Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 12, 1895, Image 3

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    -jregon City hntcrprisc.
t T Kin day, JUIA r imn,.' '
f- - '
jlacknmns Co. Directory,
(iiititoM E. 1ly
(, i'ii, K. Hiirinii
K. ('. MmliliM'k
H. M. llHiimliy
M. I.. Mmir
J, C. Ilrn.lli.y
II. H. (Ill,
I). W Klnimlnl
II. I llmiiinii
I Kli'linnl Miv.it
I Flunk Jaguar
(4ul (
l4it k hi CtiurU,
i-rir, .
fchtiftniir, -
ilnxil Miiirrlnlnlii1iilit,
I;tY K, Miimliiy- Iti-Huliir iMiintlily mrM-
1 1 1 K ) iHutril ill Irn.io.
SJ I Y 10, Wuhnmiliiy- WlllaniHHi Valley
i lii 1 1 il 11. ll it A.iclilliin i l i vr, l ii-k Ml
lllltil.lont' mrk nr a m'diiIiiii nl ten (III Ml.
M -
Tun hum), nil hi.cH lit tlm Itaikct atom,
Moiiry to limn on improved farm.
r. II. Iintnhar.lt.
Tin waro at extra low prlre at llii)
liiCki-t Ktoru,
II you wmil a m'winu mm-liiim lor '.'.')
0 to Ilflloiny A ltumh'.
Vn urn lii'iiililurU'r (or (riiitH, iiulu
lid culifiH'lioniry,
!j K K. William, Tim tinner.
, 0 T William Im tlie Lohh liar
kin in inmilii lot or kmiiiII trad.
f Civn lliu Orrk'on I'ity laundry trial
lid mod how wiill th wuk will suit you.
Mr. F. II. Andrrwa, ol llitt MapUiwood
jirden, will deliver veitetablea on Hal
irduy in time for Humliiy meal.
I Your money will be. refunded If (Jul
jeb VuhI imkiiigpowiler doea not work
tinfi!lorilv. Hold by I'.. K. William,
tit ((""'
Tlio Mmliunic' mill i dnlng the
nil I work lor llm dwelling In irociH
if loiiBtrintion (or Mr. N.O. n allien,
tl Willamette Fall.
?Jlo! yo rleaur aeeker, to Yaiiuina
Jay and rul urn fur ttUKl (iood until
)qtober HI, 115. Tirkel on aaln at
IbjmjI, 8. P. Co., y L. Moore. tf
U A lilt 01 ail-woui ciouien iiimiu w jui
I 8raiire and a first tlaH joli (or only f 12
I one o( the bargain, offered hy (!laR &
Soiyth. Sample of cloth from winch to
alert from.
tft, I'.ly'a Wild Cherry phoHphale 1 a re
rmliing summer drink and an excellent
joule for Invalid and children.
)J5. K. William, tho grooor.
-Jf Dr. J. W. Norri haa re-opened hi
lice upstair In the K. P. Kelly build
'"'lag, three door north of hi lute olllce,
'"'here he can he found toaniiwrallcalla.
,f The Kaikct ".tore i the place for
film leaf fan and keep cool.
en How about thomi 2 to 5 acre tract,
ii' Mar the Chautauiu mound, at (ilad
"mtono Park, ome of them planted with
prune tree. C. O. T. William.
"I Kd llahlorf ha been very buy for
pant week with men and tenm
"eleaniinoiriho debri from the ground
"'oo which the Harding buildings were
' recently burned.
ih Taken up a stray hore at Nohlitl'a
l atublu, Oregon City. I a bay homo,
Twi-ij(lm 1300 iound, left hind foot white,
i!ar.d while In hi face. 1( a inll bell
bo. Branded "J II" on left ahouldur.
;rj ). E. A. Freytag does not propose to
i, remain In the rear of the proccmon in
Ivtlie matter ol supplying the market with
o.fn-Mli vegetables, and hi gardens are
(kept In first clans condition.
