Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1895)
About wall papers THE NEWEST AND PRETTIEST PAY. . TERNS FOR THE NURSERY. oraa Khow Kate (irwuawajr 1'lgure and laainty Flower Denlgna Nuraery Lr la Depleted, and the Uruwnltw In Their CorulctU l)rAa Are to Appear. Uivou four blank walls and n baro 8wr t train-form into a combination f layprouud, schoolroom und nursery, the task was not an oasy 0110 whou all dopeinlctl on oue's own tasto and energy to properly fit out the apartment where a Kfi:sK!:r fiiikze. o much of tho lifo of a child is spent and where so many seeds are sown that bear prolific fruit in duo season. 2ov however, thanks to the enterprise of the bonso decorator, the fittiux out of a nurs ery is easily accomplished. Tho very rich, of course, may go to a swell decora tor to give him carte blanche to decorate the children's apartment, but in most homos the potent question of expenses most be considered. For these homes where nurseries are needed, but where frescoed walls and expensive pictures aro out of the question, the wall paper manufacturers have come to the fore. As related in the New York Ilerald, the modern nursery wall papers are artistic in drawing and color, educational and fascinating even to older eyes than they were intended for. The cost is so cheap and the varieties so great that there ex fats hardly any excuse for a bare walled nursery. A very pretty design is the one called the "pussy willow" and is designed for a nursery where children of varying age are destined to spend much of their tiuia The larger pattern relieves that tiresome repetition of figures that grows monotonous even to childish percep tions. In an np town house where this furnishes the wall covering it has been varnished and ro-lsta the impulse of lit- tlo. finger nails to pull ai.d tear iu i spirit of curiosity to discover what lie. hidden beneath and at the same time gives a surface from which dust and dirty thumb marks may be readily sponged. It costs a little extra to var nish, but in the wear of the paper, in cloanli'iess and healthfulness the added expense is more than repaid. Pastoral KCnes are favorite designs for nursery Wall papers. The patterns in large do signs show a house with men and wom en, children and animals grouped in HAMMOCK DESIGN TOR WALL PAPER. natural and pleasant poses, going through the daily routine of farm lifa These pictures possess an almost endless fascination for children, and they never weary of studying the trees, flowers and figures. Dainty Kate Greenaway Sprees, dressed in harmonious gowns and grace ful in attitude, are figured in large pat terns to teach taste and color form and are. pretty enough to decorate the walls of au arti.-t's studio. One firm of wall paper manufacturers are at work on a paper for the coming season that will depict the Brownies in their comical dress and will carry the juvenile mind through a series of won dors and amusement over tho queer an ties and grotesqne appearance of these world famous fairies. Then the volumes of nursery lore that are depicted in really excellent effects in wall papers are. almost endless. This branch of the wall paper trade has become an indus try that is on tho increase, and that same spirit of rivalry that stirs the manufacturer and designer in the mak ing of suitable drawing room decora tions has at last awakened them to the fact that a house has but one drawing room, and if it has a nursery the latter is frequently as large as tho former. Contnuie lor Bicycling-. Women disagree as to the correct cos tume for bicycling. Iu this country the bloomers have been indorsed by the Tailors' association, and, according to Tho 'Hun, the big dry goods shops in New York now advertise the bloomers for