Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 12, 1895, Image 2

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;od Templars' Entertainment Pipe
Foundry ltunnlnic Rumors of Fur
nace ltlowluit In.
Oswgao, July 7. The Fourth of July
passed off very quietly at Oswepo. Hie
band went to Tualatin as did also a large
number of our people.
On Saturday night Iter. Doctor Makiel
lectured in Prosser's ball to a crowded
house, his subject being " Koman Catholi
cism in Folitics." There was an ice cream
social alter the lecture.
Mr. Former's children are still quite sick
with scarlet fever. No one else has been at
tacked with this dread disease, and it is
sincerely hoped that it may not spread any
James Ghormly returned last evening
from Cascade locks where he has been en
gaged at work.
O. W. Prosser returned home yesterday
evening from New Era where he was en
gaged as one of the viewers of a proosed
change in the county road from that place
to Oregon City.
The daughters of Kebekah will install o di
cers tonight. Further particulars next
Last Friday evening J. B. Lodge I. 0. G.
T. entertained about forty fraternal visitors
from Portland. Ice cream and cake were
served in abundance, and all enjoyed them
selves hugely.
Rev. R. M. Jones preached a special ser
mon in the Congregational church Sunday
evening on Patriotism. The church was
crowded with good listeners, and the doctor
gave us one of his best discourses.
The pipe foundry is on in full blast, but
at reduced wages for the laborers. It is to
be hoped that this reduction will only be
for a short time.
Rumors are afloat about the lurnace start
ing up soon, and it is the general belief that
the prospects are brighter for an earlv re
sumption ot work than they have been
since the works shut down. That these ex
pectations may be realized is the sincere
wish of America.
Parties Destroying Fish in the Molalla River
With tilant Powder.
Needy, July 2. The fish commissioner
had better be looking after the fish in the
ITppar Molalla, as it has got to be a com
mon occurrence to hear blasting them, and
then go down the river and see lets of nice
fish dead. A merchant from a neighboring
town and mea from Marion county were
seen on the river last week carrying fish out
by the grain sack full.
Needy is improving. Another new meat
wagon started this morning. Jake is a good
butcher and we wish him success.
Several of our people attended the 8mitb
sale Saturday and report everything very
The boys organized another nine to play
the Cyclones Sunday, but they were " not in
The dance ol Friday night was not very
good as the boys take more stock in a hop
bouse that is close by than n dancing.
8ome one had better beware.
Several of our young folks attended the
camp meeting at Shuck's grove lost Sun
day. The Junior 0. W. A. M. had their annual
election Saturday night. The order is pro
gressirg nicely.
Shirley Buck, one of Marion county's
good wheelmen, was visiting school direct
ors in our district last week.
Mrs. Frank Fish and daughter Nora have
gone to Portland to consult an occulist for
the latter's eyes.
Born, to the wire of J. I). Ritter, a tine
girl. All doing nicely.
Asa Strawn and wife, from Eola, are vis
iting their daughter, Mrs. William Thomp
son. Master Clyde Ilalladay, of Newberg, is
visiting friends and relatives here.
C. W. Noblitt and wife, of Oregon City,
spent Sunday with their son Walter.
Joe Yoder has gone to the coast.
.New Era News.
New Era, July 7. August Stahley is
building an addition to his house.
Mrs. H. P. Eastman and daughter, Mrs.
Lottie Penman, spent the Fourth in Port
land. There was a dance at Anthony's hall on
the evening of the Fourth. It certainly
was the best dance ever given at that
hall. It only took the dancers until 2 A. M.
to get the worth of their monev, while at
Other places they had to dance all night.
Everybody here was alive with patriotism
on the Fourth.
Wm. Brown, of Fife, Crook county, is
visiting his parents and brothers here. Mf.
Brown is in the sheep business.
Meadow Brook Notes.
Meadow Bkook, Julv 1. D. Force, of
Vancouver, has leased the farm of Joseph
Kees for a term of five years, at $100 per
annum. Mr. Kees and family will move to
Long Creek, Grant county, this werk.
