Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1895)
i TEACJIEIIS MEET. vOonllnuod from II rut piign.) out Kiihttti W, Moore, ol Malheur county, Allernoon session of the superlnlun- tlttntn ltiurtiimit wutt culUxl to order at 1 :IIU by President Oihsun, As Superintendent Irwin was not present it wuk determined to hold a sort Of (lllCtttlollttl loVU-fcilst, whull ClU'll superintendent might spciik freely upon whatever Improvements lie wInIhmI to see iiiikIm upon the school laws of Oregon. HiiHriiitiinlint Gibson spoke of tliu defects in llio law relating to the alien- UUIIC0 at School, mill tbll ui.i.nHb.ii i, I i, " VI I" lllWI mill, Superintendent Nllllwoll spoke of Iho unsallsfuetoiy condition of tint liiwion district tmiituliiry linos. Kx-H(ij)nrii)t.i(int Mauley nMjko on both tho lihovu topics. TllO COIUIIllltetl appointed tocllOOSe books to hit rend by thn members of thu stale rending circle, imported that they would rii'oniniind Ninhh's l.lletaturu and White's Hfhool MuiiuKuimiit. Tho report was accepted mid thu committee discharged . "How Humid Hiipcrlnlcii.lciitH he Elected." SiiHiriiit(-niliut J. G. Watts of Columbia county, opened the dis cussion. He thought thn present syntcin of elections whs iitlli'lnntly ginul, hut behoved the time of ofhVo was entirely too short. Nulum's City Hiiporintondent K, II. Andergon mild If the superintendent Ik to !e chiweii for thu best work to build up the schools to render improvement decisions the present system in not good one Ilu thought that with pro Hir restraints the county commissioners should be einiowered to appoint the superintendent of schools, IH'puty Sup erintendent C. U. (inntenhein thought that the UHriiitcndoiit nlinuKI h elected ! I...... I . i n i i In the county, aluee the miner iitendent ., , , , , . . , , , ahould be not only a trained lea.ber, hut a thorough bimineN man. Mr. Keyed Haiti he thought the HyHtem of apiHilnt mrnt would be the bent. ueriiilen dent Htillwell favored the idea of election by the lonrd of director a dliectnr are UHiially reprenenlatlve men with the in terent 0f the Hihool. Kx Huperinten dent Stanley favorel the iilea of the county iuxrlnlundenta beiiiK apointod by the Hate uMirintndeiit. 8uperln tendent KteveiiHou Udiovnd the preaent ayatem of election to I the rinlit one. 8uerititeudent Howe nKike of the di verlaltiea of idea on thin queation, ami thotiKht that the people should be held reionHilile for the election! they made. The people will probably not be much better than thev now are, unleaa made ao by the achoolH. The m-hoola will not improve uiiIcm the teacher do so, and whether the teacher Improve rents to a (treat extent with the county mperinten dentH. City Huerinl(Midont An. lemon said that while the superintendent required the teacher, to improve, but the board of director, aa a general rule, did not education, to render the choice of a nop erinleiident by them, a w ine measure. Prof. C. II. Anil.'rnim had prepared a paper on 'The Tenure of Ollice of Su perintendent and Teachers" that is do serving of sH'dal mention. He said that the superintendent's tenure of of fice should be like that of (ho supreme judges of the United State court dur ing good buhovior. It Is understood that good btdiavlor is to Include all that pioperly come within the province of profesnional conduct, lie should be up right, honuot and frank in all his deal ings, no hiioiiui in luitiiiul to every truat, and true in tho dinchargo of every duty Ho should possess Intelligence, and culture nnd a disposition and desire right said :"Datix r.o place .e Short-talker to improve himself ant. thoso about him. now slay." The shimmering French He should be capable of seeing excel- man