Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 12, 1895, Image 6

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
ukkuon rtrv officers.
Mifor, - - Hirnin Sli-Htcht
HiHMrl(r. T. '. ..'
Ohlol of Police - CW K. Hnrin
Aor, - K. 8 I'ulirt
Tronrer, K. I Hotmail
City Ittorney. - K. K. Irn:c
8lro.t Commissioner, t HnlM'o.'k. .'r.
Sup't. of Walor Works, V. tl. Howell
City Knjlneor, IV KIiukuM
0ranlliiiii II, C sti'veiu. 3o. Kmuehinn.
J.J. Cooks, Himi) isr. Muck Howell. L.
I, Porter, Henry Mol.lmm, J. W. Meit.ill.
vonneil nusM nrst elm's.in ofench month
Ib rlty hall.
Tin fruit j ir fillers l the Racket store.
Heavv tin quart cups for ! cents at
Toe Fair.
Wanted, 100 shoates. Address Cliff
farm, Canby, Ore. luio.
Fresh vegetables from Maplewood
firm delivered to all parts of the city.
A splendid selection of men's, ladies'
and children's tan shoes at Charnian A
County Clerk llorton has issued a
marriage li.vtise to John Keid and Po
lil.lh A Brown.
Rice 5c; bulk lard 10c j 10 Hunds
I G. sugar $1.00, at the Red Front
Trading company.
That 10 acre tract on West Side can
lx now for $."00 . Owner wants money.
C 0. T Williams
Golden Vet baking powder is ahso
lutely otire Every can is guaranteed
to give satisfaction. E. K. Williams
the grocer.
Five room cottage convenient to car
line an 1 Main street fs per month
C od yard. Inquire of A. W. Schwan,
at Schwan & Pntrow's hardware store.
T. P. Randall, purser of tho Kamona,
is taking a short vacation, and during
his absence, Captain A. It, Graham acta
as both captain and purser. Since the
addition of the Gray Eagle to Oregon !
Oily Transportation Company's line of
boats, several changes have been made
in the personnel of the different
boats. Captain Newton Graham,
who has Ihcii pilot on (lie Altona, is now
captain on the liray Faglo, and Captain
Spoil who has loen on the Kamona, is
transferred to the AiUna. Captain Ar
thur (i'aham is pilot and purser on tho
steamer Altona. Ed Wynkoop, who was
purser on the Altona, now has charge of
the Oiegon City dock.
Miss F.dna Taber returned to her home
at Mt. Pleasant Tiesday from an exten
ded usit to forest Grove. Miss Taber
had a narrow eseae from Wing killed
or seriously hurt on the Fourth It ui-
pears that she, in company with three
other young people were in a hack driv
ing to HilUboro when the team became
frightened and backed the vehicle off a
bridge into a ravine. Two of the occu
pants jumped and saved themselves, but
Miss Taber and one of the young men
were thrown to the bottom of the ravine,
a distance of thirty feet. Fortunately
they each escaped with slight injuries.
The team did not go over but broke loose
from the vehicle and ran awav.
A hearing was bad Monday before
County Judge. Hayes on the application
of Adrondicus Clark for a writ ol habeas
corpus, on the ground that he bad paid
! his line to City Prosecutor Pilgg, which
telieved him from tho necessity of being
committed ,to jail because the Hun not
reach the recorder's hands. After hear
ing the arguments of the counsel, the
judge decided against Clark, who later in
the day paid his tine to the recorder, and
the mutter was settled which lias at
tracted so much attention from the city
council and the public.
The steamer lone came up on the
night of July 4th under command of
o( Captain llosford, with a scow-load of
wood in tow for the Crown Paer mill.
The scow was leaking slightly ami was
left standing over night tied to the bank.
By morning the scow was sunk in the
bottom of the river, and nltout W0 cords
of wood tloated dow n the stream. There
will he very little of the wood lost, as
most of it that tloated away can be
Fo- a quiet place to hitch your horses
awav from the motor line and a place to
g;t a 6rst class job of repairing or horse
sh eing coll on S. F. Scripture's shop on
Fi'ih street.
A bottle of Wright's Root Beer ex
tnet makes five gallons for ten cents.
A cheap and health-giving drink. E.
E Williams, the grocer.
For more than fifty years, children,
rm the age of three months to ten
years, have been benefited by Slpipd
tuan's Soothing Powders.
New line of belt pins just arrived at
the Racket store.
