Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1895)
Cit ENTERPRISE. VOL 20. NO. 12, ORK0N CITY, OUEOON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1895. ESTABLISHED 1866 Oregon Y Of mio and lays ible tnly Co. srs. h. RS. It, nit IH (OI'llTM. Circuit pniirl roiiviiiin llrnl M'Hiil In Ni TpiuIxt mill llilnl Mumlay In April, J'rnUHM'imrl In munliiii firm Miimlny In eirb tnolilh. (iiiitimUliiiiri i-iiiirl mwi. (1r Vi..lmiliiy allor flinl Mtmility uf i'Hi nmulli. y II. HOHVNH. ATTdltNr.Y AT LAW, NuiniiY rriu.u; VANIIY. .... OHKiiON. Will irili'lli'i In nil I'niitli nl H(i Cull', liKiiroiii't. wrliii'ii In all liu'lln rnm linlilti.. Ali'lr4i'(n nl .y hiriuolM il. I'u liMHiutm a ip'rltlty. ( 1 Kit I,. STOItY. I ATTORNEY AT LAW. t'ii(Hlr niJiHnlte INllirl HlllIM). "1'ltlpa piaiiiliicl ami aliitrarln niacin. Mnn.jr Luaiiiil, Mnriaupa luri'ilmi"! ami a Hiniral law hii.tur... II T HI.AUKN. NOTAKV M IIMC ami CONVK YANCKH. Hral rrlnm liamlli'il, Ititiirniirii written In thi,, nl, nl ll.rltnnl. I'.ln'lnit. Nurtli llrllUli Jk MiTi anlllii. Ilninl.urg ul llrrtimi OiUpd wlih II. K. : roa, r rgi.n 1 1 1 t . Oregon "lUl'KAMAH AIIHTHACT it TKI hT CO. Alxtrarta otClarliauai comity timiH'rly ,m tally. Oimd work, N'.wiIi.IpIg rhartfra. Work a-uaraiili'ril. (:lvtf ua a trial It C jltiilirillt. K. K pnli.lit.ou, J. K. Clark, lilrwtiira. OMUim city, - - - - omiiim. M. H JllllKmiJI. ti w mxruiao I I 'INNAIItlt A JOHNSON, IIVII. knuinkkiiani HI KVKYOUH, i Itallway Icrnlloii ami rnnntriK'tliui, tirtilni'.. ; ilanaaiiil e.tlinnh'. fur watrr .ui'l'ljr . Hrllia anil lrl Imi.rnvcmiMit ( t.iwlu i Ho.rl.1 altfiillnu (Wan to Aranilillni ami blue tirliillni r CAHKY JOIINHON. 1.AWYKK. Ciirimr Kllit ami Main mr.-ct., Oregon 'itjr. j Oregon. IlKAI. KHTATK TOHKI.I, AM) ; MoS KY TO LOAN. I L. POM KK, ATTORNEY AT LAW aria ACT" or rnorsicrv ri'sxnutiu. ORIc nit to Orrgou (MIY bank ntiAth itrwt. c 0. T. Wll.UAMS. 'llEAL KHTATK AND LOAN AdKNT. A good Hue of builnr", rr-.lileuce ami aubiirliau ITiiperty. Farm Property In trade to ault nn eaagr term.. Correatmnili'iire promiitljr anawerecl. Office, Beat ilixir to Cauflrlil 4k'. drug Mom. Q P. A D C LATOlHEnR, ATTORN EYH AND COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIN STHKKT, OltKIION CITY, OKKOON. FurnLh Abilracta nl Title, loaii Money. Fore close Moniraur'.. anil iran.aoi tivurrai l,w Hiulnr.a. r.. i.nunni j ATTORN KY' AT LAW. Vi '..Will rsAcnig in At.i. cmuiTa or tub htati Hral Fjilnte anil Inatirnnre. Odlreon Main HtreKt bet Hlxtli ami Hcventh, OKmill! CITY. IlK. I X - M O'NKII.I.. i. i ii I '0 a. 1. W. THIIMI'IK r t. onirrtTii I Vj TIIOMI'MON k OKirmii. ATTORN PYS AT LAW. XiDtcei In Ilarklcy UiiIIiIIiik, Oreton City, ami A 0 I'. YV. Teniple, 1'orllanJ. Vo (lencral Uw Himlnt'iia, Iian Money, Ihgt ;. CollKCtlona. Forerlnae morlKHKOH, l'rolmle pritclece. II. IIYK. ATTORN KY AND COUNSKLOR AT LAW Office over Orison City Hank. OllKION CITY, OKRUOM t- jp KO. C. IlltOWNKM, i ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'iiiooN City, OnttnoN. ' 1 Will practice In all the courts of the elate. 