Oregon City tntcrprisc. FRIDAY, JUNK 7, 1kii5. ' . .. -a rJlucknrmis Co. Directory. COUNTY OKKICKIIH, 3)1 tin, C urli ul Courts, HhtirllT, Trna.umr, A sswi.iir, Huhiuil Nuirliiluilniil, Hurvnyor, t'orouur, Omiiilsaliiuers, (iiirilim K. Ilayne Hull. K. HfTlnli K. '. Mail dock H. M Itiimnliy M I,. Mnnrr J.C. Bradley II. H (llh.on I). W Klnualrd It. I.. Ilolllisll I Klchard Hnutl I frank JauKsr II ATM TO KKMKHIIKU. Jt'NK I ft, Hiitiirdiiv (Mm kiiniim Count v Teachers' Association incuts til Central I'liinl school tioiino. Jl'NK III, VVriliirsilay-Ornml Army of the lli'imlillr, Women' Keller Corps, Hum if Veteran mill ladies' A I ' I SiK'li'ly liulil slniu riiciiiiiiiiifiit Hi (iri'Kiiii I'lly, limlliilt llirr" ilnv. J('I,Y l,'riiiirilBy-l,"oiirlliiil July. Places of IiiiMIiik I'"' vnrliiu eeliihriilliin in Clackamas county nn null nicil mn'iil In, Jl'I.Y 10, Wednesday-Wlllnmi'liM ViiMiw ( 'li M ut uti it w Association iiiiivttiit' Hi tiliolnlonr pnik lor ni'imlun nl ton days. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. Wool witiilcil at Cliuriuun A Sun's HI urn, Mutiny to loan on Improved farm". YV. II. HiirKliur.lt. Wanted, Iiki hIiohU-h. Aililrctm Cliff Farm, Canity, (r. lino. Straw IiiiIk (if nil ulyln, color, Hir.cn nil pric hi Mi oil y A Kini'arson a, Wanii'd, clcmi whita cotton ratf at tlio Kntkki'iiikk olllrH. 5 cent pur pound. (iovcriior liril on lust Hiititnly coin tnlwiioiicd ('. J. Cnrrin, of Curriimvllln, notary public. Onltir Itifl ut Frank Harlow' Horn, fur 4 foot or lltiiii'li wood, promptly llllcl l.y K. I'mltur. Mr. F. K. Andrew, of the MupWood tiitrdcint, will ilnlivcr vi'Ki'Ulili'H on Sat urday in time for Sunday incitl. I il you ever licur of the like? Sitlrm ami ivliirn next Sunday on line excur sion train fur only )t Mm M. K. Koliliin wuh appointed poliiii"lri'"H ut Orville In tliia county, last Saturday, by tlie KiNtiiuiHtur general. Noble I lentil, aitaialuiit mipurintendcnt of tliu Crown patu-r mill", in moving into Die K. M. Kami Iioiiw, at tlin corner of lllth anil li'trnrHon atrcet. Now In Hid time for fanning straw licrrlm. Tlin price ih low enoiitili and tlio Iterry at H Im-hI. Send u your order. K. K. William, tlie grocer. Now In the time to apray for llie eodlin tnolli ami caterpillar, Sebwan A I'utrow bundle a npriiv pump tliut la ainiplo, directive and low in price. Cull anil ex amine llicm A "nil of all-wool clotlicH inude lo your meamire ami a flrat claim joli for only $12 la one of tlio lmrKiiint) oflcrcil by (ilim A Smytli, Sample of clolli from winch to aelect from. Tun liomi, Hhelf paiier, new line of liuliea' Niiinmer underwear, boy's Blraw data, alao a full line of Kent's mimincr nmlerwuar, Indies' silk miltH JiihI arrived at Ilia Kackct Mtore. Wiae l lie, who buy property when no one eUe la buying, hccuUHe lie can then buy cheap. C. O. T. Williams can fit you out on eaxy Icrnm. 0. E. A. Freytuu (Ioch not proHio to remain In the rear of the prixveMion in the mutter ol supplying the market with froxli veKctublim, and Iiia Hardens are kept in flrat cIhhn condiifon. There Is one medicine that cures im mediately. We refer to Pe Witt's Colic ami Clialera cure for all summer com plaiiila. No deluy, no disappointments no fuilure. C. O. Huntley, Pruim. The Conductor's excursion to Silverton last year wub a grand auccess, but it "won't be in It" with the one they give to Salem next Sunday. Don't forget the late, June (lib and only $1 round, trip. The West Side now boasts of a meat market in succesHful operation. The proprietors are Mr, Munch and John Huetler, who recently erected a new building for this purpose. A meeting wilt be held at Maple Lane ochool bouse Saturday evening at 8 o'clock for the pnrposo of organizing a cenielety asxoclution at that place. All interested in this are requested to tie presont. "Farmer Hayseed" has just arrived from "tbo East" and is preparing the most marvelous diHplay of vegetublus ever aeen on this Coast, which he will