Mr. Frey'az is ever on the elert to
supply his cu 'toners with fine crisp veg
clahle'. Have you tried his string beans,
caulifl wer and beets?
Henry Melclrum has been awarded
Ibe contract for surveying an extensive
tia-t of government land in southeast
. Oregon.
At th Fair ynu can get the self adjust
ing nutmeg grater for lo cents. No
b i atching your fingers.
100 acres of land near Clackamas sta
tin for 2100. Some improvements.
See or write E. C. Hackett,
At the meeting ot the executive com
mittee of the slate agiicultural board in
Salem last Saturday, the apoiiitments
were made for the suerintendents of
the various divisions of the next state
fair. The following persons from Clack
amas were given positions: Richard
Scott, of Milwaukee, was appointed sup
erintendent of division B cattle. On
special exhibits J. T. Apperson. J. G.
l'ilshury and II. 0. Stevens were up
appointed ticket venders. It was de
cided to charge 25 cents admission on
Sunday, and negotiations are pending
to have Suan B. Anthony, Mrs. Shaw
or Edward Pavis on that day.
Next Monday is Patriotic day on
the Chautauqua program. Among the
distinguished guests to he present on
that will be General Kchofield, Commander-in-Chief
of the regular army,
witft h's staff. General Schotield ill be
accompanied by Colonel Anderson, of
Vancouver barracks with bis full staff
and General C: F. Beebe and staff of
the Oregon National Guard. Many
Grand Army men will he present and
the day promises to be the great day of
the assembly. The program for the ex
ercises of the day will please both old and
John Case and James Poule, charged
with holding up and robbing the South
ern Pactfc train near Kiddle, had a hear
ing belore U. S. Commissioner Lough
ery at Roseburg Wednesday. They were
bound over in the sum of five thousand
dollars to appear belore the U. S. grand
i jury. They passed through Oreuon City
Thursday morning on their way to Port
land ir, charge of an officer, where they
will be placed in safe keeping.
Mrs. A. Hamilton died in this city
Tuesday aged ti.) years. The funeral
services were conducted at the Congre
gational church on Wednesday, by Pr.
Cowan, and the interment took place in
the Oregon City cemetery. Mrs Ham
ilton was a very estimable lady ami
leaves two sons, George A. and E. C
Hamilton both of whom reside in this
Attorneys Geo.C. Brownell and Joseph
Rice went to Needy Wednesday to re
resent their clients in a hog case. I. L.
Bower brought suit against Noah Har
desty and Fred Smith, concerning some
hogs. Mr. Rice has been retained to
represent Bowers interests, while
Ledge Notes.
Myrtle Lodge, No 21, Pegroe of Hope,
ins'alled the following ulllcers lust Fri
day evening: Mrs Jennie Pierce, P U
of H; Mrs F T Harlow, C of II; Mrs
M Schulplus, I. of II j MrsT Warner, I,
ofS;MisS A Gillett, recorder; Mrs R
Goodfcllow. treasurer; Joe Fromong.
18; Max Schulplus, O S, Past Chief
Mrs W T Whiilock was installingolllcer.
Falls City Lodge, A O U W, Installed
the following olllcers for tho ensuing
tot lit : J A Stewart, deputy grand master,
olliciatlng: P M W, W M Moore j W M,
Max Shnlpius; foreman, M Hamilton;
overseer, C II Pye; recorder, George Ca
htV; treasurer, J A Stewart; reeelvtr,
W II Wiggins; G, J Kunming ; I S, .Vt E
Under; OS, 1 M Parks.
County Treasurer's Notice.
1 have now in my hands funds for the
payment of the following Clackamas
county warrants, to-wit: No, 11,000,
amount 2 40; No, 10,ti:7, amount 2.fi0;
No. 1 1,1X1, amount tl 00; No. ll.ll.V
amount $..00; No. 11,447, iimount (ll'sl;
No. 11,411, amount toOO; No 11,412,
amount f'.IHi; No. 11,414, amount '(H).
All the uIhvo endursud Nov. 22, 1S02.
Interest will cease on the same with the
dale of this notice. M. L. Mooiik,
Tieas. Clackumas Co., Oregon.
Okkcios Cirv, Or , July 11, 1MI5.
Highest Quality
Wo mako
a specialty
of fine
No lnatttM' what you
luiy nt our storo it in
tlid very liest of its kind.
Kvt'rytliinjj; is now ami
frosh. Wo would ask you to onll and
hoo our stock. Wo have tlio host lnindd
of all goods, nnd can in sonio linen yliow
you sonu'thing vory lino.
