1 'f Oregon City hntcrprisc. jClncknmns Co. Diroctory. ' COUNTY OrTICKKH. ' India, Oi'ifk ii Coiirla, -j rfhiirllf, ; Mwunlnr. J ! finiirtr, - ; A manr i mcImmiI Hiitprlulniiil('Ut, f Hiirvnyitr. i Oiruucr, i.'iiniinlininr, ""'''""",.""'" ! latter claimed r. minim A milt for the recovery of money In Justice (tlxon's court last Thursday at tracted eorndderiiblo ittluiiliiiii. The litli'Nii'H wnr.j Krr'l lloir iiun and .fumes I'.i.iiiK, who jeslilu neur Cindy, Jloir limn claimed Hint I'. vans w as dchlnr to tlio hij in til f l.'ii) on u wiki.I dual, but tin) lilt only owed Hull'mami d (ill), which ninoiiiit was tendered liim before III" Miiil begun. A Jiny win mim mimed mnl J. V,. Hedges appeared for llull'iiiuli h hi 1 1 iiHi. ('. Ilrutt r oil lor Kvarw. PERSONAL NOTES. CHAT AHOUT TOWN. Cruuloiil peaches, Heal fruits, lowest price. Send in vmir order, K. 11. Williams, tint grm'cr. lliiskolM, I'.iif-kcts, lliixkets, at Tim Pair. Fur all kinds of Notions go lo 1 1 io lux ki't store. Momiy to limn on Improved fiirniH, i j iv . II nuiniiiiHii, A If you want a sew ing mac hine for H': pKO lo llcllomy iV llusih's. II Slop in uml Iry unit of t'nclo John's Mrigiirs, lineal in tlin market. 'M (' O T Williams han the bus l.ur 'ggiiins In inside lulu or small tracts. III Freytag's til r ii 1 1 n Brn perfect, sweet H. M. Ilmn.l.y M. I,. Mmiiii' J.C. Ilrnilli-y II. M llllmoii l. W Klnimlnl n. l.. l Mil inn ll , ,.. i i .... Kli'linnl MiMiit i iii'urniK usuiiioiiy oi wiiueMHfM uml IIki nri(iiiiii'ul of counsel, llm jury brought In it verdict lor W mi iiuioiintth.it Kviuia tendered IIuH'iiiuii in payment of tlin drlit before llm milt coiiiiiiiinri-il. Flank Jiiiih'iir 1 t! uml loi.dor. A trial will Cheapest place In town for Murk uml tun liomt unil ladies uml gmils under wear 1h hI tlm liarket store. Hires Koul liner should hi) made with iiiri-HMtil yi'imt. W sell liotli. K K. Williams, lh grwr. Klcc ro ; hulk lun J HV; III muihIh .!. sugar 11.00, at tlin Ked Front 'railing coiiiiny. Wirv dish covins for 10 uml 15 eelils at The I'uir. Mm. F. K. luiiildson gave birthday linnor Tui'Hiluv Id a number of her rcla- i v t-0 uml friends. V. Harris Mini niti'r Imvo luki'ii rooiim In the WilliuiiiH hlm k on Seventh utri'i't tnl urn now rcniiliMitN on llm hill. Mr. V. It. Aniln'Wi. of Hih Miipliiwooil irdi'im, w ill ilolivrr vt'tci'luhlcn on Sut- (nliiy in tiiiu for Snndiiy nifuU. WhiTi'vi'r tin) KiikHhIi Iuhkuui:u in IHikon ami huhlin rn born, thurn SIcmI- iuii'i Koolliini I'owiIith ro culled for. HH'c:iul cure uud munition given to llio oi'urut ini'urittion of diyieiaiiB pri'HcriitionH. 1'nre ilriiK H C. K. Itiiilny, Suvi'iilh St. I'lurinftcy. il How ulKiut tlioxo 2 to & cro irnctH, Bear (he (.'hniituiliii xrouiiilH, ut (ilud oiiii Turk, noiiiu of tht'iii diuiled with iipiuiio troi'it. C . T. WilliuiiiH. Itova nit, white, mul colored, t ciuiff Ihun evi-r ut tlin Racket Htore. f ? lihiHHWiire, all kindu ami prircn, at pio Fair. il Hed Seul MpiceH are ,'iiuruiite('d to he iiHtnulutcly pure, my iiuiiui on every can. iK. K. Wllliiiiim, tlio gnx-cr. ', t'olfen uml toa n-tn 10 to :I0 ecu In at 'lie Fair. Mux 8chulplun' niim-your-olil Hon lull Iml hurt Ii'ih knee Hevorul iliiya ago am) in lUllerinK coiiHiileruhly from a iwollen ifg ami knot). t'l":l" John, at tiiu Seventh Htreet 'titiid, Iiuh tin) very bent of ice creum on Surd at all titncN. Try a ilinh of it ami '') convinccil . I Tho youn( ixniplu of tlin Went Slili rill (livo an icu cream Hociul and literary intiTluiiiineiit at tlin chapel on 1'riiluy KeniiiK. They proinino a good timu to ,rjl w ho ulleiid. 