Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1895)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ENTERPRISE fORRESl'OS W ENTS SWEEP THE HELD. HOOD VIEW SIGHTS. New nop Houses Swn on KTery llsnd-A Hop tu be Qlven In a Hop Hons, Hood View. Auk. 12. Mis Elhel Short, of Sellwoou, spent a few days among us last Mi Grace Vowell is at Tualatin a few davs. , , Mrs. Janey Galbraith, of Tualatin, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Young, all of last Mr. awl Mrs. Kussell, of Portland, were guests at Graham's Kerry last week. They . came-out on wheels. The many friends here of Mrs. Anna a Uu of N'ewberg, will he pained to learn of her death. Mr. IVny Bell, formerly of this place, but now a resident of Xewberg, is very sick. At last accounts he was improving. Messrs. Geo. Young. John Hers, and la dies, start tor " Uttle 'Tiicca' today. Messrs. Heiirv Baker, Ed. Comstoek and others, have returned from a very pleasant outing at the coast. W. F. Young, wile and mother-in-law, are home from Setarls, wnere Mr. Young had token his wife for ber health. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Seely are at theses shore. Miu Pearl Meekin returned to W hitson to stay with her grandmother until the first of September. Mrs. Bish Seelv is stilt at the beach. T T Seelv and brother J uu were uoing business at Woouburn a few days this week. 31. c. Young has his new bop house near completion. J. W. Graham's new hop houses are fin ished. Sars brothers are building a new storage bouse for their hops. T. T. Seelv has been hauling tile for the past four or five days, and it looks like he meant to tile his farm. Melvin Baker has put a new covering of shingles on his bouse. Chas. Peterson has treated His nouse le a new coat of white paint. Mr. Peterson an nounces that this Saturday evening he will treat the young people to a dance in his new hop house. All are invited. Burgharxit, called again Sunday, bringing Howers and various things to cheer their aged mother. Wg I'ns. USWKGO NEWS. Grange Children's Paj-I'ay ly Once More lit. Hood Party Ketiim. Oswruo, Aug. II. Ijst Saturday was children's day at the grange. There was unite a large attendance, and all seemed to enjoy the occasion. Saturday was also payday at the foundry. This event as usual made the boys feel good. Joseph Bickner, our South Oswego mer chant, and David Nelson are rusticating In the foot hills, looking for deer and laud. The Mount Hood party returned home safe and sound. They enjoyed their trip very much. Fifteen of them climbed to the summit and deposited their names in the iron box. Among the number was Chester Struble, of Mount Tabor, who is only twelve years ot age. Has any ONe younger than he ever performed the feat? Kev. A. S. Mulligan and wlfe.of Sell wood, were visiting in Oswego Saturday. Charles Miller resumed his position in G. YV. Prosser's store on Monday morning, his wrist, that was so severely cut with glass some two months ago, having got about well. Arch. Headrick leaves tomorrow for his old home In Minnesota. He expects to re main there. On Monday alterneon there was quite an interesting trial in the justice's court here. Two young fellows were tried for stealing a stand of bees from Charles Ward. The state was represented by Attorney Rice and the defendants by J. I". Campbell'. The de- demanded a jury. Venliot not guilty. A Scotch verdict, not proven, would have been better in this case. J. C. Haines, jr., and Miss Jessie attended the Good Templars' district lodge In Tort land, Monday. L. A. Jackson, our new town druggist, is in Oregon City today on business' The av erape Webtoot here longs for rain, and that longing also is indulged in by America. TELLTALE CHARTS. IMflVrenoa TliMt a drain lUtlun Makes Wheu I'aalnrrs ltrjr I p. When the dry weather chocks tho growth of grass in pastures, tlio cows greatly decrease iu milk How. In audi droughts the feeding of grain to stock tiaiutuiua tlio growth iu wzu or weight. 