Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 23, 1895, Image 6

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Oregon City Enterprise.
The mining n8oiirooti of Clackamas
count are Mug tirailually developed,
and some Oregon City parties who re
turned from the soiitlieamern purt of the
..... s 1... .1 :l ,1.
OKEtiON CITY OFFICKR8. ". "" i" loimiuetauie
Hiram Stralizht stir ov,'r W'r creek placer mines,
1. . n i sitnnte.I Bust nf tlie li.vi.ln iil.n a .f
These mines were first discovered
Chief otl'iilte
City Attorney.
8t ret't 'oin m i i "ti f r,
Bup'l. nt Water Works,
city unjiiicer,
K. S Calift lalia.
R. I., llolmaii ' . ,, , . . ....
K. T. ir rti h ! niii',-- uiiMimn ni;ii, ami anom tiny
CwBlH,m'oli ' lmv, h"'n located, lhe irolil
H. II. J 'h im) i ! found is of good nualitv. anil mimher
Couticilmeu II, C. Steven, '. Wmiiithtnti, i . . " ,. ,
i. J. CiHihe, Henj. .linear, Mai's lion oil, 1 I ' '" '""I""""-"
L t'orter, lionry .Meklnim, J. . Mount.
ooiiticO meets first W'ciltioula) of etch month
In city hall
Continued from first iiage.
Wa sell groceries,
Always fresh ;
Sever stale.
We sell the best quality,
Alw:iys best,
Never shelf-worn.
We do the business,
Our goods are pushed, rammed, jam
med all the time. No chance for old
goods to accumulate. That's why.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
Baskets, Baskets, Baskets, at The Kair.
Country produce iranted at Charman
A Son's.
and then) is a prospecl of this catni) he
coniing an important mining center.
Several Oregon City young men met
Tuesday evening and effected prelim
organization of an anti-bloomer society.
This agitation of bloomer craze leads the
Portland Telegram to make the follow
ing Hiinted remarks: '-lf the bloom-
ered woman is a Heeling fad, as most ol
her pulpit assailants allege, what is (he
use of wasting wind and time in de
nouncing her? A keener knowledge of
the feminine temperament would sug
gest that the best plan of precipitating
her retirement would be to utterly ig
nore her.
Pearl and white metal belt pius at the
Backet store.
The Gladstone peachee are very nice,
and fresh from the trees.
The utility knife set bread, cake and
paring knife for 49 cts. at "The Fair."
Stop and try Uncle John's
Finest in the city.
Money to loan on good real estate
ecurity by A. S. Dresser.
Fresh vegetables from Maplewood
farm delivered to all parts of the city.
A Bon was born to the wife of M. Bo
lack, last Thursday evening, August
loth. '
That 10 acre tract on West Side can
be now for $o00. Owner wants monev
C. O. T Williams. '
Mr. Freytag supplies his customers
three times a week with all varieties of
fine vegetables. His prices are very
For a quiet place to hitch your horses
away from the motor line and a place to
get a first class job of repairing or horse
shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on
Fifth street.
100 acres of land near Clackamas sta
tion for $2100. Some improvements.
Think of it. See or write E.C. Hackett,
Oregon dity, Or . lm
The O. K. A X. Co's new steamer,
the tiypsy, has been completed and will
start up the river today. The little
steamer is 100 feet long by 23 feet beam,
and will not likely draw light mote than
ten inches of water In very ordinary
water she will cany 40 tons of treiglit
and 50 passengers She was built for
the purpose of keeping the river 0ien
to Corvallis during all the season, ami
when there is plenty of water she will lie
used as a tender for other boats on the
river, and will operate between Corval
lis and Eugene.
The Clatskanie Chief gives an account
of a very successful teachers' institute
held at that place last week, and pavs
the following compliment to Prof. H. S
Strange, who delivered the address on
Monday evening: The professor hand
ed his subject in a very able and skill
ful manner, showing himself to be a
thorough student of the public school
system, fully cognizant of its needs, and
realizing tne importance ot pure, w hole
some and earnest effort on the part of
t.-.i. ..... , i , .
wmu learner anu purine, ll was a very
logical and entertaining lecture.
F. T. Urittith, administrator de bo
nis non, of the estate of Gustine Geadke,
has filed his final account as said ad-
I ministrator, and the probate conrt has
set October 7th, as the date for hearing
objections to said final settlement. C.
