Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1895)
CHAUTxlUQUANS. Continued from tirat p. he had been somewhat in doubt whether this was an oratorical contest of collece presidents or a scheme for couiNtitive j tailllt,ent. KivinV numtwr of vwt mKc dvertisms. Then he spoke particularly ! ,ioll() in 8ll,,or)8tv0 Miss Brown recited in favor of the denominational schools, i ,he J,w.r scene from " Macbeth" in her and of Pacific university, which was I iuii niasterlv mnnnor. The gymnastic chartered hy the same legislature that exhibition bv the Young Men's Christian authorized the omanization of Willitm-1 Aviation, of Portland, won the same etto university. He frankly said his ; fVur shown Ut Friday and ended in a collet was not yet a university at all, inat;iiithtnt tableau, but was aiming to be one. The "univer-. ., , .... I KHOM TIIIKSDAV 8CII.lTro.lAN. sity" was merely a part of the corporate name It develop! dm inK the proovss of the siHHvhes that Oregon claim a simile university does not ,i. i. so many policies have such a name. Misa Gladys Jones displayed her re markable voice to advantage in a pleas ing solo. "As the Dawn," artistically rendered. The Rev. M. L. Rne-ir. of fWim.. fSfv i. f..t; p. " ...('vmivn IV, .14V .'A l II II l 11117 college, incidentaliv laving stress on the ! sones ul wo,a l"cU,n'- "' prolessor necessity for cultivating strength and I first tfHVe i,'l,,re of Orewon City and breadth of Christian character, tor more ' "r"Mv. they appeared Tues man rat her than more men. A colleire ' lla-v ev,'m"r.'- '' W1a warmly ap song was sung bv Me.Minnvilie students, I,U,uW- 1,1 llis u l' rt features and President "liloss followed with a j ln 'wrA- h il,!,i8t',J pre-omi-d.icn.i .,f .i,- ..i - .1 1 nence of landscape art. The art of the ...... ... .,iiu cor, Uges of agiicnituie and mtvbanic arts! re suiloited in every state in the I'ninn touching unon the college at Corvallis. Trident Chapman sjwke for the state university, and he put some emphasis on the tact that the college it Kuitene is Christian institution, and works along the hue of detfelm,mnt nf n.rwfiun ,.;t. izenship. Miss Fannie Meserve, of Del ena, gave a cornet solo with much skill and responded to a hearty encore. M. G. Royal, of the E .sten Oregon normal school, spoke of the value of special training lor teachers, arguing that the condition of Eastern Oregon made it i.f' more importance for that section to have trained teachers than for the thickly settled Willamette valley, where o her educational influences were abundant to correct errors that might be made j country schools. Professor Jessup n-p- ented Pa?ilic college, of Newlieig, and Dean Van Seoy, Portland I'mveisity. President David Starr Jordan, of Le land Stanford university, was aked to take part in the college represeiitatiwn. He made a brief address, in the opening sentences of which he said he had dis covered that Oregon was the habitat of the nuuimer liar, he who praised Leland Standford univer sity in winter ard maligned it in Bummer. He then spoke of the import ant influence of the Slate university in any state on tne other educational in stitutions of the commonwealth, declar ing that all others would be affected by the merit, spirit and growth of the state institution, and that they would achieve about the eame degree of success that it should. President Miller promptly neutralized Dr. Jordon's vinegarv ob servation as to the habitat of Ibesumuier liar by remaiking that we bad a glorious climate and great ability to assimilate matter arriving from others states, and that 12 hours were quiet sufficient time for strangers to become acclimated. The morning's lecture in the auditorium wasty President Chapman, on "Mac beth." It was an analysis of character, with an interesting discussion of some of the leading qualities manifested in the play. The speaker began with a Bhort discourse on the supernatural in art. Most of ns, he said, were losing faith in the supernatural, but we still believed in it, and it h the element of eupernatural ness that gives "Macbeth" power as a tragedy. It is a tragedy of Calvinism. Macbeth was foredoomed to the des tiny that befell him and Lady Macbeth was the instrument by which his down fall was accomplished. Dr. Chapman asserted that Lady Macbeth, like all of Shakespeare's women, was modern, but not at all like the new woman of today. Incidentally he referred to the new woman aa (he normal product of evolu tion, and gave his opinion that the growth of woman during the coming century w ill be like that of a man from 20 to 40 yeir8 of age. He characterized bloomers as the battle-flag of human