'i f. 1'. lUmliill la iilllciutiiiK an dock gdnt for lliu Oregon City Trunuportii 'V0 Comp.iny, whilu Ciipt. J. N.Ora Suui ia tukiun runt. dipt. Soni in jo in cuiiiniHiid of tho (Iruy Knlu. . Joseph I ledi'H hurt hiH'ti Heriotmly ill bin reHidence in Cuneiiiuh, and hia : ondition la conmdured dani;oroti8. He atlli.'ted w ith heart dirti'dHU and other cftmplicatioiiH. , J (iiH8 it Smyth Imvo jiiHt received a iK invoice of the latent atylcg in Fedora ,,'ati that are to ho all tho no thin fall lufld w'ntor. l'ortluiul pricea, from $1 to ,1. ' Try oiio of Hiuho new hnta and seo lOW woll it will become you. Ijj Tbo board of trudo boldi its rctfiilar onthly meetiii),' next Monday evening. Averul iinpiirtunt imitterg will be brought ut (r oonHidonition, aud a full attend Ih reipieBted. ciilli W. Jackaun Iiuh moved hia gun, bi ,K.1 and general repair ahop from Sov lutli; street, around to the old Neldon ',, and on Mum atruet near Noblitt 8 slit' Sheriir M uldix k liui In IiH pie-Ki-HNion a colllitoih'it fit) pieeo, whirll WUH picked up IiihI. Sunday on the hunk of llm river, where it is prcMiined Mm. (Hone, threw the voiiiittiileitiiig itppuru tun uml purliully compleled coina after the ('Iohii hoya were pluced under urrrnt. The coilnteifi-lt Ih ol good hliupii und Weight, han the getiuiiiH ring, und la well exiiciited. It la Hindu of a noft w hilo metal uml rcHciiihlca lend. It wuh proli alily iutemleil to cover the coin with gold foil, or plain, which would huv given It a aolid in irniice. CoiiiuiIm "inner I lead y ia ciilicied by hoiiih pi. pie for dirtroiHsiiiK tint chnrgeH agitinal the Clnwi hrothiTH. The hoiita running up thn river h.ive adopted new time carda, und me mak ing regular trlpa in npile of tho low alagn ol water. The atoiiiner (iray F)ugle, under t'oiiiiinind of Captain (irahaiu, now leavei 1'ortlaml Tueadava, riiuro duya and Suturduy at li a. in. for Inde pendence nod way Hiinia Hetuiiiing, leavea Independence Momluya, Wednea (lava aud Fridaya at U:.'10a. in. The Htemner Toledo inukea tri-weekly tripa between lluylon and l'oitlainl Leave I)jylon at 7:.'W in. on Moudava, Weil liendaya and Fridays, and returning leaven 1'iirtluiid at ID;) a. in on Tuea dnya, ThurHdiiyn and Suturdayi. It ia stated by Oregon City inurchanla that larger ipianlilica of binding twine Iiuh been aold thin hchhoii than ever be fore Thia would aeoni to imlicute that thn acreage of grain in Cluckamua county ia much laruer than utial. Several of the fanner were l.udly bitten by buying tiieir twine Iroin traveling agenta. Thoae that received the twine ordered, got all almoft woithletia quality and othera never received tlie gooda they bad paid for Some people never luurn that it pay to buy of home dealera who fur ninli a reliable article. A bicycle road about twenty feet wide, iKtween daw-ego una Oregon City, m agitated. It IhhhIJ that the right-of-way can bo easily obtained, tho electric com pany, J. Tompkiim, Mugoue brothers nnd othera already having given their con sent Tho bicyclists are especiullv intereated und ahould push the matter forward. Tho road could he built at little expense and a single plunk laid to provide for inclement weather. If the road la secured, the dilliciilty between Oswego and Kiversiilo could he easily met Oswego Ironworker. . The second issue of the .Monthly Ore gonlun is out and it is a vain aide expo nent of Oregon's resources und advan tages, h iH written up in a truthful, at tractive style without any attempt to misrepresent or unduly boom the re sources of the state. In addition to the other articles it contains a number of clippings from various journals throng out tlio stuto, ami on the whole, is one of the best advertising schemes ever is sued In Orcgo'i. for tin) many accident that occur about tho farm or household, such us burns, scalds, bruises, cuts, rugged wounds, bites of animalri, monpiitos or other insects, gulls or chafed spots, froht bitea, aches or pains on any part of the body, or the ailments resulting from ex IHisure, us neuralgia, rheumatism, etc Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment lias proved itueii a sovereign remedy. I'oc, liOc and 1 per bottle. For sule by C. 0. Ilunlley, druggist. The most economical and pleasant means of travel between Portland and Oregon Citv is by way of tlieO. C. Trans Co's boats. The travel this uy is much larger than last year, and it is becoming the most popular nieuni of transporta tion. The fast time, comfortable seats and tho ride on tho cool waters of the Willamette and