A - i .7. v 01! It KOIIIIKKS. Hint Pemoline! of Co. Ket-ord lo lie I'roud of. I-A n Wciliicmluy u( tliU week Co, F, t resilient 0, N, 0. completed nix it um a nillitary ori;uiilr.nti(in, tlio upaiiy, liiiving lieeit orKiilr.eI mul rn in on Juno ill!, IHfM. Lieutenant WuIIh, of Co. K, I'urtlnnil, iiilniiimteroil III una" forty-Novon miHwuroil the o roll-call km limy khhoui tUii in me unty court room in tlio court lioune here tliey were mimlcred into tlio Rtnto't rvlee. Tlio newly formed company limnedl- itely perfmHm ltd orifiinliittlon by dec- tiK Juh 1'. Hliw, captain, K.H. War run, Mt lliuitonant, and T. V. Haniiall 2d uutoiiunt. The fullowinii wore appointed the non-coin mlNMlumtd ofllcora: J. W. (imiiiiiii. liit miruunt, W. T. Whltlock, qimrterinaHtor aerxt.i J. W. O't'onnoll, 2d aiiruoant. F. 8. Kelly, ltd ier(ant. V- K. M. Itauda, 4th sergeant. 8. H. (iroen, Btli aurKcant. M. F. Mit'own. lot vorMral. C. K. Murray, I'd oorioral. II. E. Ktevei), 3d corporal. I). K. Hhnpard, 4th eurocrat. Ham HurroUon lat hinco curooral. John A. Moore, 2d lance corixiral. Chaa. Atlmy, lid lance corporal. A. 11. Hchram 4tlt lance corporal. The private were aa follow: W. T. Davldaon. John V, Stewurt, Frank Crews, (!eo. Fox, T. J. Painter, W. II. II. Huinaon, A. V. (iraliam, John Thoniaa, F. Huroli , T. Olaen, Horace Williams, W. II. Hlackpolo, jC'lia. ltalicoi'k, 5. C. FWdda, John Treuilmtli jr., Chaa. I'ulomon, Henry rSalialmry, Krncut Kami, J, E. IUm ades, JoM'ph (Iteen, J. K. Muma, M. II. KlanniiKn, Geo. Warner, II. II, JohiiHon, J. W. NoUd, J. W. Dmper, F. C. Miller, W. II. Howell A. II. (iralium. C. lliikman 1'iirlim that auuiiiicr and (all the cum pany whI I'dpo'eliaU (or a drill hall and audi latiHlactory proiirem waa made in the nianuel o( arma that the boy a were auon ahle to preaeiil ipiUe a aildierly apjiearancu when on parade. I'upe's hull heitif too small (or their purpose the cuinpatiy In October of that year made a contract with Tlieo. Clarke for the t-roclion of an armory iuildiiiK, A liilildlnit waa liiimediately erected 40x100 feet on Main atrcut near Third by Mr. Clark and leaned to the company. The armory having heroine too Niuall, the company in J una 1H!KI Imd an addition of III) feet made to the lenittli of the build inn. A rominodioiia company loom, dreaaiiiit room and "lore room were par titioned off, leaving a fine drill floor of 40x100 feet. Around the company room, lockera were placed for the use of the men In which to keep their uniforma, etc. A liaudaome cnrut waa placed on the floor and laWe and cuy chair provided. A fine piano waa inalnlled and the tables furniahed, with papcra and mairar.inea, making I lie room a plcaaant reaort where tho men could apend their leaaure time. A Kynuniiiin haa lieen fitted up that la quite complete in lis appointments. It haa proved of ureal value in hi miniat ing leititimnlo athletics uniony the young men of Oregon City as well na a place of amusement for the hoys of the company. Outaide of Portland there are few com paulea In the Btuto that have a better, if so khh1 a drill hull and armory aa Co, F, The exieiiHe of fitting it up and main taining it haa been largely in excess of what la allowed the company by Uie late and county and the liberal inunmr In which the boys have contributed to ward maintaining their armory ia a credit to their enterprise and patriotism. Co. F now numbers fifty-eight men, the company roeter being as follows: F. 8. Kelly, captain. I. . L. Pickens, 1st lieutenunt. Wi A. Huntley, 2d lieutenant. A. Matheaon, 1st sergeant. W. T. Wlililock, qu trturinuHtur sergt., Fred A Motuner, 2d eorgeant. K. A. Smith, 3d sergeant. 15 W Scott, 4th eergennt. C. K, IPckman, 5th eergeant. (ieo. 1). Fancber, 1st corporal. II. K. Jones, 2dcorioral. Geo. L. Cannon, 3d corporal George Pierter, 4th corporal . I'lllVATCB. Clitrence A. Pnrdoio, Jacob Polanx, C. G. Huntley, II.L. Kelly, Jr. John C.Keller, W. E. Lowlhwaite. 