righ'a. About 2500 people attended President Jordan's lecture on " The Passion Play at Oberammergau" last evening. The lecturer said the Passion play was a work of art revised and worked over in accord ance with modern ideas. Every grotesque, ridiculous and barbarous feature belong ingto the old miracle plays were elimin ated from this and it was a specimen of the purest German literature. The devil and little devils are absent from the re fined Passion play. A brief sketch of the origin of the play as presented in Oberam mergau was given, showing that about the time the Puritans were landing at Ply- mouth rock the people of that German ( hamlet made a vow that for deliverance , from a dreadful plague they would per form (he Passion play every ten years, which vow has been faithfully kept. In ,1800, when Dr. Jordan visited the place, the town had but 1400 inhabitants, half of whom were actors. A notable fact is that the actors must live blameless lives, so tiiat nothingsliall caHt suspicion on the genuineness of their devotion in repre senting the life of the Savior. This keeps in the town the test element of its popula tion and sends away the idle and vicious, juMthe contrary of the rule in many other - places. Then, an interesting description of the manner of presenting the play was given, and the audience listened with in tense interest tothesiraple etory. At the close of the evening's program pictures of (.'mriniiKrgHii wore thrown on aoreon and briolly txjlttint.Hl by Dr. Jonlttn, wluwo simple aiul direct mitnuer HiLltHl innoli to the ilim-ourse. The IV Kovon quartet, of Portland, whh an iinH)rttiiit part of thu evening's enter- : ""' i-iiamaucja as- i erm"'y ,or Ille "iiiamwie valley closed ! at Gladstone Park last night amid much entbusiasiu, alter a eek of satisfactory work. Diplomas were awarded toll full-course graduates. Last evening Professor Ivey delivered bis lecture, "Facts and Fancies From an Artist's Notebook." It was largely a i,i,.ii ,.f 1 oni whs ciinrio,i r iinnv iifii delineation of saints, madonnas, mirac- ! uIo,1!' wPti'"" "' incident from J bi,,lil'"1 !lJs,or.v. llJ il remained for this ' l,en,nr? ,0 representations of the i -6,'. the mujesty of the niountiiins, the s,''ry "J l'"t? of the foiest and all I the poetic phases of nature. The lecture was given with much life, and it was in- terestiiik' and enjoyable. j This afternoon "s exercises were begun by a grand march of Chautauquans, beaded by the Corvallis Ladies' band. The procession passed the arches of; "lth' Literature, 'Sience,' and tl,e Bladlia,e? we"t through the golden i fllte u",ll'r ",e alvl1 "History." A bun- j 1,e l little girls' Jrml8eJ in white and Wt'"rin' ivy wrea,h9 on their heads, j weru nower at the leet ot the cla-s. The class flower, the nasturtium, was a very prominent posy today. The motto, ' "The Truth Shall Mak You Free," ap peared stretched across the rear of the rostrum, whore the presentation of di-' plomas took place later. The Rev. Charles Edward Locke, of Portland, de- hvered his lecture on "The World's! Greatest Thinkere and Christianity," j which was chiefly a discussion of the position of the great men of history rela- five to Christianity. j In presenting the diplomas to the grad- uating class, President Miller gracefully; touched on the point that the four yeara of effort to secure the diploma meant ' something more to these than to those who graduated within college walls, in i the midst of every encouragement and : every faculty for pursuing their studies, These availed themselves of means of miles north of Clackamas station and is self help, and taught and disciplined easily reached by train, special arrange themselves, and it was a worthy honor rjnenta having been made with the S. tiiey had obtained. The Chautauqua idea and system are confined to no locality in their operation, and good re sults are growing from them everywhere. Following is a list of those who received diplomas: Mrs. Henry Ernest Hep pner, Portland, Mrs. F. II. Morrison Willamette Falls; Miss Ida Ruth Si:o field, Forest Grove; Miss Helen Ruth Gilbert, Albany; Prof J. A. Buchannan, McMinnville; Eunice Donaldson and Mrs. H. W.DutT. Oregon City; Mrs. E. P. Mossman, Miss Ellen Arbuckle. Mrs. B. ' B. Arbuckle, Portland, Mrs. L. M . ' Donaldson, of Oregon City, graduated in 1S80, and has taken IRseals on examina tion. Diplomas to 24 children who has com pleted a course and passed examination in Bible study were presented by the secretary, Mrs. C. H. Dye. Mrs. E. W. Allen, the teacher in that department, made a short address explanatory of the work State Superintendent Irwin made a brief