B. Smith, administrator of the estate of
Phillip Moore, deceased, has been
granted an order to sell the personal
'.Ml rwinl u! dijil I 1 . r 3
a, iter-a
Piniiant F (!, Orvk'on iMt "tut 1-7 lou 1,
.t a. ol 4 lilt li.l
On smi I' ll lot s h k I'-M
Ponglttr Au.lruti, nt of, aa iUmt.IhhI In
li'iistH mi!;'?0 fir 't I ot ikM aeoa
t ami JtJuJ e, ',i; (-' aeret
Povol Aunt, m s.'o St, 17 a, r S e, 1C0
Pimli'k Mtrt. Mar.hlli.UI, .(lot .blk 1
I'iiom II K w ii.Imi y li i 1:1
IMwItn K J, . of Ik-rtnr 1 mi pM I 1) 1,
I" li-l in lhe iiml i, oi IP, ul 'i, ol I I
9 ot aaul claim, ai.i lot 8 ii intiiuiti so
tore- aa ft nil hy .leer-e ol t'.ri'ittt
court of Miiitiimiiatl county (lr,fou
ace ii I 1 a, r t n, auv ;UI t I t, r J . S
Draka W H,w', ol tei4 ot ec 11, t ; s. r .'
e ' acrva
wl,ol lie1 . ali i ',of n it',
ol e II I J i. r i, liW a en
Prj hor Johu au.l Mary, u1, ol u( a.e
s, I a a, r a a. so arrix
Urtt.r, A 8 Sunset l lty lull a, t, 5 ami ti
lilk 10
hrji'.r Aurie M, C iiiemah lou 1 and
hlk 10
Met anil bouiuta to
Or'Kiui l lty an ilctcritM,,!
lu h aik 4.' !; 47 r
cnril ol uuo-.a
lot i o i ui. t:,
.'.M acrua
I.ol 5 ami d ul see 32, t
S a, r i i I.' acrea
" L it 6 ol toe HIS a, r 1
e, A M acrea
tut lu lot tta S, t
'2 a, r I e. 7j acrea
L Hi 6 ami " '0 J I, I i a.
r S jl.taaecra
I'aik I'lacj lou 7 tud S
bk 3
Drtpjr Jno W , ', except S arret of ac
1.1. t 3 a, r 3, IVacre
S 1 , a id ii' , ot imjI, -eo
S',IJl,t;!e Mi acraaa
N't ol .w1. aud uwl4 of
ec 29, t 3 a. r 3 1 M a
" Canenmh, lo'.l tad 4
u.t i
l.o'as, ., S7a.idStitk 10
UiUH.4, 5.6,7. b.k 11
l. n.s 1 .lid 7 D k A
I' 'id loll i aud :l
hlk Id
Firal til l Ctutmth
lot l..k I
" 1JM1S) fl of lot 1 blk 29
nrou City
Dryden Praaton, t',01 ae( of to? :i t 2 t,
r 5 1 so tcte.
Dueber W A, On'ion Imu ,V sieel Co't lit
tdd to ii.wi'ko luta 7 tM'l J blk 1A
Duffy Thorn aud M J, Minmnrn 'dd t-
the city ol t'ortlaad, Iota S au 1 6 h:a 4.1
Diiuieth M A. 1'1'aanul Little Uo.iiva .So
9 lou 17 and is bit 4
Duuwth B F, fleiuaut Little Il imaa No 3
lota l.Sind 16 bik 4
Duouli Kuir-'tie, Orei! m Irani ,1 :tl l o t
lit add to (awco lot 14 blk .k
Dresiher Johu, w1, of uw'4 '1 aoc 30 1 "i t
r 1 e ac rea
Durham R L, Tnnte, Orfon Iron ,c
Sice. Co " Klleual 'U to lal add to
Oire0 a.l ol b k 54
(Ireon Annie, uw4 ot ai''4 lo 14, 1 1 r 3
e 10 acrea J 70
lir illih M W wi, of tv no J7 t S a, r H
10 acrea 4 1.1.1
liruiim Kalih t' and llatlle tit of aa ilc
a 1 bed I u hook Mui!e II . rucord of
dceda avo 17 I ! , r 1 e, fa acrea 3 00
(ir-Hl I' W ui, of uw'( ol u , ec 31, t '.'
a, r 3 c JO 'crea a no
Ki jo 1 ii.'.. 11 11 w liuuueii s, im4 ui i'c in 1 ;
r 7 e llkl acr a 0 oil
Ladies and boys Eton caps, just the 1 property of the deceased
the thine for outinj wear, at the Racket
Why descend those tiresome steps
when you wish pure drugs, chemicals
and drug sundries? "Time is money"
Save both by getting your prescriptions
filled at the Seventh St. Pharmacv.