8. Lankins, C. U. Murphy, Layfayette Murra, W. G.Muir, Geo. M. Mcllride Halph I). Miller, E. C. Neuman, Jus. V, O'Connoll. J. M. RiiHsell, W. E. Ilottke, Teter Kalier, Isaac Turney, Jacob Aistin. Thos. E. Carrico, Ed. 8. Califf, David Funcher, Fred II. Fuller, Harmon Green, William Gadke, E. H. Hickman; Arthur U. Warner, Wm.II Wiirgins, Geo. 8. Wood, W. A. White, (.mag. L.Gray, J.W.Sulli van, Max Kessalrmg, II. E. McCausland, 0. E McCiuialand, August Zimmerman, J. W. Moflatt, C. U. Wilson, Max Telford, Frank MeCauBland, J, U. Campbell, K. A. Leighton, J. II. Black, Clms. Hutb. C. G. Norbeit. The company' honorary members embrace several of Oregon City'i best known citirens. Tho following is the list: ' 11 E. Rmith, Judge J. W. Moldrum, P. F. Morev, Vr. W. E. Carll, J. P, Lovett, Capt. A. B. Graham. Capt. J. Ganong. As yet aeternn corps has not been organized within the company, but It la tho Intention to do 10 at an early date, there being a number ot in urn hers en titled to such honor. Of the changes that have taken pluce in tho personnel of the company the Kntkh I'Iiisk can only glvo that of the commis sioned olllcur owing to the limited space. Tho first change in tho commissioned olllcers took place In December, 1HIK), when Capt. Jus. P. Hhaw tendered his resignation. It was accepted ami in the following April First Lieutenunt E. H. W'urren was elected captain and J. W. Ganong made 1st lieutenant and T. P. KanUall 2d lieutenant. The next resig nation was that of Capt. E. 8. Warren and in March 1HH2 First Lieutenant Ganong was promoted to the command of the company and T. P. Handull waa mails lit lieutenant and F. 8. Kelly 2d lieutenant. Lieutenant Itandall re signed his commission in May 1H02 and by promotion F. 8. Kelly was raised from 2d to 1st lieutenant and L. L. Pickens made 2d lieutenant. Capt. J. W. Ganong gave up command of the company In April IK' to and Lieutenant Kelly waa given command of the com pany and L. L. Pickens rnude 1st lieu tenant and W, A. Huntley 2d lieutenant. Of Co. F's ex-commanding olllcers Cspta, Shaw ami Gunong now reside In Portland and Capt. Warren resides in Brownsville. Of the two encampments that have been held by the 1st regiment since Co. F waa organized, both have been parti cipated in by the company. At Camp Gibbon, 8t. Helens, held in July, 1801 the company was in camp six day and at Cam p Compson, Gladstone, in Auguat IH'X), ten days were sient in camp. In each of the encampment Co. F took part in all the regimental drill and maneuver and always acquitted itself with credit and proved itself to be the peer of the Portland companies in the number o( men hi line an J In the eflici ency and spirit with which it di charged all duties assigned to lt. Co. F has always without the least reluctance or hesitancy participated in all public parades and galhi'iiiiic held in Oregon City when so requested and always with full ranks. Of the spirit that pervades the memliers of the com pany it may be mentioned that in the late parade held In tliia city in honor of the itate encampment of the G. A. lt. Co. F had forty six men in line out of forty-seven who were In Oregon City the week of the encampment. Tho forty seventh man would have been in the rank had he Wen free to do so, but holding an important position in one of the paper mills was unable to get olTon that day. Tho other men who were not in the ranks were all out of the lit y or they loo would have been in their places in the company, The company has applications in for membership to mora than fill it up to the limit (sixty) now allowed by law. Should the stn' tioard raio the limit to one liutxlrt.. as provided by law Co. F would cxNrience no ditliculty in securing re cruits to bring it up to this new limit. To tie a member of Co. F has always la-en an honor much sought after by the young men of Oregon l ily lor in the selection of recruits the greatest cure has been exercised and no one admitted who would in any manner bring reproach the upon company or lower its standard of manhood. Co. F ia no body of "tin Hnldiera" as some derisively call tho members of the militia, but on the contrary are loyal, patriotic young men who would fall in aa readily to march to the defense of their country aa they do for a parade. Its mom berg are all orderly, wilier, industri ous young men, with nothing of the rowdy or rullian In their makeup and anarchism and dieoiiedienoe to the laws of the country finds little encouragement among I hum. Co. F ia an arganixalion that Oregon Cily may well ho woud of and ita main tainance is a duty that all loyal citizens owe to their country, for the time may come sooner than wedreeni of when the command to "shoulder aims," will mean more than that of going on a pleasure parade. On Monday evening of next week will occur the annual inspection of Co. F, The inspection will be conducted by Gen. Ileebe, commander of the Oregon National Guard. Ho will have with him hi full staffand will he accompanied by Col. Jackson of the regular army, with his staff. Capt. Kelly expects lo have the full strength of his company out on that evening and to l.niko ita military event worthy of the distinguished olllcers that will be present. Th armory will beopcntoviHiiorsouth.it