H. Green and family, of Sweet Home,
were visiting Mrs. Green's sister, Mrs. M. E. j
Wright, last Sunday.
E. A. Wright has just returned from a j
business trip to J.inn county, lie reports
times harder the further south one goes.
Miss Jessie Kobeson is suffering from the
effects of a bee sting on her ankle.
H. E. Carr is building a new bam for Mr.
.Force on Joe Ilees's farm.
The piece of county road between J. C.
Hall's and Meadow Brook post ollire has
had no work done on it this year, and being
bordered bv heavy timber it needs repair
more than any other two miles of county
road we know about. The county court
appointed Jas. Dicky, of Dickey Prairie, su
pervisor. Mr. Dicky has expended the dis
trict money in improving the Dicky Prairie
and Molalla road, and done some most ex
cellent work we are in duty bound to say;
but the Canyon Creekand Union Mills road
is traveled by six teams to the former road's
ne, hence we beg the county court to give
us little ot the work on our roait aforesaid.
Koad Suervisor John Penlson deserves
great cretlit for the splendid manner he has
cleared and Improved a tlO-foot road be
tween Meadow It rook and A, 8. t.arkius's
farm. We would like to see John our next
county commissioner.
Peter Latterly, John Pluld and Wm. Ha
ker will start this week for the coast to
bring home a load ot salmon and have a re
creation. Last Thursday Pave Anderson left his
employees to run the mill while he rode over
to Molalla to collect several hills aggregat
ing a sum of several hundred dollars saying
he would return not later than next day
noon (Friday), but he has not turned up
yet (Monday Moon), and his friends are
getting quite uneasy about his personal
safety. PmiMix.
Catholic Church Nearlng rompleliun-New
Road Being Opened.
Sasjdy, July 6. The Fourth has come
and gone, but many Sandy people were dis
appointed on that day, as it began to rain
early in the morning and continued to rain
at a pretty good gait throughout the day,
compelling many to stay at home.
Mr. Kopper, the carpenter, Is busy finish
ing the Catholic church. When completed it
will greatlv help improve the appearance of
our little town.
Robert Jousrude is contemplating the
building of a residence on his place this
J. H. Weaver has several carpenters busy
at work building a barn.
Mr. Bebee and (ius Tieti are each build
ing a bam.
II. Bruns Is busy opening the road con
necting the Eagle Creek road, his farm, and
the Portland road; and to avoid bills he
will have to put in a bridge too feet long.
Mr. Bruns will construct the bridge and
open the road all on bis own account. J
Weaver, the saw miller, will furnish the
planks for the bridge. When all is com
pleted it will be very convenient for a good
many people, especially those going to the
saw mill.
The families of Strasser, Poe, and Jack
Gibbons are all down with the small pox.
Miss Annie Munipower closed a success
ful term of school at Kelso Saturday last.
The county surveyor was out here laying
out the roed between Sandy and Pleasant
Monday. Road Master Meinig will start
again to work on the road.
John Kopper has gone up to Salmon to
work for Mr. Mclntyre.
A great many bike riders are coming out
this way.
A School Teacher Skips, Leavinr Wife and
Creditors to Mourn- Forged Warrants.
Highland, July 6. The glorious rain
spoiled considerable hay in this section.
Our patriotic people, in spite of the grad
ual down-pouring of rain, celebrated the
Fourth at Canyon Creek and Wright's
Springs. A grand time was had at both
K.V.Jackson, who just finished a term
of school here, forged an order In district
No. 33 for the sum of flM, signing to the or
der the name of the chairman of the board
of directors. E. Harrington. Mr. Jackson
sold the order to Hiram Fellows. When
Mr. Fellows presented the order to the
clerk for payment he was surprised to And
that an order bearing the same date, and for
the same amount, had been previously paid.