01 Hi e, next door to Canrluld & llnntli-y'a drug ore. :KO. 0, ItlllARtON. V, R. 1IYDI. 1 INEAHHON 4 I1YHK. ( ATTORN KYS AT LAW. .rf ' Will practice In all court of the mate. jOtllco In JeKKcr llnlldliiK oppoalto Court Home. T111IE COMMEUCIAL BANK, i OF OKKCION CITY. dlapltal, 1100,000 I j TRAMIACT A ORNIRAL RANKINO BlIdlNltHS. I J.oam made. Illlli dltcounted. Makea col lttiva ami Klla Asi'lianefl nn all noltita pu. V...U ..j" n- . ' In the United State, Europe and Houg Kong. Deponlti recoiled iiiliject to chock. Bank Spi'n from t A. u. to 4 r. M. Saturday eTentngs ItDin S to 7 T. M. D, 0. LATOURETTE, Prcaldcnt. U F K IIONALD80N, Caihler T ANK OF 0REQCN CITY, p Oldest BanklDS Bens. In die Cltr. j I Paid up Capital, rO,000. 1 1 Surplua, J0,H.W. hlimDINT, - - TIIOI. CRARMAM tlOt rRltalDSNT, ORO, A. HARH1NO. tAIIIHR. 1. 0 OAtiriKbD. tAAOIR. ' CHARI.RI H. CAUFIELD. L.-noral banking bualneii trauaactcd. pmlti rocelved eubjcot to check, ipproved bllli and notea dlicnuntcd. fount and city w arrnnU bonnht. ian mie on available lecurity. bohaiige bought and sold. jr'lccttont mRde promptly. rrafti told Avallanle In any part of the world felographlo exchange.! inld on Portland, Ban Vuadaoo, Chicago and New York. ttoroat palJ on time dcpoilta. l It i'LS, liiKruiiiti ruin !.'"(. R yunl etc Tlin an J will i7v v -rn w uiscover an eieui vytitk ,,i,";",H in -our r . whi,:hili a11. ca uHHurtinent of liishionahlo jewelery and silverware is very complete MUHMK1HTKU A ANDWICHKN. VTtli aa . ? mrnmm ITVF.nT ONK NKKHS A nt'HINKS B KPT'CATION. Many roun men anil wonii-n can apend but one or two fnr at arhnol why not Ink a rourae that cn b. romplciwl In that tlmi-T The Kni-wr Inclurtwi a ihorl ENni.lSH rOfRSS be MrtM a lll'BINKHH and BIKHtTIIANP rnfnSK Tor catalornee addra, 4M YAMHILL Sf. - - HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. - - PORTLAND, OR. QREGON CITY Now and Enlarged hop with all appliances for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in the best manner possible Promptness guaran teed on all orders. REPAIRIKG- A-SPEOIALTY. Prices the lowest to be had in Portland. Shop on Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. f. ROAK12 & CO.. Proprietors. Uow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses lor twenty-five cents. The season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergency, get a bottle of Baby's Pectoral Syrup, Tho best in the market. Price 25 cents. For sale at the CAN BY PHARMACY, Canby, Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. Do You Need a Legal Blank? Tho ENTERPRISE has the only complete stock in Clackamas county. Nearly 200 Different Blanks to Make Selections From. Every kind of a blank needed by a Judge, Jus tice, Lawyer, Real Estato Dealer, Farmer or Mechanic. One or a Quantity Sent POSTAGE paid at Portland Prices to Your Address. The Argonaut Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published no the Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through the post office every week, remailed by enbscribers to their friends. It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families of of the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. For sale at Ilunt'ey's Book Store. C. P. LOON BY, . . . Dealer In . . . CHOICE HAY, STRAW AND FEED, General Expressing, Job work and Moving. Corner of Bridge, - Oregon City, Or. A CLEAN JUMP Cli'iirn tlio liiinllo. We an now prcHiinliiik' u Htm k of CuriH-iH, RiiKH, i'tc, limt imiki-it ai'll'HIl jlllllIOVIT CIlllH'tilMII. JuhI uhkiiiih hcut tlin liow anil nrrow, no we mirpHfH all livaljy in tlm artiMlic ainl iii'liircitiiie RllrurlivciiCHR of new imttiiriiH in Wiltoim, KruNwlM. I nrulrit. to., iiiitinifurtnn'il fx clnaivcl v fur our trudd. To niuku your homo iIi'IIkIiIIuI ami your rooum an ili-aMiii anil iiivilintr an tioHHililu, ni v uiirrarpi'la tli lloor. Our lull ili'Hljfim in every malorial Htrik tno to nuti'h in iluraliililv aa well in flct'aiii'o. We rue now olfi-riii- hiicIi ti-iiiptiiiK Jirii cH aa liniHMcl" for fD.