evening and the boys of Co. F will be pleased to welcome their friends, both ladioi and gentlemen ItiMi't T"l I ecu pit Or smoke your life awav, is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Bae, the harmless, guaranteed tobacco hahit cure lhat braces up nicotini.ed nerves, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and man hood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To-Ba3 ia sold by drungists everywhere undor a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free, address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. "Imlependance Day Special." Round trip ticketa sold to all points on the Southern Pacific Co's lineB July 8d and 4th, good until July Oth, at simile fare for the round trip. Chautauqua and the (J range. At the annual convention of the State Grange at Oregon City, May 27th, 28th and 2IH h, Col. Miller in his manner gave an outline the Chautauqua course of study, and general aim and purpose, and invited the grange toco operate with u In the future, and hereafter a day will be set apart to be known as Grange Day at all future assemblies. In re sjionse, the State Grange passed the fol lowing resolutions: Wiikmkas, The Chautauqua assembly 1 an organization originated and con ducted for the puroe of educating the people and, Wiikkbas, The Patron ot Husbandry in their.doclaratlon of purpose declare for higher education. Therefore be it Resolved. Tl at this State Grange i in favor of joining hands with the Chautau qua organization, and request the Wil lamette Valley association to set apart at their annual gathering a day to be called Grange Day. And be it further Resolved, That the subordinate granges be requested to form circles and take advantage of this mode ol educa tion. Resolved, That the Master appoint a standing committee, known as the Chau tauqua committee, to take charge of this part of the work. Tho Master appointed as such com mittee F. A. Miller, of Rollwood; Mrs. .ell 8. Fletcher, of Salem j Mr. Rosa J. Wilson, of Corvallis; Mrs. E. M. Howard, of Mulino, and Mrs, Emma D, Spores, of Mohawk. Lodge otes. At the regular meeting of the Eaetern Star held Tuesday night, degree work was presented, and a most enjoyable social time was had. Mrs. F. A. Holm, of Corvallis, associate grand matron, and Mrs. Miller, of Portland, past grand organist, visited the chapter. Mond.iy night Ucv. Dr. Block of Port land delivered a very interesting and scholarly address lo the members of Multnomah lodge No. 1, A. F. and A. M. Those who heard the address speak of it in the hlglu-Ht terms of praise. The Rebecca Degree lodge will elect oflicors for the ensuing six months at their meeting Friday night. To Spread the F.agle. Oregon City talent is well represented at the various celebrations to be held in the county on the Fourth. Mr. W. V. Austin and Hon. George 0. Rinearson SH-ak at Wright's Springs; A. 8. Dresser will address the people at Viola and Prof. H. S. Strange will deliver the oration at I-ogan. At leep Creek Bnpt. II. 8. Gibson will eak and at at Porter's Cave in the forenoon and at Eagle Creek Falls in the afternoon State Senator Geo, C. Brownell w ill deliver adreases. Each are tulanted speakers and will both please and Interest their bearers. A quiet, but eventful wedding cere mony took place in Canemah Wednes day afternoon at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Bingham. Tlie contracting parties were Charles E. Midlam ami Miss Sylva Stevens, both deseivedly popular young people. Rev. A. J. Montgomery per formed the ceremony in the presence of a few hivited friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mnllaiu now occupy their own cottar at Canemah, w hich was recently cnmple.ted. F. M. Manning, of Clarkea, was in Oregon City Thursday. Mr. Manning in addition to carrying on his farm, operates a tanning and glove factory. Ilia gloves are ail made from bckskin and are tanned by a process that gives them great strength and wearing quali ties. Ho finds ready sale for all ho can make as those wtio use them find them much superior to the Eastern made glove. Mr. Mawuing is a notary public and attends toalllusinessinthatline for Ins neighbors, William Seandlin, a prominent and well-to-do farmer of Beaver Creek, was married in PortJand Tuesday to Mrs. Londegan. Wednesday evening a re ception was tendered the hiippy couple at the residence of George Trailer at Bearvcr Creek, which was a graud affair. The congratulations of many friends are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Scanilin. Mrs. E E. Williams received the Bad intelligence Wednesday