A warrant was immediately secured for his
arrest. Deputy Sherifl Bliepard sought dili
gently one day for him, but the bird had
flown. The last heard of him he was near
Currinsville. When asked by the mail cur
rier what he was doing so far from home,
he calmly replied, "only looking at the
country." He rented a house here where
he and his wife have resided for some
months past. Mr. Jackson is one of those
smooth tongued fellows to be avoided. He
has left a wife, also many debts unpaid. It
is hoped that he will soon be caught and
receive his juft punishment in the pen.
From Fehlervllle.
Fehlehvili.e, July 8. The Fourth passed
awav quietly in this neighborhood.
The late rain has damaged some hay.
Fortunately most of that cut was in the
Herman Bruns lias built himself a new
Home one has been stealing fruit from
J. O. Fehler's cellar, lie says that the next
one that tries stealing on" his place may
meet with something that he does not look
for. A word to the wise is sufficient.
The hot weather in June registered as
high as 04 degrees in the shade.
Frank Miller, who is working in a shingle
mill near Hubbard, has spent a few days at
home among friends.
Mr. Forbes, of Oregon City, has been vis
iting a fen days with bis daughter, Mrs. 8.
D. Bennell.
Clarence Porter reports business good at
his stand in the city.
Will Stonehocker is hauling wood for
Clarence Porter.
Julius Priester is discarding the old heat
ing stove and is putting in a fire place for
next winter's use.
The Herald's reporter of this place asks
us to announce that he was not aware that
he gRve Mr. Priester the definition of a
crank. But if that was a definition of a
crank, assisted before, then he would like
for Mr. Priester to give the definition of a
S. V. Barney is still making garden.
Humor suys there will be a sawing bee in
the near future.
Some of our sports were away on the
Fourth, and practiced slugging, bringing
home a trade mark.
Maple Lane Sews.
Maple Lane, July 8. Miss Lulu Paquet,
of East Portland, spent a few days last
week with her aunt, Mrs 0. Dickerson.
Mr. and Mrs. McBride and Mr. and Mrs.
Friendly, of Portland, are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Maotz.
Miss Kate Mautz spent the Fourth in
Portland, and returned thefith.accompanied
bv her sister Mattie who had been spending
a few weeks at Portland.
Mr. Wilbur B. Jones, of Salem, is spend-
lug a row days at the home of Mr. V. F.
Mr. and Mrs, P. Llndcati gave a surprise
party Saturday evening til honor of Mr.
I.indeau'a mother, Mrs. (limmir,of Albany,
who ia visiting her son.
Miss Mary lavls l at home after having
taught a successful term ot school at Eagle
Frank Kellogg spent the Fourth at
Wright s Springs and returned as far as Mil
lino, where he made his parents a visit, re
turning home the llth accompanied by his
brother tirant.
J. 1). Surfus is sull'erlng with thegrliH,
but is slowly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jennings and daughter
spent the Fourth In Portland.
John Balnard, ofCanby, is hauling wood
for Mr. Wourma.
Death of a Well Known Woman-Wheat
Turning a tluhlen Ysllow,
Moi.ai.ia, July Eighty-eight in
The Fourth was mildly celebrated here
on account of the unusual rain on that par
ticular day,
Mrs. Lucy Kayler, who recently died at
Portland after undergoing a surgical opera
tion, was buried at the Adams cemelerv on
the Fourth. Her many friends were sadlv
shocked on hearing of her untimely demise.
I She leaves a husband and two infant sous.
(Had Tidings camp meeting closed with
I only one 'collection' lor the season. Preach
er's report of the spiritual results was very
indefinite as to number of converts. He
wisely left the Lord to decide that In eter
nity. Yet we heard they took In " all In
camp" one day, but did not learn the at
tendance at that time.
Thus. McFadden and wife start tomorrow
lor Eastern Oregon. Mrs. McKaddeu
will remain for a few months on account of
her health.
Haying continues this good weather.
Nearly every furiner has plenty of hay and
wini) to spare.
