Oregon City Kntcrprisc. SCHEDULES OF TIME O. CT.nt.X NTKAMKK. Hlnmiinr KAMoNA. I.KA VKM OIIKlKiN 1,'ITV. I.AV hl.HTI.illl. 'U in, V IKI l. Ill, II IKI l. III. 1" A. M. I IH I'. M f. ,H I', M 7WI UI. 1 1 Mil H . Ill, 4 ll . III. B'MHI 1IHK. m a. II M A, H::m I', - The Kmi I'AHHANdKH HTKAMKIl, Al.TtlNA, SKTWakS HllUI.Nll,A.(K NI. I S I.KI'KN IlKKI'X. I.tvn 1'iirllmiil Taylor "tri'rl ilnck t (1 mi A. M. mul li'avi-n (iri'Ki.ii tllly Inr Snlimi 7.K. A. M. I iii'il, I hiiimlay nml Hnliiriluy, l.ev Iih..ii.i n mi A M ami Hnlnin 7 :4ft A M . himI tirK"ii t:ily l.im I' M Inr Port lam! Monday, SVt'ilni'xIny anil Krlility. Kmil Hutu, giioil HrciiiHiMlntlimii mnl low rutna, Ni way ItriKhl liumllcl, Hiulul nlv uu tliri.ngli lri-l,lil. mUlllKIlN I'ACIHC KAIMVAV. XnSTII HOUNI.. I'nllliifhln Kinri'. (llir.iUKh) H Imrii Urol (ftny Ul.Mi) H I'lii I'mn wiinur ill Til Mix Nil. Itniliiiri( Uii'. (wny HUtlinm) falllornla KnriH (IIiiiiiikIij H lit in I' m tuur 7 :u. in. II M i. III. V S. III. 977 a. III U 4 i. Ill 4 .jnji. in. WILUMKIIK KAU.H H.Kl TKIC HAII.H'AV, Tluio I ul.ln. l-H.Vrt l,4av4 UrcKini ( lly. Wlllmiii'tif Kulli t'A.M. (4A.M. V mi " (I mi II mi " II a, " I ti P. M, I Id I' M. mm " mi " euu ii:l(i " KI'MlAV TIMI. IW A. M. II 11 A. N. III mi III i;. ll ti " II mi " MJUH, M. I: III P. M. I .wi " I 4. " t no 'i i;. i :ui i v " no " a ir h m ' ' 4 ii ' 4 If. " 4 :m " 4 4.'i " t . & ir. " 6 Ml " 6 4.1 ' (S OU II IH l . A. aln.l.KS, Hupl. 1H It MAIM. MnllirlnM- .nii .N'irlh. 1J in. ,2:1 , m.,7 . ui. Unlit I .. unlnn Sunlli, V a. in., 7 i. w. mil . T. (Irr.i ( lly in p.irilaud iivit Kaat Sldit Hall way, Irxi'n I.' t" I', M. KI..I b m P M.srrivra II W A M. mnl 4 I'. M I trw Portland, ( lorn, S i'il Milr, Kmi'ly mnl llltfMainl rwulm' iiikII. ort roii Clly Hi K t -. ' r 1 1 . Miillnu. IJIhthI mnl MnUlU It-an-i l li in. mnl arrlvna m I.' in. dally iirrumi (Mtr In IKaver C.rwa, Mink. ( lurk, llt-adnw HriHik, l iiii.n Mlll. mnl ( t.ltoii. li-a r l u rn. Mmiiltr Vi mliiinny mnl Irtlay mul riMiirn. nn loliowlnn ilavn ui 'J .1.1 it. tn mi'tmi ( lly In Vlom, l-..i!ii mnl liiillmul li'mrii iirriiii Clly Mniiitny Wr.luc'U ml Krlilny m I ui I', .M., IaiiivIim! Vluli iiii) ill I 7 mi A M. ' STALK i.lKK. " (JrvK'iiii Clly 'lnrki- Mulliio Mull liuiiti. Ivm (Iniin City 1'. (I. t.iilMmu m f A. M. M 1 1 1 I n v , Wi'ilnvMliiy nml Krlilny Inr II.umt Crwk, I'lmkt-H,' Mi'iiluw llrimk, 1 hIiiii MilU mnl Miillim. Iti'tumli'ir. U'hvi-ii Mulliio hi H. A. M., Viiluii JhlMiA.M., ti'itliiw llfiMik 10 A. M., Clmkn 12 iiiiuii, mnl llriivnr Cnrk 3 1'. II., Tiie-ilny, Tliurmliiy nml Sitluitluv. A ('iiindiriiil.U' 1'imv nllii( liurk. i'lmwn Iter rnlrx pt-nminalilr'. Hninll purrvU mriii'd, lOccnln lo l' fciiU. Any nnliT li ll wlili in III I irmii'tly riilimli'il In. J. M. I nmw KKIDAY, Jl'LY lit. li.r. Wn.ii'Kr Staok 1Ioi.ii l'i'. Nohlitt'a Ori'Koit Clly nml Wilhnil wlnue wait held tip MoikIi'V niuriiinn at lloward'H lull, al.out nine inileM eitHt of thin place, Hank Matloon, the driver. Marled mil In the iiioriiiin; with one ;ianMcnncr, Mr. I.eyy, a tlolhin iiier.dianl of t'oitliind, who wum on hiH way fur a few dnyH out iim ut Willu.it Sprinu'H. Nothiiiir iiniiNiutl tM'Ciired on thu trip until they reached IIowhiJk hill, when two men Hteppcd out of thu hrtitdi in front of the duo armed with it""" ""I coniinuixled them to throw up tlmir IiiiiiiIh, then demanded their money. Mnttoon told llieui he liud no money, hut Levy threw out his purKeaiid what loe, clmiih'e hu had in in