of the death on that day, of her mother, Mrs. W. T. Riglan at her home in Dennison, Texas. O .vinir to the long distance and impos sibility of reaching Dennison in time for thd funeral, Mrs. Williams is unable to attend and will not make a trip to her old home for the present. After many changes the Oregou City laundry has at last got into the hands of a firsl-class laundryman. one who ia honest and understands bis business. Geo P. Bradfo'd is now in sole charge and he proposes by good work, reason able prices and promptness, to merit and to secure the laundry work ol Oregon City. G. W.Kidder presented this office with a box of Jucunda strawberries grown on his place at Mt. Pleasant that were fine specimens of that excellent variety. When it conies to strawberries Oregon leads in size and flavor. J. W. Mills, one of the lucky teachers in the Portland Bchools who was re elected aa a teacher, is attendsng the Baptist convention, and kindly furnished the list of delegates in attendance to the FKTKRPaiBC. r J. Ex-Mini Senato worn Deliver the OrationB at ZEIGL-ER PRRK BarloGU, - Oregon JULY 4th, 1895. CRRND Handsomely decorated and convenience for making a and to have a Grand Ball and Fireworks in the Evening. This will be the greatest celebration in Clackamas -county Deputy Sheriff N. M. Moody has been very busy for several days copying oH delinquent tsx rolls, and expects to have it completed by the end of the week. Quite a number of taxpayers have paid in their taxes since the first of the month, taking advantage of the last days of grace. Capt. Newton Graham has moved his family back to Oregon City from Inde lendance. A change in the run of the Altona made Oregon City more con venient to Capt. Graham to be with his family. A Determined Woman, recently knocked down a burgler and held him until the arrival of assistance. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a medicine that checks the frightful inroads of Scrofula, and, if taken in time, arrests the march of Pulmonary Con sumption. . It cures indigestion and desiepsia, chronic diarrhea and similiar ailments. This wonderful medicine has also gained great celebrity ia curiag fever and ague, chills and fever, dumb aguo, and like diseases. Asthma curea oy newly discovered trentment. Address, for free pamphlet, testimonials and references, YVorM's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. A Household Treasure D. W, Fuller, of Canajoharie, N, "Y., says that be aTways keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and his family fias always found the very best results follow Its use; that lie would not lie with out it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeruan, Druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. ting's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best cough remedy; that he lias ased it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do what is claimed of it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles tree at Chnrman 4 Co.'s drug store, Charmiwi Bros, block, ltegular size 50c ami U,M. Wlien occasion demands its use, try De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is coaling to burns, Btops pain instantly, cleanses, a perfect healer for scalds or skin eruptions. Always cures piles. C. G. Huntlev, Druggist. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to the ENTKP.raiHK and get the the benefit of the reduction in price. Milwaukee Newi. Mii.wackkk, June 20. A small blaze, caused by a defective fine, damaged the roof of Theo Hagenberger's residence to the extent of $10 or $15. The tire was speedily extinguished by the aid of bose and force pu nip. Much to the satisfaction of all concerned, the present teachers, Prof. T. J. Gary and Miss Ida Starkweather, were re-engaged to teach the next term of the Milwaukee school. The graduating exercises of the Milwau kee publio schools will beheld In the town ball, beginning at 8 o'clock. The exercises will consist of original compositions by the members ot the class, music by local talent, an address by Dr. J. W. Cowan of Oregou City, and presentation of diplomas by J. 0. Bonnet, chairman of board of directors. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. 1. 1 ft MFhpi PKR7XDE, attractive grounds. Every great crowd comfortable pleasant time. An agreeable Laxative srxj Nmrvi Toina. Bold by Dni(nriFts or sent by maiL 0WM. and $1.00 per package. Samples tree. Tm TTf The Favorite TCITS KXXTt JlVW UUfortbeTeethaadttreath,!ij For sale bv G A. Hardi it, ilri.ggist. W.LBouclas CI CIlrtET 19 THE BEST. Wl WlTWlinTFOI A KINS. CORDOVAN". rRCNcatcKAMUixo cur. 43 5P Fine Cai&Kangarc9. 