Sttlp; but, according to reports, there ia not much demand for them. The ma jority of women seem to favor wearing a skirt which reaches to their ankles, and fjeneath that they wear long gai ters. , Iu other respects their gowns are modish and in the general line of fash ion. ' VeruiifK-lll Pudding. Break up and put Into a stewpan two-thirds teaonp of Vermicelli, cover with boiling water, add a pinch of salt and boi until tender; then add a quart of swoet milk, a piece of butter, sugar to suit, 8 well beaten eggs and flavoring- Bake in oven. PIANOFORTE PkAYINQ. It) Sweeping Klantlo Touch How and When to Correct Mlalake. There aro two extreme type of hand possessed by those who aspire to play the piano lirst, hands stubborn, close veblod, chubby; second, hands loose jointed, dangling, flaccid. It is not al ways au advantage to havo the hands exceedingly loose. Between those two extremes tVro are a hundred intermedi ate grades. A writer iiiTho Etude says: What we learn to do in playing the piano is to produoo attitudes, measure ments and motions and in the highly com; !ex automatic power which we de velop it is imperative to offset contrast ed exercises against each other. Thus I think it - usually advisable to learn tho fweoping clastic touch at tho same time ns tho quiet hammer touch. In reply to the query, "Is it best to correct immediately when a mistake Is made?" the same authority replies: That depends upon tho importance of the mistake. If it comes from cureless, tiess, hy all means stop, and if necessary 10 times or 100 times, and do not allow the pupil to go one notch beyond that tone till it can bo done correctly, for nearly all tho mistakes that even great people make arise from insufficient at tention to that particular point. I have known uiany a pianist who blundered at easy places, but played tho difficult passages with faultless precision, sim ply because the mental illumination which produced the musical photograph had not been equally distributed. Fight the mistake as the butter maker fights whey (brain it, squeeze it, draw it out in every way and give us a pure golden color. Now, on the other hand, it may chance that your pupil is constitutional ly nervous and excitablo; that tho nerves not strong enough to carry the shock of electricity which the mind sends out, and consequently the hands tremble, ... .1 . 1 .i . . , I . i i uiiu tuu lingers uy iuw uie iieiguiHiruooa or tiie keys, but are nearly always a little awry. In that case you will generally ag gravate the trouble by causing the pu pil to be too self critical. If there is a disposition to be overcouscions and over- iu a regular wild English, or, still bet ter, wild Irish, steeplechase. Jump five barred fences, leap ditches, tear the way through thorny hedges anything i and everything over stony ground, i over field and fell and heather blooui, anyuung to arrive at :ne point designed, Such a pupil would be greatly benefited by frequent drill in tho way of rough, jagged playing. . i A Novelty In Needlework. Among novelties in needlework which take the place of tho familiar dotted daisy work are designs stamped with five rayed stars. By a few skillful 6titches these stars are converted into miniature ivy leaves, which dot the cloth. A white liuen tea cover scattered with these leaves and finished with a four iuch hem stitched border in pale green is exceedingly effective. So also are the blue patterns where the cloth is scattered with palest blue cornflowers, mere dreamlike suggestions of tho Ger man flower, and then bordered with a four inch border of pale blue linen. This border may be put on the cloth with a heavy insertion of linen lace or simply with stitches resembling drawn work. A Pretty Onterplee. One of