I There is one mediitine that cures im
k mediutelv. We refer to lo Witt' Colic
and Cholera cure for all gummer com
! plaintH. No delay, no diwippointmentB
' no failure. C. O. Huntley, DnnjniHt.
tli Camper at the Chaiitampia annembly
ri-Vn (jet their trrocerie, fruit, etc., at
IPort'lBinl price and guaranteed (IrHt-cliiH
-articlea, at Murr & KolnirtKon', the
fli vonth Btreet trrocor. Order of any
isl.e delivered free at (ilndatone.
j ,
"I Traveler Mud a afo compiinion in Pe
' Witt's Colic and Cholera cure. A chaise
11 iij drinking water and in diet often
ctuiHe Hevere and duniforous nompluinti).
' This medicine alwaya cure them. C. G.
t Suntley, DruirniHt.
y 0. V. Kobhina, tlie Molulln merchant,
wuh In town Haturduy, From him it
r win) learned Unit Mm. Arthur Kadlor,
who recently had anoiwralion performed
Ip a I'ortlunil hospital for pendietm, died
) IHt Friday. She was a daughter of
Oliver Suwtell.
To allay pain, giihdua iiilliuiiation,
; bcal foul sore and ulcer, the moHt
prompt and witicfactory reHtilt are ol
i' taiiiod by uning that old reliable remedy,
r Pr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini
;: ir.ont . For mile by C. O. Huntley, drug-
,' Den Franklin trumped, hungry and
; t'cot-Hore, through Philudelphia Btreota,
! with a loaf under one arm and a lot of
brand new ptoycrb under hi hut. One
: of Ben's maxim wan, "a punny saved is
;. penny earned." You've heard that
: before, but no matter; if you will buy
' your groceries at V. Harris' you will re
' gli.e the force of it.
, Tiio children and teacnerHof St. Paul's
! church Hunday school went down tho
: river for their annual picnic on Tuesday
: liiHt, leaving on the 11 o'clock boat and
toturning in the evening. A most do
- 1'ljhtfnl (lay wa spent, races nndamusn
' Inuntg of Uillcrcnt kind being indulged
How It Hn OhNerved In Clni 'in mi
( flinty.
.Solwili.HtiiudiiiKtho ruiiipoined duwn
In irenlle Wchfixitnliower on the Fourth
of July, the patriotic ardor of the citizen
of Cluckamii county wa not dampened,
Ihirlng the greater portion of the iluy
Oregon City wa almoNt diverted; many
had gone to the celebration In dill'urent
part of the country, and hundred took
the early car and boat for Poriluiid to
nc the parade. The parade at Portland
i mild to have been one of tlie longeHt
'id iiionI eluhorate ever given in tho
NorthwfMt, and It took one and a half
hour to pun a ylvcn noiut. On account
of the ruin, the firework diHpluy did
not iniiterali.e In the evening, hut wu
Hmtpoiied until lut Wedneiiiluy night,
and the crowd who went down In the
evening to wo the fine dip1uy of fire
piece, returned diHuppoiutcd.
The wide-U'Wuko citieiiH of Barlow
never do thing 1iy halve, and they were
determined not to let a little, ruin deter
them from having a running time. The
proccKHinn marched to the grove, a half
mile in length to the liiNplring Hiram of
the Aurora Junior band. The proceHnion
wu formed tinder the direction of Hon.
John II. Dalv, nitd by W. W. Irvin,
and by the time the exercices befan,
fully 1MKH) iople were preent. Uncle
William Barlow preided u premdent of
the day, and he did the honors nobly.
Hon. I). P. Thompson was the f!rt
Kaker, and he accpiitted lumelf a he
alwa doe very creditably. He ha
tho faculty of ying everything at the
right time and the right place. Senator
John II. Mitchell following in hi ukiiiiI
clixpicut style, and did not In the leant
mind tho rain that drlcr.led down on hi
own head, a well a the heads of hi
auditor, and refuted the proffered oiler
of a ieron to hold an umbrella over
hi form, w hilo the rain that fell did not
duuien the interest of hi auditors. A
splendid picnic buHket dinner wa served,
and In the afternoon Attorney J. K.
Murks presided a MUMter of ceremonies,
and short addrees were made hy Hon.
(ieo. O. IlinearHon, J. C. Walgamot, of
Canby, Ir. J. Cato, O. W. Quint and
others, interiH!rHed with mimic. One of
the features of the afternoon program
was an interesting baae ball content and
other game. In the evening there was
a great diHpluy of fireworks, and a grand
ball at Columbia hall.
