acres 2X
DeardofT, J E, west 61 acrea ol u1 j sec 6, t
2 s, r 3 e, 60 acres 15 00
DeardofT Rosella A, Pleasant place add
to Oregou City lot 7 blk 6 1 7L
Dedinan George R, Clackamas Riverside
4ol bikC
Ciackanias Kiverside
Ciackamas Riverside
blk N 21 S
" Redlsnd bik 2 2 24
Dedman Clara S, Clackamas Kiverside
Irac blk R IS 00
DeLashmuit A Oatraan se'4of ne', and
t'i of se'4 sua uw't of se'4
seo 21 1 3 s, r 4 e 160 aores 11 52
Pari oi S MoMahon D L C as
desoribed in book U page
9 90
4 80
58 65
13 40
19 80
Continued on sixth page.
3 21