CLACKAMAS COUNTY IHK ESTERFRISE rORRESl'OSW EXTS SWEEP THE FIELD. Trouble at the Barlow Road Toll Gate as Some of the Travelers lie fuse to Pay Toll Salmon, June l.-A. J. Odell hat been having trouble lately with wolves. On one night he hail four sheep killed by them, ami trap was set, but they were too cunning to get caught by it and visited the calf pen instead, killing a young calf. It is the heep which attracts them. J. T. Weckert, who lost his house bv fire, moved down t& Sherwood, in Washington county, having concluded not to rebuild for the present. II. S. Campbell has moved to the Summit for the summer. Snow is nearly gone over the road and travel beeun. J. Baty lias moved to the toll gate Tor the summer, but may not stay. They are hav ing trouble at the toll gate. Travelers in sist that the road company have no right to collect toll, as they are only under a cor poration, and have not bought any right of way and are also on government reserve, and refuse to pay. Pboukkss. DISASTROUS riBE. A Conft.igratioa Destroys Some of the Principal Basinets Honset at Sherwood. Shxrwoop, June 3. "Old Sol" has made his appearance once more alter being hidden behind clouds for so long. It seems good to see his smiling countenance again. The rains of the past few days have been a great benefit to the farmers. Hops in this vicinity are looking well, only a trifle uneven perhaps. Fall grain is generally looking well with the exception that a few fields of wheat sowed on low ground are turning yellow from the etlect of the recent rains. C. 0. Riesner, Henry Beavert and T. H. II. Baker started for the mines in Idaho, Wednesday the 20th. Enen Johnson, Harry Sterret.Ed. Meeks, Bert West, Frank West and Mike Riesner left Sberwood for Anaconda, Montana, not long since. The last report heard from the boys they were all at work. Jim Anderson and wife moved to Xew berg recently. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson will miss their cheery presence. The Portland Pressed Brick Company is expecting to resume operations at their place soon. They are at present putting in large plastic machine with a capacity of 28,000 brick per day It looks as if we may have a little life amongst us again. D. C. Her is expecting to build a new bop lioutse this summer. Wm. Scott has just finished putting a new shingle roof on his barn. W. C. Heater will build a hop bouse this summer. O. B. Fisher and family will move to Woodburn this week. Memorial day was observed at the Pleas ant Hill cemetery. A large crowd was present, but the rain dampened every one's spirits so the exercises were cut short. Messrs. Atkinson and Gritlith will hold a series of meetings at Hood View soon. We wish them success in their good work. An interesting law suit took place at the justice court of district No. 1, on Saturday the 1st. 8. A. Coinstock plaintill vs. N. Johnson and Mat Jacobson defendants, to recover $18.80 damage, was decided by our able justice, Nelson McConnell, in favor of the plaintiff S. A. Comstock. E. 8. Calkins, Supervisor of district No. 32, bas nearly completed his road work for this season. Mr. Calkins has done some efficient work this season and deserves commendation for bis care in expending the money placed at bis disposal, and the interest he has taken in improving the roads in our vicinity. On Saturday evening, June 1, the store of McConnell & Her, dealers in general mer chandise was found to be on fire. The flames quickly spread to adjoining buildings resulting in the total destruction of the Sherwood hotel owned by J. C. Smock, Scott's opera bouse and Younger's barber shop, owned by J. E. McConnell. Mc Connell & Her succeeded in removing a email portion of their goods. Loss esti mated at $4000, partially Insured. Most of the furniture was saved from the Hotel ; loss $700. Scott's opera house, total, loss $330. Young succeeded in removing all furniture and fixtures from his barbershop. J. E. McConnell's loss on the building is probably $75. The damage to the Southern Pacific depot will exceed $500. Totol