111 H ffiMJ ! M1I.K WITH AND WITHim GRAIN. To ascertain tlio effect of a graiu ra tion on cows at pasture. I. p. KhIktis and H. II. Wing, at the New York Cornell Btatioti (B. at)), have fed for throo summers a mixture of two parts corn meal, one part bran and one part cotton seed meal to Jerseys and Holsteina. Each cow was fel a gallon daily in two feeds, night anil morning. In 1.KS9, with good pasture through tho summer, the I grain fed cows produced less milk and as uiucn muter. DAHA8C18 DOIXGS. Vehicle (Joes Down an Embankment-Woman , Badly Hurt-Other Events. Damascus, Aug. 8.-Mrs. Brown was seri ously injured yesterday. Wbile returning from Oregon City her horse backed off the grade at Rock creek hill, rolling her to the bottom of the bill. Her head received some bad cuts and one ear was almost torn off. Carlos Moak was thrown from a horse Tuesday, receiving some slight injuries. Mins Edna Lewis, of Seattle, is visiting her cousins. Misses Edna and Vernie Far-rar. George DeardorfTs family are camping at Soda Springs. Albert Cooke and family will go Saturday for a short stay at the same place. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Elliott, Ed. Burghardt, Miss Nettie Osburn and Miss Eugenia Mor ton will start Saturday for a lew weeks out ing on the coast. They go to Beaver Creek, ten miles south of YaUina Bay. Little Roy Briethaupt has been quite sick the past week but is now slowly improving Will Derby, of Greshani, commences threshing in Damascus today. As your correspondent will be absent for some time. Damascus items will probably be conspicuous by their absence for a time Feblerllle .News. Fehleeville, Aug. 12. Fire has been set out in this neighborhood. It has burned sixty cords of wood and a half mile of rail fence fo Clarence Porter. Luckily there was no wind or Mr. Porter's house might have gone up iu the Humes. The tire is un der control now. This should be a warning to others intending to set out tires to wait unsil the danger season is over. B. W. King is undoubtedly the happiest man in this section, and it is all because a baby girl arrived at bis borne August Oth. Mother and child progressing nicely. Mrs. J. G. Fehler has received word from South Dakota that ber sister who has been dangerously ill is on the way of recovery. Frank Miller, who has been at work in a shingle mill near Hubbard, is at home rest ing for a few days and getting ready to go harvesting. Your correspondent has received notice that the Portland Sun Publishing Co. has made an assignment lor the benefit of Its creditors. We are in mourning, for the indications are that the Sun is dying in its short clothes and its subscribers are in the soup. We are glad to see such a large corps of J correspondents, in the Enterprise. It is ! the leading paper. j BUTTER W1TU AND WITHOUT OKA IN. In 1800, with good pasture, grain feed ing did not increase the butter. In 1801, with short pasture, the grain fed cows yielded euough more milk and butter to pay for the grain, but each grain fed cow gained 28 pounds more flesh. Great Reduction mrn- 10 15 20 25 30 35 AND 75c. a-i pay -j To buy for next year Carlton & Rosenkrans, Canby, Or. I'nhappjr Cheea Standard! We Lave on our statute books a law which we call a "double header," be cause it is doubly violated. This law requires that all cheese branded "stand ard" must contain at least 30 per cent pure fat. but cheese buyers who have handled and tested those standard find that they average not over 23 per cent fat Cut, to cap the climax, the bnyer, when he receives those iniHrepresented standards, willfully obliterates its brand and miraculously transforms them into a full cream cheese. Hence he is shrewd enough to see that large quantities of onr cheese being in fact one-third skims are sold in all the princijial markets of the world as full cream cheese. I ask. Need he be very shrewd to see that snch a law, violated as it is every day in the year, must