exhibit Botne time in June, at Shivoly'e. Lookout for future notices. tf Joseph Walton, of Elyvillo bus lot the contract for the erection of a now dwelling to Messrs. Scott A Front. The building will be 14x10 one and one-lmlf stories high, with an ell 12x22. Mr. Walton will remove to his new residence "Vhon tbo same is completed. Ben Frntikliri tramped, hungry and foot-soro, through riiiladelphia streets, with a loaf under one arm und a lot of brand new piovorbs under his hat. One of Bon's maxims was, "a penny saved is penny earned." You've heard that before, but no matter ; if you will buy your groceries at V. Harris' you will re alize the force of it. CITY I.KtilHI.A I I'ltK. A l.he NikhIoii mill I liu Council Clninbcr l lll 'd VMi npi't'liiti i'N. Thn city council nxNiiiiibled in regnliir Ni'MHion Wcdni'Miliiy evening wild Mayor Slrulght In the cluiir, and there were present Kecorilnr Fonts, Chief of l'olice Hums, City l'mm-culur Drlggs and all the members of the council except Mel drum. There was a certain portentous lair around the council cliHinlier that foretold an exciting pension, and a con llict of ihscordunl Interests and opinions. A Nilitlon was read from II. Weinliard unking that Eighth street along Ills prop erly he Improved, which was referred to the coniiuiltce on streets mid public property, I), V. Kiiinulrd tendered his resigna tion us city engineer, which whs ac cepted, and II. II. Johnson elected to llll tlio vacancy. Bills were allowed aggregating fj.2!l. Ordinances against throwing broken glass, nails and paper on streets or side walks; splitting wood on siilewulks, anil feeding animals on Improved streets, each wen) read a third time and passed as ulsi) were the ordinances providing for rebates on 1'ilih and Main strceet as sessment. On motion the committee on fire ami water were ordeied lo purchase four new hydrunts, C. ll.Caulleld was re-elected a mem ber of the water comiuisHion for a term of three yeuis. On motion Hit warrant for ths collec tion of lbs luliniiicut Main street as sessment whs called in and a new war rant ordered Issued and the prosrlv ad vertised lo Is) sold. The matter of the sixty per cent of the road taxes collected in the city, and now ln the hands of the county treasurer, was brought up for discussion, as to whether the county court intended to turn Ibis amount over to the city, or appropriate it on the county roads. Mention was made of the fact that the Singer hill road needed rcpaiing badly, and that It wus considered a county road and not a street although it connected two streets. On motion a committee of three was ai isiiuted by the mayor, consisting of I'orler, Brougblon and Stevens to con sult with the county court as to what they intended lotto in the premises. A motion was made ami seconded tliut the ollies of city prosecutor lie declared vacant on account of I he incompetency of the incumbent. The mayor did not think that the council had the right to declare an oll'u e vacant without giving the incumbent a trial. The city prose cutor arose and demanded a trial in due form, und that the recorder make note nf that fact, which was so ordered. The motion was then so amended and carried that the city prosecutor be asked to resign. A motion was also made and carried thai the city recorder he asked to resign. A motion was then made by l'orter and seconded by Mollltt, thai the city prosecutor and city recorder be asked to tender their resignation ut once, Cooke wauled the time extended until the next special nieeling for thee otilcisls to hand in their resignation, but the original motion carried As neither of the ofllciula seemed in clined to Iih ml in their resignations, motion carried that thn city prosecutor be removed from olllce. Finally a motion prevailed over move to remove the recorder from oMice, to proceed to elect a recorder. T. F. Uyan, T. W. Fouls and J. M. Lawrence were placed in nomination, and six bal lots with vsiying results, failed