tho panoromic scenery, are features that are becoming more aud (More appreciated. A party of Portland people passed through Oregon City Saturday on their Kcv. M. L. K'igg and family are visit ing ill Seattle, David Henderson is tukiug uii ouling ut ling I'.eni-li, Mrs. W. II. Conyers, of Clutskanin, is visilning in llm city. Mis. ('. F. Martin returned from a viml to Salem last Friday. Samnel Holmes has returned from an extended visit to the Hound. Samuel liibson has returned from an the ! extended stay up the Coliimoiu, Mrs. II. J. Harding and daughter are Inking an outing at Long lieach. Mrs, Joseph limning, of Cortland, is visiting relatives aud friends in Ibis city. Mrs J. M. Lawrence returned Mon day from a ten days visit to friends in Hllll'lll. Martin ('i. ok, night telegraph operator ut Pendleton, was in the city Tuesday seeing the sights. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cheney and Mrs. A. Doolittle leave today forClutsop I'.each for a brief outing. J. W. Doores was down from Maripiain Monday and Tunday, on business before tho probate court. Mis Dr. Kohert Heatly nee Miss My ers, now of lYinlleton, is visiting rela tives in Oregon Citv. Linn Jones und sister, Miss Leila, left for Newsrt Monday, where they expect to recreate for a week . Mrs. F). llurmeister left Monday for an outing ut (iearheait 1'ark. She went down on the Telephone. Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Kainshy, of Mo lulla, were in the city Saturday and made short visit to l'ortland. Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliam Brooks and daughter, of Kock Island, III., are visit- j ing at I'. F Moray's pluce. Miss Fugenie Shelby, of l'ortland, is utiendiug thn teachers' institute, and is the guest of tlio Misses Chase. (ioorgo W. Killen, of Klliott Piairie, w as in town Saturday. He is one of the j of the prominent farmers of that section, j Mrs. James Nelson returned Wednes-, day from a yisit of several weeks at Miverion, ana is much unproved in health. l'rof. T. J. Gary, of Milwaukee and one ol tlio well known educators of Clackamas county, was in Oregon City laat Suturduy. Miss Nellie Latourette, who has been visiting relatives in this city for the past week, returned to her homo at Mc.Minn ville lust Monday. It. D.Wilson, II. L. Schiller and E. J. Mi Kittrick left Wednesday on a fish ing and outing trip to Koaririg river. They expect to be absent for a week. Miss Louise Knight, of Canby was in the city Saturday last attending to some many friends will b pleased to learn if bis success. Probata Court. In the matter of the estate of Martha 3L-. and Mrs. Kd. Fortune left Tl esday ' Dooref, deceased, thecourt having under for atrip to Willmit. consideration I lie-motion of John Miir- Mis, W. C. Johiison itccompanitd by i dock, I'.obeit Muidock, Lena Hughes her son Merle left hist Saturday by the I Kelwcca Img to set aside the judie Oceiin Wave for Sea View. i inent of (hi court made May 3, 1M5, " Mrs.Oeo. Linoarson aud child left for allowin -'"'m ' the administrator, Vancouver Tuesday to spend a few davsiJ' Wl ,",0"rc "X'""1 tl'e estate, said with friends in that town. ' j '"' appearing by H. K. Cross, their I attorney, aim the administrator appear ing by C. D. AD. C. Latourette, bis I attorneys, and tho court having ex- amined the udidavils in support of and, Mrs. I'M. Fields left Wednesday for While son to join her husband who Is temporary agent ut that place. Mrs. Of otie Warner arrotnoHiiied bv I i . . i . l . hit hi it ii t sou, is expec.eu nome irom uri?1tllHnt , eounsel, and being fully i.waco.'ttiuroay oi u.is weea. j advised, it is hereby ordered that said Mrs. Fhner Dixon left for Newport motion to set anide, judgment be and eiliiesduy, where she will enjoy the ' is hereby denied. A Startling AdaT.ission. In New York City, (or five con secutive years, the proportion of Deaths from Consumption has been three in every Twenty Persons. ftlaint i,l ,,rfi,... .,..1 lii(...,.,l ti.' KI"nf."Mf -'!'