inevitably work great havoc upon Wisconsin full cream ohcese? He also knows that we have swept the deck at every recent cheese exhibit and that only a few days siuce we laid Canada in the shade by several points, and he asks himself why then JlAlJIGUOluST & COMPANY, First and Al.len. I HARDWARE I Portland, Oregon, Dexter- -DUmnud. Northwestern Annus lor ATItllVTS SAWS Unre Occident Tultlrtnoth lcxter Uiiro- Hllvcr Steel. i i 4 i ,c.; '. Crescent Wedges (warranted.) P A S Proof Chains. Arcade Files. Pope. Crescent Me Loggers and Wowl Choppers Specialties. Oregon City Agent, WILSON A COOK Wan Mills. Louax, Aug. S. The Logan (louring nulls I does Canada outsell us at every point? have been overhauled and refitted, and are i O" investigation he findB that Canada A Household Treasure D. W. Fuller, of Canujoharie, N. Y., says that he always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house ami his family has always found the very best results follow its use; that ho would not be with out it, it procurable, O. A. Dyketnan, Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the heHt cough remedy ; that he has used it in his fatuity for flni klen's Arnlrn Sulre. I An Ahlnte t'ure. The liest salve in the worM fo' Cuts. The Original Atee'l'io Ointment is ltri)ies, Sores. I'lcers, Salt Klieiim. I only put up in lurge two-ounce boxes, Fever Sore", Tetter, Chapped IihimIh, and is an absolute euro for old sores, Chilblains, Corns, anil all .Skin Krup- hums, wounds, chapped hands and ull tions, and positively cure Tiles or no i skin eruptions. Will positively cure all pay required. It is giiHiiioteed to give kinds of pili-n. Ai-k (or the Original perfect sulisfaclion or money refunded. ('liiininm .li;eliiio Ointinenl. Sold by V, (i. Until ley, at IT) cents per box by mail .10 rents. no,' nmlri.tu o ti ntu r.-u -I ,.f !....- II,: 1 1 nrnlllllltH til A TMHtlll rilf't 11 T of M-M-l't 111 II tf t -niii n iMtviaEiailcui llUlir, HIII'I"'"- .,, , , I, .,-jr, ..i..,. I Imt. u full rrtmin cliinxut n,l .-. a ! 'glit years, and it has never fulled to r - - - vif.oiu hiiu (jiioiaiiicc ran.-tiutj , ' ' , tion. Cil'S KisriiEK. i Maple Lane Muiings. Mafi.e Lake, Aiig.ll. The steam thresher is at work among us and probably will be for some time, as some of the grain is not hauled in yet. Wm. Whiteman has returned from an extended fishing trip on the Columbia. Miss Bessie Watkius and her brother Oo car spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Jane Watkius. James Watkins, and Mr. Paqnet of Port land, are spending a lew weeks in Josephine county proscting for gold. The families of Mr. Mautz and Mr. Da vies left Tuesday for the mountains where they will spend their time picking huckle berries. Mrs. J. K. Morris, of Oregon City, spent Sunday and Monday with her mother, Mrs. A. Mautz. George Bisho.p is elected superintendent of our Sunday school, which will flourish, we are sure, with George at the head. Last Sunday, Monday and Tnesflay even ings Professor Griffith, ef Portland, lectured at our school bouse on phrenology. The lectures proved both instructive and amus ing. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kellogg, ol Mulino, spent the Sabbath with their son, B. F. Kel logg, and family. A boy was born to the wife of Mr. John Dixson, AuguBt 1st. Mother and son doing nicely. Stafford Notes. Stafford, Aug. 13. Still smoky; no sign of rain; people prospering; grain most all cut and stacked ; potatoes looking green j aiiu viii iilj . The German Congregatienal church held services in Win. Sc'natz's grove Sunday. Nearly thVee hundred persons were present. A great many conveyances came from Port land and came loaded. Dinner whs served on tables set in the shade of some giant firs. And such a dinner pies, cakes, hot collee. and all tilings that go to tickle the palate of the average run of humanity has not been sat down to for man a long dav by your bumble scribe. B. F. Weddle grins now, but dares not