hit a hold truth in referring to a lonce In others, and of entering Into their class of peoplj who will always have sympathies. Ho should havo the ap-1 much to say on any subject, and there pearance of knowing enough, and of I fore will be forced bv circumstances to having had tho necessary experience ! enonuh to properly oversee the schools of his county, and to discrimiite between good work and poorer iiulillerent work." Professor Jones had been appointed to write a set of resolutions, asking that the right of chartered educational insti tution to grant state diplomas be with drawn. Tho resolution was unanimously adopted. On motion tho department adjourned "Sine Die." List of members present ut the depart ment of superintendence : Coun'y Superintendents J. G. Steven son, Lane county, Susan V. Moore, Malheur county, It. . Holm, Benton county, J. B. Stillwell, Yamhill county, Superintendent J. (i. Watts, Columbia county, Ex-Huporintendont J. 11. Stanley Washington county. City Superinten dents E. II. Anderson, Salem schools, 1). E. Grout, Portland school, F. S. Pointer, Portland school, Koyes, Portland school. Professors C. II. Chap man, Eugono, S. W. Holmes, Oregon City, VV. II. Powell, Oregon City, and Prof. Royal, United States Normal School. Teachers at the Association. Minnie U Michell, Thf Dalles) Lilllo L Brown, Sullwood; Geo VV Harrington, j Highland ; Goo T McArthur, New Era ; Maggie M Boone, LaFayettef Ciola Smith, LaFayette; W B Smith,,? North Yamhill ; Chas. Rutherford, Highland; Helena E Barck, Portland ; V.' U Sliel lenbarger, Portland; Alice M Smith, Monmouth j M 11 Crowno, University I'ttrk; J M Powell, HitUtrn, K A Hull, Kullwood ; Vletm K Adair, Portland; A T lluyos, lliiltovillu ; Lawson L Moore, Woodhurii; Helta Dawson, llutlcvlllo; Nina flolce, Jliittovlllo; Chim Denial, llutlevillu; Ellen Sedgwick, Albany; Mary Sedgwick, Albany ; E. M. Ward, Oregon City ; 8, Jleilu Joints, Sherwood ; V Aldcrson, Hell wood; llaltlo M Weill orell, Oregon City; Ilattiti E Munroe, Oregon City ; W II Powell, Portland; I'Mlth Muiio Jones, I'ortlund; A G Gar rison, Chleo, Ciil ; Uurtha Marly n Gib Hon, Oregon City ; Kuto I Porter, Ore gon City ; Kmiiilo G l'orler, Oregon City ; I.... .. wwer, Miappa C W Altiran, Trouliliile; Mrs A II Wells, Clu. kumuHj Hess M Wells, Oluekainus; I.oullu Max well, Pleasant Home; Mm Lillian Ellis, C'lmmawa; Mrs Nun Eusthum, liaker City; Cellndu Huyuea, Laurel ; Lillie I) I luyncs, Laurel ; Chas Klr. y, Molvillu; W H Illood, Carlton; L E Anion, Port land; Tilho C Anion, I'ortlund, Murnuret K Wllliainn, Nuwlwrg; I -uriiue J Men erve, Delena; Mra I, A l!uten, Canby ; Houri Maylleld, Highland; A l'Maylleld. I'ortlund; J M Iteauihamp, Torexl (irove; 8 V Dowiih, I'orthiinI ; Jon T Lie, Krmjtjia ; Olive A Luellliitf. Milwaukee; Mra K M Dowim, I'or'.land ; JeHNie Mar tin, Iavton ; Maiy Voiiiik, Milwaukee; 11.8. (ilhaon, Oregon City; K llar Kreaven, Kpriiiwuter; Adu Mi l.aughlin. Milwaukee; Viola Ciiienthur, West Cbe halem; Clara llrown, ('hampo'K; Mary Ilickncf, Ohwpko; C II Jonea, Mi Minn ville, Itlanche M Jonea, MuMinnvile; Norma I Kox, ()Mweto; Addie K Clark, Oregon City. Luella Carey, Hcio; Mary 1 lUthbun, Mt Tatwr; It T Smith, Halem ; Metta Pavla, Kalem ; Klla Welch, 8alem ; Mollio K. Ilankina, Oregon ; II. O. Lake, l'owell Valley ; Carrie K. Uom, I'ortlaud ; Sade II. Chaxe, Oreuon City;Kdnetta ChiiMe, Oregon City ; Kthel Cutta, New- iL.t-.f!1 i.. f ....H..I.I ii:. .i.i i. t i"""i 1'iuiuTiii, jiigiiiniiu ; n. j. u i ... n . .... ,.. . ii'irrii, I'Hiian, m. r.iianviue, .Hiem; n .,,, ,,.,,, , Collinon, I (irand; Maud A I'lttenger, Portland ; A K HeiiderHon, KUood; L II r onle, Davton ; Joaie I) Parriae; Kutelle JMcIntyre; T