Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 05, 1895, Image 3

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    Oregon City hntcrprisc.
Clncknmns Co. Directory.
: lir k ill Cmirla, -HIiorlfT,
MmIiihiI Hili(irllllnuil('lit,
Ciirnuur, '
(tiinliifi K lUy.a
(Inn, K. Ilnriiiti
K.C. Maililui-lt
H. M. lUmnliy
M. I.. Hnnr
J, '. Urn. liny
II. H lllill
I). W Kliiiialnl
H, I, lliilmaii
I Kiel, HI. I Hi'Dll
f Crank Junior
JVI.Y H, Monday-Iti'KnUr inntlily inrrU
iiik Hi" iiouru 01 irmiii.
JULY 00, Wtiiliiiimluv WllluliK'lln Valley
t 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 i. ii k AnHnclitlWiii mnvimra ut
tlliiilnloiiM pnrk lor a aimnlimot Umi iliiva.
Tim Iioho, all nIzi'h at the Itai'kut stunt.
Money to limn un Improved lurnm.
II. Ilttrultur.lt.
Tin ware at t'xlru low price ut the
Itiwkft nturn.
If you witnt a miwiiiK mm-hlne fur
go to Hi'lloiny lliiM'h'a.
We are licinliiiiurU'ra for fruit, nut
ml conflict ioni'ry,
K I''.. Williums, The Groeer.
CO T William ha the burnt bar
guliiM in inside Iota or small tract.
(live the Drt'iion City laundry a trial
and aee bow well the work will auit you.
Mr. F. U. Andrewi, of the Mapluwood
KunloiiH, will deliver vi'nclahlo on Kat
urday in time for Nimduy meal.
Your money w ill bo refunded If CJol
den Went baking powder doi'a not work
eatlnfuetorilv. Ml by K. K. Williams,
the urocer.
Ho! yepleaiture seeker, to Ya'piina
Hay and return for iUX). Good until
Oitolier 10, IHtlS. Tirketa on sale at
dmt, 8. 1'. Co., by I,. II. Moore. tf
Now ia the time to spray furlhecodlin
niolb ana caterpillar. Scbwan A Pulrow
baiidle a aprav pump that la aimple,
ofluctiva and low In price. Call and ex
amine lliem .
A auit of all-wool clothe, made to your
measure and a first i-laim jot) for only $12
ia one of the bargains offered bv (ilaBa A
8myth. Sample! of cloth from winch to
elect from.
F.ly'a Wild Cherry phosphate la a re
freshing Hummer drink and an excellent
tonla for invalid! and children.
E. K. William, the grocer.
Dr. J.W. Norii baa re-opened hi
office upatuir! In the K. I). Kelly build
ing, three doors north of bla lale olllce,
where be can be found toanawerallcalla.
The Racket atore ia the place for
palm leaf fana and keep cool.
How about thono 'i to 5 acre tracta,
near the ChaiitniiiU grounda, at Glad
xtone Park, aome of them phtnted with
prune treea. C. O. T. Williams.
Taken up a atrity horse at Noblitt'i
etuble, Orego'i City, la a bay borne,
weigha IllIK) poiimlit, left bind foot while,
and while in bin face. Una a Hinull bell
on. Hranded "J II" on lei' shoulder
(). E. A. Freytitg docs not proline to
remitin In the rcur of the procession In
the matter ot aupplying the market with
fresh vegetables, anil lim giinivna are
kept in llrt cIiihn condltfon.
There ia one medicine that curias im
mediatelv. We refer to He Witt's Colic
and Cholera cure for all summer com
plainta. No delay, no disappointments
no failure. C. O. Huntley, Druggist.
All singers of Oregon City who intend
to join the chorus at the Chautauipa
Assembly this month are requested to
meet at tho Haptict church on Friday
evening of this week at 7:1)0.
During the month of June the fees
collected and tinned over to the county
treasurer from County Clerk 1 1 or ton's
olllco amounted to KM. The fees from
from the recorder of conveyance's olllce
for the iitme period were $ 100.
Campers at the Chuutumpia aaHomhly
can got their groceries, fruits, etc., at
Portland prices and gmuantced first-class
Articles, 'at Miirr & Robertson's, the
Seventh street grocers. Orders of any
size delivered free at Gladstone.