the prettiest of centerpieces for embroidery is tho rose pattern de scribed by M'xlcrn PriKcilla: This piece woultl be handsome worked with twisted embroidery silk on heavy HOSE CKNTKIM'IKCE. lined damask in whito or any of tho rose colors in the palest shades. Tho petals should be edged with long and short buttonhole stitch and tho veins outlined. The recurved edges should be worked solidly. Ilerry Tartu. Berry tarts aro made by lining small patty pans with rich crust and filling with raspberries, blackls.rries or whor tleberries. Heap up high in the center; spriuklo freely with powdered sugar; wet the edges of the paste with ice wa ter; lay on a thin crust of ligi, puff paste; press the edges together, and with a sharp knife trim olf evenly; press around tho baso of tho fruit about a fourth of au inch from the edgo of the pan, so as to push the fruit up in a cone in the center, when tho juice will run around the groove formed by pressing. Brush the crust of each tart over with ice water and bake in a quick oven. Strengthening Piute board Boxea. Everybody uses pasteboard boxes, and every one has been annoyed by their coming to pieces and spilling the con tents at inopportune times. To prevent this, paste strips of cotton cloth over the corners and then cover the whole with glazed chintz inside and tie with colored ribbon or tapo. Kanphei-1-y Water Ice. To make raspberry water ice mix a quart of black raspberry juice, a pint of ice water and a lar;;o cupful of sugar together; add the juice of a liinou; pour in a freezer ami fr.'-czj. Beat tho whites of 8 eggs with 2 ounces of pow dered sugar; stir in the ice and mix un til perfectly smooth. K'-tnuve thedalier and set aside to mellow. THIS SEASON'S FASHIONS. Many Style to Neleet r'runi and Nu Hlglil HuIm to Follow, Never within the memory of tho old rest inhabitant have there Ixtm us many Stylo to choose from. Fat women, thin women, short women tali women, one and all, have been able to wear the uiino style of gown and look well in it limply because there have lnen no rigid rules to Ihi followed, explains a writer in tho New York 1 In aid, who savs: Where sleeve high on the shoulder have (liven the breadth neecssury to some Mender figure, a correspondingly stout llgiiro has been made to look quite sleit iler in the same style of sleeve, put in the urmlmlo ilkTorriitly, giving a droop lug appearance and the perpendicular line which always reduces avoirdupois. Bkirts, of course, lmvo had to lie very wide around the bottom, but have been equally iu stylo fitted over the liijw or allowed to havo a little fullness. Trim mings have been permitted to run diag onally or horizontally, as best suited to every one, and short or long jackets have been equally in favor. Tho con sequence is tho generality of women have looked much better clothed than for many a day. Muslins, organdies, percales, batistes and all sorts of wash materials are the rage this season. Tho same old fash- this si-miikk's girl ioned rmtterns of Liu iio.vis have come back, and tho dainty h:::id embroideied muslins are just as precious as they ever were. The muslin gowns wo prettiest when niado with little ruffles edged with lace or with scallojied flounces ! edged with the lace. Dotted muslins are pretty with puffs and shirrs, through which ribbou can be run. Silks are exceedingly cheap this sea son. They are hardly more expensive . than tho best grado of ginghams and chambrays. Of course there is every kind and every price, but very pretty ones are to be had for very little money, and in summer moro expensive silks are not such a nocessity as iu winter, for they are really much warmer and more cum bersome. Surahs are not much worn, the india silks and the taffetas and the chine