?. veiiow Fever tna other or ocean breezes for a couple of weeks. Miss Florence I'rownell, of Portland, sin-lit Sundby in this city, the guest of her brother, Hon. Geo. C. Ihownell. Miss Georgia liuth. of Clackamas, is siending tiie werk with the family of C. A. I.erinann, and teacher's inslitute. Mrs. N . Sladen and baby girl, are now at their home in Gladstone, after a week's stay in the hospital, and is fast recovering her health. Gus, Fischer, of Loguu, was in Oregon City Friday. He lias purchased his brother's interest in the Logan flouring mills, and is now sole proprietor. Henry Mehlrum came down last Sat urday liom the new fish hatchery on the upper Clackamas, and states that the boxes o.-. l apparatus are ready for hatch ing egg. Mrs. It. Greaves accompanied by her mother, Mrs. P. M. Kinearson went to Inii Keuch last Saturday on the Ocean Wave where they will spend a couple of weeks. T. A. Mclirido and family, Mrs. E. R. ('barman and Leighton Kelly left Wed nesday for Lake Merrill, near Mt. St. Helens, where they will remain for several weeks camping. Mrs. Alice F. Davis, who has been in the insane asylum for tlie past two months, has been discharged as cured, ana arrived home luesdav. Her many friends w ill be pleased to learn of her recovery. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. James Pauiford, of Portland, spent Sunday in tho city, the guesta of C. II. Wheeler and family. Mr. Wheeler is receiver of the Fulton Iron Works, and a son of the former. Miss Grace Watson, of Santa Clara, Cal,, who has been visiting for the past month in this city left for Portland Mon day on her way to Salt lake City. While here Miss Watson made many friends who will be sorry to have ber leave. Harry Moody, Jake Kinearson, Will Logus and C. F:. Murray have returned hici of similar character, so ter rible in their results, occasion wide soread alarm and receive the niost cartful consid eration for tln-ir prevention and cure, while consumption receives scarcely a thought, yet the number of their victims sinks into insignificance when compared with those of consumption. Comparatively few people know what to do for their loved ones when they ee them trraduilly loe strength, lose color, manifest feeble vitality and emacia tion, or develop a cough, with difficult brcathintr. or hcmorrliDire. Cod liver oil L. L. Porter was appointed adminis-! wa" ( a in? time given in all such cases. qui me poor succesa attending lis use coupled with its nauseating- taste has led many pra'-tilion'-rs, as well as the public at George W. Prosser, administrator of the estate of H. I). Flanagan, deceased, was granted ix-nriission to sell the property of deceased at private sale. tiatorofthe estate of Solomon Achorn, attending the deceased, and C. W. Ganong. Clarence Fields, and Ed Fields were annointed I VP';.";e main reliance m Dr. rierce s women iicajcal uiscovery. Jt de serve early attention and will prove effect ual not in every case but in a large percentage of cases, and we believe that fully 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption can, if taken in the early stages of the disease, be etfred with the " DUeovery." Dr. Pierce does not appraisers of said estate. The will of the late FMward Poss Charman, dated the Cth day of October, 18!ll,wan admitted to probate, and Matilda Charman was appointed sole executrix without bonds, as in aaid will directed, In the matter of the estate of John D. Colson, deceased, the sale of real estate made under the direction 0 tlie court by Ella Colson, administratrix was confirmed. Strayed. From Caneniah, about April 20th. a black and white cow, weight about 50 pounds; branded " W" on right hip. A reward is offered for its return. F If. Armstbono. New... ....Huts ask people to belic-ve until they have in vestigated for themselves. A pamphlet ha been published having the names, addressea and photographs of a large number of those enred of consumption, bronchitis, lingervmr coogbs, asthma, chronic nasal catarrh and kindred mabuliei which will be mailed free to those sending for it with their name and address upon a postal card, or yon can