Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 09, 1895, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
oKK(,oN city
C ..! ol Polio
C ly attornfT.
gup'l. ol Wmer rkft.
Cly KiiKlnwr.
C,'Unollinu-H; C. Stim-i...
J J. 'n.c lion), .laffitr.
llirmu Siratiibt
Anil Mold lmotniit Special ami Itetr
ulur Nosslom at the Council.
Mayor Straight railed a special meet'
Hi i ..r i t - :i i...., i I
T W on'l ' cvm.iii mil muiiiinv I'vt'fv
Ckn. K. Burn
K S CiiIiIt
K. 1- tlnlinio.
E. K l'rimii
C. Bld,k. Jr.
W H. Howi'Il
1. Kliitmlnl
ieo, Hr.uuhtnll,
Mick Howell, L.
L Purler, Henry MrMiiim, J. W. M.ntatt
imiuirll iikIi (lrst WclnwiU) of each month
li city hull.
Baskets Hrtskots, n.iskct, at Tlie Kair.
IMrl ami white metal bolt pins at the
Racket More.
Slop ml try Uncle John's soiltt.
Fint in the ciiv.
Money 10 loan on pxxi real estate
arcuri'y ly AS. Pressor.
Fresh vegetables from Maplewixxi '
farm delivered to all pfrts of the city.
That 10 acre tract on West Si.Ie can
be now (or $"00. Owner wants money , j
C. 0 T Williams
Mr. Freytakt supplies his customers
three t 'meg a week with all vaiieties of
fine vegetables! prices are very
Uolfe ami tea sets 10 to 30 cents at
The Fair.
inn, to oonsulor several important niit
ters. Recorder Fonts and all the mem
1hs of the council, Chiel of Police
Hums and the usual complement of vis
itois were in attendnnco.
A resolution was iiitrmliietvl by Coun
cil man Porter, that the. fit v treusuier be i
j insii iicied to make a hill for ilellinpient .
i rent and license to the Oiegon City
Transportation Company, or any other
parlies who are delinquent in the pay
! iiieut of licenses, and further that the
treasurer be required to msko a monthly
reHirt to the council of the status of all
licenses of whatever nature, issued in ac
cordance with ordinance regulations.
The resolution was carried.
Now was brought up the important
question of the evoninu. in an attempt to
determine the ownership of a pileof rock
lying on the city's lot at tho head of the !
ut.n.d d nui I '.,,.i ,..,. '
Stevens stated that he was chairman of
the street committee at the time Dan
Williams was erecting his building on
city purvlww the Maltese cross o7-pound
hiH-e for the use of the department.
Thomas Campbell was granted tt liq
uor license for the term of six mouths,
J. W, Charlton and Mill A Cole gave no
tice that they would apply (or liquor li
censes. The mayor announced the appoint
ment of F. T. (irillith as city prosecu
tor, which on motion was continued by
the council.
The coutr ict made with II. Weinhard
by the street committee for the con
struction of the Kiu'hth street, was read
nnd ordered placed on record.
j The follow ing bills were ordered paid :
! Sunnier A Albu, keeping Fair-
! child
I Acorn Rubber Works, Iivdranis
; C. C. Rabcock, street com
J T. W. Fonts, recorder
', M. (i. llai kley, sped d police
I Pope A Co., hardware
I 1.. I.. Porter, attorney habeas
, corpus ease, A. Clark
! C. t. T. Williams, ins preui. .
P 0 F. 1. Co, lights
K. Runts, chief of police .
i John Folier, street cleaning .
K. I.. Shaw, night policeman
J. W. Kelly, night policeman
PoeACo, cemetery fund .
Rl IK)
'.Hi 00
70 10
.'. 01
5 00
11 0o
15 00
101 17
171 lo
00 00
10 oO
t 00 j
& w I
t! (X) !
For a q-iiet place to liileii your horses
wav from the motor line and a place to
get a Crst class job of repairing or horse
shooing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on
Fifth street.
Wie dish covers for 10 and 1" cents at
The Fair.
100 acres of land near Clackamas sta
tion for filthV Some improvements.