Travelers Hud a sale companion in Do
Witt's Colic and Cholera cure. A change
in drinking water and in diet often
causes severe and dangerous complaints.
This medicine always cure them. C. O.
Huntley, Druggist
To allay pains, subdue Infhimntion,
boal foul sores and ulcers, the most
prompt and satisfactory results are ob
tained by using that old reliable remedy,
Dr. J. II. McLean'! Volcanic Oil Lini
ment. For sale by C. G. Huntley, drug
gist. Tho A. 0. U. W. lodge at Currinsville
expect to have a big gathering on Satur
day evening, July 1,'tth when Grand
Muster Iiranmn, of Pendleton will bo
with them. A number of workmen from
this city and other lodges In the county
will attend .
Ben Franklin tramped, hungry and
foot-sore, through Philadelphia streets,
with a loaf under one arm and a lot of
brand new ptoyerbs under bis hat. Ono
of Ben's maxims was, "a penny saved is
a penny earnod." You've heard that
before, but no matter; if you will buy
your groceries at V. Harris you will re
alize the force of it.
A Hrf In OicifiMi ( lly That T'inut.
fi It'll hl'l IdllH t'OIIHfMUI Ufl'fl.
l.iitwimii liuit piiHt ohm and it (punier
tn two oYliH'k Hiilurliiv nioriiliiu. Count v
JiiiIko Hayes, who Iihn JiihI Nilurned j '"K eHUhlihiin)iit, werti somewhat duin
mm Portland, uhm HLuinlini on M;.ln UK"d. The contents of 'bo tailor ihop
street, opposite the I'ortlitnd restaurant,
In conversation with Olllcer Ed. Hhaw,
when suddenly their attention was ar
rested by flumes coming out through the
roof towards the rear of the restaurant
building. Both miirtud for the engine
bouse! to turn In the alarm, but Imfon:
the lire bells begun to ring, the building
apparently dry as tinder, quickly gave
away to the fire element and flames
wore soon leaping skyward, Illuminating
the rocky cliff ami the Willamette falls
in the distance.
As the Hook A Luddur Company and
Fountain Hose Company were nearest
the scene of the conllugration, they were
the llrst on the ground, the other hose
compitnii-s following soon after and in a
short time three stream of water were
playing with full force on the burning
buildings. The flume! had iptickly
spread to Wheeliir's confectionery store,
Woodsheds, the wooden Wureroom at the
rear of the Odd-Fellow's two-story brick,
T. A. l'owt's wooiIhIiciI In the rear
of his dwellinir, and the room hack of
(i. A. Harding'! drug -store, ('hint En
gineer Mason was out of the city.
Aiwiritiint Chief Henry Salisbury tjok
charge of the fire department, and
through skillful management and ener
getic wotk on the part of every
fireman, tho city was saved from a
mont dixaMtrous conflsirrailon. For
awhile it looked as though every wooden
building from the Odd-Fellow's brick
toCliarman Brothers flro proof building
would Is swept off the face of the earth,
including T. A. I'omi's residence ami
other dwellings on Water street. The
angry flames binned and roared against
the high brick wall of tho Odd Fellow's
building, as if mad becaimo they could
nut reach over and lap up the wooden
structures standing between there and
the Mimonlc building. A terrific explo
sion waa beard and the water tunk at
tached to the cooking range in the res
taurant was thrown high into the air,
and came down like a thunderbolt strik
ing the brick pavement a the corner of
Bolluiny A Bosch's store and within three
feet of where Postmaster Green and
Al White were standing. The way in
which the tank wus torn and flattened
out, indicated the force of the explosion.
Tbi! was followed by succession of ex
plosions from tlie stock of Fourth of July
fireworks In Wheeler's store, and
women and children ran in terror to get
out of Hjssible danger from explosives.
By this time U. A. Harding bad bis
stock of drugs moved to a place of safety,
The lurniture and slock had alo been
moved from Frederick's tailoring estab
lishment and Wilehart's barber shop.
During all this time the (Ire depart
meiit asnisted by numerous citizens were
using herculean ellorts to prevent the
spread of the Humes and conllne the Ore
to circumscrilied limits. The air wus
still, which proved a point in their favor.