The exercises were held in a beautilul
giove, but the rain did not interfere with
the prenentntion of the program, a a
largo plat form had been built for danc
ing, covered witn lumber. A number of
patriotic songs and recitation were
rendered, inont appropriate to the oc
casion. The Handy Kidge Sunday school
deserve ecial mention for their part on
the program The Declaration of Inde
pendance was read by Mrs. 11.8. (iibaon
and Hupt. 11. H.(iibon delivered a mort
appropriate and patriotic address. A
portion of the progrum wui iuteifered
with hv the appearaaceof the plug liglies
who attracted all tlie attention to them
Helve. Tho fut man's race wa one of
tho interesting featured ot the afternoon,
and the honors were equally divided be
tween lit) v. Bich and Plea. Judd. The
race between the fourteen yeur-old girls,
attracted much attention, but the mime
of the winner wu not furniched. Danc
ing win indulged in on the platform, both
in the afternoon and evening.
Loo AN.
Prof. H. S. Htrang delivered the oru- i
tion at thi place, and on account of tlie
rain, the exercises were held in tho
grange hall. I'ev. A.J. Montgomery
conducted tho devotional exercises, and
Miss Tilhl Head read tho time-honored
Declaration of) Independence. The hall
was thronged with peopio and all enjoyed
the ncciiHion immensely. In the evening
there was a gund bull, which wound up
the pleithant festivities of tho day, Prof.
Strunge's i pronounced by those that
heard it to huve been an able cll'ort.
There was a large number of people
at Viola, but the parade was dispensed
with on account of tho rain. The exer
cises were conducted in the Viola hull,
with W, II. Muttooti in the chair. Rev.
(iillett opened with prayer, and Mihg
Stella Karton read the Declaration of
Independence. A. S. Dresner was the
orator of the day, and his address wag
highly complimented by hi auditors.
The audience was favored with li duet
by Mr. and Mrs, Dresser, and among the
other exercises was a march by the
children, recitations, flag drill etc.
Tlie ruin materially interfered with tlie
exercises at this place. Hon. Geo. O.
Hineurson was to have delivered the
oration ut Wright's Spring's, but through
some misunderstanding on his own part,
he did not go there. W. W. Austin de
livered un address at that place on tlie
State Senator Ueorge C. Biownoll and
ShoriirMuddock went to Kagle Park and
Porter's Cave, where the former deliv
ered orations. Tim rain poured down at
times, and materially interfered with
the festivities. Dinner was served on
the counter In Porter's store, and a grand
ball wasgivenln llebiwleen's new build
ing in the evening. The Sallud bund
furnished music during the day, and at
;i:!!Op. m. the exercises wore adjourned
until August 27th, when a grand harvest
picnic will be held at the Park and Cave.
Bunk Aniilt-marT.
I.bhI Monday was the fourteenth anni
versary of the Oregon City bunk, and it
Is a noteworthy fact that during the
entire crii.l ,Voin i.s liriA oiguni.utiou
Major Tbomiis Chitriunn and George A.
Harding havo served as pienidulit Mid
und vice president of this solid Institu
tion. Major Chunnun und E. L.
F.usthum were the prime mover in the
onlcrprMM and secured enough solid citi-j
Xrfii to start into business with a paid up
capital of fr0,000. During the bank's
entire history it has never fuiled to pay
regulur four per cent, sc mi-aiiniiul
dividend, and each time there was some
thing over to add to the ateadily increas
ing reserve surplus. K. (,. F.usthum wus
imiiiuger of the bunk from it organiza
tion up to Hie time o( 1i!h death in lil,
when soon after C. II Cuulield,cui-hier,
was promoted to the position of miuiuuer,
and K. U. Cuuficld accepted the place of
cashier. The suine board of directois
have held their places without chunge
except when K. L. Kasthum died.N. 0.
Waldeu was elected to fill the vacancy on
the hoard.