&O a yanl ; Bellomy & Buscn, llouHefiirniHlinrii, On-(oii City. tluiHt' who watch and vait for timo only dincover itn flik'lit. Vou can diHcovor an elegant collection of time- ntock or lailioH and I i i nn ana fhvo wuixiien, cat-eH aro nioueis 01 ac curacy, ktf infj liinoHO well that they don t lone it. e can confidently rec ommend our watcheH and clocks, too, its entirely trustworthy, and meeting the needs of the hour to a second. Our S) - ForReal Life IRON WORKS ( 01 NTT t'O I KT I'KOCEKDIMW. AiiiriiHt Tfm. IHIl.'tJ rrnwnt. (innlon K. Ilufea, County JinIlCf K. Scott ami It. iitirirHr, CommfMtloiim. In the mutter of the report of viewer on the change in the Ore City and New Kra road, the expentw account of 131.20 wan allowed, and the matter laid over milil the September term. The reixjrt of viewera on the petition ofF, YV. YotJinanit, ft al, for a chanuo in the Baker' ferry and Clackainan road, wh approved. Expeiiae account of $10 allowed and road ordered otiened. TI:? petition of W. K Welch, et al, for a county road wait reported upon fa vorahlv Iiy the viewer, .and road or dered opened. KxpemtH account of $.01 , ordered puid. In the matter of the report of the viewer on the petition of A. N. Will for a road of public eaaeinent, the road was ordered epened on filing receipt for expi-nee with the county clerk. In the matter of the report of viewer of damage on the Kevenue road, It wa erdcred that Baid report be approved, and that cierk Ibhub warrant for $25 in favor of William Kampach in payment of darowsa allowed. In the matter of the report of damages on the change In the P. Lewi road, K. Conner having appeared in court and agreed to accept f 10 in full of all dam aKOH to hi property by reason of said charge in aid road, (the viewer of damage having awarded hira $100), the court order that said proposition be ac cepled, and the clerk i ordered to issue warrant in favor of eaid R. Connor in full of said damage, and the road is or dered oriened on said survey, and the part of old survey not in the new, or dered vacated. In the matter of the report of I). W. Kinnaird, roadmaster, on the petition of A. Longnecker, et al, for a change in the VanCuren and Foster road, and report wa adverse to said road, and it wa or dered that aid rejtort be approved, and petition i denied. The gupervinor or dered lo 0en said VanCuren road on it present survey. The petition of E. F. Riley for the pur chase of tax certificate to land assessed to George North, and Bold at tax sale for taxes of 1893, was granted. In the matter of the petition of G. C. Kinney, et al, for a county road, was re ferred to Roadmaster D. W. Kinnaird, to report at the September term. The application of J. E. Crawford for a tax rebate, wae granted The following claims against the county were ordered paid: The Herald, printing $ 7 60 Bellomy 4 Bunch, C II account. . 20 25 Ulas & I'rudhomme, rec books. . 50 75 OC Iron Works, road account. . 