varieties being more the favor ites. The old fashioned patterns and even the old fashioned silks themselves are the most stylish, and very quaint and odd are somo of tho designs. Thesx silks aro trimmed with lace, satin anil velvet ribbon and aro made in every conceivable design. Somo fancy having the waist of different material from the skirt Crarki-r I'mltllng A delicious pudding can bo made with crackers. Butter a two quart basin. Cover tho bottom of tho basin with slices of tart apple sprinkled with sugar. To this add a layer of broken crackers with pieces of butter. Alternate the layers of apple and cracker until tho basin is filled. Bake 25 minutes or until the ap ple is thoroughly cooked Serve warm, with a pudding sauce flavored with lemon. Yachting Jncknt, A trig jacket designed for boat wear, but equally suitable on shore at seaside resorts, is fashioned in thin cloth of blue shade and uniquely arranged with deep cape collar, forming battlements over tho shoulders and finishing in long rovers in tho front, theso being faced with whito cloth richly embroidered in navy and gold mixod cords. The tum- A If EAT YACHTING JACKET. over collar, full front and waist belt are of white moire nacre, this also being used for the miterod corner of tho coat, which are studded with plain gilt but tons. A gilt anchor forms the clasp for the waist belt. For ladies who may not approve of the battlemeuted collar a square one of sailor shapo or a round one can be used instead, and in either case the embroidery of blue and gold would still be suitable. Tho hat de signed for this coat is of burnt straw in a coarse plait and trimmed with white moire ribbons. nl NOI'lt'R or AlMQNMKNr. NOTICK IS ItKHKllY UIYKN, 1 II AT HAM (unit Urea uoi'MrtiiNtntilit, coinpiMivl of (it) '. A. IImiiiI.Ioii mit K. U. II million, ami (I n. A. II" I i. mi nml K. 0. II million Imllvl'liml y. Ii..v all H..lkn..l i.i n,. tiuiliirilituixl lor tint 0 mull nt I inrtr rvlUiir". Saul a nuiii I. in w o hI iik ,n tho oin iill I'miit of tlm Kali) Hi Or ami . r tllai'kiunna fumy, nml all oc Ul timo, until tiuu aiu unri'liv uniltluil In inai'iil tholr rlniti 'it-iln-l nhl ivron., nmii'r oath, to mi- i mv eltU-a la Dnin ii Coy, Ori'iimi, within ih roe hi oi it tin Irom ittiidiiv. Ililn.l J una V, I sun 0.11, T WIU.MMH, AmIkihw. I' It. 1VK. All'l (in A..IKH11. jlt-J.' S i Blank note, receipt and order books at the Kn i kki'iiisk olllee Wedding slutionerYi the latest styles nml finest assortment ever lirouglit to Oregon (,'ity at the ENrKiirinsK olllee. Justice blanks, real estate blanks, ami nil olhei blanks nt the Iai kiti iusn of fice, 1'ortUiid prices. 'For Charity Suffcrclh Lortjj." Mt. Laura C. Phoanlt. nilvaukM, WU. "Jlatnm a llcHeiolent JfvwMi and knowing the good l'r. llllej' Nervtno bus dune mo, my wink to help oilier, over couiua my dbdlke tor tho puhllclijr, this li muy t,-to me. In Nur. and loc., lsui Ttin inmuttea had tha "LaUrlppr," and I wasona of the flmu Riiuiiiiii duty hx koou, vita tho euro of ao luulijr ilelc, I did not regain riy health, and in a inonlh J bream th-htUlatrd mnd tteriiH4 tmrn mertiirnnm and the dritfia niaua on my rlialuy. that It wiui a iinndlon If 1 could o on. A doar frlrnd ad viand mo to Wjr ir. Jlilr' Hrmturatirm Arrrlue, I uaik i oiii'.ie. ana ktu uujipy to any, I am n tH'Tti r health inun tror. I ttlll continue it orrational mmr, aa m Hrrrr food. a n.T aorii la very trying, A loiter ad dressed lo Miiwatittcu, Wui., will rtiack me.'' June &. 1HW. Mhs. Lai'iiA 0. I'lioisu Dr. MIW Nervine la anld on a pnaltlva guaranuti that the II ml lantle will U'lieUu All druirirlKW aril It at II. o bottle for (A, ot II will bo (K in. prepaid, on roeeipi of prn a hy Ihe L'r. MUua Modlcal Co., tikhart, iud. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udde.-. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & SadiiJe Sore., Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, AH Sheep Ailments, Penetrates muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jii vy. Rub In Vigorously. Mustang; Liniment conqucra Pain, Makes Han or Beast well ajaln. f mm HIIKIUKK'S HAI R. Iu Ilia Circuit Cimrl nt tlm Bute ol Oregon, tor l ho Untllily nl Clackamas i. P. buy, iinliiilft. . Ilnlllimtjr Km In, Maria Kuril, and (I, ", llcvur, iluluml itntn. Hlntn ul Oregon, County of Clnekaiuaa, an. MOD K 18 HKHKIIY (ilVKN, IIIAI' II Y vlr uo u( an imrcullon ami iinlor of aln laaltcil out ot I hn nl roll It court ul UliiHtnlli lit Ore- roll lor Urn I'ouuly ol 0 ai liainiia, bearing- dali) lie bill day "I July, IMI1, hi a till Imiu'U J. I'. t,"V I, .1 1. 1 ii 1 1 (1 , Him ililuianer Kiel. Maria Kuril and 0. V, lljvur am Uutaiiui, ooiiiiiiniiiltittf nu, In Hit uamu ol tin si ! o (Ui'UiUi, lli u oui ul the real i liile lieri'lunller leiurilHi.l, to reiil'D a aunt aullU'leut In mdi v III- lleuillllil ol lli ilieree, til nit, 1 Ill, and the t othar aitui of ll.tto II, anil ilie lurt ier ii 10 01 fill.' i co la. iiit, u r with internal u l lie aiima aloee imlil ilie;eu Hm etlteteil at S wr i"ul, 'r aiiuuni, and alo Urn oo-la ol and at li'ieliuu till. .ill,-. Now. the return, In otttdlc tiro In aurii ileeree. t did duly lei v iil'i'ti, and III, on SiiIiimIiii , Ilia lot h day ul Amku I, Im at the hour ot I o'eloi k I'. M ul ald day, at tlm Inutl dimr ol I he noun hiiinic In anld cniiuty u. t'l .i r..iihi., oiler (or nle nl imlilic auclliui, and aell lo (he hlulie.l and liet hlililer lor i imn In liatut, all ol llin rutlil.tlile nml lulerenl llieaalil ileletulnnt on ilia lidlila) ol r , ui uarv, tsll , liail ir li nave In nnd til .lie Ul lli II lint ltd 0 1 1 -til re it i'il;ert y, lo-wl' : I'laiui Nu lis, ti'inu pnrta ot aeelioi I, .' II ami liiu 1 -I koiit.i in taiiue H ana', ut l,, ami none nrif uUrly ileverlh i ua loliow. to wit. Oi'uona I'ltiw "I l imit In ehalm and t link, nor h tit the aiiulheaul rnrttur nl ntd M'tition J, ami r uuul ir Uienee ra-t 1H elialna, llivtit'ehoutii iVi eh-itit; llienee we.l M A riialu; Ibene north Ml elialtu: nml tliuiu w e.i It) ,'halna lo the iinea o. Iiemmil i(. ei 1 1 tail ii i , at :.' n r", .ituaUl III IU.. in . . t i'l Clne.aiua-, .tut nil I 'reeoii. Puled 1 1 I a U'lU day ul Jnlv, A. I C-'JV K. C. M.Mil'iK K, Sherlirol t'laekainiia enmity, Suio ul linn, in. ilv N. M lioeut. I'eiinlv. ;t.';t V NOIICK (r AirolTUKNTUK KXKl t'Tltlx" VTOTH'R Is IIKHKIIY lilVKN, THAT TIIK nil'ler. it'll, tl liaa b ull i.u.lil. .1 lo III I mity limit ol I'Uekainaa eminly, imnniilji ot tlm luai wl l ami leUuieul ol J..r,ili II m, lie eean'il. All peruma havitiii eiaona auainat ihi I'.tulg o ,1a ii b H -aa, deeeu-i'd, a' liuruiur inn.. tied lo iiu.ent ilia .aiiia duly re IU m I ir ay iu. nt lo Hid it .ileraiiueil, or at llio mil ol dm Il-owuell, Or, ami ( Or, ami, nll.ilnili tnmithi Inue uaio. sol'IIIA IU) S, K, eulrix. Inn C llriiwnml, All y lor Kiaoulr Ju.y IS luift. ;.-j s-g . NOIICK OrHNAl, HK ITI.KM KN f, In the County (' mrl of tlm Stale ol Oregon lor t'ltuviluiy nl ( ui'lauiai. In tho mailer of tha Ktlal of William Vltaal. Iltvlor, deeeaaeil. To Whom II May Cotiearn: "OTICK IS IIKHKIIY (IIVKS, THAT TIIK ll unilur.'gueit, , duiltiiaira.or of the eat e 01 William Vleaeltueler, deeeaaed, haa tiled loa Anal report and aeiount aa aiieb ailuiliilitralnr Iu the ( ottuly C utrl ol C aeaamaa rmimy, aiala of thuiton, ami that rriilay, Aiiifuat Htn, Iia'i at Klo vioea, A. M. iy laid t '"luiiy Court haa own fix d ana aiu oloie I the Hum and nlaoj lor ilia nattlgtilwut ol aald lliial rolNirl au.l Mi.ouul ami tho lieai Inic ami dularuilliiuv of auv nd all oh Jaelloua tlieretii. J. p III 1 1 Kit, Adin'r "I the Kalal ot ft in. Vie.aiiueler, dite'd. July 1.', ln U-io. V. II ownell, Aduir'i Atl'y. 7-!'J S I AITolN I MKN T or APMlNlslKAIOIti "" In the I'miniy t'otirl nl the stala ol Oreguu, lor the (.'