congratulctory speech, and several of the Chautauqua alumni pre sent spoke a few words each. In the races last evening, the follow ing were the results. Footrace, 220 yardg-F B Coyne, of Portland, first ; A T Hayes, of Butteyille, second ; Will Parker, of Gladstone, third. Bicycle race, Ave miles Will Lous first, Charles Wilson second. Tom Cow ing third; time 19:15. Foot race, one mile Laurence Driggs first, Tom Moore second : time, 5 :37. Last evening there were short ad dresses by Hon. Geo. II. Williams on "Dr. John McLoughlin;" by W. D. Fenton, on "Old Yamhill;" by Hon. 8. A. Lowell, on "The Future of the Sage Plain." Miss Fannie Meserve rendered a cornet solo. President Miller made a felicitous parting speech, and Superin tendent Irwin gave out announcement ( Tne Burlington route is generally con for the teachers' convention, which is to ceded to be the finest equipped railroad continue in session three days on the Chautauqua grounds. The meeting ad journed, and then came a brilliant dis play of fireworks to close the assembly programme. Chautauqua cjasses will continue dur-1 ing the teachers' meeting, and there will be no charge for admission to the grounds. ' There is great danger in neglecting colic, cholera and similar complaints. An absolute prompt and safe cure is found in De Witt's Colic and Cholera cure. C. G. Huntley, Druggist. It does seem hard tor a woman to have to cook on a burned out stove, be sides the entire familv have to suffer from improperly cooked food. For $18 50 Schwan & Putrow will furnish a class cook stoye with all the fixtures, I EDUCATIONAL NOTES All communications intended for this column should bo addressed to Mr. II. S. Gibson, Oregon City, Oregon. A roiNTKR. It is to be regretted that there are teachers who think the county associa tion it of liltlo use or benefit to them. The remark that a close observing farmer made in the Kntkki'Kisk olhYe recently may sei ve to arouse them to the bene fits that attendance to the association may bring them, Speaking of a meeting of the association that had been held iu the school house in his district this man, and there are many more like him, said that he always attended the meetings of the association whenever it was possible, not so much for what he could learn, though listening to the discussions in terested him greatly, as it was to observe the teachers in attendance, lly the part they look in the exercises and the knowl edge they displayed in their calling he was able to judge who were the live, pro gressive teachers and it enabled him, as a director to select more intelligently a teacher for his school. This director's method of ascertaining the ipialitlcations this con ii l v is a most - .r..v.i, j tlu-ient one tiixi if more directors were as close obseiving the schools of Clacka mas would be the gainer. ASSOCIATION rKOOKAM. Following is the program that has been arranged for the next meetimr of ; the Clackamas county teachers' associa- tion to be held at Harmony, Saturday, July 27: Song, Selected Local Talent. Recitation Selected .Miss Ida Starkweather. "Methods of Teaching Geography,". .. . j Geo. McArthur. Dm.t Selected ' Miss Monroe and Misi Younger, "Faults in the Public School system.". . ; T. J. Gary Recitation, E M. Ward. Violin Solo Miss EI;:iva Mullan. ''How to Teach Writing, E. C. U.K-ket. selected .Selected select reading or Kecitation, .Selected Fanue O. Porter. Roll Call. Quotations from Shakspeare. Biography of Shakespeare, ' y. Gilbert Beattie. Address, George L. Story. Piccolo Solo, Selected Charles Rutherford Recitation Selected Miss Alethea Phelps. it jg hoped this meeting will be well attended. Harmony school house Is two P. Co. wherebv tho local trains will stop at the road crossing within two hundred yards of the school bouse. The north bound local train arrives at Oregon City at 9:27 A. M. The evening train for the return arrives in Oregon City at 4:45 P. M. The program is a good one and the people are making arrangements to royally entertain the teachers who at tend. THE STATE ASSOCIATION. Every teacher in Clackamas county should make it possible to attend the the state teachers' association nt Glad stone. Some of the best speakers and educator on the Pacific Coast are to be present. David Starr Jordon, president Standford university, Senator John II. Mitchell, State Superintendent Irwin, C. H. Chapman, State university, P. L. Campbell, of the State normal at Mon mouth, J. M. Bloss, of the State agri cultural college, Thomas Newlin, of the Frjenil's college at Xewherg, are to each deliver addresses. The program is brim lull of good things each day. It will be some time