laugh for fear of wakening his namesake, arrived on the Cth inst. Mr. Roth,' of Portland, was a guest at Rev. Riechles Sunday. Judson Howard, of our county seat, was a caller at Mr. Gage's Sunday evening. Johnny Q. spent the day at Alto Park. John Scbiewe is hauling cord wood for Ed. Cooke, using Mr. Jastej's team. Mrs. Augusta Melcher is still very weak. JTer daughter, Mrs. Burghardt, and Mr. Children Who ffer. ingly, while we bv law have been mak from ecrolulous, skin or scalp diseases, i U1 lrasu "r "r CMecse' ,a"(l 1110 tonsl1'"- ought to be given Dr. Pierce's Medical ! V TV """".' L"wu r,. , ... , .. . . doesn t know whether ho is btiyinjr trash Discovery, for punfymg the blood. orjor chee8ei Bnd he gayg to hium,l( .., childienwho are puny, pale or weak, I will not be deceived; I won't buy it un- the "Discovery" is a tonic which builds j less I can buy it for trash," and pays ac- snmer buys a Canadian cheeso he knows I 'lo wl"lt i(i -lamied of it. Why not try what he is buying and will pay accord- a remedy so long tried und tested. Trial bottles tree at Chariuan & Co.'s drug up both flesh and strength, what is said of it for children applies equally to adults. As an apetizing, restorative tonic, it sets to work all the processes of digestion and nutrition, rouses every organ into natural action, and brings back health and strength. In recovering from "grippe," or in convalescence from pneumonia, fevers, and other wasting diseases, it speedily and surely invigo rates and builds up the whole system. Eor all diseases caused Dy a torpid liver or impure blood, as Dyspepsia. Billiousness, Blotches and Eruption, it gives most perfect satisfaction. Steam Wood Saw. Wood sawed on short notice in any part of the city. Leave orders at F. T. Barlow's grocery store, or call on the owner, T. B. Hankins. tf We will soon begin to receive large consignments of Crawford peaches and if vou want the best fruit, leave your order now. E. E. Williams, the grocer. C. O. T. Williams is now prepared to make loans on good farm property. Write him. My boy was taken with a disease res embling bloody flux. The first thing I thought of was Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Two dohes of it settled the matter and cured him sound ami well. I heartily reco mend this remedy to all persons suffer ing from a like complaint. I will an swer any inquiries regarding it when stamp is enclosed I refer to any county official as to my reliability. Wm. Roach, J. P., Primroy, Campbell Co., Tenn. For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. Captain Sweeney, U. 8. A., San Diego, Cal. says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good" Price50o. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. Hotic. Application will be made at the next reg ular meeting ot the city council for a renewal of license to sell spirituous liquors in Oregon City at my present location on Main street, between Fifth and Sixth, for a period of six months. J. W. CHARLTON. Oregon City, Ang. 8, im. cordiugiy. Address at a Dairy Conven tion. Summer Shrinkage of Milk. During the hot, dry months, when flies are abundant, cows are almost sure to shrink in the milk flow. There are some points about this matter that are well to consider. A great many dairy fanners follow the practice of turning the cows in to. a small pastnre at night for the sake of the convenience of find ing them easily the next morning. Dur ing the day the cows are so bothered by flies that they will not eat what they should even it it is easily procured. If they cannot graze at night, tho result will be they get too little food in the 24 honrs and must of consequence shrink in their milk. The wise dairyman will see to it that the cow has plenty to eat. If it requires a little extra study and effort on his part to get it for her, he will do it, for he knows this important fact that if the cow shrinks in summer he can never get her back to as large a flow in