. il'itr of Ulai k iniai. la the maiurof the K.laieol II. H Chaae, de eva.iil. "VOlK K H IIKHKHV .VKS, THAT TIIK ll' iler-lgni'il tiara been ailuli lr loa Cnituiv t'.iilrl .0 t:iai-kaiiiai rouulr. -Ule in (lru nil, a Iliitul'Oaliira of theea a'aof II II ha-a, he ad. All p r una banlmt plain a annum aid it, t of II. K I'haae, il eaa.ed, are tirnhr unt llad in r, iunt (da aame du y i rtilad lor payment lo tha ui ieraiirud ai sandy, riaeia ui ooumy, Oreton, n- at Vie oDi-eoi tito. C. ll ownui!, Or.gnu C ty, Oregiw, withiu an uionl'ia I rum tbinlale. KI.IZAHKTII CIIASK. I II A 1(1 KS a. ( HA K. Adm ra of the Ka'ala ul II. II. C naae. ee d. Jiliy 11, l"'A 7-U' S-K Uao. C Brnwnell Alt'y lor A'lm n-trnl r.. bl'MMoNS. In th Clreuli Cinirl of the HIiof Oregon, lor th i oil ii t jr of t'lai kililaa, J. L llarlra.n, a, r e.lrar nt th Norlhweat IJiti and T iki Cmnpaiiy, platullil, va. K. U, llrooka ami Km in a llrooki, UefaiidaiiU. To E. II. Dnxika and Kmiua tlrook., tho abov uauivd delendanta: TS TIIK NAM K OK TIIE 8IATK or OIIKCON, yo i and ,,cu ol you ar haraur remiirail to appear and auawor the miniilnliit flle l a. alu.l y. in In ihe alxie t ititled court and e oimi by ino nrai ii iy u. ill lie X '. larm ol tllla oollrl lot' luwing tlleop rallou of Illa.U Wreka pillillra tlon ol tiila aiiininoua, aa pruvlilwd I. r In tti order ol pntilir illmi, lo-w I. t) i -r Iwlnr Mull day, the till itar ol Nov niher, 1-eli; am) If yml fall to npp ar or an.wer her In, lor waul ihsreoi the platniirT will app y to the emiri hr I . re lief i.rr.. ii, r in the rmuplnli t Hint herein, lo wlt : That aaiil nUlutirT have and reenvar of an I Inun a,i, K. I), llroi.ka nml Kinina HrMika Hie nun ot f triTS with lutere.t li. union at th rnle o! eiuhi pur eeiiL r an mini Irom the dale or the flimi oi t e couiplatut Iu liiia eau, to. wll, Juno l IKW, together with Hi iw.t- and dlaliiiiinu la in tint anil, ami lot a doer lore iialtw th, mortgaitn daaerllied In anld com plaint an I Unit ilia ii:nrli ae proiriy laaurilmd Iu aald eoniplalni, In wll, an iiudlvlilu.l II va- ixlha lutere.i Iu and In tlm nurtln a-tiiiarter i.f lot on In 1 1 irk lour In th lown of Mar... fluid In aid ei km ta county, Or gun, aa platud hy Win. T, M .11 ft, ann anhowu or plat i harm ( ru corded In laid enmity, ha i.ilil to aatla y the alxiv olalin, that Hi aald doletidan.a and all peranna claiming by, thrnuith, nr liu Ier Ihoin iihai'iiinni to th execution nt anld mortgage Ihi barred ol all right In nml to aald pMpi'ttr an I th whole Ihoreol, exeept of thu '.ilut ,ry rlaht of redeiniitloti. and that plalutllf have "lirh lurther and other relief a klia.l aeetu lint and c0 n nhle. Ihi- auminona la t uhlUhel hy order of the II m. T. A. Meltrlile. Ju lite ol th almm entitle. I emiri, mad and entero I on the l.'itli day ul June, IH'A I'axTOV, 8xHa, IUai ii A Simon, AUorniiya tor I'.ni o U IT 610 C lambnr ol Commurre, I'ortlaud, Oreirnn. Il-.'KIS-B NOT1CK OK AITOINTMKNT. TOTICK H IIKHKIIY (ilVKN THAT TIIK 1 1 llliderrlirneit haa hen appi Inti; I hv tlm County Court nf Cl inoiinna Cniinly, Oregon, ml- mlulalnitor ol tha itnt nf I.ncr A. Smith ilei'Onaeil. A i wruna having elnlina a.