to give either candidate a majority. On motion the council adjourned. Thursday morning Mayor Straight re appointed K. F. PriggB to the position of city prosecutor, and says he ( Drigits) shall bold the olllce of as long as he re mains mayor. Henry Meldrum and 'Fish Commis sioner Heed started for the site of the proposed fish hatchery toward the source of the Clackamas Wednesday morning. Mr. Meldrum will suierinteml the pack ing of supplies over the trail to the scene of operations, and a force of men are already on hand to begin the work of whip sawing lumber for the building, etc. Two racks will he placed in position at once in order to catch the spring run of salmon. By next fall it is intended to have buildings completed, a road made into the new hatchery, and everything connected with the plant in complete working order. The expensegof the new hatchery will be borne by the Columbia river cunnerymen who have provided a fund for this purpose. Mr. P. Wiley, ex-postmaster, Black Creek, N. Y., was so badly allliclcd with rheumatism that he was only able to hobble around with canes, ami even then it canned him great pain. After using Chamberlain's Tain Balm he was so much improved that ho threw- away his car.es. Ho Buys this liniment did him more good than all other medicines and treatment put together. For sale at 50 cents per bottle by (ieo. A. Harding, druggist. Do Witt's Colic and Cholera cure never disappoints, never fails to give imme diate relief. It cures just as sure as you take it. C. 0. Huntley, Druggist. SHILOH'8 CUKE, the great Cough and Croup Cure, is" in great demand. Pocket she contains twenty-five doses only 25c. Children love it. For Bale by G. A. Harding. A case wan brought Into Judge Dixon's court last Saturday, that It would have been belter for all parties concerned, if the matter hud never been made public. !,. Shannon, a highly respected citlen of Cauemali, and an employe of the Wil lamette l'lilp A Paper Company, was ar raigned on a charge of milking indecent proposals to Miss Jessie Bowers, also of Cauemali. The offense Is alleged to have been committed last January. A number of reputable witnesses testi fied to the good character of the accused, and bis friends declare that ho is incapa ble of such actions. Shannon was bound over to appear before the grand Jury In the sum of $I(X), Messrs. Hedges and (irillith HpiN-ared for the defendant and L. L. Porter for the state. Children's Day w ill Ihi approprirtely oliservcd ut the Presbyterian church next Sabbath. Sa-cial exercises by ami for the children have been prepared foi (lis Sabbath school hour, 10 to II a. in. The morning preaching seivlces will be given over lo the children also. Tne pastor will preach a sermon lo th:i little ones. At .') p. in. theexereiHCHcomiecteil with the prexentutien of the diplomas to llie Junior Endeavorers, who have fin ished their course of study w ill be held. Ib giilar preaching service at R In the evening. The public is invited lo all these seruices. County Commissioner Frank Juggar, while coining lo town Tuesday afternoon in the woods near Beaver creek en countered a highwayman, whopiescnted a revolver and demanded money. Mr. Jaggur jumped to the ground and whipped up his team. The robla-r fired one shot wild, ami lwfore he could make further demonstrations, "Uncle" Billy Vsughan, going to his home in Mulalla, came into view and the highwayman lied. The would-be robber hsd a gunny sack over his head for a iiiaak. and there is no clue to his identity. Mr. Yaughan observed where the bullet struck the dust in the road. A called meeting of the presbytery ol the Cumlierland Presbyterian church, held at Silverton Mav 24, officially dis missed from the church without recom mendation Hev. E. T. Ingle, who is well known in this city. The charges against him were bused on a transcript of a meeting of the Portland presbytery, accusing him of a domineering snirit, and indiscreet association with