When the crash of the flnaniltl panic
enme this Institution Blood on a solid
huxis and fullllled every obligation. It
never for once betrayed (he confidence
of its deisjsitors. while banks in every
direction, east and west, were closing
their doors, this instiiutiun retained the
confidence of the public. The organiza
tion of the Bunk of Oiegon City inaugu
rated a new era in the commercial life of
(hi city. Previous to that time Oregon
City business men weie compiled to do
all their banking in Portlund at conside
rable inconvenience, and from that event
date the commercial growth and pros
erity of this city.
Tlie individual stockholders of the
Bunk of Oregon City huve ulways been
foremost in the mutter of public improve
ments; it wui through the influence of
the former manager of this bank that a
free susHnsiiiii bridge was secured, mills
and factories and the great electric sta
tions became un actual reality. This in
stitution hag built up a monument and a
reputation for honesty that will be en
during. Wednesday morning's Oregonian gives
an account of how F C. Perry, the Mol
alla druggist, while passing through the
covered bridge at Mulino on his way
home from Oregon City Monday evening,
was halted by a man who demanded his
money, and further state that bis horse
became frightened and ran through the
bridge, carrying him away from the
would-be robler. This is evidently a
case of mistaken identity on the part of
Mr. Perry, a on that evening D. il.
Shopard was in that vicinity looking for
Claude H. Howard and bad stationed
himself on the bridge, expecting Howard
to come along. Finally some one crossed
the bridge, who Shepsrd could not
exactly recognize in the dark, but pre
sumed It to Ixi Howard, and commanded
him to hull, which he did, throwing up
both hands Shepnrd then observed that
the man was not Howard and told him
to out Iub hands down as he wanted te
explain mutters to him. But the man
no soo::er put down bis hands than he
started his horse ut full speed across the
bridge and soon vanished from view.
Shoriir Maddock received a telegram
from the sheriff of Buker county at Buker
City, that he hud Mort Green in custody,
and to come for him immediately. In
response to the telegram Sheriff Maddock
started for Bake' City Wednesday even
ing, and Mort will probably bo assigned
the same room that he unceremoniously
left lust December. Green was held on
A charge of passing a $20 Confederate
note at Mrs. Decider's cigar stand on
upper Seventh street ; he mudo a small
purchase and received the change in
coin. When the fraud was discovered
Green was arrested and held to await
the action of the grand jury. This oc
cured lust November, and in Peeemlier
he escaped from the county jail, and has
been loitering a portion of the time in the
vicinity ot Baker City.
Is a person who does not be
lieve in cleanliness, comfort or health.
Such a person hag little use for that
modern necessity, a steam laundry. He
preferg to let his wife over-heat and over
tax herself in doing the family washing,
not reckoning the soup, fuel and too
oftentimes the doctor bill in this impor
tant expense. By sending the washing
to the Oregon City Steum laundry, ex
penses can be saved and health pre
served. Special rates for families. All
work firstclnss.
Notico is hereby given thut sealed sales
will be received by the county court of
Clackamas county for the purchase of
not less than thirty acres of land to be
used as a poor farm , ' said proposals to
be opened Thursday, August 8, 1805, at
3 o'clock P. M. The county court re
serves tho right to reject and all pro
posals. Gko, F. Hohton,
2t County Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
for the purchase of fifty '50) cords of
wood w ill be received by the county
court of Clackamas county ; said wood
to be made of large live fir and to be
dolivered by September 15, 1S05. Bids
to be opened Thursday, August 8, 1805;
at 1 :"0 P. M. The court reserves the
right to reject any or all bids.
2t Gko, F. Horton, Clerk.
Ladle Hand at the Arwmlily.
The Corvallis Ladies Band were among
the first to arrive at Gladstone park and
go Into camp. They prove a novel draw
ing curd and uftrtrt much attention,
und play exceeding well for the abort
time limt tiiey havu been in practice,
the band was only organized last
.March, und tl.e young ladies are all
new beginners. Following I tho per
sonal ot the band: Victor Moses, In
stiuctor and leader; Josie Moses, cor
net; Gertrude Cauthorn, cornet; Lulu
Burnett, cornet; But-sie Dutesinan, alto;
Ida Wright, 1st tenor; Mamie Milncr,
2nd tenor; Hattie Gaines, baritone;
Mattie Wright, buse; Frunkie Cau
thorn, snare drum: May Headrick,
base drum. Mr. President Bloss, of
the Agricultural College I chaperone,
and the band are accompanied by Misses
Abbie Wright and Mamie Cauthorn,
and Boss Finlev.