Think of it. See or write E. C. Hackett,
Oregon City, Or lm
Lad:e and boys Eton caps, just the
the thing for out in i near, at (he Racket
.i . . t i .
exen.nsH-LaiH.asseuni.iss.ou , city Tr0ilBim,r uMAn reor!ed the
dump the rock that he had excavated lo ,,,( uf dolimpient licenses, and the
make mom for his building, stating at cii(.f of wa (ir)H.ei, ,0 ,ht,
the lime that the city would rieo.l Hiol y Tlle trewuwr fr,w ,utlf. u..i
rock lor sewer purposes. lie did not re- ; i(n( M 40 in the ci.v on
port the matter to the council for the j . M m-,
roasoii that he did not consider tt a mat- au, wftt(ir C01IllUlP rwo.n.
ter of enough importance at the time, to , miu(,(1 ,iHt (he Mlfu,a mduH, rM
neevssitate makinga report ; that he con- j fwl ()( mw hi)(tt Fjlmly , m)lioI
suiereo inai me cny nan uniuspuiea j v
OAiiersuip oi ine rocs in question, ami
that no one else had any right to dis
pose of them. Mr. Williams then told
i.! . i.. .f ki. . . it.. ..: i i...
... sum o. i.ie siory. ite sa.u ..... no o( Wej,ard fund
dul not consider that Mr. Mevens a -1
cepted the rock for the city, and was I
ane.l tnal ine 1'omiiiKiee ptircuase hoii
feet of hose for I he lire department.
Hills of II. II. Johnson and D.Neil,
Hedges A (irittith were onlered paid out
llillhlluir MuleM.
Henry Salisbury has hniitihi two lots
III (iladslone, and work has ln n.ni on
the new dwelling, whii.h he lius Inid in
tirorge T. Howard h in hoii lit I wo lots
ill tiladstoiie, and will In a -lnr time
lum' a new residence erected
The Mechanic's Mill have hoi' not the
mill work lor loseph Walton's new resi
dence at I'lv,
J. Jones has coinplelcd (or .1 Ronke
on Jell'erson street, near Eleventh, u
new dwelling, lie is also leiil linu' an;
Land making other improvem-nts on j
the old residence, sit in, to I on the same i
properly. I
The building that formerly Moml on j
Main street, adjoining llaidiuu''s illu
sion', ami occumeil as a hi.rb"i slii p and ,
tmloiiiig establishment, has beim
placed in position on the lot back ol J
Scripture's blacksmith shop The build-;
ing has been remodeled and tilted up i
for a dwelling.
M.l . I I . , . t ... .- .. I .1...
. I inu inns lor uie construction oi ine
I Morey-llardiug-Waldeil brick oie
ioH'iied in the ollice of Mori I on A Vote,
! TneMiliiv iLflernooii ut ll.ii o'clock, ui.il
wore as follows: Stokes A Zeller, Port- j
laud, r.Io'i; James Dillon, I'mtliin
O.tr.'O; W. R. Re.nu, Portland, 17,"tl;
W. 1! Steel A Son, Portland, H.!i00;
Cramer, Portland, $tl,K."i0: Rurke A
O'Connor, fS.tVIl); Kduaul Kdlleather,
t!,S(H); Wilbur Howell, H.7i7; John
Chandler, (7,USI; Hon. A Wishart.
Oregon City. $S,5(H); Sclman A Put-
row, Oregon Citv, were the lowest hid-
deis for the plumbing and heating, mid
were awarded the contract at fHO for
the pluinliiiitf and l YH.'i for the heating
ol the building Steel A Son as
j awarded the contract for the erection of
! the main building, their hid being the
Highest Quality
Wo mako
a ppoclalty
of flno
No iiuitlci' wluit (u
lniy at our sloro it in
llio very licst of i( kiml.
.Kverytiiiiitf is iww ami
frt'sh. Wo would ask you to call and
hop our stock. Wo liavo tlm ImsI lirunds
of all goods, andean in Hoinolincssliow
you soinctliiiij; very liiu1.
Commorclnl Bank Block,
The Fair. '
all kinds and prices at
Antifermentine ten cents a package.
Pref-eives fruits without cooking.
E. F. . William, the irrooer.
Why descend those tiresome steps
when you wish pure drugs, chemicals
and drug sundries? "Time is money"
Save Wh by getting your prescriptions
filled at the Seventh St. Pharmacy.
Lunch baskets all sizes, cheap at
Staub's grocery. Fresh stock of canned
nealti and fruits. Prepared letiion syrup
just (he thing for a cool drink.
New supply of ladies shirt waists,
white and colored, at the Racket Store.
Meat from cheap second grade beef
cannot be otherwise than tough and
tasteless. Albright buya only the best
of stock three ar.d five-year-old stall
fed steers furnish his stakes and roasts
juicy and tender enough for a king.