women. Hev. Ingle wus at one time pastor of the Presbyterian church in Oregon City and afterward resided in Kant Portland for soms time. He was in the Presbyterian church seven years before be joined the Cumberland Presbvterisn church. Hev. W. II. McLain, pastor of the I'nited Brethren church in this city, Icll Monday for Lowell, Lane county, and from '.here goes to Monroe,' where be will join bis w ife w ho has been w ith her invalid mother (or some time past. On June Huh, he will attend the U. B conference at I'liilo.i.ath, and does not know where he will be stationed, as the rule of the conference is not to permit a minister to remain longer than two years in one place. Hev. McLain bis filled the duties of pastor very acceptably to his congregation, and has looked after two church organisations and four appoint ments during his two yean) passed as pastor of the charge. The basement of the Baptist church was prettv well filled last Thursday even ing to witness llie competive drill of the boy's brigade, who have been under the careful training of Erastus Smith of Company F for several months. Sixteen boys entered the competitive drill and all displayed marked efficiency as they wont through the prescribed manual of arms and various military evolutions. Sergeant W. II. Beach won the prise for the second time. The judges were Capt. F. S. Kelly, Lientensnts Pickens and Huntley of Company F, 0 N. G. After the very interesting exercises re freshments were served, and the sum of f 12 was netted. F'or a better or more pleasant remedy for the cure of consumption, bronchial troubles, cough, croup and whooping cough than Santa Abie, the California king of consumption. Every bottle war ranted. If you would be cured of that disgusting disease, catarrh, use Califor nia Cat-K-Cure. fl a jar; by mail $1.10. Santa Abie and Cat-R-curn are sold and warranted by C. O. Huntley. Trial size 50 cents. Children's Day services at the Congre gational church next Sunday both morn ing and evening. In the morning joint sreyices of church and Sunday school with presentation of award of merit for the year, and other special features. Music by a children's choir. In the evening a Sunday school Children's day concert will occupy the hour. Travelers find a safe companion in De Witt's Colic and Cholera cure. A change in drinking water and in diet often causes severe and dangerous complaints. This medicine always cure them. C. G. Huntley, Druggist. The Kerinesse. The best ton-cent cigar on earth. Sold for five. E. E. Williams, the grocer. To allay pains, subdue inflatnation, heal foul sores and ulcers, the most prompt and satisfactory results are ob tained by using that old reliable remedy, Dr. J. H. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Transportation Mote. The steamer Toledo, commenced on Monday lust to make regular laily .".'iind trips between Dayton and Portland. The Toledo leaves Duyton down the river for Portland and wav points at 5 o'clock in the morning, and reach,-- Oregon Cily st (I or 10 o'clock and Portland alxjut 11. Heturnlng the boat lesvcs Portland at 2:.'i0, arriving hack to Dayton on the same evening. The steamer Altoiia in addition to making the fastest time of any boat on the Willamette, has demonstrated the I net that she burns less wood per mile than any other boat on the river. The Altona left Portland last Friday after noon at 3 o'clock and made Albany that evening. Saturday morning she came buck to Independance and made two round trips during the day to Salem, and left Independence at 12 o'clock, midnight for Portland arriving there in the morn ing. At 11 o'clock Sunday she left Portland on her return trip (o Inde pendence, making 421) miles covered in these trips, and during all this rust ling under a beayy loud of steam, only burned 12 cords of wood. The Altona is doing her share of businesB on the river, and she is the fastest and most pleasant passenger boat on the Willamette. The Shaver brothers are well known to the traveling nublic as among the most obliging steamboat men on the lower Will amette and Columbia rivers. Their elegant steamer, Surah Dixon no leaves Portland for Astoria and way points at 8.30 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and at 7:30 on Sunday mornings. She makes close connection at Astoria with all seaside points, and has the de cided adt.iitage of low rates of fare, and the meals served are of excellent quality and the rates are most reasonable. 