II Crawford, Portland; Kmily llaeckcr, WoodMtock ; (iertrnde Forbeii, Fremont ; Carrie McCahe, Wood it ock ; MiiHa P. W'illeox, WooilHtock j Mary H. Harlow, Portland; Adona Coch rane, Monmouth; Ara W. McLaughlin, Milwaukle, Nettie Fimllay, Iayton; Albert Fankhaurer, Iut, Bertie Cirib hie, Aurora; Elisabeth Klinson, Goidley, Cal. ; D. P. Hayne. Portland ; Laura A. Pavidaon, St. Paul; Ida it. Scofiehl, McMinnville; Bertha Mark, Aurora; r. It. ItoKera, llalioy; J. J. Kraps, Halem; Kate Kinili y, Portland; Itmboll Oray, Philomalh ; L. li. Sliner, Dayton ; D. W. Jarvia, Portland ; Jennie M. (iell atny, Philomath; Ida Itoboita, Vale; W. (iillwrtlteattie, Oregon City ;Mildred Jacoba, Mt. Tabor; II. V. Ilorron, Port land Annie Head, Park Place; A. K. 'iH'.i.m ir..,;, ....... 1 n c.:i ii t . I Mnnvi', Q ' L L A y in .,,:.. w , "fl assin iv;n, VI City; It. F. Holm, Corvallia;C L Oruy, Oiegon City; Mra.K II Morrinon, Dallaa ; Klla L Welcli, Salem I) II Thomas, Forest (irove ; Matilda Reed, Logan ; i Nellie Younger, Oregon City; Emily llwunu, Troutdttlo; Elsie M. Ball, The Dalles, Beuluh Sterling, The Dalles Nulliu Hill, Indcjiendonce, Mary I Goliath, Philomath; E II Anderson, Salem; F'riata Anderson, Salom. "Ze Short-Talker." On a recent north-bound overland train a group of passengeia who were at tracted by Gladstone Park asked the cause of the presence of so many people, recent improvements, etc., when a Frenchman In his euVts o set them adopt the "mullum in parvo" dictum. Knlg.its of, The statu commander writes us from Lincoln, Feb., as follows: "After trying other medicineB for w hat seemed to be a very obstinate cough in our two child ren we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and at the end of two days the cough entirely left thom. We will not be with out it hereafter, as our experience proves that It cures w here all other remedies fails." Signed F. V'. Stevens, State com, why not give this great medicine a trial, us it is guaranteed and trial bot tles nre free at Churman & Co.'s drug store, Charman Bros. Block. Regular size Due. and ft. Are You (iolng Fast; If so, it will pay you to write to A. C. Sheldon, general agent of tho "Burling ton Ronto," 250 Washington streot, Portland. Ho will mail you free of charge, maps, time, tables, and advise you as to tho through rates to any point, resorve sleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern, Union, Southern, Canadian Pacilio or Great Northern railroads at the very lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington route is generally con ceded to be the finest equipped railroad in the world for all classes ot travel. $500 home For 2.',0. A four room frame house and three lots with good garden ground and a bold spring running all the year, at Canemah for $:t00, 250 if taken in the next four teen days. Inquire at this office. 2t htocklielil'' Jlcetluif. Katurday afternoon ttie annual meet Iiik of the lockliolderof the Willamette Valley Chautauqua AhmocIuIIon took place at the auillloriuiii at (iludHione Park. OwiiiK to all the bill for the ua HHinhly not beinx In the ofhY'or were un able to make a detailed i eport, but the general HtaU'iueiit waa made that the iih aeiubly bad paid ruriniii( expeime", and that the Mnall amount due for permanent Improvement would be met by further ale of hi ock. Col. It, A. Miller waa re elected prcHhlont; Captain J, T. Ap"r- ion, vire-rcnid,!ii, and Mr. C II I'y,! wtcretary. 