hiH):ockc.t. IIih purHu contained he nlili'H tiiuney a pair ol cameo cuff button with diuioml netting, moiiih cold tthirt hIiiiIh, uml a ttold oollur hutloii, and tlie liiuhwiij aian K't away with j3 in coin liOhiileH tho other HttieU'N inentioied. No Hooner v.un thu peine ii ml coin In the liiimln of the luiuaniln, when they told Hki rliiver to on. liolli if the rohherH worn white c.np over their fnces, nnd evidoiitlv wore f;ilro whinhorH, so that it would tie (lill'cult to Identify them. The robbing were evidently in a liurry lor when Mnttoon told them ho hud no money, they did not moled him, and mule quirk work of winning Le-vy'i) ItOHHHHiollH. Tiik CmciiB SuKi.t. tiABK. The cinouM Iiiin been here and noun, uml the pucknrt ntill live. The hIk-II gnnie wan worked with more Hum imiutl miimhivwh, nothwitli fl;aiidiiiK,hutiiunity lint hit ai ita tempting bait, with tLe expectation of yd t Inj? "n thiiiK for nothing, for theNU many years, (iim Ditlke, who liven near Kly ciime down to nee the cirniH, mid dropped all ll.o money lie mui in me pocnet on me shell nn me, $1!). He was told (hut ho had won f')0, but to pccuio it hu miiHt show f 1110. lie went to (hu bank nnd drew out $100, in the meantime telling several ftiends, uiiioiik them Sheiill' M.tddock, that he hud won $"0, nnd re lated tho cii'ctiinstaiii'L'8 connected there with, and was advised to have nothinn more to do with the gaino. Contrary to expectations, ho wont up and lost his $100, but the ollicers were unable to locate me men, wnoinuiio uioniseives scarce. Charles Klohe, of Cunby !h I u.iiil tn liana j4 rrtitttntl nil ilin (lillllUIV'A ' game, and his neighbor, W. Klavhtsch, is supposed to have lost a similar suni. Several othora are reported to have lost, but prefer to hide their disgrace by keep ing still. Will Moork in tiik Toils. Sheriff JIaddock returned from Baker City Mon- (Iny, wluirn liu Intel koiih to lit I ig Iiomhi Murt (Jrciui, who t.roko Jitll Imre lunt I(M'oilM'r. Murt Intel iiihiIh kodiI IiIh 'vi'itlu fruiii Ihn liitknr coiinty jiiil llm liinlil l.iifi.rn tint Hlii-riir urri veil biiiI tlm ollli'iirn llmrtt (Itouxlit tlmy wouM ri'i'i.vor lilin in it nlmrt tiiiic, ho Mivlilurk rHiniilnnilovcr luy, but n llm i.IIIi'IiiIm did not unci i'imI in (linliiiK Murt, iin i'oii rlinii'il to K'i Ui IViiiIIcIhii uml H.i-rnl Kuiiiliiy, WIiiIh HiltinK mi tlm lli'ulk fori vitbuiu wild u frimiil, Hlinriir Muil ilut k (iIikitvimI Will Monro, tlm i-rHtwIiilii miil cluli iniiii of Om'koii Clly, mHnin ilown llm other Niilu, Tlm IhtiI1' (ol lowi'il nml overlook Mourn in hu .ohI ollivti, who roitillly cotiHi'iitml to rrlurn 1o()m'imi Clly, Tlm t'lili'ipriHliiK tullur liuil nmni into l.iiKint'HH in IViiilloloii, llll'l Willi U lot Of ll II) ill-M WHH Molil'itutillK onluri) for clothiiiK lo I hi itimlo up in Cliii'iiKu, Monro liinl hcitrinu huforc Jiihtiin Jilxon Tin-tiiLiy. Ilu wuivcil xuiiiiiiittii.it, uml wuh hoiiml out in thu Hum of I'iIKKI lo Hipcr licfoni thu iffinil Jury utllm lit xt Iitiii of court, Thore will bit inoru than oiiu chittii of fritml hroiiulitnuitiiiHt hlni, unit Iki uIho Kuve a rlii'i k for in favor of John MorriH nml drew on tnu ('oiiiiiit'rciiil hunk , whi'n lie liml no inotmy on ih-poHit. If Murt (iri'i'ii liit'l not cbchmm from tlm linker county jnil, It Ih luinllv prulmhlu tluit HIierilF Mmlilork wotilil Intve uri-i- (lentlv run BcnmH Munre ul l'eiulleton, who i likely wmiteil hy nioro peuplu limn tlm former. To I!k Ticntkd. At tlm trial of Uev. J. lieml, fur