before the teachers of Clack amas can again have the benefits of such able instructions within the county The expenses of attending will be very light and none should miss this gulden opportunity of increasing their store of knewledge. I Are You Going Fast? ' If so, it will pay you to write to A. C. Sheldon, general agent of the "Burling ton Route," 250 Washington street, Portland. He will mail you free of charge, maps, time tables, and advise you as to the through rates to any point. reserve sleeping car accommodations for you, and furnish yon with through tickets via either the Northern, Union, Southern, Canadian Pacific or Great Jiorthern railroads at the very lowest , rates obtainable in the world for all classes of travel. Dnu't Tobiu-ce Hpit Or smoke your life awav,is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Bac, the harmless, guaranteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves. eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weilk men gain strength, vigor and man- hood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To-Ba3 is sold by druggists everywhere under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free, address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. The most pleasant little pills for regu lating the bowels are De Witt's Little Early Risers. Cure sick headache and first-constipation. Small pill, small dose. C. G. Huntley, Druggist. NOTICE OK AS-KlNMKNr. "VrOTIt'lt M HKHKHY UIVKN, 1 HAT II AM jll limn lima, eoiarlnni.hlp, Hiinioaid ul li . A. Hamilton mi. 1 K. U., nnil U ii. A. II. i. I In. i iiii,I K. C. Hniiillinu Individual?, li.ivo all aeaigiiril In I Ho uiiilcralitiicl lor the buiieili nl a l l.n Ir crvililnm. Sunt a guiiuuit la now ponilng In lliu elretill omirt nl Ilia male ul Or nun f. r Ciackama. cunty, and U ere III or o. .aid p.irlic. are hereby inullluil In prt'.ent Iholr claim, iiv'nlll't ail iirll, under i.alli, m mi' ai mv i-illo. hi Oregon City, Oregon, williln three ninMtin. Itnm ttuidiUi. n.iu.1 jiiim 27, ism I'. I). T WILLIAM!, Aai.lgn.-c, C It. Ivg. Alt' lor Aulguw. b-jvi. J Plank note, receipt and order hooka at the Kni'khi'Uihk utllce. Wedding atationery, the latest styles and tlnest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the F.ntkhi'hisk olllco. Justice blanks, real estate blanks, and all other blanks at the K.vtKitrHiHg of fice, Porthind prices, YEARS OP INTENSE PAIN. Jr. J. It. ITntt , dniwlat and pliyil Clan, Humboldt, Ni.ti., who siUTcivil with heart disease for four jri'iirn, trying every remedy and all trralnieiiU known to lilm elfaud fi'llnw. practitioners; believe that heart dlcuso In curahlo, Ho wrlle-i: "I wish to tell whutyour viihmliln lnrcll Ctne bus dona for me. For four year I hml heart disease of the very worst kind. Sev eral physicians I consulted, nuld It wit Rheumatism of the I lend. It wn almost un endurable) with hortnoa of brvalh, pnlplu tlon, aovoro pains, uunlilo to leep, esMVlally on the left aliln. No pen can do crlbo my aulfer- Ink-s. particularly luring the hut month of those four weary yt-nra. I Dually tried DR.J. H. WATTS, Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and nu surprised at the reault. It put new life Into ami niade a new nmn uf mn. 1 have not had a symptom of truuldu iinrg and I am s ttisfled your tnedicltio has cured mn for I have now eulnyed, alnco taking It Three Years of Splendid Health. I might add that I am a druggist and have ""'d 0,l recommended your Heart Ourti, for I know what It lia done for mo and only wUh I could stale mum clearly my urtur lng then and tho good hi'iillh I now enjoy. Your Nervine, and other remedle alio glveeicellent aluifautlon.H J. 11. Watt. Humboldt, Neb.. May 9, tt. I. Mllm nnartCnralsaold on a podtlv friiaraiiuw thai the Brut bottle will iH-nuliU AlldrvgglaUiiieUttatU, t bottle for M. or It will he sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Mllo. Medical Co., Elkhart, lad, Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health Mexican Mustang Liniment for Bums, Caked & Inflame;.: U .i'.k; :. Piles, Rheumatic Pa!nr,, Bruises and 5tra!:i", Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sore?, Sciatica, Lumbago, .Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, AH Sheep Ailments, Penetrates JMusdc, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Scat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiify. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang; Liniment conquers Pain, Wakes flan or Beast well again. V-t'.' -:.;f aii ' - - ' MIKHIrTrj HAI.K. In tlm Clreiilt Court of tlm Mlalo uf Uriiiii, fur llio duality id i lai'hftin s J. 1 loy, imliiun, v. llailli.KT Kmia, lrl Km a, ami U, . Iievur, ilvlnieUnlN St mo nl Urt'iiiiii, County nf Clm kma, a. NT U I K III IlkliKIIY (IIV'KN, II A I' II V vir "C id an (iteiMilliiu ami tinier nl an o haiu..l mil nl Hi,, ettenii euiiii ul Hirsute ul tin - gou fur Urn t'ou ti I y ul I! ai k a. hearing data Ihedihilay I Jmy, l-tl'i, u a nil M lino-u J. H. I.iy 1. i-t . I ta 1 1 it, mil II ililiuin Kill Mara Kuril ami U. W. II vur am tlulouilaiio, uiuiiiiiauiliiiir inn, hi Hi muni, ui ih , si ,,t o oivk-'Ii, Ih a uui ui ilio rual i stiilii liui. i ii M I ii i ileaonlitfU, lu a aiou aullltiliiiit t si ia III' ili'llialnl" ul mill il iMi'i'. Inwll. Ji;HI.:U. and Ihe I rtf rr an of (IMi ti, ami ilia- lurl .m iiiii ti, flii j.. eo la. n: I i. r woh luu'ruNt -u Itiu a'lintt am, a -nl , ee-eii tva- .'nl. rul at s mr e-'tii. hi miiiiih, au.l U,i tlm ou t ul a nl al-trii'l-iitf llo- -.hi,'. Now, llierefnre. In uhiii nr In m h decree. I itlil dill)' li t i iiimii, ami will, mi Nnlunlnt. the loili dav ul t",i I, viVat lha linur nl I uVlni k I. M. ul alil day, al lliu limit dour ul the euuri Iioiimi In aald entint)' i i.i M ,in,i., uilor Inr iiln nll'lllillo aliellon. anil anil to lliu lilulnt and heal hlilder lor i iiii In hniul, all ol ilm riKhl.llUeaiul luieri'( I ho aald ilefi'iulaui uu ,uu 17 liiluyiilK bruar.lsl . na.l ,.i,. aw in and lo no i,a c '. 'I reil n ii riy. lo wl : l imiil Nu. lit, h lug .ri. in aemiii a I. ., ami I J Hi Iu 4 mint in r.inu" 3 ui.alu , M,, t mo imririil.irly ili-.erlli dan lolio. tu wit: tv'liima eli g l " !'ii lit M olialna an l Ji link, nor Ii ul Ilm auiiiheail nirii'-r nl unl aumlnii Nol run nl. g ti.envu ! ilt nhalna. tiiwiuf autun ii-' t'li.un tlu'i'fc wkhI M. a el am., lb. ne uurlli 141 ,-lialti-; Hiel tlumi'u mo Ml 'lialiM lo (he iiar-i u. bv.lnlil g, i liialu ,i,g ,1.".' '1 .u r-, - Hunt 1 1 III t I'M-nll I I C'iii- IIMU , -lilt "II I r'tfili. Puled til lat Huh day nl Juh , A I' l- '-, K. C. MAPIiiK'K. Hherltful Chiekaitia" emiiity, Hiiite of ori'itmi. lly N. M )ioony, iiiutv. ; i.'.s t) Nil I ICK tiK ,i l-ul TMKM'Dr K Ktf I 111 X N' OTIi K In II K It K. II V tilVI N, nil li'r.niu I ui. tl u i iim I. A ! TDK , hi lliu Ililtyillnrl uf I'i.lraaimia imIii.1i ., 11 i 'li ul iiiu hiai wi I auu l".t iii.i'nt ul J noli II tie - n d. All imt.,1 .. h ivlng I-., i, in. u'iliial Ii lull J Ii 11 ... il ', ,. a u li.'luliy Hut . nun iii.iu on i uu' uu 1 1 1 1 y u in i f r ixo III, III to till' II l.-r.lgn'-l, ur ,it III.' oltl u of tlik C. II nwiull, tlr gnu (' 'v, il. r . , lfOuil lllolltlll r .... Mil-Hi llil s, fillt.I. ii. u i ii-umiuii, Ali y I .r r. xvi'i or Ju I.1, iv.i.v -U 1 NO l ICK OK I IN .1. ,-K.TI.KMKM. In IhvCiniiilx I' 'ti'l nl ilia Ma's ul Ungnii fur t ii I'uii.i.y ol t'."C"iua, In the m itlcr nl ilm Haatu nf W i i I in iit ,i'.cl 111 lurt ilutvaa...!, To VViioiii U My Ciiiiivrit : YfWI I- IIKItKMI I.IVK.N, THAT TU K , nu, i. T- k i, ,, ,1 .1 , . , ,,r ,,t tiir ,.,, , in VVllllulll Vlmi'liiii'lor, iln'i a.i'il, ha. Ili.illua n 'ai rt p,in ,ii ii ,,,u,i,,i a ch a, uui, I In llic CAimy c 'im i,( t: a.'.am i'hiiii v, '.i..l uf II iiii, n:i, thai i i, .nt, A -ly '!', II, ' , I i nt lll.i i ,.i'.. A M. . ami c miny I'.ntr haa l.rli flu il and ii; iiluiv . ihv linn' ami pUi- lot i,,,. -I'ltlouiulit uf aai'l lliiiii iviurl mi , an oiiut a il Ihr nun lu a i l lUtariuili i ii I ai.v n I all nl. Jvi-Liiui. tliirnl.i. J. li Kill KU, A lull I Ilia f. alio! Win. v.i , ilm July I.', i an ti n-. C, II iiwni'l , A-linr'a All y 17- 'J a V AITiilNlMKN f i K AH.MINIiilu.tjtt-. Iu llic Coun y Cutir! of Ilm rli,j ol llriKun, lur tlmC 'it ly I Cia k una-. In tho uiall.i ol tha K l-ia nl II II rb., tip- l'wn.i... TOiCEa IIKItKt'Y I.IVKS. 1 II AT TIIK I U ilur-lf i-, IAv, U" II alialli,v, hi ,i, I iillllti I nirt ... f: ir. am Co lur. -'a Dru- -iii il-iral ,r .I Uu-,.. mmif fi,a., -l0 M-i-tl, All l r 0 .a tiavltiv oiai a aiiniliat ahl Ch.jt), 1 can., il, are ! -r. h. uol. fl.l to ir .1 m aan-.v 1I11 y f.rnla.1 lur u.) Ill, lit 111 ih" 11 'Im K,,v.l ai ran, I), Clai'.n m,a, OrpKim, u at tig (ni w il Uw. t: inowi.uii, tir.K.iu t u, Uivnoi,, wiili, 1, an iniiiit ia irnin ting lati. KI.IZAI'KITI CHAM1!, . , . . t CII.Wtl.M ., ( IU K. A'lm r of the Ki aia .n II. II C a. , n .1, Jmy li, IH'A 7-1.1 N. " C Br who, I Atl'y l ir Aitin n.'.tral r-. hL'MMONt. In th Circuit Court ul th Orvon, lor ih l 1 tunny ul t la, k niian, J.I. Ilartmin, aa rclror ol Iha Nurihwaal I)ill ami T U.I C 11111 any, ilallltllt. a. K. U It-iH.n ami Km ma Hook., Uui inl.nta. To K. I). Ilrmua a nl Kiiima llrook-, Ilia aUiva tlill't Url-uulnlltn: TS TIIK NAilK OK THE HUTU OK uKKi.fiN, yo i ami o on ol y,,u hcrany rpiiiirnJ In i.pi-ar aii'l naw .r ilia ronuilniiil M,j la aiii't y ni In iha alaivo emtlu l cunrl ami c u-.'lir tin.