Lunch baskets all sizes, cheap at
Staub's grocery. Fresh stock of canned
meats and fruits. Prepared lemon syrop
just the thing for a cool drink.
Xew supply of ladies shirt waists,
white and colored, at the Racket Store.
An immense lot of wheat is coming
to the Imperial mills from up-river land
ings, and the steamer Elwood has been
busy for the past ten days hauling wheat
from Mission Landing and points on
this side to the mills.
Meat from cheap second grade beef
cannot be otherwise than tough and
tasteless. Albright buys only the test
of stock three and five-year-old stall
fed steers furnish his stakes and roasts
juicy and tender enough for a king.
Just the thing for jellies large plain
tumblers, 4 cts. per doz. at "The Fair."
It is a well known fact that Ashland
peaches are the best raised on the Pa
cific coast tor canning and preserving.
Always firm and uniform in size. We
are receiving daily shipments. E. E.
Williams, the grocer.
Just received a new supply of those tea
ball strainers and fruit jar fillers at
"The Fair. 'J
Albright buys only the best of stock,
and of couree, has the best meat to be
had ip this market, and he sells as
cheap or cheaper than any other. It
will pay anvone to patronize him.
A Granger broadcast seeder for hand
use. Works perfect j good for clover or
anv kind of seed. Price to suit you.
Must be sold. At Parker t Howard's
Second Hand Store.
Mrs. Florence A. M. Ely, wife of
Duane C. Ely, died at the family resi
dence in Oregon City 011 Tuesday, Au
gust 2Jth. Mrs Ely's funeral occurred
from the family residence, at three p. m.,
Wednesday, and the remains were in
terred in the Oregon City cemetery.
Mrs. Ely had been ill for the past three
months with that dread disease, con
sumption .
The Willamette Valley Chautauqua
Association Art Club, which was organ
ized during the assembly, lias elected
the following officers: Mrs. M. T. Hid
den, of Vancouver, president ; Mrs. Dr.
.1. W. Norris, vice-president; Mrs. R. A.
Miller, secretary; Mrs. T. A.Pope,
Diseases unfriendly to women are
positively cured by Dr. Sawyer s Pastil
les. Ask your druggist for a free sample
package. It heals and cures. Sold by
Geo. A. Harding.
A wall made lemonade will both
quench your thirst and tone up your
stomach. It is the most healthful sum
mer drink to be had. Try a glass of
Uncle John's ice cold lemonade.
For a box of high grade French creams
and chocolates (put up right) go to the
Novelty Candy Store. Temporary head
quarters one door south of Albright's
Heat market.
Bound threshing account books for sale
at this office. The 100k contains date
lines with indexed spaces for the differ
ent varieties of grain with price printed
on i stub. The part to be detached is a
coliiplete statement of grain threshed,
aid can be used as a receipt.
Bert C. Towne, savs Saturday Even
ing's Telegram, one of the victims of the
Wilhoit stage robbery, returned here
today. He said that during his life he
had come in contact wfih some rough
characters, but for coarseness and pro
fanity, where really nepdless, the rob
bers were the vilest conceivable.
Last Thursday night a man passed
through the city wearing a convict suit
of clothes. He was noticed by C. W.
Ganong and one or two others, and an
swered the description of George Mer
ick, a penitentiary convict who escaped
from the gang employed at the reform
school, two or three days previous.