the fall as he otherwise would. Good management of the cows is one of the foundations of success in milk production. Flies in the daytime and confinement at night will beat the best cow in the world. store, Cliaruian Bros, size 50c and fl,()0. block. Kegulur Dairy and Creamery. The ancestors of the Guernsey and Jer sey cows were found in Normandy and Brittany more than a century ago. The Norman cow was a large red animal The Brittany cow was a small black one. The two breeds became mingled in one and crossed to the channel islands. The modern tendency has been to differen tiate the species again, developing from the mixed channel islands' breed one family of red or orange tinted cows, which are called in our time Guernseys, another family of spotted black or fawn colored cows with dark noses, some what smaller than the other branch, and these we call in our time Jerseys. Next time a buttery tongned agent at a fair or elsewhere tries to delude yon Into believing oleomargarine is better than butter turn on him and ask him why his millionaire employer, who makes the stuff at his factory, does not nse it instead of butter. American batter today is far superior to what it waa 80 years ago. This is partly owing to improved cows, partly to improved methods of .making batter. KIIILOH'SCUKEissoldon a guar antee, It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the leHt Cough cure. Only one cunt a dose. 25 eta., 50 cts. and fl.OO. For sale by G. A. Harding "I know an old soldier who had chronic diarrluea of long standing to have been permanutly cured by taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rluea Remedy," savs Edward Shumpik, a prominent druggist of Minneapolis, Minn. "I have sold the remedy in this city for over seven years and consider it superior to any other medicine now on the market for bowel complaints. 25 and 50 cent bottles of this remedy for sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. Mo For the Mountains. A. W. Phillips will take camping and excursion parties to the coast or mount ains at reasonable rates and by any route Safe team and strong spring wagon. Also a generul express and delivery. Are Yon lining East! If so, it will pay you to write to A. C. Sheldon, general agent of the "Burling ton Route," 250 Washington street, Portland. He will mail you free of change, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point, For sale by Chariuan A Co Bros Biok. We reeomend De Wilt's Colic and Cholera cure because wo believe it to In- ! reliable n i ly. Its go.,il 1 ic1'". l""t cleared and planled to shown at lim e in eu-e "I : "T-l rii' ; slashed and in For SnU, A IhreeniTe true! adjoining flnrkuriiuii a sufu ami effects are cholera murium and similar complaint. C. G. Huntley, Druggist. Mr. Freyfag is ever on the alert lo supply his customers with fine crisp veg etables. Haveyou tried hisstring beans, cauliflower and beets? grass, giioil soil and lays well. On good road to Oieguii City. Will sell on easy terms. Address, I'm i, Gladstone, County Treasurer's Notice. . I liuve now in my bunds, funds for tho ..i ..n i m.... i For II,.. in.m u,.,.,l...,t- II, ,n ,.,.,ii. I ''.'" ' 'cuiinia county war- about the farm or household, such as j l'Hr lo December 1, 1HW. mien-si win cense on i:io same Willi mo dule uf this notice. ' M. I,. Mooiik, hums, scalds, bruises, cuts, r.igunl wounds, bites of animals, mos(uilns or other Insects, galls or chafed spots, frost bites,, aches or pains on any part of the body, or the ailments rewriting from ex posure, as neuralgia, rheumatism, elc. Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment has proved itsell a sovereign remedy. 