'Iheaeare ex-oflicio ollicerai of the board of directtjr, the other nix meiiilierH of which were chiau-n in fol low a: II. V.. Crona, JamcH Steel, (,'barle II. Caillleld, li. K Charman, (j. A. llunl liiK and Itev. (jilman Paiker. A New St it I ! ri. A largo commodiouHpluiform haa Ixrn erected adjoining the trcatle of the F.aHt Kiile Klectric road over the CluekamaH bridge. The coxt of the work ia being borne by the Sinter of I ho Good Shepherd who aro erecting a refuge home on tho adjoining bind. It In expected to muiio thin a permanent atation of thn electric road and tho Sinter having offered to give a right 'if way of 20 feet from the county road to the electric line and it i exectod that the adjoining proerty holder will donate a like amount of hind lor a roadway. Thu n tut ion will be a great convenience to the people of Park Place ami vicinity, a it qive them a abort and direct route to the electiic road. The death took place I ant Friday, from heart diaeaae, ol Mr. Louina M. Mack, wile of Wm. 0. Mack, of Canby. Mr. Mack was one of the pioneers of Clacka mas count, locating with her husband near Mackaourg in 1 8T2. For the hint 15 year they have lived at Canby. She wa one of the noble old pioneer women who had the rexpect of all who knew her. She leave, besides her bunband, eleven children to mourn her death. She waa over "0 year of age, ami had never bad a death in bur family, raining to manhoo I and womauhood all of her children. Active Kxerclse. and good food in plenty, tends to make children healthy, if children sillier, however, from Scrofulous, Skin or Sculp Disease if their blood is impure, and pi in plus or boils appear, they should be given the right kind ot medicine. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery brings about the bent bodily condition. It purifies the blood and renders the liver : active as well as builds up health and strength. Puny, rale, weak children got a laming benefit and "a good start" from the use of the "Discovery," It .. I... I JI....I. I J I i'uio uii miuirpaiiie uenu, aim uues 1101 nauseate and oiTend the stomach like the varioun preparations of cod liver oil. Once uned, it is always in favor. Dr. Pierce Pellets cure constipation, headache, indirection, dyspepsia. One a done, Sold by all dealers. County Treasurer's Notice. I have now in my hands, funds for the payment ot all Clackamas county war ralll) imlori,e(, )rior t0 IVctml,er h w2t Interest will cease on t le same with the ditto of this notice. M. L. Mookk, County Treasurer. Oregon City July 25, 1895. A Natural Product of California. It is only found in Butte County Cali fornia, and in no other part of the world. We refer to the tree that produces the healing and penetrating gum ueed in that pleasant and effective cure for con sumption, asthma, bronchitis, and coiifths. SANTA ABIE, the King of Consumption C. G. Huntley guarantees and sells it for $1.10 a bottle or three for 2.fi0. By the use of CALIFORNIA CAT lt-CURE, all Symplons of catarrh are dispelled, and the diseased nasal pasage is speedily restored to a healthy condition $1.00 a package. By mail $1.10. Circulars free. With a complete line of chemically pure druirs to till your prescriptions from, there is no (lunger of failures coming of them. Give Pailev, of the Seventh Street Pharmacy a trial. To (ood Templars. Do you know that Moore' Reveaied Remedy is the only patent medicine in the world that does not contain a drop of alcohol ; that the mode of preparing it is known only to its diicover; that it i .i : .i. 1 i: in mi H..1IIIILD aii tiiu online ui inclining . .,, , . , . .., . , . ., , A . W . lullips will bike cnmping and without a parallel in the nineteenth excursion tuition to the coast or mount century; that itfl proprietors offer to I uins at reasonable rates and by any route forfeit $1,000 for any case of dyspepsia j Sale team and strongspring wagon. Also it will not cure? Clothing. Sold at groally reduced price? pV I Clmrtnan k