loss probably $3,500 to $i,0fi0. Clarke's Citation!. Clarke's, June 4. Mr. Malley, our new storekeeper, opened up his store a weeJt ago Monday. He keeps a good assortment of dry goods and groceries in G. W. Grace's store building, which he has rented for six months. We wish him success. The grange held their monthly meeting lout Saturday wilh a short attendance, ow ing we suppose to so many attending the state grange at Oregon City last week. Mr. Ethington, of Iowa, and Jesse Fau bion, of Park Place, were visiting relatives Iiere last Friday, Saturday, and Monday, returning to Park Place Monday morning. Born, to the w ife of H. W. Gard, last Sun day morning, a girl. Harry is to be seen with a broad smile on his face ever since the advent of the new corner. Mrs, Frank Reese has returned from Port land where she bad taken her little child for medical treatment at the hospital. The child is very weak and she will soon take it back to the hospital. There was an entertainment at the Tim ber Grove school house on theS'ith of May. There was a good attendance, but not so many as there would have been with more favorable weather. Maryiville District. Mabysville District, June 3. The di rectors of our district have decided to build a school house, and Saturday, June 1st, after some lively bidding, let the contract to James B. Beeson, he being the lowest bid der. James Parish and family and Thomas Flynn were visiting at Mr. Manning's yes terday, and from the way the horse shoes were flying around they must have had a good time. John L. Gard's termor school ends June 7th, with recitations, songs, etc. The weather is fine now, and everybody (at present) is In love with Oregon. Crops never looked better here than at the present time. Mrs. M. F. Rees has returned from Tort land with their boy Stanley, where he has been under the care of physicians, and we hear he is greatly Improved. Mr. Evans's shingle mill was burned to the ground one day last week. He believes the tire was of incendiary origin. He will build again at once. Nika. WIL80NVHXB NEWS. Road Work Progressing Favorably Between WiltoBvllle and Seeley's. WtLsoaviLLC. June 4. Road work is pro gressing between Wilsonville and Frank Seely's. The stumps have been blasted out the entire width of the road. They are now piling no the stumps and logs, but it is feared that there will not be enough money to finish the work properly. The roads between this place and Oregon City are nearly as bad as they were in the winter. The hay crop is looking fine. The recent rains will increase the yield considerably. There are an abundance or strawberries, cherries, raspberries, etc. Frank Seeley has begun planting potatoes. He Intends to plant about twenty-five acres Several more of the farmers we understand will plant as much. M. C. Young took a load of hogs to Port land Monday, getting back the the same day. There are two daily boats between Oregon City and Dayton; the Toledo and Modoc. They began running daily Monday. Sherwood had quite a blaie Saturday night about 9:30 P. M. 'McConnell A Iler's store took fire. From that the fire caught j into other buildings burning Borton's hotel the depot and George Young's barber shop. The fire is supposed to have started from a defective flue. Mr. Miley received word Sunday of the death of his wife's mother. Mrs. Miley, ac companied by Mrs. Stahl. started with her mother to California for her health on Sat urday evening's overland. Sunday, at 3 P. M., just after they had crossed into Cali fornia, Mrs. Smith died. It was very unex pected as she had seemed to stand her journey well. Mrs. Smith was about 70 years old and had been sick lor several years. MISK NEWS. The Mink Band Will Play at Wright's Springs the Fourth of July. Misk, June 3. The rains that fell last week made the roads in our locality almost as bad as they were last winter. Everybody seems anxious to see a few weeks of fine weather again. Adam Herman has been ill with earache for the past week but is last recovering. Mr. Holman, who has been ill so long, is recovering, but very slowly. Last Saturday Sam Beachler and Mr. Staben, of the Oregon City headquarters of Wright's Springs Fourth ol July celebration, came out to hear the Mink amateur band play, and after hearing tbem a few pieces they engaged the baud to play at the cele bration. Mrs. Wm. Bluhm is home again after her visit in Oregon City. Cyclone., June 4. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ilorn shuh and family went to Portland lant Wednesday to attend the marriage ol their son, Rev. H. E. Hornshuh, to Miss Anna Bowman, of East Portland. The bride is an estimable young lady and Mr. Horn shuh is one of our brightest young minis ters. They have the best wishes ol a host of friends and relatives. Some of our young folks attended the en tertainment given at the Welsh church last Wednesday night, and report having had a pleasant time. P. Massinger's little girl that was so se verely burned about three week's ago, is slowly improving. E. W. Hornshuh, our road supervisor, has been blasting out rocks and stumps on the main road and lias done a creditable job. Any old bachelor wishing to get married, had better come to this neighborhood, as we can see girls from nine to ten years of age wearing engagement rings. Ed. Hornshuh, of Oregon City, was visit ing his parents yesterday. Geo. Schmidt was thrown from a horse last week and badly bruised. Telephone. FB0M HEW EfiA. Republican Clnb Hold a Meetlng-Bew Black smith Shop I'sder Way. New Era, June 3. Sunshine once more. Potatoes are looking fine, wheal and oats will make a large yield here this year from all appearances. Geo. Harrington, the New Era school teacher, and George McArthur are both down with the measles. They are at Mr. D. McArthnr's place here. Charles Foster is working for Mr. Ran dall training hops. Fred Madison, Max Baumaun and one other person left here about a week ago in search of work and experience. The New Era Republican Club held a meeting last Friday evening at Brown's school house. Some good ideas and agree ments were brought forth. They will hold another meeting soon at the presidents call. Some say they will hold a meeting once a month hereafter. That is something we have not done but should do. Mrs. Charles Buckler is slowly recovering again. Charles Biuman has got a blacksmith shop about completed at his father's place. He will practice on old log chains and devices for a while. G. H. Brown is building a new addition to his barn. Herman Anthony has the frame to his new bouse up. Meadow Brook Meanders. Meadow Brook, June 1. Wm. Tinner stett, of the firm of Anderson A Tinnerstett, who moved to Tillamook City last autumn, came over last week to see how his partner, 1. Anderson, was getting along with the Milk Creek fulls saw mill. He found the mill running night and day to supply the demand lor lumber. li. Dibble, of Molalla, la hauling lumber from the above mill for a few residences. J. Oorbett has about completed his new dwelling, a neat and commodious residence. Since our last letter Mr. Uorbetl's mare j kicked and broke the leg of one of Joe, Carlson's work horses. The animal had j to be shot which throws Mr. Carlson out of! a team. i There will bo a grand Fourth of July celebration on the hanks of Canyon Creek : one mile south of Anderson's taw mill in j the most romantic grove in the midst of a natural park with over head a perfect canopy of the intertwining branches ofj cedar, fir, mountain balm and maple; under , foot a soft velvety natural carpet of the j most lovely moss, bordered by the cold j laughing waters of Canyon creek. This picturesque grove would delight the heart j orbothpoet and artist. Mr. Editor, and esteemed reader, if you want to enjoy a Fourth of July celebration come to Canyon Creek park. Particulars later, Piuknix. I KKHUND SEWS. A New Church Building Conteniplaled-Tlis Ladles' Aid Foelety to Entertain. Hum. and, June 8. The building of a new church is agitating the Methodist people at 1 present in our community. If it Is built ! work will commence on it right away. The