25c, (10c and 1 per bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. F, R. Andrews, of the farm is now prepared to supply vegeta bles, fresh, to any part of the city, and orders by telephone will receive prompt attention, as be has telephone connec tion with every part of the city. Choice sugar cured hams at 10 cents and bacon at 9 cents tier pound at Al bright's. Persons who are subject to diarrluea will find a speedy cure in Do Witt's Colic and Cholera cure. Use no oilier, It is the best that can he made or money can procure. It lenves the tern in natural condition after its use. County Treasuicr. Oregon City July 25, 1H1I5. When occasion demands its use, try De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is coaling to burns, stops pain instantly, cleanses, a perfect healer for scalds or skin eruptions. Alwavs cures niles. C. iG. Htmtlev, Drinrgiat. Sunday Services. ST. HAt'h'H CIIIIKCII- hpmenpHl- hev. Isasn llawanii, Keetor. Horvlciw mil o'nhirk a in. iiiiiI 7:H0 p. in. Frsyer service ivory Wed ueiMlny ovenliiK. KIKHT CONOKKOATIONAL CHITKCH Hev. .1. W. Cowan Pirntur. HorvU-cn at o :tn . ' Hum sy Hnhnol Hftor miiriil,,. sml S MI r. service. Prayer mnrtlni Wednesday eveniii, it S ls.n rloc k . Prayer meetd. f YuVl" ,ff "J HiM'leiy of Christian Hndeavor everv H, . !! evniiiujfat7:ix. prmnpt. " Item, Pastor Mnriilnr Hitvi,.. n! " . L ti nt prayer inenlliiK Wednesday i.vnfi,K. MiwIiuJ kvs- ''"veiisnt Meetlmt every Wodiiesdav .J I Iveilln, II,.. ,.rst Sunday I K '111 reserve sleeping car accommodations We sell It. C. G. Huntley Druggist. for you, and furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern, Union, Southern, Canadian Pacific or Great Northern railroads at the very lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington route is generally con ceded to be the finest equiptied railroad in the world for all classes of travel. SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses only 25c. Children love it. rorsaleby G. A. Harding. There is one medicine that cures im mediately. We refer to De Witt's Colic and Cholera cure for all summer com plaints. No delay, no disappointments no failure. C. G. Huntley, Druggist. Hoi ye pleasure seeker, to Yaquina Bay and return for $0.00. Good until October 10, 1865. Tickets on sale at depot, 8. P, Co., by L. B. Moore, tf corn Ik liivitatlnii to all, HT. (OIIN'H :ilt!K(:il.CATHOU(;.nltv A Miu.KiuuNn, On Sunday mass ai s ... i :! A. M. Kvery sec,,,,,) and y,," "r " ,",;, J (.eriiiaii sermon aller the s o'elo, L y uAi"" ,"l,":r '!'"""" "mmPtoTfA I De Witt's Colic and Cholera cure never disappoints, never fails to give imme diate relief. It cures just us sure as vou i sulil, eis and Hineilictir1ii'.l'T!in "''"'"l6"-') Mr.THOlilMT KPIHCOPAI. CHtTKCH )( ! i".nr. 1.1'IRS men I tin -I...- servlen. tv.Mi.,n . ' take it. C. G. Huntley, Druggist. "V n Ti H UTiivinrii fiVM-rfu-r- ifiu i,ir. i morn tiir servli-n l ..a..i.. 's sin I mnreit lril.l b-.l'l.'u,.-.'u I., u W J K 11 Worth I.Cfttrnc m..'i u " nt 7 MO- and Alder, Portland, Orcio.ii. ' Prayer Meeting Thursday evoulli. . I.Jn -inuiirers eormiuiv Invited. KIKHT PKKHHYTKHIAN CHJHCII.-K,v T Peopie'o, y Christ I a 11 Fad VO"", every Sunday 'm ,"! ' Rests free. GSiGSEHUBnams Ifyou use the Pttalam Inciitiatnrt HrmMtert. Miilte money while olhcrs ore wnstinfc time hyoldprocrsaea. Cnlaloirtcllaall about lt,amldcril:s every j- artinXm tlillf-l for tlll-.r. poultry business. rii 41 r- tr lllu , Cuts l FRKU. unrated I iislogue wj 1KB. The "ERIE" mechanically the belt wheel. Prrtl irat moilrl. vVe arc Pacific Coast Areola. Bicycle cata- lugue,malledfree,givrf full descrtntlon . price, ete.. aoksttS WAimtO. PETALtTMA. IHCUBAT0B C0.,retalama,Cal. BsamcB liouasj, til 8 Main BL, Lot Angtlet. evenim, prayer mectm, ,t a".01 "e'T KVANO'MCAI. f!lirjHCH-ERMAN-H It HoKNs. iiiicii. Pastor: J. i Kiiair V' . Preaelnng servl.-e, every H,, ,Uyu, 'a ''u IVn " iiursiuy:;;;; ' mornuiK and e. ni,,Kof i,t ,nrt l "ur,d 7 B-.lrth. ?Sfwr i, W. If, Mi-Lainj. Pastor. KVANOKI.ICAb U'THKItAM rimuPHT '. Herman services avarv ui,,,.. J Oiiky. Pastor. - si II o clock A M. Hnirlish eFie. 1. V.n M Hiinday school at 10 o'clock A M iX,.' lion: Store room next door to bakar'v lii ahui" ley. bunum, comer of aeve'umaVM.oa