Many ol the wheat fields are turning to
the golden hue, reminding the " rusiler" of
bread stuff that harvest is at hand.
Canity was the place of attraction for sev
eral Molallas yesterday.
Miss Ivy Sawtelle, ot Corvallls college, is
now enjoying vacation at home these sum
mer days.
Now ho! for the Soda Springs to be in
fashionable season.
Crops in this locality are looking their
best. Fruit ests are increasing very fast.
Grain aphis can scarcely hold Its own, and
spuds have " got there."
Fine Piece of Graveled Kwad-Bir Prune Crop
New Freight Koute.
Cakby, Julv 10. Mr. Zollner has his pho
tograph gollery completed, and Is now
ready to lake first class pictures.
Mr. I-owe, the jeweler, has moved into
one room of Mr. Zollner gallery, and is
prepared to do all kinds ol work in his line.
Wm. Yorpahl has his new residence about
completed. It Is a fine building and a credit
to the town.
Several young men were brought before
the recorder last week, charged with disturb
ing the eace by fighting. After a hearing
tbey were discharged for want of evidence.
The Needy base ball clnh and the Junior
club of Canby played a game here last .Sun
day. The score stood 111 to JO in favor of
the Needy hoys.
Millard l ee ami Ed Kill's ran a half mile
bicycle race here last Sunday on the road
Ironi Knight's bridge to the cemetery. As
usual " Eli" came out lirst best.
We drove over the new graveled road
leading to (ioode bridge last week. The
gravel is well packed, hard and smooth.
We have now one of the best roads in Cluck
am as county, and are promt of it.
The Methodist cainpmeetinu commenced
here on the 5lh and will hold over next Hun
day, the 14th. Quite a large number were
In attendance.
Many of our people attended the Fourth
of July celebration at Barlow and reixirt
having had a good time in spite ol the rain.
W. H. Dobyns, a rising young lawyer who
has lately moved to Canby, has been em
ployed by the city council as attorney for
the city. He is a successful lawyer and has
quite a large practice. Any one having le
gal business will do well to intrust it to him.
rJhank's landing on the Williimetle, two
miles north of here, is getting to lie quite an
important shipping point. A large portion
of Molalla, Mackshurg and Canity's freight
Is being shipped to and from this place. Mr.
tjlimik Is in charge as agent.
There will be a large lot of prunes On the
prairie; The trees are loaded down with
Mr. Loveridge shipped two car 'loads of
Old hay to Portland lust week which he had
stored in Geo. Knight's warehouse.
How Editors are Treated In China.
Nineteen hundred editors of a I'ekln
paper are said to have been beheaded.
Some would shudder at such a slaughter
who are headless of the fact that con
sumption ia ready to fasten its fatal hold
on themselves. Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery ia the efficient remedy
for weak lungs, Hpitting of blood, short
ness of breath, bronchitis, asthma,
severe couulisand kindred affections.
Stamps, La Faykttk Co., Aug.
Dr. It. V. Pikkck: Dear Kir I will
say this to you, tliut consumption is
heraditary in my wife's family , some
have already died with the disease. My
wife lias a sister, Mrs. E. A. Cleary,
that was taken witli consumption. She
uned Gulden Medical Discovery, and to
the surprise of tier many friends she got
well. My wife has also had homorages
from ttie lungs, and her sister insisted
tn her using the Golden Medical Dis
covery. I consented to her using it and
it cured tier. She lias bad no symptoms
of consumption for the past, six years.
Yours Truly, W. C. Ko;nits, M. D.
Delicate diseases in either sex, how
ever induced, speedily cured. Hook
sent securely sealed, 10 cents in stamps.
Address, in confidence, World's Dispen
sary Medical Association, Buffalo, New
Cheaper Than Ever
Wo aro now seHiiij; num'H all
Wool Suits at $7.00 and $7.75,
samo gnulfs as Albany poln
which wo soltl two yours ago at
$13.00 and flBlUO.