For a time it seemed as if the lire could
not be controlled ; all the available
1 1 oho was in use, and three heavy
streams of water were playing on the
fierce flumes to the best advaiituge; fire
men and citizens were busy in the alley
back of the business houses, doing ev
erything possible to keep the flumes in
check, but apparently without effect, un
til a lot of condemned hose that Street
t-ommiHsioner Hancock hail been using
to flush sewers, was imthered up section
by section and put together. This 300
or 400 feet of discarded hose wits at
tached to the hydrant, and did such ef
fective work that a large part of the bus
iness portion of the city was saved from
destruction. Tho fire which was niak
iug good headway at the rear of Hard
inn's drug store, was extinguished on
short order, and the flames prevented
from spreading to the adjoining build
ings from the seat of the conflagration.
Til E I.OMSK8.
Tho buildings destroyed were owned
Jointly P. F. Morey, N. O. Walden and
(j. A. Harding, and consisted of a one
story building on Main street adjoining
Hie Odd Fellows building, occupied by
L. Ituconich, as a restaurant, and the
other a two-story building adjoining on
the south, was used as a confoctioney
store by C. A. Wheolor, w ho occupied
the lower floor. In the upper stoi v was
Dr. J, W. Noma's office. The burned
buildings were valued at $1,500 and in
sured in the Firemen's Fund for $1,200.
Hucoiiich'8 loss in tho restaurant was
about $1,500, partially covered by pol
icy in the Uoyal of Liverpool of $1,000 in
F. E. Donaldson's agency. Wheeler's
loss in the canfectionery store is estima
ted to be $3,000 on which the London A
Lancashire hold a policy of $1,000
through F. E. Donaldson'B agency. The
damage to the Odd Fellows hall and
building is estimated at $500. The
south brick wall 1b badly cracked and
warped along the upper wall, and on the
Insido the plastering and elegant fresco
ing ia badly defaced in places and the
ante-rooms somewhat damaged. One of
the elegant show windows in the front
of the building is cracked. BurineiHter
& Androsen's lost about $l.r)0 worth of
goods stored in a wood warehouse at the
rear of the store, on which there was no
insurance. Otherwise, the damage to
tho stock in the front of the store from
heat and water was very slight. The
Oild Fellowa building in insured for
$.1,000 in the Coiitimsrititl, r'rniii()d
by C. II. Dye, and the duiiiu to the
hiilldinit will prulmhlr foot up $1000.
The buildings ocituj-ioJ by II. Wilohurt'
tjiirlxir Hliopund Ixinl" Frederick' tailor
were removed to a place of safety, and
mont of the goods were recovered. The
windows in tho Commercial Bank, Wil
son A Cook's store and Farm worth'!
barber shop were cracked, caused by
throwing water on tho heuted glass.
Dr. J. W. Norris lost his library and
efl'iicts, on which there was no insurance
The contents of his olllce could not t -
replaced for less than $500. T. F. Ryun
rushed into the burning building and
saved tho lodger. His olllce was located
upstairs over Wheeler's store. G. A.
Hunting'! stock of drugs received con
siderable damage by removal to and
from the building, and the loss by
breakage, etc., will foot up $300 or f W0.
The tall brick walls of the Odd Fel
lows building have served as a barrier
ugalnst tin) spread of fire on several past
occasions. Only a few month! ago the
Portland restaurant building caught on
fire, and this wall served well in its pur
pose of aiding in the prompt extinguish
ment of the flames. On the morning of
the 10th of January, 1KM5, a fire broke
out in John Schram's harness shop and
destroyed all the buildings Irom the Odd
Fellows brick north to the corner, in
cluding the Masonic frame buildintt.
At that time the city had some misun
derstanding with the water company
and was without a supply of water,
and the firemen were consequently un
able to do anything, but this same wall
of brick saved the buildings further up
Main street. This waa one of the most
disastrous fires that has ever occurred in
Orenon City, but the ever efficient fire
department could have saved tho build
ings bad their been water. E. D.