the attempted rohhery of Hie I-'iret NHtimul hitnk of Flint I'orlluml, it lurj;e nuiiilt'r of witucKPttn weru tiuiii lltolied from Oregon ('ilv, who Went down lo I'oitluml at their own exncriHn ami KHVe in their leMiiuoiiy. l'ive of Hie n iltienm'M iliHmHeil of their proMpet: live fnr to H warrttiit .m-itlper, uml the ci in nly cleik of .Mulliiouiiih county cet ti lled that they werrt (ho lirl live who were mii in iiiniifil . The. county court nf thai cotilily him doi'lined H p.ty more I bit n five witni-MicK in a liuinlii-r of crttiiinal cM!M riH'enlly hroiiKhl lirforo the coiiiIh of lliut city, where the it lieHHCH ciiiiiu over a ilihtum u of Iwu mileH. An h coiiHiiiiience, a htre nuiitl.er of witnchHeN in Hie Head cumj wlio went from Oieon City al Ifceir own cX)nHe and lime, ait) left out. Them linpuiil clitiniH in Orison City amount to fUO and have l.i'i'it uHmiieil lo I'liKtiiiuHicr S. It. (iieen, who went to I'urtluml Tuewluy and thtoaifh 1 1 i h atutriiejn U . 8 liintrict Attorney Murphy and John M. (ieariu, bronn'it Htiil uiTecover the witiie fern. Thi Hilit will led llm con Klittitiotiuhty of ho law onactud at tie lad li'K'iiltiire h to the vyuientof wit neH liN'H. In a 1'tcKti.oi H roHiTum. Two Ikjjh, mum of Caleb and Mitt Cro were driving down Main utrcet in a HpriiiK Wilson IuhI Saturday rvuninx. When they reached the Coni:rutioiial church the idvclriu car wim (ullowiiig cIiinb h(r liind, uml Hie hoiHOM heritme xcare l from Huh or hotnti other cuiiku and Hlai led off in a ilciid run, throning one of Ihn boyn oil' lo thu rouml w hile Hie oilier fell between olio of the front wheels it in I the bed of the waou. He held on to the IhI with bin hamUiim! bin body wedtjed between the wbeul and wufon box kept the lorimir Holidlv locked Until they reached (ireen'g l'oint, where a team drove in front, of the runiiinj; hurt-en and brought them to a sudden stop. The boy n reHctied from his perlioux poHiioti, ami stiaiiKO to nay, wua able to w alk ahimt, Iih vhttf Miilltired no eeriottg damuite except a few brtiireu. The hoy that wiin thrown to the ground, received soiiit) biuieeH, but not Heriotialy hurt. "Ku Ijjic'h" Hki Hav. Last Saturday wa a Mitt day for one Cluikatmix county boy. M. J. (Kli! Lee of Can by wmh the hero of .thu day at the luwd Club cycle Itieetiii)? held nt I'ortliiiul, and done a competition mile in 2:22.13 Alter iimkiiiK nil excellent ahowiiiK iu all clitKH 11 events, ho rodo the final of the inilo open In the time above meu tinned; which clips 4:1-5 rocoiuIh from Ihemtird, and won by an inch from lirowuo, tint SjKikane crack, iu the created r ever Been in thin part of tho counlry. The .crack riders of the 1! clam were prcwiil from all sectione ol the Nortbwcd, and I-ce tarried oil' the the lionorH of (ho day. This makes him the acknowledged cliHiupion of the North wchI, and liin numeroiiH friends extend conr.itulatioiiH. It was H t;reiit ilny for the victor, ar.d his Oregon frienda tossed him in the air, amid the enlhiisiani of the spectators. Who Cactain 1'ahl Wbiiii Is.