33 10 Irwin, Hodson A Co, records 40 50 Meston A Dygert Co, stationery, 4 00 V. Harris, juror 4 20 L. Ruconioh, jury account 3 00 George C. Bears, BherifT ac 100 Bronangh, VIcArthur, Fenton & Bronaiigh, witness fees 9 05 Thomas Chnrman & Son, pau per ac 4 25 Portland Hospital 58 96 Levi Krb, road account 39 50 Mortensen A Hansen, road no.. 7 10 T. B. Thomas, pauper account. . 25 00 Cal Powder Works, road account, 241 13 NoMitt's Btable, sh and pauper ac 5 00 Enos Cahill, pauper account. ... 21 17 Adolph Aflchoir, pauper account, 5 00 Oregon City Hospital, pauper ac 26 70 W. A. Huntley, stationery 24 10 C. G. Huntley, court houBe ac. . 8 25 O T A T Co, court house ac 1 25 Mrs. C. A. Nash, clerk's account 18 00 Millard Hyatt, sheriff's account 6 75 D. E. Shepard, sheriff's account, 3 15 C. W. Noblitt, sheriff" account, 11 00 J. N Harrington, sheriffs ac, 6 75 E. C. Maddock, board of pris. 30 00 Edward Holman, pauper ac. 20 00 CW Friedrick, road acount.. 30 80 R L Holman, pauper account. . 37 50 .1. II. Revenue, pauper account 10 00 D. L Paine, pauper account. . 250 00 J. C. Bradley, assessor 226 50 Inquest of M. B. Blackburn.. 87 05 State vs Walter Moreno, et al, 29 70 State vs Noah Hardesty, et al, 37 90 State vs G R Pednian 10 40 State vs A Chirk 12 10 State vs II Clark 12 10 State vs Will Moore 76 25 State ys Geo-ge W Stewart. ... 11 65 State vb Mollie Brown 38 65 State vs R V Jackson 5 40 Mr. Wise, pauper account 18 00 Barlow-Will Mercantile Co 5 70 Entkhphisk, printing 26 80 E C Maddock, telephone 1 65 State v August Koch 19 35 In the matter of the reports of road supervisors for July, 1895, the reports were approved and expense account of said districts ordered paid as follows: No. (list. R'd work Material Bridge wk. 1,... ....$250 75 2 38 75.... $5 70... 3 289 00. ... 4 60. .. . 4 04 50 6 81 75.... 9 75.... 8 31 50 11 ... 14.. . 16.... 17 18 .... 19.... 22 ... 23... 20.... 27.... 30.... 31.... :m 00.. 181 75.. h:i ra ...4 50 .93 71 .... 39 67.. . 8 50 79 62 ..23 W... ..80 50... . . 3 00. . . ,.14 75... 297 25... .8 75... .8 50... 74 . ..13 55 . ....16 55. . . .22 20 ....24 50 32 21 00...'. The petition of C. A Sweet or the vacation of Unavilla wa granted. The petition of Robert Thompson, et. al, for a county road wag referred D. W. Kinnaird, roadmaster. In the matter of the petition of B. F. Smith, et al. for vacation of McCown' blackmitli shop and Robinson's road, it wa ordered that Marion F. Samson, Frank Fish and George Pnrdin be ap pointed viewers and D. W. Kinnaird surveyor, to meet at place of beginning on the 24th day of August, 1895, at 10 o'clock a. m. Robert J Moore wa appointed com miesioner to extitpate the Canada this tle in road district No 26, Molalla. The petition of Henry Wilbiirn, et al, for a change in the Foster and Milwau kee road, waa referred to D. W. Kin naird, roadmaster. On account of the indigent soldiers' fund being nearly exhausted, it waa or dered that $200 be set aside for said fund. In the matter of receiving bid for court wood, the lollowing were opened : John Bell, $1.60 per cord; Charles E. Reynolds, $1.52' ; Fred Jackson, $1.85; J. A. Louisignont, $1.85. The contract to furnish 50 cords of wood made out of large, live fir timber to be delivered on or Deiore fceptetnoer loth, imb, was awarded to Charles Reynolds, the low est bidder. The janitor, Peter Nehren. is instructed to inspect and receive said wood. ' i. L. Paine, M. D., was appointed county physician for one year at a con tiact price of $350, In the matter of the report of D. W. Kinnaird, roadmaster, on