Buy home grown peaches, and keep
your money at home. Leave orders at
H. E. Cross's olfice, or with H. T.
Albright has just received another lot
of choice cattle from the mountain
ranges, which for quality cannot be ex
Star of the Kitchen Sand Soap takes
the place of sapolio, and von get twice
as much for your money. For sale by
E. E. Williams, the groc?r.
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
TTUtoa Eva A, nw'4 iej 3M I r 5 e 1"0
Vj acre
E aer J ,hu, e1, ol ie'4 ot v'4 aec3J t 4 1
r 1 e
Ed'vard" J F. Mln hirn addit 0 1 to th
City ol F.iril nd, .0 1. 24, 25, 26, 27,
2S. 29, SO, 31. 32 and :CI b k 41
Eluaou Allllne, Minthoru Ad l!ti.iu to
the city ol f o Hand, lou 41 au 1 4ii b.k
Elliott Ernest and L I le. Counlr addi
tion to nrt-ou City lot
3 aud 4 b, 15
County ad iiilo:i liOr:
itoii City lot 1 b k D
Mt V ea,ant addition to
Oregon City lot 3 blk 3
Oregon Ou, lots 1 and 2
blk 12
Elliott Llllie, C'larkamaa HclghU ill of
blk 21
Empire Mft Co, part of tt d. 'scribed in
book 41 pairs r7 r-.cord of d-'eds, lee 16
t 21 r 2 e 1.23 acree
Etheridne Jamva K, Roota addition to
Mara iflald, lou 1. 2, 3, 4, 6
tud 6 ulk 22
Lou 1 an I 2 b k 21
Eton Win tud Sirah C, C.tcktmti
Fruit 1 nidi, bit K
Evereai Mary E, P ea-ent Little Hornet
No 1, iota 37. :. :y,4uaud 41
Earmr M L, nw1 of h: indue1; otic
I t aec 32 t 1 a r 0 t, AO acrei
ITlUck, Martha 8, Mlntliorn add ! lou to
tne city ol rortland.l itiSSnudltt blk
FUmln? J G and .'ath"lne. Weat Side
addition to Oregon City, lot 7 blk 2
Fletcher John A, B1, aoo JO t 2 a r 7 e
ItiO acrea
Forrester Warien, i' of nm1, nc-lh of
eVnily road, aec 2M 2
- r 4 e
E', of ne'; and ne'i of
s-'i north of oiudy
rot I emeutlug iW tore
1 29 1 2 a r 4 e 117 acrea
Forsythe John.Clttkainaa lloigli ulk
Fr mklln W II. of ae'; iec31 1 5 r 1 e
80 t'tret
Frain A H, N;wr Ert, lota 1 tin) 8 blk 5
Frledlauder Simue II, M:n:horu ad II-
Hon to he c ty of Portl ind lota 21 aud
24 b k 70
Ful r N L. Oregon Ci'y, lota S tud 6 b k
Foster John, heln of, beginning tt ae
roruer of t tract of land .j,cnu id in
book P pa,e 2K4 recori of delator
Clackamaa county, Oregon, thence
norm 10 dag and 15 ml 11 tut 76 ch diia
to Ciackamaa river: thiriC'i up Raid
river to north wuat corner ot t tract re
corded Id biok 29 nag'j 27Srecjrduf
de da laid couu:y hd 1 it it; th mte O'l
Moora weit Hue hO'Jth 11 dug aud .VI
miu wca: H3 cnalna to nor h b'iu:idary
of t trait of land recorded In book I'
pave 6'jr, record of ne.jili aaid c uuty
and mte: thuuee north 8 deg weat
11.10 chain to toe place of beginning,
1 2 a r 3 e. 89.43 acrea
Halm W ill, Ore in Inn A SI. 'el Co' a
I I addition loll. .,..
1J la) I illidivi.lid ol lol bit
4i 1 31
1.111) ll'iilnw, ol lota 3 and 4
4 tl'i Ii k n 1 31
I iKl llalili Win and A la, K al Or non City,
"til.1. 13. II, l.inud
in Ii k 2
1'". I, 2 an I 14 ink I
I. Ha li. 7 and 1 b k 3
1. a I.', Ill Old It li : k
8 70 1. I 3a d I b k 7 II 01
liaurlt'in Li'lo, Atkr o 1, blk 13 11 iki
llaiiillltiL li A and Wtlili'irn And e v
pa lol II Si I;...' 11 1.
ft 76 ' C a 'ii.-i ti d In ti.ink
43 1 a,H rvc . d ul
II 3J d eda exi'u t 1, ,'
In. kiia,e2 I.l.'ar2
4 77 ., teie.
' At'i-via.i'i a add tiotl In
4 76 1'irk I' aei I n in b k 10 27 23
" l'att 01 li Ii roim.kl'ia i I.
C aa di-a.-riti d lu boo
43 page-ll recir l ul deeda
3 1.' t 2 r le, 13.77 acre 1 17 23
nam lion lima, rrk r acj, lou 4. ,V 6.7
M 8. II aud 10 blk I 20 28
11 limner J . ', ol 1 aud ol
"i I awL, ae ' 301 2 1 r 11 a 3 00
llam ..Ollil A E, luta 1, 2,3, IS and 16,
Koaewowd a tv;
llnuii iig Augui', uei . ol owl. lac 4 t 2 a
1 M) r 4 a 40 a. r,.a ;( it
llnuieu llaninh. Tart ol R Cuiflid I V L
2 8fi C aa den ib.'d III tnMk V iingu 2.H. re-
ronl ol dee a t 3 a r 2 e 28 er ia 3 73
1 44 llarcreavea Hold 11, pi'tul tt 111 Mrltklln
I L C bma M 1 ami :tiki lei ord ol ueeda
t 66 t 4 a r 4 m) acrea 12 M)
tiar.r.'ivea II, Ciacktmta t mil Liuda
li 60 blk J 2 t'Toi s 7V
iiarr.a .1 11, .Mi111u .ru a.l.mum to Ui 1
C ty of I'orlland, loll 1. 2, 3. 4. J. 6. 43.