Kelly carried a stock of general mer
chandise, and his building covered the
entire frontage of the lot where Krause's
shoe store now stands. Dr. Norm's of
fice was upstairs in Kelly's building, but
the contents were saved. Next was
Schram's harness shop where the fire
originated and adjoining in the same
building was the Entkki-bisk office with
II. E. Cross's law office in the front
room. Dr. J. A. White, now of Port
land, was editor and proprietor of the
Entkrpkisk, and Johnny Kelly was
foreman. The contents of the office
were completely destroyed, including
files of the Oregon Spectator, Oregon
Statesman and complete files of the En
tkhi'risk. If. E. Cross also lost his law
library. The Entkkprisk was then is
sued in an abbreviated form for a short
time from a Portland office, until a new
out 'it was secured The Masonic
two-story wooden building stood on the
ground now occupied by the brick struct
ure, and the lower floor was used aa a
furniture store by Wayne Howard.
There was but little if any insurance on
the buildings, and the loss was severely
felt by those who were burned out.
When E. D. Kelly put up his new build
ing it was constructed on a different
plan Irom the old one.
E. D. Kelly and William Wright
prevented Krause Bros' shoe store and
the former's residence from getting on
flro, by industriously brushing the
burning shingles off as they were
thrown from the burning buildings on
the other side of the brick.
In the fire of Saturday morning the
firemen did valiant work amid the in
tense heat, and water was sprayed on
their persons, in order that they
could withstand the unusual heat.
Tho lact was demonstrated that the
fire department needs about five hun
dred feet of new hose and two new carts,
and this additional equipment is abso
lutely necessary for the safefy of the city
from fire ravages.
Some of the firemen woiked in risky
positions and in close proximity to dan
gerous electric wires. One of the fire
men, William Fairchild, fell or was
pushed from a ladder, and fractured
three ribs, but is progressing favorably
towards recovery.
The buildings will probably be rebuilt
with brick and occupied by the same
tenants. Dr. Norris has opened an of
fice upstairs in the Kelly building, and
C. A. Wheeler has opened temporary
quarters noxt door to Albright's butcher
shop. L. Ruconich is anxiously await
ing the erection of a new structure, so
that he can open out in the restaurant
Dusiness again.
It Draws the Crowd.
The Grand Kapids (Mich.) Leader has
this to say of the New Great Syndicate
Shows and Paris Hippodrome which will
exhibited in Oregon City on Monday
July 15: "It was a very largo crowd
attended the circus performance given by
tho New Great Syndicate Shows last
evening, fully 3,000 people occupied
the seats in the main tent and departed
at the close of the entertainment well
satisfied with the exhibition they had
witnessed. The character of the entire
show, from beginning to end, in every
department, is pleasing and above re
proach. It is from start to finish fur be
yond the ordinary circus and in quality
is the peer of any in the land."
That 20 acre tract, level road, 2,'f'
miles out, plenty of running water, only
$('.50. C. O. T. Williams.
Building Notes.
The Sidney Smyth cottage on Eighth
and Buchanan streets, is almost ready
for occupancy. White Bros, have about
completed tho woodwork, and Caila A
Moran are doing the painting.
James Graham has dwelling under
way at Windsor on the West Side.
Ely Brothers are having a neat and
commodious barn erectec at Ely.
Joseph Walton lias let the contract fo
Hcott A Frost for a residence on Molalla
avenue near the Congregational church.
Woik will begin next week.
Gustaf Scbnear, who recently pur-
i chased sixU-en acres on the Jackson
place on Molalla avenue, is getting
lumber from Rrouuhton's mill on the
ground for a dwelling and barn.
The new William's building on Seventh
and Center streets is completed, and the
painters are putting on the finishing
touches. The building will be ready
for occupancy next week, and one of the
lower story rooms will be occupied by
Charles Horn, who recently conducted
a shoe shop on Sixth street. The larger
r-joui will be occupied by J. C, Stewart,
who will carry a stock of cigars, tobacco,
confectionery, etc. Mr. Stewart is a
new arrival from Southern Oregon, and
bis family occupies a cottage on Center
street adjoining the Williams building.
Mrs. N. O. Walden has let the contract
to Wishart A Home for a $!00 residence
at Willamette Falls. Mrs. Walden has
great faith in residence property aa a
paying investment in and around Oregon
City, and Is putting up this buildintt for
Col. R. A. Millei has bis elegant cot
t;;? at Gladstone almost completed, and
it will soon be ready for occupancy.
B. 8. Bellomy moved Wednesday from
Washington and 12th streets to his new
home in Gladstone, where he has com
pleted an elegant cottage.
Every Department of the (Jreat Syndi
cate Allows Superior.