It yon enjoy a good cup of coffee try J
our Red Seal Rlend Java and Mocha.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
A well made lemonade will both
quench vour thirst and tone up your
stomach, it is the most healthful sum
mer d:it;k to le had. Try a glass of
Uncle John's ice told lemonade.
onn.l threshing account books for sale
t this office. T'.e ook contains date
lines with indexed spaces for the differ
ent varieties of urain with price printed
on a i.iub. The part to be detached is a
complete statement of grain threshed,
and can he used as a receipt.
Business was not very lively in the
county offices during the month of July..
Fees re-eived in the recorder's office
anioont'.-d lo Mi .') , and in the county
clerk's ollice, f 1:14.20. No fees were col
lected in the slieriif's office during this
month, but about M.000 taxes were paid
Jung.; J. W. Meldrum has demon
strated year and after year that peaches
of extraordinary fine quality, can be
produce'! on the Clackamas and Wil
lamette bottoms. His peaches this sea
goo are the finest in the market, and
surpass the imported California article.
The ol I county bridge across the Ab
ernethy at Green's Point, presents a very
dilaindated appearance, and should by
all means be torn down. The spectacle
of this broken-down structure standing
alino-it in an improved roadway, is not
very soul inspiring to people driving into
the city limits from that direction.
The Epworth League of the M. E.
church had a pleasant picnic party at
Judge Meldrum's residence below town
last Monday evening. They went down
on the electric car, and held tlie picnic
under the shady trees surrounding the
Meldrum residence. The Judge brought
out a bai-ket of bis best peaches, which
were duly appreciated.
The change of time in the Southern
Pacific does not add to the facilities of
handling Eastern mails in the Oregon
City postoffice, as the messenger does
not deliver the mail to the postoffice
from the depot until after the north
bound mail arrives at 7:23 a. in. Rutin
order that the public can get their mail
at a seasonable hour, Postmaster Green
comes down at half past six in the morn
ing, carries the mail to the office and
distributes the same. :
afraid that he would receive orders from
the council at anv time to remove the
rook oil its property ; that if he had not
received permission to dump tho rook
on these premises, he would have been
unable to have erected the building on
account of the expense involved in re
moving the rock. He further stated that
the di-xisal of the rock had caused him
some anxiety, and when Edward Kill
feather, who has the contract of build
ing the foundation of the Morey Hard
ing brick offered him the small sum of
ten cents per ereh, he thought he was
doing the proper thing in getting the
rock removed off the city's pro(erty,
but the city authorities had enjoined
Mr. Killfealher from removing the rock.
The matter was discussed pro and con
by several members ol the council, and
the fact was brought out that the contrac
tor of the Weinhard sewer had made the
citv an offer of 2) cents per perch for
the rock left on the same ground by Mr
Peters. Council men Cooke and Meldrum
both thought that Mr. Williams was en
titled lo the possession of the rock, and
the latter said that he presumed if he
was to leave bis buck hoard standing on
one of the city's lots for a vear, that the
ct until would claim ownership of the ve
hicle. Councilman Cooke thought it
would look very small on the part of the
city to claim ownership to this small
rock pile, and some of the other council
men coincided wiih the views of Coun
cilman Stevens. There was a general
discussion on the powers delegated to a
street committee and its chairman bv
the council. Mavor Straight thought
the best method of settling the owner
ship of the rock, would be to compro
mise the matter, as the city had re
ceived an offer of 25 cents per perch for
rock, they could well afford to allow Mr.
Williams 10 cents per perch lor the por
tion of rock he claimed, and thus avoid
any possible trouble that might arise.
Councilman Stevens then made a motion
that the matter be referred to the com
mittee on streets and public property
with authority to make final disposition
of the matter. A'ter some diicussion
the motion prevailed.
The mayor announced that he had re
ceived a check for ifWO from H. Wein
hard, to be used in payment of tho con
struction of the sewer through tho Wein
hard block under the direction of the
committee on streets and public prop
Counciluien Broughton, Cooke and
Meldrum were appointed a committee
to employ an attorney to bring suit
against Clackamas county, if necessary,
to recover the city's proportion of road
tax, collected by the county, amounting
to about $1,800.
The monthly session of the city coun
cil was held Wednesday evening, Mayor
Straight in the chair, and present T. VV.
Fouts, recorder : C. E. Burns, chief of
police, and all the members of the coun
cil. The minutes of the last regular and
special sessions were read approved.