Si U8 44. 4ft aud 46 bkl 1)
llartmau E M and W ile, pa't of Itulil
Ubii II l.c.ed'-c lU'd
la b H'k Z pa e :ii4 an
. 00k 'Ka r enrd
ol d .d , t 6 a r I j 1 11, u 48
" Part o' Al'rad Marqna a
t L C hi djaerib d In
UH'k M 1 an IU3 nr .rd
34 46 ol de .Ul t I a r 1 e til .4
teraa 144 M
17 U " V," ae'.aec 12tir2e
no t 2 40
3 s4 iia'.irt;a 11 w, ran 01 lien will, ) .c
aa deacriliad iu Ii aik 4: panu 116 re
a ic cor l o d e la t 1 1 r I e I acr 1 uu
Hawthorn Kach I I.. iarl of W in and
l oar ty Piolllll D l,C aa d'-arrlbilll in
liiHik 3.' pa 'el i 4 aud 2J6 leca W au 4 31
69 tier 2e 2 ac-ea 21 17
lleacoi k Kl;a Mra, Oreiron Iron ,t il"ei
69 C i'a 1.1 1 l.lltlou .0 0.-e lota 11, 12
and 13 blk V' 8 10
2 61 lleokuitu An Irew O, aw', of iw't a 2
t ft a r 1 i' 40 ai rea g 7d
17 40 HedliernC M teaic I!t2it7elifl
acrea g og
I HwlKia 8arah E, Cam-in all, In'l 4, ft, 6. 7
5 2.' j u I .1 U 16
I'a. em .h, lnta.'i,6, 7 ud I
8 ll k 30 8 18
llodgei V t v'i t 1 ', indued f ni;
.ec .vj 1 2 1 r 7 e l-1 acn-
S of aw a x 2J .2 1 r 7 t
40 acr. 4 so
lleee'lck Paler, au.iex li Oregon City.
lu. 2 b.k 6 76
Me dee Li II. part 01 Lot M . ilc .lull IM.
C, aa iKacr.lied 111 b nk 0 pane 90 re
cord ol dcoda 1 1 a r I e lft.17 ncrea 31 80
Ileuneia Aiigua:t, oret-ou 'uy lola 1, 2,
3 and 4. Il k 17.' II 07
II -rrioKt 'U s C Mra. id ot i'4 au 1 aw
t 1 f ae' , aec 32 1 It r 1 a 36 .icria 11 52
uiannei'i n r, part 01 1 j i ll u 1 I. C
No 46 ta .leacribed iu b nk 47 pave 2M
rucor 1 of Je d, 1 5 . r 1 w 60 acrea 7 20
111 bma Jo.eph, Oregon I on A Hleel Col
lat tddltlnu 1 1 Oaw.-go lot II blk 49 2 61
Hill A C Mra. e', ol ne' aee 31 1 2 a r 5 1 4 MJ
Hill J L. MinUiurii td .limn to lue cl.y
0. Portland lot 40 .',1k 43 67
Hindi Fmgal 8, a;', of aeo 12 t 1 r 3 e
I'iO aorta 4 hO
iiiugiey J eiili. Miuiuorn ail I. ti in to
lue city of Purl aud lota 27 a .d 2 blk
"1 I 31
lllngley Noah, Mlulborn additl .n to tin
city of Portland, lota 2ft aud 36 Ink 71 1 31
lllrn.'h sol, OroKon Cur, Maa i.ufiotS
blk 129
" Oregon City weat ', an I 1) ll
of lol 5 11 1 12V 64 94
Hobklrk Peter, lol 2 tud 3 ol aac 3d t 2 1
r 3 e 42.10 ai rm 2 41
IL'daon Minn e Mra, part of J W Udd I)
LC ta dcacriiatd iu book -V2 page n'i re
cora ol Ju.-d' t 3 r 1 w 24 acma 9 12
Hoc. O J, ae', aec 2 t 4 a r 3 a I18I acr.'i
" tiwitoliw'teo27 t 4l r3e40
tcrea V 60
HnhQiiltlicr Joieph, (.)rc:nu Iron ttt ituel
C i' lat addltiou lo OiWjgo lota 13 aud
14 hlk 49 21 49
Hiitf Valentine, pari ul N and M Hall D
LC ai den.Tibid in bo u 43 p igu I'.M re
cord of d ela i..c 91 3 a r 1 e 67.SI ..e ra 11 64
Huirnian K V, pirt ol (ieo llro. k I) I. C
at ilcaurilie In bo k 40 page lirj rec ird
01 deeda t 3 r l e i4 nurei 13 20
II trm in J I, part 01 (i ; llrock PLC
a, d B'-rllied In took m pagj 46 record