Son, to make room lor an immense full stock. A full line of gen tlemen's underwear jiiHt received. He Your Own Master. Few peoplo appreciate how much uieir impressions, meir wimna and mi- iiuises, anu in met an meir mental en-u; ergy depends on the harmonious action of all the vital organs, A poorly digested dinner iiihv niiiae one oimrrwi uitn a' dinnerniay make one quarrel with n f I rw. .,... ,w I 1 1 it.... K iiiuiim, 1 1 tui'ivoicu iivci uinr I.I J i i immvinnrv olnnm anH irnnlila nc Mm. sunniest day. A rheumatic pain may keep you from business or work and en tirely change some marked out policy A few doses of Moore's Revealed Remedy will give tone to every function audi make you enjoy your friends and your j work. EDUCATIONAL NOTES All communications intended for this column should Ije addressed to Mr. II. H, (iibson, Oiegon City, Oregon, COt'Jtrr IKHTITI'TK. N'it!i"3 is hereby given that the regular annual institute for all teachers of Clin k aiim county, will be held at the F.ast hum Mchind building on Seventh street in Oregon City, beginning at U o'clock, a. m., Tuesday, Aug Olh, 18'jo, and con tinuing during the week. All per soon who are inierented in educational work aie iniited to attend. Able instructor will be employed and the institute will be conducted ns heretofore, on the Nor mal plan . All teachers are reqiured by law to attend this institute. See sub division T.l, section 2i, page 23; also sec tion 20, page 14, School Laws of Oregon. Come prepared with notebook and pen cil. You are earnestly requested to be present promptly at the opening of the sefxion, prepared to attend every day a important topics will be discussed each day. II. H. Giiikok, County Superintendent of Schools. ASSOCIATION rKOOUAM. Following is the program that ha been arranged for the next meeting of the Cluckamas county teachers' associa tion to be held at Harmony, Saturday, July 27: Song Selected Local Talent. Itecitition, .Selected MihS Ida Starkweather. "Methods of Teaching Geography,". . . . Geo. McArthur. Duet Selected Mins Monroe and Mis Younger. "Faults in the Public School system,". . T. J. Gary, ltecitation, Selected E. M. Ward. Violin Solo, Selected Miss Elgiva Mullan. '"'How to Teach Writing, E. C. Hocket. Select reading or Recital ion,. .Selected Fanne G. Porter. Roll Call. Quotations from Shakspeare. Biography of Shakespeare, W. Gilbert Beattie. Address George L. Story. Piccolo Solo, Selected Charles Rutherford Recitation Selected Miss Alethea Phelps. It is hoped this meeting will be well attended. Harmony school house is two miles north of Clai'kamas station and is easily reached by train, special arrange ments h.wiug been m ole with the S. P. Co. whea'bv the local trains will Btop at the road crossing withiii two hundred yards of the school house. The north bound local train arrives at Oregon City ut 9 :27 A. M. The evening train for the return arrives in Oregon City at 4:43 P. M. 'iue program is a good one and the IH-ople are making arrangements to royally entertain the teachers who at tend. At the summer normal, which in to be tir!J a! Gt-a hait Park the first week in August, Sl;o Superintendent Irwin has invited Mrs. H. S. Gibson to read paper on the life and work of Froebel. A. C. Strange and Miss Ada Gardhave been engaged to conduct the fall term of school in the Mink district. They are both competent teachers and the district las inndo a good choice. Bids Wuutrd. Sealod bids will be received by the recorder of Oregon City up to 6 o'clock p ir.. of the 24th day of July, 1895, for the construction of Eighth street sewer from Main street to 8. P. R. R track. Plans and specifications to be seen at office of city engineer. City reserves right to