Indies' Aid society held ita regular J monthly meeting at Mrs. (1. C. Armstrong's . yesterday. Among other things, it was de. cided to give a strawberry festival and lawn social in the course of a fortnight, or as soon as the berries are at tbeir best. There will be a concert and literary piograni, then strawberries and cream will be served, fol lowed by outdoor games, such as croquet, etc. Everybody is invited to attend. Fur ther particulars will lie given next week. The proceeds wilt go towards buying an or gan: the organ to belong to the society, and is to be used at all neighborhood entertain ments, such as the literary society, sohool entertainments, etc, as well astheM.E. Sunday school and other meetins. The next meeting of the society will be st the home of Mr. Williams. Albert Wright, formerly of this place, but now of Heppner, was visiting friends here a few days last week. Grandma Ano, aged over 00 years, died last Sunday, and was laid to rest In the Kedland cemetery Monday evening. She had been blind and helpless for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Boylan will take their little eight year old son to the hospital at Gladstone for treatment in a short time. The little fellow fall and inured his leg just above the ankle about two years ago, and the limb has gradually been getting worse till now the bone is excised for two or three Inches. An operation will have to be per formed to save the limb. G. C. Campbell preached at Kedland hall last Sunday to a large audience. Charles Cutting has sold the lease of (he Morgan place to Mr. Aldriilgeof Abernelhy creek. Mr. Cutting Is going to Eastern Oregon, leaving his daughters with his sis ter, Mrs. Hicinbothem. Miss Annie Hicinbothem is visiting her parents. It is reported that Andreas Dengler was yesterday taken to Oregon City to be exam ined for his sanity. He has been in poor health for some time, and his reason has been aflected, having developed lately into a suicidal tendency. Rustic. FRO MOLALLA. Children's flay Appropriately Observed at the M. . Church last Bumlay. Molalla, June 3 The weather is on its extreme hot again HO degrees inthe shade. The present prospects for cereals, hay, fruit, hops and garden truck are about all that could be desired by the most exacting granger. Ijst Saturday the enterprising people of Teasel creek met and built a neat fence on the frontage of the school grounds, which greatly adds to good appearances. James Tubbs has hired two men to build a fence about the M. E. church, South, which will be completed by the time camp meeting begins, (this Thursday night.) Prof. Charles Crittenden closed another successful term of school at Teu.el creek last Friday. The Molalla schools, conducted by Pro fessor's Hovis and Eby, will close next Fri day. Oscar D. Eby has purchased H. A. Ho vis's residence. The latter gentlemen starts with his family for Missouri toon. Children's day exercises were conducted at the M. E. church yesterday at three o'clock P. M. The house was full to the ut termost. The raffling Molalla boys purchased Dick Austin a $28 watch last week, and they now ask Dick for the time. Wev'e been anked to explain and recon cile a former statement which has puzzled many readers of the Enterprise, including ye scribe. Read it 13 mouths for the son, and ten days for the daughter. OSWEGO NW8, j Decoration 'Day Appropriately Observed- Other ew. Ohwp.oo, June !, Decoration day was a disappointment to a large number of our peopl-. Everything was got in readiness for a grand parade, but the elements were against us, and we were compelled to have our exercises in Prosser's hall. Not moje thau one-half the people could get in the hall. Prof. Strange delivered an evcellent address, followed by Hon. F. h. Miutie In his usual happy style. He was followed by Father Eaton, who spoke feelingly of the days from '01 to Y15. Committees from the G. A. R., I. O. O. V., and I. O. O. T. were appointed to decorate tin graves In the cemetery. There is but one veteran's grave in our cemetery, that of Judge