ofdiedatSarle 51.4 1 acma 16 20
Ho. in J 0, p.irt 01 I, jo Witu 1 L C aa do
reri e 1 iu bonk 30 a;e 28 lecoid of
deed t 1 a r 1 e 10 a rut 21 J.1
Hopalna Iluury. part of 1. 1) C Ijilour
etie L L C ui d fl rihed iu b iu ii p .g
3i.7 recoid ol uteda, ic 4 I 3 r2ul0
tcrea 3 7ft
Howard U W, part of J II HI cur I) LC
ai ue.crliivd iu 1 oik 32
page 38.1 au.J bo ik 29 pug 1
ftftii rei'or'i of dee Ja aatu 19
I 3 1 r 1 e 211 acrea 21 60
" Part of aa d'j-cr.bed In b ok
II pagea :pift and 386 and
bo k '2V p ige .rifi9 lecord of
1 co ,a l :ia r 1 e 92 acrua 6 00
" Part of C Penllelon I) L C,
at deacrlLed in book I'
pug.- :wft and 3S6 nnd b )"k
ol pag - 403 record tit deedi
t 3ir 1 e Itl.r. aoraa 80 50
Highest Quality
Wo mako
n spoclalty
of fine
Toa, Coffoo
No matter wluil vu
1 hi V at our store it is
tli very Im'sI of its kind.
Mverytirni is new uml
I'ivsIi. Wo wtmlil ask you to eall ami
set' our stock. Wn have the iVst hnuitls
of all piods, and can in some lines show
you something very line.
Stnub's Ciiish Grocery.
Commorclal Dnnk Block,
ft 40
2 40
1 31
40 62
8 64
3 20
9 13
2 06
3 20
1 31
4 05
5 40
18 84
9 60
16 92
1 31
6 84
"Tiik I xivEitsi rY iK OitKiioN, Kut'iio, Oii''nn, ollem free tuition to
nil Htiuli'iitH, Young iiii'ii can oltnin lioitnl, luilciiiu, lieitt uml linht in
tlio ilorinitory fur if'J..r)0 Hr wtrk. Ivooiiiith furninli llicir own linen.
Young women are jirovitletl with htmrd in irivute fiuuilieH nt if.'l.lH) jmt
week. Y011111! wonien ili'Hiriiiu IumipI nlioulil Hiliirenx I'rnf. Jolin Strunli.
Kuijeiie, Oregon; or Secretary Young Wonien'M Christian .88iK'iation,
Kugeiio. Tho university oilers thnv lmiTalaureate ilcgrees, Hachelor of
Arts, Hachelor of Science ami ltachelor of Letters with corrc8Kinilini
courses of Html v. The following nhorter courses are also oH'crnl: An
Knglish course teinliiig in two years to a business tliiltniut unit in three
years to the title graduate in Knglish: An nilvaneeil course for griuluateh
of normal school loading to the degree master of edigigv: A threo
years' course in civil engineering leading to the degree civil cnginofr:
A course of two years for teachers of olivsical education leiulinir to a
diploma and the title director of physical education. The I'niversity
charges an incidental fee often dnllars which is payahle iu advance hy
all students. Students holding diplomas from the puhlie schools anil
those luiviug teachers' certilicates are admitteil to the reparatory
dep.Hrtiiient without examination. Those desiring information regard
ing the prcpratory department should address the Uean, N. L. Nai regan,
For catalogues and information address (.'. II. Chaiiinan, President.
or J. J. Walton, Secretary, Kiijjciie, Oregon.
c. v. jhji!i:h.
jikkv vaiini.