-flril il ,y 11 ihaiitx. tirin ul Ih . uonri lo. mwnm tnoxp rallnn nl Ilia Ii wr.-k pulilli'a tion ol lul. -11 uini'ii-, aa prurhlu 1 1 r I 1 tlia O ilufll. ti l I. c .Hull, to w t: tl r liclorn VI.,,,. d.iy, tin. ih ,am N'i nih-T, .'iv a-. il roil Iml to a,p ar or an-war liar I -.inr want 1 naiao th iilaiimir will app r l- i',.i,,-i tor I a ra In f : rar.' l n.r In I'le c -n'llal I illnl I grain, lo-wC: T.lal anl'l nlnllil ir 11 il r.m.,vr of Ilr. . nil Kinu.a ItriKia. iiiu nu, of I irj 7a va 1 1 ri Imiitc I in -au i at -ha ratn n- i.juht Her imit. i r . n 0111 'r,n 11, , i Uu- Diiii t e rami', ami n- ran , tu-wl-, Juiij l.'i, iMii, toK' 1. 11 1 mo cot nn l li.i.ii m;imo la iu ih a .ul:, ','! I r a 'leiT (oro oallll Ihu mo't!ai.. iloM Tib il ' ,, (join plaint nil I Hint , ha inurl a. p oi.ur.y tiaur 1 Iri'l lii aaul toinpialiii, lo wli, an uinlivhlu I Ha a'X'h" lntin.'. In and l-i tho ro-rt" - a I uiia'tar o lot una In lil -clt lour In tha own u Mnr. II ilil In -ahl Ciai k-m -a roiiiiiy. Or (on, a. plauml j in. T, M .tl c ., nini a ihown 1 1 pi it ihiir,.., I rv. cont-i 1 1 anhl rouiiiy, ha toil m mih y th ii.i.vo 111, tliut I no aaia dulinilaii anl all pnraona clalmliir hy, ihroiik.i, or uu Icr lhaiti uo.i.iUi)iii to Hi j rii-cntlnii ul aalil iii"rlna Im h irmil ol all nvhi Iu ami lo .ahl pruii 'iiv 11 11 1 t"e huh' t i-ruol, rxcnp: of th itiu iry rlaht ol ri ilomptlon. ami fmt iilulnllll huva audi liirlh-ir ami othor rel el aa ilia. I aum liiaiauil iquitahla. Ihl- uiiimoiK ta niihllihel hr nnlor of 1 10 Hull. T. A. llnllrlila, J11 Iks 01 i hj hIkivo 'iiitliliul court, ina'lu ami auisrs I on tho I.V.h ilay i,f Jiiiio, I KM, I'Axroi, HtAita, Hum A himon. Altnriii'va lur l-.aillilrT 51(1 C lainhor nf Coiiim inie, 1'urtlaiul, din om, n-iHH-g NOTiCK Of AI'POl.VTME.NT. NOTICE H II EKEHY GIVEN THAT TIIK lluiluriilKucil naa lio.-n aiip- lntol hy Ihu County Court "I Cl ii kninaa County, OrBifon, ai. mliiiatrator nf Ilia a.taia of Lnor A. Hmlth, '1-i'o.iaeil. A l poraniM hari'n ,'lnlim anlu t a il ant .to, aro nutirioil lo pro.uut Ihu aino, lih firopir vouclu'ra, within li inoniha from III" data of thin notice, to tho iiuiloralKuuit at N'ooily, Cla- kaman county, O'eon. Kuril ,T Hmith. Adnilulatrator of the K.lata ol l.ucy A emith, liocna-e'l. Date I June 21, IhiiV A-'Jr'7.2H HIIKKIr-F'S HAI.E, Id Ih i Circuit Co 1" of tho tato ul Oregon lor the County of Wa.hliiKlon. Julia K. O0111II0, plnlniirr, ri. ThomaaA. Ooudl ilalciiiluut, -tale nl OroKon, County ol Clackmnaa, a-. TOTICK H IIKKKHV (J1VKN THAT IlY vlrtna nf an ex iciiiloti aiil orilor ol aa'a la .lli-.l out of Ihu circuit court of the Mate ot Ore- iron for tin' County ol Wualiluitton, hearing ilatc th i lath iiny 1,1 June l-.Ui, Iu a nun w nereln Julia K. (louilln ia piaintilT, ami ill'iinna A. (iomllo In ilefmiilaiit, I'uuiinaM llnif 1110. in tho mini ot ilia hiate of Oruuoii, Mint out 01 the rjni 0.110 ht-rolnafter doaiTllwil, lo rcallzi a mun aiilll 'Icni IOnnt.fv tllO lloitinulU Of anhl iIiuthi. to. wl I 12 00, and tlio further aum of C,7.M coat-, lo L'o ier win intere.t on the aaine unco July an, I Kim, at oliilit pur iwiit. jur anntiui, and alau the conla of anil atteuillii" ilila mile. Now, therefore, In ohvllelice tnailcli docrce, 1 did, 1111 the tilth day of June, IMK'i duly levy unou, ami will, 011 riiitunlav, tha 2;ih day nl Juiy, J H'Jfj, at tlio hour of one o'oioi'lt, V. M. ot anli dny, at the front door ol ti e court houaa In ClackamHa county, uir ir lor inle at iiuhlln auctluii, and aoll U the hlifiioat an . iw-t hlddor, for eaah In hand all the right, title and Inter.. t the auld dofon I ant, Thoina-A. (ioudle, haa In and to the lol I wlux doaorl id real proK-rty,lo-wlt: All of lota 1, 2 and i In block 44 ol the County Addition lo tha City of Oreifou City, In the County of Clnck aniat, Htateol Oregon, aooordlux to the plat ol aid ad llllnn now on flla id the reoorder'a olllco at Oregon City, Oregon. bated In la 21th day ol June, A. T). IhO'i. E. C. MADI10CK, BhorllTof clnekamai Co., Htato ol Oregon. By N. M. Moony, Iioputy, fl 2H 7 211 8. I1KAKE, DENTIHT. N'ltroui Oxide gag for tho paluleu extraction ol teeth. All work warrauled ami prloei reaamiabla. Koomaa, 4 and , goiithweat corner Third and Morlion at recta. Cambr dge Hulldiug, furtland, Oregon. NOIICK OF CAI.K OK HKAL K'TA I R, In Ilia II itnly Cini-i of IlKNial ol Urvguii lur lint Count)' ul Cluekatiiai. In tlm inallur ul lliu K.lnlvi ;il Jnlin I) C l ill, i' ewaaaii. IPia'i i:u ,M'iiiniiii v or an (muni or aaie, gianivi nv Ilm Cnuiilr I uiri "I inn I'itu ol uro- 'or t'iu f'Miiily ul t lm k uuaa. date I .III')' M. I will ailltal Ullvnin -m n lollniklllir iluaiT 1H. r N I'NOiti': iliv n tv ,, ttf N K ' "I .Mi'ilon in, I'. 