1 he Surah Dixon hasall the comfortsof home and swell known resident of Oregon Cily savs that he can sleep better, and ride easier, than on any other night boat. Those who have pat ronised this boat once, always ride again on the first opportunity. The Shaver boys know how to treat their patrons, and make everybody feel at home on their boats. The 0. H. & N. Company now run an observation car on tht'r Portland and The Dulles local train. This train makes round trips daily, and the car is provided with comfortable revolving arm cl sirs, and the sides of the car are so constructed that they can be thrown open, thus af fording an unobstructed view of the magnificent scenery along the road. The Dalles train leaves Portland at 8:10 in the morning, affording close connec tion with the Southern Pacific north bound overland, and giving Oregon City people an opportunity to take the South ern Pacific for Portland and go aboard the O. H, A N. train and take a run up to The Dalles, where they w ill have two hours before the train returns to Portland. Arriving at Port land on the return trip the train makes clone connection with the Southern Pa cific overl.nnd for Oregon City. At The Dalles one gets a view of the lower dalles in the Columbia, and the city has some scenic views and many points of historic interest. The trains stop at Mult nomah falls, the waters of which have a clear fall of over 800 feet, and other points of interest along the route. There are numerous places along the line of the road in the great Cascade canyon where it would bs pleas ant to spend a few hours, especially where one can make tl.e mund trip in one day, without much loss of time. The scenery is grand along the road with falls at different points hundreds of feet in height, with the small silvery streams of water pouring over great precipices, the great Oueonta gorge, cragged rocks and rock columns that ntand alone like great sentinels guarding the railway. Here is an oprortunity to see the great Cascade lockB and the most picturesque scenery in Oregon. The O. It. & N. Co. now gives special excursion rates to these points of interest, thus affording an ex, cellent opportunity to go on excursions to these places. An Entertain meut. There will be a musical and literary entertainment given in the M. E. church next Monday evening, June 10. The fol lowing program will be rendered with some additions. Ice cream and cuke will be served Admission 10 cents : Organ Voluntary Vocal solo, Mrs. Sadie White Recitation, Mrs. Jennie Pierce Vocal Solo Miss Wakefield Recitation, Gracie Green Song Boylan Boys Vocal Trio, Mrs. White, Mr. Askin and Mr. Morrison. Recitation, .Grant Olds Vocal Solo Mr. F. II . Morrison Recitation, Miss Goldke Vocal .-hjIo Mr. Askin Vocal Quartet, Misses Younger, Miss Dutcher, Mrs. Dooliitle. Vocal solo, Mr. C. A. Miller ANTIFEUMEiNTINE Preserves all kinds of fruit without cooking, and retains their natural flavor. 