I3oyH and Chthlrcn'H Clothing
itt about 0110 half former jiricctt
Ni'Klii'o and Outing Shirtn nt very
low prict'H.
all tho leading- stylets and at grimily
reduce-1 prices,
Carlton & Rosenkrans, Canby, Or.
o o
Crescent Wedges (warranted.) B & S Proof Chains. Arcade Files. Rope. Crescent No; My'
Loggers and Wood Choppers Specialties. jj'j
Oregon City Agent,
Furnished Kvpry Week by the Clacka
mas Abstract k Trust (ompiiny.
Jacob Wriss to W Flair June 12, 'llfi
W I) se'i of sec 11, H I, r
3e-10 acres fiiW)
Issac Gratton to Marv J Griitton July
10'ir W IMO acres of V DTor
willeger D L C t I s, r 4 e
Chas F Street to Kinalino Jordon
April L'O, '!l.r, W D ti acres in see
11, t 2 s, r '.' e 10
German M K church to J II Itottc
miller Feb 21 Mil, W I) lot 7 blk 1
subd 2 and :i Oak Grove IK)
US to Wm (('Conner April 1, ''t
se'4 of ne'4' sec '-'4, t It s. r 'I e, sw
4 of iie'4', s'a of liw'4 of sec 111, t
.'I s, r 3 e Pat
Conrad Krigbniiin to K Krigbapm
Julv I,'!l"i W)K acres in the
nw'4' ol tie '4 and ne,' 4 of nw'4' sec
:ir. t :i s, r 4 e rjso
Have vour titles examined uinl ab
stracts niado by the CLACKAMAS AB
STRACT TRUST CO. who have the
only complete set of abstracts of title of
all land in Clackamas county. Accurate
and reliable work by a responsible firm.
OHice upstairs in the Caufleld building.
Letter hint.
The following is the list of letters remain
ing in tho postolllce at Oregon City, Oregon,
I::k P. M., July Id. Jtt:
mkn'b list. '
Barrett, Harry I'hosder, J K
Baker. Kolit Richards, Kd
Battels. D tfchlndler, John
Bennett, K E Hcholr, Adoltih
Carey, H A Htrohniettr, Then
Oarrow, K J Tompkins, Frank
(iraham.JK Crest, James
Hartley, Sam Weslliurg, W
Jacobs, Himoii Wilklus, M W
McUedar Wonell, Mr
women's mbt.
Anderson, Mrs Zou Johns. Miss June
Bahare, Miss Lucre Tompkins, Helen
Jones, Miss Anna K
If called for state when advertised.
H. It. 0RKKN, P. M.
A horse kicked II. S. Sbafer, of the
Freemyer Hotiso, Middlehurg, N. Y., on
the knee, which laid him up in bed and
caused the knee joint to become stiff. A
friend recommended him to use Cl.um
herlain's Pain Bulin, which be did, and
in two days was able to be around. Mr.
Shaler has recommended it to many
others and says it is excellent for any
kind of a bruise or sprain. This same
Remedy is also famous for its cures of
rheumatism. For sale by G, A. Hard
ing, Drnggist.
F. H. Andrews, of the Mitplewood
farm is now prepared to supply vegeta
bles, fresh, to any part ol the city, and
orders by telephone will rdcoiye prompt
attention, as be bus telephone connec
tion with eyery part of the city.
The most pleasant little pills for regu
lating the bowels are Da Witt's Little
F. arly Risers. Cure sick headache and
constipation. Small pill, small dose. C.
G. Huntley, Druggist.
A dollar saved is equal to two dollars
earned. Pay up your subsciption to the
Kntkki'hihb and get the the benefit of
the reduction in price.
Ox. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World' Fair Higheat Award.
First and Aldcn. I HARDWARE I Portland, Ori'gon.
North wmiern Agents for
-IMamoud. lane. Occident Tiittlctnoth - liegter Lanre-
Bucklen's Arulca Sulre.
The In-st salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, 1'lcern, Suit Klicutn.