reject any and and all bids. Com on Streets anil Pub. Property. U AKN;X(i TO WATER CONSUMERS! to Hie wasteful ami unnecessary use of water fer sprinkling and irrigation, and other purposes, it lias been impossible in HMpp.v me higher portions of the city I'.n.i'.i: several hours of the. lay. The pump ha been luri.ishing fiO,t U gallon of water per hour, which should bean abundance for ionr times the number of consumers. Con sumers are requested to observe strictly the bonis K.r sprinkling hi.. I irrigation from five to nine morning and evening. Any vi olation of the rules and regulations of this hoard that may come to our notice will sub ject the party or parties to 1 lie full penalties thereof, without further notice, Irom and after this date. Hv order el the Board of Water Coinmis niihMuners, T. Lkonahd Cuakman, Sec'y. Oreuon Citv, Or., July It). tX'O. I'.'t Ho For the Mountains. a general express and delivery. U'o have secured the agency for Henry .Vilhird's excellent bon bons and ehoco- Tf . .k l . i uin i nii.iicn. ii juu viailt llio urnb uuy Millard's. E. E. Williams. The Grocer. SHlLOirS CUKE, tho great Cough and C'.ur.p Cpre, ii in great demand. Pocket size contain twenty-five doses only 2ie. Children love it t or Bale by a ilr.l,,,,. ! Choice sugar cured hams at 10 cent and hat on at 9 cent u0r pound at Al- j , , , rlMlV 8 Highest rash price paid for second hnnd goods of all kinds at second hand store opposite Noblitt's stable on 7th st. Wie is he who buv a home and stops paying rent. C. O. T. Williams can fit you out on easy terms. Home Boarding'. Parties desiring a place to board, on the electric line convenient to the busi ness part of town can find a comfortable horne-like place at the Farmers Home, opposite the Court bouse. Clean rooms and comfortable beds with home cooking and table well supplied and well served. Meals 25 cents. Give the Farmers Home a trial. The .lew Store. At G. W. Grace's store on Molalla avenue, farmer as well as town people will find one of the best stork of goods in Oregon City to select from. Living price. Country produce handled. few of thre $100 to $150 lot left, only a few block from the 0era house. Easy term. Apply to C. O. T. Williams. IMPERIAL GALLERY Oregon City, Crayons, Enlargements Photography in every branch. Children's Pictures a Specialty Gallery over Mrs. Prier's Store Main Street. J. P. LOWE, Of Vancouver, ' &n4 aI ma aIiam the old reliable ! CllUiillldftU , Hal located In And is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Watches cleaned for $1 Each All work first class and guaranteed. Give me atrial. -jELLOH 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Tele phone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salern. Walla Walla, Pendletor Albany and 96 other town? in the two states on the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard as Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug; Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - Oregon. i It is sold on Rnarantee by all dni giata. It cures Incipient Consumption, and i the best Cough and Croup Cur. For sale bv G A. Hardiug, druggist. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ItOUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Fortland Daily. 330x8. w, ",'-avv' I. . . Met vasTm nr t r7i ;' 81.00 BottleNti ts l i 1 1 T m wL One cent a doerJ-Z !,PJ"JD Sou.h ( I Korih. 61ft T. M. I Lr I'orllunj Ar 7:16 r.u. I Lv Or?'iuCitv Lv 719 am IOa-m. I Ar 8. PtahpIsco Lt 7 00 1 M DINING CARS ON OGDEN KOUTE Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all through trains ROSEBURQ MAIL IDailn. 