25 cents per package. II. E. Williams, the Grocer. Many suffer from irritation of the kiilney and bladder without knowing what U tlie matter with them. Dr. J. II. McLean's liver and kidney balui will aive reliof. For sale by C. i. Huntlev, druggist. A KNIFE fn lh hnnd of fniraetm (Cvit yr m fct-ling irflvjr T'tT wkI drf-nil. There i do IfiM-T mccity for ft uw in nm ny uiwuhtr form- A i i; 1'xniu'ii iikui SUif T X I 1mjuI culling, Ci'. Th- rrilimni. n CotiHOTative Surgery In wM1 nititrtM !jt th fact that LVI1PTUPP " li reach, j now tadicmtlf MritlxUcjrffi without the knife and without pain. Clumpy, chuntiff tniMm can be thrtwn nwny I Thry nrvrrenri' hut often induce biflamtnnflon. utranvtiUtion mini death. TIIMflDC Ovarian. Film. ( tterine) ami I UiTlVSIjf tnany othrm, are now removed without th peril of cutting operation. P F TIIMOIN "owever Urge. Pia- of the lower howel, are permanently cured with out pain or renort to the knife, CTf iV'C in the Jil.xUitr. no matter how larye. tJlliL crU(,),,( pulverized, washed out tnfi pTfertly ff moved without cutting. TWICTIIRF of rmry I'awwge fa alto tJl IXIVI UIYL rrtnovcil without cutting in h und re la of cae. For pamphlet, reference and all particular, nend 10 ct-uu (in lamps to USi.rl.l'a li;klu.H..,n H ... li,-.. 1 A i,.li,. mam mrcei, uuuaiu, n. MOTHERS and tbime soon to bfcome mothers, honkl know th.it Ir. I'ierw ' I'avorite Pri-srriplion rubs childbirth of its tor turri, terrors and dangers to both mother and child, by aiilint nature in pre- Faring the syitem or parturition. Thereby "labor" and the period of confinement arc greatly shortened. It also promotes the secretion of an abundance of nourishment for the child. Mrs. Doha A. Crmsnt. of OaHrr. Ovntan C:, Ten., wrilrt : " When I begnit U limit Dr. Pierce'i Favorite Pncriptlnn. I wn not atile to Und on my feet wit bom Miffrrinir alnxnt ik-ath. Now I do all my hounrwork, waftliinff, cooking, tewing and everything for my family of eight. I am il outer now than t have been in ail yenrn. Your ' Favorite Pmcription ' ia the hem to take before confinemert. or at least it proved to with me. 1 never fluttered to little- with any of my children aa 1 did with my laat." attracts universal attention. The same ia also true ot a hanilninie hat or bonnet, All heaiity i ileal roved unless the face and heaililress harmonize we understand the art. Our ntotk of millinary is com pleteall the latest designs. No trouble to show you our troods. Price to suit the times e meet Portland com oetion. A Hand some Face. Roberts & Hamilton,; Opposite t'liarman A Co., j I)ni? Store. j HOT DAY SHIRTS. To wear a stiff, startched white shirt during hot weather, pre venting all circulation of air around the body, is both un comfortable and unhealthy. By wearing A Negligee Shirt You get perfect comfort, and are not baked with the heat. We carry all colors, siies and Btyles. 75c to $1.50 Portland prices. Glass & Smith, The Clothiers. A. B. j&einbaclj Co. POPULAR ONE PRICE Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. Corner First and Morrison Stt, PORTLAND, - ORECON. Money Loaned. First Mortgages on Improv ed Farm Property Negotiated. We are prepared to negotiate first Morgans upon improved farms in Oregon, with eastern parties at a rate of interest not to exceed i) per cent, per annum. Mortgages renewed that have been taken by other companies. Address with stamps, Mervin Sworts, Baker City, - Oregon. FOR tsstorih: Ah-il3r-K m STRSARAhT DIXON, Will leave Portland, foot of WaKhinKton Street, for Aftoria. I Sunday morning at 7 o'clork; Mon day, Wednesday, and friday even int'H at 7:.''.0 o'clock. ItKTUKXIXG, leaves Aatoria Mon day morning at C o'clock; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings at (5 o'clock FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, Will leavo Portland, foot of Washington Street, for Clatskanie jand way landings, Monday, Wed nesday and rridny mornings at 6 o'clock, and return to Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays This the most direct and accessable (route to the Nehalem Vally only (nine miles from Clatskanie. Shaver Transportation Co. H. W. JACKSON. I Bicycles. Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, i And all kinds of small ma ! chines put in good order. No : work to dillicult to undertake, i Prices reasonable. Shop on Seventh St., near depot. NEW ENGLAND ARBLE & liRANITE ORKS CALVIN H. WEEKS, - Prop. Wholesale and Ketall dealers In line Monumental Wort ana HiiDorM Statnarr. Do not order monumental work until you obtain our prices You will tlud for good work our charge are always the low est If any work is wanted iu our line, please drp us a c.rd, aud we will call withde- sinus and prices, Saeond and Third Stpea t4til Cava Paaa Oun Salesrooms. 