StaitlVs Cash Grocery.
Commorclal Bank Block,
Salvation Army
A tally pull free to all children will bo
given at tho Salvation Armv armory
Satuaday uttcrnoon at I) o'clock. Sun
day evening farewell services will be I
conducted by Capt. ami Mrs. Siinouson
w ho have been ordered to another post
probably Walla Walla. On Monday lb'
during the whole day the army will
serve Ice cteam and cake at their armory
Brownell looks after the welfare of ! ,0 l,,e f"lul11'- Price very reasonable
Hurdesty and Smith in the suit,
ca is before Justice Rilter.
Tiiink of it
Oregon City, Or
For siippli-s for a camping trip to the
i Mintaius or a picnic, go to MarrA Rob
cr'son. Their goods are all fresh and
they will sive vou money.
Lunch baskets all sizes, cheap at
Si nh'g grocery. Fresh stock of canned
mat8 and fruits. Prepared lemon syrnp
j ist the thing for a cool drink.
Regular services will be held at the
C ngregational church nest Sunday.
T ie evening services w ill be conducted
by Rev. H. Rogers, of Forest Grove.
Now is your chance to get shoes cheap.
T-e Eastern Shoe Store is closing out.
Toe front door will be locked before
lo g. South Electric Hotel. Oregon
C y.
Meat from die in Becond grade beef
CA mot be otherwise than tough and
Li"'eles. Albright buys only the best
o' "took thrwe ar.d five-year-old stall
fe 1 steers furnish his stnkes and roasts
jui'iy and tender enough for a king.
A few of those $100 to $150 lots left,
onlv a few blocks from the opera bouse.
E-y terms. Apply to C. O. T.
The water commission have taken up
Hie two-inch pipe line extending from
Main street to Green Point addition,
a id replaced it with a four-inch main
an t put in three hydrants.
Mrs. T. B. Gault returned last week
f ..m Albany, where she had gone to
P.-nl the summer on their farm near
that place.
Three English bicyclists from British
Columbia, spent Monday night in Ore
gon ("it y. Their names are Charles
Kendall, Robert Marshall and David
Cameron, the former bailing from New
Westminister, and the other two Irom
Vancouver. Mr. Keiulell returns to
British Columbia, but the others con
tinuing on their road to San Francisco.
They travel in the morning to avoid the
heat and dust.
II . C. Green, James Curran, II. B.
Nichols and W. L. Rechner have gone
to the Blue River mines and will retuan
with a wagon load of ore, which will be
given a working test at Tacoma or San
rrancisco. These mines are owned by
the Blue River Alining & Milling
company, couiHsed of a number of Ore
gon City's solid citizens.
Rev J. E. Westurland, a Lutheran
minister of Portland, accompanied by
J. K. Groom, attended the Canby camp
meeting Tuesday. Pr. Van Scoy, of
Portland university, delivered a lecture
on "Good Reading" to the assembly.
The attendance is very fair for a begin
ning at the camp meeting, and consider
able interest is being manifested.
C. E. Bailey, who formerly held a
position in Harding's drug store, has
purchased Pr. Andrew's drug store on
Seventh and Center streets, and is over
hauling and re-fitting the same, and
tilling up with a new slock of choice
drugs, Mr. Baily is a coniietent and
experienced pharmacist, and will build
up a good business at this locution.
Discoveries Mere Valuable Than Gold
Permit us to mnko your travel along life's!
by fitting your foot with a foot-J
wears well while wearing out i
roaii easy,
wear that
wearer out.
vet does not wear th
Are SANTA AP.BIE. the California dis- j V,
I - - .! , . ij
,ueivn'r consumption unci diseases ot r j w -- 'I
the throat, chest an I lungs, and C A I.I- YA V 11 U 1 SSC Ol"OS., O HITO H CitV.
FOIIXIA 1'AT.K.I'rHK il,.. ,.,.K. :V A
anteed cure for catarrh, cold in thu lieu, I i'
and kindred c, .luinls. Thev an. .,.1.1 I XXZZZZXXZXZJililiXXliXXJfi;.
for $1 a package or three for 2.f0, and
are recommended and used by the lead
ing physicians of the Pacific Coast.
Not secret compounds. Guaranteed by
C. G. Huntley. Trial size M) cents.
Hume Boarding.