A petition was read, signed by Thomas
Cbarman & Son and a Dumber of other
business men, asking that the East Side
Railway Company be granted a fran
chise to run freight cars into Oregon
City. On motion the petition was
placed on file.
A petition was read from the fire de
partment asking the council to appro
priate $100 towards defraying the ex
penses of a running hose team at the.
Northwestern Firemen's tournament at
Vancouver early in September. On mo
tion tho prayer of the petition was
granted and a warrant ordered drawn on
the treasurer for the amount.
A communication was read from the
fire department recommending that the
On motion tho committee ou streets
and public property were directed to ad
vertise for sites for an engine hoti-e for
the bill Company.
The finance committee announced
that all bills against the titv imit be
pie-ented on Saturday liefore the regu
lar ui on 1 1 1 1 v council meeting.
f. .. l: I .
Hie or..,....... e a pa-,. i ,,,, f ,,.
cetiaii. lots ai.d bucks in l ark audition
was pis-cd. An ordinance was rend
limt time granting the Eist Side Rail
way a iranchise to run freight and ex
press cars in the city, which war re
ferred to the street committee for
amendment. The Weinhard money
was made a seciiil fund, and new war
rants were ordered issued against the de
linquent Main street property holders.
Coiintihran Moffat moved that the street
crossing on the S P. track, be bridged,
which was referred to street committe.
j The stockholders of the Blue River
Milling and Mining Company liehl a
meeting in this city last Friday. They
feel much encouraged over the recent as
says ami working tests of the ore
cently taken out, anil decided to push
the work of development. A party con
sisting of II. C. Green, James Curran, , giving as a reason
W. L. Beckner and 11. B. Nichols, will
at once be sent to the mines in Eane
county, and begin some extensive de
velopment work on the Cyclone mine.
The management have received some
pointers from a mil ing ex-rt, an 1 will
prosecute the work in a scientific way.
My boy was taken with a disease res
embling bloody flux. The first thing I
thought of was Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Two
doses of it settled the matter and cured
him sound and well. I hmirtily reco
mend this remedy to all persons suffer
ing from a like complaint. 1 will an
swer any inquiries regarding it when
stamp is enclosed I refer to any county
official as to my reliability. Wm. Roach,
J. I'., Primroy, Campbell Co., Teun.
For sale by i. A. Harding, druggist.
Mnlino Mills.
Mulino Roller mill is in better order
then ever, and is doing as good work as
any. Cash for wheat at all times at the
highest market price. Farmers, give
me a chance at your wheat, whether for
exchange or sale. C. T. Howard.
Notice to Taxpayers.
There will positively be no further ex
tension of timeawl after August loth all
persons delinquent on the tax roll will
have to pay the penalties added by law.
E. C. Madihx'K, Sheriff.
Kenneth Bazemore had the good for
tune to recieye a small bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrh.Ka
Remedy w hen three members of his fam
ily were sick with dysentery. This one
small bottle cured them all and he had
some left which he gave to George W.
Baker, a prominent merchant of the
place, Lewiston, N. C,, and it cured
him of the same complaint. When
troubled with dysentery, diarrhoea,
colic or cholera morbus, give this rem
edy a trial and you will be more than
pleased with the result. The praise that
naturally follows its introduction and
uso has made it very popular.
Notice of Exniiinallon.
Notice is hereby given that for the
purpose of making an examination of all
persons who may offer themselves as
candidates for teachers in the schools of
this county, the county school superin
tendent thereof will will hold a public
examination at the court house, in Ore
gon City, beginning Wednesday June 14,
at 1 o'clock p. in .
II. S Gihsox,
School Supt. Clackamas County.
Dated August 2, 1805.
: lowest. Work will liegin on the main
structure as soon as the stone woik of
ttie foundation is completed. Tim build
ing will be brick, 72x75 and two ntories
hitih. The front tt id be made of orna-
menial pressed brick, modern style. The
'ground floor will lie dividd into three
j largti lurne store rt.oiiiN, ami the upor
; lloor will contain a large hall, 5Sx:l', snd
Every room in the
building will he lit with electricity, uud
provided with steam heal, and will he
complete with the latest modern im
provements. Owing to the lively com
(HUitlon among builders, on account of
the dull times, the complete c-t and
equipment of this building, will not he
over $10,000. The building, when com
pleted, will be a substantial addition and
ornament to the city.