720 Prout Street, Opposite the Faillug School Portland Oregon. Sunday Services. 8T. PAUL'S CHl'KCH - Kpiscopal - Rer. Isaac Dawson. Kector. Service, sill o'clock a. m. aud :JU p. in. prayer aervlce ivery Wed nesday evening. F1KBT CONGREGATIONAL CHCKCH. Rev. J. W.Cowau Pastor. Services at 10 JO a. if. and 8:00 p. M. Sunday 8chool after morning service. Piayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8:00o,clock. Prayer meeting of Young People,! Society of Chrlnlan Kndeavor every Sunday evening at 7:0t prompt FIRST BAPTIST CHlrtCH. Rgv. M L. Rl iifl, Pastor Morning Service at 11: Sunday School at 12-15; Kvening Service :;!; Regular prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Monthly Covenant Meeting every Wednesday evening preceding the first Sunday in the mouth. A eurnial Invitation to all. 8T. JOHN'S CIH'RCH CATH0L1C.-RT. A. Hillibrand, Pss'.or. On Sunday mass at 8 and 10:30 a. K. Every second aud fourth Sunday German sermon after the 8 o'clock masa At all other masses Englinh sermons. Similar School at i:i p. a. Vesiers, apologetical ubiecta,and Benediction at 7:30 p. a. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHtTRCH. RT O. Sykes, Pastor. Morning service at 11: Sunday School at 10:00. Clisa meeting after morning service. Evening service at 7:30. Epwnrth League meetiug Suuday evening at 8.30: Prayer Meeting Thursday evening at 6:30. strangera cordiallr invited. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rav. J. W. Moutgomcrv, Pastor. Services at 11 a. u. and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath School at 10 a. h. Young People's Soc'.ety of Christtau Endeavor meet every Sunday evening at 8:30. Wednesday evening prayer meeting at 7:30. Seats free. EVANG'JIJCALCIfUSCH GERMAN R. T. Myers, Pastor. Preaching services everr Sunday at 11 A. M aud 7:30 P. M. Sabbath school every Sunday at 10 A. M. (Rev. P. Bott. Snpt.) Weekly Prayer Meetinf every Wednesday evening KEGl'LVR VI. E- I' V. I'. CIII'HCH mor.i.Ktf mi I .-v n. ig of t.. up 1 3 u d y of ich month, S.ib- 1 -cm il at 10. A, A. etch Sibbaln. J D. S - , n i. W. H. M'-Luv, i'a-i r. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHL'kCH L. Gkey, Pastor German services every Sunday at 11 o'clock A M. Kuglish services at 7:30 P. M Suuday school at 10 o'clock A. M. Loca tion: Store room next door to bakery In Shlve ley'sbnlldtug, corner of Seveulh aud Madison streets CAS I OBTAIN A PATENT f For ft Rromnt answer and an honest opinion, write to I INN A: CO., who hare bad nearly fifty years' experience In the patent buatneM. Commnnlcs tlona strictly confidential. A II und book ot In formation concerning Patrnta and bow to ob tain tbera sent free. Also a catalogue ot mechao teal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken tbroueh Munn A Co. receive special notice in the Mrtentlflc America it, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the Inventor. This sulendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the laryest circulation of any scientific work In the world. 83 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Rdltion, monthly, flaua year. Hlngle copies, cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest deslirns and secure contracts. Address MUNN CO. Mtw Youk, 3 til BiiuauwaT. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN TUB BRIDGE AND DEPOT Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at th lowest prices. A corrall connected -with the barn for loose stock. Information rei;arcline any kind or stock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Boueht and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason able terms. AND pi 861161 COPYRIGHTS,