The Emporia (Kansas) Gazette has
the following to say of the Great Syndi
cate Shows and Paris Hippodiome which
is billed to appear in Oreiton City on
Monday July 15: The New Greatsvndi
cate Shows came to town this morning,
and as usual when that popular attrac
tion is advertised the streets were lined
with people at 11 o'clock as the parade
moved down Commercial street. It was
one of the most creditable pageants ever
witnessed in the city, and the crowd all
along the line from Seventh and Third
avenues was amused and interested with
the display,
"The tents were crowded at the pei"
forinance which began at 2 o'clock this
afternoon, and the entertainment showed
a marked improvement over the usual
circus performance. The menagerie was
also very extensive and far superior to
most wild beast exhibitions.
Famished Every Week by the Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Company.
J V, Coate and wife to Anna Coate
Dec 20, '89 W D lot 3, sec 29, 1 1 s
r 2 e 10 acres $ 1
J S Purdom to Max Schulpius June
14, '95 Q C D 30 acres in Swafford
claim in 1 3 s, r 2 e 1
Edward Seol to Chas A Schafer
June 20, '95, W D 38 2-5 acres in
se'i of see 17, t 3 s, r 1 e 558
A A G M tg. I Co to Geo Funk June
7, '95, D, i'2H acres Hector
Campbell claim 1
G B Funk to K E Sloan June 2, '95
S W D 12.s' acres of the Hector
Campbell claim 1
R Livingstone et al to K E Sloan
June 1, '95, Q C D same as last. . 1
D II Deardoff to J M II Deardoff
June 18, '04, W D, 64.14 acres in
nwV4' of sec 6, t 2 8, r 3 e 1000
Win Miller to Mary Kocher et al
June 24,'8l, W D 105 acres in the
John Mark claim 4, 1 e 3300
Jacob Weiss to W Plaff June 12, '95
W D the se.'j ot the n,1 of sec
11, t 4 s, r3 e 40 acres 600
Tbos II Anderson to H and K Koch
June 22 '95 W D of ne, nw.L4'
of 8e!4 and ng of ne, of sw1
and so V of nel4 of sw4 of sec 20,
t 2 s, r 5 e 150 acres 500
Seth Luellinit to Paul Dementher
June 19, '95 W D 1 1-16 acres in
Hector Campbell claim 450
Have your titles examined and a b
stracts made by tho CLACKAMAS AB
STRACT A TRUST CO. who have the
only complete set of abstracts of title of
all land in Clackamas county. Accurate
and reliable work by a responsible firm.
Olllce upstairs in the Cautield building.
W. II. Nelson, who is in the drug bus
iness at Kingville, Mo., has so much
confidence in Chamberlain's Colic, Chol-
ena and Diarrhoea Remedy that he war
rants every bottle and offers to return!
the money to any customer who is not
satisfied after using it. Mr. Nelson
takes no risk in doing this because the
Remedy is a certain cure for the diseases
for which it is intended and he knows it.
It is for aale by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
Ladies hair trimmed in the latest
style at Blotter's barber shop.
Money to loan on good real estate
security by A. S. Dresser.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma.
The . P. Hold-op.
La-it Monday night the north-bound
California express was held up near
Rii'dle station in the Cow creek canyon.
Dynamite was placed under the track
and an explosion frightened the passen
gers, and the air brakes were quickly
applied and the train came to a sudden
halt. While oneortwo live confederates
stood guard, the lone bandit went
through the entire train ransacking the
pockets of every male passenger, and
holding up Mail Clerk Hermann, of this
city and express messenger Ralph M.
Donahue, well known here. From the
registered mails, express car and the
pockets of passengers, it is believed the
bandits cleaned up from $2000 to $4000.
The passengers and crew were more or
less frightened by the dynamite explosion
and the lone highwayman told them if
they resisted his confederates on the out
side would blow the train to atoms.
The Macksbtirg school closed on Fri
day last. Prof. P. L. Coleman, who has
had charge of the school, has given
such satisfaction that be has been en
gaged for the winter term beginning in
September. The attendance has in
creased so during the past year that the
directors are contemplating grading the
school and employing an additional
teacher for the next term.
SHILOH'8 CURE is sold on a guar
antee. It cures Incipient Consumption.
It is the best Cough cure. Only one
cent a dose. 25cts., 50 cts. and $1.00.