-nln-t anld ort ito, are hereby uiitlfluil lo present the anmo, with propir vouchera, within alx nioulha Irom th'i date "I II. la, to the ttudoraiguud at Neody, Claekarnaa cotiuly, Oregon. Krxd .T Smith, A'lmlnlitratorof th Katalo ol I. my A Smith, llerea-en. Ilate.l June 24, IWV fi 2S:7.20 HIIKUIKfS RAI.IC. Iu Ih Circuit Court ol the Stato of Oregon for the County of Washington. Julia E, Onudlo, pliilnllfT, v,. Tliumai A. Ooudla deleuilnut. -tnte of Oregon, County of Clneknmai, a. VToriCK M IIKHKIIY GIVKN THAT II Y vlriuo nf nn execution nnd nnler nl en e la- uuil out of III, nlretilt court of the Htnto of Ore iruu for the County ol WnnhliiKloii, Injuring ilnle the lth iliiy nf June. ltTi, In it am t wherein Jul In K. Ooudle ia plnlutilT, and Thoinait A. Ouiullu N dufetiileut, t'oiiiiuaudlug me, In the nnin nf th Slate of Orognn, Hint out of the r.uil catnte hcreltmltor d'jac ribed, to rcalln j a auin aulllniutit toanllnly the dumntida ol an d ileerue. lo-wll '2 hi), ana tho lurlliar atim of coata, lo autiier lutoroaton thu mine aiuou July .'li, lhii:l, at eight per cent par annum! and alio (no coili of and nltonilliur this aalo. Now, therefore, In obedience toanoh decree, I did, on tho 2ltb dny of June, lSDuduly levy upon, and will, on Snttirilav, the 27th dny of July, l.i.i.ri, at tha honrof onco'olork, P, M. of ani l dny. nt the Irout door of th court houae 111 Clnckamna county, nff r for inle at puhllo miction, and aell to the hlghoai an I be.t bidder, for caah In hand II the right, tltlo and liilerit the anld deleiid ant, Thoma. A. Ooudle, baa In and to the foi l'.wltig doacrl tied real property, to-wit: All of lota 1, 2 and 3 In block of the County Addition lo th City oi Oregon City, In the County ol Clnck nina., Hlate ol Oregon, accorillug to the pint ol aid addition now on Ale in the reoordet'a oflloe at Oregon City, Oroguti, Dated thl 24th dny of Juno, A. T). W) K, C. M AUIiOCK, Bharlff nf Clnokama Co., Htatvoi Oreiron. By N. M. Moody, Ihjputy. fl-2S:7-2 S. DRAKE, DENTIST. Nltroui Oxide gag for the palnlem extraction of teeth. All work warranted and prlcei reasonable. Roonm It, i and fi, otithweitt corner Third and Morlson streets, Cambr.dire Building, Cortland, Oregon. NOIICK Of SAl.K Or HKAI. KiTAIR. IillhatV'iiniyCinf'ol llisiala ol Ornnn lor Ill ljuuuly ol t'lankauiai. In the mailer ul the Katale ol Jnltli t, Uiilim, iliivauil, Vs nukii At'iiioiiii v or an oitiiKii or me, u ran in I hv llie (iniiity : -uri m in .t.iieof Ore iini, tor the nniiuly ot I'lm k hum. dated J il y M, IK in, I will aallai ml vim aia the lollooliiit iluaer lied r a eaml! TUu N ul the N. K f auiulon III, I. 'J H IL II K. . .u., eotf I num. sil aerea in u or un ; a a , lot No, J, aen. 10, i. 'J a. II, 'J K. W, M., in. in. pirllou any da anrlliud aa follow : hi'itluullii at Hie iinrler aan I on mrner li.'twi'itu a e luu H 'iml II . 'I II. 'i K. : run nlm Iheiu u aoutu IU 7 ii'ialn- lo I liu I IS auellou line: tlielieu Weal Q ehattia tolliuaiiat Imtinilnry ol I No I', I, I' ol S, I. t' ami wi a; liietu e iiorlii on ani l ea t h'tunil.ny 7.4'l eha.lia to thu iiortii-aiiat enriier ol na to; tiii'tii'tf wa-t mi unrllt II ta in i'I it ni I e in n . 1 1 t hi I -1 rt am th in line; llielirn N. IJ ehuli.a In the line li.ilweuu aei'liii... II ami III; Oieiieu K. '.aielialoa to lh puim ol b 1. 1 ii u 1 1 1 u , Diiutiilul .a i i,'J aetaa, inoru or tea. I ho .a u will l.o ma lo front and alter Anul SI, li'.ki, ami hula will he r.'i' lor neli tar eel lo the uimt'ialuuii'l nl ll irumliv, t! am. nun enillily, Oii'K'Ul, o. nl the ultl.'O ol lie . (., II lit tio.l, ll.t ii'i'i l ltv, Itreunli lenoa ,'f anln, uaill In lull. I, ll'il I enlll ol Hie t'ul'e 1 -tat la, liateil till. 1 1 I o' Julv, lim. I'l.l.t Col, IIS, A.l'ii'li'.t'alill 7 1 H .') of lh ..Ulo .( J m i II. I i. a- Ii, .lei' ,1. NuTlf'K OK KINAI. shTli.KMKNI'. Ill Ihe Ciiuiily I' mrl ul Ih'i Htaie of (Ir.