Parties desiring a placo to board, on
the electric line convenient to the busi
ness part ot town cun find a comfortable
home-like place at the Farmers Home,
opposite the Court house. Clean rooms
and comfortable liedswith home cooking
and tables well supplied and well served.
Meals 25 cents. Give the Farmers
Home a trial.
Its Record Uniiiieachable, Inieriii!inbU, Cnhleinialu-d, above
the Reach of Jealous Rivals.
Says the Sunday Oregonian, a most
enjoyable surprise party donation party
was given in honor of Rev. J. W. Eld
ridge and w ife at the parsonage in Clo
vcrdale, Saturd ly evening, June 20, by
their many friends. The evening was
spent in music, singing patriotic airs and
recitations. All wished Rev. Eldridge
i and family good luck in bis new field of
labor in the United Brethren church at
Oregon City, to which he has baen trans
ferred. J. P. Otfield, a reident of Molalla, met
with a serious accident, while in the
mountains a few days ago. His horses
became frightened anil ran away with !
the wagon throwing him out breaking
his left leg and three of his ribs. He
was brought to his home from the
mountains Tuesday, and his condition is
serious from the fact that he is 68 years
old, and his system received a severe
shock from the injuries. The outcome
of bis injuries cannot yet be diugno-
sised to a certainty.
Chautauijuaii campers can have their
1. I ., 1 M . A . r'.
Her return was hastened hvi,al,nurJr w"rK u0"e Bl 1116 ureKn W
tl.- illness of her babv. which is vet nnite ! cceam 'u7 without ox-lay anu in a
giViouly ill. j ma-mer to suit the most exacting, Port
After a four-months session, the j lani1 l,rlce
W iool at CUrkes closed on Friday last.
To- teacher, F M. Darling, is said to
li ive given satisfaction and conducted a
BU'-cessful school
Mr. Fn-ytag supplies his customers
tlree times a week with all varieties of
fine vegetables His prices are very
Dr. D. A. Paine, of Eugene City, will' Wanted Two horses, weighing about
B i ceed Dr. L. L. Rowland as superin- i '200 pounds, well broke and gentle,
tendent of the State insane aHylum Aug- j Will buy a span together or separate.
U't 1st. General W. II. Ouull has
been appointed clerk of the state land
A prelimanary meeting wa9 heldTueg
d ;y evening to take steps toward organ
izing a bra-s band. Committees were
appointed to draft constitution, by laws,
f fc Several members of the proposed
bnd furnished music for the Rehekah
social at the residence of J. J. Co' ke
Tuesday evening. The new band will
form a permanent organization as soon
Apply to J.Tompkins, Bolton.
People who desire raspberries for can
ning, red or black, can do well ty ap
plying to Tompkins Brothers.
Uaye you seen those fine fruit and
berry dishes at The Fair.
The New Store.
At G. W Grace's store on Molalla
avenue, farmers as well as town people
will find one of the best stock of goods
in Oregon City to select from. Living
ad the Chautauqua Assembly adjourns. prices. Country produce handled.
Ttie board of directors of the Oregon
City public schools have awaided the
contract of furnishing RIO cords of wood
to John Bell, at 1.4S per cord. W.J.
Plumnier was awarded the contract for
painting the Barclay school building for
the stun of $ro. C. G. Huntley was
given the contract for furnishing the
paint, etc., to do the work.
The ladies of the Rebekal. Pegroe
lodge gaye a very interesting lawn social
at the residence of Mr. am! Mrs. J. J.
Cooke Tuesday evening. The afrair was
a treat success socially and financially.
The music was furnished by the W. P.
& P. Vocal club and the newly organi.ed
Oregon City band.
Robert Wilkinson, who is employed at
the Imperial mills, met withh an acci
dent Tuesday that will lay him up for
awhile. He was handling some sacks
of wheat when a pile of them tumbled
over falling on his leg and fracturing it
below the knee. It is feared the knee
joint is severely injured.
For physical ailments, especially those
incident to declining years, there is no
remedy that produces such satisfactory
results as Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and
Kidney Balm, its genial and invigorating
effect on liver and kidneys is remark
able. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist.
The adjusters have fixed the damage
to the Odd Fellow's building at the late
fire at f l'A. The policies wore hold in
the Imperial and Continental companies,
represented by T. F. Ryan and C. II.
Dve. The damage to the carpets were
placed at $15.
At a meeting of the Canemah school
board held Monday night E. C. Hackett
was re-elected principal, and Miss Sa
die Cliase was le-elected teacher of the
primary department, for the coming
school year.