For sale by G. A. Harding
I give personal guarantee for the
strength and purity of Golden West
baking powder. Sold at the same price
of other high irrade powders and is made
in Oregon. Try a can.
E. E. Williams, the grocer.
To wear stiff, startched white
sbirt during hot weather, pre
venting all circulation of air
around the body, is both un
comfortable and unhealthy. By
You get perfect comfort, and are
not baked with the heat. We
carry all colors, sizes and styles.
75c to $1.50 Portland prices.
The Gothiers.
Your team will have the best
of care and
Full Measure of Feed
At lhe
City Stables.
Kldd & Williams, Props.,
Buccessora to H. COOke.
Livery Rigs on Short Notice.
Duffy & Heckart
Special care in moving Household
Goods and Pianos.
Prompt work and
Reasonable charges.
Leove orders at
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
All Kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Great Britain and America.
Cive me atrial.
4 !
who takt! the' inreat
way to K tin a beautiful
color and a wholesome
'in will not takt the
cosmetic!, paints and
wdcru winch soon
ure the skin. Sal-
or wrinkled face,
eyej and hollow
cbeeki, together wfth
low sniriU, follow the derangements, irreg
ularities and weaknrsf prcuiiar to the
sex. All women require a tonic and nervine
at aome period of their live. Whether suf
fering; from nervousness, dizziness, faint
nes, displacement of womanly orjrans, ca
tarrhal inflammation of the lining mem
branes, btarinsr-down sensations, or freneral
debility, l)r. I'iercc'i Favorite Prescription
reaches the orijrin of the trouble and cor
rects it. It's a medicine which was discov
ered and used by an eminent physician for
many year in all cat- of ' female com
plaint, " and those painful disorders that
afflict womankind. If womtn are over
worked, run-down, tired or sleepless, if
they are irritable, morbid and suficr from
back-ache, thc-y should turn to the tight
means for a permanent cure. Dr. Pierce'!
Favorite Prescription fiu just such cases,
for it regulates and strengthens the special
functions, builds up and invigorates the en-
tire K-male system.
Mrs. Cob 8. Wn.so. of
CartuU, Sullivan Co., .,
writrn: "I cannot mi y too
much for Dr. t'ierce's Fa
vorite Prencriptii.n. I frel
it my duty to av to atl wo
men whoare suffr ritiif from
any diwane of the litems
that it is the be-it medicine
on earth them to use;
I cannot praise it too hiijli
ly for the eood it did me.
If any one doutiU this, give
them my name and ad
dress." Maa. WrLsoir.
A panwhlet, containing a vast number of
testimonials with reproduced photographs
of those cured and giving full name and
address of each, will be mailed to any ad
dress free : or, Dr. Fierce'! large Treatise
( 168 pages ) profusely illustrated with wood
engravings and colored plates mailed post
j paid on receipt of lo cents in stamps. Ad
I dress, World's Dispensary iledical Associ
ation, uuuajo, a. x.
Vractieal Architects f Builders.
Will prepare plana, elevatloui. working de
t Ua, sod peciflcatlona for all klnda o( build
iDica Special attention given to modern cot
taagea. Eatlmatea (urniabed on application
Call on or addreat WHITE BKOS.,
Oregon City. Oirn
A. B. pteintoj Co.
Hatters and
Corner Flrat and Moniaon SU
Bicycles, Umbrellas,
Guns, Sewing Machines,
And all kinds of small ma
chines put in good order. No
work to difficult to undertake.
Prices reasonable.
Shop on Seventh St., near depot.
Money Loaned.
First Mortgages on Improv
ed Farm Property
We are. prepared to negotiate first
MortfaL'PH 11 non imnrnvpil bmi in
Oregon, with eastern uartit& at a rat a nf
interest not to exceed 9 per cent, per
Morteaees renewed that havn hen
taken by other companies.
Address with stamps,
Mervin Sworts,
Baker City,
Fine Perfnmsrles and Toilet Articles.
Also a full itock of
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
Double and Sinerle Rics. and sail-
die horses always on hand at th
lowest prices. A corrall connected
with the barn for loose stock.
Information regarding any kind or
stock promptly attended to by person of
Horses Bought and Sold.
Horses Boarded and Fed on reason
able terms.
AND -n