While Brothers, of Oregon City, were
the successful bidders (or the contract of
erecting the Weinhard block on Eighth
antl Main streets. The bids were
oiM'iied in Portland Wednesday and
proHisals were received from three Port
land builders and two Oregon City con
tractors. The architect declined to en
tertain two bids that were under the
amount bid by F. F. and W. A White,
that they were lower
than the work could bo honestly done
The building complete w ill cost about? Pi,
000, and it is a satisfaction to know that
an Oregon City firm secured the contract
in the face of brisk competition from the
Portland builders. Tho building will
he (Mix 110 feet and two stories high be
sides the basement. The basement will
constructed of stone with a concrete
lioor and the remainder of tho building
will be made of brick, except the front
which will be composed of pressed anil
common brick, stone and iron. The
front of the building will be tasty in de
sign and prerent a solid appearance.
The first floor will be divided imo three
store rooms, one of which will befitted
up for a saloon. There will he a central
stairway leading to the upper story,
wnich will he fitted up with offices in
front, and a large hall at the rear.
White Brothers have the contract of do
ing nil the work on the structure, in
cluding excavating and tho building of
the foundation and basement. Mr.
Weinhard furnishes the common brick
for the structure, and the contractors
furnish the remainder of the material.
Preliminary work will commence on the
structure at once, but it will not bo de
termined what disposition will be made
of the brewery building, until the sewer
along the pioM-rty is comploled.
Thomas Moore, who has the contract
of building the Weinhard sewer, com
menced operations Thursday, and is get
ting the ground ready.
That 20 acre tract, level road, 2J'
miles out, plenty of running water, only
$050. C. O. T. Williams.
eal Life
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
FVrrtY (INK NKKIH A nt'KINKH KWfATtoN. Mnr yoiiltir mrn nJ
wmu -n i nn at""1 Inil an or two fun at n.'hiw.l whir tint titltn rnir that cm
b,. ompniirt In ihnl llmr' Tho colli-ir Indielm 1 hnrt F.NOUHII I'lit'ltHB S
,, a Hi'MiVKHM n.1 HMUHTIIANIi TiifltHK Tor raUli, im i1.lr..
Red Front Trading Co,
Successors to Hamilton Urns.
nny Di)JXiD3 view iiPiiaiL,
Prices lower than ever. Many goods to close
at Cost or less.
Produce of all UIihIh wnntctl.
c. h. Jj.tnti.
r tit it it 4.1:,
!: OH TI4,
t.n 1101 mi:.
in lure or
Carrlaeo Painting a Specialty.
. . Kit 1 111 1 . 1
Hunts ot all color nun siiaui's mixed to order
Hlllllll IIIIHIltitil'S.
Main Simp nt Story I'ro'n. .v Co'h. cnrriiine ami wnon factory, next to
Xolilittn I, ivory Slalilcs. Also next to the Oregon City Iron Works,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Strs. Telephone, Ocean Wave and Bailey Gatzert
Columbia River & Puget Sound Navigation Company.
Allcr Struct Dock, Telephone No. .'lol.
'- ? mi en'
I" -j'
: k. :.rr.-: :j. "
, - V XJ. !.!.
X ,1
1 m - :
Portland, Astoria and the Ocean.
Telephone) loaves Portland 7 A. M., daily except Sunday. Tclephono
leaves Astoria 7 P. M., daily except Sunday.
Huns direct to train for Clatsop bench and connects witi Str. Ilwaco
for Ilwaco trains running to all points on North beach.
Riiley Gatzert leaves Portland 8 P. M., daily, except Sunday; on
Saturday 11 P. M. I .eaves Astoria daily at ():!") A. M., except Sunday
and Monday; on Sunday 7 P. M. Connects with all trains for Clatsop
beach and Ilwaco beach.
This lino has a boat connecting with both beaches, returning from
Astoria every night in tho week.
Ocean Wave leaves Tuesday and Thursday, 8 A.M., Saturday 1 P. M.,
running straight to Ilwaco, connecting with trains from all points on
North Beach.
Leaves Ilwaco, Wednesday and Friday mornings 7:150 A. M., Sunday
night G P. M. U. B. SCOTT.
E. A. SEELEY, President.
The Argonaut
Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published no the
Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through
tho post office every week, remailed by subscribers to their friends.'
It has a larger circulation than any paper on tho Pacific coast, except
th ree Ran Francisco dailies. It goes into all tho well to do families of
ot tho 1 acific coast. Uver 18.0UU circulation.
Grant Avenue, San Francisco.
Argonaut buildine. 213
For sale at Ilunt'ey's Book Store.