3.50 P0UCE.3 SOLES. I.?BCYS"SCHCOLSHOEJ. LADIES SEND FOR CATAI flGlIF "r ' ' - ' TM rj n r- ir"p-i tJ Mace Over One Mtllioo People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the beet value for the money. They equal cu(tom shoe in (tyle and fit, Thsfr wearing qualities are unsurnaMci, The price are unllorm, etnmprd en sot. Prom $ to $3 aaved over other make. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by dealers everywhere. Wanted, nuente to take excluelve ante for this vicin ity. Write at once. FOR KSTORIH STR. SARAH DIXON, Will leave Portland, foot of Washington Street, for Astoria, Sunday morning at 7 o'clock; Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday even ings at 7:30 o'clock. RETURNING, leaves Aetoria Mon day morning at 6 o'clock; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings at 6 o'clock FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer 6. W. Shaver, Will leave Portland, foot of Washington Street, for Clatskanie and way landings, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday mornings at 6 o'clock, and return to Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays This the most direct and accessable route to the Nehalem Vally only nine miles from Clatskanie. Shaver Transportation Co. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a per. For first-class, re liable goods hie store is second to none. Try him I mtaO.FOW A CASE IT WILL NOT CURE, j on E it i CHEAPER TO OWN A HOME THAM TO RENT ONE. One to five acre tracts, Cleared, uncleared and some set t'i fruit. Tbit property ad joins the Chautauqua grounds at Gladstone park. It is only 12 minutes walk from the mo tor line, and very desirable. Ten Acres, 4,'j in eiltivation,l slashed, llotiae with 4 rooms. 85 fruit trees now bearing an abund ance of berriea, watered by creek. Good roads to Port-' land and Oregon City. $800. Fifteen Acres, 7 Fenced and cleared. Good spring water. 3 mil from Oretron City. Price, 750. Two-hundred Acres, 100 fenced 15 in cultivation, balance orwn brush land. 2 houxes and 2 barns. r miles from town price, fl6 per acre. Several pieces Of improved residence prop erty, inside. Over 200 lots, inside ami suburban. Price from $75 to -fW. When yon can bnv a lot within a few blocks of your wo' k it is cer tainly wiae to buy one and qnit paying rent. Five Room House to rent; on a level with Mailt street, and near business part of the ctreet. Ten acres on West Side, 1?4 mile" from enepenflion bridge. mile from where land i- wiling at $o00 to $10ft per a re Tliia will be sold at a burgain. Ten acres on West Side, 2)e' miles from suspension- biid 3 acres cleared, small hou-, fine cprinu water, HpUmlid place for ooHrv, Price only $450. Terms easy. This is a Mtap. T&ree Yv:x of Business Prscertj, On .Main street, Oregon City, impr-ived and paying, monthly rental Twenty Acres, Part light brush, balance good ' timber Water by creek. Farm for fruit, vegetable or Poultiy Farm. 1 miles from . town Good Mad. Price only $6o0, part rxeh, balance on long time at ti per cent. Apply to ' C. O. T. WILLIAMS A c ?nrr . . j m ouvereignnemeay wtgn$ Colds, LaGrippe ind all Affections oflheThroat. Chest awl Lungs. 50ds.to122 StNB TOR FRK!H. For sale by C. G. Huntley. SpiaO SoQUinj Powders, For Children Cutting their Teeth. IN USE OVER 'FIFTY YEARS. tellto ftotrlsh Heat, prtotnt fits. CommlsloH. tni. prtstrv a atiy ttat of tht constitution . . luring th period of teething. EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA ROUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. of Mm. Sou.ti I i Worth. 616 r. a. Lv Portland Ar 8:20 A. a 7:ltip.n. Lt Otoeod t.'ity Lt 7:19a. a. IO a.m. 1 Ar 8. PrHiiotgco Lt 7:00 r. DINING CARS ON OGDEN KOUTK. Pullman Buff t Sleepers AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attached tn all through trains. ROSEBUHG MAIL (Dalln 'J 4:30 a. M. I Lt 9:81 a. M. Lt 6:50 p.m. Ar Portland Ar 4:30r. Oregon City Lt jSiSr. Kiwebiirn Lv 7:00a. West Side Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVAUJS Mall Train, Dally (Except Suudar.l 7:S0a.m. I Lt Portland Ar 5:Kftr. 12:1ft P, M. Ar Corvallis Lt l.OUr.t At Albany and "orvalll connect with train of Oreiton and Pacific Railroad. Expreat Train Daily (Except Sunday) 4:40 P.M. I 7:25 P. M. I Lt Ar Portland Ar 8:2SA. a McMinnville Lt I 6:50 a. a THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE EASTERN 8TATE8, CANADA AND EUROPE Can be obtained at lowest rates from L. B Moore, Agent, Oregon City. R.K0EHLER, Manager. B P. ROGERS. An't G. F. u Pass. Af eat