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chaped lis mis,
Chilblains, Corns, ami all Skin F.rnp
lions, and positively cures Piles or no
pay rcijuired. It is gilaiiinteed to give
M'riect eat infliction or money refunded.
For sale bv Chaiinan & Co., Chariiian
Bros Block.
We recotnend Do Witt's Colin anil
I Cholera cure because we believe it to bn
'a sale and reliable remedy. Its good
letted s are shown at mice In cases of
I cholera morbus and similar complaint.
C. G. Huntley, Druggist.
Farmers Attention.
Fisher's flour mill at Logan has la-en
relit ted and is now prepared to turn out
a grade of Hour superior to any even
heretofore manufactured by this Urn;.
Give the mill a trial. Custom grinding
for one-eiglitli. Highest price paid for
wheat. tf
Dr. J. II. Mcl-oan's strengthening
cordial and blood puriller, by its vitaliz
ing properties, will brighten pale diet ks
adil transform a pale, haggard dispirited
woman Into one of sparkling health and
beauty. For sulo by C. G. Huntley,
An Absolute Cure.
Tho Original Abiotine Ointment is
only put up in large two-ounce boxes,
and is an absolute cure for old sores,
burns, wounds, chapped bands and nil
skin eruptions. Will positively cure all
kinds of piles. Ask for the Original
Abietine Ointment. Sold by C. G.
Huntley, at 25 cents tier box by mail
.'JO cents.
Persons who aro subject to duirrhiea
will find a speedy cure in De Witt's
Colic and Cholera cure. Use no other.
It is the best that can be made or that
money can procure. It leaves tho sys
tem in natural condition after itsuso.
We sell it. 0. 0. Huntley Druggist.
De Witt'B Colic anil Cholera cure neyer
disappoint)), never fails to give Imme
diate relief. It cures just as sure as you
take it. C. G. Huntley, Druggist.
moved to Odd r'ollows'toinplcH. W. Cor. 1st
and Alder, Portland, Urcgin.
. ifvr.minet!iePtl'nM h' I
I ollir.4 me wnlmg I r-r-r-i j
ptlirleilrclnl fur tllcO t"'"l"i:u
puuury buniucso. 1
mrclinnlciilly t!ie bfst
vviicci, I'muciH mwci.
We are lMcilic Coi'it
Audits, nirvle citn
logue.mallfd free.givr s
rulldesrrlntlon. nrlem, etc., aophts WAirrrn,
IIuahcu iloiisB, 111 Main bt., Lot Angeles
kiaQTHrsiiti, aaai awn unna .--
x.vuir-. ffd IHIIIA 9MSVi
SV V",v 1
T ' " aT 1 ' '
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"tit gro
- TllB
mil l v
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Jay ai
silver Steel
.. ..lVaifai
-j Dr.
fllce '
Last Juno Dirk Crawford brought liiug, tl
twelve-moitlha-old child, suffering (roir)ipre
infantile diarrlnea, to me. It bud becii
weaned at four months old and bad a) (The
ways been sickly. I gave it the nsti.f1"1
treatment in such case but without hen Ho
ellt. The child kept growing thintii'otar t
until it weighed but little more tlumioiie
when born, or H'rbaps ten pounds, prune
then started the father to giving Chime
lierluin's Colic, Cholera and Pianliu
Heine ly. Before one buttle of the I.",
.iii 1 i.i clean
cent si.e bad been used a marked lui .
OD w l
proveinent was seen and its continue
use cured the child. Its weakness mi'
puuv constitution disappeared and iti jTal
father and myself believe the clnlil'ttnbli
life was snved by this remedy. J.Twcig'
Marlow, M. D., Tamaron, III, For sa!itid v
by (i. A. Harding, Druggist. po.