the comple tion of bridge on the I. S. Miller road across Rock creek, the report was ap proved, and the contract price of $125 was ordered paid. In the matter of the report of D. W. Kinnaird, roadmaster, on the comple tion of bridge across Milk creek on the road leading from Grange hall to Canby, the Darnell road, the same waa ap proved, and the contract price for the lumber, $125, ordered paid to Adkins Bros., and amonnt due for labor as per report of J. M. Hayden, $ ordered paid. In the matter jf the reports ot officers on the collection of fees during July, 1S95, the clerk received $134.20, recor der, $145. The reports were examined and approved . In the matter of the petition of Addie C. Hodfkin for settlement of taxes, the same was denied, as the court considers the assessment of said land valid, and that the same can be held for the taxes, costs and penalty now due. In the matter of the demand of Ore gon City for 60 per cent of road fund col lected within the limit of Oregon City, the demand was refused. In the matter of the application of B. F. Linn for part payment of contract to build plank highway on the Highland road, it appearing to the court that said contract is nearly completed, ordered that said application be granted, and the clerk issue warrant for $SO0, on road fund in part payment. In the matter of the care and keeping of Charles Cutting, it was ordered that a warrant for $8 per month be drawn in favor of Hiram Straight for care and keeping of said Charles Cutting, to date from August 1st. In the matter of the application of re lief committee of Meade Post No. 2, G. A. R., for relief of G. W. Bentley, indigent soldier, granted and ordered that $10 per month be allowed for said purpose, the warrants to be drawn on the indigent soldiers' fund. In the matter of receiving proposals to sell the county, land for a poor farm, the following propositions were received and filed: William Dixon, 115 acres at $60 per acre. Theodore W'ygant, 96 acres, $7,000. Theodore Wygant, 44 acres, $5000. W. W. Irwin, 40 acres, at $27. W. C. Williams. 58 acres at $125. Mrs. Nichols, 30 acres at $100. A.J. Noel, 200 acres at $8. George G. Brown, 30 acres, $3,850. Thomas F. Ryan, 60 acres, $5,200. Arthur S. Bailey, 37,'j acres, $4,500. Amelia Darling, 70 acres, $8,750. M. and J. Campbell, 200 acres, $3,600. Ernest Matthias, 156 acres, $7,800, or improved half of said land at $75 per acre. C. R. Rinearson, 30 acres. $0,000. C. O. T. Williams, 60 acres, $3000. C. O. T. Williams, 40 acres, $6,500. John O'Shannon, 41 acres, $0,000. Otillie Priester, 80 acres, $3,200. E. E. Charman, 106 acre, $2. 250. Mrs. Lydia Livesay, 48 or 79 acre at $S0 per acre. Thayer A Alden, 55 acres, $3,500. A. R. Stevens, 40 acres $700. A. R. Steven, 05 acres, $150'). C. H. Dye, 30 acres at $W per acre. J. L. Swafford, 30 acre, $8,500. If . Thieesen, .'0 acres, $2 "00. W. F. Kirk, 100 acres, $7,001. S. D. Maifone, 30 acres, f(i,7-r0. Mary F. Houghton, 104 acres, $0,000. William Lewthwaite, 45 acres at $00. Max Schulpius, 30 acres, $3000. Max Schulpius, 40 acres, $4,000. J. S. McCord, 100 acre, $8,750. J. 8. McCord, 40 acres, $4,000. E. C. Hackett, lf0 acres, $2100. E. C. Hackett, 153 acres, $400). H. L. Kelly, 80 acres, $2500. Theo. Himmeler, 60 acres, $3,000. W. W. Myers, 318 acres, $8,000. W. W. Myers. 