'J a II. IV. ! , s 1 1 1 li l ii s i ai't" in u o- ai . i a , lot Nu. atiu 10, I'. J H. It, JK. U, M iinirn i irllini any il. ai-rllu-d n$ rolnov: h goiiinin al id iii,irtvr atie. I on eiiru"!' ! -IWi'i'ii a e Ion S ami At i, J s. II 'J v I rv- run ii i im I'lao'v auui ,i m , i"ini . tu ihu in ui'ilou I iliu; inoiinn w,-ai o Ollatua In lliu mial imnil.,ry m tun II. 1. r o H, I. rnni .l,u m wi e; thoiou uoriii on 0 i ua I li niiuhiiy 7.41 rha,ia to lliu uuilt.-nat ooiiiur u nl t,i: Iiihii.'ci Wrt'l - ill il.irtll i m o' r I l nl I i inirt'll t I lliu l- 111 aa'tt hi llui'; tlii'lu-o N. 1 lOi'luili a In llii.uit tl.l,'Ull H1 II . tl illul III. 'llOlU'U K, .II I'llHlltM tliu nl lnl, tiling. outiliiliil.,g i i.1; auroa, llllltu ol ,o'. Ii -a ii "III Im ma lu Irion a id H-r Autii-t 1 1, lti.Y ninl Inila w il l Im r" IV ! tor u-li ,r i iil ti, t nu ur li t ih-ii ' l at ll'irnmin ,t"a''.iiiu ia U.uoilv, llrvg 'N. 'If lt till Ultli'il ol to, i. c, It uu I, 11 g ' i l lu, Uri'il'tu tiriua 'l aak, Villi Ih hoi I. got i unlit ol t'iu I'll1" I -tat ia, Pnl.'d t:il ! : l-iv o .I'l'v. hll.V I I I. t'l 'I US, t'linltiuttnlilt 7 -.') ul lliu,' . J i, t :,,, .,.',. NolifK i' KIN A I. SK'I II.K.MKM'. Ill tlm I uiinly (' nirl ol th i "la ul Urngnti, nr Ihu I null' y ol 1 he k aiilua. Ill thu inattor ul Uu' ea.iilu u( tl'llllain tj, l.tiena, tll'O ML'l. To V limit ,t M:iv I' rn : V'Dlli Ii Is 111-. UK It V lilVKN I HAT 1 II K 4 1 tinili'r- giiu'l ii , iiiiiuirituf of ih j a.tain n II inn w I, n-a-, 'In '..a -."I, ima nini in, rinal a.-i-'iunl i d ri'ii' I a aiu h a'tniiiiuiiai.,r, In n,a) eioliit) ri'tirl ., tun -tl.. ,,l itr.'goii (n- Ciaraa m ,..niii'-. nl Hi it Muni y, Uu' . I i ,a ul 1 AilaSH-1, l-'A', nl lliu 'unit i.f lUo n oil, A. 11., nt Ilia) ' emi'ily eoinl li,ni., , li-ia I,, ii nii"l ami n lul. i a ' Im II i iu ami ,i!i'.. In lliu avllLmunl ul I " '"I""1 au I iii'i'oiiiii mi l tin iiu ri g ! ''"-e'llllual mi of any Mi l a I ii'.). i l, u. ill"' i", ni'l. IL. Mi MAN, A'liur. "i 'iu uaialu of U i.tiaui l.ili'a. Uui ui., , T-1 s- I AlMIIM-llUliiKa Mi U K. N 'in ick I-nini it v iiINkn, i ha rum nil . I In I haa lirvli , i . v aiiiiuif.,l l.w uir 11 li, 'l.iliu' liuMn I., navr.. J . ,, i,,. I C 1 1 it, c i ,rl ,il I I ii'kaina . mini)', ()rr,, i, rt imtrlaiif ii.a .i., ... J M i,..,r,,i,,01M,. All llliil hait'u- r ah,,, icaiil'l -a,. . a ar ii 'tiiii'il 1 1 .r.-i-i,i iiia-atif, i.rii,rlv r 'r. li .1. I. li v.ligi.ura, to ui" nl l.anlr I rak IMai'lf inn" oiiiiiily, On, ,.,, '.I'llii i nu i'Ii. (,,, llt '' ' Ali,l.NK II M.IK Kit. I xo lll l nl li,. K . ; , J, ,S, .p ,,, , Pau-J J ily a. ,H'j, 7-ij Nut ICK i-K i.i: A i, i AN . aAl.K, . ura i tii'idiy 'lv , (hat "i n i l. .in.,, iianlin'i o In ai,,'.,' ,,f J ,h , It . s,. ,,i. I IH,. hi'irhy .'lr K, Iiiuij II .S,.i,l,l. auU I' ra l. Nr ,. il I,, I i ,iii.n f ,,.r , ,N in r t i i-ru . .a In mi in., a-ti, ., ,n a , n , 1- .J. i I i.-i'iiiui'1' I'.iin' .ii . iii,,fl , ,,,., ,. ,,,. a.. .. U ai l-illi.l.. i n.! ,i i t iiu limii ,.,r III I II V ''I'll Hi,,,., l,, g , , H, J,,,,,,, n.'iiiiiir, i i-iuiin, ai Iiu i. i ,,i. k hv or ii... n I mi - .Uif.lny tl,u.T,li ov ..I Jn ). ai:, t ,. p ; lurlnif .I....TIU I r, at i'i ta, t,t ( ihmiiiu . . u al tlio ii, ir ho. r ,, ,u,i , , a i. .t a ' " J K- "' llanmll . . .r ,liau, an l inn ,ln( :'iiii '.' ra.iury . ll, ,,rli, ,. , t V. r iciu a. iiiui, . lv.-,l; Ihv.iru In , n ,rlii. "f.y il 'wtl.iii al i r i o I-ui ,ty ma t if, l ,i, tlipllin 111 a waaturlv .11 ..... 1.. 11... ..1. .. . . " V. all Iwhk .11 C i k .111 .. r .ui'ir, . f t O fi III. ! Tjiiih -I tali', run In l,ai, I il limn ,.l . nla. , , l l.Z.K NENI'KU llllar Hall o lli. i"tto of Julni . Nou, , Km Ilia K X 'll la , (ijiira II .m..l all I ll ila 11. V-n I... . iiiluor., .1 Mi 1-1, A I y lur liau. I lata-1 J ihu il, al -Jl .7-13 MIKHIfKfi KAI.K. Ill Hie Clrouii Court of th Hiate ul Oregou, lur IlioC'iiutyolClatkauiaa. Hrldit it, piik.iit:fT. a. l,.in.T. Jlarlu ami JiMepulUa B11I0, dul u iMlts Miale I m-aoii, Cutimy ui Cut k nma aa, N'OIICE M HKHKHY lilVIN THAT HY rirtnu nl an I'lei niiun an urdor n. .ala I.. ie i out i tlm c... hi: c oin uf the Male ul Ora gn.l lor III i Ci.ili.ilf nl ( In-.. .,, data ha 12 II .ny uf June, lay,, , , , , ajner.ia Hrli i Hlnmiii I. n aiuiiiraii l I. una T. Harla aa 1 JoHipliliia II Biriu are iiciamlauta, .inn 111.111 .Uw in.', Iu Ii.a. uaii.o'il Ilia hlal" ol Ore- V hat mil 111 tho ieal ealnla liuruinalier la- crlbfl. In realiie a aum .uitlr.oul 10 , t'loila mn I. 1, f .,. ,. ,e, io.ii: .aiii, ami llu former au 11 o! I I 0 a- ath r ey a int., and ho lurilier .inn ol tin ,aj i , ( ,.r wn I ler,at on ih 1 aame .luce I ie ai b nay 01 April, II 'I, '.I W .