When occasion demands its use, trj
De Witt's Witch llaxel Salve. It iirema
cooling to burns, stops puin instantly tho n
cleanses, a perfect healer for sculda o!'IrM'
skin eruptions. Always cures piles, ( kept
G. Huntley, Druggist.
Ladies who exH'rieHce a sense of weak
n'HK. and MnlllettmeM lumiitiiiu. fif III.
back, should use Dr. J. IL McIan'iv,lU"
StreiigthcnliigCortliiiland Blood Puriller,."0
it will supply the much needed strength1 ;Ca
and overcome all weakening Irreguluri-csn
ties. For sale by C. G. Huntley. Port
.'l attic
Sunday Services.
HT. I'AITL'B t'llt'licii - Kpiannpal- Itov.Vru,
laaan Dawsiui, Knetiir. Hervlera sill n'nlock
in. and 7::l p. m. Prayer aervlce vcry Weil li
liesiluy ovunttiR. i
Key. J. W. Cowan Pastor. Servlros at 10 KO A.M This
.., n.uu r. m. nuiiiiHjr neiiooi ailer moruum
anrrlce. Piayor meeting Wtidiiosdsyeveiiinc si Bill
S:IX)o,clnrk. Prayer iihtiIiik of Yoiina People, l
j 1'iimimn r.uuuavor every Huuuar i w
evening at 7;K prnil. 1 1
KlltHT llAFTIST (Ml I) Kt.'lt. Ksv. M u"
Kiinii, Pastor Morning Service at ll:Hiiiidsy was
Mfnkfcl at 1'Klfli aViiABtla... u .. . . m
-- - r..imiiiK nurvieo o:!hj; Regular iwl
prayer meeting Wudnusday ovmilng. Mmilhly wllu
Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening In a
nriim.il nt, II... M.. u t ... .... ... i H'
ooniIhI Invitation to all. j last
HT. IflllN'H Climieil n .fn.,1 i. it
Hn.l.KHHANo, Pas:or. (111 Hiindiiy 'inaNsat S ami
10::k a. m. Kverv seeniiil ml I,..,.,!, u i.v
(lermiiii sermon alter the s o'clock hhim.
At all other inasHea Kngllsh serimins. Hnndnv
He tool at 2 :111 r. x. Vespers, apologetics':
n,i,.,-,.in, null neiieuieiioil al 7 ;nu P, M.
ii. n t r ks, rasmr. Morning aervlco at II;
Hiimlny Hchoiil at 10:1m. c1hs meeting after
iimmlng service Kvenlng service at 7:.W.
Kjiwortli l-eiigiif. meeting Hiimlny evening at.
11:1(1: Prnver Mcellnu 'rt.,....i !...
!, - i nun, IMVIIHIV Ml U;.W.
strangers nordliillv Invited.
W Montgomery. ptr, Herviees at 11 a.m. and
7 HO p. m. Hahhatb Hehnol at 10 a.m. young
People s Hnntnty ,,( Chrlstlini Kiuleavnr meets
i every Hiinday evening at fl llll. Wednesday
evening prayer meeting at 7 :au. Heats free.
'Mykhs, Pastor. Preaehmg services everv
Hiiiiday at 11 A. M ami 7:! P. ti.
hiililmlli school every Hiimlny at 10 A. M. (Rev.
Ii.. H",t) w,,ekly frayer Mootlur
t every Wcdliesilay evening
I ItKdllhAK.-KhVfi Ki t V. II. CHI'Rrir-
I morning ,.r nmg at l.i ami 1 1 . u id (y of
. eneh niimth. Hiililmth xeimnl hi 10, A. M. e ioli
, Hibbatn. .1 I). Hn-oi . Hn i
W. H.M.f,AiN, l a.t .r. f
' EVANOKMCAL M.'THKKAN 011111(011-1.. las
. !Y , "tor -Cernian servlcea every Hiinday
at 11 o'cloek A M. Hnglish services at 7:Bn P. ! ,
M Hiinday school at 10 o'clock A. M. Loca-' ' H
tlon: Hlore room ncut door to bakery In Hhlve- till
ley s building, corner of Seventh and Madison ' n
at reets ?
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