160 acres, with stock and implements and crop included, $0,000. William Ohlenkamp, 120 acres, $2600. James Whitlock, 60 or 70 acres, $2750. In the matter of the committee on roads of the Oregon City board of trade, for a preliminary survey for a road from the southern end of Main street to Cen ter on the bluff, was referred to the road master. It was ordered that $135 be paid Lindley A Son for lumber delivered on the Apperson load. R. Scott, commissioner, was ordered paid per diem, $13 60, mileage $4.60; Frank Jaggar, commissioner, $10.20. The White Collar Line. If you are going to the coast you will not regret if you take the steamers of the White Collar Line, the Ocean Wave, Telephone, and Bailey Gatzert, from Alder street dock. They have the speed, comfort und elegance that one ex pects of a first class steamer. Their staterooms are a delight for comfort. The meals served at their tables equal those at the Hotel Portland and are the best 50 cent dinner to be bad on the river. Travelers by these steamers will find the officer efficient and accommo dating and they spare no pains to make the trip for their passengers pleasant and enjoyable. These boat make the only direct connections with the rail road at II waco fo' Sea view, Long Beach, Pacific Park and other points on North beach. They also connect direct with the railroad at Young's Bay for Gear hart and all point on Clatsop beach. Baggage checked direct through to any resort. Independent Order of Foresters. The I. O. F. founded in Newark N. J. in 1874. Its record is as follows : Membership 80,000; reserve fund $1,350,000; paid beneficiaries, $2,000,000. Average age oi members 34 years ; death rate only 5.47 per 1000. There are no assessments on death. Write for cir culars to Wm. Sanderson', Portland, Oregon. Man Wanted. A live man wanted in every township in Clackamas county to introduce "Diamond Drip" syrup. Is a first class article and good seller. Good wages to a rustler. Address, General Agent, box 443, Oregon City, Oregon. Kenneth Bazemore hud the good for tune to recieye a small bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy when three members of his fam ily were sick with dysentery. This one small bottle cured them all and he bad some left which he gave to George W. Baker, a prominent merchant of the place, Lewiston, N. C,. and it cured. him of the same complaint. When troubled with dysentery, diarrhoea, colic or cholera morbus, give this rem edy a trial and you will be more than pleased with the result. The praise that naturally follows its introduction and use has made it very popular. Mnllue Sills. Mulino Roller mill is in better order then ever, and is doing as good work as any. Cash for wheat at all times at the, highest market price. Farmers, give me a chance at your wheat, whether for exchange or sale. C. T. Howard. Notice. Notice is hereby given that on Febru-,-ary4, 1893 I sold my interest in tho Butte Creek Grange Association to J. H. . White and M. J. White, and they to pay all debts and collect all accounts. Robert Thompson. Marquam, August 3, 1895. Travelers find a safe companion in De Witt's Colic and Cholera cure. A change in drinking water and in diet often causes severe and dangerous complaints. This medicine always cure them. C. G. Huntley, Druggist. V Asthma cured, by newly discovered treatment. For pamphlet, teHtimonails and references, address World's Dispen sary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award.