Gtrbade John, vr of aeo 22, t 5 1, r3
e 160acrei
Uard I ff, e', ol nc-t and t'A of m'i lac
12t3i, r5e 160 acrja
Ord Z b, pt ol Ezrt Fliihr D LC book
48 page 288 rec jrd ol uee.il, t 2 a, r 2 e
14 anrci
Gar l M O an I Caroline, ptol Kzra Flahcr
11 I. C bo ik 40 page 482 record of deeds
1 2 1, r 2 e, 2 acrea
Usrrett Thomaa, pt of Th .rn-ia Garrett D
LO lota 1, 2, and 3 tud
ne1, ol ae)4 a id ae of
no1, .! 100 :n. t 5 a, r 1 e
Lot 1 and nwof aw'and
w!4 of aw4 except 41!
tcrea, iec 35 I 5 a, r 1 e
2o9 airea
Gault T K, Greeu Point add Hon to
Oregon City lot 5 blk 1
Ganteubeln Kudolpn, n'4 ot aw' and
ol ntt)i iec 17. t 2 , r 5 e
Gauimille Kobt aublvialon of Clackv
maB lieljhta lot 6 1,1k 2n K
German M E Church, lubdlriiion ol
tract 3 and ts of tract i in Oak Grove
til of blk 2 aud 3
Geiome George, Cauemah, lota 3, 4, 0 and
6 blk 7
Gilhtm M C, pt of Jacob Hcott I) LC ai
deacr b d 111 book 32 page 413 aud book
4.' page 461 record of deeda 1 1 1, r 2 e
WHi t'.'rea
Gloa;r ti V, Pletiaut Little Hornet No 3
lota 29 and 30 b k 3
Gladatont Real Ea ate A-ioclatlon pt of
K C C-aon I) LC N i W aa deacrlbed in
book H page 347 record of due ll t 2 I, r
all of blk 4
til of blk 5
all of bik A
Glaaa Jno I), Pleaitut Little Ilomei No 1
lot 5
Goffe Theodore Aowoiiec 20 1 2 1, r 7
e, 160 acrea
Goldnone Morrii. pt of J II Moore D LC
ta deacrlbed In book 48 page 257 rocorj
of deeds aec 25, t 2 1, r 2 e 10 turei
Gordo 1, George) W, ei ol iw'4 i f nvr
aud tvt'4 of .e! of uw olsuo 16, t ( t,
r 2 e, 10 acrea
Gove M L, pt of George Hro"k D L O at
described lu book 50 page 220 record of
deeda t 3 1 r 1 e 30 acrea
Graham J W, pt of John Zumwalt I) L C
ai described In book 27, page
258 record of deedi t 3 t, r 1
w 320.48 acrei
ot and ae' of w
ec 16 t 3 a, r 1 w, 80 acroa
' Pt of M Ii Franklin HLC ai
described In b iok L pagn 404
record of deadi aec 15, t 3 r
1 w 289.59 teres
9 60
7 20
8 4)
14 81
4 68
38 26
12 04
46 18
3 73
14 63
13 37
39 15
512 80
5 40
1 20
1 20
14 40
91 20
r ah it it 4.1:,
al. V
i: it iTiii,',
AM M),
Carriaeo Painting a Spoclalty.
I'aints of all colors nnd shades mixed to order iu large or
small quantities.
Main Shop at Story IWs. A- Co's. carriage ami wagon factory, next to
Nohlitts Livery Stahles. Also next to the Oregon City Iron Works,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Hewlett, John of iw' aud of
aw!, tud part ol sue 31 t 2 1 r 4 a 164
auruB 29 40
Huelat Septimus, Oregon City, a'l blk 90
Oregon City all b k 162
Pleasant Place a idltl iti
toor.-K n City lots 1,5,
6 aud II ulk 6
Part 01 Wm 1 lol una II
L C hi ueac'ibud In
book 50 pa.'e 73 and 219
n-c.'M of dee.li sjcs 5
and 6 t 3 1 r 2 e V, .t
aorea 40 85
Huelat Septimui, t-uitc, ii'a ofaw and
nw'i of ac'i aec 10 t 4 r 1 e, 120 ai rja 7 80
Iluggliia Ilnv.d, aj-j of iw'i lie 28 t 2 a r
4c0tcrt 12 05
H ume Peter, Oregon Iron and Steel Co'a
M add tion to Oawcgo lol 12 blk 28 2 09
Ilun.aker Ada, Hanow lot 1 blk 5 43
Haines Mort u., nnrt of M M McCurver
I) L 0 aa deacrlbed In book 54 page 353
record of de ida t 3 a r 2 e 10 acre. 5 55
IL.ii.ei JUp.ri of I Mitch -11 I) LC eU of
m't of uv'4 ec 6 1 2 rl 0 4U acre) 28 80
Imol Annie L, Talbert'i ad lltlon to
Marahlleid irac lota 1,2, 3 and 4 blk IS 8 10
lugle Sarah II, Oro.'on Iron & 8 ee Co'a
lat addition to Oiweo 1 us U aud 10
blk 29 5 63
Ingraham E, pt 0' (aa dcsorlbed In book
29 page 62 record of deeds) aeo 25 t 2 r
5 e 5 acre 12 00
Irwin Robert, ne of ne i aeo 6 1 2 r 1
e 40 aoret 4 it 80
Tai-kson J iaonhine, e ot n w 100
9t4ar3e40 tcrua 4 05
Jen'.ilngi II, eat 01, pt of Jennlnga DI.C
Nil' 38 and 40, aoul ierl 'ul claim No.