Notice to the Public.
Heudimurters of the Novtlty ctndy
store has been temporarily established
one door south of Albright's meat mar
ket, where we will be pleased to ee all
our old cuFtomers and as many new
one us will kindly give us a call. We
wid still manufacture and sell, whole-
sals snd retail, our celebrated Ice cream
in any quantity. Special rate to
churches and parties. We will tarry a
full line of F rench and home made can
dies, fruits, cluara and tobacco. Ice
cream and ice cream soda will be served
until midmght in our parlor, which
though not lurge, is neat and a cool
place to refresh yourself during the warm
summer months. We will move back
in the new brick building as soon as it
is completed, where we will have the
finest refreshment parlors in tlie city.
Ice cream and oysters in any style and
light lunches.
M. Puiil's Church.
The night Beverend Bishop Morris
D. D., will visit the above named church
in this city on Sunday morning next,
the 14th Inst. He will administer the
sacrament of Holy Baptism at 10:30 A.
M., and address the Sunday schoolchild
ren. Alter morning prayer he will ad
minister the Sacrament of the Holy
Communion, when it is expected that all
residing in the parish who have been
confirmed by him will receive this sacra
ment. He will also preach the sermon.
The Beverend Bert Foster, of Park City
Utah, will take part in the morning ser
vice and preach in the evening. Stran
gers and visitors cordially invited.
Morning service at 11 and evening at
8 oclock.
Klver Travel.
With daily boat to Salem and Inde
endence from Portland and the accom
modation provided by two boats, be
tween the latter place and Oregon City,
the O C Transportation Company offer
the public superior inducements for
travel. There is nothing more pleasant
than a trip on the river during these
hot duyB, and one avoids the dust and
noise incident to a trip by rail. This
company's boats are noted for the low
hires, fust time and conveniences pro
vided mr passengers, and the cool
breeze generated on the water these sul
try days is gratefully appreciated. Why
ride on heated and dusty cars, while
the Altona, Kauionu and Gray Eagle are
offering such liberal inducements to the
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga,
Term., says, "Shiloh'i, Vitalizer 'SAVED
MY Life.' I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitated system I ever used."
For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney trouble
it excels. Price 75 cents. For Saleby
G. A. Harding.
Statu of Ohio, City of Toledo)
Licas County J
Frank J. Chunky makes oath that he
is the senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Chkxky & Co.,doingbusiness in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid
and that said firm will pay the sum of
and every case of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by tlie use of Hall's Catarrh
CrRK. A. W. Glkason,
bkal Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials, free.
F.J. CHENEY .SCO. Toledo, O.
fPSohl by Druggists, 75c,
The Britishers Pleased.
"The New Syndicate Shows form as
large and complete a circus and menag
erie as has ever visited Victoria. It
created the most favorable impression."
Victoria (B. C.) Colonist.
That 20 acre tract, level road, 2js'
miles out, plenty of running water, only
$050. C. 0. T. Williams,
W. II. Nelson, who is in the drug bus
iness at Kingville, Mo., has so much
confidence in Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
ena and Diarrlwa Remedy that he war
runts every bottle and offers to reiund
the money to any customer who is not
satisfied after using it. Mr. Nelson
takes no risk in doing this because the
Remedy is a certain cure for the diseases
for which it is intended and he knows it.
It is for aulo by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
Ladies hair trimmed in the latest
style at Sloper's barber shop.
Money to loan on good real estate
security by A. S. Dresser.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing list ot warrants were Issued from
this office for more than feven years
prior to Jul 1'. Pi35, ami wi-ro taken
from the clerk's office, but never pre
vented for payment; and, unless the
same are presented for payment by Hep
tembar 1, lHil3, will be cancelled :
No. 2521, issued Feb. 10, 18HS for 2
in favor n' W. A. Moody.
No. 2:OJ, Issued June 6, 18S8, for 1.20
in favor of John Confer.
No. 2078, issued June 0, 18H8, for $1.70
in favor of Henry Kloper.