-umi, for the County ol t'lai katnna. Ill Ilia uintturof Ilia ea. ate nl VVIIIImn Q. I, Hum, Ueu aai-il. To Whom It May I'mirnrn: TOTIt'K IS IIKHKIIY (ilVKN 1 II AT Til K uuiler..aii.l a i iu. n lat t of III i e.talu of W .lllalil IJ. I. u a., d,'ea-a,, haa I1U I lii. filial aeeoiiut 'ilnl relio.t a- aurii a.llululatlMlnr, in the eoutily tuiiirt ni Hie stale ol OreMoo tin Ciaeka 111 emnili. Ill tint Mull. I V. Ill') M'ldaV of AllUl, liill, at Ilia Hour "I lim e a A M . at tha eniinly eourt li.iu.e, ha Ihioii Died and nptiotui. il na the Unto and plaea In- Hie am tli'inwiit uf aald rtual report and aeenuul and tli i hairleg and ilaieriulualuiu ol any mi l a I ni.jeeiii ui lllarol i. Wtll.KiiAMI MADMAN, A.linr, i t naiale'f "l.aiu 7-n S-l g. I.ui'aa, ilai ea.ed. AKMlM.vritAIOHH No ll K. " X"0TH;K ! IIKHKIIY (IlVKN. I It A I' TIIK tin , ei I Ite.l haa been '..ui ap llio tl lliuahle linrdo , h. ilyea, J i aiviilulml by I III C c i irl ! Claekaniaa otitity, Oretfmi, ex ri'iilrUnf In ol J, M sliaur, d. iaud, Allperaona havl'ic r alma aeaui-l .a.d eatat ar i ii'itilled In pruaent Ih anei, iritiH,rlv varl lied, wlih vmiol.ora, In ma at KagleCreak t'laek antaa eoiiuly, Oru.nii, mI'IiIii -.i mooiii. Innu liu. iliia ADAI.ISKI) sl.lKMI, Kxe 'iil ll ol Ihe K.iaia ul J. M. Ue , Oam d, lated July H, mm. 1-I-.S-I AHMIMil HATOH'H ;N01 K K. VToriCK IS H K II It K H V (IlVKN, 1 HA f TIIK nml ralue I ha. been d,oy apt u.ute 1 by ll.iu. (I. K. Hare. Judai' of t e rotii. I r court ol Ilia alai of iireaou . r t'.aeaamaa uiinlv, ad nouiatrator ol In a:at ol C. H. HaW -.luai d. laiaaoil. All lieraoua hatrlug elal i. atfell! t aid eaiat ar reititr l lo pr ami the aa-ne, pro(Mir.y rerifle I, to me at my ill a u Mini aire, I, lii Oig m Cite, Or 'kiui, wiui n . x mn i'ii innu III dal ol t ,a uolln. I ll in K. UYAN, A on r nl I le e.i la ill . II Hawaii., I el. Ialed at iltg.iu Illy Hilt ill day t. Joy 7- '. - U ADMINIhTKAIOK'S NO I K t IIKHKIIY (ilVK NO I UK or MY AI'I'OINT ill ml a- a. mil ual a or ul the - 1 1 e ol Th a. II. orrv.tvr. ili.i-aaetl, tale ol C ai kamaa eoiiu. Iy. Oregon. All per on bavin l e . in. aaalmt aai i eatata will pr.e,. them In me ,,uy varl llnlal the . file if Vi. c. Jih. tun, ,wyr, In Or on City, Oregon, win. In at unmlh. irum Hi dat oi Ih! no lee, ih aani" art not be a low i. H r. rulUKHTKil, AdnVr. hated July IP, IW.'i. 7-. a in The New Way East GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY--- AND . O. R.&N.Co. Lines. THE SHORT ROUTE. T') HUNTS IN Washington, Dnkotas. Idaho. Minnesota, Montana, And the East -. Tlirotmh Tickets on Sale rciucAiio, St. Lm im, To and From )' rilll.AliKI.I'llIA, New York, k Huston. And all jsiints in tho United States, Canada, And Europe. The OHKAT NOHTIIEKN RAILWAY la a new trnnaeiiiitineninl line. iinua biuret library iibtervatlnii earn Inlnco alccplng and dining enra, fntully lourlat alcepora ami et'iind cU.M cont'hea. Having a rock hallnat Irnck, Ihe OHKAT NOHT'IKHN RAILWAY la free from dual, one of the chief uuoynui'ci of tmiiaciuitlueuial trnvel Hound trip tlekela with (lop over iirlvllegeg and choice of return roiitea, For furiher Inforinntluii cnll upon or wrllo, C. C. IKi.NA VAN, (ii nernl Agent, l'fJ, Third Street. I'. inland, Ore. . I, W hllne; y (l p A T. A. rattl, Minn. SI y .'3?T'0-JW'wv'f. ,. - -. z. -vrrx. I' FOR CLATSKANIZi SloijinorG. W. Shaver, Will leuvo Portlnnd, foot of WiiHliinxton Street, for Clatfkanio and way liindiiiRH, Monday, Wcd noHilay and Friday mornings at 0 o'clock, and return to Portland Tundn.yH,ThurHduyR and Saturdays ThiH tho rnont direct and accessablo route to tho Nehaleni Vally only nino miloH from Clatukanie. Shaver Transportation Co. flMqq's (oottinj Powders. For Childnn Cutting their Tteth. IN USE OVER FIFTY YEARS. o Ftwrlth Mail, pmtnt flti, Comultlont, ng pnutw a ktallhy itaf of tht constitution . . , gurfne thl ptrlod 0 tttthlnq.