-Suvs lu -u.pimne.UyKiaier: "Owiii to thu many untitle stories circulated In the press of Washington and Oregon regard ing John Stewart, alias Captain l'anl Webb, his father, James II. Stewart, of Ibis city, wishes it to lie known that he is not related to Senator Stewart, that he is 27 years of ago and was horn in Yoik, Nob., and is a photographer by triido. I lo has been a resident ot Me Minnville for the past five years, or until ho entered the business of going over flll in a blirruli Hig fut,1(r jB m ox. ,.nt..i,i of the armv aiul Rnrve.l throiiL'h tho civil war uml is a respected citizen of thiscily." Many sttfTer from irritation of the kidneys and bladder without knowing what is the matter with them. Dr. J. II. McLean's liver and kidney balm will uive relief. For sale by 0. U. Iluntlev, druggist. Aw Uwmhthnatk Khhok,-Bv a typo graphical error in hist week' Kntwc I'Hixk a serlmiH Injury was done to the people of Handy in the communication from Hull place by stating that several parties vter down w ith thu small pox. The copy sent by the KptkhTIUhk cor respondent at that place plainly said chicken pox, but in a moment, of abseiit liiindi'dncHS tlm compositor set it up small sx, and In tlm hurry of tihA reading the error was overlooked and not diocoyeied until after thu forms were oil Hie press. Several prolests and in quiries heve been received in regard lo the m iller, and fioui the corn-Mponilont hliii" If. To all the editor of this paper ha to Miy that the corespondent was not to blame for llm statemntit, but that the L.vi kicI'iiihi! was alone responsible for tho tinfoil nn, itn sialement. To Mkkt Kncamcmknt I'Ixi'Kvhks. The lu'l'er. nf the relief corps will give a law it iM'iul at the home of Mrs. M. A. Stuart mi Wi dnesiluy evening, July 24, the piiM-ei'ils lo go to assist the i, A . K. in paying the debts Incurred during the encampment here. Admission free. Ice cieinn and cake served from fi o'clock at 10 cents pet dish. The committee having in charge tlm entertaining of the lute fiii'iiuipuiciit failed in raising money enough to meet all their expenses and they cull iip ui all public spirited citizens of Oregon City to attend their social and spend a ieaiinleveii!iig and ut the same time help out a necesKHry public duty. Harlow 1'uM'jf Nuptlali. For some necks it bus been whispered in eer'uiu circles that Cussitis U. Burlow, Hie well known merchant of Barlow, in tended committing matrimony and the follow inn from the Stoekton K veiling Mail of July 10th, itidieates that such ruuiois were not without foundation: "Miss Addie J. l'tmev, one of Stock t"ii'K fuvo' ite daughleis, will he married tone. now at St. John's Kpisropal church loCtt-Nius I'. Barlow' a wealthy young Oregiiniiin, who bails from Barlow. The wedding ill be an unassuming affiir. The huopy couple will go to San Fran cisi o mnl then make a wedding tour tlinniu'li the southern part of the state. On their Muni they will go to Mr. Ear low's home in Oregon. The groom is quite wealthy ami comes of one of the olih'St families in Oregon, his father bsviug settled in that state in lm.i. The bride that is to be has lived for many jeiir in Stockton, w here she has many w arm friends and admirers. She is un aci-oniplixlicd girl, and her vocal talents have won her a place in the front rank among the local singers. In the Chimes of Normandy, to be pro duced tonight by the Euphony Club. MissFusey takes one of the leading parts. Barlow is a practical business man and un all around good fellow." The Oieu'onian of July loth, still fur ther explains matters: "Cussius U. Bailow, a well-known young bushiest man of B.n h.w, Or., was united in mar riage last week at Stockton, Cnl., to Mis Addie J. I'uey,of that city. The San Francisco Kxaminer notes the ar urival of Mr. and Mr. Bailow at Iho 1'alaee hotel, and states that they were in route to Southern California on a wedding lour. Mr. Barlow has many warm iriends and