3:30A. If. I 1- Pnrllan.1 ir 4:80 P. a I 8:J9P. a I 7:00 a. a 9:.S1A.M. Lv Oregon City Lv S:Wr.. Ar Roseburir Lv West Side Division, BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLI8. Mail Train, Daily (Except Suudav.1 7:K0a.m. Lv Ar Portland Corvallis Ar Lv 5:35 p. m 1.00 P.M 12:15 p. M. At Alhanv and Porvalltii nomiMt with truin. of Oregon and Pacific Railroad. Express Train Dailv (Except 8unday) 4:40 p.m. I 7: ASp. M, I Lv Ar Portland Ar McMinnville Lv ISiiSA. a I 9:50 a. a THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IX T11K EASTERN 8TATE8, CANADA AND EUROPE Can be obtained at lowest rates from L. B Moore, Agent, Oregon City. R.KOEHLER, K. P. ROGERS, Manager. Ass't O. F. and Pass. A(em JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a Deer. For first-class, re. liable goods his store is second to none. Try mm I CHEAPER TO OWN A HOME THAN TO RENT ONE. One to five acre tracts, Cleared, uncleared and some set to fruit. This property ad joins the ChauintKiux ground at Gladstone park, it iri only 12 minutes walk irom the mo tor line, and very desirable. Ten Acres, 4'4 in cultivation, 'x slashed. House with 4 rooiii.4. 8& fruit tries now bearing an abund ance of berries, watered by creek. Good roada to Tort land and Oregon City. $SoO. Two-hundred Acres, 100 fenced 15 in cultivation, balance open brush land. 2 bouses and 2 barns, ii miles from town price, fl6 per acre. Several pieces Of improved residence prop erty, inside. Over 2C0 lots, inside and suburban. Price from $76 to fc!U0. When you can buy a lot within a few blocks of your work it fs cer tainly wise to buy one and quit paying rent. A No. 1 Stock Ranch. 350 Acres 20 acres in mead ow, 15 acres cultivation, 3.r slashed. 2 houses, 2 barns. Plenty of running water, Price 3250. Forty Acres 8 in cultivation, 0 acres slashed 2D0 fruit trees spring water. 4 miles from town, Price $11X10. Twenty-five Acres, 1G in cultivation, 7 acres of beaverdaui land, excellent (or growing onions. Small orchard. House V.$ story, 6 rootnswith pantry. Barn, place all fenced ,.!l improvements new and giyd. Good road to Portland ai d Oregon Ci'y. Only 2 miles to R . R . station. Crop goes with place if sold soon. Price, Five acre tracts, Near Oak Grove, on East Side motor line. Prhe 125 per acre. This propwty is within a short dUUnce of where small tracts are selling at $300 and 400 per acre. Ten acres on West Side, 2s miles from euspension bridge. 3 acres cleared, small house, fine spring water, splendid place for poultrv. Price only $450. Terine easy.. This is a snap. Tiiree Pieces of Business Propsr'j, On -Main street, Oregon City, improved and paying montbly rental Twenty Acres, Part light brush, balance good timber. Water by creek. Farm for fruit, vegetable or Poultry Farm. 2:4 miles from town Good road. Price only $t50, part Msh, balance on long time at 0 per cent. Fifteen Acres, 7 Fenced and cleared. Good spring water. 1 mil from Oreifon City. Price, 750. Five Room House to rent; on a level with Main street, and near business part of the street. Ten acres on West Side, 1?4 miles from suspension bridire. 34' mile from where land ia selling at f00 to $1000 per acre. Tliis will be sold at a bargain. A splendid home In Oregon City, koo1 two story house, basement, wood shed, cellar and green house. 5 Lots set with a good vnriety of fruit trees, now bearing. Below the bluff and witldn half block of Electric Line. Pi ice $2300. Apply to C. O. T. WILLIAMS OREGON CITY, OREGON. A Sovereign Remedy !!rC 'a ColdsXaGrippe and ill Ad.Qns of IheThroat. Chest and Lvn- V 50cts.?c-2 ABiEUEto.60iwille.fal For sale hy C. O. Huntley. COURT KOltlS UOOU SO. 8330 A. O. F. OFX MoeUtheJi Mdnvn of cch month W. 8, Craw, gko. R. Wilehart. Chief K .!".'or. Reortina Set E. Law-.- J, r. Kixnioy, SuUt -. , -igor. Fiuaoelal 8e.