hare medical treatise, in book form of 16a pages, mailed to yon, on receipt of address and six cents in stamps. Yon can then write those cured and learn their experi ences. Address for Book. Would' DipfnsaT MtDicAL Association, Buffalo, N'. Y. Duffy & Heckart EXPRESS andTRANSFERING. Special care in moving Household Gooda and Pianos. Prompt work and Reasonable charges. Leave orders at BELLOMY & BUSCH'S. t.r. WHITE. W.A.WHITX. business matters pertaining to the estate i typographical error mado Sheriir 1 tax notice road in last week's "Mck'i r ITKKI'IIISF. Atlglist 2"ltll, illHtOUd of 15lll. '"ft will bo added to all taxes not paid ) tore August irth. 11'. 5 : ,th small boys on the hill have bo "Mio enthused by the drill of tho hose 1 im for the firemen's tournament at iiroiiver, and have organized an ama- fliouo team. Attired in red shirts caps witli an improvised cart and u-pr SO feet of garden hose, they can bo "cn drilling any day on Seventh street, veey are acquiring some elliciuncy, and ""urn to be able to get water in 12 sec- as. way to High Bridge, in this county, where they will camp and entertain their friends. Tho party is chaperoned by Mrs. E. L. E. White, und ia composed of Misses Steel, Miss Nice, Miss Lam bert, Miss Lucy Lambert; Messrs, War ren, Woodward and YanPtiero. Hop Tickets. Cheapest place in Oregon to get hop tickets is at the Entkhi'ihk ollice. Printed on best quality of tough check and sent by mail to anv address. There is one medicine, that cures im mediately. We refer to De Witt's Colic and Cholera cure for all summer com plaints. No delay, no disappointments no failure. C. G. Ilunlley, Druggist. llo! ye pleasure seeker, to Yaquina Bay and return for !.00. . Good until October 10, 18113. Tickets on sale at depot, S. P. Co., by L. B. Moore, tf of her lute father. Or. Chas. Knight. Herman K. Jones and Will Parker went up the valley on their bicycles Mituniay evening, ana remained in Salem over Sunday. They returned home Monday morning. Mrs. Capl. J. M. Graham, Miss Win nie Graham, Miss Annie Graham, and Miss Nellie Coullleet left on Wednesday morning on the steamer Potter for a few week's ouiimt at Seayiew. Portland Chronicle. Capl. J. P. Shaw, of Portland, visited his old homo, Oregon City, Saturday. He is meeting with Haltering success in the management of his gold saving-machine, which does effective work by the dry process. Miss F'tliel Ward left Monday for a short visit to relatives at Sweet Home, Linn county. She will bring home Policeman F)d Shaw's little daughter, Sidonin, who has been visiting her grandparents. Aaron McConnell. of Pleasant Hill, S. B. Seeley of Wilsonville, and J. C. Her, of Sherwood, were in Oregon City Saturday. They report grain prospects very encouraging, but assert that the dry hot weather has injured the hop crop in places. Mrs. Dan O'Neil, of Kodomlo, Cali fornia, who has been visiting relatives In this city for several weeks, accom panied by - her sister, Miss Mollie Holmes, left last week for Alaska, where Ihev will make a short visit to their brother, T. K. Holmes, who is deputy collector of customs at Mary's Island. Robert Noe, of Marysvillo, Califor nia, arrived last Saturday, and is mak ing an extended visit to his parents at Needy. He expects his wife here in two or three weeks and may remain in Ore gon. 110 Das lieen employed on tlie Marysvillo Appeal and other printing ollices. Prof. H. S. Strange will go to Clatska- nie next week to assist Superintendent Watts in conducting a teachers' insti tute for Columbia county. The professor Ih at present tilling the position of dep uty county clerk for Clackamas county, but has lost none of his active interest in school matters, and is an indefatigable inatituto worker. Emile LaForest, a native-born Ore gon City boy is making his mark in British Columbia, fie has been elected a trustee of the Clinton school, a very honorable position in that countrv. Mr. La Forest's mother and his sister, Mrs. Henry Meldrum, are residents of this city, and the young gentleman's I from a camping and fishing