We have secured the agency for Henry
Millard's excellent bon bons and choco
late candies. If you want the best buy
Millard's. E. E. Williams,
The Gro(er.
Sold at greatly reduced prices ly
Charman A Son, to make room lor an
immense fall stock. A full line of gen
tlemen's underwear iust received.
Henry Millard, of New York, stands
at the head of the list for making pure
candies and of beautiful dceigne. Sold
by E. E. Williams, The Grocerr
It Draws the Crowd.
The Grand Rapids (Mich.) Leader has
this to say of th. New Great Syndicate
Shows and Paris Hippodrome which vi ill
exhibited in Oregon City on Monday
July 15: "It was a very largo crowd
attended the circus performance given by
'the New Gr.;nt Sjndictte Miows hist
evening, rully .".600 people occupied
the scut" in the main tent and departed
at the close of the entertainment We
I satisfied with the exhibition they had
I witnessed. The character of the entiro
j show, from beginning to end, in evciy
'department, is pleasing nnd atiove re
j jiroach II is from start to finish far be
j youd the ordinal y i iicus and in quali'y
is the peer of anv in the land."
Mlll'lllllt Sclinnl Report.
Following is the roll of honor for dis
trict No. 'il!, for the month urd'iig June
2H. Emma AicliofT, Margaratha Aschoff,
Karl Aschoir, Henry Von Helms, Ed
ward Von Helim, Eda Von Helms,
John Sievers and Ronella Sievers.
Karl's Clover Root will purifv your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your bead clear
as a bell. 25c, 50c, and a dollar. For
sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Campers and families will find the
bread from the Home Made bakery
equal to that made by the best home
process. Utmost cleanliness observed
and the best of flour used with no de
literious substance used to give the
hiead an extra w Idleness and lightness.
Give the Home Made bread a trial.
Free delivery to all parts of the city.
5c. ( Ignis.
We carry the following brands: Valley
Forge, Exports, Games Bird, Sentinel,
Seckled Beauties and Dramatic ISompiet
and we are selling the famous ten cent
cigars, La Kormesse, for live cents.
E. E. Williams, The Grocer.
Monster Museum ,, Triple Circus, Great Elevated Stages, p,,uble Menu.!.. S......
. Grand Aggregation of New r-ensational Features.
tacular 1'ageaut
rssssi it
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
Most Perfect Made.
40 Years the Standard.
IMA lTO, the Strongest Man on Eeartb. Victoria, the most Majestic Royal
Bengal Tiger ever in captivity. The Only Riding Tiger in the Cnivcrso. Actually
tierforiiiing eiuestrian feats beyond conception on tho back of a Hying thorough
bred while encased in an iron cage that circles thu ring, to bo seen only with these
grout shows. $10,000 school of Educated Sea Lions. No other show possessing
such mi attraction.
IV By an arrangement with the leading Shows of America this will be tho
Only ClrciiH that will visit this section this year.
The bent Performing Kli plinnts.
I.eoiarils and llaliy CiiinelH,
) ( 1 real CI reus Acts.
II Ureal IIiuiiIk In Hliect I'lirmle,
Courtly Knight ami Diiiuck.
K drove of MoiiHtvr Cainls.
.ehnts, llcuiii mid Ilahy Monkeys.
21) reut l.eiiH.rs.
Klehly Carved mid Glided Tableau Wagons.
Myriad Ciixsh, Dens and Lairs.
The Largest Birds on Earth and tho Only Show Possessing Such a Feature.
Two Menageries of Wild Beasts
And open I)ens ol Savage Brutes, Mammoth Elephants, Lions, Tigers Hyenas
Bears, Wolves, Leopards and Panthers. Zubras trained to drive like horses'
Knights in Armor, Ladies as Princesses, Malu and Female Jockeys, S.iuadroons of
Princesses, Nobles and Cavaliers in Royal Robes and Rich Costumes, Mounted on
Spirited Horses like Pays of Old. Bo suro and ask your Station Agent for cheao
Excursion Rales. Kvery railroad gives low rates to this Big Show.
At IO A. M. a Glorious, Graml Holiday l'ro Ntivct l'anide
This will positively be the only Circus that will visit this section this year.
General Admission. - 50o.
Children Under O Yours 2.1 Cents.
. . Dealer in . . .
General Expressing, Job work and Moving
Corner of Drldee, - - - . Oregon Cltv. Or.