-f cviit , r an n 11,11, , 1 1 I at ail ho co.ta ul .ml lieu. ii,,, mi. .i, aiI 01 iheaouve mn. lo la i al I u V. H gold cu u. Now, thureture, Iu oh .11. 1 , audi lacn-e, I ;tld duly levy UI...11. and t I, un r...lur.lay. Ilia 20ih ila. 01 July, W ,t li,o i,, u( 1 loet p M. of .aid day, at llu In.iit , ,r , court iioii.aii, a. 11 cuuiiiy, . rr.r lur aaU at 1.111,110 aiii ilou. ..11 1 .ail in ma hl, bet bidder, lur ca h. I . m. a 11 ,n,, m liui,,a. ,,1 iiifKi,i, I t a and I .tiuo.l tun mud eliii.hinia, Ijiii,. T. Ha.ln mi l Jo.e hli:e II. Ilarl ., had on thil.uti day ol April, Iwi, or now liar In mid to tue lui lowlig e.-riia-d real pr-pini, m ,: Tua aolllil o-t i larlur ul tun a. utli-wt quarter, mil loi. 1-11 (iu), tH'.'ira (;) .,,a tn.r-,..,. ice nu (i;lj ali, the uorlli rail nuar. let o. the north ea.i ijoatt 1', and Iota lour (I), flv.'l i .ix (i.)a'i ' "e i (7) ol aid m twenty f 'ur (.'4 , in iowui.i p tnroi; (Hi, -ootli of rang Sea.l; a.-o tho na I m tinuo'iii.we I u Hur ler ami lot- lour (I), fly ( ), x (Hi an I eereti, ol aoi'iioii i, and t, ue (,, ,j , (i) ol ,0u '."!'. "' '"""lp a. oiitn ol rana 4. ea-tol rtlllaiuutia iiioriaiam alau, Hml parcel o Und, lieiiig n Iraeiio ,i ,,rl ( UoM ni( eiaini ul A-" Minna, iiotiiicaiion Nu 7.I44, and claim N 4H, In man a, noulli nl range a, ant of I uiiii' tia morldl in, and be .'Inning at a .like ou the ea t boundary ol .aid oiaun Hi t "hai. a from th,. nurth ca-t corner ol a ild olnim running ihoiir-iniitti 411 di g ea.l on latin line 'JI.2II Glial i to a lakui tlu liite autith 57 dug. 4.1 111. 11. wj-tfiBii h to ih i county rea l and t i liiu pmcooi tievlunliig; al.o that parcel nl laud, cumin uiclnu 111 ,t 1 ,1 ,,n ,U eouiily mad lea Ing Coin prlngwat'-r to Oregon City, .aid pulnl lining on t ,. imnol hum btloiiglug to I,. T. H irm ami DeliHlua north ol the point ol liitur eeiiiiii ul tin, honuilnrr Hue nl 'he A. a -lone iloiiallon I . I eiuim. wlih '11 In 411 iliumi.,. at 4 HI Chain ir-mi Die imrlh enrtmr ol amd claim, ami riiuiiliu tn nice 011 we-tuue north CI chain I lug.. ut brow 01 hli tliooca we.l brow ol hil; dig, 1 . wu-t 2.-i cha iia lo .takii; 1 l.niiio auth lia dug. Hi) nun. ue.t IJiUchatiin to atake ou a niiily road; Ihoiico with mild rou l .ouiu 211 .leg. ea.l 21 IM ciialua tu beginning, couta nli.g Iu all 4li.l.lal acrat, more or lo., all In Claokamna ouuuly, Oregon. bated tin. 12th dny nl June, A. I lcM ut , . K. C. MAlJlioCK, harlTofClaclianiaCo.,htaieul Oregon. Hy N. SI. MoopY, U putv. 8-21:7-19 HIIKKIKK'H SALE. In iheC Court of tha state ol Oregon, for tne County of C iick nina Joncph Hedge., pl-i I ri 1 1 ll. . William Welnd Dirothea YlViz, doiendanU. Htaleol Oregon, C uiiiiy ol Clai'kamaa, a, NOTIi U IH HKHKHY OIVK.N THAT 1IY Virtue n. an one. . ill, in 1 nrdor ol anle In- lied out uf Iheclrcuit euuri 0! Hie rum ol Ore gon for the C "inly of c lu.kniim., b ar, ng data th 1 l'Jili day ol J mm, H-fti. In a milt wh-ireln Jo- nun ne.igi"! i. piniiHiti, an l Wl nam Hemiand Unr. thca Weigareileluiidiuitn, 110 uniting me, In Ih - Hume 01 the Mtiiiu nl Oregon, lli ituut of the real eatate liuroniier, 10 rciillm a llll II 10 -allaiy I he iKiimii.I. ol a,a do- 1 ' 're, lo-wit: :hj .o nil I the nirthur aum ol . , I'Oulloruey a He, and tue lurther aum ol lit) i iMa, loguthir with Interu-t uu the aiiine .luce ft D oouilior 1-t, im, at 10 p -r cum, pur annum, i u me cimm ui ami iittomllng Una ,ile. Now, thcroforc, In ohe Hence to audi decree, I did, duly levy upon, end will, 011 Mitiirdny, th" 2ilth dnv 01 Ju.y, iM'jfj, at the Unttr nf 2 o'clnck I. M. of anld dny, nt ihu "out door ol the court bonne in anld county of Clnckiiuui., mlor Inr aale at puhlio am tlon, a id noil tn the hlirheat and ben hl ldur, forca.h Iu li iml, all o. 1I11 right, title and lntoroiit llu amd iloiuudnula on tho 1-t day of Li jcunlwr, 1SU2, hud In 11 ml to Ilm lul lowing iienorlbed real nion,rty, to wit: rue W. of N. K. i and K. 'i ui N. IV. , ol aet-tlon 2, luwniinip 4 a II. .1 K. m Wll.auioUe inernllaa In C ai knliina county, Oremiii. IJnted tin. lu.h UHy ( Juno, A. n. Ml-,. ., ,,. . , K. c MAIiOoCK, bhurlirol Cliickiimaa Co., btnle ol uregun. uy N. 11. Mooor, Iioputy. tt-21:7-l Sisemiiaii's sooiiliiij Powflers. For Cbildrtn Cutting their Teeth. IN USE OVER FIFTY YEARS. f tfgvf ftutrlih Hnt. prtutnt flit, Commlihnt. ant prtfrv a Aaaflfty itati of (at cimuitutlon . . . during tht ptrlod of Utthlnq.