Gko. F. Hoktos, Clerk.
Strayed or Stolen.
Lost, strayed or stolen from my place
on July S, one Jersey cow four years old,
yellow in color w ith small bell fastened
on with wire. Any Information of her
will be gladly received or a suitable re
ward will be paid for her return.
C. W. Porter.
Oiikoo.n City, July 10, 1805.
To the Farmers
Binding twine cheaper than anywhere
at Charman & Son' Pioneer store.
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to Cbarman & Son, will please
call and settle.
I give a personal guarantee for the
strength and purity of Golden West
baking powder. Sold at the same price
of other high grade powders and is made
in Oregon. Try a can.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
4 J
To wear a stiff, startched white
shirt during hot weather, pre
venting all circulation of air
around the body, is both un
comfortable and unhealthy. By
You get perfect comfort, and are
not baked with the heat. We
carry all colors, sizes and styles.
75c to $1.50 Portland prices.
The Clothiers.
Practical Architects $ Builders.
Will prepare plmm, elevations, working de
t tin, and specification! lor all kinds of buildings-
Special attention Riven to modern cot
tuvges. Estimates furnished on application
Call on or address WHITE BROS.,
Oregon City. Oen
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Give me atrial.
lillipntian, (n fact,
are Joclor Fierce'
Hea.,tit Pellet.
t,r. li. V. Pierce,
Chief Consulting;
Phynicisn to the In
valuta' Hotel and
Surgical Institute,
of Buffalo, N. Y.,
wan the first to in
troduce a Little Pill
to the American
people, for alt
laxative and ca
thartic purpose
these augar-coated
" Pellet " are aiiperior in a great many
wayn to all mineral waters, nedlitz powdcra,
alt, castor oil, fruit yrnp. laxative tea,
and other purgative compounds. Made or
concentrated vegetable ingredient, ther
act in a mild, natural way. Their second
ary effect i to keep the liver active and th
bowel regular, not to further constipate,
i the ca with other pills. They don't
interfere in the least with the diet, habiu
or occupation, and produce no pain, grip
ing or alioc k to the system.
Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pellet dire bil
iousness, sick and bilious headache, diz
ziness, costiveness, or constipation, sour
stomach, lo of appetite, coated tongue,
indigestion, or dysoepsia, windy belch
tng, " beart-bum," pain and distress after
rating;, and kindred derangenn nts of the
liver, stomach and bowels. These " Pel
lets" are easily dissolved in the stomach
and absorbed into the blood, stimulating a
flow of bile from the liver, and arousing to
activity all tbc glandular secretion. Thu
they act in nature's own tray. In proof
of their superior excellence, it can be truth
fully said, that they are always adopted
a a household remedy after the first trial.
Put up in glass vials, therefore always fresh
and reliable.
One little "Pellet" is a laxative, two are
mildly cathartic. As a "dinner pill," to
promote digestion, take one each day after
dinner. To relieve distress from over
eating, tbey are nnequaled.
They are tiny, sugar - coated granule ;
any child will readily take them. Unci
used, always in favor.
Accept no substitute that may be recom
mended to be "just as good." It may be
better for the dealer, because of paying
him better profit, but be u not the on
who needs help.
Duffy & Heckart
Special care in moving Household
Goods and Pianos.
Prompt work and
Reasonable charges.
Leave orders at
Your team will have the best
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
At lhe
City Stables.
Kidd & Williams, Props.,
Bucctaaor. to W. H Cooke.
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Bicycles, Umbrellas,
Guns, Sewing Machines,
And all kinds of small ma
chines put in good order. No
work to difficult to undertake.
Prices reasonable.
Shop on Seventh St., near depot.
Money Loaned.
First Mortgages on Improv
ed Farm Property
We are prepared to negotiate first
Morgages upon improved farms in
Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate of
interest not to exceed 9 per cent, per
Mortgages renewed that have been
taken by other companies.
Address with stamps,
Mervin Sworts,
Baker City,
Oo T9
Flie PerfnisrlES and Toilet Articles.
Also a full stock ot
ifjihstts- oils etc.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Single Rigs, and sad
dle horses always on hand at th
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind or
stork promptly attended to by person of
Horses Bought and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
AND -n