acquaintances in this city and throughout the Willamette valley, who will hear of his marriage with genuine surprise. It was confi dently expected that he woulil conl'tie bsnhcloi hood unlit Hie end. ( amp Meeliox. Tiiere will be an iinti-sectarian 'Hsli nttts Camp Meeting" held at Woodhmn, Oregon, from Aunust 8th to 2l!d. This is the first camp meeting ever hold by the Saints of the living God in Oregon. Every seeki r of light, truth and Bible salvation or divine healing of soul and body should attend this glorious and rich noi 1 1 feast. Wonderful linht and truth will be brought forth from prophecy and revelations. E-verybody is cordially invited to come. Come prepared to camp on the giound through the entire meeting No collection or gate fee. tiood sneakers will be present. F. N. Jaco'.ison, blind evangelist of Chicago, E. E Bvrum, of tJrund Junction, Mich., J. IWerty, (.irund Junction, Mich., J. W. Byers, of California, J Hudson, Fresno, California. For any information address 3. L. Uukkn & Co, Woodburn, Or. Oilier papers please copy. illiicksiiiitliing. Clarence I'orter has re-opened the blacksmith shop lately -occupied by W. S. Maple, opposite Tope's hardware store and is reitdy to do all kinds of re pairing and horseshoeing. Asa shoe r Mr. Toiler is equal to the best and al ways nives satisfaction. Choice suirur cured hums at 10 cents and bacon at 0 cents tier pound ut Al bright's Tompkins brothers are supplying the market with the best of fresh vegetables from their farm near town, and they are among the leaders in their line. People who desire raspberries for can ning, red or black, can do well by ap plying to Tompkins Brothers. Highest price paid for wool at Char man & Son's store. Clontlenien' store. celluloid collars, Racket Dr. Price's Cream Baking- Powder Awinkd Gold Mtdal MUwInMr Ftr, &ia Fnuidtc I.Hllll'S Attention. At Mrs. Muilcn's Millinery Parlors. As the season Is advanced I will make great reductions In all high priced goods. 1 have a fine assortment of millinery on hand, including flowers, fancy ribbon, J high and low crown leghorn and sailors, j which for the quality can't be found I cheaper, A large assortment of trimticd j hats to choose from. Luce huts, luted j styles, from $2 60 to $"i. $7 hats re duced lo $5. Will be soro to give satis faction if you will give us a trial. Main street, next door to Methodist church. YOU'VE BEEN WRONG In thinking becauso Portland in a liitf town that you can buy paint there clieaior than of us. We can nave you the freight and very often a great deal more. We have sold Masury'a paint for the pant four years and during all that time we have not had a disRatisfii'dcuH tomer. If you are thinking of painting we would be glad to give you the names of any nutnbfir of our customers who have used Masury's paint and take chances on the good things they will say about it. We The price is right and the Want I"l'n jUK' wnnt Masury claims "The best in the Your World." Trade, And if price and quality countwe should get it. C. C HUNTLEY. Druggist, Orgon City, Ocagon. Artists' Materials. We carry in stock 70 coJors in tube Paints, a line of artists brushes, palettes, placques, etc., all of which we sell at Port land prices. We would like to sell you your artists supplies, and if we haven't to-day what you want, we will have to-morrow and we will do our best to please you. Huntley's Book Store. New Caufield Block, Oregon City. Postollice-:- Store. MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY -:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh and of the best quality. In Prices ve meet Portland Competition. O.WISSTNGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. Let me have a trial order. I-:lalliMlil lsi5. PIONEER Transfer1 1 1 Epre, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. V.aKMIIIill ihmii i.m w,rv i t ur7,-s andSoreEyfs.lt SLS J isF Ximm M Taste I f Jr w UNP1HSANT BREATH.' Q,J V''S iETID.C0. row Piunau OROYllI-c.CAL For sale by C. G. Huntley. IBM scientific Mv'i -m?J preparation of ff j .-, "- AbiclmeRiham -ffa r forth! cunt T f-;; V.vlt- ' II Cold lii lfiel!cmlT ). A carefully BflecloJ fitock of Summer dress goo,n and everything to match, A new Stock of lato Style Tan Shoes for Ladies', Gentlemen and Children. Tho Latest Shapes in Straw Hats for ....MEN AND I3QYS..... Pants, Sweaters, Caps and Shcesi For Bicyclists direct i from the factory, at prices that defy i competition in Oregon. Spring and Summer men's suits of the latest cuts of Cambridge, Oxford and Poole makes. French kid Shoes for ladies and children, in Oxford ties and Juliettes. Thos. Charman & Son. r;e You pplE oWer;? Ifl fl it is necessary for you to have a grader. You will save more ii pU money by its use in one season than it will coi-t. You will have a better grade of prunes, and they will sell better. You cannot afford to be without one. Do not pay ifOO or $70 for an Eastern grader when you can buy the best grader on the market for $23.0U. Manufactured in Portland. Is invented and manu factured by a man who has made prune graders a specialty. Graders made to grade from 10 to 40 tons of prunes per day and guaranteed. Also wire fruit dipping baskets from $1.50 up. Fruit growers wire works of all kinds. Correspondence solic ited. Agts. wanted. TEIMON'IAL". , . . . Hli.LfD.iM, Or , April 2J, 1R95. The PortlanJ Wire & Iron Work-, PnrtlanJ, DkakSik: Replying to your Iivor of 23.-J Int I txg to my that th Prauo Grader I bought from you l.wt y,t, uai giveu perfec. nutlif ic:iou. Neve- ft oat of nrlrr, l eay to rpvruto and Kraiies U. prime a evea as cm b. de-lred; and atr-it in- nrvat pleaauie to P'"K a word Iu Itaji-al-e. A good many fruit rrowjrs v.s.u-d mypac- duriinr prune drr mg time ud were .uuriai-d at luotxcj ent work It iloet. Ymir Traly, Uiniy K. DlWCH. - ... . . .,.,. Vancouver, Waih., April 15, 18.5. . C. W . Booat Esq ., Portland, Or. -, Vf'J'ir' " "', yoar 'r"lt gralera 'a yar au I wll, ay 1 am very muck" lileiiiied with lt w,.rin. I think yrtir frra ler th cueipeat ana bet rai,-r I nave ever ea Kted. I wouldn't exchange my uraler lor any tij graijr in ue nrouiid here. Youib Truly, C. H. Kkkbr.. ' PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS, Sole Manufactures. 334 ALDER STREET, PORTLAND, OR. SCHWAN & PUTROW. HANDLE- HOSE.. Cotton and Rubber Hose of best grades Prices vill suit you No trouble to TQ YOU HNY - DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING, Or Building Material? Go to c- H. BESTOW- Lowest cash prices ever offered for FIRST - CLASS - GOODS. Also combination wire and picket fence, HARTMAN STEEL - PICKET - PENCE. And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times. Shop Opp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET. A splendid selec tion of Ladies' underwear. A full line of groceries that will compare in prices with anybody's llgures. PUMPS A great variety of Forcd Pumus Ordinary Well Pumps espray rupps. call and examine. show goods. V NEED r OREGON CITY.