L. H. Calk ins. It was beautifully decorated, and a flag placed at the head bearing the name ' h. H. Calkins, 0th Wisconsin Artillery." The A. P. A. boys were very much disap pointed in not being able to parade. They had gotten Bp a fine liberty wagon that gL03ai!a... Cheapen Than Evei Wo arc now selling nion'n all Wool Suits at $7.00 and $7.75, siuno grailoa as Albany goods which wo sold two yours ago at $115.00 and $15.00. BoyH nnd Children" Clothing tit about ono half former pricea Neglieo ami Outing Shirts at vtry low prict'H. STRAW HATS.... nil tlio Wiling Htylt'tt and 11 1 greatly reduced jiriees. Carlton & Rosenkrans, Canby, Or. o o Dexter- Crescent Wedges (warranted.) B A S Proof Chains. Arcado Files. Rope. Crescent Moo Loggers and Wood diopters Specialties. Oregon City Agent, WI A COOK would carry over one hundred school chil dren. But we will get to use it tome other time. We would have had over two hun dred men In line pledged to Americanism pure and simple. At night Dr. due deliv ered his lecture, "Amusing Reminiscences of the Civil War.". Those who missed the opportunity of hearing this lecture missed a rare treat. Rev. R. M. Jones preached In the Con gregational church Sunday night to a full house on the ' Views of Catholics ami Pro testants of the Lord's Supper. Mrs. Cora Bullock, of Slellu, Washington, Is visiting relatives ami friends in Osweno. ' Miss Dora Bullock returned home yester day from visiting her sister, Mrs. Gray. Wm. Worthinglon, formerly of this place, now ol Stella, Washington, was shaking hands with friends here this week. G. W. Prosser leaves for Port Townsend, Washington, today on business. Miss Grace Worthinglon is at home on a visit. The board of school directors held a meet ing last night and decided to have eight mouths school, to commence the first Mon day In October. The following teachers were elected: Principal, Prof. II. fl. Stark weather; 0th and (Ith grades, Norma I.. Fox ; 3d and 4th grades, Mary Bickner; 1st and 2d grades, Annetle Pauling. These are all experienced teachers except Miss Pauling. She has the ability and no doubt will soon get the experience. A mkuica. Hullno Notes. Mui.ino, June 4 One day last week a gathering of funners assembled at Liberal, and organized a general merchandising company which they termed the Liberal Co-operative Merchandise Company. The object of the company is to incorporate un der the laws Oregon and carry on business as any one individual can carry on business by having a board of directors to look after the business. The shares are fixed at $.r per share so as to enable any person to take a share. Dr. Cloudier was elected president, and Kueben Wright secretary. Mrs. C. E. Nush was taken suddenly very sick last Wednesday morning, and was not expected to live for three days, hut has re covered from danger at the present time. Dr. Thomas, of Beaver creek, was sum moned and proved himself to be a line fam ily doctor. Bom to the wife ol C. E. Nash, a boy, May 20th, weighing li pounds wit!, buby and all. The new papa is so proud that we suspect he will soon need a larger size hat. Revs. Gardner and Connor begun a pro tracted meeting last Sunday evening at grange hall, with a large audience. The A. B. Knotts, who recently discov ered a rich gold mine in his field of grain at Gold Hill, is a brother of Jackson Knotts, w ho resides here. Ladies who experience a Ren He of weak ness, and sometimes lameness of I lie back, should use Dr. J. II. Melean'a Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier, it will supply the much needed strength and overcome all weakening irregulari ties. Eur sale by C. G. Huntley. The Kermease. The best ten-cent cigar on earth. Hold for five. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Ur. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair rllgheit Award. IIABIGIIOKST & COMPANY, ' First "and AMen. HARDWARE 1'ortlaiul, Oregon. Northwestern Agents for ATItllVS SAWS -Dlamnud. Uni-e Occident Tultletixiih lestcr Unre Hllv.r Hleel Iltirklrii's Arnica Nulre. The best salve In the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, I 'leers, Suit Klieiiin. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Coma, and all Skin Krup- ( Hons, and positively cures I lies or no pay required. It is gtuuiuitced to give perfect HuliHfactinn or money refunded. For sale by Chaiiiiun A Co. , Chariuan Bros lliock. We recmendl'e Witt'a Colic anil Cholera cure U'caiise we believe it to be a safe ami reliable remedy. Its good i eUceta are shown at once in cases of cholera morbus and similar complaints. C. li. Huntley i Ilrtiggist. Marvelous KcmiIIh. From a letter written bv Knv. J. (inn derson, of Ditiinndalo, Mich., we are er mltted to make this extract: "I have no hesitancy in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the resultH were al most marvelous In the caso of my wife. While I was pastor of the IliiidiHt church at Hives .function she was brought down ! with Pneumonia succeeding La (Jiinpe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seems as if she could not survive them . A friend reccoiiiiiiendcd I). King's New Discovery; it was quick in ita work ami highly siitiHfaclory in results." Trial bottles free at Churman & Co's , Char man llros. It'ock. All Absolute Cure. i The Original Abietine Ointment la only put tip in large two-ounce boxes, I and is an absolute cure for old sores,! burns, wounds, chapped hamla and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all I kindH of piles. Ask for the Original Abietine Ointment. Sold by U. . II nut ley, at 25 centH per box- -by iiiuil 110 cents. The Fntkki'hihk is the only news. paper In Oregon that gives a cash pre- j niium to those paying their Hiibseription in advance. I Pemona who are subject to diarrlnra I will find a speedy cure In De Witt's Colic and Cholera euro. Use no other. I It is the best that can be made or ti nt ! money cun proctirH. It leaven tlio svh- tem in natural condition after Its use. We sell it. C. 0. Huntley Druggist. CH1PKEH B3US1KG PAYS If you iwe the Pctalum" Incubator a llromtrrk Make money wliile others are wnnllnn time by old procrmwrs. CataloKtellaull alxiut It, ami drscritws every 9 481'wte Illustrated article nreileu lor lac, poultry bumucM. The "ERIE" mechiinlcntty the t'l .wheel. Prettiest model. JJm arm 1nritlf IflUH Agents. Bicycle cnl lniriic milled Iree.sivci rail rtencTttitlofl prices, etc., aofnth w FETALITM A IKCITBATOt C0.,Fetalama,Cal. bsAMca llQTJSB, m B Main St., Los Angeles. DB D. n. 8TRYKER, DENTIHT, HAS K It moved to Odd Fellows' temple 8. W. Cor. lit aud Alder, Portland, Oregon. fl KARL'S S mT row fcchr. it wh.l not c-mm.. An airreoaMe Taxatlv and Nekti Toaia Bold tv Itnnortsts or tent by mail. Bo, Wo. aud $1.00 per paekaire. Samples free, If A TIf The Favorite TOOTH rWSIt IVv IivrtbeTcthandUreaU,Ujo For sale by . A. Harding, druggist. pAKMIiRS . . . .Your team will havetlio lx-nt of euro ami Full Measure of Feed At the. City Stnblen. Kldd & Williams, Props., H.icce..r to w, Hf Cooke. Livery Ki'ti on Short Notion. DulTy & Heckiirt EXPRESS andJRANSFERING. Siieciiil earn in moving NoiiHchold tlOllllrl 1111(1 PillllOB. Prompt work and Keusonablo cliargcH. Lop vo orders at HKLLOMY HUSCH'S. JOHN YOUNGER, IEWELE R, Ojin. Huntley's Drtijr Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Ueiiairod FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain nnd Ameriett. Give me a trial. 8. IHIAKK, HKNTIHT. Nitrous Oxldo mil for the pillule extraction of teetli All work starrRiitcd nnd prices reinonnblo. Iloem7, H and 9, Hoiuliwnut corner First and 'J'avlnr streets, Olenn A Onx's old nuncl, Portland, Oroiron. I FA1X8 KNCAMPMKNT, No, , I. 0. O. T. Meets first slid third Tncsdt-ysnf eoh month, at Odd Fellows hsll. Mmnhcm snd vlnltltir patriarchs, eordlnlly Invited to attend. J. A. BTF.WAKT, W. II HoWRIX, Hertbe. Chluf Pairlaroh. C0UKTKO1IIN HOOD NO. (MHO A. 0. F. OF A. Meets the 2d snd 4th Fridays of each month at K V Hall H;IHI V M. W. fl. Cbam, 0ko. K. Wii.kiukt. Chlol Runner. Kneordliia Boo, I. E. I.AWBKNCK, J. U. KKNNKIIY, Hub. Chief Hanger. financial Soo.