40 aud all of claim No 38 excepting 2.92
tcraa In book 31 1 age 155 and 60 I'irea lu
bo.ik TiO page 1 and Ol acrea In bonk
51 page 4 record of deeds t 2 1 r 1 aud 2
e 26 acres 20 nn
Jenninga John F, pt of Jennlnga I) LCaa
onarriueo in dook r,i page 4 reourd ot
deedi 1 2 a r 1 tud 2e6J acroi 4i in
Jennings Win Ii, pt of Jeuulnga D L C aa
aeicrioen in 1,00k ) page 196 reourd ol
deed! I 2 r 1 aud 2 e 60 tcrea 46 60
Jeaae John and saraii E, pt of A II Flah
11 ii aa ueicriuuu 111 Don a "j page
3i8 reoord ol deed" 1 4 1 r 1 50 tore
pt 0' A E Grl bble IJ L C as deacrlbed In
book "V" page 2u9 record of deeda 1 4
r le72 tcrea 31 1'.
Johnson Amy Mlsi, ptol II Johnson I) L
uaiueacrii e 1 in lioiS (; pagj4!8 record
of deeda t 2 a r 2 e 11 acrei 21 24
Johnaon Franklin, pt ol II J hnaon I) L
v aaaeacritjea in li'iuk Al paga 3i4 re
cord ol deeds t 2 a r 2 e 53 acres 7 20
Johnson Geo W, pt of (aa deacrlded In
State Normal School
Monmoutn, OroKon.
Training School for Teachers
('iiniietii I juht-liriiile TrtinliiK Depart
liiciil, anil tlinruiii'li I'mrca-ioiuil
Tlic Diploma of the Scliool
Knlitli's tine In Icm li iii any cutinlv In the
slnti' wit limit Inrtlirr iiiiiiiiiinioii,
Board. LodelnK. Books. Taltlos. $150 perrear.
BeantHul and HEairnrul Lncatlon No saloons
Tlicri! Ih it kihhI iIimiiiiihI for fll trainnd
teai'lim: Tlicrn ia mi over 8iiiily
of iinlraiiii'il IcHclicrH.
CiiIuIiikiic clit'crltilly sent on Uiiicnlion.
I'. I,. Cainiilii'll, I'res.,
Or, V. A. Wmin, Secy.
Strs. Telephone, Ocean Wave and Bailey Gatzert
Columbia River & Pugot Sound Navigation Company.
Alder Htn:i:t Dock, Tek'iilioiK' No. .'531.
, A. M
I A I J L.
Ml -r- r
II laa I f f i
. m am
aMi -ii.
4 oo Continued on seventh pajre.
Portland, Astoria and tho Ocean.
Telephone leaven Portland 7 A. M., dnily excejit Sunday. Teleiilitmo
leaveH Arttoria 7 1'. M., daily except Sunday.
Runs direct to train for (JlatHop lieaclt untl connect with Str. Ihvaco
for Ilwaco traiiiH running to all points on North heach.
iJailey Gatzert leaves Portland 8 1'. M., daily, except Sunday; on
Saturday 11 P. M. Leaven Astoria daily at 0:43 A. M.. excent Sundav
and Momlay; on Sunday 7 P. M. ConnectH with all trains for Clatnop
ueacn anu iiwaco beach.
This lino lian a loat connectiiig with hoth heaches, returninc from
Astoria every night in the week.
Ocean V ave leaves luesday and Thursday, 8 A.M., Saturday 1 P. M.,
running straight to Ilwaco, connecting with" trains from all points on
ionn iseacn.
Leaves Ilwaco, Wednesday and Friday mornings 7:.'50A. M., Sunday
night 6 P. M, U. B. SCOTT.
E. A. SEELEY, President-Agent.
Dealer in