trip to Scott's mountain on the South fork of the Molalla. They saw a number of deer, and pronounce the locality a delightful summer resort. Chas. Rose, of Canemah, who left two week's ago for BanJon, is so well pleased with that place that he will hereafter make it his home and has taken a posi tion in the Bandon Woolen Mills. Mrs. Rose left Tuesday of this week to join her husband at Bundon. The postollice at Gladstone has been discontinued by the postollice department presumably on the ground of economy A strong petition is being gotten up ask ing that the ollice be re-established. Until recently the office has not been an important one but within the last year some 50 families have become residents of Gladstone and the ollice is grow ing into one of the important offices of the count v. LATEST STYLE Make your Selection while you have the choice of the lot. FEDORA SHAPES WHITE BROTHERS Practical Architects Sjr Builders- Will prepare plans, elevsiionn. workiug de t Us, and peciflcatlons (or all kinds o( build ings Special attention given to modern cot Uget. Estimates furnished on application Call on or address WHITE BROS., Oregon City. Oan Money Loaned. First Mortgages on Improv ed Farm Property Negotiated. We are prepared to negotiate first Mortraues unon im Droved farms in Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate of interest not to exceed per cent, per annum. Mortirapaa renewed that, hatu hoan taken by other companies. Address with stamps, Mervin Sworts, Baker City, Oregon. Yiolit postollice, recently ordered dis continues is re-established with Dr. J. W. Karten as postmaster. This office is one of the oldest and most important offices in the county and its retention is a great convenience to the people of that part of the county. Adam Freichler, a county charge, died Wednesday at the residence of his brother-in-law, this side of Canemah. He was buried nt the expense of the county. R. Saub is an especially happy man, and it is all because a boy arrived at his house lust Saturday morning, weighing 10 pounds. Mrs. Sttuib and the boy are progressing finely. We will soon begin to receive large consignments of Crawford peaches and jf vou want the best fruit, leave your order now. E. E. Williams, the grocer. County Clerk Ilorton has issued mar riage permits to Bertha Klebe and Fer dinand Kraxberger. Dora Rakel and Peter G. Winkle. Are the Correct -Thing. Glass & Smyth. FOR- ABSOLUTELY PlE DRJJGS OO TO Q A. HARDING. none bi:t competent pharmacists employed ' Fine Peffirasrles and Toilet Articles. Also a full stock of ZP-A-IHSTTS- OIXjS ETC. Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At ihe City Stables. Kidd & Williams, Props., Succeor to XT f-1 r.nnlo T T . M. A . V W W . Livery Rigs on Short Notice. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BKTWEKX THK BRIDGE AND DEPOT Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at th lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. A. W. Phillips, who has just returned from taking a load of passengers to Xe tarts, reports the woods full of people. The Foresters, of Portland, w ill give an excursion and picnic to this city next Thursday. C. O. T. Williams is now: prepared to make loans on good farm property. Write him. Meani Wood Sim. Wood sawed on short notice in any part of the city. Leave orders at F. T. Barlow's grocery store, or call on the owner, T. B. Hankins. tf ..".s v.iabiJS' State Normal School Monmouth, Oregon. Training School for Teachers Complete Eight-Grade Training Depart ment, and thorough Professional Course. The Diploma of the School Entitles one to teach in any county in the. state without further examination. Boari, Longing. Books, Tuition. $150 per year. Beautiful and Healthful Location-No saloons There is a good demand for well trained teacbrs: There is an over supply of untrained teachers. Catalogue cheerfully sent on application. Address, P. L. Campbell, Pres., Or, W. A. Wann, Secy. V. HARRIS STAR GROCERY Dealer in GROCERIES, CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED, ETC.